Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 16, 1896, page 5

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*- Sapplement to THE FREE PRESS. .- *-* TOWN OF ESSEX, OCTOBER 16th, 189G. _ 1< I II I LEAMINGTON FAIR. The annual exhibition oi the Mersca anil Leamington Agricultural Society on the fairgrounds at Leamington, on Wad* noEclny, Thuroday and Friday of la-U week, wan conceded by nearly every one to bo the bent fair over held in that town, far surpassing last year's show. Though a heavy ruin fell, on Tuesday, the weath er cleared up on Wednesday and Thurs day and Friday were both ideal fall daya and just tho kind for a fall hliow. An will be been by the. following list of entries, the number in nearly all the elated ex ceeded the number last year : or nviitn::,. Horao.-................... ll'J lrtl Cattle................. 55 !KJ Sheep .........,....... HI \m Swino.................. 'to H5 Poaltry ................ 121 ' 1.52 Dairy Products,,........ 2s 70 Plants, utc. .."77........ V) 2S Agricultural Products.. .. Hi 121 Field Roots A Hood Crops 21.5 Kii, Horticultural............ 27-1 520 Home .................. 52 (>ii Fine ArtH.............. -50 lx Ladies' Work............ 21)2 12H .J, 1,130 2,021) A=) usual, there waa a good showing of horhua, particularly of the roadster clahH, which predominates hpre, though all oth er clav)SL,ii were also well Tilled tuiU the task of judging was no oasy one. Cattle wan also good, the entries ex ceeding last year's, and the stock shown being of the best breeds. .1, .J, Imrio showed several Jerseys, while Thoman Williams it Son were again out with tliL'ir Ayrshire* and D. McAhster with his Durhuinb. Robiaon Bros, also showed up well with a herd of Grado Jerseys. In bheep some new nainea appear this >ear, yet II. G. Arnald A Son brought their Southtlowns and Oxford Downs and repeated the prize-taking of tho previous week at Essex. They had not tlio whole field to thomtelvcs, howevor, as Georgo llobiHon A Kon, .Joseph Phillip?, It. Pres ton, M. J. Malott and others had vary ex cellent pri/c-taking a mm ft la in the various clashcu. The hwine exhibit was a most credit able ono in all respects. Tlie show of poultry was very large, the largest exhibitor being S. Tillsoii, of Blenheim, who also visited Essox tho week before. The spaco in the grounds sot apart for thosa waa more than taken up. There dooii not appear to bo proper facilities for puch an exhibit, and tho directors, if they wish to bo successful in the future, must nee that thin part of tho exhibit la not neglected.' Ahnoat ovory variety of poultry wan on exhibition, as well as quite- a variety of birds. The exhibition of grain and roots was largo and good, an thoy ought to bo in thib agricultural county. The dairy department wan not only ahead of other years, but far excelled wlint might have boon expected. Tlio sampler of butter could not have been ex celled by orsamory butter, and the judgou must have had a difficult task in award ing the prizea. Tho exhibit of homo-made bread, buntj, canned fruit, jellies, spicon, etc., was enough to make- one's mouth water, and showed what great attention ifi boatowod upon tho culinary art by the ladies of Morse*. The horticultural exhibit wn-i vorv good, and although not as large an should bo in this district, id as largo as can bo expected on account of. tho late eeasou in whioh the fair is hold. Tho number of appleo entered was very largo, as well an pears, quinca, grapes, otc. Thoro was a good show of poaohoo, but a* tho season for neiiches waa ovor a largo oxhibit could not bo expected, J. 35. Jolmoon made the largest oxhibit, but no mo of tho largest growers luch an E. Tyhurst, J. Mitchell, G. Mills and others, did nob mako an oxhibit, simply booauso thoy had none. For tho eaka of making a giea, 2 pony carts, ono democrat, ono batcher wagon, ono grocery wngon, 3 lumber wagons and one doublo carriago. Ho lias mado soveral Rales, a handsomo top buggy, furnished equal to a piano up holstered with llnest English broadcloth, running part painted in invisible green and the body black, to D. Archie Stock- well, editor of Parke, Davia A Co.'u Medical Ago, for 9175. Thin rig was admitted by Gray A Sons' general agent to bo equal to if not hotter than anything in this line shown at eithor Toronto or Ottawa. A phaeton was also Bold to Mrs. Mary Gonitis, of Leamington, for 8175. This rig was handsomely fin ished in English broadcloth, furnished with Kritch axlos and gaaranteed to run ono yoar with once oiling. Tho grocery wagon was mado to order for .John .lack- son for 612.5 ; tho butcher wagon for B. B. Young, of Maiden, for S12-5 ; the road cart for Alex. Hyslop, of Gosfield South, for 635, and tho democrat for Georgo Irwin, of Blytheswood, for 80. Tho exhibit gavo Mr. MoKcnxio a clean sweep against all camera, and Mr. MoKenzie intends making a large show at Harrow fair this weok. J. H, VanZandt, who has for about 20 years, attended township faim in this county, again showed a number of bis force and liftwood and iron pumpn, alao a Kendallvillo windmill for which lie iti agent. G. E. Pulford, of Amhoratburg, Imd two buggies from Alfred Palford's cutab- lishniont in Amhorstburg, and durino tho fair mado a salo of a top buggy to W. h. Glark, of Leamington, for $1.50. Tho gate receipts on Thursday were 8188.1.5 and on "Friday $270.21, which wero far in excess of last year's. Tho total receipts wero over 1,200, On Thursday thoro wore two trials of speed, a colt race and a 2.'10 trot or pace. In tho colt raeo Isaac Rcid'ii Toxas Mary won first money, Alex. lteid'H Bradlaugh second and Alox. Wiglo's Miss Nugwoad third. In tho 2:40 class, Theodoro Lang- lois' Young Bradlaugh won first money, John WiIsoii'b Bollo second and Alex. Keid's Texas Lulu third. On Friday afternoon, there was ono raco, a freo-for-all, Stobbs' Bros.' Young Bradlaugh second, John Wilson's Belle third, and Albert Wiglo's Joe Kale Was fourth. On Friday afternoon thoro was also a bicycle raco for prizes \alued at 820, to be divided, tho results being an follows : Thoy. Fuller, jr................ 1 1 Hoy McKonzio.................. 3 2 I). Sutherland.................. 2 3 Mr. Stafford.................... 4 ' HOUSES. Judgou T G Forrinn and D Itanno. HOADSTK11H. Stallion, 4 youro old, lut, L Wiglo ; 2nd, Stobba Bros. Yoarling colk, entire, 1st, Isaac Raid ; 2nd,JT Kay. Filly or golding, 3 yearn old, Jb*, A G Pen,bo ; 2nd, Alex Reid ; 3rd, J Stonoman. Filly or field ing, 2 yours old, C Chamborlain, X*1111 y or golding, yearling, 1st, Alox Reid ; 2nd, C Chamber lain ; 3rd, UL Hillman. Foal of 181)5, let, G Chamborlain ; 2nd, A lioid ; 3rd, John Lickman. Brood mare, foal by her side, 1st, Wm. Rodgorti ; 2nd, J Lick man. Matched team in harness, lat, RL nillman ; 2nd, Stobbs Brou. ; 3rd, Ab Rymal. CAiumai: iioubds. Stallion, 4 yoara old and up, lot, John Wilson ; 2nd, Alox Boid. Filly or gold ing, yoarling, IhI, John Wilnon ; 2nd, Goo. D. Boid ; 3rd, Wm Dresnor. Foal of 1811(5, lot, Robt Wifllo ; 2nd, John Wil- oon ; 3rd, A Opnr. Brood marn, foal by hor oido, lot K Wiglo ; 2nd, A Opor ; 3rd, J Wiloon. Matched Carriago, liit.Arthnr Brown ; 2nd, Dan Willdnaon ; 3rd, A R Prondorgant. Boat outHt, oonaintint? of horuoa, caninfio, hnrnoan. nto., lat, W U Sottorington ; 3rd, Dan Wilkinuon. aisN'unATj ruiiroflB. Strillion, 4 yoarn old and tip, 1st, Stobba Bros.; 2nd, W T Wales. Yearling oolt, onbira, lat, Geo Coulter ; 2nd, A T Boa- Two Two 2nd, SHEEP. Judgo Wm Snuiro. coTswor.ns. Bam, 2 shcara and over, 1st and 3rd, H G Arnald A Son ; 2nd, Samuel Aah. Shoarling ram, lit, S Ash; 2nd, II G Arnald A Son. Bam Iamb, 1st, S Aim ; 2nd H G.Arrmld A Son ; 3rd, John Whito. Two owes, 2 shears and ovor, lat and 3rd, John Wlnto ; 2nd, S Aah. Two idioarling owes, lat, S Ash ; 2nd, John Wlnto. Two owo lambu, lot, S Ash ; 2nd, John Whito. rxin.sTi:i:. Ram, 2 ohoarn and ovor, M J Malott. Shoarling ram, n G Arnald A Son. Ram lamb, lat M J Malott; 2nd, Geo Prcoton; 3rd H O Arnald A Son. Two owes, 2 nheara and ovor, lat, M J Mnlott; 2nd and 3rd, R Preston. Two oboarling owoa, 1st, Goo Proaton ; 2nd, R Prooton ; 3rd, M J Malott. Two owo Inmba, lot and 3rd, M J Malott ; 2nd, R Prouton. BOL'TIUJOUNH. Ram, 2 shears and over, 1st and 2nd, H G Arnald A Bon.' Shoarling ram, lat and 2nd, H G Arnald A Son. Ram lamb, 1st and 2nd, U G Arnald A Son. imil'SIIXKI! DOWNS. Ram, 2 aboard and ovor, H G Arnald A Son. ouonn lJO^\^s Ram, 2 uhoars and ovor, Geo Robiaon A Son. Shoarling ram, _lat_ ond 2nd, Goo Robiaon & Son. Ram lamb, Goo Robi- ooo A Son. Two owoa, 2 oil oars and ovor, 1st and 2nd, Goo Robiaon & Son. shearling owes, Goo Robiaon A Son. owo lambs, Goo ltobiaon A Son. MUioi'smitu DOWNS. Ram, 2 shears and ovor, lot and Joaoph Phillips. Shearling Ram, 1st, H G Arnald A Son ; 2nd, Jos Phillips. Ram lamb, lot and 2nd, Joo Phillips ; 3rd, U G Arnald A Son. Two ewoo, 2 Bheara and over, Joa Philhpa. Two shoarling nwon, Jos PlulHpa. Two owo lamba, Jou Phillips. iti:r.iso3. Ram, 2 sheara and ovor, Jamos White A Son. MISCi:LI.ASn0U3. Two fat wethora, lot, Wm Rodgoro ; 2nd, Samuel Ash ; 3rd, R Profitou. Boat pon, lbt, Goo Robiaon A Son ; 2nd, Wm Rodguru ; 3rd, Joaoph Philhpa. LINCOLN a, Ram, 2 ahoaru and ovor, lot, H G Arnald A Son ; 2nd, Wm Rodgoro. Shoar ling ram, H G Arnald & Son. Ram lamb, Wm Rodgora. Two owon, 2 ahoaro and ovor, Wm Rodgeru. Two owo lambs, Wm Rodgora, SWINE. Judgc Chaa. Minnia, Moraoa. llKIlKHHIlltfl. Boar, ovor 1 yoar, 1st, J J Imrio ; 2nd, Calvin Cowan ; 3rd, W 11 Anh. Boar, undoi* 1 yoar, lat and 2nd, J J Irario. Sow, under 1 yoar, 1st and 2nd, J J Imrio; 3rd, W R Aah. Sow and llvo Sigs, 1st, Wit Aah; 2nd, J J Imrio. oar, undor (5 months, W It Ash. Sow, nndiir (1 months, 1st, W R Aah ; 2nd and 3rd, J J Imrio. i:bbi;x. Sow and 5 pig-i, W R Aah. Sow, under 0 monlho, lot and 2nd, W R Aah. l'OIANI> CHINAS. Boar, ovor 1 yoar, 1st and 2nd, R B MoMnllin ; 3rd, E A. Sullivan. Boar, nnder 1 year, lat, Wm Orton ; 3rd, It Proaton. Sow and 5 piga, lat and 2nd, R Proaton. Boar, undor G montbn, 1st, 12 A Sullivan ; 2nd and 3rd, R B MoMulIin. Sow, undor G montho, lot and 2nd, EA Bulhvan ; 3rd, B B MoMnllin. cjiKSTJsii wnrm Boar ovor 1 yotir, John Liokman. Boar nnder 1 yoar,T J Fox A Son. Sow undor 1 yoar, James Whito & Son. Bow and 5 piga, lBt, T J Fox A Son ; 2nd, Jamas Whito A Son. Boar undor 0 montho, Jamoa Whito A Son. Sow undor 0 moo., 1st, Jamou Whito ; 2nd, John biokmao, OHIO IS1PI10VKD CHUBTISR. Boar ovor 1 yoar, Robiaon Bros. Boar undor (I monthii, lat, 2nd una1 3rd, Robl- son Bros. Sow undor 0 mouths, lab and 2nd, ltobiaoa Bros. vonsstUREH. Fox A Son ; 2nd, Howia Ficlclo. Daoka, Aylesbury, young, S Tillnon. DAIRY PRODUCTS. Jodgo, John Jackson. Bnttor, 2 gallon crook or tub, 1st, Mro Ed Naah; 2nd, Mrn C Sottorington ; 3rd, Mrs P Prpnton. Bnttor, not loon than 6* lbo, lot, Miofi Fannio Nash ; 2nd, Mrs Jou Wright; 3rd, Mra W R Wiglo. But- tor, lb rollt!, lat, Mra C H Rohiaon ; Snd^lIiBs C Sottorington ; 3rd, Mra It Cook." TTbmo mado broad, lat, Mrs B Dean ; 2nd, Mra R Cook. Broad, bakor'u, lat and 2nd, Fred Harrison. Maplo tryrup, lat, W R Wiglo ; 2nd, R Brunor. Sorghum syrup, lot, W It Wiglo ; 2nd, Enoch Wiudoor. Honey in comb, lat, Andrew Whittle. Honey and apiariata supplies, P Bussoy. hi>i:c!1vt.h. Boat 5 lb bnttor, panel door by A Lud- lam, J A MoGrogor. Four loavos farmer's broad, 91 hy W H Ityall, Ira Rymal. 2 gallon crock of buttor, .50 eta, by W Staroa, Mro Ed Naah. 1-lb roll buttor, ocarf, by S G Morso, Mrs C II Robiaon. ;5 lb roll buttor, nook-yoko by W S Pnl- ford, Mioo Fanny Nash. Loaf farmar'a broad, egg crato, by W O Franklin, Mra B Doan. 1-lb roll bnttor, alippora, by J J MoKil- lop, Mra C H Robiaon. PLANTS, FLOWERS, ETC. AMATKUIIS OMA", Colleotion, not moro than 5 apocimonfi, lat, A D Williama ; -2nd, Dr. Branton. Bounuot enfc A Williama; 2nd, V McLonnnn ; 3rd, Miau H Fuller. Bouquofr wild Uoworo, lat, Mra John Whito ; 2nd, V McLannan ; 3rd, James ShankQ. AGRICULTURAL. Judgo, J W Hodgson, of Whoatloy. Whoat, whito winter, 1st, C W Grooti- iana ; 2nd, Thoa. Squiro. Wheat, rod winter, lot, C W Groeniano; 2nd, John Jonoo. Whoat, spring, lot, C W Greon- iana; 2nd, Thoa Clark, Barloy, 2 rowod, lat, C W Grooniano ; 2nd, J J Irario. Barloy, G rowed, lat, O W Groeniano; 2nd, MroJoo Wright, Rye, lot, Ralph Whito ; 2nd, R Cook. C WGrooniana ; 2nd, Oata, whito, lot, C W B F Loop. Bnokwhoafc Japanoao, lat, Jaraoo Whito A Son ; 2nd, Enoch Wat- pon. Buckwheat, common, lat, Ralph Whito ; 2nd, G Straubol. Peaa, *hito, lat, C W Groniano ; 2nd, J J Imrio. Poao, bluo, Than Clark. Boana, fiold, small whito, lot, L C Palmor ; 2nd, J A MoGrogor. Boann, Hold. largo whito, lot, J A MoGrogor. Corn, yollow gourd nood, 1st, Androw Whittlo ; 2nd, Low in Wiglo. Corn, rod, lat, John Taylor ; 2nd, Lowia Pioklo. Corn, whito, lat, Lowia Pioklo; 2nd, Sol Wilkinaon. Corn, whito flint, lut, Enooh Wataon ; 2nd, Stobba Bron. Corn, yollow flint,8rowed, lot, R Brunor; 2nd, Liowio Wiglo. Corn, 12-rowod, Dr. Branton. Corn, yollow Bailoy, lot, John Jonoa ; 2nd, Androw Whittlo. Corn, omut nooo, lot, R Brunor; 2nd, John Whito. Corn, any other variety, lot, Sol Wilkinson ; 2nd, P Bobaqv. Flax, 1st, Jaa Dorbyohiro ; 2nd, J J Imrio. Tim othy, lot, C W Groniana ; 2nd Joo Derby- ahiro. Clovor, lot, Alox Stewart; 2nd, J J Latam. Broom bruah, lot, J J Latam; 2nd, R Brunor. Bonfc whito gourd corn, 2 bankoto, by E McClatahoy, Lowia Wiglo. FIvo variotio^ potaiooo, goblota hy Parnoll A Farquharaon, E E Adaraa. FIELD CROPS. Jndgo, J W Hodgaon. Potatooa, whito oluphant, lat, John Tay lor; 2nd, Alox Stnwart. Early roue, 1st, Alox Stewart ; 2nd, H Chamborlain. Burbanlu uoodling, 1st) Henry Foster ; 2nd, -Alox Stowatfc. Early Aetna, It Cook. Soodlings, Etta Wright. Viok's champion, 1st, Robt Boaoom; 2nd, Jamoa Whito & Son. Amerioau Wonder, 1st, Efloch Watson; 2nd, E E Adarae. Fivo variotiea named, .lat, E E Adamai Oatu, hlaok, 1st, Joa Dorbyahiro. Grooniano ; 2nd, lat, Lionol Roblnuon ; 2nd, Thoa Clark. Northern npy, lat, T J Fox A' Son ; 2nd, B Doan. Poolc'n ploasant, lat, R Brunor; 2nd, Thou Clark. Rhodo Inland greening, lat, Thoti Clark; 2nd, S Aah. Mann, lot, Geo Whito; 2nd, EvansBroi. Fal- lowater, 1st, Goort*a Whito ; 2nd, S Aah. Wagnor, lot, J Jeffory ; 2nd, C G Foator. TallrMan owoat, lat, C Curtio; 2nd, John Whito. Woaltby, John Jeffory. Stark, lat, W C Lounobury. Goldon Griraos, lot, J Joffery ; 2nd, F \V Doailraan. Can ada Red, lat, Thoa Clark ; 2nd, T J Fox A Son. Seek no Fnrthor, lut, Stobba Broa ; 2nd, Androw Whittlo. Collootion of crabs, lot, Thoa Clark , 2nd, John Jeffory. l'KAHl. Bourrod'Anjou, lat, E Boooh, jr ; 2nd, J Lickman. Bourro Clairgean, lot, Thoa Clark ; 2nd, J Liokman. Duchos3 d'An- joulomo, lat, John Bonnott ; 2nd, Thoa Quick. Kioffor'a Hybrid, lut, L Long- field ; 2nd, John Liokman. Flomish Beauty, Thoa Clark. Louino Bonno do Jornoy,-lat, II Chamborlain ; 2nd, An drow Whittlo. Sheldon, 1st, Oswald Rnsooll ; 2nd, Thoa Clark. Vicar of Wakcffold, lot, John Lickman ; 2nd, Thoa Clark. Lawronoo, lut, Androw Whittlo; 2nd, U Chamborlain. Winter Nohs, Thoa Clark. Any other variety, 1st, J Liokman ; 2nd, J Bonnett. PKACIICB, Smock'fl free, 1st, J E Johnson ; 2nd, R Cook. Whito flash eondling, lot, .J E Johnoon ; 2nd, R Cook. Yollow uoodling, lot, J Jotlory ; 2nd, RCook. Lomon, It Cook. Solway, 1st, J E Johnson; 2nd, R Cook. Anv other variety, lsi, J E Johnson, 2nd, R Cook, oiuriu. Concord, lat, Enoch Boech, jr; 2nd, H Chamborlain. Brighton, H Chambor lain. Pooklington, II Chamberlain. Salem, H Chamborlain. Niagara, U Footer. Qainoeo, lat, H Chamborlain ; 2nd, Wm Dring. SPECIALS. Beat lato yollow poach, $1, by M W Scott, J E Johnaon. Baldwin apploa, 50 conts, by J Watson, J E Johnson. Spy apploa, 50 conto, by J Watson, Jamoa Whito A Son. ANfD JELLIES. Johnson and Mrs. Mrj J W Smith ; Poachou, loi, Miau CANNED FRUITS Judgea Mru M E Jos Wataon. Blood poach, lot, 2nd, Mra John Dulco. B Fuller ; 2nd, Mrs John Duko. Pluma, 1st, Mioo T Fnllor ; 2nd, Mra E Boooh. Chorrico, lat, Mro J Duko; 2nd, Mra J Jeffory. Strawborrloa, Cora Bond man. Raopborrion, rod, lat, Mro T; Fnllor; 2nd, Mro J Doko. Strawborrioo, blaolc, 1st, MrsT Fuller; 2nd, Mro J Jeifory. Strawborrioo, yollow, lot, Mro J Doko ; 2nd, Mrn P Bnasoy. Currants, rod, lut, Mra F W Doadman ; 2nd, Mra P Buasoy. Currants, whito, Mrs F W Doadman. Goooobomoa, lat, Mro E Boooh ; 2nd, Mra T Fuller. Crabapplon, lat, Mrs P Buuaoy ; 2nd, Mra J Jeffory, Blaok berries, lt, Mra R Cook ; 2nd. Mra P Buaaoy. Toraatooa, 1st, Mra R Cook ; 2nd, MrsJW Smith, QoincoB, lat, Mro J Joffory ; 2hd, Mrs J Duko. Mnlborry, Mra J Duko. Poars, la, Mra R Cook ; 2ud, Mrs J Joffory. JKLLtnS. Blood poach, 1st, Mrn M W Wigfiold ; 2nd, Mra T Fullor. Poara, lat, Mrs W M Wigfiold ; 2nd, Mrn W U Willan. Ap- plea, lat, Miaa B Fullor; 2nd, Mrs J Duko. Btrawborry, lat, Mrn J W Smith ; 2nd, Mra W M WigUoId. Oooaoborry, lHt, Mrs W H Willan ; 2nd, Mra W M Wiguold. Chorry, Mrn W M Wigflold. Blaokborry, Mra W H Willan. Plum, lak, Mrs JW Smith; 2nd, Mra W M Wigtlold, Crabapplo, lat, Mra liionol Robiaon; 2nd, Mra T Fullor. Poaoh, lBt* Mra \V M Wigfiold; 2nd, Mra .1 Jeffrey. lUspborrios, rod, hi, Mra W H Willan ; 3od, Mra W M WiKfiald. Raspberries, yellow, - Mrs W AC Wigtleld. Raspberry, blaok, 1st, .Mra W fit Wigfiold; 2nd,, Mra, Wi J9 :u Wwi,'^{W^^t, 2nd, Miaa S Caotta. Erabroidory on folt, 1st, Miaa E Daloo ; 2nd, Mra J W Smith. Embroidory on ootton, lat, Etta Wright , 2nd. . Em broidory; Vonotian, Wins Lizzie Couttu. Contra pioco, Roman embroidorod, lot, Ada Browno; 2nd, Maud Johnson. Contra poioo, drawn, 1st, Maud Johnson ; 2nd, Miaa II Fullor. Contro pioco, Dotted, 1st, Mra D MoNivon. Contro piece, honiton, Miaa S Coutto. Doyliea, drawn, Miss B Fnllor. Doylies,embroidered, lat, Mioo U Fnllor ; 2nd, Ada Browno. Doy lies, honiton, Misa S Coutts, Doylioa, notted, lot and 2nd, Mra Wm McSwoon. Doylioa, croahottod, Maud Johnson. Tablo mata, croohottod, lut, A Hornng- ton ; 2nd, Mrs Anion Brunor. Table matta, knittod, T J Fox A Son. Lamp ohado, papor, Mrs A Williama. Toa Corty, Miau L Coutts. Embroidered photo holder, lat, Miou B Fnllor; 2nd, Misi L Conttu. Painted photo holder, lat, Miaa Ij Contta ; 2nd, Miaa S Conttu. Sofa pillow, any other kind, lat, Alico Liddlo; 2nd, Etta Wright. Darnod not, lot, Miaa C Contta. Etching or ontlino work, lit, Mrn T Fullor ; 2nd, Mro R Liddlo. ltio Rao, lut, Mitiu S Conttu ; 2nd, Maggie Liddlo. Braiding, lat, Mm It S Liddlo ; 2nd, Mian S (Joutts. Crochet work, 1st, Edna Greaves; 2nd, Miaa M Liddlo. Chonillo work, Miaa S Cootts. Araaono worked, lat, Edith Daloa ; 2nd, S Coatia. Panels, workod, 1st, Mra Jus Wright ; 2nd, Miaa S A Contta. Floweru in oilk, MiriJ M AJodos. Cotton tidios croahottod, 1st and 2nd, Goo Beacorp. Wool tidios, croahottod, lat, Maggie Liddlo; 2nd, Edna Greavep. Rnga, hooked, lbt and 2nd, Mra. Georgo Musoondor. Sideboard scarf, drawn, Maud Johnson. Sidobourd ocarf, outline, lat, Mra It Liddlo ; 2nd, Mi is S Coutts. Com mado cover, Mhin L Coutts. Painting on ohtna.Miuu B Fuller. Painting on china, tivo o'clock tea not, MissB Fuller. Toilot sot, 1st, Mian B Fullor; 2nd, MroE Wintorn. Bagcarpot, cotton warp, lat, W McCubbin ; 2nd, Mrs James Shanks. Sofa Affjhnn, lat, Etta Wright ; 2nd, Miaa 8 Contta. Ladv'a underohirt, orocbottod, lat, Jamoa A Whitaoll ; 2nd, Mra B Doan. Shawl, crochotod, lat, Jomoa A Whitaoll; 2nd, L Coutta. Sofa covor croohottod, lot, Ena Groaves ; 2nd, Maud John- non, Tablo drnpa, let, Edna 2nd, Via MoLonnan. Piano drapo, E Dalea. Point laoo, cuffa and collar, Miss L Conttu. Point laoo handkerchief, alias S A Conbts. Embroidory on oilk, Mioa L Coutto. Erabroidory on natin, Miss S A Coutts. Embroidory on dock, Miaa S A Coatto, Embroidory on linon, Miau B Fullor; 2nd, Mioa H Fnllor. Flowers in wool, M A Jonoa. Flowers hi papor, Mra Geo Maaaondor. Flowers in hair, M A Jonoa. Sot toilot mats, cro cheted, lnt, Alico Liddle ; 2nd, Ada Browno. Set toilot mato, embroidory, H A Coutts. Groavoa j Mis a GOMBEimiFl, Tho annual fall exhibition of Tilbury Woat and North Agricultural Society at Combor on Friday and Saturday lam was ono of tho moat successful ever held by thin sooioty and tho weather being all that oould bo desirod tho attondnnco on Saturday wan vary largo. The Hat of entrioa oxoeudod that of last yoar, tho ontrioa in fruit being particularly largo. In horaoB thoro wan an oxoollontoxhibit, tho animals shown being nearly all of tho boot broods. Tho indications aro that tho (mowing in tho clans will oontinuo to irnprova aa the farmoro in this nootion tioum to bo brooding a hoavlof class of animals, duo, no doubt, to tho hoavior land a thoy haio to till. Homo .well matohod teams in the oarriago, lumvy draught and roadator claaaoo wore shown and tho judges had a difficult taHk to perform. The show of oattlo waa tho beak over exhibited in Combor and all were the )roporfcy o)t looal man, pt) potfidaM brio* NOTES. Tho merchants and others in tho wllug'.- prnnentcd a norabor of tipecial prizps. Tho gato roceipta wero SI 1.5 30, tin connty grant 91.50, tho lepislative cmnt S137, mombcrahip feoti &123, and S30.5M was received from stands, the total il- ceipts being $5.55.80. .Laft year tint to:ul rouuipto wuro 841)1 30. John Taylor mokes an cfiicient uwu obliging Secretary and is a worthy m.e,. coasor to bin father v;ho [Ulorr trmt-Tluc. do oroditably for eo many yoara. Tho recoiptn will bo moro than &i 1;'. ciont to pay all exponsou ami have agorni balanco to tho credit of the Society for noxt year. Tho following is the lint of entries : LIST Ol" UMV.ILS. 182.5 lb'M> Horsoj................ Cattlo.................. Sheep .................. Swins.................. Poultry................ Itoota and Vofjotaoljn..... Grama and Seoda...... Ladioa' Work............ Dairy Praducta.......... Frnito.................. Fine Arts............... Homo ManufacBureo..... 11.5 7-5 73 !I3 170 113 11!.5 b2 :n 27 1,010 1,132 HOUSES. Judaea J II Armstrong, Wm. Long- worth and Ralph Mathora. jii;aw dhauliiits Stallion, 3 yoara oUl and upwai'.ih, lnt, Adam Knistor ; 2nd, Arthur Holmon. Fillv or golding. 3 years n'd, lut, Orlo Hill ; 2nd, RE DodHon. Filly org-.-lo- ing, 2 yearn old, Thou S, tot hard A Son. Ono-yoar-old colt, filly or gelding, 1st, R E Doduon ; 2nd, Thoa StoiluuU A. Son. Foal of 181)6, Wm Wallnco. Brood mare with foal by hor aide, Wm Wallace. Besc toam in harness, geldings or mares, 1-t, Geo E Morrio ; 2nd, Orlo Hill ; 3rd, J b Ainslio. ocnciial renposr. Filly or golding, 3ycar.i old, lbt, Gcj Coulter ; 2nd and 3rd, Robt Koiih. Filly or golding, 2 yoara old, 1st, M PromW- gaati ; 2nd, John T Ray ; 3rd, Z Dupuis. Ono-yoar-old colk, lilly or golding, lnt, Thou Stotbard A Son ; 2nd, Bonj Brown. Foal of 1800, lo*, Goo Coulter ; 2nd, Wm Roguru ; 3rd, Jamoa Cavunagh. Brood maro with foal by hor side, lar, Goo Coultor ; 2nd, ThosStotbard A Son ; 3rd, Geo Itobb. Bout team in hnrnost, geldingo or maroo, lnt, W H Sottorinqton ; 2nd, ChriaCooltor ; 3rd, H A Nolnon. IlOADnTDUI. Stallion, 3 yoara old noil upwarda, Alox Trudol. Filly or golding, 3 years old, lnt, -Thoa Stotbard A Son ; 2nd, II A NelBon ; 3rd, Frank Birce. Filly or golding, 2 yearn old, lat, Thoo Stotbard A Son ; 2nd, It H Abbott. One-year old oolt, filly or golding, 1st, D MoAhstor; 2nd, R U Abbott ; 3rd, Orlo Hill. Foal of 181)6, lat, HB Kniotor; 2nd, Robt Anderson ; 3rd, D McAUator. Brood maro with foal by hor oido, 1st. J T Ray ; 2nd, H B Knistor ; 3rd, RFSoymour. Boat team in harness, goldingo or mares, Thoraaa Burohiol. HIBCEU.A.NEOUS. Matched carriago horaoa in harneaa, raaron or goldingn, lnt, M Prondorgaat ; 2nd, Jamoa Korr. Buggy horao, in har- noofl, lull Robt Getty ; 2nd, Allan Wash burn. Ladies' anddlo horao, Miaa B An derson. Saddle Horao, '1st, H Uodrick; 2nd, Tboa Stothard A Son. Lady drivora, lot, Miaa Prondorgasti ; 2nd, Mra Boroh- iol ; Srd^Mrs Jamoa Coultor. CATTLE. Judgoa Wm Milieu, Thou Tilly and Geo Mutualf. DUMJAMS. Bull, S years' old, 1st, Orlo Hill; 2nd, G Dopais. Ball, 2 years old, R E Dod- son., Boll, 1 year old, 1st and 2nd, Geo H Morrio; 3rd, Thoa. Barobiel. Bnll ,

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