Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 16, 1875, page 4

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IP:- ?3 -: ' ' T- l*-}T" * ! - -j '- SS* slf'7, i 1;! " f : " . THE AOTSN BEE PHES^ Wfcnt Our i'itr nporhtiWw \'<py of I !rt:*:v. jPiM"' d^ n *1vivo>>;- If M'lllia'.d " -f'irolhno li - iii.i. >l':ir-hV..t n ii;i f.wtn ii Thurii-.l ; ,<r ^ic^.hli^UIiwl iwrt ttit'lh.' on.i of Hit'. J^K ,*- 'Nttiviver \UH he svttl to ituy'nci'- :f:,j<n .ittnre-.thili line yptiruivpaM. -" * K'slil rrntu "-Svr'iln.' ui<. Cv.-l lusertion, ivvd-ovvi'Ms -' 't.'.-pj- t.^p ^ar ,-a,h RUbj*,'rt';eni. in^feuio... N >-W i-..hv.;Hn!s,'meiils.of otcbl llih's >.md '^5 0:i-.-.r. *-l (itf ihr-r'e insert tol,*.- lUl<lnv*> C'.r-!-. of olifc'h; lints ttrd milcr, stiver ._ i.V !['i'R\l'<rc'Mii t <i'.Io\rodon lUlvei'tlso- .' ivoiils iir-l^rtV-t i r " (>xJ-<,ii<U-vU:'rrf lochs. ' J. iv__<ri:-ivi.'ii;>- 'tnji'u; spi'cliiMosmu'- ;:'.j.,-\:w insert i.1 ">H1 t\ ro'lJ,vamt C.lh.riiOd ' " ' i^.........,........-...... ,, j iv'fcivenMwlvienu \;'-! ' ' " Ti-iui-.i-iit n -.iveiiisc-jjisnts-M lie jvinl for_ 1 kvn(.n . iitrfivi,' AH 'uavi-rtlil:ii accounts " for";i.r.iMjB'-vlcr.iy Acton Vjikh Pi; ?. if. .HaehinK, f SVo coiijrrsdulati iioiit appearance jus on tho spirit (: wlijelf it is to'bis f-Arir Src(ii.\l Xo;le<\ t Jin ohri-ctsof which' i V Viv><i>><0"tlio lvxvj'.rt.'irjr ipwflfli ivtiiiiy N'.o.c^vl M:irr4:iso, Bl'rths.and l^nAMlto the jb<%f7gew . jl ' " ' ' "" \l*,4iiiie of'-tinTili'1 r- InveiicU :rt:-i hat Vihilo in tliii reupcpt ,it .. . I-. } :.. :....\l . J'.iiv. Acrbs Fnr.i: lrnpss. \Yj htiyo -o\ved n icopy hi the tirKt.^siio <i? rats, liahlhi irtitfrlr of '.M'r.-'llftol ni inilepo conducted. s ah- jfvuiijfiln f pwve.a'Vuurce of proprietor. Li*t .A I Ni:jCt P.vri i.r otlfcw, jjirjjtit ti>ji(. 11%I fids it tho jfirst .winilif of tli pRii<s,; u_ now j village <if Aottn u,rl'3 ' Wo h a'poi-5-, Hill Knelling,' form#r1 well pi-ititfcil'.a.nil 'these fjn^litife Kt >l'Sv lllltli' V'joftlio Listow*- vo-li:ivij':iio'lH'sU.,tioii in; pf lit Mill-pi|!)?p.t'r. Suoli a^iiponsont \>m* M[ypi>rt froiu ality whoro it:ia Pi.'3";>' ;.! " i'L'-^-'i'l*'" ^ --J.-'. ii *2iVr->-"'"ji*"- fe;Xf'.ii.-^' E* ;-J.i ;~.V i-i .VVit- 1 i. The <&nelph-Maple lieafS- ' _, Beaten. - . : Tlie ivijucu Wtvrqon tliQ St, I^\w-. r-'nite. O'^irV of Kington, ;mJ the iuvlp.h yisiji'n' Li'stf Clii>. otv 8.vtur- .;:'.v hrjt.lwiii an uhji-r^xxHK'iitt^.'tjrte 'u; iljo fthn'iViIs l^ull uv C:iciuliu Tea jpviif irT":i:ne^niiuiij?- re-^ilti'd in aTii-iMi, (ho tenth :tn>! ekrbntii voiy plnjvtlaivi v.b-rnr.s \vr>re uiiiile. T>t!Vr>u.tri^v.-eu'th ibo Ktiurstoh scbr- '4 one';i:';Si-nK..'!j:U w^s \vhitc*":isli-. -.V-t, J1:us i:>ii:?c tlid ptnic-'to the t'lirr, '. -Tbf^:llilo AV;\S 1>1:IV- .' 'liiost-L intense excitc.- ih'cnt, ^ir.i'l tb^ gsvnti'st, entif.tsi.ism >vv.s;'tn;itiin,.*t>.vll..on "iiil.fiiilOs. at Thti vi^ojtv 01' lii:5^toii. Tw^n'tyi-fiiTe >Vc li.ivo rcciiji thi!>rilciv AVtvkl; H. jjlackinc. It foutains a l.rsy:: U'tv ami is von' ti-rvsitilis :m that fcOOtKjil of tl it'ail 8Ut'Cuk3.-i-6)tif/(./ -U' ni-.s.s is tit itlyJgot t^ljictly ( iritiirniiti'i rc. tint W.J. l(yMr, thin pi;.co. ;iit:; (jm k&a of lii journal, 'tt veil) limy njrvi' it niny k llcjlUl'l' iv&rccp crox I ihd in ijusi*Mi ^i^ipi)lg^22^|:,,.^g iLr. JobiVBiiglit wrtij Sttttt\,t)ip' itiocijt Tichbpmoiuuetins nt li'ii'minghttrti/bht <lccliiioit!>n tho. folla.M'ni'g li'ttcr, tho ,'Voiuling of wbiijli wns greutvtl >yitU gt'oahs rind hisaos;: " I tbuiik yo.ii for ponding ilttviicii vith Un ii tiek't of niunjssioii-to.your \Vi t;-nitt ' nieetiiifji although^ Hunllnot beablo ilso' bn; . od lifer" tho It. 11, ^-1 Ji(c(;i' litoi, iu'AM s of SUOfOSS lietin thut tle.l till! Pub-, <sl tho;flrst numli 'i: hf. |iT.'- is u"gi>o<L sizcil -s'aiSft, niojintjof Ci'inling- mnt- tiv'Atty j; >t- ]>'. .The . lisoU .tr"btv a ' vcr,* ilia vioCAhlo'Siewsivip-'r to lithe- til st numhor: o f r.Hn- bv Jv;ui Vi.1 S.f.Uh-t t AVo have rcoc tho Ac-fox: X'nv.i lSlu^s .^.'birh if tot up inall ro0j c-jts. It. ' t, 'tt-liich tt to it? H.rWost*ainl i:cst o^ot#i!i JKhrary ov, litlcpenjieiit tick; ,{iOneilj(f p.'ints o H.'ifost*ainl V -- Tho 'FiirJ^tii!- some tbuet itnl ,.. , -.- - . Trih'tcil'in A-lon <$S Kington. !,.,' j1M h^l utevyiidTi-s 11 . vo'i ne\vspap-riU.->M Gaeipu tiir.d ' & 'P^^ VA^T-, i'Ch ,.: i trier, it t'wy Kno >' i___l ii.:-- ...1. . ipu '- .V-ll twice "':bavt> orsli- l.t-'ii<-aiT-4-,;i-h;t time" i'.i] Rinpit^jiv.. ^.'.ca^AQw >Aite . :'is p/vel ibr ho\\Miies is. iiHitisifif in iCin^Vln j cood thtni: ^lie'i they., k ]jts-.ii*p..., TJie 'netited!C;irb!>ck^\vU.-j^!:- st. fair ' "b^tth.'T '.- ;_: -::- j I'.'um'li'KiiK-Jo th j the Fuek Pr.w nnd j Th-^ -f.Pf.t-mtjn -rr.017th Ps^ej<.~, puhlisheil _ iC>.y! ', !4I!ii Wl noid>&ili rditof'ii \Vc-wi' s is the t -pei' bvMr.-.1 flici.-nt ^ kr.ou- . ileiiifer how t< t s!i.u:l do1."* ll'J't Stir.. h\- Mr. .' ?.: ou 3\ib Jit".' ". It "se-.'.-'t. r;mi iiulcpvni: hopo it i 'ill in te^BA^u_Ti,on,!^woi,nMl ,^aav1:;c1;-.r , i"cvkit'.i.i" l"'Vfi ^t^cfiis'.d&r.iHip j.-.j.,^- I ii"Mise, 'riro^iiii* 1 u fji)'."f-r oun. tc* l>f ' !'d for};.bv !uiiv club ;.iii'. tlu^ i of rrti'."" -V:oii|; j/..::i>;it=;.rf' !\Ve4ijb2,toH '.(0yph fnfrn>-. ', !ittlfh. v'Xx-;i:t-c'-.iji..l"Of^Gt-fy, Ilun.)ii atid I ;.t:j r.nil'ltvliu-4 to.tlie.ii :3-ii'-.'-J,. Mr. -T^ll.' ilfjc'iin th^nntos-blp liis b.1-11 arf-.m^id-l^-J.rfr^r. . ..-'. '... .,.-. _-i r.ut>li!:h:u^ thf. Lf^Jtb" the] E'bra ,f;!ub. which will be j ^e^vl^rTi, : \.\ '-.u-vdE lu; i;Uti>wci on the --JiTd I ih.;<,voatre he :;vn.,:_ AJvij- tlut' in tbc- ^.bovo nut'if- 6'od-j.iVi i'lgna: ""(.-.1 cou:iti-:-s <Je?raus of liavipg- their j ^ ---Jjiil tfs^r-d, caiij CGnr.imnictUa with J.. A.. Hackitsgl Sei L U.S.' 4>'t ; PaTaIjAvCI^iEST. .^Ve have tcce" ;"umuedipOharJs "Waldrorii a br.tkcis- "^ ../. ma on tbe fereac WeBt-rn liuilj- ?~ w;>.V. TTtis it:"at(j-itir tiJled at Gaelpli SatiV.rfajS" -nigSt-- -,He ^-as in : ' I the act o'i" conjubig Cars^on a freight . _; iraig-^vbtn bis fijot oeca'uie"fa*tpiieil . Sliin^Jiirfrps df tTie Svritcq, ^a^- fe- i. i :oi:e be "could-c-xtricate "it'tbe jiirs ,.- i| :->ui ovdr biui. crusbinlj Lis bead ';' Slid. Ieg3L M- mm. gjr ;T<:x.Uf. /. \&&..:y~*i^J V.^-.:: ifcri?" X""' IR&T:'#.-:'-~' 'At Guelph, on Wedn;!s|aveven- - _ -> aftier . tho...ngbt vm^i-if'-ibe -. -..^"Wellington Field.Batter vhad" been . '.i' p,-id btf and "disaiis,s"ed> ^number \ ;': bf the jnon-eotritbissi'on?d offieerfe _.. . i;;ndu!en assembled."jit.' ibe,'Royal . i Vjl.Hoieb for tbe pui1j'H>iie"'6J"'presentins; .-:."^itTgt.j)Sfcr6u^ And .C.irp. Brown,'-bf_ 7;-:; the Kingst-tin School: of;GannerjiT/ ';., i -vbo ba'yte-'Wen-instrneti^g-the Butf- .. 3. ;-J-ii'V .if'fe'lItc tbe recent (imp, itb : ?-n. udciress and a purse, of .money. _.- 'Jf f>'ar^r:?.tj.t Watson- ntadj ,thp. jirej- L .; jtti-tatiijt'i, at ib^sarae tiaje.reading ;! j ap. adjiress. - . Spgt. .'Sstroiid .and '^ ; neir?r after M-Licb an is^ecd^nglr. . pluasknt time "was. spent in social /"""Iuileicgdrse.' pAriiPr^fn. :0eati Tibdt. and'Elee trie potato Uu&Itestro*4r, at Secottl' :* tires. :Wf havs receireil the t]r3t the Acton1 FhKi P.gra-i. ,lt:i wall ip.". It profess as to bo Ihdepen'ient,in politics. Oi}i:ri.iVf 'Expix&.' ved a copv of the iActrrj Free 1^^?. pu' .lihed by J. H. Slac'ri' The"p.ipar is v<iry!uicelj--go3tip. ia ;i-Vlepend-M:t as'to politics, aads ronrfy ei:irt!iired of t le tillage of Apton. On Sunday e- eifing between, seyen and eif^ht o cl >clrr a daring Tijibbery was perffetratf d onione of the streets of' A, Spaniard" narifed J7red- eric Ba.tti,ffi stone masDii by trade, was leisurely w ilkicg'ulong'pheBlefit ieim road. Al'ben ii little ps-it < the, Cerneterv, he-r ncouiitereil an Italian natiiedG;iggi C igno-, who nd'-anced on "Mm,, flpuri :hed a razor oyer bis! head and derei nding if he bad any money. On :'eceiving a reply in tlie aflfl-matiys, Cugno grasped Bat ti; by the'.throat, Ibrning tbe lajtter to! prodUee;a'pijn s containing p, .five dollar bill. 1 His Gugno pocketed and;threw the purse jon the ground.; Batti, j finding an opportunity to: escape.J ran to; iards town fdHowed hy stones hurl bis assailant. About 'five( o'clock on Mondav; orp.. Brown ibrrgfiy fespoji'Sed; i mornijrigbe ca bsd at Constable Bob- thanking the donors for their ;kiffli- Vinson's bouse, an^.arousing- that offi cer infornied him of the cb*cbrnstkn- ces. Bobinso a immediately \yent out to tfie Cndit Valley works and arrested Cugrio, who. was just 1 pre paring to biire^bis depa.rture for 7. Woodstock/ On thfe! prisoner v was found a knifp and' a dirk. The 'iii^ ,prasafarge piclbic of'Pres-l constalde tool:,him irito town and brought birn ! )'efore Mr. Lutz, who remanded-hi^i: until Saturday, .to allow tjrne to ibtainr.u interpreter. In the raeantjrne he has p'eenJ-spnt adjoining t^nnties..' 'passed: off orderly hhd no is. a map,, af alwtit thirty years of'age.'" Batttl who is ! perhaps^ younger,', has heen phly a few days in town, ha ring. Come \fcom St. Catharines but week.;: ^, : ihytfcriaps .at eGuc-lph, cn'-Tuesday, : in ' bonbr pf tie late u lion of the : difieren|fcbranebesof thf t delriomina- ..;.,; tion. . Six thoiisand pi>rson3' w*re ______________ ... _... _ r______r~- ~~: prsedtj abd speeches wre. mails for' safe keeping to Bjarli* jail. Gug- .- fr I >j- lettdibg.' niinlst^rs": tPresbyteries' -. _ol| the^jVinited'i CL.tirch "are nnw^'in cession^t's3vral place:!,- -' -If jjou warit-toJ&uIlc cheap," buy- ! -Tour Hardware at Record Bros. ; .;-; -"Tbe.'i Orartgft; rcelebratioin in !.GnslE(h|;.isi !>I.jfaday, was" partici- .patedlm 'by nearly'4,000" people froth rill-. parts of Wellingtonand- Bverytbing ICjtrietTy. ;S.otrie'1'.]'jSsrtip3 verr an-".. xious, to;-jbpw ibow meanly they J;?.-could act, QBfThtirsday ]&&,' wo-nt .", yto'zha jQhqrch'-lat' JTalpanee 'Mills : ijnd to^k off the cornprjstonei which pd -rlrit day been laid with much ;' qrerDd|ry. ,^The fact t.iat there was H."in-ths ftox, Enclosed ii the stone, jiTnety-xmecfents, ac^bnte.'for such 'pjnduct'j but they! cot Id' not Ifind "ir'ie their efforts, were in vain. !The partiep, we l^arn, are ;J: known* arjd we trust ari example 1 i :^.*lll nt.I fnn JtCl>rtf c^nl, nnv.'J..^.* will be| tnatteof such conduct. 1 ' -Recently, in Ygrkshire, a Jarm^ ei's wife was.-assaiilted by her hus band iji a field where was a"; cow __ ".$ktthialw6roap had greatly petted.- Oii>eeing the'tnan beating his' wife' ' " inu tearing >ier hair and clothes* and otherwise: maltreating bgr, the cow cajrhe cbajging up the field," and -irtackHd the toan with sueh ferocity ... that M>was.gjad to retreat suuinpir-; - -lr-' *he no\v t!*en "tookupja.^teien- ii,v,?:-F}sitioh. by the woman'fl iide "?"a-.f " PC&i,- "U V ; 'iSsv?- . > : .- mm - aad-sxj-iod perfectly still while, the bo* be drawn riortc-d jVntif,-; \vb.takv 5tr!tggred;-to hepfeet andl^tif)- bese]by!Jeaning on its" flank * ' record Lttd s had sufficiently recovered i Baid -about tl ofmafei *r. Tha record - J.W- A hi. iistb:ft sivip eur.y. iwetl taet.i o^l' UlC t t-'x- s' the 1 our 0>i/ I ('o of .vhanu; in poli;ic:' . J1.1Ia|l;i.-i.p, 'rpcrii :i * "l?-. to nvnil 'mynelf of it. I hnd tho tid Tiu\tiig<v of listening to Dr> Kbnnuly (or. lioaily tlirc'o bo^ra ip tno.illouso of Commons, aivd do' Slot suppose X .Bhoubl learn uioro of bis viows, or exporle-hen any. btiatige of opinion if 1Wero toiittondVoitrineotihg. 1 tmist ask. you, therefore, to excuse mo if 1 do bot'eonio down on tht L'Gth'or 28th. ACT0$)l;' ERESilPKESS, R: OREEO iv'i>h ri ,E.MOKROW,> Chemist aiid- 'Druggist I -t : i . ACTON, DR-UGS, :.;'; cfttUMICALS; ' -', ' \ ' ' .'. rA'KNTANt">v vow1- to' 5 oi th:'. -apj.'Ttc L- it r.1 fi eft., i lack su Acton . "H, I la . U a ne 1!) run a t "dis- iato a id all t that ipv'rt. Fhev. .Uiiii.'. it'and jr. in piilitic!., witri th .lmlxjr beatiy . iiidejh SidVnt i :; poll- cl the i[nitial n :;ek: Pi- KA*, -K SUCl ;/i<i :;i ^ PROPRIETARY, . 1,| ' ^tEDICINESy V n'--!--: - j iVlwtiyaonJwu'J a lajrp^ anil well-select. ,' , pJ>-Mll>C (It ii, .'" BSfo-Stufis, p-'Liiiiifl, D70, Faacf . atd Ootids, Toapo, Brcslxos, .* TrussDs or Clxil- droa: and ASult3, rbtoajlar Srace3 for'j^lan, Woaioja ,vii, 'Cfciit: snl' piintcf, Or'y.aai- . ^7it. oil, Soo^ai StS'Uoa.ory ':" PURE WlXjtS A Nil LIQUORJS / . Koi^MeJlclnal Purjiosci. . .^jj. PHy-tolnnnPreserJptlonBunit I"tv itirMic Hiifclpt-s fliul HdiM! iiiid Cattle' Medicines, careful!}- co'miSoiiniln J. 3s th.-' c>:pt>rie, ISnnni r a-HSUri'S us^ tl f ^A'c/ editor ice in r and .it' in Acion, July; 1 G. E.-XlyfcKOW. 3. ModSa! Hull, A'ptc will bc! n'rah.--r tvv" n. STOREY ^ Cp.,i CANADA GLOVE WORKS "' ACtOr, 'OST.' WhbleFalo Niamifflcturers of evtry tl^s crij'tlon ntid style of LsathorSs Clot'n G-Iovqs MITTS f HD GAUNTLETS :" "( Also.7: Qressera of Plain and Facpy/ 1 Kid Leathers-; for Wholesale Mmnifncturer pJ COLLARS, .- '(lU . " : !-"r, . Saddle^ i-l.l- r ;".;; ^arnea$,"v^ _: . _ '/ Vail'wBj. T?ayeliiag3|ag3, V Horse Clothing, ",.^."';.-ComW--.;.; \/^;'TAifr'Bru"fi!'liefa' Ail or<tcri* rH-cii lnto'otir Jinriils VtM be Hirloily uite.iK.' wiirrnnu tl to nlvoBUtlsfaotlon. nH wijomiiK.y nouu nut U.e best worktiion 11ml tnatoilul. COM.AKS warran'ted to clviy tin'lpr.iCj. Hon, nBtliuy lire ol our own iwanujitoiurp {. BrPAFrtlNQ t)f diriiiii.'lK ilono with no.'iiho'H ami on " tho -juiorl<"t none, , , f . -, AUwIioroi'iltlro nomls \%k< our line, will,' (to *<tU 10 kIvc lis u call before purcliuft lnc olsowh-rv. .- ,' tli'oRtnriil -. lt^CUEECn, Acltml July I, 1ST5; , i Determine lip-ij.thcrjh'qitf.^ in Pu^iph >arraffort) fo give.;^ ]- Laco Shawls, IHc , worth-1 $2 One dollatj ParaEols for COc. JliUinery^Mautlo, Grenadi ear off Hui brttHricp of^oittrJnei: $t^ Ricll iBririted Liivns ht\d Mi slijiH, 7hc, w^rth l'2ic. ,Thoso beautiful ielestiabLiuiteiotts-breHB Goods"to^bo (jO dozen jlrfulbtft-' ilk.Bqtjiart ti)8jT?5.o ' t:m pbices.m %;,mfym THEf .... -I'l^hpst Slarket Price paid WOOL SK1N8. "-: ... * Actorr, July 1st. 1S75. -.-..'. A CTOX 74 Doiaiinioa S^ddloiy: " "Vl" ' 0 / xtnii-TOUt-h plen-si^ro In nniuVtinclni; to the pcoplo'ol Arton-iitid]uiro.uiiiilnV eouti>ry that ho tp bow rrcrarcd t? biijiuily ou'sr toraers wltlniverjtlutiB In ttie.llnp of IIARXESS,' ' " j . . h '( , SADDLES, ' _" - /v -*"- j' 7 TRUNKS,' j ') 7 " !'; "./ " %hip$,/ \\. 1 HORSE CLOTHING, Etc. -. < '. i-'-:.: ' - vX' ' .' . Prtccs to -Snit tlie Times. AU Work Wnrmnttri!. I \a* Collar* rrinde 11 peclawy. j J i " Uive him a call and lyt willOy yon good - ACtoh, July 1,1875 '- elepkoant^, GLqraiisi^ [sir . i ' PLANING >MILEiS . AND y~ .-'_ .-. Pnmp.Shsb, Door and Blind , ~ Factory. UVERY& SAttSTA&i EBMCE & CAMPBEIL, J. P. ALLAN the t'afcei pleasure 'In announcing to puhllc generally that tie Is rreparod to -; f utnlsh |71zit-clas3 Sorsos and Caixlagos ' ' . ,, At Reasonable Ratfi*. Ills-Rl^; nhd'Horees ore the best that can bo hail, and he is determined net tt> be surpassed bv any City Stable. Acton, July 1st; IS75, :ity St s ill liv rels. raifil For the^ relief and curcj o^" all dfrHBifcrrivn the-tti'imavli cr, nnd : be Tliey are a aperient, \'inki- 11a c.\'-eileiit tji liv*.-. lleiiijr ]y vegetable coiiUim r.o" 1M117 or mi whatever.' ^"ip iii'o-. en y fiuuily .sliu^ Manufacturers of Wiado^r Sa^n, poorq, TREMENDOUS WilL'be giy^eix during'this' Sale>;haring reduc^i'every article to i Cost and. As we are an'^ioup to clear it right but. consider itja pleasure t'o'shoiy goods.: G!uelph,:July 15,;1875;/"--,'" GiRAND t>Li/SiRIN^;SALl Tbe understated bavingidisposed of purchased tho immense stock of Boots THE\Vi?, are bw prepared to offer'to 1 beir'Grbcery business, and having ajnd Shoes: of1 Mr. JAJVIES. MAT- t hie inhabitants of Acton and vicinity CREAT BARGftlHS FOR CASH . t . ,-"/ In Men's English and American Styles it Shoes and Gaiters,' and- in Ladies' and ChiUlrena"'Goal, Kid and Prunell is, which for-Style and- Durability idled in th i county. cannot be-eqi :-.>>.' Venetian Blinds ' llwildiags, 4y C2TS Cathartic Pil Is, |And otber Bnildln^^equlsites AIeo Mrikers or j i -In tbe Court jbf. Common Pleas, in London-; on June 23,. the Hon. Mrs. Chichester feue$ ;her, .mother, the Hon.; Mn BunbHry, tot having caused her to fc*e improperly con fined in a lunitib asylum. ' . When the case was 1 sailed a consid(^.tion took place be .ween tbe counBel en gaged, which Vesulfejd in a settle ment. Hr. t-Serjeant -Ballantine said he had taken uf onhims^lfjhayr ing full authf rity -on part of :^rs!. Chichester to- do |), to withdraw the record. All parties weire'iagr greed that th ira-halbeen nojeavise. for the cinfinsment of the plaintuT, and noigtoun 1 whateverfertbe sus picion which badbena fide existed in the tdiiids c f the f arties-who were agents in tl e trai isacfion,; - Mr. Murphy| QIC ', said; that the defend-'" ant, who 4vas a lady seyentyj years of age, tbok t hestej which -wja'B now complaibed 9 'with the; utniost' re- iiictahcej thin king that tibe waa act ing for the b mefit pf Her <la ughter. Having^liow byei'f inquired i ito the eircumstsincei, he mwst now say that she was not justified in what she had done. , I ord Coleridge wid,. in ebnsequehiOe ' >f the (le'ouUuiv nature bf.thecase,' lie had allowed these statepients to be made,!)ut tl is must ^ " icrions^jo'knesp and c\'jicir tmif.-lv U: e; ami uvei. ^iaVc tlifin'on imufl ior. tlTeir puotccf'o" pBuT, wh'.'n tCquirctl. Lour e^iici-Jirtce *ia: .ir-jvc-fl i^.iin to -lit thf! talent, ^u i.:t,;an(, ,;e.-r of all ti.e frills rwith vhicb t-v?& rtiarke! ibuunflrf. Bv tytii'"<>cv.:tsirnul \i?e._ ut-hlboii iV7f:ni(J(jvl, tin?: ovriip'tioi).- oi" tt.p .KyrrUMii ex. l^liL'd, uli-tnisiious reui'ove'd, riud ihu wliolt m:i: hiiiei-y tl Ii!'-'. r^.^trrod.toit"-; fienltliy uctiv' Hy. " Ii:!.'-:hi:.l o'jraiiH \vEi)ch become cloj *"j .ml Jriufc'issti'iir' chHius&ii by Ayer'tr l*tiis nu\ bLi':uihito<l I11I.0 nation, "lims inp^pir/i: .li-i'.iio i-i ill.iii-^ed an'o.liealtJ'i, tlie \vi11j .vlii-:h i-'iAniv. wiu-n r^lsoncii on *ih-.' * ;jniItiiucltr,*Vvito enjoy it] cau\ hardly "be, -. T.wir= Miftir-vgiitm?' iuakc..' ' ^jlea^rnt u- 'ti'kt*. and pfifscrvep thoirv.: - /rnini'tiijr-O.i for uny lfiifcth of tiiHt',np J Lhev* 'nrc* ever iVesh,- &nU purfeclly vhm . Airiifiircn *-eiircliiiff, tltpy m:e mild. nr*t\ o; IHTP.0VED Lumber PlapeiLand Dressed to order j ' - in the be3t,maiiner." B* All work guaranteed.,. n:b. Acton, July^., 175. PARi-ibuLAn AT.i;4snoN paid to. Ciistote "Wdrk; l^ncl '\r Repairing Having sectired tbe very yalutibin survices of 7Mr; TEOS.-EDGAR, who as a Cutter, i 1 unexcelled, a fit will be : ; / .": ': - 1 Sewed Work BSf Eemeanber the Stand^e-llain St L .itt.- -.Viiiri'iit ili-^tu'i-baoc/' ii'ji riroc<-ii|.:ttioa. 1 tfts coiiutltation o. each box, Iniw 16 use tlicm as a Katnilv Phyfllii dn/i,for-the fn I lb i -... ,_v.,..u .....'. .Kail 'iLci-tion^ arc frt*n on the wrappers iso tlicm as a Family I'hyfllij ing'c'oniplaiutii. Which tliesi I'M? rapidly cure: .-,'"! I"or-E.vfi*|>iu or Xmll(r<>iition., Ifnti If.MsineHMf'^.uiis-uoz', dud Hjonn of .^r,^...- tltei, tliev ahinhl be taken Tnotleratelyi.K.. Ktim'ula,e tlie bt.-iniich, and restore its healttv ' tone and action. 7 /.'.* ' . For l.iirr Complaint and Its yariiiu Byinptoma; ijll.ntir. Jtteadrfcrii', (ore. Hfi-iUlii-.-Sli', Jaitinllce or Hxrsrsta Mq.t. nt'-4, 5t.|Eon Crsllc and flUou^ ! .- m, tlicy should be .judiciously taken IV - oacts-e.a^ft,-', to'chrrect tlie diseased-nf'fion, 01 remrive'rhfe obetmctione which can'::if.' .; For JP7f'nti7 or *l.Tiifiiic a, but oor miW d6'f" is jenerallv reqntrcd: V: Koi1 ^IKipiiniiitliTti. 7<vn*, Oravrf. -5;tijit;'.ti'.>n of '.1\f RSi-iiat, I*i':i. : IBao tiitln, E*acL, aiul H>ar.iu, tlic-y i-boiih, be cri(i| liken, us rc-'Hiire/l, to rfiahirt the (i'l.-i^ist-d 'u;-tion ol'tlie. pyptefn. With ^rqh Uian^c tbn-e"oiripl,iintJ-J df-at,|ie^r.. ' -.For jJ>ro;i,v and 2>ro^pl<'Ml:' N%v^.*'.; t.'l^ 'lid \i'.' I'.l'.f'lt 1:1 t.o'"'j. -i'"l T:; ': ,jii;.-,H do-Co to [irixnirt; itio c.'fr J ,m'.u-e. -:1- .;, : ' liken,'.as it"proituce>. U.e (le.^ired euei-t- V^: : Ae'a 3)hmrr I'lll,. t:.ike or.e crtii'fj T'tTr* t( promnte.dijfesj^on, and relieve tlx: ^tfiiti';c-ti. An occasional dose stimnlr.t^ .he Mn'.'!|.. 7 and-hown||t, restores the aiiiir-iite.iiildjnvi"' i ates tlie .sjT+leni,'silence it is ollcn tutv;:i:i; ,; t- .-i m, J K'eAus where lio-iterioiis ilcr.'in^'eiiient e\i-*. i lfltoa-precejleni..: The 'One who feels tole.rablv.well, oflen Uhd'- :.r-: been-Withdrawal, and . edly beltor, ft-om their ,-iw,,:ii.s:! reiw! Hhereford not hing;s lottld have been vatins effect on the djgestive:-.jjaraiiu. i said-about tl ej raat'r. ThcirecpFcj ' ? r ..' wiKrAtti;n by ,; /'was then wit hdr-awji/iand tbe" njaW Dr# 3- p AYEB A CO., Practical iGhenuats :ij<frrEZOi.-3XAS8...<ivi b. -*.' : " ' "' " '0B iUiS BT ALL HS.t,'lCHBI EVEnVWHEa* guaranteed, or itp Bale..'.-___^ a SpeciaKa-.- i ..$..:.:. ; opposite. Dominion Hotel. ; i K^NNE^'BKds, All ] took"accounts must be st tiled,at once. " GH^^||EB Alj/L Kl3rS OE .' , 4';";'i'. ;, -' % PROMPTLY EiECTJTED AT FREE PRESS OFFICE CT.ON WAGON AND CARRIAC ;.-." i. JAME8; RYDER, Pfeprl^tor. "Wagons, Oatrlagpi, 'litb MAIN HTREET. MIGHAEL Keptj In stock and made to Or. ler on the sbortiefit'jNJitice. i -' '"- V/ Stkot attentlori-paid <tp} .' \I aorpe-Blibeiajr ft-Gonerai: JpTjWne ". | ;A"Ctoti,-Julyl3til87fi,: ." {! : " :-:;: Cl id's . "!l i- . i- IGWT, ; Cei^ereil Blacksmith, Ca) rlage and Wagon maker4 I j Best jHiqipSe-SKoe ?s iii the Gountv^ ' [" KX; ' -fJ'erlect satisfaotion guar^ itaed or. ao price, oliatgad* E)ry:|Gofd [..piiid Qn, .tyo'8<!^li^:!of^^)w'^^j|.,. ^p^.|ii.J& .oi^a{mcre:8w$eptagJeo:CTgetia-aB(f"" L"'i C^tlfi3ft'IN./-H Than-'hitti sr'.to';4tte npjted'j'.- _as""we' must convert 7thejgoods intcf 8@^iRemember tb^iSaJas are'FQri CAiJS, aridjfinl no ease ^|1 s - - " ' ' ' "A-;.- "'f i , 'i " ' .:' ..:.,:' We-erinii^eiriite onrfLfcadiiis Departn&riti :. BRESS (lOfJjDS. i fbpi five cents up wards. "MINiT3^ftom'fiyejeente opWaftta;; n- ' -"i H"U$LINS ]frpm AyB-x^v^^.,. :C<Mnn^e,^av6e' ^nd^yi^rom 5j ' Sflei^lJiaies'offSi^ "" insii CHECK SSTJ*'" """ -- ^ v-r< "';."-:^jv-9yi^-: ATO.-CO^^^oiwii^prji^e aftll ThcjSate will ^ifuly.l, 18T5 i. ' . :y 'Vte Orders'f6t Special i'Ati, .^^LEr.G;dopS. f\[ ' a speoiai iui& dv L iDi^-'c^itr^as [' Special|liitoa'iin LliIE$ !j)RESS GbOj S,;for ;i&rand ?0ci i 50q per yard.; ItlB lii^)3Bsltile for ns,5> ennametat -pJJI t^e; iQiREAjl' BARQilll4fe^f tooffeiitju, W" espc claily w^tito Lr^t .t^ ^nafcttilfi^i w convlnc'edj ;. ' : ';'r -' .' 7 y,. ' We again" j^emlnd" thi'.pu'bHis'iysit; our iVtilliifery aM. Oi^derfed Cabt__=,_ , J .1 * *JtHVl^tt* ' .LlL ^ Are!flfeco4a to on^ in t^Pom^io^ to*. <ratotr^ j UUUl (J' "V^i y'df.Tcruto. commence |on tne llirst of, trnue for six,-weeks.

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