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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 16, 1875, p. 4

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IP:- ?3 -: ' ' T- l*-}T" * ! - -j '- SS* slf'7, i 1;! " f : " . THE AOTSN BEE PHES^ Wfcnt Our i'itr nporhtiWw \'<py of I !rt:*:v. jPiM"' d^ll.ir n *1vivo>>;- If M'lllia'.d " -f'irolhno uuv.it li - iii.i. >l':ir-hV..t n ii;i f.wtn ii Thurii-.l ; ,<r ^ic^.hli^UIiwl iwrt ttit'lh.' on.i of Hit'. J^K ,*- 'Nttiviver \UH he svttl to ituy'nci'- :f:,j<n .ittnre-.thili line yptiruivpaM. -" * K'slil rrntu "-Svr'iln.' ui<. Cv.-l lusertion, ivvd-ovvi'Ms -' 't.'.-pj- t.^p ^ar ,-a,h RUbj*,'rt';eni. in^feuio... N >-W i-..hv.;Hn!s,'meiils.of otcbl llih's >.md '^5 0:i-.-.r. *-l (itf ihr-r'e insert tol,*.- lUl<lnv*> C'.r-!-. of olifc'h; lints ttrd milcr, stiver ._ i.V !['i'R\l'<rc'Mii t <i'.Io\rodon lUlvei'tlso- .' ivoiils iir-l^rtV-t i r " (>xJ-<,ii<U-vU:'rrf lochs. ' J. iv__<ri:-ivi.'ii;>- 'tnji'u; spi'cliiMosmu'- ;:'.j.,-\:w insert i.1 ">H1 t\ ro'lJ,vamt C.lh.riiOd ' " ' i^.........,........-...... ,, j iv'fcivenMwlvienu \;'-! ' ' " Ti-iui-.i-iit n -.iveiiisc-jjisnts-M lie jvinl for_ 1 kvn(.n . iitrfivi,' AH 'uavi-rtlil:ii accounts " for";i.r.iMjB'-vlcr.iy Acton Vjikh Pi; ?. if. .HaehinK, f SVo coiijrrsdulati iioiit appearance jus on tho spirit (: wlijelf it is to'bis f-Arir Src(ii.\l Xo;le<\ t Jin ohri-ctsof which' i V Viv><i>><0"tlio lvxvj'.rt.'irjr ipwflfli ivtiiiiy N'.o.c^vl M:irr4:iso, Bl'rths.and l^nAMlto the jb<%f7gew . jl ' " ' ' "" \l*,4iiiie of'-tinTili'1 r- InveiicU :rt:-i hat Vihilo in tliii reupcpt ,it .. . I-. } :.. :....\l . J ...li'.iiv. Acrbs Fnr.i: lrnpss. \Yj htiyo -o\ved n icopy hi the tirKt.^siio <i? rats, liahlhi irtitfrlr of '.M'r.-'llftol ni inilepo conducted. s ah- jfvuiijfiln f pwve.a'Vuurce of proprietor. Li*t .A I Ni:jCt P.vri i.r otlfcw, jjirjjtit ti>ji(. 11%I fids it tho jfirst .winilif of tli pRii<s,; u_ now j village <if Aottn u,rl'3 ' Wo h a'poi-5-, Hill Knelling,' form#r1 well pi-ititfcil'.a.nil 'these fjn^litife Kt >l'Sv lllltli' V'joftlio Listow*- vo-li:ivij':iio'lH'sU.,tioii in; pf lit Mill-pi|!)?p.t'r. Suoli a^iiponsont \>m* M[ypi>rt froiu ality whoro it:ia Pi.'3";>' ;.! " i'L'-^-'i'l*'" ^ --J.-'. ii *2iVr->-"'"ji*"- fe;Xf'.ii.-^' E* ;-J.i ;~.V i-i .VVit- 1 i. The <&nelph-Maple lieafS- ' _, Beaten. - . : Tlie ivijucu Wtvrqon tliQ St, I^\w-. r-'nite. O'^irV of Kington, ;mJ the iuvlp.h yisiji'n' Li'stf Clii>. otv 8.vtur- .;:'.v hrjt.lwiii an uhji-r^xxHK'iitt^.'tjrte 'u; iljo fthn'iViIs oflV.se l^ull uv C:iciuliu Tea jpviif irT":i:ne^niiuiij?- re-^ilti'd in aTii-iMi, (ho tenth :tn>! ekrbntii voiy plnjvtlaivi v.b-rnr.s \vr>re uiiiile. T>t!Vr>u.tri^v.-eu'th ibo Ktiurstoh scbr- '4 one';i:';Si-nK..'!j:U w^s \vhitc*":isli-. -.V-t, J1:us i:>ii:?c tlid ptnic-'to the t'lirr, '. -Tbf^:llilo AV;\S 1>1:IV- .' 'liiost-L intense excitc.- ih'cnt, ^ir.i'l tb^ gsvnti'st, entif.tsi.ism >vv.s;'tn;itiin,.*t>.vll..on "iiil.fiiilOs. at Thti vi^ojtv 01' lii:5^toii. Tw^n'tyi-fiiTe >Vc li.ivo rcciiji thi!>rilciv AVtvkl; H. jjlackinc. It foutains a l.rsy:: U'tv ami is von' ti-rvsitilis :m that fcOOtKjil of tl it'ail 8Ut'Cuk3.-i-6)tif/(./ -U' ni-.s.s is tit itlyJgot t^ljictly ( iritiirniiti'i rc. tint W.J. l(yMr, thin pi;.co. ;iit:; (jm k&a of lii journal, 'tt veil) limy njrvi' it niny k llcjlUl'l' iv&rccp crox I ihd in ijusi*Mi ^i^ipi)lg^22^|:,,.^g iLr. JobiVBiiglit wrtij iiivtleil.tp Sttttt\,t)ip' itiocijt Tichbpmoiuuetins nt li'ii'minghttrti/bht <lccliiioit!>n tho. folla.M'ni'g li'ttcr, tho ,'Voiuling of wbiijli wns greutvtl >yitU gt'oahs rind hisaos;: " I tbuiik yo.ii for ponding ilttviicii vith Un ii tiek't of niunjssioii-to.your \Vi t;-nitt ' nieetiiifji although^ Hunllnot beablo ilso' bn; . od lifer" tho It. iM.li 11, ^-1 Ji(c(;i' litoi, iu'AM s of SUOfOSS lietin thut tle.l till! Pub-, <sl tho;flrst numli 'i: hf. |iT.'- is u"gi>o<L sizcil -s'aiSft, niojintjof Ci'inling- mnt- tiv'Atty j; >t- ]>'. .The . lisoU .tr"btv a ' vcr,* ilia vioCAhlo'Siewsivip-'r to lithe- til st numhor: o f r.Hn- bv Jv;ui Vi.1 S.f.Uh-t t AVo have rcoc tho Ac-fox: X'nv.i lSlu^s .^.'birh if tot up inall ro0j c-jts. It. ' t, 'tt-liich tt to it? H.rWost*ainl i:cst o^ot#i!i JKhrary ov, litlcpenjieiit tick; ,{iOneilj(f p.'ints o H.'ifost*ainl V -- Tho 'FiirJ^tii!- some tbuet itnl ,.. , -.- - . Trih'tcil'in A-lon <$S Kington. !,.,' j1M h^l utevyiidTi-s 11 . vo'i ne\vspap-riU.->M Gaeipu tiir.d ' & 'P^^ VA^T-, i'Ch ,.: i trier, it t'wy Kno >' i___l ii.:-- ...1. . ipu '- .V-ll twice "':bavt> orsli- l.t-'ii<-aiT-4-,;i-h;t time" i'.i] Rinpit^jiv.. ^.'.ca^AQw >Aite . :'is p/vel ibr ho\\Miies is. iiHitisifif in iCin^Vln j cood thtni: ^lie'i they., k er.ttusintn.ie ]jts-.ii*p..., TJie 'netited!C;irb!>ck^\vU.-j^!:- st. fair ' "b^tth.'T '.- ;_: -::- j I'.'um'li'KiiK-Jo th j the Fuek Pr.w nnd j Th-^ -f.Pf.t-mtjn -rr.017th Ps^ej<.~, puhlisheil _ iC>.y! ', !4I!ii Wl noid>&ili rditof'ii \Vc-wi' s is the t -pei'ulc.at bvMr.-.1 flici.-nt ^ kr.ou- . ileiiifer how t< t s!i.u:l do1."* ll'J't Stir.. h\- Mr. .' ?.: ou 3\ib Jit".' ". It "se-.'.-'t. r;mi iiulcpvni: hopo it i 'ill in te^BA^u_Ti,on,!^woi,nMl ,^aav1:;c1;-.r , i"cvkit'.i.i" l"'Vfi ^t^cfiis'.d&r.iHip j.-.j.,^- I ii"Mise, 'riro^iiii* 1 u fji)'."f-r oun. tc* l>f ' !-i.:iir.et-'d for};.bv !uiiv club ;.iii'. tlu^ i of rrti'."" -V:oii|; j/..::i>;it=;.rf' !\Ve4ijb2,toH '.(0yph fnfrn>-. ', !ittlfh. v'Xx-;i:t-c'-.iji..l"Of^Gt-fy, Ilun.)ii atid I ;.t:j r.nil'ltvliu-4 to.tlie.ii :3-ii'-.'-J,. Mr. -T^ll.' ilfjc'iin th^nntos-blp liis b.1-11 arf-.m^id-l^-J.rfr^r. . ..-'. '... .,.-. _-i r.ut>li!:h:u^ thf. Lf^Jtb" the] E'bra ,f;!ub. which will be j ^e^vl^rTi, : \.\ '-.u-vdE lu; i;Uti>wci on the --JiTd I ih.;<,voatre he :;vn.,:_ AJvij- tlut' in tbc- ^.bovo nut'if- 6'od-j.iVi i'lgna: ""(.-.1 cou:iti-:-s <Je?raus of liavipg- their j ^ ---Jjiil tfs^r-d, caiij CGnr.imnictUa with J.. A.. Hackitsgl Sei L U.S.' 4>'t ; PaTaIjAvCI^iEST. .^Ve have tcce" ;"umuedipOharJs "Waldrorii a br.tkcis- "^ ../. ma on tbe fereac WeBt-rn liuilj- ?~ w;>.V. TTtis it:"at(j-itir tiJled at Gaelpli SatiV.rfajS" -nigSt-- -,He ^-as in : ' I the act o'i" conjubig Cars^on a freight . _; iraig-^vbtn bis fijot oeca'uie"fa*tpiieil . Sliin^Jiirfrps df tTie Svritcq, ^a^- fe- i. i :oi:e be "could-c-xtricate "it'tbe jiirs ,.- i| :->ui ovdr biui. crusbinlj Lis bead ';' Slid. Ieg3L M- mm. gjr ;T<:x.Uf. /. \&&..:y~*i^J V.^-.:: ifcri?" X""' IR&T:'#.-:'-~' 'At Guelph, on Wedn;!s|aveven- - _ -> aftier . tho...ngbt vm^i-if'-ibe -. -..^"Wellington Field.Batter vhad" been . '.i' p,-id btf and "disaiis,s"ed> ^number \ ;': bf the jnon-eotritbissi'on?d offieerfe _.. . i;;ndu!en assembled."jit.' ibe,'Royal . i Vjl.Hoieb for tbe pui1j'H>iie"'6J"'presentins; .-:."^itTgt.j)Sfcr6u^ And .C.irp. Brown,'-bf_ 7;-:; the Kingst-tin School: of;GannerjiT/ ';., i -vbo ba'yte-'Wen-instrneti^g-the Butf- .. 3. ;-J-ii'V .if'fe'lItc tbe recent (imp, itb : ?-n. udciress and a purse, of .money. _.- 'Jf f>'ar^r:?.tj.t Watson- ntadj ,thp. jirej- L .; jtti-tatiijt'i, at ib^sarae tiaje.reading ;! j ap. adjiress. - . Spgt. .'Sstroiid .and '^ ; neir?r after M-Licb an is^ecd^nglr. . pluasknt time "was. spent in social /"""Iuileicgdrse.' pAriiPr^fn. :0eati Tibdt. and'Elee trie potato Uu&Itestro*4r, at Secottl' :* tires. :Wf havs receireil the t]r3t the Acton1 FhKi P.gra-i. ,lt:i wall ip.". It profess as to bo Ihdepen'ient,in politics. Oi}i:ri.iVf 'Expix&.' ved a copv of the iActrrj Free 1^^?. pu' .lihed by J. H. Slac'ri' The"p.ipar is v<iry!uicelj--go3tip. ia ;i-Vlepend-M:t as'to politics, aads ronrfy ei:irt!iired of t le tillage of Apton. On Sunday e- eifing between, seyen and eif^ht o cl >clrr a daring Tijibbery was perffetratf d onione of the streets of Ga.lt.' A, Spaniard" narifed J7red- eric Ba.tti,ffi stone masDii by trade, was leisurely w ilkicg'ulong'pheBlefit ieim road. Al'ben ii little ps-it < the, Cerneterv, he-r ncouiitereil an Italian natiiedG;iggi C igno-, who nd'-anced on "Mm,, flpuri :hed a razor oyer bis! head and derei nding if he bad any money. On :'eceiving a reply in tlie aflfl-matiys, Cugno grasped Bat ti; by the'.throat, Ibrning tbe lajtter to! prodUee;a'pijn s containing p, .five dollar bill. 1 His Gugno pocketed and;threw the purse jon the ground.; Batti, j finding an opportunity to: escape.J ran to; iards town fdHowed hy stones hurl :d_.by- bis assailant. About 'five( o'clock on Mondav; orp.. Brown ibrrgfiy fespoji'Sed; i mornijrigbe ca bsd at Constable Bob- thanking the donors for their ;kiffli- Vinson's bouse, an^.arousing- that offi cer infornied him of the cb*cbrnstkn- ces. Bobinso a immediately \yent out to tfie Cndit Valley works and arrested Cugrio, who. was just 1 pre paring to biire^bis depa.rture for 7. Woodstock/ On thfe! prisoner v was found a knifp and' a dirk. The 'iii^ ,prasafarge piclbic of'Pres-l constalde tool:,him irito town and brought birn ! )'efore Mr. Lutz, who remanded-hi^i: until Saturday, .to allow tjrne to ibtainr.u interpreter. In the raeantjrne he has p'eenJ-spnt adjoining t^nnties..' 'passed: off orderly hhd no is. a map,, af alwtit thirty years of'age.'" Batttl who is ! perhaps^ younger,', has heen phly a few days in town, ha ring. Come \fcom St. Catharines but week.;: ^, : ihytfcriaps .at eGuc-lph, cn'-Tuesday, : in ' bonbr pf tie late u lion of the : difieren|fcbranebesof thf t delriomina- ..;.,; tion. . Six thoiisand pi>rson3' w*re ______________ ... _... _ r______r~- ~~: prsedtj abd speeches wre. mails for' safe keeping to Bjarli* jail. Gug- .- fr I >j- lettdibg.' niinlst^rs": tPresbyteries' -. _ol| the^jVinited'i CL.tirch "are nnw^'in cession^t's3vral place:!,- -' -If jjou warit-toJ&uIlc cheap," buy- ! -Tour Hardware at Record Bros. ; .;-; -"Tbe.'i Orartgft; rcelebratioin in !.GnslE(h|;.isi !>I.jfaday, was" partici- .patedlm 'by nearly'4,000" people froth rill-. parts of Wellingtonand- Bverytbing ICjtrietTy. ;S.otrie'1'.]'jSsrtip3 verr an-".. xious, to;-jbpw ibow meanly they J;?.-could act, QBfThtirsday ]&&,' wo-nt .", yto'zha jQhqrch'-lat' JTalpanee 'Mills : ijnd to^k off the cornprjstonei which pd -rlrit day been laid with much ;' qrerDd|ry. ,^The fact t.iat there was H."in-ths ftox, Enclosed ii the stone, jiTnety-xmecfents, ac^bnte.'for such 'pjnduct'j but they! cot Id' not Ifind "ir'ie ooih.so.kll their efforts, were in vain. !The partiep, we l^arn, are ;J: known* arjd we trust ari example 1 i :^.*lll nt.I fnn JtCl>rtf c^nl, nnv.'J..^.* will be| tnatteof such conduct. 1 ' -Recently, in Ygrkshire, a Jarm^ ei's wife was.-assaiilted by her hus band iji a field where was a"; cow __ ".$ktthialw6roap had greatly petted.- Oii>eeing the'tnan beating his' wife' ' " inu tearing >ier hair and clothes* and otherwise: maltreating bgr, the cow cajrhe cbajging up the field," and -irtackHd the toan with sueh ferocity ... that M>was.gjad to retreat suuinpir-; - -lr-' *he no\v t!*en "tookupja.^teien- ii,v,?:-F}sitioh. by the woman'fl iide "?"a-.f " PC&i,- "U V ; 'iSsv?- . > : .- mm - aad-sxj-iod perfectly still while, the bo* be drawn riortc-d jVntif,-; \vb.takv 5tr!tggred;-to hepfeet andl^tif)- bese]by!Jeaning on its" flank * ' record Lttd s had sufficiently recovered i Baid -about tl ofmafei *r. Tha record - J.W- A hi. iistb:ft sivip eur.y. iwetl taet.i o^l' UlC t t-'x- s' the 1 our 0>i/ I ('o of .vhanu; in poli;ic:' . J1.1Ia|l;i.-i.p, 'rpcrii :i * "l?-. to nvnil 'mynelf of it. I hnd tho tid Tiu\tiig<v of listening to Dr> Kbnnuly (or. lioaily tlirc'o bo^ra ip tno.illouso of Commons, aivd do' Slot suppose X .Bhoubl learn uioro of bis viows, or exporle-hen any. btiatige of opinion if 1Wero toiittondVoitrineotihg. 1 tmist ask. you, therefore, to excuse mo if 1 do bot'eonio down on tht L'Gth'or 28th. ACT0$)l;' ERESilPKESS, R: OREEO iv'i>h ri ,E.MOKROW,> Chemist aiid- 'Druggist I -t : i . ACTON, DR-UGS, :.;'; cfttUMICALS; ' -', ' \ ' ' .'. rA'KNTANt">v vow1- to' 5 oi th:'. -apj.'Ttc L- it r.1 fi eft., i lack su Acton . "H, I la . U a ne 1!) run a t "dis- iato a id all t that ipv'rt. Fhev. .Uiiii.'. it'and jr. in piilitic!., witri th .lmlxjr beatiy . iiidejh SidVnt i :; poll- cl the i[nitial n :;ek: Pi- KA*, -K SUCl ;/i<i :;i ^ PROPRIETARY, . 1,| ' ^tEDICINESy V n'--!--: - j iVlwtiyaonJwu'J a lajrp^ anil well-select. ,' , pJ>-Mll>C (It ii, .'" BSfo-Stufis, p-'Liiiiifl, D70, Faacf . atd Ootids, Toapo, Brcslxos, .* TrussDs or Clxil- droa: and ASult3, rbtoajlar Srace3 for'j^lan, Woaioja ,vii, 'Cfciit: snl' piintcf, Or'y.aai- . ^7it. oil, Soo^ai StS'Uoa.ory ':" PURE WlXjtS A Nil LIQUORJS / . Koi^MeJlclnal Purjiosci. . .^jj. PHy-tolnnnPreserJptlonBunit I"tv itirMic Hiifclpt-s fliul HdiM! iiiid Cattle' Medicines, careful!}- co'miSoiiniln J. 3s th.-' c>:pt>rie, ISnnni r a-HSUri'S us^ tl f ^A'c/ editor ice in r and .it' in Acion, July; 1 G. E.-XlyfcKOW. 3. ModSa! Hull, A'ptc will bc! n'rah.--r tvv" n. STOREY ^ Cp.,i CANADA GLOVE WORKS "' ACtOr, 'OST.' WhbleFalo Niamifflcturers of evtry tl^s crij'tlon ntid style of LsathorSs Clot'n G-Iovqs MITTS f HD GAUNTLETS :" "( Also.7: Qressera of Plain and Facpy/ 1 Kid Leathers-; for Wholesale Mmnifncturer pJ COLLARS, .- '(lU . " : !-"r, . Saddle^ i-l.l- r ;".;; ^arnea$,"v^ _: . _ '/ Vail'wBj. T?ayeliiag3|ag3, V Horse Clothing, ",.^."';.-ComW--.;.; \/^;'TAifr'Bru"fi!'liefa' Ail or<tcri* rH-cii lnto'otir Jinriils VtM be Hirloily uite.iK.'e.il -lo.-ar.tl wiirrnnu tl to nlvoBUtlsfaotlon. nH wijomiiK.y nouu nut U.e best worktiion 11ml tnatoilul. COM.AKS warran'ted to clviy tin'lpr.iCj. Hon, nBtliuy lire ol our own iwanujitoiurp {. BrPAFrtlNQ t)f diriiiii.'lK ilono with no.'iiho'H ami on " tho -juiorl<"t none, , , f . -, AUwIioroi'iltlro nomls \%k< our line, will,' (to *<tU 10 kIvc lis u call before purcliuft lnc olsowh-rv. .- ,' UfKieint.er tli'oRtnriil -. lt^CUEECn, Acltml July I, 1ST5; , i Determine lip-ij.thcrjh'qitf.^ in Pu^iph >arraffort) fo give.;^ ]- Laco Shawls, IHc , worth-1 $2 One dollatj ParaEols for COc. JliUinery^Mautlo, Grenadi ear off Hui brttHricp of^oittrJnei: $t^ Ricll iBririted Liivns ht\d Mi slijiH, 7hc, w^rth l'2ic. ,Thoso beautiful ielestiabLiuiteiotts-breHB Goods"to^bo (jO dozen jlrfulbtft-' ilk.Bqtjiart ti)8jT?5.o ' t:m pbices.m %;,mfym THEf .... -I'l^hpst Slarket Price paid WOOL SK1N8. "-: ... * Actorr, July 1st. 1S75. -.-..'. A CTOX 74 Doiaiinioa S^ddloiy: " "Vl" ' 0 / xtnii-TOUt-h plen-si^ro In nniuVtinclni; to the pcoplo'ol Arton-iitid]uiro.uiiiilnV eouti>ry that ho tp bow rrcrarcd t? biijiuily ou'sr toraers wltlniverjtlutiB In ttie.llnp of IIARXESS,' ' " j . . h '( , SADDLES, ' _" - /v -*"- j' 7 TRUNKS,' j ') 7 " !'; "./ " %hip$,/ \\. 1 HORSE CLOTHING, Etc. -. < '. i-'-:.: ' - vX' ' .' . Prtccs to -Snit tlie Times. AU Work Wnrmnttri!. I \a* Collar* rrinde 11 peclawy. j J i " Uive him a call and lyt willOy yon good - ACtoh, July 1,1875 '- elepkoant^, GLqraiisi^ [sir . i ' PLANING >MILEiS . AND y~ .-'_ .-. Pnmp.Shsb, Door and Blind , ~ Factory. UVERY& SAttSTA&i EBMCE & CAMPBEIL, J. P. ALLAN the t'afcei pleasure 'In announcing to puhllc generally that tie Is rreparod to -; f utnlsh |71zit-clas3 Sorsos and Caixlagos ' ' . ,, At Reasonable Ratfi*. Ills-Rl^; nhd'Horees ore the best that can bo hail, and he is determined net tt> be surpassed bv any City Stable. Acton, July 1st; IS75, :ity St s ill liv rels. raifil For the^ relief and curcj o^" all dfrHBifcrrivn the-tti'imavli cr, nnd : be Tliey are a aperient, \'inki- 11a c.\'-eileiit tji liv*.-. lleiiijr ]y vegetable coiiUim r.o" 1M117 or mi whatever.' ^"ip iii'o-. en y fiuuily .sliu^ Manufacturers of Wiado^r Sa^n, poorq, TREMENDOUS WilL'be giy^eix during'this' Sale>;haring reduc^i'every article to i Cost and. As we are an'^ioup to clear it right but. consider itja pleasure t'o'shoiy goods.: G!uelph,:July 15,;1875;/"--,'" GiRAND t>Li/SiRIN^;SALl Tbe understated bavingidisposed of purchased tho immense stock of Boots THE\Vi?, are bw prepared to offer'to 1 beir'Grbcery business, and having ajnd Shoes: of1 Mr. JAJVIES. MAT- t hie inhabitants of Acton and vicinity CREAT BARGftlHS FOR CASH . t . ,-"/ In Men's English and American Styles it Shoes and Gaiters,' and- in Ladies' and ChiUlrena"'Goal, Kid and Prunell is, which for-Style and- Durability idled in th i county. cannot be-eqi :-.>>.' Venetian Blinds ' llwildiags, 4y C2TS Cathartic Pil Is, |And otber Bnildln^^equlsites AIeo Mrikers or j i -In tbe Court jbf. Common Pleas, in London-; on June 23,. the Hon. Mrs. Chichester feue$ ;her, .mother, the Hon.; Mn BunbHry, tot having caused her to fc*e improperly con fined in a lunitib asylum. ' . When the case was 1 sailed a consid(^.tion took place be .ween tbe counBel en gaged, which Vesulfejd in a settle ment. Hr. t-Serjeant -Ballantine said he had taken uf onhims^lfjhayr ing full authf rity -on part of :^rs!. Chichester to- do |), to withdraw the record. All parties weire'iagr greed that th ira-halbeen nojeavise. for the cinfinsment of the plaintuT, and noigtoun 1 whateverfertbe sus picion which badbena fide existed in the tdiiids c f the f arties-who were agents in tl e trai isacfion,; - Mr. Murphy| QIC ', said; that the defend-'" ant, who 4vas a lady seyentyj years of age, tbok t hestej which -wja'B now complaibed 9 'with the; utniost' re- iiictahcej thin king that tibe waa act ing for the b mefit pf Her <la ughter. Having^liow byei'f inquired i ito the eircumstsincei, he mwst now say that she was not justified in what she had done. , I ord Coleridge wid,. in ebnsequehiOe ' >f the (le'ouUuiv nature bf.thecase,' lie had allowed these statepients to be made,!)ut tl is must ^ " icrions^jo'knesp and c\'jicir tmif.-lv U: e; ami uvei. ^iaVc tlifin'on imufl ior. tlTeir puotccf'o" pBuT, wh'.'n tCquirctl. Lour e^iici-Jirtce *ia: .ir-jvc-fl i^.iin to -lit thf! talent, ^u i.:t,;an(, ,;e.-r of all ti.e frills rwith vhicb t-v?& rtiarke! ibuunflrf. Bv tytii'"<>cv.:tsirnul \i?e._ ut-hlboii iV7f:ni(J(jvl, tin?: ovriip'tioi).- oi" tt.p .KyrrUMii ex. l^liL'd, uli-tnisiious reui'ove'd, riud ihu wliolt m:i: hiiiei-y tl Ii!'-'. r^.^trrod.toit"-; fienltliy uctiv' Hy. " Ii:!.'-:hi:.l o'jraiiH \vEi)ch become cloj *"j .ml Jriufc'issti'iir' chHius&ii by Ayer'tr l*tiis nu\ bLi':uihito<l I11I.0 nation, "lims inp^pir/i: .li-i'.iio i-i ill.iii-^ed an'o.liealtJ'i, tlie \vi11j .vlii-:h i-'iAniv. wiu-n r^lsoncii on *ih-.' * ;jniItiiucltr,*Vvito enjoy it] cau\ hardly "be, -. T.wir= Miftir-vgiitm?' iuakc..' ' ^jlea^rnt u- 'ti'kt*. and pfifscrvep thoirv.: - /rnini'tiijr-O.i for uny lfiifcth of tiiHt',np J Lhev* 'nrc* ever iVesh,- &nU purfeclly vhm . Airiifiircn *-eiircliiiff, tltpy m:e mild. nr*t\ o; IHTP.0VED Lumber PlapeiLand Dressed to order j ' - in the be3t,maiiner." B* All work guaranteed.,. n:b. Acton, July^., 175. PARi-ibuLAn AT.i;4snoN paid to. Ciistote "Wdrk; l^ncl '\r Repairing Having sectired tbe very yalutibin survices of 7Mr; TEOS.-EDGAR, who as a Cutter, i 1 unexcelled, a fit will be : ; / .": ': - 1 Sewed Work BSf Eemeanber the Stand^e-llain St L .itt.- -.Viiiri'iit ili-^tu'i-baoc/' ii'ji riroc<-ii|.:ttioa. 1 tfts coiiutltation o. each box, Iniw 16 use tlicm as a Katnilv Phyfllii dn/i,for-the fn I lb i -... ,_v.,..u .....'. .Kail 'iLci-tion^ arc frt*n on the wrappers iso tlicm as a Family I'hyfllij ing'c'oniplaiutii. Which tliesi I'M? rapidly cure: .-,'"! I"or-E.vfi*|>iu or Xmll(r<>iition., Ifnti If.MsineHMf'^.uiis-uoz', dud Hjonn of .^r,^...- tltei, tliev ahinhl be taken Tnotleratelyi.K.. Ktim'ula,e tlie bt.-iniich, and restore its healttv ' tone and action. 7 /.'.* ' . For l.iirr Complaint and Its yariiiu Byinptoma; ijll.ntir. Jtteadrfcrii', (ore. Hfi-iUlii-.-Sli', Jaitinllce or Hxrsrsta Mq.t. nt'-4, 5t.|Eon Crsllc and flUou^ ! .- m, tlicy should be .judiciously taken IV - oacts-e.a^ft,-', to'chrrect tlie diseased-nf'fion, 01 remrive'rhfe obetmctione which can'::if.' .; For JP7f'nti7 or *l.Tiifiiic a, but oor miW d6'f" is jenerallv reqntrcd: V: Koi1 ^IKipiiniiitliTti. 7<vn*, Oravrf. -5;tijit;'.ti'.>n of '.1\f RSi-iiat, I*i':i. : IBao tiitln, E*acL, aiul H>ar.iu, tlic-y i-boiih, be cri(i|iiiiioi...ly liken, us rc-'Hiire/l, to rfiahirt the (i'l.-i^ist-d 'u;-tion ol'tlie. pyptefn. With ^rqh Uian^c tbn-e"oiripl,iintJ-J df-at,|ie^r.. ' -.For jJ>ro;i,v and 2>ro^pl<'Ml:' N%v^.*'.; t.'l^rrt.ti:.:.lt-ri. 'lid \i'.' I'.l'.f'lt 1:1 t.o'"'j. -i'"l T:; ': ,jii;.-,H do-Co to [irixnirt; itio c.'fr J ,m'.u-e. -:1- .;, : ' liken,'.as it"proituce>. U.e (le.^ired euei-t- V^: : Ae'a 3)hmrr I'lll,. t:.ike or.e crtii'fj T'tTr* t( promnte.dijfesj^on, and relieve tlx: ^tfiiti';c-ti. An occasional dose stimnlr.t^ .he Mn'.'!|.. 7 and-hown||t, restores the aiiiir-iite.iiildjnvi"' i ates tlie .sjT+leni,'silence it is ollcn tutv;:i:i; ,; t- .-i m, J K'eAus where lio-iterioiis ilcr.'in^'eiiient e\i-*. i lfltoa-precejleni..: The 'One who feels tole.rablv.well, oflen Uhd'- :.r-: been-Withdrawal, and . edly beltor, ft-om their ,-iw,,:ii.s:!.i.il reiw! Hhereford not hing;s lottld have been vatins effect on the djgestive:-.jjaraiiu. i said-about tl ej raat'r. ThcirecpFcj ' ? r ..' wiKrAtti;n by ,; /'was then wit hdr-awji/iand tbe" njaW Dr# 3- p AYEB A CO., Practical iGhenuats :ij<frrEZOi.-3XAS8...<ivi b. -*.' : " ' "' " '0B iUiS BT ALL HS.t,'lCHBI EVEnVWHEa* guaranteed, or itp Bale..'.-___^ a SpeciaKa-.- i ..$..:.:. ; opposite. Dominion Hotel. ; i K^NNE^'BKds, All ] took"accounts must be st tiled,at once. " GH^^||EB Alj/L Kl3rS OE .' , 4';";'i'. ;, -' % PROMPTLY EiECTJTED AT FREE PRESS OFFICE CT.ON WAGON AND CARRIAC ;.-." i. JAME8; RYDER, Pfeprl^tor. "Wagons, Oatrlagpi, 'litb MAIN HTREET. MIGHAEL Keptj In stock and made to Or. ler on the sbortiefit'jNJitice. i -' '"- V/ Stkot attentlori-paid <tp} .' \I aorpe-Blibeiajr ft-Gonerai: JpTjWne ". | ;A"Ctoti,-Julyl3til87fi,: ." {! : " :-:;: Cl id's . "!l i- . i- IGWT, ; Cei^ereil Blacksmith, Ca) rlage and Wagon maker4 I j Best jHiqipSe-SKoe ?s iii the Gountv^ ' [" KX; ' -fJ'erlect satisfaotion guar^ itaed or. ao price, oliatgad* E)ry:|Gofd [..piiid Qn, .tyo'8<!^li^:!of^^)w'^^j|.,. ^p^.|ii.J& .oi^a{mcre:8w$eptagJeo:CTgetia-aB(f"" L"'i C^tlfi3ft'IN./-H Than-'hitti sr'.to';4tte npjted'j'.- _as""we' must convert 7thejgoods intcf 8@^iRemember tb^iSaJas are'FQri CAiJS, aridjfinl no ease ^|1 s - - " ' ' ' "A-;.- "'f i , 'i " ' .:' ..:.,:' We-erinii^eiriite onrfLfcadiiis Departn&riti :. BRESS (lOfJjDS. i fbpi five cents up wards. "MINiT3^ftom'fiyejeente opWaftta;; n- ' -"i H"U$LINS ]frpm AyB-x^v^^.,. :C<Mnn^e,^av6e' ^nd^yi^rom 5j ' Sflei^lJiaies'offSi^ "" insii CHECK SSTJ*'" """ -- ^ v-r< "';."-:^jv-9yi^-: ATO.-CO^^^oiwii^prji^e aftll ThcjSate will ^ifuly.l, 18T5 i. ' . :y 'Vte Orders'f6t Special i'Ati, .^^LEr.G;dopS. f\[ ' a speoiai iui& dv L iDi^-'c^itr^as [' Special|liitoa'iin LliIE$ !j)RESS GbOj S,;for ;i&rand ?0ci i 50q per yard.; ItlB lii^)3Bsltile for ns,5> ennametat -pJJI t^e; iQiREAjl' BARQilll4fe^f tooffeiitju, W" espc claily w^tito Lr^t .t^ ^nafcttilfi^i w convlnc'edj ;. ' : ';'r -' .' 7 y,. ' We again" j^emlnd" thi'.pu'bHis'iysit; our iVtilliifery aM. Oi^derfed Cabt__=,_ , J .1 * *JtHVl^tt* ' .LlL ^ Are!flfeco4a to on^ in t^Pom^io^ to*. <ratotr^ j UUUl (J' "V^i y'df.Tcruto. commence |on tne llirst of, trnue for six,-weeks.

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