Canadian Statesman, 11 Feb 1960, page 12

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mw m imle~amww* 1-Uil UNK WI1Z 5TA Till~ "a lEn 11114 "0 Brthig Cominq Eventa Articles for Sale For Rent 1 Work Wcmted Cam& for Sale Ra Estate for SaleRa Estate foriaemtaifraddt b EB E E -It's another boy!T ro ns ae h w, n w. OO led bey. Phone RA FU RNSp o m6T l o e F R af o r p ltng m d F O~p r h seSEas lVeaEsG. OI Nro M brick hous xh s yeil fe s rr Cal and Barb Breen are happy manville Town Hall, February 5405.44' MA 3-5669. 6»1 paperlng, c059,ieUe Rozema MOrCh ReaT i ni e garage, cent.aloctines eS.coorpreda to onnounce the bfrth of Dae 1Mt, 1960, 8 pan. 5-3* ONE table sa and~ one tea DUPLEXJ in Nwcste. AplPhone MA 3-2584. 4-t 10,000 miles. 149-150-151 car as New 1%-storey brick on 10 teris, private. PhoneMAktnces iatrmne.eId Efliott on Feb. Mt, 1960, at- wagon. MA 3-3755. p4QonsHtlN w~v.~e.~ ~ars on down payment. Will fin- acres or less, 4-piece bath, lire- 3-370.61'rsl<unifrrgurex Memorlal Hospital, Bowman- Euchre, Friday, FebruarY 12, _- uensh otl 256sl. ee I ndims & oocand edas eiv-ance. COifri3-2500.___61 place, furnace, 3 bedrooms,pee$5wadotdtoi. ville. 6-1' 8 pin, LaTyrone Community APPLFS--WIII deliver. K1III Phone 256- _-1 evie n &Ga st. Aret l S E uo n.r eGood buy under V.L.., or wmU Charles RankieC]c satakfeiggf -Hall, sponsored by Hall Board. Cox. MA 3-7189. 5-2 THEEM-room apartment with 6-2erie' es.MAktSTa%Tix muo nsuroace exchaný,e for a house in Bow- MUAIL. ESTATE BIROETeWoa'Asciinru GAVlarion andzs. Amarion are - B6-1 HAY for sale. Phone bath, stove, refrigerator, wasii. For personal sevce at your manvile. Terms. Service garage 42 > 5n. otwsavr omnal happy to announce the arrivai The Scout Mothers' Auxiliary Brocilin OLiver 5-3415 ater er dryer.. MA 3-3611. 6tf PLUMBING, heatlng, eaves- home çaiU Oshawa RA 5-2802 New 5-room bungalow on draullc hoist, plus brickaat rae o4 n ferrcit ofa daughter, Rosemary, on wiil meet Thursday, February 6 p.m. 6-1 APARTMENT i Victor Manor, troughing, free estimates. Hr collect. 2-tf 13% acres, 4-piece bath, oil furn-metbidn;5oe utsfrteyar$,10.Dna February lut, 1960, at Memor- il at 8 o'clock i the Green -vyPrnr yoe c.$150 aytrs etbidn;5md dlHsia, wanil.61Ro a h in e dition, $15. Phone MA 3-3970). mediately. Apply Wm. Ciiitis, SUE h es, unflos, inia oca down. A good buy! MAYAR - radna Mir Pan now to attend te 6.1* MA 3-7035. 43-tf FOR ail your opring run ¶Td Moi o mes o m numrustralloa-W. have several servct t-~ ' orgnri ~uc ramDln nm aisPl-ptin tonM.E LESK ehaeabue fragoderaiate t ep h bld jishes to announce the birth Guildette's Valentine Tea and o orfui reornamrenM edCa p n Mtios Ls E . t lit tions and restaurants lsê. epne.As oaint h , a.genddaughter, Lee Anii, BakeSale to e hldon Set- SPY apples, gledioli bls N unsedbdomwt alfor an and inintenavefuad oc,. Tfo te d raFbray1 nS.Ega aoRR ,Bowxnan- two single beds. Suitable for e ertpue.Pono MArket IRA 8-4494 -, Ben. RA 5-5574 Real Estato Broker quality older homewthfuteRdCosheMsinr t daglrh teKen and'Freda urdohy'sFere Hl ry 13 :30ivll. EgrClrRR 6-1' two business workers. Phone 61 03-5220Ed 5Otai t. BwMvleberos V1aynard, born February ah ~i' ~~S al ri :0vle MA 3-3250. 6-1 61 0 lgS.Hs 5OtroS. Bwavlobdons ______4)Dr.__5_P._61_____frsle._____ed LIGHT fuli-time wast of Wilson Rd.) MArket 3-5919 See us for homes, firsadcoe h~erwt aac § [Ibs., 11%/4ozs. hnat rt>5Pfl -1WTRfrsi.D 'rd ork for %'est OSHAWA SlsSt uiess t$6.Tetesrro h 'Blbard. 61 Join our Collector's Club et Phone ClifI Pethlck, COlfax AVAILABLE lniedlately, 5- elderly man. Write advertiser SlsSaf uiess FnShle oeCiaCn3211.36-tf room office, 2nd floor, main No. 17, c/o Canedian States- 10-tf Froddy L. Amas - MA 3-3406 We Welcomne YOur listns twn ox a bet e * Fis ne Shuel e BerChiaps-2131.. tees um 1ýîstreet. S. R. James, 24 King man, P.O. Box 190, Bown- ___1_____King___t.___ Deth ad auer. emerhi ui-12GAGEStves ~"'Eest, Bowmanville. 44-tf ville, ont. 6' W anted to Buy MA--4538-EV91S Co339crnbeganalte i , ____________________ited. See advertisement on .30-.8O Merlin. Phono MAket ____________ ____________ pf 302edataac nhn ÏAÀRETT, Annie WoOd-At page five. Hooper's JewellerY 3-5028. 6-1 MODERN 4-roi apertmpent FOR chuxnney work, new or KITCHEN cabinet. Telephone LviuUa BR .IWL- Clarenco oe t$0.Th isoir n 'the. Port 'Hope Hospital On & Gift Shop. 61 E bb carniage. Twenty. and bath, heeted;e t 12 Division repeir or any brick, block or MA 3-3460.6-1' RaLTadORS *A"_ MA 3-2624 mitnneafoainwsii ?hursda , Feruary 4t ofAUhnter1960, tzen are five dollars cash. g. Sret. Inuediate possession. concrete w~ork. P.O. Box 1083. 6 rae n asdt b m ie Wood eoe iee i teetdctzn - ply1 iiinSre.61 Cail L. Turner, Phone MArket 35 MM. CAMERA of good Members et Oshawa & District _______ichard arret_,dear codiallyi3-5820toort3-5605e.gt30-tfrnm-ke-.APhono0 MAvi-5274tret.-1-Rea-56Es -ttemBoardhoPeMAw3-574.e6-lREslateateuBtrdo!e$633.Rea 0 ioher of Marie, Gertrude, Annuel General Meeting ôf the 3/4 STEEL bed, 2 maîtresses and AVAILABLE March Isi, heat- 3 100 acres level lend wiih 50 Qeorge and Allan. Funerel Bowmanville Chamber o! Comn- one spring, $25. 82 High St.. ed apartmeni, 3 moins and EXPERT seanisiresa available ALL kinds of live poultry acres planîed te apples and Ferms, 50 te 300 acrefolce sfles !sheld et the Ross Funeral merce, Lion's Centre, 8, Bowxnanville. 6-1~ bath, self contained. Phono for ail types of sewing and wented. Highest prices paid. pears. Balance early gardon $10.000 to $6o,000. Ifines- MuryPtrPuipG- t9aepel, Walton Street Port Tursdey, Feli. 18. 5-2 REBUILT eiectric moters, new MA 3-3489. Absteiners only. alterations; will aise do baby- M. Fiait, Bethany R.R. 1. landx.Onpeved noed one mile ed in buying a goed fù o' e litr arw m ýXope, Saturday, February 6th Thle Hampton Home and guarantee. R. D. Morton, tele- 5-.2 sitting duriing deytime heurs. Phono 7 r 13 collect. 4tf from town. Large hip-roof feu bt see us first. Saitn akKrblMi ,4t 2 p.m. Intermnit Bewmafl- School Association are heving phono Orono 14 r 16. 6.12* APARTMENT - Living-room, Phonoai Jean t MA 3-2555. 6-1' HIGHEST pnices peid for used barn. A neel buy et oxly 90 acre ranch, al seeddadvleSms r.BaJns .tle Cemetery. 6-1 a bake sale and efiemneon tee BROWN mouton ceat, good bednoom, kitchenette and bath. DANCE Band-Archie Court- furnituno, appliances, tlb- $25.000 with easy ternis. well fenced, 40' x60bak rsJckEltMs.Er EWS-AtVictora Hos in the new Sunday School condition, size 18, $50.00. Tele- Iniaid linoleum. Cox epart- ice and his Country Traveilers, vision, sewing machines, etc. 20 acres wooded land with barn. $6.500. Easy tens1akyadtetesmro -WESAVitraHsiaroom t Hampton, Friday, phono CO 3-2520. 6-1 monts, 23 Temporence. Phono 6-piece band, modem - oid Aisose so and exciienge. 5 irout Stream. $3.000 with Two service station ihtecage evleJns .ndon, on Monday, Feli. eth, February 12 t 2:30 p.m. 6-1' PLS e 5e-ps e- MA 3-2555. 49-tf time for round - squarle danc- King St. W. Phono MArket $1000 down. 1960, Rev. David Toews, in bis PLSfrslSp, ing. Reesonabie rates. For ln- 3-7231. 42-tf il room stucco house, cent- snack bars. _____________________fBng,____ft or avd lcisuccdesutlads o! rar ehehoew nrk$, o!m othei ISt yar bioedhubad o Bng, enfi fr evd lciusen Cultind. ewis HEATED 3-noomed apartmeiit, formnation Phene RAndelph 1a; ideai for oihm.Oî no os nOoe hhfrt~ya ~evt Relena May Woodiey (former- Park, Tuesday, Febnuary 16, Clark. Phono 2195 Newcastle- kitchenette and bath, wesher 3-9914. 6-1' HIGHEST pnices peld for live $13.000 with $4,000 down. $8000. ,Iy o Lindsay), dear father of 1960, 8 p.m., et Memoial Park 5-2' service, cenirally locaied. Ap. pultry, goose feathers, feaili- 6 room brick lieuse, contrai 6-reoOn houso, nearNwi!epeito eRv n Rtuth Ann and Jeaneite. Ar- Clubhouse. Sponsored by tho CLOVPRS Grasses, etc. in- ply 90 Queon St., Apt. 3 or eêm, r ticks, screp imon, nags, location, $12.500 with iow down 6-rtem o$e8iNecas0e eÎin t the Morris Funeral Memoriel Park Association. cluvaieie.PhndA -27.4g .uAUUmotels and raw furs. Phono peymeni. Chlvng ciudxngorsev- r z mmprovedringto-t-GENERAL CONTRACTOR HA 3-2043 Oshawe colleci. Summer Rosonts: We have $4,500. tee o manviilo, forigattdne.VPze on y codngteet- Siewan's Seeds, fiBowmanville. THREE-reom upper epariment, Brick, Block, Concrete and 48-if several te choose fnom on Lake 5-room furnishedliuen 11e onok Thu rymonngitendae. verybody wel-6-i _f bath, gas fumnaco, self-con- -Ontario, Rice Lake and Otten Hamipton, $4,000. ild ocloc. ItermetBii-cre Do ie.61ADMIRAL heavy duty steve, iroiled. Private entrance. Im-CretyOP of"abin' soyLk.Mnyt li ~ada Cemetery.6-1 -Woodview Comniunity Centre twe ovens, timer and dlock, mediate possession. $50.00 New Work and Repaira and Reminiscencos o! Bowman-Mne10ann.ndMr.NPttrT- -Menster B i n g o. Twenty and one man's bicycle, $5.00. monthi . 75 Séugog St. Tele- PHONE MArket 3-3694 ville." Twonty-five dollars of- Cail HAROLD C. PEDWEL et;M.aI r.Gog * In Memoriain ames--twenty dollars; five COlfax 3-2509. 64* phonoe MA 3-5919. 6-1 7 MMi Lane 5-tf fered. Write Advertisem 16, WALTER FRANK Broker CcrnOhwvside * gemes--thinty dollars; $150 c/o Canadien Staiesman, P.O. 177 Chureh St. MA 3.3393 Newcastle- Phon 86~nr ats -EL-n oi emmryofajackpot, adtojackpots at QUANTITY ofgood mxdLARGE, umîght rn. unsiied reom raîrn ipîs10 eravi. 6261-J atet~ de2ér fether an grandfather, $250. Door prizes. Nexi hay, bales averaging 50 -lbs. on ground fleer, heated, cent lseigRpis Bo 9,Bwavle -____________________ I.;auence David Belil who Monday, 8 p.rn., Red Barnn, for 30c a baie. Phono New- rai, containing new breakfast QUICK SERVICE Nursmng HDee 6K1wa ville. Êassed away February 14, 1957. Oshawa. 46-tf castie 4141. 61 suite, sinli, hot and coid waten, STUCCO AND NEW WORK HCOMOAIO om aesW-hRalEsa e ALMeoralHopiaEBwran Godkne tht h wa sufenng Ontario Fermons' Union are VACUUM cleaner, canister eleciric steve and refrigemator,ACOMDTNfolaisRA ES TE RKR Mr.ndMsHnsGs- dhtth iml ee adt holding a special meeting foyer , complote with aîîach- dishes, pots and pans, lied- R L Tptq and gentlemen et Lyntonihursi 185 Acre farm neer Mill- GENERAL INSURACbegristdtEnlRus- And whispered "Peece lie et Pontypool Orange Hall, MA 3-7023. 6-i Telephono MA 3-7201. 6-1 54 King st. E. MA 3-5030) Orono 1771. 610* acres woed, river, L-shaped Telephone MA i.RselRi thine." Feli. 23rd in the aterneen. KEys cut eutomaiicaily, whule 16-tf The South Hayon Rest Homo bank barn wiili steel stan- Box 817 lnBwavle iie r -Lvnl rmmee, yhsSeca pakr r e scyu wait, ai Masen & Dae fepW Mitd Licensed accommodation chions, Wator bowls, garage, Slsa .A taniuly. 6-1' President o! Manitoba Famm- Hardware, 36 King StDabE, HElp W LjVEY available for up or liedet.7 omdbikhualMA309 er'Uno,_____n ':0Bomnvle 46-tf PIN boys. Earn good rneney JA L patients. Phono Newcastle modern conveniences. Asking 3-08m.alMr.hresNy _______ loingme ors'. Uni. oncodmec 130Bwmnvll.Seing up pins. Appiy Liberty -44.29-tf 11000Acre fa$,00 5 acr es wi l u arei ooncoe aks croog o! a dean mother and grand- pm.L6J-2oDieto.SAVE on lumber, direct from Bowl. Phono MA 3-5663. Livesiock Shippers 1700w$.000dewn.6 aces Ver by aIow od amn e eespe ussa r mothen,.Rose Ann Butson, who Fareros' Union are sponsor- Co., Kinrneunt, Ont, Phono Se MilbrokNrspneomis. bus, 1ires, -haeod Thn is Klainvt pesen.C-Thotn'Cresvieda passed away February 11, 1959. ing a Dance et Blacksiock 17 r Il. 13-if OFFICE Junior « femae, seme nnn iadys Wesilake. Registered, biarn, waten on tep, drive shed, teins 3 stores, 2 apliet ,y ainns God saw you getting weary, Recreatienel Centre on Satur- LARGE queniity et appbe- iyping necessary. Phono New- Phone CO 3-2639i licensed nursing home hbas etc.; 7 roomed home wiih bath- and a 7-room boeuse. ,Laglo M.anMs.RyCmri Se He did what Ho thought day evening, February 1M. picking Paktraoal.csl 6ort 2011. Sec aities Lîd v a cea n c i e s for upper lied rooni, running waiem. Price willi i the near futri best, Old tirne dancing te rmusic ofContact brgakets, PrasnaerrrcsieW30or2011. ai Wey-46-26' atients. Ail patients on gnound $13,000. Ternis anranged. worth a goed deel re hnacopne Ms Be amean stodbesdeYou Jake Van Demn and bis gneup. Yukon 5-.2501. Wil eivri 5-2 C'faon. Al the îatest fie equip- 90 Acre highwey terni, 75 wliai we are askingfotiseryDidntepehus And whispered "Corne and Admission; Gents 75c, ladies. .>it ae.52ABET oAasa ir ave M nyal ment plus firo alarm. systom. acres womkeble, creeli, large block. Ail furtherdtiscna b hnler Fod(ll nest'". 50c. Everyono corne end en, «iDy aediato bbwsAidisea. sMicrod You wished ne one a lest lare- joy yourselves. Local 73, ELECTRICAL Repairs. Prompt wave stations construction. f L Rni a n ih usn ae aklrwtrloidielesple well, Cartright. 5- service t elecRegistenedianurseLoonfloon.ayTjb.y"shedDvetc.;S10 Rrpornedeibrickd6nrso on bungalowayisednicecM;10 aoomed rs.kW6 romCaunealo larelndla Laae HawrstuctonNew" 0e ndar service, go o d liome-cooked home, with ail modern con- location. Hot watem etd iie e errmu' Nor even said goodbye, Take notice thet the annuel large an saho n der Ha77. rd- structin News McOandBod-FAST, PROMPT SERVICE meals. Inspection any time or veniences. Asking $35,000. Garage. $10,500.00. Hmtn il lignebfoewekewme tin fte 43-! 32,Mein, Wsh, .S.. -128Ontario St., BowmafflieoPhono 82J, Milbrook. 6-2 Ternis. 6 roonis, 11/2storena M.anMr.Fd mq An ôlt ber'w hy s o e! Ontario Hog Pro- 4- 12 eia Ws. ...61CORNER KING & ONTARIO _____________'100 Acre farm, 85 acres womk- school.oi liheated. P1 e e iie M.aa i.Pr, ALnvingly remembered y Dlunhai Co-operative in the 'LARGE size cribi wiih met- MIDDLE-AGED woxnan te live 24-tf Pets for Sale elle, creek, 15 acres wood, 60' quick sale. $7,500.00O 150BycTrno ducrs________________________________x 0'balibandrive shed; down. ' s.AeMMseJon the fDuirha-1mvne County Group lie con- tress, junior bed wiih mettress, in and cane for childnon whule x4'bn an .th______ veed t 1:30 p.m. E.S.T. on ail in good condition. Mis. mother works. Write Advor- Rubber Footwear RePaira ANYONE wishing te provide 9 roomed home, heavy duty We need a goed brickbna nlRs, i.F .Gapl Ivin Monday, Febmuary iSili et the Allen Macklin. Phono COlfax tiser No. 15, c/o Canadien 7Té1 T7rT good home for pup mey have wired. Pnice $10,500. Ternis iow for client. vstc tRil lselu DONOGHU-In lov g me- Tewn Hall in the Village o! 3-2684. 6-1 Staiesmen, P.O. Box 190, Bow- y ULCLANIZEDJIU one froe. MA 3-2066. 6-1 arranged. Two good ternis wned Tyo. mery et o dean moihor, Eliza- O____frhe______othD____________ad___smavileOn. -1 100 Acre farim neen Hastings, "List Witl Usfo beth Donoghue whe passed cOono, t of the prposooustneD yu oCflor ndrgsmivtbOn.6-'80 acres wralbakbrBotter M. ndMs.Ketlliantn conduci o!uthe prope19business-Boni a sander, floor polisher EXPERIENCED payrnilclerk. Jamieson Tire SopNotice to r hon omkab7looe, l homeba,RsutClkeSotanluan i. ey Fdear sth, 1942, and <>ofthe anual meeting, the or rug cleaner (shampo eth-olli- p ar with OHS.C. o N ES Crediors ieue 7rooeld hm, - gMs.CaieMor aale ourse dea sisenBevely 2w1o1.election et delogatos and aller- ed). we *d fi os.Ldertpgadbookkeeping n e- KING & SILVER 9T.OTHERS hydre. Prc inluding,5ne. ri aed eway Februa 12,1941.ante delgates. 61 Hardware. 5tf sery. Phono Newcastle 2011 BOWMANVILLE lu tho Estate et 200 acre faim, 90 acres work- aao udy Since you were called awey, Teke notice that the anniul INSULATION, lilowing meîh- on 3106. Kari Weyrich Wood 1-tf Melville Frederlck Taylor, alle, 100 acres wood, creek, 3 NE WTON VILL r nlMs.Fe eoo Be meny thinga te sherewih metino! uhemproucey r noniod, with rock wool. Work- Specialiies Limied. 5-2 (Ted)>,Aiends Ai ldaims agist the Esiate brnsmbrckhoeshev fr .r.Magretcn.;adspijg n eu1a0ngt Had you boen lefite ostay. o! the Ontaneo Hog Producors' mates. Harry L. Wade. Tele- YOUNGER? Thousends of IMPAIRSlio!fhelvillagree o ron ayqed, uTrnaaned rc 0. stheau ofeekend ithM.adMs ar0anlMraleespe Every day in some smll wey Marketing Board will lie con- phono Clake 2420. 39-tf menwomen pasi 40 pop up tlal te o otenillaet ofDu nh , whonTedroo n ungalowthe e Bew-DnVn ie.guss iLlydWlr., Memonios et you corne our venede :0~ EST 2 RHEUMATIC Pain? If yuqic wil heip e! Ostrex electrical eqnipment died on on about the 2lsi day manville wiili ail modern con- n nllr.Bl kligingo.o udy wey. ToendalFel uyin ia the lae0sufft Mn. anal Mme. Fneredet. ak WardIDIG M. ndMr. il Thogliabsntab uareeveTon Hll aree illge ! o frm lackche1959,-ToicmasteisbMae 3dayREWNI)NG ! Nveuerl199, ustlievenencs, ullbasmend iar- aal augtenBety wîe uv noar, Omeno for the purpose et the liageo, sciatica, try Runiacaps test. Oniy 69r- At aUl drug- - Sales & Service fled with the undemsigned on wood and tile faonrs, picture StiI xsed lve ad lwysconue o te roenbuinss to t lelp biing yuprmtgisis. 61 MA 3-3058 leor lietone the 25tli day. et wmdow, mno der n kitchen.AyviitWarrein i. OfDogasaOsKhOr dean. et the annuel meeting and the relief. Druggists everywhere. WER requine an auto body me- 43 Third St. BOwm&Bil Feîmuary, 1960, atter which Price $13.500 with $2.000 down. AvnWre tOhw. aa eespe usse '-Ever rememliered by the election o! representetives %54 clanic, capable et doing any 1-tf date ilie assola wil lie <di-' 2 Bodrooni bungalow ini Mr. anal Mme. Jack Elit ~O WA etn a illi family. 6-1 (delegates) te the District Hog WORK boots and shoos et bar- body nepair job. If you are trI l Vlibuted. Bowrnanville witli all moderni Beaton last weekatedinhoSdySholooiwh _______ Producers Commtice. 6-1 gain pnicos, lirown and lack, intorested ini top wages and OSHfAWA T DATED et Oshaewa this 251-h conveniencos, herdwood floors, the funerai o! Mis. ElotsMs modGlsegrpo FINNIGAN-J.n memory o! a Taire notice that tho annuelal sizos. Bowmanvilie Shoe geod working conditions con- day o! January, 1960.* ful libasemeni, modemn kitchen. aunt, Mre. Wm. Ritche iig h eraygo 'dear friend, Adele Finnigan, meeting ef producer miembers Bepair, 80 King St. W., Bow- tact Dave Spencoe t Robsen TELEVISION AERIAL SALES GREER AND KELLY, Pnice $8,500 with $2.000 down. Mr. andl Mrs. CielanlLn.m.Cabe abr i.Pr whe pessed away Felinuery ot Durhamn County Hog Pro- manville. East et Bowmanville Motors in Bowmanviloe. 5-2 INSTALLATION & RLEPAIES 7% Simcee St. Southi, 3 Bedrooni bungalow in and son Bainry spent Sna yDvdoMs ilsSy l7tli, 1959. ducers' Association- will lie Cleaners. 42-t! WANTED: Relialile man as Phono OSHAWA, Ontarie. Bowmenvilie with ail modemn with Mr. and Mnr. Cha.GI aMs oeiKln a -Evon remnembered by Bll convened et the heur et 1:30 HEARING aid service. Testing dealer in Durhaem County and DowmanllO Oshawa Solicitors for the conveniences, hardwood floons. of Rowmnvfle.chreoteDeoinip- mnd Molly Mains. 6-1 p.m. E.S.T. on Mondey, Felinu- service and complote stock of Bowmenvilio. Exponience not MA 3-5919 RA 8-8180 Beneficiery. 4- Asiring $10,000. Tennis erang- Mn. anal Min. Clinion arwid h rtsrnpeeie ary l5th ai tho Town Hall in batteries and cordsata Higgon necessary. A fine opportunity BIL AND BOB LEASK . ed. andl son Glon andAi.anlMsthfianca po. FINIGAN-In loving rnomory the Village et Onono for the Eloctric Lirnted, 38 King St. E., te stop ie obd profitable lus- 39-tf ]RepcUYS 2 Bedroi bungalow In New- Fred HSWmicson andisnPtr hwe eie ahv ofadean wife and moth:r, purpose ot the conduci et the Bowmanville. Phono MArkeot mess wliere RawleigliProducis D A E AIOedtlvsinrpis castle, ail modemn cenven- etne oIeCpdse aar1 ueadmtna oft haebe ldfryas i AI n eeiinrpis ences, handwood faonrs, fullitede teIeC Adele, whe passeda wuy Fbpropen business et the annuel 3-3305. DR7-tfShve been old for ears. Bi l7tli, 1959. meeting, the election et officens GET tho jump on olti man profLits. Preducts furnislied on Prompt service. Pick-upand basemont. Garage. AiigTtotFia vnn.dntdb eecoe a Noihing cen ever taire eway and the election et voiing dole- winîen. See us ton tree si credit. Write Rawleigh's, Depi. CUSTOM-MA4DE DRAPES delivery. George's, 85 King St. $10,000. Ternis. Ak g Mr. and Mrs. BrueLuyditiuedaog elafs The love a heurt liolds dear, getes and alternaie delegates. mates on "Carhayes" esti- B-140-163, 4 0O0O5 Richelieu, for E. Phono MA 3-5713. 29-tf 13 Roamed brick home, close o! Port Hope weîe Sildyvs o emd rteatce o Fond memorles linger every Guest speaker, Mr.' Clayion um oortaneAlni 6-1 Homos, Offices, Apartmenta URNTE elvson 0dt main Street with extra lot. itors with Mr. andlMs il.telaea.Bleweepeet deea Fep h rey îePeîdn !O-wil lie amazeti how economnical FEMALE Secretares-We have Workmanshlp Guerenteed radio service, te al maireskig 800 iuaowdwvneJnes . e na adee taie e Reemraekep hmtarie Hog Preducers. Floyd thoy are froni Cewan Equip. îwo senior positions open for CS M.S. The ervoceani was e neContact -HsadBband Cr. Stinson, Presîdent. Howard ment Ce., 134 King St. E., fuily qualitieti and experiencedi ESNBERT Service Ce. Phono MA 3-3883Cn.ct The regular mont'hly etn yMe obn iln in _ Malcolie, Seceary. 61 Bowmanviliebon PhonoMILketostenographers. YuIshouid lie7MArkei ' slo by Mme. Chance Naybo ner ea vn aits, Drs. Store>' andi-W. Grant 'cYOUNG L inncalhtorthn mn and rc 1,0.0 em.ecii missed, i tor their incnosa during mni>' _IL______________________ ' pries.J. MPao Tuig vle. Prie $l1 'J& 0. "Às.The annuel meetingr i AOAUPNU near sieeesahi ande ~a P___________________5 acres with parti>' finishoti min yte !aly spita nd minOshwaGeral mAL% MONEY O LEND. Clients' Baker, Hampon. 48-tfTEU olmn pI'3 iue al Grove district. congregation o! the Nwin 10 e nst 6-1' iedb tefmly Hiai odme. convalescence mono>' for discount purchasteofetCLOSED Holstein hoUonrs antiPicdt.62Pieonly $2,500.00. Ea>' ville Untitedi Ohuincliwshl a EOI __________home.___ iraI anti second mortgages anti igeis. AU ,blood teste« ___________inthe______ tons. Persnaeoet Hoeet -1ments for sale. inap ne A 8-1568. Ro ndBad 1%kacres wlth 8 roin two_ day evening. YGNCuplerson- <Rugiibr_anti ternils of uihsete . 'l-1 i licitranduBhi mlrey brick lieuse, 2 bah. AUl the rgan.izetiofsed lifda 1 .1 HoCe anditnerserofDp nan & ; 200 bales et straw. Sam BOOM and board avallable ton rooties, ful basomeni, oùil în- ucciswrerpeett0n00ddna netoa tl.e RGo)MiC supomp apl aineAKE-EWMenr, Prt ennf UOh ox 20ase, OSryn &Turpor, R.B. 4, Bowman'vile. one gentleman. Facory worir- ace, smail barn, cour Bowman- reports were well prepnd uldenvelope with pruce lnst. -Oldsters looking for a home 6-4 00 npeerd PooMne il, elgHgwy.0. yCAirev. R.nC. hiiwshe CaUdAdm. .a MUxmnpe 5, 4mmlusaway frm home;,liight cheer- POUR Holstein beitoms, vac- 3-5988. 6-1' roui buy et $12,0000.I wyCa lectan aas Phllip im' bscla o mit p.0.Mai rd t. 1'28, ful roonis, leune and TV. For .. otcscinated. Dueiitheeid<of *t oertmgpne it 8a s.t.~o N[aov,-Rub er <>,nai - Mllpaiticulars Phono Port - Noüces _____Februai>'. Neil Wervr, Nestle- ]Building 78x 00 eclo et v i, I e etin openltb h lpIISoffrhayrsg 91o12.Ot. 152 Perry, YUkon 5-7967. 5-4 NOTICE TO AIL KINSMN ton, Ont. 6-4 m Od'rfff 8x20 xeletvego 0F ZONE C ~ 7~~9 lis. lv. welght.drainage. Price $2,200. Ternis. Chaima. The SecretmmodOFC OS pj~ (aalirrboM). N Wcmtd toRent a a , ~ ~OF 18ZONE udontT Riyr p9i, 300eacbt. h MITwo modemn buqalews Inethominutes et lstyeran Od touhFl ______________.No________ entCuhOshawa, excellent location, miel meetirng andalthywr c..18p. r toehwlong you haie had r____________________eYOr pck $300«e a1 n omltIwe amy b. able HOUSE te ent la vicinit>' o!fvod. o u W ttha u w làb. Phone Mr. PRienstra, O<oo s' vrymon t. ewdonpy-aot e .O ogantion wtt ne Sbelp you.Write for free Bownuanvle for elderly at22316b utxcu, o . 6-' wTUBUvr piat.Lw n a-eiet. On oio tse eot: $pae~ of Py4ntumtBrand- couple. Write Advertiser No. Idiw, Feb. 1- iteM on- ONE registereti polleti Hore- CUTA TàEi SEA N s 189 ScugogSt. DowmaavioIced toms: l. adautaesa lirmbaO W . iuagtlea man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- boit, The Khm« O5Club ePl icAlliutor, Campb.llcroftR. MM I. Arte83 uSalosman: G. Dlyleveu ciel>'reports an activeyn k asI. ds~. Ie os 429vai .ont 1o10&1IJL NO. le Ont. 4.3-S flusMA 8-58 ol'an uallocatloaof 145fh -eo M-

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