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Canadian Statesman, 11 Feb 1960, p. 12

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mw m imle~amww* 1-Uil UNK WI1Z 5TA Till~ "a lEn 11114 "0 Brthig Cominq Eventa Articles for Sale For Rent 1 Work Wcmted Cam& for Sale Ra Estate for SaleRa Estate foriaemtaifraddt b EB E E -It's another boy!T ro ns ae h w, n w. OO led bey. Phone RA FU RNSp o m6T l o e F R af o r p ltng m d F O~p r h seSEas lVeaEsG. OI Nro M brick hous xh s yeil fe s rr Cal and Barb Breen are happy manville Town Hall, February 5405.44' MA 3-5669. 6»1 paperlng, c059,ieUe Rozema MOrCh ReaT i ni e garage, cent.aloctines eS.coorpreda to onnounce the bfrth of Dae 1Mt, 1960, 8 pan. 5-3* ONE table sa and~ one tea DUPLEXJ in Nwcste. AplPhone MA 3-2584. 4-t 10,000 miles. 149-150-151 car as New 1%-storey brick on 10 teris, private. PhoneMAktnces iatrmne.eId Efliott on Feb. Mt, 1960, at- wagon. MA 3-3755. p4QonsHtlN w~v.~e.~ ~ars on down payment. Will fin- acres or less, 4-piece bath, lire- 3-370.61'rsl<unifrrgurex Memorlal Hospital, Bowman- Euchre, Friday, FebruarY 12, _- uensh otl 256sl. ee I ndims & oocand edas eiv-ance. COifri3-2500.___61 place, furnace, 3 bedrooms,pee$5wadotdtoi. ville. 6-1' 8 pin, LaTyrone Community APPLFS--WIII deliver. K1III Phone 256- _-1 evie n &Ga st. Aret l S E uo n.r eGood buy under V.L.., or wmU Charles RankieC]c satakfeiggf -Hall, sponsored by Hall Board. Cox. MA 3-7189. 5-2 THEEM-room apartment with 6-2erie' es.MAktSTa%Tix muo nsuroace exchaný,e for a house in Bow- MUAIL. ESTATE BIROETeWoa'Asciinru GAVlarion andzs. Amarion are - B6-1 HAY for sale. Phone bath, stove, refrigerator, wasii. For personal sevce at your manvile. Terms. Service garage 42 > 5n. otwsavr omnal happy to announce the arrivai The Scout Mothers' Auxiliary Brocilin OLiver 5-3415 ater er dryer.. MA 3-3611. 6tf PLUMBING, heatlng, eaves- home çaiU Oshawa RA 5-2802 New 5-room bungalow on draullc hoist, plus brickaat rae o4 n ferrcit ofa daughter, Rosemary, on wiil meet Thursday, February 6 p.m. 6-1 APARTMENT i Victor Manor, troughing, free estimates. Hr collect. 2-tf 13% acres, 4-piece bath, oil furn-metbidn;5oe utsfrteyar$,10.Dna February lut, 1960, at Memor- il at 8 o'clock i the Green -vyPrnr yoe c.$150 aytrs etbidn;5md dlHsia, wanil.61Ro a h in e dition, $15. Phone MA 3-3970). mediately. Apply Wm. Ciiitis, SUE h es, unflos, inia oca down. A good buy! MAYAR - radna Mir Pan now to attend te 6.1* MA 3-7035. 43-tf FOR ail your opring run ¶Td Moi o mes o m numrustralloa-W. have several servct t-~ ' orgnri ~uc ramDln nm aisPl-ptin tonM.E LESK ehaeabue fragoderaiate t ep h bld jishes to announce the birth Guildette's Valentine Tea and o orfui reornamrenM edCa p n Mtios Ls E . t lit tions and restaurants lsê. epne.As oaint h , a.genddaughter, Lee Anii, BakeSale to e hldon Set- SPY apples, gledioli bls N unsedbdomwt alfor an and inintenavefuad oc,. Tfo te d raFbray1 nS.Ega aoRR ,Bowxnan- two single beds. Suitable for e ertpue.Pono MArket IRA 8-4494 -, Ben. RA 5-5574 Real Estato Broker quality older homewthfuteRdCosheMsinr t daglrh teKen and'Freda urdohy'sFere Hl ry 13 :30ivll. EgrClrRR 6-1' two business workers. Phone 61 03-5220Ed 5Otai t. BwMvleberos V1aynard, born February ah ~i' ~~S al ri :0vle MA 3-3250. 6-1 61 0 lgS.Hs 5OtroS. Bwavlobdons ______4)Dr.__5_P._61_____frsle._____ed LIGHT fuli-time wast of Wilson Rd.) MArket 3-5919 See us for homes, firsadcoe h~erwt aac § [Ibs., 11%/4ozs. hnat rt>5Pfl -1WTRfrsi.D 'rd ork for %'est OSHAWA SlsSt uiess t$6.Tetesrro h 'Blbard. 61 Join our Collector's Club et Phone ClifI Pethlck, COlfax AVAILABLE lniedlately, 5- elderly man. Write advertiser SlsSaf uiess FnShle oeCiaCn3211.36-tf room office, 2nd floor, main No. 17, c/o Canedian States- 10-tf Froddy L. Amas - MA 3-3406 We Welcomne YOur listns twn ox a bet e * Fis ne Shuel e BerChiaps-2131.. tees um 1ýîstreet. S. R. James, 24 King man, P.O. Box 190, Bown- ___1_____King___t.___ Deth ad auer. emerhi ui-12GAGEStves ~"'Eest, Bowmanville. 44-tf ville, ont. 6' W anted to Buy MA--4538-EV91S Co339crnbeganalte i , ____________________ited. See advertisement on .30-.8O Merlin. Phono MAket ____________ ____________ pf 302edataac nhn ÏAÀRETT, Annie WoOd-At page five. Hooper's JewellerY 3-5028. 6-1 MODERN 4-roi apertmpent FOR chuxnney work, new or KITCHEN cabinet. Telephone LviuUa BR .IWL- Clarenco oe t$0.Th isoir n 'the. Port 'Hope Hospital On & Gift Shop. 61 E bb carniage. Twenty. and bath, heeted;e t 12 Division repeir or any brick, block or MA 3-3460.6-1' RaLTadORS *A"_ MA 3-2624 mitnneafoainwsii ?hursda , Feruary 4t ofAUhnter1960, tzen are five dollars cash. g. Sret. Inuediate possession. concrete w~ork. P.O. Box 1083. 6 rae n asdt b m ie Wood eoe iee i teetdctzn - ply1 iiinSre.61 Cail L. Turner, Phone MArket 35 MM. CAMERA of good Members et Oshawa & District _______ichard arret_,dear codiallyi3-5820toort3-5605e.gt30-tfrnm-ke-.APhono0 MAvi-5274tret.-1-Rea-56Es -ttemBoardhoPeMAw3-574.e6-lREslateateuBtrdo!e$633.Rea 0 ioher of Marie, Gertrude, Annuel General Meeting ôf the 3/4 STEEL bed, 2 maîtresses and AVAILABLE March Isi, heat- 3 100 acres level lend wiih 50 Qeorge and Allan. Funerel Bowmanville Chamber o! Comn- one spring, $25. 82 High St.. ed apartmeni, 3 moins and EXPERT seanisiresa available ALL kinds of live poultry acres planîed te apples and Ferms, 50 te 300 acrefolce sfles !sheld et the Ross Funeral merce, Lion's Centre, 8 p.ni., Bowxnanville. 6-1~ bath, self contained. Phono for ail types of sewing and wented. Highest prices paid. pears. Balance early gardon $10.000 to $6o,000. Ifines- MuryPtrPuipG- t9aepel, Walton Street Port Tursdey, Feli. 18. 5-2 REBUILT eiectric moters, new MA 3-3489. Absteiners only. alterations; will aise do baby- M. Fiait, Bethany R.R. 1. landx.Onpeved noed one mile ed in buying a goed fù o' e litr arw m ýXope, Saturday, February 6th Thle Hampton Home and guarantee. R. D. Morton, tele- 5-.2 sitting duriing deytime heurs. Phono 7 r 13 collect. 4tf from town. Large hip-roof feu bt see us first. Saitn akKrblMi ,4t 2 p.m. Intermnit Bewmafl- School Association are heving phono Orono 14 r 16. 6.12* APARTMENT - Living-room, Phonoai Jean t MA 3-2555. 6-1' HIGHEST pnices peid for used barn. A neel buy et oxly 90 acre ranch, al seeddadvleSms r.BaJns .tle Cemetery. 6-1 a bake sale and efiemneon tee BROWN mouton ceat, good bednoom, kitchenette and bath. DANCE Band-Archie Court- furnituno, appliances, tlb- $25.000 with easy ternis. well fenced, 40' x60bak rsJckEltMs.Er EWS-AtVictora Hos in the new Sunday School condition, size 18, $50.00. Tele- Iniaid linoleum. Cox epart- ice and his Country Traveilers, vision, sewing machines, etc. 20 acres wooded land with barn. $6.500. Easy tens1akyadtetesmro -WESAVitraHsiaroom t Hampton, Friday, phono CO 3-2520. 6-1 monts, 23 Temporence. Phono 6-piece band, modem - oid Aisose so and exciienge. 5 irout Stream. $3.000 with Two service station ihtecage evleJns .ndon, on Monday, Feli. eth, February 12 t 2:30 p.m. 6-1' PLS e 5e-ps e- MA 3-2555. 49-tf time for round - squarle danc- King St. W. Phono MArket $1000 down. 1960, Rev. David Toews, in bis PLSfrslSp, ing. Reesonabie rates. For ln- 3-7231. 42-tf il room stucco house, cent- snack bars. _____________________fBng,____ft or avd lcisuccdesutlads o! rar ehehoew nrk$, o!m othei ISt yar bioedhubad o Bng, enfi fr evd lciusen Cultind. ewis HEATED 3-noomed apartmeiit, formnation Phene RAndelph 1a; ideai for oihm.Oî no os nOoe hhfrt~ya ~evt Relena May Woodiey (former- Park, Tuesday, Febnuary 16, Clark. Phono 2195 Newcastle- kitchenette and bath, wesher 3-9914. 6-1' HIGHEST pnices peld for live $13.000 with $4,000 down. $8000. ,Iy o Lindsay), dear father of 1960, 8 p.m., et Memoial Park 5-2' service, cenirally locaied. Ap. pultry, goose feathers, feaili- 6 room brick lieuse, contrai 6-reoOn houso, nearNwi!epeito eRv n Rtuth Ann and Jeaneite. Ar- Clubhouse. Sponsored by tho CLOVPRS Grasses, etc. in- ply 90 Queon St., Apt. 3 or eêm, r ticks, screp imon, nags, location, $12.500 with iow down 6-rtem o$e8iNecas0e eÎin t the Morris Funeral Memoriel Park Association. cluvaieie.PhndA -27.4g .uAUUmotels and raw furs. Phono peymeni. Chlvng ciudxngorsev- r z mmprovedringto-t-GENERAL CONTRACTOR HA 3-2043 Oshawe colleci. Summer Rosonts: We have $4,500. tee o manviilo, forigattdne.VPze on y codngteet- Siewan's Seeds, fiBowmanville. THREE-reom upper epariment, Brick, Block, Concrete and 48-if several te choose fnom on Lake 5-room furnishedliuen 11e onok Thu rymonngitendae. verybody wel-6-i _f bath, gas fumnaco, self-con- -Ontario, Rice Lake and Otten Hamipton, $4,000. ild ocloc. ItermetBii-cre Do ie.61ADMIRAL heavy duty steve, iroiled. Private entrance. Im-CretyOP of"abin' soyLk.Mnyt li ~ada Cemetery.6-1 -Woodview Comniunity Centre twe ovens, timer and dlock, mediate possession. $50.00 New Work and Repaira and Reminiscencos o! Bowman-Mne10ann.ndMr.NPttrT- -Menster B i n g o. Twenty and one man's bicycle, $5.00. monthi . 75 Séugog St. Tele- PHONE MArket 3-3694 ville." Twonty-five dollars of- Cail HAROLD C. PEDWEL et;M.aI r.Gog * In Memoriain ames--twenty dollars; five COlfax 3-2509. 64* phonoe MA 3-5919. 6-1 7 MMi Lane 5-tf fered. Write Advertisem 16, WALTER FRANK Broker CcrnOhwvside * gemes--thinty dollars; $150 c/o Canadien Staiesman, P.O. 177 Chureh St. MA 3.3393 Newcastle- Phon 86~nr ats -EL-n oi emmryofajackpot, adtojackpots at QUANTITY ofgood mxdLARGE, umîght rn. unsiied reom raîrn ipîs10 eravi. 6261-J atet~ de2ér fether an grandfather, $250. Door prizes. Nexi hay, bales averaging 50 -lbs. on ground fleer, heated, cent lseigRpis Bo 9,Bwavle -____________________ I.;auence David Belil who Monday, 8 p.rn., Red Barnn, for 30c a baie. Phono New- rai, containing new breakfast QUICK SERVICE Nursmng HDee 6K1wa ville. Êassed away February 14, 1957. Oshawa. 46-tf castie 4141. 61 suite, sinli, hot and coid waten, STUCCO AND NEW WORK HCOMOAIO om aesW-hRalEsa e ALMeoralHopiaEBwran Godkne tht h wa sufenng Ontario Fermons' Union are VACUUM cleaner, canister eleciric steve and refrigemator,ACOMDTNfolaisRA ES TE RKR Mr.ndMsHnsGs- dhtth iml ee adt holding a special meeting foyer , complote with aîîach- dishes, pots and pans, lied- R L Tptq and gentlemen et Lyntonihursi 185 Acre farm neer Mill- GENERAL INSURACbegristdtEnlRus- And whispered "Peece lie et Pontypool Orange Hall, MA 3-7023. 6-i Telephono MA 3-7201. 6-1 54 King st. E. MA 3-5030) Orono 1771. 610* acres woed, river, L-shaped Telephone MA 3.588M.ai i.RselRi thine." Feli. 23rd in the aterneen. KEys cut eutomaiicaily, whule 16-tf The South Hayon Rest Homo bank barn wiili steel stan- Box 817 lnBwavle iie r -Lvnl rmmee, yhsSeca pakr r e scyu wait, ai Masen & Dae fepW Mitd Licensed accommodation chions, Wator bowls, garage, Slsa .A taniuly. 6-1' President o! Manitoba Famm- Hardware, 36 King StDabE, HElp W LjVEY available for up or liedet.7 omdbikhualMA309 er'Uno,_____n ':0Bomnvle 46-tf PIN boys. Earn good rneney JA L patients. Phono Newcastle modern conveniences. Asking 3-08m.alMr.hresNy _______ loingme ors'. Uni. oncodmec 130Bwmnvll.Seing up pins. Appiy Liberty -44.29-tf 11000Acre fa$,00 5 acr es wi l u arei ooncoe aks croog o! a dean mother and grand- pm.L6J-2oDieto.SAVE on lumber, direct from Bowl. Phono MA 3-5663. Livesiock Shippers 1700w$.000dewn.6 aces Ver by aIow od amn e eespe ussa r mothen,.Rose Ann Butson, who Fareros' Union are sponsor- Co., Kinrneunt, Ont, Phono Se MilbrokNrspneomis. bus, 1ires, -haeod Thn is Klainvt pesen.C-Thotn'Cresvieda passed away February 11, 1959. ing a Dance et Blacksiock 17 r Il. 13-if OFFICE Junior « femae, seme nnn iadys Wesilake. Registered, biarn, waten on tep, drive shed, teins 3 stores, 2 apliet ,y ainns God saw you getting weary, Recreatienel Centre on Satur- LARGE queniity et appbe- iyping necessary. Phono New- Phone CO 3-2639i licensed nursing home hbas etc.; 7 roomed home wiih bath- and a 7-room boeuse. ,Laglo M.anMs.RyCmri Se He did what Ho thought day evening, February 1M. picking Paktraoal.csl 6ort 2011. Sec aities Lîd v a cea n c i e s for upper lied rooni, running waiem. Price willi i the near futri best, Old tirne dancing te rmusic ofContact brgakets, PrasnaerrrcsieW30or2011. ai Wey-46-26' atients. Ail patients on gnound $13,000. Ternis anranged. worth a goed deel re hnacopne m.ad Ms Be amean stodbesdeYou Jake Van Demn and bis gneup. Yukon 5-.2501. Wil eivri 5-2 C'faon. Al the îatest fie equip- 90 Acre highwey terni, 75 wliai we are askingfotiseryDidntepehus And whispered "Corne and Admission; Gents 75c, ladies. .>it ae.52ABET oAasa ir ave M nyal ment plus firo alarm. systom. acres womkeble, creeli, large block. Ail furtherdtiscna b hnler Fod(ll nest'". 50c. Everyono corne end en, «iDy aediato nuenea.care.b21kbArBERTAe bbwsAidisea. sMicrod You wished ne one a lest lare- joy yourselves. Local 73, ELECTRICAL Repairs. Prompt wave stations construction. f L Rni a n ih usn ae aklrwtrloidielesple well, Cartright. 5- service t elecRegistenedianurseLoonfloon.ayTjb.y"shedDvetc.;S10 Rrpornedeibrickd6nrso on bungalowayisednicecM;10 aoomed rs.kW6 romCaunealo larelndla Laae HawrstuctonNew" 0e ndar service, go o d liome-cooked home, with ail modern con- location. Hot watem etd iie e errmu' Nor even said goodbye, Take notice thet the annuel large an saho n der Ha77. rd- structin News McOandBod-FAST, PROMPT SERVICE meals. Inspection any time or veniences. Asking $35,000. Garage. $10,500.00. Hmtn il lignebfoewekewme tin fte 43-! 32,Mein, Wsh, .S.. -128Ontario St., BowmafflieoPhono 82J, Milbrook. 6-2 Ternis. 6 roonis, 11/2storena M.anMr.Fd mq An ôlt ber'w hy s o e! Ontario Hog Pro- 4- 12 eia Ws. ...61CORNER KING & ONTARIO _____________'100 Acre farm, 85 acres womk- school.oi liheated. P1 e e iie M.aa i.Pr, ALnvingly remembered y Dlunhai Co-operative in the 'LARGE size cribi wiih met- MIDDLE-AGED woxnan te live 24-tf Pets for Sale elle, creek, 15 acres wood, 60' quick sale. $7,500.00O 150BycTrno ducrs________________________________x 0'balibandrive shed; down. ' s.AeMMseJon the fDuirha-1mvne County Group lie con- tress, junior bed wiih mettress, in and cane for childnon whule x4'bn an .th______ veed t 1:30 p.m. E.S.T. on ail in good condition. Mis. mother works. Write Advor- Rubber Footwear RePaira ANYONE wishing te provide 9 roomed home, heavy duty We need a goed brickbna nlRs, i.F .Gapl Ivin Monday, Febmuary iSili et the Allen Macklin. Phono COlfax tiser No. 15, c/o Canadien 7Té1 T7rT good home for pup mey have wired. Pnice $10,500. Ternis iow for client. vstc tRil lselu DONOGHU-In lov g me- Tewn Hall in the Village o! 3-2684. 6-1 Staiesmen, P.O. Box 190, Bow- y ULCLANIZEDJIU one froe. MA 3-2066. 6-1 arranged. Two good ternis wned Tyo. mery et o dean moihor, Eliza- O____frhe______othD____________ad___smavileOn. -1 100 Acre farim neen Hastings, "List Witl Usfo beth Donoghue whe passed cOono, t of the prposooustneD yu oCflor ndrgsmivtbOn.6-'80 acres wralbakbrBotter M. ndMs.Ketlliantn conduci o!uthe prope19business-Boni a sander, floor polisher EXPERIENCED payrnilclerk. Jamieson Tire SopNotice to r hon omkab7looe, l homeba,RsutClkeSotanluan i. ey Fdear sth, 1942, and <>ofthe anual meeting, the or rug cleaner (shampo eth-olli- p ar with OHS.C. o N ES Crediors ieue 7rooeld hm, - gMs.CaieMor aale ourse dea sisenBevely 2w1o1.election et delogatos and aller- ed). we *d fi os.Ldertpgadbookkeeping n e- KING & SILVER 9T.OTHERS hydre. Prc inluding,5ne. ri aed eway Februa 12,1941.ante delgates. 61 Hardware. 5tf sery. Phono Newcastle 2011 BOWMANVILLE lu tho Estate et 200 acre faim, 90 acres work- aao udy Since you were called awey, Teke notice that the anniul INSULATION, lilowing meîh- on 3106. Kari Weyrich Wood 1-tf Melville Frederlck Taylor, alle, 100 acres wood, creek, 3 NE WTON VILL r nlMs.Fe eoo Be meny thinga te sherewih metino! uhemproucey r noniod, with rock wool. Work- Specialiies Limied. 5-2 (Ted)>,Aiends Ai ldaims agist the Esiate brnsmbrckhoeshev fr .r.Magretcn.;adspijg n eu1a0ngt Had you boen lefite ostay. o! the Ontaneo Hog Producors' mates. Harry L. Wade. Tele- YOUNGER? Thousends of IMPAIRSlio!fhelvillagree o ron ayqed, uTrnaaned rc 0. stheau ofeekend ithM.adMs ar0anlMraleespe Every day in some smll wey Marketing Board will lie con- phono Clake 2420. 39-tf menwomen pasi 40 pop up tlal te o otenillaet ofDu nh , whonTedroo n ungalowthe e Bew-DnVn ie.guss iLlydWlr., Memonios et you corne our venede :0~ EST 2 RHEUMATIC Pain? If yuqic wil heip e! Ostrex electrical eqnipment died on on about the 2lsi day manville wiili ail modern con- n nllr.Bl kligingo.o udy wey. ToendalFel uyin ia the lae0sufft Mn. anal Mme. Fneredet. ak WardIDIG M. ndMr. il Thogliabsntab uareeveTon Hll aree illge ! o frm lackche1959,-ToicmasteisbMae 3dayREWNI)NG ! Nveuerl199, ustlievenencs, ullbasmend iar- aal augtenBety wîe uv noar, Omeno for the purpose et the liageo, sciatica, try Runiacaps test. Oniy 69r- At aUl drug- - Sales & Service fled with the undemsigned on wood and tile faonrs, picture StiI xsed lve ad lwysconue o te roenbuinss to t lelp biing yuprmtgisis. 61 MA 3-3058 leor lietone the 25tli day. et wmdow, mno der n kitchen.AyviitWarrein n.ad i. OfDogasaOsKhOr dean. et the annuel meeting and the relief. Druggists everywhere. WER requine an auto body me- 43 Third St. BOwm&Bil Feîmuary, 1960, atter which Price $13.500 with $2.000 down. AvnWre tOhw. aa eespe usse '-Ever rememliered by the election o! representetives %54 clanic, capable et doing any 1-tf date ilie assola wil lie <di-' 2 Bodrooni bungalow ini Mr. anal Mme. Jack Elit ~O WA etn a illi family. 6-1 (delegates) te the District Hog WORK boots and shoos et bar- body nepair job. If you are trI l Vlibuted. Bowrnanville witli all moderni Beaton last weekatedinhoSdySholooiwh _______ Producers Commtice. 6-1 gain pnicos, lirown and lack, intorested ini top wages and OSHfAWA T DATED et Oshaewa this 251-h conveniencos, herdwood floors, the funerai o! Mis. ElotsMs modGlsegrpo FINNIGAN-J.n memory o! a Taire notice that tho annuelal sizos. Bowmanvilie Shoe geod working conditions con- day o! January, 1960.* ful libasemeni, modemn kitchen. aunt, Mre. Wm. Ritche iig h eraygo 'dear friend, Adele Finnigan, meeting ef producer miembers Bepair, 80 King St. W., Bow- tact Dave Spencoe t Robsen TELEVISION AERIAL SALES GREER AND KELLY, Pnice $8,500 with $2.000 down. Mr. andl Mrs. CielanlLn.m.Cabe abr i.Pr whe pessed away Felinuery ot Durhamn County Hog Pro- manville. East et Bowmanville Motors in Bowmanviloe. 5-2 INSTALLATION & RLEPAIES 7% Simcee St. Southi, 3 Bedrooni bungalow in and son Bainry spent Sna yDvdoMs ilsSy l7tli, 1959. ducers' Association- will lie Cleaners. 42-t! WANTED: Relialile man as Phono OSHAWA, Ontarie. Bowmenvilie with ail modemn with Mr. and Mnr. Cha.GI aMs oeiKln a -Evon remnembered by Bll convened et the heur et 1:30 HEARING aid service. Testing dealer in Durhaem County and DowmanllO Oshawa Solicitors for the conveniences, hardwood floons. of Rowmnvfle.chreoteDeoinip- mnd Molly Mains. 6-1 p.m. E.S.T. on Mondey, Felinu- service and complote stock of Bowmenvilio. Exponience not MA 3-5919 RA 8-8180 Beneficiery. 4- Asiring $10,000. Tennis erang- Mn. anal Min. Clinion arwid h rtsrnpeeie ary l5th ai tho Town Hall in batteries and cordsata Higgon necessary. A fine opportunity BIL AND BOB LEASK . ed. andl son Glon andAi.anlMsthfianca po. FINIGAN-In loving rnomory the Village et Onono for the Eloctric Lirnted, 38 King St. E., te stop ie obd profitable lus- 39-tf ]RepcUYS 2 Bedroi bungalow In New- Fred HSWmicson andisnPtr hwe eie ahv ofadean wife and moth:r, purpose ot the conduci et the Bowmanville. Phono MArkeot mess wliere RawleigliProducis D A E AIOedtlvsinrpis castle, ail modemn cenven- etne oIeCpdse aar1 ueadmtna oft haebe ldfryas i AI n eeiinrpis ences, handwood faonrs, fullitede teIeC Adele, whe passeda wuy Fbpropen business et the annuel 3-3305. DR7-tfShve been old for ears. Bi l7tli, 1959. meeting, the election et officens GET tho jump on olti man profLits. Preducts furnislied on Prompt service. Pick-upand basemont. Garage. AiigTtotFia vnn.dntdb eecoe a Noihing cen ever taire eway and the election et voiing dole- winîen. See us ton tree si credit. Write Rawleigh's, Depi. CUSTOM-MA4DE DRAPES delivery. George's, 85 King St. $10,000. Ternis. Ak g Mr. and Mrs. BrueLuyditiuedaog elafs The love a heurt liolds dear, getes and alternaie delegates. mates on "Carhayes" esti- B-140-163, 4 0O0O5 Richelieu, for E. Phono MA 3-5713. 29-tf 13 Roamed brick home, close o! Port Hope weîe Sildyvs o emd rteatce o Fond memorles linger every Guest speaker, Mr.' Clayion um oortaneAlni 6-1 Homos, Offices, Apartmenta URNTE elvson 0dt main Street with extra lot. itors with Mr. andlMs il.telaea.Bleweepeet deea Fep h rey îePeîdn !O-wil lie amazeti how economnical FEMALE Secretares-We have Workmanshlp Guerenteed radio service, te al maireskig 800 iuaowdwvneJnes . e na adee taie e Reemraekep hmtarie Hog Preducers. Floyd thoy are froni Cewan Equip. îwo senior positions open for CS M.S. The ervoceani was e neContact -HsadBband Cr. Stinson, Presîdent. Howard ment Ce., 134 King St. E., fuily qualitieti and experiencedi ESNBERT Service Ce. Phono MA 3-3883Cn.ct The regular mont'hly etn yMe obn iln in _ Malcolie, Seceary. 61 Bowmanviliebon PhonoMILketostenographers. YuIshouid lie7MArkei ' slo by Mme. Chance Naybo ner ea vn aits, Drs. Store>' andi-W. Grant 'cYOUNG L inncalhtorthn mn and rc 1,0.0 em.ecii missed, i tor their incnosa during mni>' _IL______________________ ' pries.J. MPao Tuig vle. Prie $l1 'J& 0. "Às.The annuel meetingr i AOAUPNU near sieeesahi ande ~a P___________________5 acres with parti>' finishoti min yte !aly spita nd minOshwaGeral mAL% MONEY O LEND. Clients' Baker, Hampon. 48-tfTEU olmn pI'3 iue al Grove district. congregation o! the Nwin 10 e nst 6-1' iedb tefmly Hiai odme. convalescence mono>' for discount purchasteofetCLOSED Holstein hoUonrs antiPicdt.62Pieonly $2,500.00. Ea>' ville Untitedi Ohuincliwshl a EOI __________home.___ iraI anti second mortgages anti igeis. AU ,blood teste« ___________inthe______ tons. Persnaeoet Hoeet -1ments for sale. inap ne A 8-1568. Ro ndBad 1%kacres wlth 8 roin two_ day evening. fo.lc YGNCuplerson- <Rugiibr_anti ternils of uihsete . 'l-1 i licitranduBhi mlrey brick lieuse, 2 bah. AUl the rgan.izetiofsed lifda 1 .1 HoCe anditnerserofDp nan & ; 200 bales et straw. Sam BOOM and board avallable ton rooties, ful basomeni, oùil în- ucciswrerpeett0n00ddna netoa tl.e RGo)MiC supomp apl aineAKE-EWMenr, Prt ennf UOh ox 20ase, OSryn &Turpor, R.B. 4, Bowman'vile. one gentleman. Facory worir- ace, smail barn, cour Bowman- reports were well prepnd uldenvelope with pruce lnst. -Oldsters looking for a home 6-4 00 npeerd PooMne il, elgHgwy.0. yCAirev. R.nC. hiiwshe CaUdAdm. .a MUxmnpe 5, 4mmlusaway frm home;,liight cheer- POUR Holstein beitoms, vac- 3-5988. 6-1' roui buy et $12,0000.I wyCa lectan aas Phllip im' bscla o mit p.0.Mai rd t. 1'28, ful roonis, leune and TV. For .. otcscinated. Dueiitheeid<of *t oertmgpne it 8a s.t.~o N[aov,-Rub er <>,nai - Mllpaiticulars Phono Port - Noüces _____Februai>'. Neil Wervr, Nestle- ]Building 78x 00 eclo et v i, I e etin openltb h lpIISoffrhayrsg 91o12.Ot. 152 Perry, YUkon 5-7967. 5-4 NOTICE TO AIL KINSMN ton, Ont. 6-4 m Od'rfff 8x20 xeletvego 0F ZONE C ~ 7~~9 lis. lv. welght.drainage. Price $2,200. Ternis. Chaima. The SecretmmodOFC OS pj~ (aalirrboM). N Wcmtd toRent a a , ~ ~OF 18ZONE udontT Riyr p9i, 300eacbt. h MITwo modemn buqalews Inethominutes et lstyeran Od touhFl ______________.No________ entCuhOshawa, excellent location, miel meetirng andalthywr c..18p. r toehwlong you haie had r____________________eYOr pck $300«e a1 n omltIwe amy b. able HOUSE te ent la vicinit>' o!fvod. o u W ttha u w làb. Phone Mr. PRienstra, O<oo s' vrymon t. ewdonpy-aot e .O ogantion wtt ne Sbelp you.Write for free Bownuanvle for elderly at22316b utxcu, o . 6-' wTUBUvr piat.Lw n a-eiet. On oio tse eot: $pae~ of Py4ntumtBrand- couple. Write Advertiser No. Idiw, Feb. 1- iteM on- ONE registereti polleti Hore- CUTA TàEi SEA N s 189 ScugogSt. DowmaavioIced toms: l. adautaesa lirmbaO W . iuagtlea man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- boit, The Khm« O5Club ePl icAlliutor, Campb.llcroftR. MM I. Arte83 uSalosman: G. Dlyleveu ciel>'reports an activeyn k asI. ds~. Ie os 429vai .ont 1o10&1IJL NO. le Ont. 4.3-S flusMA 8-58 ol'an uallocatloaof 145fh -eo M-

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