This image of the KINGSTON is featured in The River Palace by Walter Lewis and Rick Neilson, recently released by Dundurn Press and available in bookstores and from online booksellers like Amazon and ChaptersIndigo. The book features a large array of photographs and other illustrations from the vessel's launch in 1854 till she was sunk in late 1931. In the course of her career she was known as KINGSTON before a devastating fire in 1872. She came out as the BAVARIAN in 1873 before burning again. From her second relaunch in 1874 till 1904 she was the ALGERIAN of the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company. Finally, she was renamed CORNWALL before the 1905 season and was later converted to a salvage vessel. Today her wreck is a popular dive site in the Kingston area.
This site is an ongoing experiment in the design of a "digital library", a collection of documents intended to be of value to those researching Great Lakes History.
A number of people have combined their efforts to bring you this collection: Dick Palmer, Dave Swayze, Peter Warwick, Ken Macpherson, Bill McNeil, Rick Neilson, Gerry Ouderkirk and Ron Beaupre not to mention the talented and creative people at a number of linked sites.
Detail of the Kingston from stereoview
Feedback is welcomed. Please send to Walter Lewis.
Marblehead Lighthouse
Kaminstiqua; in for winter layup and repainting at the Port of Windsor during the 2011 winter season
Kaminstiqua; in for winter layup and repainting at the Port of Windsor during the 2011 winter season
Coming Ashore!