Wednesday, January 10, 2007 · Page 16 H a p py 2 n d GRADUATE Phil and Audrey Barnett proudly announce the graduation of their son STEVE BARNETT from Georgian College, Barrie with honours in Automotive Marketing. He has accepted a position at the BMW corporate office in Whitby. Proud siblings Ian & Marla and Grandparents Bill & Marg Barnett, Essex, Joe & Lucy Uyenaka, Leamington. B i r t h d ay BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT COOK (NEE PATTERSON) Big Brother Kye would like to announce the arrival of his new sister, Keira Noelle. Born Dec 16, 2006, weighing 7lbs. 11 oz. Proud parents are Craig and Marni Cook. Excited 2nd time grandparents are Jim and Theresa Cook of Essex and Mike and Joanne Patterson of Windsor. Greatgrandparents are Joe and Joan Schneider of Chesaning Mich., Barbara Patterson of Windsor and Gladys Down of Leamington. Great-great grandmother Maxinne Miller of Chesaning, Mich. Special niece for Jodi and James Stone, Melissa and Rachel Cook. COLIN! January 14 Love you! Granny & Grandpa Pocock Just Moved? Newly Engaged? New Baby? For FREE Information And Gifts Call... Florence: 776-7062 Great Job Son! Love Mom & Dad Happy 35 th Mom! A Neighbourhood Tradition Since 1930 · Jan. 10: Learn the Art of Taoist Tai Chi. New class registration: Tecumseh Arena, 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Jan. 11 Comber Community Centre 6 p.m., Belle River Legion 7 p.m.; Jan. 12 Tecumseh Arena 9:30 a.m. · Jan. 12: St. Paul's Anglican Church Pasta Dinner, 5:30-7 p.m. · Jan. 12: Essex Optimist outh Dance, Essex ommunity Centre (old oly Name School gym), rner Townline entrance, -10 p.m. · Jan. 15: Monday Night Bookclub, Essex Library, 8 p.m. · Jan. 16: Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow, 5:45 p.m. at McGregor Library, ages five and up. Register Mon. Jan. 15. · Jan. 16: Essex Retirees' Social Club Health Fair Active & Well in the New Year!, Essex Retirees' Social Club, 32 Russell St., Essex, 1-4 p.m. Information 519-776-6689, · Jan. 16: Storytime begins Tuesdays starting Jan. 16, McGregor Library, 1 p.m., ages 3-5. Register by Jan. 15. · Jan. 17: Take A Break program is Constable Gamberta , Essex Police, talking about phone scams, postal scams, email scams. Essex Retirees Social Club, 32 Russell St., Essex. All ladies welcome. · Jan. 17: The Belle River and Dist. Hort. Society meeting welcome Bill Roesel, Forrester with the City of Windsor, 7:30 p.m., Emeryville K of C Hall, Cty. Rd. 22. · Jan. 17, 18: Storytime begins Wednesdays and Thursdays starting Jan. 17 and Jan. 18, Essex Library, 11 a.m., ages 3-5. · Jan. 18: St. Stephen's Church, 5280 Howard Ave. Dessert Card Party, 1 p.m. Everyone welcome. · Jan. 18: Kingsville Essex Associated Band free informational open house, Kingsville High School, 7 p.m. All ages welcome. Info 733-8147 or 7363771. · Jan. 18: Friends of Canard River meeting, St. Thomas of Villanova High School, LaSalle, 6:30 p.m. Info 776-5209 ext. 245. · Jan. 18: St. Clair College and B-RAD Program present Bullying - A Community Dialogue, Cleary Auditorium, 201 Riverside Dr. W., Windsor, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Info 519-972-2711 or · Jan. 18: Essex and Community Historical Research Society's Inaugural Meeting, Essex Community Centre, 25 Gosfield Townline W., 7 p.m. Local historians, genealogists and all members of the public welcome. · Jan. 20: BethelMaidstone U.C. Roast Beef Dinner, 6 p.m. Advance tickets only, call 519-7358411. · Jan. 20: Destination Hawaii, Essex Library, ages 4-6. Register at library. · Jan. 20: Essex County Purple Martin Association meeting, 9 a.m., Colasanti's. For information call 776-5777. · Jan. 23: Friends of Belle River meeting, Belle River Lions Club, 7 p.m. Info 776-5209 ext. 245. · Jan. 23: Ballroom Dancing starts, Comber Community Centre, Tuesdays 7-8 p.m. Register 519-728-2700 ext. 259. · Jan. 24: All-U Can Eat Pasta and Fun Night for Autism Services, The Ciociaro Club, 5:30 p.m. For info and tickets 519734-6387 or 519-819-0709. · Jan. 27: Chill Out at Your Library, 2 p.m., ages 7 + up. Register Jan. 15. (Essex Library) · Jan. 27: The Essex-Kent Bluegrass Committee presents New Found Road, St. John's Parish Hall in Woodslee, 7:30 p.m. Info 519-776-8716. · Jan. 29: Essex County Farm Safety Assoc. general meeting, Essex Civic Centre, Room B, 7 p.m. Info 519-727-6409. · Feb. 6: Essex County 4-H Awards and Sign-Up Night, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Essex Legion. Info 727-6409. · Feb. 6: NAMI Ontario (National Alliance on Mental Illness) in association with Leamington Hospital offer The Family to Family Education Program, 12 week course, 7-9:30 p.m. Info and registration 326-2373 ext. 4155. · Feb. 12: Essex County 4H Annual General Meeting, Room C, Essex County Civic Centre, 7 p.m. · Is Food a Problem for You? Contact Overeaters Anonymous 519-973-4580. · Watercolours by Steve Brown on display at Essex Library the month of January. · General Games Afternoon every Monday from 1-4 p.m., at the Millen Centre in Woodslee, sponsored by the Woodslee Friendship Club. Everyone welcome. · The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit will be holding a 6-week "Just for Moms and Babies" series at Essex Civic Centre, 360 LOVE KARLIE & AIDEN xoxo Fairview Ave. W., Essex, Tuesdays 10-11:30 a.m., Jan. 16-Feb. 20. Register 519-258-2146 ext. 1340. · The Golden Years Mini Golf League meets every Thursday at 9:30 a.m. at Colasanti's Tropical Greenhouses in Ruthven. Register 519-326-3287 ext. 35. All welcome. Listen for MINUTE on CHYR. PUZZLE NO. 70 ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 70 HOW TO PLAY: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3 x 3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: you must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column or 3 x 3 box. · To all the women of Essex County who enjoy singing? The Heart of Essex Women's Chorus sings every Wed. night at Maplewood Public School in Essex at 7:30 p.m. Info or 519-727-3853. This calendar of events is compiled as a free public service for non-profit groups and appears on a spaceavailable basis. While we endeavour to fill requests for publication, we cannot guarantee publication of all events submitted and cannot accommodate requests for multiple insertions or lengthy descriptions. Coming events should be dropped off at our office, faxed to 776-4014 or emailed to This calendar is not intended to be a comprehensive listing of all community events. Please check the classified pages, display advertising and articles appearing elsewhere in the Free Press for more information on events in Essex and surrounding communities.