Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), 6 Sep 2006, p 28

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Wednesday, September 6, 2006 · Page 28 WOODSLEE Thank you to Mrs. Elaine Butler for a wonderful service Sunday. We welcome Monique imone who is sharing her usical talents with us hile Marguerite is off the ext couple of weeks. Our sincere sympathy oes out to Tom Allison, his ister Ethel and the Allison nd Salter families on the assing of Tom's wife, orothy Allison. Just so everyone knows, ric Olson had surgery gain on his brain last hursday in London, eturned home on Sunday fternoon and is at home oing well. He would like o thank everyone who sent ards and well wishing hrough family and friends. od bless you all from Eric, eb and the girls. Any ladies interested in elping with the child care or the Mothers of reschoolers (MOPS) proram for two hours per eek, please contact argaret Ann Gold. Church givings are runing into a shortfall. We eed givings to be increased 0%. Post dated cheques re welcomed Our secretary, Lisa, will eturn to her regular office ours, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., uesdays and Thursdays, Tuesday, tarting on eptember 5. Sunday Service hours ill return to the regular ours: Belle River at 9:30 .m. and Woodslee at 11:15 .m. starting on Sunday, eptember 10. Woodslee Pig Roast, aturday, September 16 rom 4:30 to 7 p.m. Tickets: 10.00 and $5.00. Iona College is requestng assistance to help estock their cupboards for heir Student Food Bank for he University of Windsor tudents. Items required are: anned meat, cereals, hunky and ready to eat oups, peanut butter, juices, oodles, jams and preerves, tea and coffee. Items an be brought to the church BROOKER and arrangements will be made to get the items up there. On behalf of the hunstudents at the gry University of Windsor, Iona College thanks you for your consideration and support of this project. Please save your Canadian Tire dollars and place them in the container on the back table of the sanctuary. We are hoping to purchase a new 12 foot Christmas tree for the next season. Thank you for your help!! Also, please remember to save used postage stamps, Zehr's and Sadler's grocery receipts and Campbell's Soup Labels. Thank you! Golden Links card game winners for Friday, Sept. 1 were: Blanche Vetor, Mary Demars, Carl Leclair, Vera McMurren, George Diesbourg, Ethel Allison, Don McMurren. Door prize to Sharon, and Madeline Diesbourg. Next card party: Fri., Sept. 8 at 7:30 p.m. Attention all seniors! The Woodslee Friendship Club needs your help. A potluck will be held on Fri., Sept. 15 starting at 5:30 p.m. at the Millen Centre for anyone interested in helping to keep the club alive. Suggestions for activities of interest are being collected on a survey that is available at Donna's Hairstyling or by calling 519-975-2634. To find out more about the club and the potluck, contact Lloyd Dewhirst at 975-2303 or Margaret Gaspar at 9752069. COTTAM PAQUETTE Doug Fields won first prize; Cecilia Edwards had the most peppers; and the door prize was won by Louise Perrault. evening: Wednesday Louise Perrault took first place; Eileen Ames took second; Cecile St. Denis had the most peppers; and Cecilia Edwards won the door prize. Bridge winners on Thursday evening were Floyd Cascadden and Phyllis Armstrong. Programs for the fall are resuming right after Labour Day with the exception of Tai Chi, which will start up on Tues. Sept. 19 at 2:00 under the leadership of Toni Moore. We appreciate the help of so many in our community who have helped deliver Meals on Wheels over the summer months. Help is needed with this program throughout the coming fall and winter months. The commitment is for one hour, once a week for a month. If you are interested in finding out more about Meals on Wheels or any of our activities, please call us at 519776-6689. Salvation Army Sunday School will start up again on Sunday Sept. 17 at 9:45 a.m. Furlough list September 10 ­ Major Vi Chaulk (Hotel-Dieu-Grace). We still have several on our prayer list. Essex United Sunday, Sept. 10 - We will return to our worship service at 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary. This is Recovenanting Sunday with the Sunday school and choir. The flowers in the church were to the glory of God and in loving memory of Dorothy Allison and Colin Cameron given by their families. Thursday, Sept. 7 ­ 10:30 a.m. Communion service at Iler Lodge. Saturday, Sept. 16 ­ Craft show and luncheon featuring a variety of crafters. This will be held in the gym from 9:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m. Lunch will be served in the lower hall from 11:00 a.m. till 1:30 p.m. Come and enjoy. Sunday, Sept. 24 ­ Congregational Workshop on our Mission statement with Bev Robinson from London Conference for all members and adherants. Holy Name Parish Picnic ­ Sunday, Sept. 17 at GessTwood Camp. Mass, BBQ and games, fire trucks, kids face painting and more. Everyone is welcome. If you are interested in becoming a Knights of Columbus member, please contact Terry Connel at 776-7812. If you have a child who will be entering grade 8 in the fall, it is time to register them for Confirmation. Preparation will begin in early September. PreConfirmation Rally Day, Sept. 23 in London.Please call Claire to register. CWL general meeting ­ Tues. Sept. 12, rosary at 7 p.m., meeting at 7:30 p.m. CWL Night at the Race Track ­ Wed. Sept. 20, 6 p.m. departure, 8:30 p.m. return. Tickets available from parish office. New schedules are ready to be picked up for Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors and Ushers by the sacristy in the hallway. "When your relationship ends" ­ 10-week program begins Sept. 20 at John XXIII Centre. All denominations welcome. Confidential. For info contact Sandra at 735-5152. K of C Fish Fry ­ Friday, Sept. 8, 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Are you baptized Catholic but didn't receive the other sacraments? Maybe you have never been baptized, or you were raised in another faith. If you want to know more about how to become Catholic, contact Claire or Fr. Larry in the parish office. MAIDSTONE CROSS BAKERVILLE ESSEX ESSEX WOODSLEE Youth Ministry Training Day ­ Sat. Sept. 16, Villanova High School, 8:30 -10. Training is mandatory for all those who want to volunteer in the youth ministry this year. See Claire in the office for registration forms. Youth Dance ­ Our first dance for grades 6, 7 and 8 will be on Fri. Sept. 15 from 7 - 10 p.m. Call to Holiness Conference ­ Sat., Sept. 16 at the University of Windsor Student Centre. Free to university and college students. Must register before Sept. 7. For info call 944-3168. This week we lost a former member of our parish, Lounsboury. Rosemary May she be happy in God's arms. I will miss you, friend. It's that time of year again ­ time to go back to school ­ so I thought I'd make a few batches of strawberry jam whihle I have the time. Strawberry jam is at the entrance of the church. Proceeds to the missions. ­ Thanks, Therese Before the Threshold of My Day I've much to do today, dear Lord, But let me kneel a bit Before the threshold of my day That I may enter it With mind serene and heart made fresh With fragrant heavenly dew That every moment of the day I'll be reflecting you. COTTAM PAQUETTE MAIDSTONE CROSS BAKERVILLE COZY WOODSLEE CORNERS RUTHVEN BROOKER OLINDA BROOKER COTTAM PAQUETTE GESTO Essex Retirees Social Club Card winners for the last week of August were as follows: Monday night: Floyd Cascadden, first place in Pepper; Lois Tapping, second place; Betty L. O'Neill had the most peppers of the evening; and Ann Simpson won the door prize. Tuesday afternoon: COZY GESTO CORNERS RUTHVEN OLINDA There will be a meeting on Sept. 14 at 7 p.m. at Redeemer for former and present wardens, council members or any other interested persons concerning feedback on ministry positions as part of the evaluation process for Safe Church to help us evaluate and make improvements. Please make every effort to attend the Turkey Dinner Planning Meeting to be held on Monday, Sept. 18 at 9 a.m. at St. Stephen's. St. Stephen's Parish Council will meet on Tuesday, Sept. 19 at 7 p.m. Redeemer Parish Council meets on Thursday, Sept. 28 at 7:30 p.m. Dessert Card Party to be held at St. Stephen's on Thursday, Sept. 21 at 1 p.m. All are welcome. Our sympathies to Dorothy Vanderbeck and her family in the loss of her son-in-law Steve Beno. Wednesday Services start back on Sept. 20 ­ 9:30 a.m. at St. Stephen's and 7:30 p.m. at St. Stephen's followed by Bible Study ­ studying the Book of Acts. Services return to normal times next week, September 10, as well as the return of church school at both churches. Youth Group (ages 1015) will meet on Sunday, Sept. 10 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at St. Stephen's. We welcomed Sunday into the body of Christ through Holy Baptism Isabella Celeste Reaume, daughter of Kristopher and Sarah and sister of Hannah. The next meeting of the Seedlings (children ages 49) will be on Saturday, Sept. 16 from 10-11 a.m. at Church of the Redeemer. The topic will be "New Friends". ACW Fall Tea will be held at Redeemer on Sept. 30. Keep in mind our Memorial Hymn Sing which will take place on Sunday, Oct. 1 at 2:30 p.m. at St. Stephen's. Please have any information for the newsletter in to Barb by Sept. 12 or before. Jacqui will have a box at the back of both churches for donations of eyeglasses, hearing aid batteries and used computer ink cartridges for use to further the work of Leader Dogs for the Blind. ESSEX & DISTRICT CHURCHES Bethel Christian Church 119 Talbot St. E., Cottam · 839-4632 Sunday: 10:30 am Bethel-Maidstone United Church "Come and Worship With Us!" Essex Gospel Tabernacle 335 Talbot St. S., Essex · 776-4667 Sunday: 10:30 am & 6:30 pm St. John's R. C. Church 1688 County Rd. 46, Woodslee 723-4458 · Sat.: 5:00 pm; Sun.: 11:00 am = HEALTHY HABITS, HEALTHY WEIGHT ­ is a booklet published by the Heart and Stroke Foundation, available at our office. Each year, over 76,000 Canadians die of heart disease and stroke. And over 60% of Canadian adults are at risk of developing heart disease and stroke. We can win the battle against this potentially fatal disease by modifying our lifestyles ­ starting with weight. This useful booklet covers topics such as: Goal Setting, Fad Diets, Record Keeping, Fat Facts, Eating Styles, Grocery Shopping, Eating Out, Active Lifestyles, Staying Motivated and more. Pick up your free copy today at Essex Community Services. WALKING, THE ACTIVITY OFA LIFETIME ­ is another free publication available at our office. People walk for many reasons: to stay in shape or manage weight, to explore the outdoors, for therapy, to take a break, to find adventure, for companionship and improved well-being, or to raise awareness. The more you walk, the more reasons you'll find to make walking part of your daily routine. Topics included in this booklet include: benefits of walking, planning your program, getting started and setting goals. Pick up your copy today at Essex Community Services. LOOKING FOR WORK? A Computerized Job Search Station is available for public use at Essex Community Services, 35 Victoria Ave, Essex. This computer is linked to several employment and job search related sites. We also offer a computer and printer for preparing or updating your resume. Bring your own floppy disk and paper, or pay just 5 cents per sheet to use our paper. YMCA NEWS - Our Fall Program schedule will be out in September. Session 1 classes begin October 2 and go until December 8. Look for Babysitting, Home Alone and Safe, and First Aid classes along with our Karate, Fun N Games, Indoor Soccer, and Basketball classes in Essex. We are also accepting resumes for Program Instructor Positions until the end of August. Please fax to (519) 776-6852 or mail to 35 Victoria Ave. Essex, ON N8M 1M4 For more information on any of these items, please call 776-4231. Talbot Rd., Maidstone · 723-2284 Sunday: 10:30 am St. Mary's R. C. Church Cty. Rd. 34, Maidstone · 737-6869 Sat.: 7:00 pm; Sun.: 9:00 am Brooker Baptist Church 269 Belle River Rd., R.R. #1, Cottam 839-4953 Sunday: 10:00 am Essex United Church 53 Talbot St. S., Essex · 776-5121 Sunday: 10:30 am St. Paul's Anglican Church 92 St. Paul St., Essex · 776-7711 Sunday: 8:00 am & 11:10 am Church of The Living Word 1697 South Middle Rd., Woodslee 723-2535 · Sunday: 10:30 am Gesto United Church Gesto Rd., Cty. Rd. 12 · 776-8870 or 723-2284 · Sunday: 9:00 am St. Stephen's Anglican Church 5280 Howard Ave., Oldcastle Sunday: 8:15 am & 11:00 am Church of The Redeemer 15545 County Road 8 (formerly Colchester North) Sunday: 9:30 am Grace Baptist Church of Essex 120 Talbot Street North · 776-6222 Sunday: 11:00 am The Salvation Army Essex Citadel 26 Talbot St. S., Essex · 776-4628 Sunday: 11:00 am & 6:30 pm Cottam Baptist Church 161 Talbot St., Cottam · 839-4789 Sunday: 11:00 am & 6:30 pm Holy Name of Jesus R. C. Church 146 Talbot St. S., Essex · 776-8483 Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:30 & 11:00 am Trinity Anglican Church 247 Talbot St. W., Cottam 776-7711 · Sunday: 9:30 am Cottam United Church 137 Talbot St. W., Cty. Rd. 34, Cottam · 839-4266 Sunday: 10:15 am Rock of Help Christian Centre 43 Fox Street, Essex · 776-4158 Sunday: 10:00 am & 6:00 pm Unitarian Universalist Church of Olinda 2953 Olinda Sideroad, Ruthven 326-4352 Sunday: 10:30 am Essex Baptist Church 71 Maidstone Ave. E., Essex 776-8563 - Sunday School 9:45 Sunday: 11:00 am & 6:00 pm 11th. Conc. & Baseline, Maidstone Community Church 735-4717 · Sunday:10-11am. & 6pm; 2548 Cty. Rd. 27, Woodslee Tuesday: 6p.m. 975-1082 · Sunday: 8:00 am & 11:00 am St. Clair Baptist Church Woodslee Prayer Essex Christian Reformed Church 276 Talbot St. S., Essex · 776-5071 Sunday: 10:00 am & 6:00 pm St. Clement Church 9567 County Road 11, McGregor 726-5127 · Sat.:5:00 pm & Sun.:10:00 am Woodslee United Church 2616 Belle River Rd., Woodslee 975-2252

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