BeaverToo (Oakville), Nov 30th and Dec 14th, p 13

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Grana Presidents~:)_, FYollcalls TECOTASO su wrnanccc. «. ficers present. The minutes were. approved as read by Mrs. Wink.. Mrs. M. Mc- ~ Leod reported that the recent baza- '_ ar and bingo were highly successful and thanked all:who had helped. - The Sick conveners reported that Mrs. Burton and Mrs. Little- of Baileybury* were ill and that Mrs. ; _+. MurielyTresidder: was' confined -to { hospital t Aylmer. ; Mrs. iley thanked .the: Camp 2 - Yor thé flowers sent to. her while a pans uma patient in the hospital. +>) -) Dufing récess' the ' gift donated ; by. Mrs.) Smaliman was won by P Mrs. phe "Mallett, New Liskeard:~~ . : Dotdtions were approved for the ei ; Xmas Seal Campaign and the Re' "© tardédChildren: 2s well as a Xmas oo + <* gift donation™to: bee 'Manor, 5 ; New dhiskeard:. >. &. Mrs "Houghton- took. 'the 'chair with" Mré- M McLeod HA Marshall én er from the! Rev. D. Ashley, Bible Society Sec- tary in East. Atrica, Madagascar' "Mauritius, relates how the en- siasm of the people in- Tukuyu ) Tangangika to attend a' Bible! sie by aie meeting had to be curbed ap écial detail of police. One Was actually arrested because agsaulted the policman at the rib "the 'hail in his eagerness eat was the response that © who had tickets' from ) (eg ae ee admit- |LAshley_ "also 'relates how he the villages in the neigh- oe ee "of the towering. Mount be Fes Kilimanjaro. There had -been a = crest Gros in this part of the ; r pane Panny anid in: the: sent i 'in 'Casi. the- mines : : post } by. the people in the' Pare "hills, Gvas put into hia hands for Pee Side %6 London' for check- > me See BP a ing 4 printing. -An edition of i . \Mark?in 'the same language was y . ready¥for distribution and was be- mi oe ing» ,as part of "the Million | ) Go: eras i campaign. ] - Sage Bible 'Resiines 2 . Dec. 17;* Lake "ry 57. 80 fi - Dec. 18, Micah .6: 1-16 Fe - Dec? 19, Luke 10: 25-37. y..% lay; Dees 20; Euke 15: 1-24 as 1, "De ~ bn "Luke 24: 1.27 18-25 'OS RR se wr ---- ess : than 500 0 >= | Vidlen. In south eastern Alberta, °in dry, sparsely -vegetated 'hills of the Badlands bordering the Red Deer River, a story of violence and death of 70 «million years- be- fore' the dawn of history is being uncovered. "The scene of the. discovery is Dinosaur -Provineial Park, locat- ed near .Steveville swhere. the - pet- rified. remains of a -hooded duck billed- dinosaur. are. being _pain- 'stakingly~ exposed from - 'their stone cea of the Alberta Department of Lands and. Forests. : - Lying -on its right side and- al- | shoulder -to- the "tail, the -skeleton _ \of-the* mammoth reptile will be '|uncovered and Jeft in-its present position. A. protective; wooden 7 building has been erected over: it. - Dr. Sternberg; formerly wth' the : National Museum and: a world au- thority -on life in the dinosaur" age, has been able to piece' together }several of jthe details "which make of the: reptile. The Ginosaur which was. approx- almost. half was a-spined 'tail, was probably killed for food by-a ear- nivorious enemy. - Part of-the tail is missing and as | the bone structure does not -indi- cate old age, it is likely. the duck- bill amet a violent death. 'The head of the reptile is "missing, which would indicate the giant body sank- into a marsh or swampy. area and was partly devoured by other pre- 'ky the discovery .of deaf. imprints: in the rock near the body, proving that \thevarea nearby was-vegetat- Jed. The body. washed 'into: the -pre-; 7 |duckbill ~was able te- "swim, and: the Ocean which at one time 'Cov- ered. all the area of the badlands was dts. onky protection. ' re Included «in the 'skeletal remains. are the tail, hips; both hind. limbs, -bones <are. lying in. almost. 'exactly giant <body. sank into the morass. 'The tail is immediately discern- quence' behind the trunk of "the body.:.'Fhe vribs, hind - degs, -and some: tendons . perfectly' pemaated 'are in'position. -- 'One highly. significant tind is a perfect skin impression of 'the scaly hide, pressed into the 'stone. . According to Dr. 'Sternbeng, who Lbroom 'and several. small chisels } carefully. uncovering "the -skelton, = -was made by iRoy Fowler, Alberta 'Park. Mr; Fowler, .who has -spent |years exploring the area,- noticed the exposed bit of skeleton' : erypt 'by Dr. ©: M. Sternberg, on. Sa ree }uncovering of the <sketeton. At the cl abee! qpeifectly: preserved 'from. the. ing .area "was carefully removed ee ae? ot tte-death ip imately 30 feet in-length of which || 'dators. 'This is «further 'borne: out}: sent position after death since the} 'feet: backbone and ribs. - - These |. the position they were :when -the} 'ible, the «vertebrae lying in se-|| thas' "spent two months with a wisk || the 'bones are /not as penfectly . pre-} "served - 'some -which have' been! i Alberta Ba. the discovered. aq saur Park dists,, skeleton has not it- over the passage of tin as an almost perfect fie which can be partially exposed ee left in its bed of rock. H . The first hint of the discovery Lands -and - Forests - Department Warden of the Dinosaur Provincia] a.few inches_above the earth. Be- made the Atberta government re- tained Dr. Sternberg to' oversee the time it was not known how much skeleton' remained below- the sur- face. of the ground. 'The surround- and "the painstaking job of 'careful- ly chipping away the rock began. The dinosaur swill.soon be open: to "public. exhibition housed -in a permanent -bullding circled - 'by windows. Lreports of infected -dogs, nual m.. ario Veter. tion, 'Said a markeéa ready evident-in Northern untaiso. The government so far has held 16-frée dog clinics. west. of North Bay in an effort to "control the spread: - Dr. Wetis said the-fox population is larger this syear, 'which is in- dicative of an increase in' infection. "Fhe rabies spread "is fastest. after cattle "are 'stabled and 'snow is on the ground, when foxes-are forced farther afield for their food: ~Dr. G:.P. Mullen: of Walkerton, in Bruce County,. commented that in his. area there 'have been several eats and cattle -and. atleast: two cases involving -humans. "er 'd from. awit to selling ? won, to institutes. at reduced costs. neg : Haileybury Public Library | : will be CLOSED all Christmas week : Re-opening on Tuesday, Jan. 2nd, 1962 _ ak New ee Hardware -- FORMERLY P&F. HARDWARE ura aim: m is £0 pleose you, c our customers; with. quality. merchandise, fair prices ond = ~ eo > €OME it 'AND LOOK 'OVER. OUR- NEW STOCK OF "CHRISTMAS: GIFT ITEMS * SMALL: "APPLIANCES | - GIFTS FOR ONE AND ALL "Toys eo - le ~All stock is priced to oe fogs reductions "Hailey ybury Hardware GORD aney OS 2.3244 . Gar Hoots ere now open for ibasiaece 4 good service. anagement | POWER & HAND TOOLS a BILL RICE HAILEYBURY

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