ae rq ET — = es ri — een — *. ———=—< 74 - < Fp Fa 444 . a = - = : . ye - $444444 5 oe appr ts oo PS Bs $444+4444444+4+4 +44 Re cB ee — , = | $4444444444444 | TH : = , _ | ] . FADS | MAKE AND MEND ( : ! cf 3 ’ , < = . ) ; a2 - : * CL OTHES la 7 AND CHARACTER. + J Z r - = nm —— . : = — — — : MOST EX . = 4 rao , | Cheer = a : a SKETCH . i | 1 . : = —-—- -- t! - a a 5 XCLUSIVE JEW ‘ELLER’S SHOP HOW. BRITISH : ee ee the Eye * UU r ABDY +4 ++ + eee. ned ter det a i \ “ ' f = Po \n , hea a a a4 +++ cz =e . + IN THE WORLD. JACK TAR SPENDS - fety and Worry edim Them. | > ae Gave SN sae 2 e : _ : =| - ; ‘ —_ oes ee hie “lee » AS. HIS HALF-HOLIDAY "To be able to read a person’ : 2 ~~ *.. oT eee > : ee | f at first sight is, inde peregnie crea DUAL PERSONALITY OF TID Hardly Anybody But a viggall | ESF es A And, when we considel very important, F THE SUL-|+ SS . t Very Ri yatty or the} Thursday Afternoon J ont _- [committing a far wales pasted merely TAN OF MOROCCO. San , | OR, AR ABELLA G | Td 0 Ree ery Rich Could Afford to Ways T s Spent In Other my possess: the Pike eerste we ste ; a eek, ii | -EENLEAF’S + Deal There. S han by the “Making and evs HOnet peed De excuse : eee the Loved and ae Seer t ; } : j == : = e es : 1 rey ra) . a ee : ta an | : : : . i = > & 2 ES * -* = : ee | PERFIDY 3 on ee . a4 Mending 7 ol Clothes. a person. ne Rate read ihe character at ais ¢ lated hy His ‘Subject a Ps +4+++4- i S454 i hare 3 ss ee ; ; = aa seen floor of a modest bul ; E Th ita ra ne antic and. Charmir n Set ie sf b+ $4 oe++4 ae ot << +44, t sak = a side-street off Piccadilly ine One bak day each ee eaneeey ; “are cies of the eyes as regards the | | Re ee 2 -_ PASTEURIZID = oa Na VSS E+tt+tttststrtas setts tt +4 + Hacaest headquarters of perbaps the THureday oR OO Se ahy eet Sp se at ly Peet in. Dinstabenie i Al Bad ane Bs ING CREAM,» ae ata ee MBS, COVES Arabella pte Be peuvecerereres |: + writer suander A Be IN a ee nh watch ona British war. dy bythe Ranges a eet name- | Personally hi | xh iene db still many a unitary —_ who knew exac | i GDe a{tnir, tak nswers ™ lis way 3 in thei which th ee | ohtikin is appear . Gcks an . butter ly creamery = put to her, } quesvions would | writer ret) rom an old letter- |, parent establishment is i _ |deck, pausurg ab he ee ; : os . g, yet he is not e is very) try da not un ers in Wiis” ns 3 . had acquitted he ud | writer, and coptd i Petersbur is in St. she each” hatchway here is m ralher shor a tall man, bu | 1 not understand the — Se greal credit yuilted herself with yt Linings many hightflo sburg, and it has rt. | shout after a prelimi ay ore shrewd short, short-neck f , but] of paste aa py MAPEAES the » , and her pr hi sentences co foe ( Tnghtown pA, yas branches 1 }silv oa preliminary whistle of his ness of obs ness and keen- | '& d : necked and a asteurizing cream, ry ae who. was 0 proud lady mot sais . oncerning ihe a 1; every civilized cH ital j ~ amt silvery pipe: “ct. sue of his ; servation. wi =cIl- angerous] pproach- yy few ipges ea m, and com +e s one of the ther, | rill,” the “silvery me pearing : pital 1 Europe. The .: “Ha-a-nds make d than witl : with deep-set eyes Rut J y near. to embe : farmers h ie any cal pa: fanned h 1@ Numerous visitors ; very starlite,” and the ~ name is and wou! : e& | elothes |." <¢ and mend 1 prominent eyes, | DUE ne has such dieni embonpoint, | cept ave an adequa erself o , silors, | morn rt — “ 4 12 “Pozy , would be ynknown 1o ti gles The occupanis of percelyv = ODS. Whate Mig = h ys en dign ily ‘and di : rs “p or of what thi ee} Up Lic te heard on all si ymplacenily : ” which bemg spelled general public ak 1@ | deck—h 5 lig the lower- VG AS convey ver we | S¥ch an air af i : istinctidn, | Some “ ik process ahd Acie jy as she} were, pr r spelled as they iM pup, and a peculiarity of | <—both bluejackels means eyed to the brai are imperial yet slinction, | -ome “years: @, . the -nolet 17 daughter sides the praises of h . presented a most formi concerm is that it b y of the] raise a j and Marines— s of the opii rain by | Such instineliv yet genial pride. | ters cars ago Meno led Fre’ . : er| pect to th a rmidable as hat it boasls no sho -fronts a joyful cheer at the w | deeper piic nerve; thus rh ive command de. | teriologist, Paster Window oy And no e fastidious youn and pays no huge r shop-Ironts, | ings 7 ‘ he welcome. tid- r the eyes are : * thus’ the weld be recogni _ , that he} grea = steur, disco ne w nolhing . Alsou | : Ez main. F : luge rent for @ good 1 BS and straighlwa Prt closer thei re sel in the he hi| bo : enized in a c | eal many. la i oo ae“ ee evening exhibiti Pa remained but th = et Arabella had lake tion in a fashio posi- | (he best y proc eed to make ser their proximil e head, the rn in the rowd as one | We . pre and animal di 1ibitions << e| pains with her n much onable thoroughfare > best of the half-day’s resp! Nery. , : y to the brain. T i purple and accus <re produced b. 69 Oe the priz , ; ab which musi er letter, at least = A door opens ‘ ' the dr ys respite from e being shor ain. The | homage ecustomed lo fe; y bacteria, UW é compositions ; sic and|of the words Ww ae ee fourth | ¢ pens from the landing of ul .@ dreary, monotonous i quicke: x shorier accounts sm cund that bacteria a abla tet : for ; f se SAS : parr r _transmissi unts for Moreover. i acleria are ik entlertainme ns formed the chief] the fi ds were misspelled, and by second floor mk cette f the | man-o’-war routine of al cont ansmissio ‘ ya eover, in spi many re. respons’ ont. At iief | the. time George ht : Y | offic ’ ) a plainly-furnished ar. On any ot sight. sion of sensalti atti , in spite of his - anv changes in al] kinds ns large sch F dined an early | : rge had finished re di office, containing 5 the hands w ¥ ver afternoon . ion and lirement and - monaslic re- nats 2 ges in all kinds choolroom y hour the} er tertai reading he ining a couple of hu fes yands would “turn io” A ' d -seclusi as well F is of o Ss were detis ertained no other feeil ; and th a ge sales | di n io” shortly afl A projecting ness of : sion, and ti fe ‘as. inor = Seek ed. Among th e densely crowd ee r feeling tow ard tk ¢ usual oilice pa h dinner-time ¥ er 1. g eye mor . Wf those he ¢ few- | Th mS ganic SS } , -_| wrijer than one = 8 beac etc paraphernalia. YOU | cjeani ie, and drag oul the < iinpressions e readily receives | 2@Ver » he meets from outs! | Through’ his discov Tee ; George Cl a de first who came w =n han one of disgust, 40 thi eve welcumed by ; eleanin . ee s agurs bYT ay ' ms from sur a eves ver descends outside, he | lear 1 I eoveries it © ayion—securing 2 e was| with all her showy st, to think thal) pair sy a slightly-built, fair- g paintwork, polishing st it indicates ~ rrounding objects ; | intimates s to familiarity with hi ned that the ripening of ci as possible t scuring.a seal as near) showy accomplishments haired, good-looking y . cet brass rails whi 4 g steel and | vation, s “eady and univers jects 5]. ates, never allow y with his }-th . the ripening of | o the-s ri had neglected w : » She | wy ; ing young Russian : which are aiready } : valion, but : universal obser that he is * lows them tf e changes thal a should not 1 lage, so thal ie d whet to him was jwho speaks Engh | ssian, | of dazzling brill y in a slate , but a lack af Clos ea 1@ is “My I em to forget) unde al take place ose a sing! he | most important ' was the : iKkS ENP ish wilh the slichtes! aZZine lliance, splici perceptio ne ase scruliny and they. hi ord the Sultan,” bnder normal ay ies rae t LT self had grad gle word, He hi ant of all, for in nothi i) foreign accent, 3 ghiest |<ccraping mi _ splicing ropes; ption of individual tu ¥) an ‘vy his servant F n,”. and | abo conditions are viously, an ut two weeks +) > : of the young mor ; that. delightful ay ime VIL Toft ihe d Sto a se-ppols from ple with deep-se Poe de . never doffs th Ci 4 Abdel | lea ia. It has furthe d was mo s pre-jent than 1 @ appar- | aictinguis HL courtesy which is sucl tf the deck, and in Ul ale defini p-sel eyes receiv fer j ffs the grand red that if th — tour of E w about lo mak an in a badiy-spelled lett distinguishing trait of s such 3 ; ie pursuil-of finite and accurale ij ive more | Fr it all the t rand manner, But | i if ihe _ bacteria no -of Europe together with: hi lake ala long time ere he er. ILwas | gj uishing trait of lhe educated RB OTHER TE (hey ccurale impressions striki > the duality of him i cund in milk are destroy at ae who’ was ‘Dp gether with his father le ere he answered il, i sian. ‘This yo us- HER TEDIOUS OCCUPAT rey are less readil ssions, bul |° riking, 7 im is most} will k are destroyed, th resenl. They we er,|) the few lines whi _ and then | ae young genticman 1 the Lon- . CUPATIONS discursive i ily impressed an : will keep sweet 1 i 2 ee ae next night * ey were to cail the : which he wrote ; dor manager at = ‘ * ne Ver "s * CHPsive i their = amd less MOQUTI bd oe indefinitely. ; and ut nim ’ = hej ccld, so different fr : » Were SO Spusiness and thes ry few of the me tak digas person _ views. Rourd-ey { 1S WEAK When we <l ee evening | th 2 f: o'clock 1} cae =i from his firsh = . ri the pro ri ' 7 ; i Son liler i , 1 Lake the pipe” . S S66 much a “s PEL “OY ex! T AD. * e esiroy bacteri i wey WE" : this] a fit of an = st, that in| 7,3 roprietor ; for with the wonder ally. They look _ sense uch and live much 1 he Beloved we gay that ‘ia it Ms ‘York “Durin: e io leave for New| ger Arabella tosse 1 it j (ui ramifications ic fi onder | afte y look upon Thursday | w s, but think les ch in the | Moori covers his ' t we sterilize il .. During the examinati New | fire, repent ssed it into. the -ations of this firm, it is neces rnoon as a holiday, r pOUES@a? |) Narrow ESS Meorish —fashi s his head: in cthe’| Hexeby, thal: w j 6 eg BA hac rise examination Ar " iting the act the sarv. thal éverythi " neces- | {j y, rather than as % Narrow-eyed pers [ lion, but c y,:thal we kill all - -yisen greatly in G rabella| and, as if | e moment after, hype ‘ab everything should. be done 4 ime set sside for the “mal as “1 think persons see less olds that encirele hi ihe concealing | Se0mis Ui the liv) und if she yin George's estimati , as if lo make amends, writ T,hthe very bests - done in | mending” e “making and more and fee e less, bul} aw circle his head Bly it contains. There are she had see . ation, | relurn a | Is, writing in ry best stvle, and educ Li yending’ of clotl . TH >| more inte ; way the bea do not-hid ways af Nay ere are. then, sh med beautiful to hi ; eng letter, «to whi manners ar : ee education .and | y.¢s yes, AJL along lhe 16 larger the nsely.- bi eautiful _modelli: gos sterilizing milk. — r i e was lent ld. » him | came. no r ee 4 which there ers are a necessity yiess-deck men - ; VS clearer i pupil af the ’ irTows or the deli elling of hi sterilized . ilk. - It on when, with flowi ‘oll more so RoW response, and thus fl ate ia avery ' are stretched out in earer the intellect eye, the | brows e delicate outih 1S | ni ed by means of heat, cold. a wing cur - W, pondence end s the carres- = et) ey very eonceivable attit power xt and the quicke “rows and n = we of the eye- micals In sy cold | whive musli ving curls and s a ded. ALMOST INCRE > itude, the so ‘| powers of compre : yuicker the |] ose, — Th ‘ Ho €ye- | ‘ order. t aes ‘ uslin dress, § : simple Eighteen NCREDIBLE PRICES enores of _ tt ’ norous | « nprehensia ‘llong and é e eyes ar tm AS alee oH td sterilize Ay : mont - oka 1. 3} ‘oui Pe ae ‘On. f and lu : e large, |ieans 0 it is Te fully across tl . she tripped grace-| Mada months later, and agair : thoroughly = eepers proving how | he “ple who show the whi melancholy minous, filled wi on) | il f heat it is necessary — 1e stage : me Duvant's gain Leading off the « : ghly they are © . helow whiles abov choly ant re ith that | *S lemperal ity self al the piano aoiiiee sealing her- Ley meetiuies : aida were crowded severely = inet oe is anolher room, anal mend.” 4" oe Sie the “make ae ea pupils the ceacbatyh ga and | Dyck’'s sonirait of °F we see in Van cooling Sows to that of boiling éxqquisite aki : and sain =} Cr : , WL. this Lime Ari E c f “a : teal ASL y furnished ir t + easy = . F s Lh 1S neitt er at an half Sit 3 “ i ry resl- lé pix () King * , OWT! and rehe lir - ss ill the 3 . £ wilo jreenleaf was rabella Louis OVAL “s “ mB | L he : hi TrOL enirancin f de — 1 find F : ple. 4 Ou ‘i ore now led g Charles—th iymes 2 = 5 ‘i ing tilled HNIKg ; We -known song J ils nol here tha o , : tel Aas pet ocd: You are chow ‘ rlowi Ba espile the many this kind at ' " will never] k : Ee of evfferi . in sucecssion Ordin “f , More. Never 1 song €n- Clavyion was, , though George ihig. and asked if you™ , shown into | Bowne eulogies which hav Yi) bl» p d of eye in clever or sensi nows whal else? suffering, and wt necessa n, Orcinar ily “Then followed ever More.” an , eagerly watchi = Soe aeaee if you “would like to s len of t ae ch have been wril- people ; it is genert wer or sensi- | his face j else? The upper porti wal ST ry to sterilize th nen wed the readi word and move ’ ng each {some little things.” 3 3 to. seo hat existence. ‘Th stupid e s generally known js face is wholly > upper portion of it desirable if but ae renee mi positions, Mi eading of the c novement of Mildred Gra- | 5! ; ie tne as the young Rus- rises eacl a o bluejackel Poy ye. as the ] aristocrati vy poetical, scl if butter is lo be ™m ildred bei om-| ham, whose une a3 red Gra- {sian pus it . g mus mach morning—wintler The co! cratic. Th , , scholarly and from, but it, i ™ first. In ing called oy es unele had insisted up< i eer Sarat nt g—winter and sum- color of . tl e falling of , but it, is sufficien en st. In a clear alled upen remaining sisted upon her} YOu enidisiit mer alike—at five o’cloc SUM-} fluids of vari 1e eyes is caused 1¢ mouth, loose li g off comes wilh iemperal t to hea vwoiee she and. peculiarly sweet) 5 bb at school until she U Tring be in a private hous + worki » o'clock precise] f 3 of various tint : by |a wes ae ase lipped and thick . : ure of from 150 to +Or read, chai sweet| should graduate she, too, | yeur host € eet use, with wking in instalment ¥:] darker s or shades a weak, vacillati ick. with | Fahrenheit 186 allence> he i, chainmg lo satin Hd grauuare, and who now, j ’ ost enterteining you, for % : ents throughoul th arker the. more ndes, the | js <. ating chin eit, and then fear we audience, w perfect | received the Hidhes : ow, justly, | teous offer i e you, for a cour day until “Pipe dow tint @ | conse oe condensed in. quali jaw wilh a forwar and a feeble }*uddenly 1 | cooling was done ee, which when she} Ver > highest honors ol paw plates tl s offer is made of cigarettes -twhich ti own |" —10 p.m==al] ar quently dark eyes indi quality ; ard droop | y to a temperatur : s doné yreeted her wi ny In Sather Very beautiful look of her class. | light refrest gareties and any which time the qui aAS ‘cr and light < eyes indicate pc sce S ; degrees. — This } lure of: whispering er with noisy cheers a ooked the young gir freshment that may take y * |few 3s quartermaster gives é ight ones delict icate power, IS CURIOUS CON’ ; . This prociés is ( Zone to anothe 5 eers, | US she modestly recei Spe g¢ girl, and fancy To S a, y take youl ay sharp tools of his pi ves Q@bsuch thi > delicacy. The " S CONTRADICT erization . cal sure lo wi other that she was odestly received the c¢ ¥ o the uninitiated Wits ~~ | hatehw + lis pipe down eacl such thing as black eyé ere 1S no : ION he a Ith, Arabella * Was ments of ther fri ' = ite compli- seem a A a : : iS Inahy MLCnWway, Eve 7 : ! 1 : - ACK eyes, i ithe A man . Fi . % ; , é ie : é mee riends “ tow n extraordinary way « = = “1 then Jack's i are ofte : yes, althot ' weal , re . : < ae was the last Dats tae d re-|ias not the Sate abaaiaia go ale yee jewellery ; bar sh ee - oe Ket owns for nie watches nie e ie sreaking mrhe dar rere writing and Sipe his Sparesiene se ae tee oS FL : bed RET ARPEU RE Z eyes and que ath POUL, lash-| re ted : i a ng eye which | U a , 15 €xXp ained that cept on deck, ef ics = tag e to Delp . 1 darkness is stronger -th ressions on is for the eee yea eenly air CSIs upon her, for , : eh | this firm éaters solely : : i, each man iak Bs Ely by a : ss is caused si - ger than 4 another | }j 1@ purpose of pra f, veya the mas y air she coolly sur- | hier , for many now paid]! srs solely and entirely for 3 this fatigui daking his turn] eg A condensation © 6im- | sis! umself, too w ling all tl praol ‘ ‘ Lr 1s of h ei | 3 a Ir- oa homage Py pac he very WwW > lt} Bees! = ae. 3 ¥ ay ‘ rs | 1uIn Es dut " Tl colored ee % i} 8 Oot Lie pigm + i ‘i —— 9 Loo indoley t ? A eak lo re- - 1¢ bacteria il caught an adnvri eads before her T reall y wealthy class, and 15 u fic of the sailor’ y. The greater part ‘ raiter, which, if di pment or) he is ant to resent. 5 produc! it conta : ; vwinvrin — Foal | 5 That ni r} f = iy th ee — q = no icial- he sailor = " ork * : “ ] ,' SEl i 3 I Lit hh. if cli ae A . il!’ 1S by hi : = = Shut otf 7 . cing what Nn a Clavion. i ; INE glance from Geor ight Gecrge asked D e jeweller to all the crowne ¢ lar s work is of a domestic spirit or acid = ssolved Im] say is advisers f as | seed ay be lerm a Wa and then wil 1 George nie. mee. His , © LS He io sce her af Europe / : e crown d heads uc such us ecrub =e slic NA- | fiyt of v HG, |W suld be of the hes. save what they ae rom all contact 4 bed into which { unr lead her a h ik <leady hat d : . i request Was grant : pe. this pariicular quict 2 ' Fe (le ‘|. of; - il ru bing jloors—or : . 4) vellow, Th oi ae 1e pa Wei we | ey earefully cr a i ‘ teria be 7 ee he-speci 2 manuscript ¢ y hand] when next she parte anted. and | trading will be u way oO eCkKs ables. stools j : teristics ‘ ere are many ‘et erkd, how ¢ J yjoose in the ct suiled to the 5 subject was “ script and read, Her} as fi she parted from him 1 ding Ww} be understood ' = a , SlOUl, eltc.—and is. pi ‘istics altribul y charae- | successi an he be ot! ot. may : ripen ward Life,” » Oulwuard and the In- Cor ares othed. Immediately afte CIEE is safe in the office the Russ! sturd ta is z fo a full-grow “ves, bul there > cdlar of the] j : Q reflection , a | crea’ : aig 2 Me “ and no gray-hairé « In-| George's return from” E y after| brings in ar : ; . the Russian | 509 British subjec grown, | fo: is no anatom Mie yin the transci s, _mirrorlik “aim after it has bee handled . pray -Haired ence ever i mn irom Europe Z 6 1M al mifuls ol little while p cag: ee , ; F . ject. Many of the oc As hem, There j : ‘) vical basis ‘ 7 ‘jence? Al ! im Ike dle 5 ay? F d it more ‘Skil sage evel heard lhe slory pe he had | wood eases . Like polished cupations, too, are aS ? NE OC | sic ere is certainly ; delermined, st once foolish and Brees Fahrenhert 4 When she fini . skillfully than she.| end} eC CES of Arabella’s ae : ases, are invented solely to sion and intensity | y more pas-7 |, strong and feet ence } Ht Should : che finished or wr she. | end if no ather cic > pe rlidy, He opnens the KEEP’ 7 rey i : Silty If dark eves ‘ : mad, aml withal eble, good and is because heati of applau = “7 1 universal burst Be # C1 Wmstan¢ces tad “4 - ia “ oF ani Mem carelessly, ancl ante A THE MEN EMPI Cc as, : a il nel erty [, blue rors m, ody Wh hereas t ae il i Very bra . i alure d ee . Ing {a tha , sa shook the buildi vurst| pcsed to wean hi ad inter-| “What a pily y a . iat held ig N EMPLOYED. and mor EO OATS ealculating, ¢ as had the co ve man, wh as not destro centre, while | 16 building to ils this alone iim fron: her entirely aa ily you were not here tw« Often a doze are precise, Haze g, cool, | insti jurage to fight ~e “i teria oe y all of ’ . her name w = s alone would have ¢ witirely, | days ago: 1h wa dozen men will be ems iy be indicali ’ nzel eves are sai slinels of his ri ght agains the , and if it cools hip "Ss «J : : el | TLV iW ais On Th : iS J ( hay Fey aon ' if : ‘s i * Ee t acl some lovely t} ‘ ; - e711) 1 ‘i F Me employed on idicalive sf i E _oo-= are said f i 1s Tues and { r] _ mH Pet al a slowly s she triumph nee every | could not respec a it. for he}could have sl > lovely things I} ~ na fal” to polish bri ness. fick of intellect, agress empl to rule i amily and at- |} aining in the cre . Just then : LE ably left the rc : specl a woman who w eins wave shown you : which pollsn bright we rk ss, fickleness, love, % , aggre able-| tashi @ in an enlight “| -ltiply to ream would Saran heli ; poor. | thus meanly st ‘ who would ho. ihe-auee 1 you. ich one man could do si : kK] temper , love, and hastiness jashion over thos ghiened, modern iply to such an ext : of nine. a “ot ell struck be hour li a! ea Is OD iO deception | ) the Poor scribe the fine thi a li ae a0 singlehanded *HIper. astiness ol bel Wwse subjects “5 the ri a OX ent as lo » and George Clay! a hour | lingered in G—— for ._ He had| has spread | <, > things he order, therefore, to kee -| Prominenc ong to the ag . s of his, who] <iq ripening process | go. He was sur go. Clayton “urase lq | newing | for the purpose of re late re ad in lavish profusion on the employed Rory ae ceep each man] indi ninence or fullness OF ie 3) Sea re ge-of Genesis sides. if it i $s later on. : s sure of Arabella’s s awingt- his former acquai se of re-| table are quite pre cnr oe non:he eee the “workers” hav indicates lar ess-under the eyes ss,” says Abd "ea. 4 it is nol cool and in the | Arabella’s success, | Mildrec ler acquaintance th | ori jwite pretly enou th. 3 tha sam ; ars” have to polist ese ven oe jarge langui eyes | Nazrini ys Abdel Aziz now, w butte : maled qu i. all below Hi . , | allt red, lhe resull ; ne ith prices are sue * fall, and the Na Some little stri JILSTL TF rit] 4 - dnguage “ and + (welaruiiy talk ral P, Ws WW hen the r acquires fA cook ‘ gone to bid tu low, whither ‘she had | seen of which we have | cr ee cuch as to seem almost i again and ‘ p of steel or brass 1 prominent eyes he 5 persons | nol y fe reform, “but the ti ‘|. There. ar ced tas } im-adie : dd) seen. e have | credible. yst in- | 260n AN again, which sti uS5} mand yes have a great c nob yet. Hasle is : he time Ts re are now on th hand war ‘ sul, he shook her A ae aeve _ 5 : alCH stale: of Alf = ind of wards * great cOM= | .s sle is of tl ‘a a b : i (40 = i tH é mar 1 army, telling % bel \Lorified hey i if yelops in the men | : : ays | ong - os being ready « ‘c¢ lhe san 1@ devil! ¥ at especially 7 ys Lor Sep mT ty yo -ASUr Se rn ts nae hit of “feigning | 7 jlers © speakers | j same man w et hey; pecially diigned for | midde him & ¢ her how happy 1 heard ond measure Arabelle e5.000 IN FIFTY tial work”= : n a habit of “feigning Gnd WIE. ady speakers } into . mb who. was ng & or 7 sce her thus victor! if: ward of her cousin's ela sha PTY MINUTES co proceeding whic E} The or o a new syst as persuaded | 4.5; called pasteurizers, "h winning fron s victorious, and | Wh sin’s engagament, and Seca sailor disgus @ which makes: lhe e- organ of langui l system of taxatic divi : f rizers, ‘Th ‘ » her t : , d hen George ¢t js : re it. and Sra. isgusted sleepy @} ae st x f language, or i «6©Moors ji x<olion. that Jer myvided into 4 him when hé ra promise to wrile | bri ge came at last to clal Hiamend .bulterflies, oTe pored sleepy, and bad-te as it ought more pr ge, or eloquence _] ors. In a comdll il ) two classes, conl en he should be « wrile to | bride she refus st to claim his | hai terflies, hroaches, ami pered, It is, then mie —DaG-tenl | fies’ j = nore properly t . Jawan, and wi dition of absolu: intermittent ; ae Hal an ft a OVeELT he Tari nbs a rec (ah Ts hin qT: r haul ornaments | eat ot ty F 1A i hive ‘ke | Ls. Eh great ra) pel to he Lh iW Phe hrdiry | 15 i a he called = : Who by the : et VL La | a : weer) pasleurizers P WHIT later nr) i ; ss 4 UL ix enting herself f Li »— WW iWfhuaiiyv cy are ve iso. all pl ee ranging from a! Jac Le LS tc pass the Li J Ne | eye nf steed ye Lyin He ball ' Wis ured le . Ww Sane 1 uence “ ba 's ils adivant - aie press was beari if eee the night ex-| Slould vs rom home thats ¥ | $4,375 to $351k) are afie cee TR VASES . time jusk as he | gf sat the tap; and wher e-hall of the } (rc 7% Q drag forth a ect bee antages. After br aving him far away. .4x-| should not witness the brid hat she | ordinary | fien to be seen in} sates ihe eve . when large it pushes irom. the shri : an assassin} 4, pasteurized an hour later dar oway. Half | place s the bridal, whict * orainary jewellers’ shops Behi the eye outward a pushes | hitherto invi ne of Mulai | a f eurized, & COMMECE ash and with flus geal res lace one bright Octol sy ene took | are in plen! lers’ shops. Here tney tchind the guns, or in ol ine promi and «kawnward, cau ilherto inviolat drees, the | © bacteria 4 Usk oo abella alee lished hrow Har torest F + October morning whe Ac If plenty, and act J = eo ecTners S, OF if other alluring = DroOniiience or i ; " aul, CHUS- | And hs ra! Ne ennetuary 7 : ie : _ usually used - k cack up and rec ve ‘ 4 West irees. qs af i aT oh] 101 | cays . cy 7 " , Sto yaa 415518n frie nck F CS of lhe yessel grou 1 = Eves th , aon prajecti PT the holiest _ Pa ¥ of Moroceo a for TIpening Lh = prix’: which consisted ¢ sctived the | cecasion ST ke n honor of the liarce. OT OOMTSS anybody ty be seen engross ps of men are | jeer s thal are much € J PROT on. | forthwitl Fst. mosque, and 7 #9 | tires consist of @ crear. snsisted of two eleg ' n, were dressed —— Me tee TS et aE an make }« “4 engrossed in a i Keen @xaml employed in | vilh to deal eal put. litm ires consist of on ee ti ri 1 volumes 3 1} fi |+ gantly eorgeat “ : , ‘ eee | {hei = : Lis |. ins only in =" »{ Til cs ; f nap, i ret oF : E Ls quiet OAT Fat a a amination vf s : lies Lt he ilies {] ; “th ts Ls The I ii “a [4 at a - special i it of Wort J) 2 us pohbes, 2 r most! pf a . 5° Lhe rasbied ikker | at rie, hist. or one = and olrsten of objects are bri leath, but not : . nin deserved ‘ria that has bee : Colerid && vad Tesworur nit | singing = man itl ihe birds es tut it is for art ‘1 may sa ie “card Fe tary ’ me of {he many Md ae ening, wheres i wight| and thos it according lo hi : hiahes : n found te — Reg 2 SHANE Ver farewell songs rds were] we are renown 43 may say so, thal) Othe games? popular amongst set - | screntilic f, whereas the eyes of the ind those of Alxlel Azt % his lights highest flavor to wae ren RS, eee ae New Hine): Nore oo a * ae oe 3 Aeon of a*imore elevatra an ofa. pues Seaiencal ane being Renee ese, and not all thera and it Is thal readily see the sdventtahe “ft Vy the ak ’ i ‘ rom ihe px or A rabell 3 x / a er, awailed Ak Lie fag “KS, in cases no I if ror Lia evel, delectati Fe - } | : maine j SMO bcd od til cl rid l a a him offen = i a er thin re 5 learizalh * wa 4 a | ; : a MA lia. for scarcely ihar Bie ae yh gt gre = Cha Lon il ey much ocular discer yb requiring ensive io his ; E- in mation, id enables looking i, a little benl, weird ONE a. for scarcely was Mildr iran photograph-irames problem « 1 av yauzzling | q ar discernment, ate &} turned LS peopl Le to es the row oman arose rd- | ore io her soutl . ! i lildred her ti “ct =a pobinae « Wwies,. vs rh {he me ne hee I. of chess or drs : ae 6 badull ent, are somewhal ; e them avrains pre that has t produce pult ; : + r z Ist, ¢ hi 1 : ll ot APme 4 Oa Wl J ih : sills ATS 7 “ 4 I fa = Hoe ¥ s % Eh - = " 3 a | of way through t , and making her red flag of hern home when the enutiful imiaid « namel. and work w : noisier of the men s wghis. “pe i Lol . S t the Sultan ne haces un : 1 crowd { ty Hag oO} ithe act ! he}? am a : 1, BY work W nich |r je eT) cepek recrei ri aa | Rolling of (hh CHAI oT + s he can control th - she stool upo wd advanced until | the wi auctioneer waved Ir fa ane 2a technical @ | forecastle avil realion on the |Sfe; ¢ of the syebalis mai ARMING PERSON ces e ferm ; on the slage windows of Mr. G rom | } al enough lo describe. | ; “asiie, playlig darts ; ‘| eleadiness of he gears indicates ur . -RSONALITY css, Pasteurizati 4 ; her Jong i stage, then stretching | US | of Mr. Greenleaf's Juxuri- } mii the whole product eribe. | ing witl ying darts, quoils, shox Wad ees cares of character’ the pup 2s un-| Yel, déspi ae 7g value eR OR mg, bony finver low’ ‘ ray us house. which ; : Mor § uxuric beim e le producing an. effect of b ith the air-rifle at % : : Shi hold as NAPrACIeY, hie pupil chi al he : @spile all. Abd F slue to {he farmer W who hail oak b=} UW ul ril mi ral ol] 1 Lu re . es , ‘ Vi it a its Cet =f lv f aad | ae! ng heaulyv 1 :} a | ! tal i it I : or : k " 4 ral diminut AE Lar F tl sleady opt “fF, - ie iH at YOu Lil CVG + a . a # A | AZIZ is i : fy wr + at r [el AN fi relurned, she sal “ ad _ was sold bo the hig! sily. furni-) ing ¢ uty WHICH only a paint-|~ in boxing and wrestht : move ak y central position ¢& as raring, tbe most polis he most |_ om hig own herd lover of justi ; she said, “1 am % the fami ie highest bidder, i ing could reproduce. T a0] ; sand wrestling, and iove about from righi and not} liehtful « the most polished anc ery rd as i justice, and ahat i i family viprts , i IMIDE, and) runged 7 4: : uiice. These little cla les OTHE Al ae 4 an aa righi to left Pu ful af I Rie : a and (le- cry. It. ts wssi : 5 peace the very eres s hold my | Heir RS Maen: tan dependent upon renee, ei eee from $1,700 to 38 n00 0 HER STRENUOUS PASTIMES a coe Honest people with a up| vaice and eer persormainies,——this chooses Mawaraet ; against me Yonder ould cry out) the first shock or support. When | wi > a diminulive engagemt age Xi n ihis half-day ea et aenre look up and strai 6nd in- | and: remain wi are very beautiful, | ne av mder young | . 2 shock Was ray : en | with = T gagement-book, | sp-rink!| s halfinay there 1s alway them p and straight before | | } remain wilh o y beautiful. | | ~ ! r F right to the = oe : A Ady has no | Prope i ike ever Mr, tree tant : pencil sitacned bv «tk oak 5} rnkhling al iy S$ always 4a = 2 ot Deore | fe is ; 1 one long Ew okt Be "eS thi i : - pl ie. fe r a i : | jp hese a that I is “11c a z f ae | be = rk : < " iid cord “ i | J Le i) Wye Whe c aeF ck : E; le; et ‘c z bs) ea) el io Me “| i - “¥ en willen LG? the Cre 4 ce PL a has palmed off Ne Hy ja which | and thus bring Ma ae srould teach, oer there two bridge-boxes er 56) rebate io wrile home to ios es Fave i Stel aes enlarge the eyeball and. well bred ner othe courteous froma Siaat ins hat " the Woodla eye mwn appeared | CUM slishn ¥ se her boasted ac ach, quite simple, yet ch Ree. Ae dred. Ce; Samat nds and Kin- as the pupil, ‘TI ht * Eins feelings en wughtlul of 7 ab many diffe ‘ a J and Gaz “Le . sh }! shments F ss ‘ it we i 4 ae na 4. ens 1A (esi 7 b ated tailor-fi hig anpear | : Pu. nat is hy eo IMIS. These ‘ ae . Ol others hat paste Pe = a1 lished in “1 JSULAELE 5 fl puper VL } | {i : Jaa Cyl" il Lime ATS i; :) F i and heaulifully worke , =* pti. sThOWV 1: F . aSH1ON on i ; es itt la reer in v i Wy Ly Py eS ft} ne , Vy hn lave hi 3 r Ge ve UT izaljon ce an obscure ié pul rat. but hearing a Arabella re- | Ser Mika) vorked in enamel I wy deck, his “ditty” He | Wi he — youll) than ij 2 se who have iim best are ic fvidentk fr : is of village. How sure New Hampshire which s = if al last of a <il ") Secms incredible thi ‘ F Liknee- as ee iy” box upon his en hope is smal 1 old age. | He : Have known du : ‘ oe rom the fact ' ‘= ae y she came by it, 5 . which she thought mig Beate silua lion nannle wil le that there shoul " ee - as wriling-desk, ¢ : US| hecames’ anxi small and the disposilie o never fails to inspi lim longest nade in Denniark i act that } a F perhaps, explain, but ee il, she ean, applied for he abe rice please her, she | ere willing to. pay -0se prices Abe} perched in a Seen ie one an Inkpat oP eri anxious and Rode tar ae respect, bul a An pins es i from ero ee is now man Al the Gormmence een mistake she at hen But, alas. the | ro ; — . ipa {he Russian nasually “y the sailor struggles ph ek clase by, "en ae elderly people's pes iF eyes | and seldom , faithful awe or gratitude— jeris eine : Angi and Di speech Arabelli - a ills & ran ire the oT ‘ili = A ri She aba rl ‘Ti: : i ' ae al el i! PMN in } ere ES : J afien err 1j c 2 ' LS episile L ry ehrunkel i a =a ‘ is. Ae hit 1 : ness, He ‘ ah A : ay 1g ra) be th p he a arose as if t Ben spelling-book far . one | just looked © yesterday. Hel ati spending the greater par »j lost hope ¢ ion because they have is day—and afler i is before ored ang best & ihe hig ~ wma who Wis - ha 0 cefy the | stead A til plana 1 i - ‘ F ha A round “nl | + “ar bd ofiernogn F a Ee Li 2 a | pal L, ol the HME at an ear) 7 i Ss Ai Lave coward 4 a | it. He * ony as butter in {} : as thus blast *— ; in the way, for gain | heidge-hoxes al apap : vw took tnAree in gnawing «is pe ariy gee. : , a devoted fol is a brave 1807 the: cot i¢ MV ~ NnuMme bul at ti} = J Ini her good play a tet wi Pr ng one wonlkd em- - fe-DOkeS at S550 each ees : f Last. bub bY ~ = 1S pen. ive has 1 follower of it! et . a atentry passed i ; . vo he mentor = . encher so jameé m-) cigareliecas 1, a gold inlaid y no means least, ¢ es is flouled: his “subj a religion ling everybody ‘ sed a lav land Gazett yn of the Wood ror so jamentably ignor gareliecase for mé | men whoa ob east, are the —i- and ; his subjects ybhedy to h tte she fainted a + Wood-| of orthography. Nor is 1 dy ignorant | twe ott ¢ for macau, and one or} {] 10 obey the pipe ; ; und long for his jecls love him, |@ ¢erMin.? ; reat their ¢ (rei the siti ane Was Carri i I | ; as esl ar FS it. ob 3 1h oe | Wii OLED tile 1) Te a 1@_ OT thal is ra Bad lat i pie lo jhe hel er'— ] oo = its death or } a 4 . =a SM). length of ti mar reel. wetite i i re hits she will ever r LS proba- i I; * aa : 2 Migs . “Til altace! nae " §, at hial.v 17) les = ; N CLOUDI AND'S ~ Ls alxlicatlion if ahrenheit Le ta 18: came forward Madame Duvant now | Prese. eRe aed rise higher than her | e spent $5,000; and he was ogether | hours of ease F ploy the precious AND'S REALMS "hea enheit before ripen and address present position—thal o n het | fitiv Pas 2 dad he was in here} j s of ease in fashioning . = ae int He into perming ATI spoken words 1 ssed a few low- until : mb of a plain ce E LLY minutes only ~ ~ ying OF Ps bai SHMOnIng New cloth- By ‘ ie butter For < = a to the we mntil she goes back . sewer— | pretty.” i a Hit. sec, this is Bw patching: up the © * By A. Banker G =e years ther : or am ewerecl aloud Hy , man, 1G, ho an- re nal & : : er Fa) first pri ei les pre LL} i ait oe is el. thing 1° ee ms a { older, fy" “night- hi sHOSTS AND E i : 2 Was ore or sabes i nave the bes commences 2 iti " cing CIP Ms. ahs af By suits. Ine 7 et Ame A = LAW-SUITS tc this new ' : iw less © eee for what I have oy yt ” Fe beginning with jcneeaaaas despised cohimn ee Ta SeenON cut out af p re ': AT) adept with the eee rege tah ie pase I ne many and va ied das Rnciaan : . et ai UITS. ers soon Anat nbitd. Hirt but ives in New Hi said, My son, who ping Ty n the shape of ar ae “aving a length AICEGRS B18 thread. | aaa 4 which tend t ee ae ee instances Where §& rg adjusted themselW Ne ampshire tee ~ (The End) vou ple .of a nun; $400, if ying a length of Navy serge ¢ ad. | add te nae 2 o. beautify ar Spooks Have. quirement! selves f eends me the G . occasionally a TU). . please. But ‘to a. € " dyvek-. Te y serge or white » the attrac y and 16 Fi - aye 2cen . mis of the Jaw » Gazette, and i ; ae: % o nu connoisseur the pon the deek. Jac te | ness ; aclions and ar igured in tl Universi 2 Jaw and ber. which ¢ , and in one nun Sema ee work itself was we 4h ' el yarhious pat . Jack chalks. out t ess of this fair le lovell the Cou ; Prsally followed wi ; st came nearly a yet ; l- Ss A ek ohps rth almost that suo ts: LOLS patterns with the eve Ee Mia firs a éarth, cloudla A *. r Ita ber =i ; without ec peared this very article Say ago, ap- “71S THAT CLOCK ae x fan. S1,700 5 a dear little aabticice noisseur, aflerwards Bi eve of a Cone | cys = place. How surpassin ie lakes a would be diffieuit to celv In ee ae froin an old English ce sen originally SLOCK RIGHT 7” aspeapa st €1.100. Here, loo a a - : chalk-marks and fashic ing around the es spa rich, for instance ioe th ar Ee nadagr en that has not Par te <1 | arias 7 m 36 per cent, of th “prove il! sil pile ADE. He stood at the QO: eo little orn TAPS fre some€| ments as ski aSMOnIn g ihe 6 fiory a the even Stance, iS e itery ether served i me a eo I Swede , be ieee |! Produce . v stood at the ticket wi naments in whticl “nts as skilfully as mi far-| in. vivid hls vening sky, embla tal CFVEd Gs GR eae far goi EPS pr tas owt m were makin fiercely eis LUCE the saner I" unrell - 1c WV iekiy lowly (meen delights cr the } etn | ¥ HS many 4 in. vivid hues « 4 mblazoned aw. Eve y + t Foing te - fdas swig ey] nakin y ejaculate ho re P paper: ing an old-fashione Ww ih lighis, and ee sianal laikbor.— ya profes- was wes of vermilio ? nven ghosts ; of eral 7 : Cres “hi left lhe ath a d Mrs. Greenleaf. as she while canted 3 inlet leather hag. | fortnight ago shes sae By bik h only a vitor.—London Answers. tryst, and peta iy milion, and ame-4{ ‘> have Keen a 4 pas few instanc- i a cent, of an ao. while 42 “i can do Cee of oy duughter ‘L_driven to ose Rap oH oo hehind him, each. Diminulive ee cake al S200 —-—F' - less briliiant tints of bees later, in the prosaic atmespl yi ae ge ie sega Da are butter aia #5 ot . SO, i msweret the. x aS Hie on 05 aN ed iV he shouting tal are they ‘ Soe ae yy ee te 8 | ayul ¢rys- and | fs. a a A yUPHie and mm : In z led P LAW Courts ha! 1, & mwin th ae Fever lore up a newspé C WOMlealh; the gateman calling their trai ing- of} hey, with two jade leaves ea A FRIEN > deep viclel, unt ae SO eee es one cas i 4 fic =» llaw ¢ g that evor ” = ami if the Bene! Par Wspaiper Im my lifes he pot about a atime at trains. Alter from them. and Ol hese ates rising RIEND IN NEED. merged with. the TAGuniy. insensibly Uligant enter, 4 aang? figured fh Pe creamerics ta . ‘ ey F “4 : 2” 1 i I ‘, r rent LIT +n Pan ‘ 2 Ali : di pc f - =i i ; Leads £ : = a i i a * F a ta 1 ’ ; (e: + 2 t 4 space of ten cates oe wait for the unrolled, he suddenly Art hee hall of hag real Lurquoise and rubies. hang Nodd- “T met your wife this ~~ . skies. Or that pictu Sper es darkening SC me $10.0 Pie Sun paid for Nat Py | comin Se ioe pasteuri.ationm the. very. article” es. I can show them } to. the licket clerk nas pped and said MOST EXCLUSIVE Fodd—“Did you” is morning.” | SeemMer cicrus, “OF curl : ie and striking | Hold of fF, historic ruins e tree: ¢ to the front. glided a geelbaral aoe which she “Is that clock ial ve vie. XCLUSIVE. OF SHOPS Nodd—"Yes. New dant - allitide far ¢ abcats eboney re ul n be wed by “the pa ais eae MUCH OF THE BUTT! a lessly from the roo 26, Wie BE eS Article unnecessaril ~at on’t want 10} % tiest c+ CROCEEIN rat of the | tame tinhe spectre of U ao he Was 4 :{ . ‘ l MOTH. wa. Sif 7 . Lf. of ria Wree or ; 2 * HIeoeSSsal uy nila aa - ‘ «) ay mHOUN LAL = 7 (he Le Robs ‘ \e . ‘ 45.4 SU rye 7 —4 es . F Se fife odie " ; 5 A im ve F ALHEe O1ULS il 4 ‘ 1p PO ; : art, It 1s th th 4 hure. of Se beth: Sap ruZzy old eren- l rr int qn eaten th : : = «Ler: eouts-of-arms Siar eee ta 5 hpe iSri t. locking as eset ee man, hut cimstered i rray a hice phat eoettit ih ray | dee being etal ints fact ast deat thal has scored nn : weniory, 7] J s rey eye =. e Startled 7 act anv hue iy as fe COMMITS in Todd—* =o s well as usual A Crests 7 -7* Te : rs e feathery cH thas ' = i 9 be haunt- ri ler conlesis hth pied a small coll oo A who 0ccu- enger, stooping ; nas- nv hue that is know 1 odd—Didn'l tis ~ Awhith lowar ers e wist of historic 7 fro ; af OS .tS hels a small collage i the ping down and ania noduced i s known can be re- 2 ida you think so?” “ame i ch, towards the zen see sti ric reputation that m pasteurized cre: the village oe he suburbs ol sudden ‘clute id making al! “luced in ename m™ Sodd—" sO, sume a more et venith as- frst induced a that 200 CPCamn. cpr, Gud nt - ulch at & Te — a ae enamel. for here is a Speci ad—'No, Infact, she loc I pi oo Shar a definite i we: : c {he Claim Net, : : ‘ a a eracl y of <i : wi a ; “ j rig | ? VV - * he | tery c San! ; he ee l Way " F : 7 ‘ i - i i innaé | Ll ral Ee ee rie) WwW be <= rc i “a jE he A5 rin cr t * " — 1 i i ey ita a ‘! a j ad : ment. Bul they w . rer state-) Wek? Hie name op: ell, is. some flail and smoou : - r. She looked w pal- py of the skies i al g in. additic fermentati produce wW . (hey were ; Sits ame.o’ camimeon sense d veur color . smooth. Choose “1 IOI worn and tired.” 1 er f skies in a geomeltri tie he ; on the ownership ¢ ermentations, b 3 ny her ret : Min pul 10 flicht have it stu | ense do yel- ur colt and your wis rodd—"“Gret ! iréd. site of exire oh meric Lt inuntling ehi : SOAP ri att 1 ul it. aise a : Appeirance | ry SESSA up there for “we ye) ela “wall id your pattern, 4 Sd ae | eal Scot! inti! xtreme beatty g shade, Presum: willing Sy ah dingy vations ets ‘shi Unfolding the ro. fool people,” pee dis a: ) OPE will be fulfilled within rate V8} 3s 1 hadn't noticed And then how majestic ee on the spectre the Pr spesier with: Stich ere odors and t : ner astonished Peete th rene aloud 9 tee “that's what aici Peat the |v + an exactilude which is he ee Nodd—“That's because ve \ ae those massive 1 Bis. a , ‘s AN from the clarmant's Stantiiod SBS ated in hed ORGR DEST i 7 proved tc hav b he ii iT ice. ‘Y hich Gol pin mle “11 1 —S = ere cil to Ve LMOLLS. : = qh 1a. - aonsta ni 7 | ae Hn ei ll Lt ee io ner co CK 11 margi ned aire . ' 1 nV y iid bY gt 1o fi na he c a ; 4 Ih ‘ AWM th - i VHT. Furlthermo az f ik EL aie ae ! att mis«dil pit es a4 a “a ; as hesilat * » ereng ke 4 7 ; with i eas . " ners {I . : : al | a eo t. ! t Ke London examiner. oT or. n ftom the Grea Scott!" said he fe Nearly all the presents that ae about il at frst Ser an pean 10 yeu of brilliant gold, now ae tee BESS repemied ol Spapiete of bis |a Be ogee producing bacteria, kenger a shadow ‘of i ae mae now no hurriedly rolling up ahi at a Bree Grice ai ally SHOWEr when they pa - ere de it as & friend : pees ought to} i that far off, low Ak ia - cme pis: action, which wich Rokr DERE Se ou tare tt considera tor prize WAS withd oF «2 tb “yu i and the py] mv train 1'|] - be hip’, +, Wiiss- 1 ISLS Hee mace hv tl Fs ‘c 1. me om Lal cc "Te dil- mt i ; . i tf} slorm-cl fl 7 -* , At () ith ciaimants original ‘= 4 IKé lhe F : i aj pu ic health I : : rawn from the cs prske ; report vou. I =e anc hi i his Jirm, Che ‘Tsar ei. Pm mad Vol ' : "OWES encircs| ne walery e F tae search for il e F jemonsirated it r ai ous Arabella - i oar Lit lreacher- Wont de \ : 2 a - will 4 4 V4 ls Lae ly DUVv fr = a Sall | seni her ; 08 Vol did. Tul rorizon and ir + : ' r ee We ‘a ory creil, failed % 1 phan- : ral when cre abella, and as Mildr te ¢ you any good; il else. i y from hardly anyone op pound fo (he doctor.” d iransforming #he ; ; id io 165 d ; a ; 01 ‘298 DT ne drexl’s composi- penys orde Thoy - jl’s the com- ice. and of an afternoon 1 y anyone Nodd—* os Sa Me OChOr. iLoawere ! : hemlet ne ocean as But the ghost % degrees Fahrenhe' ~ ji ae oy sy a gette lhe next in Seely reund Baise bye a a man. lo go establishment Seta sae ith the Mussian | srl dd Don't you do anything of the straigh| ae : egg WkKe; @® those long to. law ener eas one person will go _ thet temperature tor fed as bestowed upon her ¥ ning f mix i ae | buy wil! oa es nbound, and |- nae i : Lag pee s of ~ gossamer fall-cl | ANI 5 ex ossession of anolhé it contains lub xt Mortified. indig = us the cloek Do ie and muddle | 4-2 with thal reckless pro‘ ee rodd—"W hy a farmed of minute 4" fall-cloud, | Wil defv the law. to f another | yj s tubercle bacilli “1. indignant, and atm a locks, so. that-n : Satin nis! <less pro‘ligality which a Why not? + Steen minute srengles wt ice : a e jaw to compel i kille i - Lic nt (his public 1 bets nimost fra r- Wi Wu he right vil a Ve ek al them Gishn pushes the s185]a11 ee 4 hich Nodd—"W hat frp xe spended in the Be nied sor 10 &iti- cept. | he owners al epee him iw) ac. ee : : ‘ ~ finally confessed te saaWee Arabella}. Lhe passenger gasp J po Set alike.” | ¢ Quiet good taste distinguishes tt Give her a tonic, eee Will he do. her. aes almosphere” egions of the | haunted alinost mivart rere reputed 1 | in oN e pasteurization is ¢ “ piece from & paper os Peaks stolen the | &™ eould nat say ivi ee ae Lnrice. ged goods, and, it may be ? ded a ae be much worse oft ata He end shel But however elriking —mé irouble to lel; and nF Prost some |: Sane marital on a large sca as before by a forint “ shee months clerk went on : as thing. “The ueket 7 large price. But they da = "ab Ay 43 wants ts good “pure ai a. sir, what she dlaries and the peauties ae de pe ei peas at last to be a avad os By ne: ti ee Pea ranging fron next morning sl r schoolmate. ‘The “I's the s pera the. meérely-rich peor = OL Sell tO.) exercise BO air and out-of-loor eoudiand as, see auties of fascinating tresh trouble arises 8 boas requently | 4, c-aighth cen’ per ge she left the villi superintendents ide: anybody] h people-—in fact, hardly ate ae and ag seen from below, y hle arises, Cuses of this ‘oj ter and 1 1 PO ing ber pent-u =i e village, heap- fond of fun, enjoys a j s-idea.. He is} oly but Royally or th ats) TABLAS Todda—“That’ view from ibove—t elow, yet the have at rare intlerveé ses Of this serl | py in some instances f ay her ay © a Apeatals upon the head nf him good a njoys a joke, and il, does eculd afford to a ee the verys rich See ee That's ‘so. P'suppose that's the of ¢ ae tT ae ee from the Summit | courls Pt ane i been before tne iter less. Some ee ray rH = 7 ! : . ry SAC I nia . : = x Ail + a i PSL if | | f f ie be { 3 . ; ae! rin ne raul y i¥ ete. ; aa ao a . \ . } . : il m i - Lt . . in more ways than 0 Tee a destined | #8? lim jaw when i oe about and |}. fs tne they. keep diamond Nodd cHave rit Alps—is’ it spectacle S ee ern of the | Wilh which the Se appa phantont, | (, vel ati time been urged ag . . ae wl . lle tO rival. er. md then finds nik faints buvs # ticket dey hut. as the young Ri Si orna-| ting her a Neate. ae thought of cel transecudent spat sublime and £0 | fused to share the 7 occupier had re- 4 urizalion on the ground ul . ¥ * re . - ‘ 1 Aree cL ij ‘hry “ = Fy as] FS ban, - i - ‘Les < % : = i H a 1 ri + Sv ‘ ‘ abet F : ae wa? . * - i Ta « — ~ Three months had pass Hours. nN has gone Woy inybody" can get diamonds ; BT Stay ff Lahde “Nab | 4 Siena er he obliterated: fre =a ft aN a ney- | times been leit | eens has some-|\vords 1 loss of butter fat. the night of {) a asa suvdy kince 2) tuo, Wa} is {his eloc} ait, that we love.” s; it is the} Nodd—"“W See neem all sides, as far a hk ihe memory. On | ion for &con: de sea secae a" posses: words that butiermilk trom = & _ ahi. | q jt" 7 1. - a 1 a 1 f file” 1 1 pin 7 . . z a 4 mf <] * ‘ 4 a , Ls us ie ary mT na 5; | a “J - t 4 ory a a ; an . =k “4 ae 1 privalé parlor 5 4 : Spe and. in a nasenger asked Mae | DOCK M reng?” the | - And J think the voung man ws ought ta an boc ir. dhals what .you yasl ocean of aaralin : ae an reach, a | According to a . ‘3 says ind aflerward=. ream contains more:.._pitle . George Mactan 4 \s oe Lt hotel ent ‘fas ar slow > : gespdait iti gt arcen|s por pes uly hut a-true plist : ‘aS right, j ears cack oa ie ane Ve nL dont ‘4 sTil. to | laws rls aver ey me ees bil: jury in the Cipenit FS seats given by “i Inettermilk from raw cream -; eee thee return ae impatiently “non't knew... That's part of hee or employer, contd ‘ at Ee Todd" ck about its” eurling wave een % SS RESUh a prem Lhinois, 7 ope 1 pie at Carbondale, ee however, docs That ; he post offi is cervint fre nat ta al * = — mr ny the f sence each , toh j igfini ce or : ‘ lk aay) eras! nF ‘ BLoCeES Hayes feally i hactiy sv Ras Hie year, if: seems ti A ounded : sh ss - fie ae AS vel he | eve! : Eb any body itl lite | ” 7 a ai + il beautiful anil ] Bg Nodd—'I | f z ot ca | hy ihe WI l : , LY 5 ese | ah JmMmooOyY al P| oh :{ mri : i # + hi : hh At A large Vet tle Wd received anvihing abc . ii iailding know piece af wavk” as i delicate a : A it. | lel] wa ae fei t me - Lad plum r of | gts Me m i oSt TDs there be i lk astieul butter-sc - , ) g about the right ti 38 Nek sas that little clock, wi dilion is serious. Fi you her con-| -— very tufts of spindr se lon as legal evidence, — HaKe | op-scoring contes = ima’ Alle! its face no larger tha wk. with bein} serious. First thing you Kno Ling ee ee sf spindrif{; now a surg: | me eas CHC, A will whic ven, 2.400 sat G wo oe , . cage = i man that of a we voull have ancinval ing you Know] = whirlpool, of ¢ ant ae worm chimed, he hich} 4, samples. of 4 t vi j Thai io = i Aa Wale ave an Se 4 cont a ee : ea, he wp a3 AT Ts a) yu le NWS uct Li his specnl order ae me En is Todd— My q Boke “itt ye Wh hinds.” ewirls “Tid eddies as a aan D1 eakers pie ervirit at th : Speed aaa: apa hy Le A made from pasteul LEST : “ut snow i a er ' salt : S i 4 c ot wif +. att Sr fs oak’ fin i oy are right.” AM but. whet- you) wind gendered et ae aeinh Bu: J ot | Why widow, and spe tiahie gti al a weal- Fy Saal Churnings that had reais ¢ whys i 9 i ne, | besa an Kyo ‘ . . mw ine i die as oy ae f cr il Sul chia ee af aii ih F - 2 AVN : Laid at i | =olf just bel Sete l I (he t re t AW Cream have Tee i 4] (ler: or now as a 4, . vids tie ilcl (lis- Tse, was <0 = pes her Ww (le- LS ed. | he averave af tt 1 I; ihe blast dics r — be ueht Fe he cpl ne al th i i = 150 ies away, | Of ihe sons not pemen h ; ide by one iat (he buttermilk from it remembersd in the will | do eontained 495 per © while the butlermilk from iM) letter [ri ~ f -= sETT Art : r iby lla. af 5 fhouch Sle | Know that il : al ut f 1 i \Li ninely a : i If F | Od | | I, wna Cl which the price is tM a S Ln LP ail * i i b ayy 5 con | 1é@ ra a f i] eli j Li Nodd—"T. k I know T Am. j | i : te oo 5 he billowy Ocean reassumles iS que contained 489 per cent of fy had wrillen, | den, it had failes And while on, Hd pal id Lt ach him Wrorne one wav « =, aid He Wn lhe (ic! - ' = 1 a= t Wil’ ait" he olher Y fe, = marvelling af inzat A Work Wis VW ith il halle we Oe : : New Seng St Tey ne delay. she in the} drabbed his ate a ihe passenger HOW IT Peat . ewer. The pe rte he didnt are | AGOP; upsellivig any ace i rush for the | IS GUARDED. a this. od fell eT ere eation which she mM ai ie vy man who gol i 2D There seems. to Oy. Melt ellow. will ou? : a ey d affected her deeply eee by Heat In about two nmiinutes BO nn HES) tj ne ; iv ems: 1G DE NO special precau- la great deal af y Reeee eae 1 think | |, i ie ry! pe 8 fever. Cent ot ny coun iat ue ‘4 dae Se and meek ae =f “ane afin F “ll =e ‘his modest office ws ped 1] should hare Z . a deg: bee nnd | er and appears as hough form vat ii is 1er ec where fe CLEVE er price H | We ena : chy "! , 4 i ily is oS" Ae a iL as vol lo 4 ' " a) 9 {ri - . a Se LAS Li just becal : 4 pie purest lez ae x ; Peal PN ed of iit the id me J a : L 4 ‘nake che a Ob UG le fie that the ; you leave you Tl Lice a friend hesitate a CHUSe st, dazaznng, enlid ehale e widow in dispe j z earefully att e for weeks she lay, p>" he walked 1 edine, Wher onc hat the doors are heavil yi OLICt Ps. ifated ta speak.- rut; ¢. solid chalcedony Anata lisposing of her pr y altended by Mildre may ‘ere e walked up to the wi eet the s are heavily barred. thi rodd—“bBy ro mer “ut at length alk this: sea ¢ ag serty hod used her ow sect ABE an when she so RplAled ldred, who once sid. us } ye eae ‘ bi window he Pi Iwo sates. are the latest ie that q good 7 éu dave ! Pe would [. That's wafled away and Aicacs a of cloud 15 | lion in inicing (| Be, Ww praper cdiecre- Al Whe Wiseots'n Dairy ic . glect, suggested the ai of George's ne- Loucht his ticket Hilce ty: Stalwon and and guaranteed to be ahaa ae + the abe 11) cre) at it right See ee end. the panor San oears fro view, bon husband's : = advice given her by pounds of cream was divide a nat having rece cee possibility of his “What made ee ane ee te ee glar-proor,_ even against ages ee Be e way. whiat-kind of wheel we y* land snow ete ayan beneath of glacter | theret ra eee spirit, and that the will ints of 500 pounds ae rh 4 2 new ‘don erie ihe letler This i dia 3 Nade uu lal to me likel Sait electricity Also Lone ;oli Lhe dreaded ON recommend?” i uid Bal : 3 l inte. fairest and jmeod . | Or Ore, halal onl, ‘ i lewleak=capca mt by He each. +. ! F Pr Phnd ve all; * Pe. Wik ‘4 j - bt CE he ee r ila 4 ay fl ice as =" a Nd it i, ro A Hill orrel J - r Hae | Te ‘ Stebr * 4 +! ul @ - i eae unable ets oF ne sho svasd, nat. made you ask [ aha wilh your hast thal Cinek wife ae (S ear eta the one my | 2ceamers ies oa ee parterre, | 4 isitant he . fi ate “ Meta a ghostly |} y ripesed without ae lildred to li uM i WIE, She per at " fool ats . ee, 44 AS ques ions lil rcs eins yaved ma * , he iets in a =f us. er you have it ; Tp ? LES 7 VIEW. : : is cul ‘d in ivoree 7 fet Be) eric el “ E ee do it-for her, ar suaded) ” answered the fick 3 KE 2) ahie cl an with rather ae DO at 3 Pies for one-hal ruly none ivine Ings. Not long aga aw proceed- mrned inte bytier; r say the Iwo Pd say and strange 10 they glared al atts kel clerk, and pe chest. development This "7 notice-+”" hat 3% cost me,” t plan and Date ne ine Hand could Now York ae ¢ . a woman al Albany leurizcd., ripened clara re j : = peached their desti ee gr Ra a ab each .onber — ‘nod sali, W : : 5s is a ré ‘ PSP l 1e yarie F ah eyed for diss iv T+ TA : : \ 3 tion at the same li nched their destina- end then the passe her fora second,| ;1 d sailor, who sleeps 0! t ve — . with whicl aie e varied beauty |tiage, U gi wr dissolution of mar- eulture of bacteria imd t i? Phas ig aste George tc r alihough the timepiece t =) hi : ‘ revolver : : ‘ord call it all i nae ‘he owes continually i “ ieee mt thes ia from: his l » George look then wav. stali mepiece al lhe pai him. vet hv SAME PI AC it all into being inually haunted of butte , rv « Serval t ey > k then vey stations ae neary at ihe rail- a DT lalate! Ji ae yet fle wi { Fe E And | Tate =| f ' . 1 e hy the I ynitler > were sco _ : i ’ le Fa " it. W ie ma hh * +e = neul ly Ae fice 7 A 1 ra] a : i 5 te yO armed {he * 4 a ee sk oO het hiusba . | i. i © 4 rec Saw): - “ving = soon went out. }Coh? beh y ae accurale as And these hee Sic = gaia ROR ai 2 worlds lard sbana's first w ea LWEE ; 7 Sah him baths The Se eee al on enge clectricily ain make in a foe in these jay hae or are Nesessarv Paigar he! ut es Octave is a very tidy ects the supernal glories of a aes Rae pleaded that the aera tes sfler Sian ex Fmt as nob-alike, 4 ae Ae, Bee as tHnSs. COMe PMR SE UO aap and | value se sales repose Case See etry oes ic always keeps her Sales stately and august ee rare he we | umber one, ¢videnuy he ghost of wile wr some tine, it Ww a Sas tion the young se, Rha tn.some irenwda- | were are thou hes go by them, yet value of——. But I must si sas jo the’ rack when she ey ii ee a the} becoming < Bue Realm, in order, by lanes ne, evidently to mark her dis- the sweet cream but “i oe | Abe one boasting the broke the seal of | “HO. when atthe’ of men and wonien| roa allowed. a sight of ieee 1 was| George? “And = aes ing in His Re hese and, receiv ear aN ickandts seoond-raam| een thal the bi tle 08 - iW ae oe Pee Sn ee) ae over they travel, never [ mot portions = Poe wonderful napa’ pate Sy ‘hen she is playing?” ha jis own Person our ad -| riage, haunted her by a ss ? (er ml % Tt Wis aT ht i 1 le Tre rerent cl: I ask th = is : . ‘ avel. Tiey ad fg fy creatis Wis On Go) r 4 worndertu | Alice rs i "fh " =~ L —P as wig iy) : ie ' : Oil punishinent ; F Vel by day anil by a Law ere . ; el . ee hatin Sa phepe at and mieabaly porters. AS pagal ohh ake station master aha mention the fie Pe 1 did nol) rack.” - “She Reape her, -hearets ‘the | all Made Ae to that Realm to ee Dia ae moet! annoyed her. sh nd {hat the butte at — an ee a@ Vhe fair, write THUY |e echt -¢ anolher, if “ “ee -£ = ‘e fir 4 ou : i). And whosoever o|‘emarkable foret! "i Lok ee ets * ti ned (he md 12 Li Writer i * is T ahtin! £ wiher, if lhal , dress, or the vi z t Win, thie ad- . I whosoéver come ; L ore wiupht she fit le ur “J 3 1 2 Ae e other, uttering of, WeaTge ines hal clock} ihey ke e value of-the goods to Him for that salvalior cometh | seli medically ex bce gene iad here 4 eream ke eee H : of surprise es° Re ae ee e ~—__.__— ere pee ores apeees goods which} Some men would rather be th no wise cast aa salvation, He will: in’) cd Sent Same ae enCyprOnOUny.. after the other tw ~~ = nes. 1 e-er® he-had read a doze ay u : : ‘ walked dow a aeae rf rich t Eat Se ought F As A ak sane by wo ment “Tyancid. This | >t eee b wis sickly, sentime won|. A man usually charges his poor j Francs nak pictods stains I felt thal han be considered rich in thought ap perts, As a result the gl tal “ex- | tect. tt eared em: Tee ee, Ad sae f og a Ree mental ment to bad luck es his poor judg-| humble x 2 mobody pepkens. Ani ie : alt. o accepted. as renasly: a oe theory was 7 thal pasteun a _ 4 ‘ " * Me C rcums i —— : Fa Buch F ‘ ‘ [ : = Last Bt EVLA Pei o qi rs 4 ‘ sl 1 ; q = ‘s }the chance to” ances as V had ever had Se Bie for wisdom may be ac- Mrs, Money Bags—“I hear you hav Court, after hearing all the son ny fer of preserving ° ees | Saget your nei LE Lh oy the opinions of Sait a great deal of your time in ital M decided to set the parlies 4 evidence, | a - P — i. : af iv , he ] ig. rss iy rss Parvenue—"Oh ra Vy * oe " - —-s ‘io ; ang? ; eee yea, mm aman . —-—— -& , F iad fo a. ~— | we're quite Ilalicized.” ; my dear;| A spider will eat 27 limes it ay man's =a be Sirs < es : > dweight in 3 cays its own | month's: visit the 5 , = * ~ \penjoys is as much = . ; * Ta 5 AS - cn FG he Ee ts rit. = = a ets t aie dpe: