}, shumor that we have is to be found wher sarndt is furthest from thought, For instance, a learned. scientist, Professor fe °H, Gross, in a, new book’on criminal psychology discusses the subject of char- acter In ‘its relation to hats. His obser- 1 -vations.“he fells us, have convinced him that a het worn exactly Nba sto tha vertical axis of the head is a sign shat @ man is upright, but a eth and { worn much on one side. a mark of insolenco and swagger. Wosang a halon the back of the head that a man is reckless and in pan The farther back the hat is worn ‘the nearor fo bankruptcy wearer. A hat worn low over the forehead in- dicatés a man of sulky temper. One of te professor critics, while admiring is genius in this study, suggests that he should add a study of the syle a ie th A relationship is su, Aween moralily | and- breadth ot Wine swith special reference to the Quaker ‘Extra curlishness of the brim suggests | , wukishness, and so on. It Professor Gross were engaged in Awriling books of the “nature-faking” pattern at the orders of a publishing “heuse One could understand his reaso: ae, Such fights of fancy. " sad out a 6h oe ‘ “l. He is a worthy mate,, in a ssomewhat different field, of the very great nius. Lombroso, who is so intensely serious that, often as he has been tricked ‘into. making Dipset absurd, he never hos realized the poi igteat disaster was in con- the criminal Soleilland, sabottbowhont att P: talking. ‘one sent the expert on nat Photographs of iis criminal’s hands, and result is uublished deseription o} it marks aa prove that Soleilland Jongs 10 the born degenerates, and sought not-to be punished for h ats «cis crime. fortunately head of the police anthtopom: miveshiaes partment of Paris, declares that the *hands have not been hehe d, and further investigation shows that Lom- ‘reso had been duped with photographs of the right hand of a dresser *skins ‘and the left hand of a stableman, “beth free of public recor Lombroso's m with ‘aris is case is like that which happened ago, when Lombroso asked ot Raia ‘aphs of the hands of women *erminals of Paris and by mistake was ble, “d-wi v e Central Markets. He {he criminal marks, however, an ral: the photographs along with » ert study ina work that ap- It Prot, s 5 ry ly. ssoon aflerwari 3 course, he will never see the jpoint. ——1+ OUR LITTLE FRIEND. APapar ” said Willie, as he and ‘féther roamed over fields together. = Tike to go Sahin with you “You *kpow $0 much about everyting: don't your" “ye villie, 1 linow “relurned Mt Bronson mean 01a) pret me be able to: impart a you the sufokmaton 1 have Required Willie looked as if he d haw “whats “acquired,” and “npat mation” meant, but he took that his ‘tater under- ayin for a one exactly a was silent. soicilog. sight of catlle i the Ne fie! Papa, w hat is cy “Cows,” relurned ws?” . * vor Bronson. me r though are marine gtass belles than {nay “do Spnlebie, and custar Wi y much better,” said Mr. Bron- son, “Why do they, papa: asked the boy, “Oly, because they were born thal y. Why. do vd milk, papa? “Can't they sel it "No, ows dont now anything: bout amone: vi and even if zie, they onLine know where to kee 4s Sena ey, keep if in their horns?” fon. cA] cows’ horn Do sainey ‘ibe that ste nieo" ratte with eir horns? vhat No, indeed. that with ine i throats.” ay ANY don't they do-it They with their sit anybody blow horns?” horns, and—er-—brass have tin . On nonsense! ore =r ~beeause they #re cows, 1 sup) And then he aie d that he lind proitioe fo: impart information, fe that Norge TANS en Would) never eelieve Qn in the dark, Some mien gure have more money # their friends pay up. A Mas ample iicer, entering iiblin, was mistak ‘iresh rane? sent amrpeatalely wats tin D papoties 2 unaware that his hind, returned te ig not vewinssibie under rinstareed irprised t. imself he Paw he came {o return the salute, know- 1g full well he was not entitled to it Xol in “the | leas! barrassed, he Things “The gauss eS a of =the. serach kind- ness of the Life's fears is eee rae oe we vha’ nbilior 6 Nfl ever new peaks ahead only eo Taek him when at last, worn, spent andl empty ‘i heart, he falls “by. the The old theology talked much of a heaven far away, to be attained in the ; the new theology often lined to ignore any heaven, ty ow Fi: the hearts of men need is the sensi the heaven that is al them, the God who ever is near, the blessedness. even now attainable. SOME LIVE IN THE PAST, complacently contemplating the giories that once were theirs or their ances- tor's; some live in the future, dreaming of felicittes L to be; hey are avis onl to the full in the present, who catch the richness and beauty, all ‘he wealth (hat the passing hour or tne present opportunity” nay s truly godly who s svat this day in flow ‘s God in all the races of men, in the ge, imaginary rong by reminis- cence of his breakfast or dreaming of his next meal alone; each portion of “THE EVERYDAY HRAVEN a He Is Truly Godly Who Sees God In All of Life, time must have its owe filting food. he soul n never can “fad ils full- hess through either history it necds the sense of the Bs this Hiving, pulsating, matter ‘otack present. ‘This world is slovenly, sinful, Vii beca: eo mianyeg! Nees with the piston r twith tmauiption, apa ths develop s our heritage aay comes a by dream: dang the best he can and Securing ail ites can for his own day ve up the plan of sav- wun the. world by the piety of postponed to find the. fuliness.of fife inthe ‘thesent to get below the sur- face of things and DISCO LIFE'S REAL RICHES, me anata his gaily ae amd piupaiey workd wa ine: and infinite, it would mean {o. our ieee Ite igh Iearn,i ntead of sigh- et all the that is In the things ula find and af in 1po sweetness and joy we have, how rica we ws common. lot be, ae ma ie ae that now seem drea Gen yee Joom into new “teal. In a child’s smile, a wil agrance, & glint of sunlight, ht ie wwe Wwoutld ‘find’ joys W oppeetcabtas anki full a gi $ om it doc tof the facultt hi wth of th elo oma. ot ry of the when. nvé_look ee over bw will be our regret in pow a dull keen t loves. trlendstings sever yday appiness, “while af imaginary joys. ane ing the shadows HENRY F, COPE. THE S. S. LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, PT, 2 A Comprehensive 8. God feeds Aer ael in the ae en Golden Text: son derness John. vi ‘the Living B which came “down from heaven.” pt by His own righ na assitance whatever: from t 1 bread J flesh ‘o the Less Me rhe Ten ur duties. Sow aa God (& MM). ( yi t er thy, ‘God’ wilt nil with vy thy soet r 10 loved and whose love to them i he whom he hath not seen ? i Leadon Is he golden calf (Ex. x Golden ‘Text, f John} hiule, children, Keep you eople who promised God said cou! eep | ks, La ze ke mD their pier nade a show. of nes ! id not we a at obedience filled the (a A deli i for God in the THlast-of Israel cielad by Spirit ai men from the wiling offes ings of the people, who had to be ined from bringing. , “Wine is au is raging, and whos the ne st hetoreth Loan refu: dience a presuming th thought be: rset may oikly iat ply that ine ae of their sin was strong dri y OF atonement den Text, Heb. sean ©: ‘save meet f provision for fs Tare once, ayent ified the eterna which we haye in Christ Jesus: by sm lieing, of Himself, once for all. puels caseriep in iite--theprles! i ive the benef st sing to Andsine Lard, wen day. jaa a pillar of a the xt, ilo 1 V then of “ t Te ode fo tent ‘a emt Abe fr rhe and when to stay. Lesson, IX.—the spies ( = Nim. ai ‘Text, N 9, Ris Moar then Hoke {wo reports of the + 17-20; 23-33), talk 0 God eee ead was surely bet ube and yet Moses fell into lin .. God in gracious tpeapasaiere for thelr weakness permitted it that those who would not believe ws word might learn iv their own es outs Lesson Y erpent. (Num. 1-9). ‘golden ia, Joka iii., 14, 15, xxl. ‘As Moses lifted uy serpent in the Sty even. Thust: the Son of ft} elves | er Ne antes but way hi lieveth in aii should sos perish, ermal ti at li ¢ God's ordi serpent all in’ with his ing om in ‘We dance of God, ses pleading With olden Deut. thou forgel fo Text with | al the ways| et thon, of His un- fold merei hte r ee {0 ‘hens in the words, * . ot th ‘“Gtemcm ‘d; love and “obey | taut is ibe tteath of His XY , He st is ta two wor ery {a bet eee ee ae WARSHIP BUILDERS BUSY. rays Have Large Con! Secu: Many experiencing JRrllish (shipbutiders are Mi in contracts. for -war- pom" Ships. Brazil has recently given cont ie 4 hilwe rs. Vickers, Sons » building of three erttis two ube Messi Vv Governm Me nd ordered Holland ‘ype fron s, and the ‘genline twe powerful cruisers from Armstrong ae “ jof the s Company has als for two battleships ee is in the allow-draught gun- : patrol service on the Yang announcement bei ers from British firms ' reeeive favorabie conside @ also out for the royers, “provision. for Nh made in this’ year's navy esti nd Shipbuilders on Admit just been asked to t tender also in De some de 1 gen emian 1 dt want the young gentiem the: young dy, the ae | Tady. ene, the old gen- man’s daught . When the young ntleman came. on the all-important , the old gentleman set his face oe rm gentleman, si he, with angry em- ‘you cannol have my. daugh- her. urged the young nd, what is of some con- eration in the oie she wants me,” “That makes no difference, sir; you n't have he “That W es presume, that you ive ie up?” xc fq pour think Tsath goin te he asked, in, a tone © wi did -no ¢ old gentlenan he paltaaeiies no pores son-in-l you don’t want ra you think I am thee’ kind ola fellow I don’t blame you at all; [ wouldn't have that kind -law myself, even were going at And the old gentleman saw, papas “See eS “Why did you ne your last place?” “Sure, I worr di for doin’ well mum.” “Disch: neue a doing well Why, A ai you?” “I worr in th Man. be lifted up, Sat whosoever horspital, tom m= In fact, “DO THEY SAY 1 DID IT?” A GHOST STORY WHICIL IS SAID TO TRUE. Man Came Back to Deny to His Niece That He Had Committed Suicide, vas atthe period of which 1 am wating a highly s eflivesk th Brent actinic two- +} opening from broad’ staircase “leading lo oor, { this same hall and staircase T still relain a most vivid recollection, as I was compelled to traverse them: every nij ut precisely 6.30 o'clock on my way to the Rate com in which F slept was large ‘one and boasted of 1 “four: poster bedsiead with curtains, that tow aelafalquelike. in my fancy, two- thirds of the ay fo the ceiling. After liegt Susiaresesar arth pul haiweci gee ah ets by the maai and 3 he taken the candle away T would tie ihe guiness, for hear not the slightest sound from the thtss parts of the house, but a great dread would: come nee me that some- thingy jak sahoutto pen. And something did Tinvaciably- joke lace. Tay expeat intly, too frightened to move he curtains at the foot the bed ‘sould be si payenea gees in owing nohes Bf @ long Frit ury, their heads surmounted by tall banked caps having streamers falling from a Would Toole in upon me, thelr eyes dancing with wicked. mir the Ain cwreai tied in uci ae Aller regaming mé in this fashion for eval aainiftes they would bow deri- ‘© and vanish, hey eamne-no more that 1 often saw them three o succession: Occasionally ied performance by agital- ing the curtain as thodgh about to part thém and then not doing so, Keeping me non agony of aie an ch time as iy mother thaws fit me upstairs and retire with me i wasn Her. hamber Inlet ste AGONY OF SUSPENSE AND FEAR. quently when my mother. shed been \ ing. in ihe hed hestdo-me theccurlalns ld be displaced ee her counterpart pieiesleok-Inaipan inee with the s cking smile by. the oth pearanc of gratified malicious- hess. on he tees as if she were saying elf: the 0 for on is half fr igh ened out of her wits aise glad of may be “wanted at tha y s to my I did not | apt er, pocnolg at > bed of the house, Bat it} Jat. _at the: time children | that a y jet bared » events took pase e > in awe he er once mands. angement Sate iciting a might see change th fit on one occasion, when seated Walter's Ed 1 veni rt to him on these mat- etalk avertheimon is by é allowed to use you have a wi It you wete’a good gil 3 would go tc » ike other elvidron’” EACH WITH A HUMAN SKULL. n I was led to for the last observatior is literally true, aber was ‘made the: t “ apped dame coon ong witha nian dindicdripping.<in- Wer bands, ing at it. When they the skulls at-me an may be seit 1 was more Ree actiah ad when my. mothe er Phi 2 V on of what te aring she would make any limentary remarks, co wicked art scription of a my Unele wile smiling! ly. never did or could for of all my mother's numerous family of boy nd girls 1 was my uncle's pes possess, n except his favorit ot hau plenby-ottimie aUnalspesal much py which he spent at our house, takin; upon his nee, stroking any Song kindly into my and { yin rw! stole ‘hss of pleasant was in the es throug th Riitey Ulsasuatennnt we mh upole to, ate itera manplice Atte so many ise com- cursions came | waht to pad that morning, while ¢ tie after a day's spc ‘ ue yugh the head, his sat himse nOst instan dying al- Of cours ane wvore a foxy individuals Sho. instanily da suicide, DU ay “untice well ions Maiti ness of living, cated vith the fact his ample incor trom unpaid debi “ his. traducers ence, CAMI One AT HEAD OF IIS TROOPS, lay mourning: the tiful, ne that wad gone el of my life, L heard a sound of music in the “stan, slow and eer ne sad. 1 of bed and hastened to a y room, looking out upon d wi hich ran past the house, nearer came the music, nm ued, sole and dirgelike, Then the tramp of marching fect was heard, and a regiment. of Highlanders, of which my es Walter had Hart colonel, wn tall, powerful i oballs Sic ly approache; When Uva directly underneath my window the word of command was the regiment halted, the music sed my oe lo._me. ae iced that his face wore an expression ndst sndeseibabe despair. ee \s inthe same kindly fones wilh ch I tHe ad been so familiar sanet do they say about me? Do the: say I did if I tesitated fo answer him, as Iv earful a ound his feelings, ba he spoke agi “Tell. me, child; Ty wish to know.” “Well, ve they do,” I replied. He shook his head’ gray ly saa mourn: “ully. “No, no,” he sai tft vishing to at myself out ‘of the Avorld, would give all 1 ever poe sd to be ack in i pee mor le turned away, the ith his: head, en, iy un sword L Giraud? Mae given, the dirgelike mus: ame | Guc thought “of questioning | OL Was again heard, and the. regiment passed slowly from my eh It collected thatthe occur- just. set down took place, of clairvoy- mn I was ide awake, and. hat A was, oa the time, a child of little more than 7 years of age, a PRACTICE PERFECT WALK. Remember That ° Short, Indolent Gait is Not Exercise. cate speriect walk as be straight. Ea ay asure the length of ne aes not Bee ae cho} steps. Re- meinber that a short, sual upon. assumin: ostiee correct. posi- Hon eat in taking ce chest-expand- ing breaths, ofall, see to it that your shoul- drop Straight bac youl ally. Some women albany and never seem to. itt their foct Walking, arian goes with household » that tune during an uursswhen hen the brain eae walking, me ma, id of the ind of walking in which the feet feel as heavy as lead and the mind is con- cerned with every cure and woe of tne Passing mnoment. Regulate ithe length of your ste ae heig CHILD SUICIDE EPIDEMIC @ hour; Dey: 1152 IN GERMANY DURING y YEARS, LAST Grave Concern Caused by the Remark- able Inere: of Terrible mes. The giowi ing. aunibee of child suicides in G many e occurred dur the Inst S causing gr y ul well-known. Beriin doctor, “4 fasc a. rs ot chiainable, Lait it is Sale to. a although our record | that of Russia—in euses Wi | period qui “Why sh ould a teink “of 1 ake own lives a dei eeminalton deliberavon. atten cides of mature yeu : aes xirls upon th thei r and versira re the di jsut ot what, T-may call the dis illusion jie a 0 young” [ini t a ay w mind first. bron i 1 realities, fs a woeful disuppoi y thinks 2 MW ad life’ sink deep self through way -as-an aie NTS. hvew dis sel_and was dissatiste was Jef boy ot over! drowned wet card from a lee cause he for gir) was _ reprimanded s, a elf in a pond, Grieved at not winning a prize in a : ilion, a 15-year-old in the pis enlar. iren Is parents, are advised, ly the lemperaments of their dish traged ba prevented. by er ough firl being ane i pour into sympathetic ears a stor disillusionment Bp gtlet. FIGHT witn JACKALS. Settler in South Africa Has Narrow Escape in Encounter, While he was on a shooting trip about fourteen miles from his home 4. Beaufort Hee ane Colo. any, this weok, A. E. 1 set. tier, had a terrible fight with heals What he took epi > pass unmolested, he fired and Killed the leader The alters eed on him. and be- stirrouinded hith he Killed: three mare und wounded two,-"Then a grind ght against _overwhelating ‘oulds” be- gan for he the bush. i » Kuie dis: dl himself, BF this Winecho wes Wert ioe anid mauled about the thighs, and was hausted. pitet Shetoret ne a to, the: ground 5 large jak’ sprang ei his shoulders and buried its tec! Ba reniombered -o- i ns covered his'}y kraal with cur friends, ‘who aa aaa his life. ate rushing on ‘pieces a few shots a the animals) >in aking him. home, Mr. Kuir's reseuers ralurned, and found twenty- one dead jackals which they skinned. rapidly: srowine. ex- |ratiation. but sé “rom Gonlinual faul innding aud ‘suffer LEGACIES MAD, Shown In Some Men's Wills. “The true index of a is contained in his last will and tes rent, ” somebody has writlen, If this i he late have fercik tne dale nearly {wo years to ol lain proba laneous collection ts Heerenton ay pa+ pers, ste London Ti ast to ihis volo orale and puz- aling wi ais solace, to note that Lord Inverelyde $2, 5000 ines served eof illowen’s. estate he will of the tate Ne qastics Stephen was a mode} of brevit it begin and ended in the thirlesn Ponds a give all jay Property wife, The rer will ae anni was thal of ya doz usse however, envelope he wrote in his last moments “ALL FOR MOTHER. C. T.." ‘This was witnessed by his two ons Beque times me ir of generosity. stance, the will w: od of Teft his wile. the en of , and ordered that it sl by post in an unstamped enyo- He complained that she had called Mim an ‘old pig. a r names. i hind beonughade. tira yeers elare bes Some # lis cos ves the man who left ich is only lo come into the enjoy at of after her he may be borisd his bequest similar tale a legacy relative on eonation that the legate Coun: question jays, and the following term, “He then declared. thal “as apparently the condition sould not be performed, the bequtst: was voi Mention -of vindictive wills ren the writer of.a will which. was proved Want your at Semioiwel Hous mbatilehead mani Tet al "his goods 10 is: dauehter instructions — that he. fepites pay seven cenls to gentleman for the purchase of A HEMPEN CORD OR HALTE! for the use of his facar wife, with 0 fecontmendalion that that lady shautd niake the sane without “delay | LS artic wh at a ot pict come oa Russian died, and bequeathed a 0,000.0 the Tallow ing strange 1 ns. mausoleuni 10 be Bes ted over hen t ine Soothes y f Lo je was to be in which the 40,000 was {c nee night snd day for nd watch er ior ake the. sfail wits jehald. no, eqmmusflontion: with -anyobe axzept the person who should supply ipl vith ells: TOD neighboring res {aurant, A candidate duly came forward, and luring the first few months A ix nd ins 1 small chamber, or cells rant for the le; © up his resider welve months ar Whoever should und mun t tho end of eight months the local, po magistrate was obliged to interfere man had 10st hls ees. 5 He Je Tumalie asylum, and the $40. pi writer thes been Ae ‘i waiting to be claimec fulfil the condition MATED, s how many =peppie are Some when Cobbe, the seclF sown aurea and-social reformer, tho sill: eantatnearad thjune dviser to “complete. the main a » ren tay formed, and is pti ‘tinsel hy Ne o1 her of my and aad sbys Sane! 3k hronounce all tho s In this | will to be Mr, Hea Thomas E! bael helor of Sussex, at the age of seventy and directed thal his remains shoul cremated nnd the ashes afterwards seattered on the At Ihe holize tin rain es ad ean ae many youre, ie andof the many tne and women who have made equally mmarkable: arrangements for the’ disposal ’ their mortal rema: Uiis instructions renin rie ot tho Inte Bevan, one tim for Graves KO GMS ints: Wt thal, his A and the as si Even nd 1 di istpated “inthe: ain? meats wever, Was no that of au ‘angler who d that his ash wld be carried ia.0 baibenn: ond’ sealtered from “thot aver the sutfaco of his*favonle stream. an ~ mar! sable directes NAGGING MOTHER WORSE. Children Shrink rane sea al Fault Badi ie of a nag rally: to refer in pils mae whom clk more to. be pitied, nidten, “A tna_ean find a remody children, shrink When» Sry aey ig. ‘an ng mar- how- i] silence. In fairness 'to mothers it must be sald that they unwittingly ut into. the ha- hit of na, hildren, ne dinesonia. ways olsihe" letter seer saa os they can “hear at ss ae oe esult is that they a en Hienwalees, “Don’t do. this,” and “Don't do, that,” eal arks. pare 9 reduce edtabiltye tlie litte people ove carefully Kept in: view Hai rey against ‘an authority They sent him “halfa dozen of the skins as Cais ol An “ ‘Sonabl WHIMS OF WILL-MAKERS] THAT DROVE SOME ¥ Vindictiveness Instead of Generosity Is @ man’s character ta- Lord Grimthorpe i and eecentric man; Great Severity, A crime pies in civilian life is: ishi able fine o} A-CrOW! rant “agin Ni in fuser wih a poling kour ast rely it is foolish to thi ely \l reforms are bound io toll by, cid ‘the general public. gow a ies tacts, siys London gether form a remarkable and miscel:| The © situated in Whe foremost partof the eee - Bales entering the cell allotted to — him, the prisoner removes lls ‘uniform, whieh a 4s suppased toh and dons a coarse \ stumpod ‘pron of the colt in whieh, the confi t nois the eer grates in the hae) base Dato anu ihe prisoner is alone in the SILENT ees Leight feet long py, na height of about CETUS or we Ings, atin riegtyerte ‘The walls of the cell are -white- iat and the. compartment is welll” ig AU night the cell iMuminated by a. single tate which sheds ils! a square of plate switched on and! loor a e. a aan e light being the outsi servant eye occasionally takes ve De ep prisone Early morning the tin plate hard ship's biseuit, supply ne tt last the priso Dr “the vn ae without any other ca sionally, however, sailor conducts iy mself in a praiseworthy anne he is allowed the luxui Ww. boiled po- ta a at aipne a fur ie are allowed Se two so per day—on he dovendonadt ae hour rhe the ak ferncon, An escort af two Marines ang! cre corperal arrives: oulsi cells, 0 the t doors are pach back. he prisoners ars step forth, and, Ranked by the armed escorl, nae their way up the iron cot eee to + breezy fo'e's'le abo cort e:taffrail in, the. £6 form le, while the prisoners walk round “and round the deck cagerly breathing in the pure, REFRESHING SALT BRE! The ure ZES. hardest part of ‘celllife is the which tne prisoners are set, forced i pick two pounds r diy—by no means an . Old tarred rope is cut into of about six inches each, and pounds of the’ material welt r cing almost as herd s Love as iron, the prisoner finds necessary to spend the greater par of the day ies A nie atcrial ting been redueed 194 fine, fl, hairy ma: When the day for » ship's. co bu release ‘arrives, r of 2 NhtGn g the old contenu into the {last Navy-blue suil” he qui as re mr SHOOTING-BOX ON WHEELS. Indian Rajah's Luxurious Caravan for Hunting in the Jungle, “ths most luxurious caravan ‘of mod ¢ Claim put fors ward. by ton i en an on behalt ofa vihiel, the to wh “considerably out $5,000. ave: just ready the windows—st rea wAnouil so that they may open in safety, wine a4 fear of. intrus, sion ont the wild 1b \ne. jungle riholes are Uinlecipaiae he slightly. in’ the manner pee are built of the strongest only able of with. sanding ie ap onslaught of the In. ight ouk. ‘The vood cf a ae Misery loves company, “That is why some Dachelors and spinsters marry, men never miss the water ‘til thelr mthvoats get. dry, No matter how as manvis, he cans not afford {o belittle others, ‘her eee vie re i Wem aes who, does. mol bo Many a pa ee te a Sat branch and a shady repa' It’s up to ae svinstr to learn: how, to slrike a ‘There are sermons in stones mud LS ee cream in bricks, Every. et ee his pats pie in nine, cases oul ee ay "tw Sie i a oe surg A girl is with some oh oven vit she- Isn't tant tegules x “i sate nage they es rita jerks wes “unreu- pesca at ue ce Bs