CANADA'S TRADE” RBIURNS™™ = NOES see mse em OR TH CALBDON WR y y bo: } . : eo while hunting in the woods, took place — Tncreases and Decreases for First Fivelprices ot cae, Grain, civese and ie Tussday atlernoon tn Se Telegraph Briefs From Que Own and Conductor and Driver Have Bien os a is vic dare sons of re- Other Dairy Produce at Home Other Countries of Recent Months. 3 and Abroad. Events. Out on Bail. Toronto, Sept. 24. — Flour— Ontario : wheat 90. per cent “patents are un-|11 CANADA: acks one a oe ing Day has been fixed for Octok lespa'ch from Tor: A cam iat for Sunday street cars auctor Matthew. Gtimes and i wilt be-slaried- at London, Ont George Hodge, held by the G veston Lynch. committed suicide st] Jury” criminally responsibie for Caldon wreck, Were arrested 0 Mani and ‘strong bakers’, oe ‘he charge, whieh was one Ss rim ina ‘Reglecl-of duty, resulting. tit A despatch from Ottawa Tho , forest exports decreased about trade figures of the Dowil for the ae villi m, and fisherles about three five months of the bie aie fiscal year | hundred and fifty thousand. eo re- ending August show a total increaso|{urns for the month of August show a i Ampants,a8 compared with the cor | that the falling off in exports notice- nding period of last year, amount-| able during the earller months of s & fanitoba wheat was quiet No, 1 northern quoted “t No. 2at § and. casi Si Me at Ke we > aN tha PON. fie against’ the fence pout order- fin or fourth week in Seveuier Ceroner Johnson fn the as a0 ssh ‘of ing é rts idly made up. Exports | lake ows nal scour the (0 So.68 SR ap patented “nou, fealed #07 652.16h, “an Ontorto swheat—No. © ved winter an Tardis. aping ota) strength of the (he inguesl. ft was. hardi sk hem rhainetecven Clusive Of soln and. bullion, the toll hierease of $1,034,785 over August last |No. 2 white quoted at 0c “at. olilside This sot ! © Ontario. Govern as soon as the fed ihe nolitied | also’ furnished $2,000. ped trade for five months was $265.867.631. | year. Imperts for August @ feet fo | point: ySestablish= wn riislineaik tae. ete wanted, they: surrend-\| bondman being Robert W. 2) Js quoted” at_ Oe oul- 3 extra al 5 at the ‘ufliee of Magi care of tai minded women and girls, ison, burglar, was sentenced I -fiteen yours! imprisonment and y-six lashes by Judge Bole al New | 4 $2,000... Mr. -T.= C.. con apped a 1 Imports totalled’ $165,723,630 and | £33,919 ,620, increase of $5,716,829. fer the accused, eaports $10,164,001. Exports of. the ti rape rc for Fett i Se eae ings 100 and coming outa tthe shat der blade. He dropped dead instant- ricullure six millions anufactures | Over one million per non onth, com- | are quoted xt 4Gc outside. Manitoba ieee z e a tittle over one Madre antinte ¢ n| paredo with Test se For age the |2 while aie ee al jake ports, Gu Serta eanking. ee Pa ae ree ie lining of the posal arteries, and the other hand, exports of animals and | increase was $1,037,342, the total duly} No. 3 49c, Jake poris. Reid of Goder: fired - mits a Teakage o ie ue cone lop of the hend, tne bullet plowing) Mr. and Mrs, Fred. R. Thare= ares vertu eas ee their products decreased nearly seven | collected being aS Le om Ro, aa rape ow tava its way through his brain-and killing ‘o-killed at a railway crossing dein which, may be very-serious; sudhe 73% \ wedding 95 edema of the taryne OF af the 10 : 21a TPs S Ef o a < 3 ind 5 him s pvstantly also. The Tar i. DOYS ret i while on” their a mixed at 2%. é SLE RES Poe : i ? go | wore arrested and will be arraigned | tour, on ; 5: or of the brain, but in ener the con. tet Se ORERATON DRUNK ON DUTY, kan ‘tale, shorts ae voted at before the magistrate here imei He E. Dunn, President of the} @a 0 7 : in ltsett They Will Form Basis~ for Future) and Was Sentenced (o Months In| 3: to side. ae bet nie tgs nab are be ret cin aces pene ie Regulations. = Prison. COUNTRY PRODUC! eae ada. PRECOCIOUS CHILDREN, lespateh from Toronto says: The] A despatch from Oita’ Kked, quiet, ab ‘TUBERCULOSIS IN PRIZE BEEP. te Ontario Government will extend |’ Ait those entrusted.with the care of the prea an effor a 0 by fncret sing the exon of fui pans sas nd k ons of the suecession dulles| young ape faced by a grave i Aad work of drafting a set of iegulains oseculion instituted Me. B. Yor tho beller. handling of milk in On-| Spencer, divisional superintendent of the é for a reciprocal a i the skin, kidy veld Or reine SEA ih tho nge- lin i Dr From] tient with other: Provin the case oe ehildecn who inherit a y preso : ‘The English Meat any 1s J Airgas been entrusted to Dr, Sheard | Choad Paote Restvay, as, rsuted sheer ses as Chairman of the asc) Board of| iq A.J. “Ryan, an operitor at Vankleck wer Ih chiens eee: In the c ee FS vt Canadian By ise 2 ist aromas eraauiaa? cavily 8 fine ty me Health, and Dr, Hodgeits, Secretary of sie rain es eee a ni aesh wm Landon says: gee he! ‘ imes passed through the wall’ of Ne Hi ting set to p Ste manihs | dressed, 1 valve, 965 05} Pee aa eat 0.00. and tnerea child, who es naturally | exvity and the fluid ‘alle to. drainn the board. The regulations are being) for being under the’ infuer nee at liquor ed, fe A 1 iatned with a view of providing a) when on duly, It appear a couple} Hay—No. 1 timothy is quoted at $15 isis’ for legislation next session.|or nights aga the slation agent found $16 here in car ans Arnon the recommendations that have} {h» operator drunk, and immediately : to faze to stage of us develapment:| yay. Youth's. Cony a. COL Shen painted S face the ‘ane ee st site one cee 3 i scour shlas, for: Examples: ball Whe eigyter UAE AUTUMN COSTUMES. ” ‘ of Saskatchewa a N. | oli ned Proposals that’mo cow-| reported the matter to Neadquarters, A «1D. ge be ee Suyeet ws use sh perinilted unless proper| geovelve was sent down and Ryan was RAN ore alk ition “at private staughter houses-an Seek " wilh delat, ond do all they drainage is provided; no building used token into custody. He was tried. on THE DAIBY. MARKY ne providing of abattoirs and a central |“ Mberta, Pe teeny gud do all they (can -10] Among the advanced. autumt NG fur ordinary purposes ‘shall. be, within a magistrate at Van- atler- Pound prints, 22 to 23¢, and shee tr meat inspection, Then. people Sea SLAthin sae orked toe cm HE ig | Te: AP8. _anore encouraging than yards of marshy or élagnant water; whens the lise 2 y rules al 2 GREAT BRITAIN. won. Ge. ee hey Smee atest \elloned = ieken coop, h n, privy s imposed. solids al 2 The new Fri ‘anadian treaty was ih tach ib: “suits of all kinds simp water closet shall be wilhin 100 feet of in AG previs ning ab 19% t sgned at Pars on Thos. “a : @ keynote, In cut, in coWh. i sed for or hand-Henity hands und: operators: bein; ae pes, doen nese sts: Vord Brassey, at a moot ate fae im ‘(rimmibgs, it ibere- happens: lo aaaeal ling of milk. joe Ge and Parco the’ bafluence, of liquor when on duty quoted at 13c, and ted “Chambers a Gotan Een De raining md his] O2Ys ‘Bigs dominant tame of Worse eee es insisted upon. Sick} ang when mony lives are practically in ig fal 18 c pool, advocated State ownership of rail- smart s cows must be weeded out from the herd,| their hands, and the company. is en- oF ping ul othing i 30 rise ; La rou fo classify the iyi “Phere no feed stuffs that are likely to impart} , foreing’ wherever a violation $s" re- shes ig ohiidved, bows a S; HOG PRODUCTS ot healthy and in- a flavor to the milk must be given, cows lots are nominal. | the . must mot be periniltsd fo drink from | —-—% ur ari ea 11% pe f ein sae quarters is the ote UNED h sisgoant pools, .and pure water. must be cata grieeae $20 to S21; tic ascelic'sm thal, in.dread of radian riflemen shooting at R chess avy in weight, on accowsts Be use, Cleanliness, in D FOR SUORT TWIN ony. people onl Friday won the 200 aud Black toss 15 -qreatip-tised for Sven + The i nt i vt to medium e in secrel, | ev . . slack : 25 part of those engaged in the dairy busi-| The Dominion Inspector Was Busy in i 10 ad, was pro-| <A" nent anorian in, West Philadelphin | lice as the ‘s gitunnce flowering of thel Peep nittite aecnichs seen ~ ness is also to be insisted upon. fevers. there ile, and ow. becoming herbal then all concerned, ine| stor { minterial. is an importants 9 patent Ok pene poor child it aie Thalsinvalld has an_ individual who oy ngs LS w mk havoe with the fair mingles in the Heats crowds and} prosper eruel and shore ighted king to combat by in dhol and narcotic _—_- A despatch from Olnwa says: J Maycock, Dominion Inspector of GREAT FIRES IN RE nat wl eee, Pe a pete j Hough materiais lusendiaries Des g the Crown Prentne stuale? has anncrlent BUSINESS AT A polindas,cang all. ‘These. <a ne bein naturally | Pes and. checks rival’ in nope ‘Timber Yards iter fined $1,400, bul, as Grain—The 2 ; feocelwe tings old, was caught} strong and x car an enorme! smcother materials, Phi pigment §s iw vita aida, result SePle ors for Manitoba | US Struck a on the Head With a} ice Harts Island, NY. éus amount em. without | materials show — mixtures bi 3 A despatch from St. Petersburg says: en a tine, tually ni Jontinues 16 be quiet. slock of Woo he cost: of the i faza Hotel at ng downs, bul they do not make Re PNG ame and reequenty During the pa ek a number of $12,000 hy being treet to ret Ne V market for oats Fity-Ninih Street and ine Ave. i New| the men and wonien ee would have # thread of purple fires have occurred in the timber yards was in Rpts York is fixed-nt $12,500,000 rune: antler cw iger Pena w Some 250. to Five docing’ its Yolud loss of about $ 8s ew nde at! nbew at the abet ot They should be kept much sg other | ago | children, noticed titile ‘by their elder ed in physical Aust molded into symmetry By. pers steut * holdi ng b Tented ‘by a waistooal::Of Province of Samara, two works in tba ek Province of Nijni Novgorod, and. the large depaosils in the Province of Orel l® and Olenetzk. ‘The fires ure reported ave been of incendiary origin, due diss atisfuction with the iitended: i tretution 6f reforms in the timber yards, which it has been discovered bye gravely mismanaged. It ts stated Hat the fuels have so disgusted Prince Vassilchikoff, general director of land ed wall men énganizaton and agriculture, that he in-} teing lowered ithaca Neda fers to resign. ee, Mich., Iell. to. the ‘bottcin of the iton Friday and fourteen men were eAreubamuthes injured, Th The similar, ‘special novelty. of the season h the —combinatio: color cloth coat es sk checked material, ¢ fect thai tt scale Ken ‘ln at the fiary, whe Eonng a ten-year EN KILLED IN. MINE, FOUR! amewhi the’ coal but, “above ngs, not lou suits make a preity they are. not seta before~ season oped asburg Hospital, tieeeeded in curing 4 Cage Full of Men Dropped Down the Shalt. ry different type Re precocious children. These are the | effspring offen of gouty or tuberenlo- t sis parents, and inherit, if not actual Romie: disease, at least faulty phy IS for the United States} ™* fen beautiful, engaging children have estimated that the} @t great mental They often f the Standard Oil Company | have phenomenal, memories which. are quelfe,- Michiy whi end awnin aa Sn ipes vith, Whlon! We ARE been surfeiled ue nie ay pesh Si with ques. They ‘fT OF DUTY. FATAL NEGL — pices occ on re < in, the wollir pei leven Persons Killed and Twelve Hurt| wine. The steel cable broke and bet laped. at the expense ‘of all other ry dar 885 have been over $80,000,000, F at favisibie check in pat by Boiler Explosion. coe. ‘aopped se en hndied feet. cago. we ie olfehed (628) ntal. faculties, y are not physi-|@ ‘ : Vedies have been taker out and ) mar pe RRO a aa cally: strong. enc stg for any sustained ie ¢a S =a y Figs t. and after a brilliant childhood If to = a wise ated in. orc der ini as @ waistcoat was in. old blue of a sens lo grayish i aoc dly at This mixed ar= rang nent $0 is only ‘seen. ine walking. suits ngskirl suits haye fancy coals ihree-quertere tee t almost reach to = espatch from Toluca, Mexico, | juved are a; ney exhaust themselves and become commonplace, These children should bé made to lead phys sical lives, every effort being tirected to form a $10; arnt nd lard, 10% fi Schultz and is Wile. Badu to death under WV REGIMENT TO GUARD CZAR. sons, Probabiy. a mortal injury to three, a , injury ‘to nine others, on | phe nes of ‘Tuesday, through’ the explosion of a toiler in the Ferrer factory at Asorra- ro, The authorities after an investiga-} A siete h from San Bernardino, ¢ tion declared that the explosion was due | i ays: An earth fo the neglect of an employe in allowing | brought residents of this ¢ surplus steam to escape, streets in alarm and enused_ "genera It Is to Ee cones of Especially |" etledt, Saumiers Mrs. Minnis. Conroy of despatch Irom St. Petersburg say fled a petition for dive protection of his own | found a thal her husbe Nicholas “has 1| bud married the day. bef fa new regiment of 1 spec raag San Badiy Frightened. Braiding of alikings, more especially thal suggesting the “yollilary, 48% pepular, Don't however, make the mislake (f— nfounding this with the flat Beal NY ws ee shoud be’ made as gradual. as possible Io per 1274 C; eer 2% 10 led dozen. Town Dropsy is not a disease in itself, but ts a symptom associated ae a num-| @ beraf ilterent dsea iefy of the| ‘The litle braided hip heart and kidne, it “consists in the} new and are appr Spa with: either Salvation Army immediately after being eos to jail at Connersville, Ind. pu Als tin Ford, and bralally FROM ST. JOHN, QUE., TO CHIC. evening. t was most s Grand Trunk Has Longest Stretch of | trees to swa UNITED STATES MARKE No. 10%, wuth, Sept. 24.—Wheat tN $ C ; rad Sake nother prisonei ciasigne ofa awateny’. fluid. either: Antbd lane op seer sbttlas OOSEEE SE DPuDIS Track ae . Tk ii A is practically: ab-| the loose tissues yin bene eat the skin, A despatch trom. London, Ont., ak is sanactroit the els of New. York ¢ into the cavili the body, or intd| pre = lua day's vation, when. forty-two | Ue dceper ‘paris and tissues ‘at tte ot simple Mile Princces model, whase oniy in ils material, a curious oe velve ean, collar and caffs of the kolero are 9 roadeloth, Short sleeves ‘! SSeS ty about time’ the Grand m eS Trunk ih ee ripest the longest HEARTLESS MOTORISTS. Birelch of continuous double track in <s the world, when they finish the re- regiment will be | beggars were encountered. in. the busi- 0. 1, Will be required to | bess section, not one was an Ttalian. 70. to have saianitasted exceptional trustworthi- nael Hackett, a former New York term "edema ts applied to a the deeper parts of the body They is aes a Lad’s Horse but Gave sample, “ maining few miles west of this cit Help. = Bac fi Sing Sing w a as ao) ee of the tissues just i h, GL to 613c;| ness and devotion to the throne, and rom Sing Sing The line a en be doubletenesed A despatch fi trom, London, Ont., says - : 26°) ill be. placed under the orders ofthe iv Ss er the ‘The effusion of uid e picturesque touch; it. is ' from St. John, Que., to Chicago and horse driven by at—Sept.,| commander of the Imperial palace. ceing the city’s | inte the shdominal cavity. is called, as-| Gt their v ery occasional appearance ab old ay, $1.09% i pers the change | cites. the present moment, i is pea that the pains will cc mence. running before 1. Th work was star’ ESS in Talvle: of women's EAS ‘Th> fluid of dropsy is usually clear] Long sleeves are used in’ all tailor WFUL RECORD. and of a pale amber color, aitionty i models, : RRS y A peculiar length is seen,in many” @ slalistics for the month of : q have a reddish tint, Pan trimmed coats, that shows {st aboub ‘ord the carrying out of 31 sia will spend nineteen million) cqema canbe aisle ee roth here the of death, the assassination os dellars an le Lag ili at pat lostot ck. Ing due to other causes by the f Rei Sanna Brie nger is pressed firmly on 5 mirsen ie jdepression, "year-old Roce amise tnrowinigetha vlad saiut ac nel eit yéurs ago. breaking. his. leg on Wednesday. entangled in the along the ro ¢ horse ah over Nearly Five Hundred aeins in Seven | 106 fect. The molor party whecied right Yea é away, without stopping to help the boy.| ‘Toronto, ae N Otase ss caltle were tthe igh cb clears, 3.10 lo $3.20. STANDARD a PROFITS. very. broad. eee are used in many ‘older women, only the very < though. AX < MARKET, sentence: 309 persons, ‘of whom 107 were Gover ment officials and ate wwesacaliizehenetd © wounding of 173 people in various encounters, ariff heavy export 1 cr ~ pi will be ly persons ay said to have been main for a time afer the winger i is Pas And _skirl-gores, seven and nine, are ‘A despatch from New York s fis aggregating $4 by the Standard Oil Company in the ‘ois? a from 1899 to 1% Seale mony to this e was give tant caenbh roller Fay of the company in the Federal hearing erp on Wednes day, In the same period the company's on gross assels inc from, $200,01,623 pneumonit a for Severs died at fo $371,664, This is the first time the 114 DOIG Avenue, “at 1 3 Ie 5 despatch from Peterboro~ says? company’s earnings have been made He was Th years of] peavy teed swore: Steady. at .84--to wi C66 Kinniount rien hae public. age. t Little bu: was ic exciting experience on his way sea — from: $ lo hank Bobeaygeon, wh fe he liad paddied JAPAN il NOT CONSENT: in a canoe.on Those. While crossing n nt pat hhalbe 5, ar fi : at mt fas dog es w NEEDS MORE POLICE, = —= Ottawa's Request tor Less Emigration) 1 = =e See a vi 5 na at ge oN neg ae f ATHER AND SON DROWNED the canoe was upset and the man ahd Tele struggl the a " 1 MR. Cc. PA SON DEAD apiece. bins affairs, tough the letie? “are, worn dual Thi killed ins a wreck on the Mexican Cen-| away, x tral “Railroad. Dropsy begins in the dapendent pa rch oorerament has. hopes} of the body, the feet and ankles. if the | mi us Mé tribesmen | per on is out of.bed, either siving ina] Bias bands, simulating a hem, form waking alout. This swelling] the trimming in this cise. Kills of alt nf shi, sorts depend entirely upon the wear- turns | er’s. taste, the following} ‘They are on only in walhing Fin go in amount} jengths, however, ond must be fui it persists throubh the night wn-| ressly fitted above the hips, d bs ihe retovtt sof the pull of Was Postmaster of Toronto for ‘twenty- eight Years. MAN AND BEAR FIG feht from ‘Toronto say Me terse simaster of t been il] will A Thrilling Encounter in Little Bob Latke n ponte in Conta Japanese. officers and ii ted neat Kureal by x Da SE SIELRE® Seed uO tissie. said ue thought it oe sant to he married nd what did you “1 told her thal of course:t wan isnow—I had only heen murried once t” a with r kidne r when ‘ne nloa ale h aaa the ing advantage of her re- ail ea hag menor unless. the Sh io. ch cows were Me no each. He ere wea lects, a $5.87% s witlery or when poisonous “material rt ewes ey ff sw White, Comptro! n uf ed eae were quoted at} Little Bob he dusk he encoun- POI 2 ar fch from Ottawa, says; Lieut Will Be Refused. is ed that one te Persons |)". were ing in tie wae ich from Ollaw Ueut Lost Thei es. alt orth-\West Mounted P< x ‘A despatch from hanghai so mal, for he fought win and whe ‘a: lour’ ot. insy Japanese sleamer Tafoo Maru has oe ae ne ee at last va rata nek ergthing is. w« burned three miles o-Ching- Kiang on ppol hers in the water about half an ree, G6 ‘ " A‘despateh from ‘Cokla say ee Laurier is c bari of the: Yan; a a an, was’ witha suit of badly. torn ) 6 roa les gh aratieg Se bea ooo i ot ts Yanan esate ay wilt ny Soh Bodies Were Found Clasped in Each authorities lo induce Japan to enter a} nients toward Japanese is Pp aie hundred iste Sipe lost. inde! ‘by the beat's heavy sola Se * . 5 ermal agreement placing a fixed HRS In an official statement of i The Tee Mort, formerly the Tahung provinces, where. the settler - Other's Arms, Wy Uri. upon a. number of ae Foreign Office sass that un- is s ‘egster, was buil finually petitioning for the. establish. Mninigrants have aroused gr der the treaty no limitation can be | iu Japan, launched in 1900, and belongs 7 NG Taent of police pasls, 5 rest uere, Any such tons | placed, upon Japanese Subjects to live | to. the Os ata Shesen: Kabushiki Katha | STE ANOTHER DREADNOUGHT. eS are Hoomed he sime failure tha onsent to | (ecmpany) of Osaka, Japan. She is 299 ones TAGE A despatch fro rk’ bor, As they. d@ aa a vessel of 49,300 Tons Re- lespalch from Clarke's Harbor,) Lor, As they. did not return, o limitation would | mean to i it Jap- | feet sae ue) a feet beam and draws ni Boro ute: BACHELORS, BEWARI Neva Scotia, says: One of the saddest | Neighbors. went to lool for thay 's status as a world Power, “hia peli id og RG Ey accidents in the history of this place { she would never conser is “‘senti- A aes) ae from Portsmou! 1 h red Wi fl fe “tan!amoun' abrogation of | ment is.’ generally. endorsed by the BIG aii “Fon ENG ENGLAND. land, oe The plans of the AU > Lena uennd : EAA pr oure Sail f0F| occurred after sundown on Wednesday ae of issing thelr rights; guorenieed by the exist-| press, though the more conservative $ for a new and larger vessel of tho CAnGeAS DE Ras ‘Thursday morning a search was begun mA Spots 4 t. Pio ass: 5 0 ay grow ising New Varieties of Wheat and| Dreadnought class have been recelved| A despatch from Liverpool «i by a date numbér of people, and z A 4 ernment of of, Fopan fo { gnize that the low charac: ate $ at’ the constructian department here,| remarkable+ exodus of a aoa he 1} short time both bodies tase wit wil lage ie Kes one en} {tof many of the Hopeaaee in ee acconipanied by orders {o commence} young women from England to the ro) Nick Sa ered nest fo Uie landing, in j were the * authorities aoe ing, th a Amel red is a contributing: Anflu- |. A despatch from London says? The | building the sate immediately. The United States and Canada is eae tieatiy ws employed in building a age for] feet of water. i} was an ‘alléclips sight. < ate not! dare i in view of the iy 6 fa fomenting of trouble, Cam ART scientists, after eight Ree displacement of ‘the new vessel will be} cd by the depts Oe a thousand un- Doghs eduction Works here, cia sehen the bodies of falher and son we ing ublic sentiment. A_ hig! 2 he rer remérks that the recent] tests, ghee have created varieties of} 19,200 tons... The ~ ship bee will be} married women on steamer Baltic, how ome wilh other hands at 6 o'clock, brought to the surface, clasped $0 4 “ ment Fite pcist net? thal ti 3 oi in of Chinese coolies who had | wheat ree barley which will ae in} leunched- before the oné to be built at| while —séveral indeed more~ wera ful. went back-afler supper-lo the whart | ly in ench other's arms that tt require: onsented. to enter upon lim-| teen brought in by thé pep tacicrs {0} quality aie Manitoba hard grain and-in-| Devonport, ates oe ibe construction amang the total of 5,000 passengers car: | ify eeu to get some-log ends. As {an effort to separate ioe negotiations sur Canada. Mr.| work on Government rotds weak-| crease the value of English grain by at| of which were sed September) ried on ‘the three apenas which sailed ae aa was fine, ws took hi Title | person was wilhin a mile’ jn Sir Wilfrid | ens Japan's case against ‘Conada, Jeast 10 per cent, pCa oa Thursday. ) Lboy. wilh for a pow across 68 ANE ae when the ee “tapped