Cancer-costumes bring lighter side to chemotherapy "I'm a huge believer in 1é@ LOOK Good, Feel Getter program JANIS RAMSAY emnaaDarrcns Nicole Janne said i wes & toes UD 5 wo whether she was More cucited atu dressing up of raging the bell after her fh nal chemotherapy treatment last Priday at the Sumcoe Muskoka Regional Centre “I'm not usually an emotional per son but it makes me tear up just think ing about #. Even when you re sitting there and you hear somebody cise ring the bell. what it signifies it's so huge to know that person's donc.” Jannis said before enduring her final treatment “But as far as being cxcited goes. is like a kid on Christrnas morning. | can't wait to see what costume my come up with — the best for last. Jannis’ story started last fall. when she was tested for the BRCA 1 gene. which is found in women and has been linked to a higher risk of ovarian and breast can- cer it's the samme gene that celebrity Ange- lina Jolie has. which she made public by sharing her story of opting for a double mastectomy and reconstruction to pre- vent her chances of getting cancer With a long family history of women in her family dying from cancer — Jan- nis’ mom Lesicy is also a two-time can- cer survivor — Jannis doctor recom- mended the screening “It's a huge decision about whether you go get tested and whether you want to know. We thought if we can be pre- ventative. why wouldn't we?” The 28-year-old tested positive, but was told not to worry about further can- cer tests until she was older. “By coincidence, I found a lump on my own in the spring.” she said. mMorm s l know she's saving hal x al * = —_ »* yr. a a eet -_ fw _- i € "’ j mn % Micote Jannis. left. and her mom Lesiey Gressed up for eight chemotherapy treatments ts ater. SUIBAAITTED PHOTO It was on “her grew quickly She had an ultrasound, mammogram and emergency biopsy. On April 8 — 20 years after her mom was first diagnosed with breast cancer right side and 1YEAR TO GO! Porapan Am Games August 7-15, 2015 TORONTOZO1S org ParaponAm TORONTO 2015 to feel the intensity of the athietes in the Are You Ready? video — Jannis learned itt was cancer “It was still very shocking. You hope for the best. even knowing I had the BRCA 1 gene.” Within 24 hours. she had met with a dosubhle mastectomy and reconstruction wihech wall Degen “whem « Perr? tr ya OP og atryyc rt wueh Heimg 25 and gon beet ware Pas ne | ere ify Sho fae) & hee Ct wiachorm from her renew. us Hight back (hermthecrapy gd her pain to waried the week Tc! lowing diagnosis and Jann marr show cd 71% rec Tare ine treatimcnt 1 sample. matching costurnes Since then. her mom has surprised he throughout the seven treatments with various cancer-fighting costurnecs ran, ing from a soldier to a Ghostbuster “] was Not about tO gO into « he maother apy and be sad. It was all about making the lighter side of it.” she said. “I m not going to die from this and want to fight it with everything | have. Humour ts re ally the best medicine.” She added there are people who give them dirty looks but bringing even one laugh to that person sitting by them scives getting chemo. made the whole ward feel uplifted One time. Jannis’ mom baked 200 cookies and cupcakes and they deli ered them through the hospital “She's the one who makes tt fun. At 7:30 a.m... she surprised me. | look for ward to it. | wake up and can t war to put my costume on and go to the hospital She knows the road ahead will still be challenging, but said she doesn't com plain because she knows her mom ts standing by her side to encourage her “I'm a huge believer in the Look Good, Feel Better program. Even on my worst days. I put my makeup on to look good and feel good.” And if she can carn a smile from a stranger at the same time, it is worth it. she said surgeon and decided to go ahead with a 3 pe | |