Merchant And General Advertiser, 31 Jan 1890, p 6

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THE LUMBER Ps or -- — TALES FROM . - OAM iook Drax hole apo was ceaperarn tha ot "ideal Tove a pantie” und the “sweet the bunk, coo! desperate struck i itn wildly "with the heavy butz of the Charles Bruia wars a skilful. boxer. exile part stroke he warded ee ae : Pi aatagh itr pal Brata and the Cook. cian. On the steamer in Te one inet! visits hs tanalborssaa! ‘4 winter camps, deep in the backwoods of Maine, New Bruoswick or eabeny the life led by monotonous afte? the it The soands of the Senet, the ahoutiog, the clanking of the teamr, give an amp warning to all the wild oreatures of the The many ‘shocking accidents that have toe muoh f board on ahah he was holding, and back he occurred of late ia Seew + | fell on the floor with a shock like an earth. uake, * This repalse-——which, of course, he crevited to the cook—only filled him fon with tenfold greater fury, and at once he sprang back to the assault; bud - pay howsver brief, an ides, Pearsiove with the rare that for eo many years had Riss Lepage oa ‘ peaks listened eagerly to every word, but soon ee greatly mortified because she could understand much of what he said. Shes ° oe never studied the science of govern: ment; she knew’. nothing of European politics, and lit:le of American his! For the firat time in her life she realized save an interesting, helpful in’ her education. She ly ~—. aay ban hber-" Sean; hagas the sdy of Ammeiten Paton The functions different parte of a government, ofan Amarin stilsen, petite parties, his pocket book and showed ae Mg with a smile that made | Who vote and why, town-meetings, educa. tion, taxes, weber and capital, jstrikes, wl, | commerce, diversities - of aeea al the statement of’ arsistant of ur. Fiera apd, ps electric ex. Tigh wis e'eubooe™ ek t, with its carbons burning, you may know that death lurke overhead. N wad were see in the oad ad air is abd atrop ng ine, . ar thes OR aro ab prot there is no safety, and around as, It may never me ae may go-on for years age eo fe the ~ blankets exert an overwhelmiog attraction, and by the time the Rig 2 have concluded _. thelr after-supper smoke, and. the gound of a few rough sonya has died away, the wild beasts msy creep near enough to smell the pork and beans, and may prowlabout the camp vatil dawn, with small fear of moles- tution from the sleepers Atintervals, howsver, the monobony of camp life is broken ever. We fed and warmed and brooded o¢r him, longing’to ask if he © Bny money; but no one litle May said, aftter had told all ée sian) things, « Well, | of did people payyou?” Then, with a qaesr look, he roa as sit d tho careless Wasdenen that, though | through the hole, was stolen, md I had buy a moment comes you are killed instantly. bic in the witderneas, indeed, they are yet not| At this point the cook drew a long were not kept, and travel. | & faasnating problem, soon found to be factors in | may touch a wire with: your finger, and traly ofix. They are made suddenly aware | breath his heart to go down ing is costly; mt I have opsned the way, th a het thongh you be on tho tenth a of a build- of those shy bud savage forces which, | out of his throat, where ithad been since and another yar shall do batter. ro _ usiasm amuse ing, you may be killed instantly, provided regarding thém ever as trespassers, hava/he waked, and fesume its proper functions, | 1 shall tele, her brothers. Whatcould | that by moisture or otherwise, the floor be- be the use of iat troubling her head about t : di d eager . from the | mocher h the dear, comes & conductor. The wire you touch pay “Tae. piri of ‘the violated coat and ran fartbaip, bat be fairer be popetal agai eh _ week = Pe a he i er que ohéx _— ion ne eee my say! y Reenanys pictecs, ane bin] forest makes a swift aud sometimes effeo- | changed his mind. The bear was no fool, | [O° With # Deming fsce sho Kissed him, oO ai Manel veel. under t1¢3e conditions, in connection saying, ‘‘I cal'bhat doing very age — their ‘con an iron rafter or a hook touching some hid- : io bur always unexpected, stroke for soa tel test thin ean Weed Boeal om you are safely home, dear, we don’s ask on Bag @ family Aa inyited to| den plate, it may convey a fatal current. A yoke of oxen are straining at their load. | the oamp door, expecting to catch him as } *"Y thing er a. dus ——— ant to Jo aoe bre) There is no knowing when you may touch Agrest branch reachipg down catche’ the | he came down. Anna and I doked down our tears, and | * his fame. the ourrent. The further maintensncs ot the brate stout eaplingis bant to the ground by a ov>rhead wires in their present condition i: s*menace to the life of everybody in New York. Itis dangerous to tonch a wire : Had po acted upon his first impulse, he would have been overtaken before he had gone a hun and would have took a listle legon in real — which we never dacs wr the look that the tired m: the tades women oe one an- dred y: ae, It i halt ic and comic, for convention was at that tims any kini, or even a metal substance, — e and snow. S me ow or oy panied eee “ia ya nai gh Bars anther was tad eleepy, and session ia a Wes estern ity: and much anxie ae ringing « door-bell or leaning ¥ gat the fierce recoil a horee’s leg is shattered —he stack close to the chimney hole, like a another in a ie nightcap and funny old it fe enn tae aele a e nomination which | 9 lamp post might be struck A lumberman has strayed cff into the | pratrie-dog sitting by his burrow, ready at a | J*cket. araing an American Mr. insta Tt is no® alone the electric ight woods by himeelf, perchanc2, to gather | moment's notice to plunge within, while the ight made come lequir oe le welres that may kill you. Somewhere off in spruc3 gum for his ds in the settlements, | bear atalked deliberately twice around the 13 Serning the f i 7, * the the ® | another street, perbap2 miles avay, the wind and he is found, days afterwar%s, half-eaten | camp, eying him and evidently Isyinz plans, SE 9,000 YEARS OLD. Ec 7 addres On GF SION BN Reser 7 has blown an arc-light some by bears and foxes. A sclitary otopper | as iv wero, for his cap*are. —_— ay Me Y | conductor, and the danger throws down bis axe and Jeans against a} Ad last the bear appeared to make up his rance, was obliged This testimony is not very comiaslon to A Mine im Cdlferata in Which Theie Is Ierpetual Frost. The altitudef the Stevens mine on Mount McClellan (CJifornia) tree to rest and dream, and s panthsr drops rom the branches above and teare hi 4 Yeb sucr vengeance is acoom plished but seldom and makes no permanent impression mind. At one corner of the shanty, piled u nearly to the eaves, wasaa store of firewo which ‘‘cookes’ had gathered in. Upon this pile Bruin Tee and than madea dash e “ deadly wires,” nor is it |. > allay their fears. 1b cannot he supposed, however, to be exaggerated, az all rs Sactecbaie of the three other guests met wit ch the same to the response. To of every one, a modest little American girl advanced | * on the heedless woodeman. His onward march is inexorable. The cook. it mast be borne in mind, isa _ moat impo-tant personage in the lumber Tais L esy of camp coo cooka in general, nat’ assert iz in Ss of the os who figures as ons of the teroes in the atory nny to bo related. The other hero is the at Nichol- Northern thaw for some days, ander the «ves of the camp were shrinkin rapidly, Te bright chips about fhe door, the trampled straw and fodder around the stable, were steamiug and soaking under the stea’y sur. Such winds words, From ti.c protinding seve ipe, which did duty asa cbimrey, o faint blue wreath of smoke carted leztly. The cook had the camp all to himself fora while, /or the teams and chopp:rs were at work 4 mile away, and the ‘‘cookee,” as the. cook’s assistant is called, had betaken himself to a neighboring pond to fish for trout through the ice. The dishos were was © camp was in order, and in a little while it vould be time to get the din:er reaiy. Tie inevitable pork avd beacs were slowly boiling, and an appetizing fragrance was atr on the et air. Tre cook decided to snatch a better way of es The weather ing ea, he left tke cam dco: wide open, an swinging up to bis berth, soon had himee!lf luxuriously bedded in bis own as many other ee blankets os he — Hs began to He of summer ee" odes and then of a lively Sunds school pio- nic, and at Jast of the music of aband which he cra ben bale and the b and, waking where he = oF tara his head in aston- ishment ove humored, but jean and hungry with a hangry bear the smell k had come that wero stirring abcoad that day were quite shut off | was from the camp by the dark surrounding { the bunk. The | the up the creaking roof. Cook prayed pray ——— that it ot se way beneath the great-wsight of th and to see it is would do so he wolted slnost too long; but it did not, As he ried, belated, through the hole, th bear's paw reached its and the huge claws tore nearly all the flssh trom the back of the poer felow'’a hand. Bleeding and trembling he crouched upen ths friendly rafter, not daring to awirg down into the Tne agility of that $ animal was marvellous. Scarcely hil cook got under shelter when Bruin rushed in again at tha door, and was up on the bunk again ina twinkling, and again cook vanished by the chimney- a “a moment later the bear the roof,while cook once more crouched deus fsintly on his rafter, This performance. was repeated sevsrai times, ul for =* io _—* ceased bo be interesting. Ai Ce grew monotonous even to the tentefatigable Brain, who then re solved upon a change of tactics. After driving cook out through the chimney, he decided to try the same mode of exit for eee or at least to chrust his head through the opening, andsee what it was like, Em- bracing ths woodwork wi powerful fore-paws, he swang himself up on the ratter, as he bad seen cook do #0 grace- fally. Theoattemp: was quite success fu!, but the rafter was not prepared for the strain, and Bruio and beam came thundering to ths floor. , Aa cook gez:d down through the hole and marked what had havpsned, his heart sank utterly within him. His one safe retreat was gone. — Bruin did not perceive bis advant- age, or was in no hurry to follow itu The ‘had greatly dampened his bie saat He saton his haunches by the stove and ge up p sallely at the —_ while cook espairingly at “—o the bear noticed that th pork had got deliciously cool, rps in _ -| charms of that rare morsel coo quite forgotten. All cook bad © - dos was oie lie op the roof, o cerated hand and watching Brain as he ae away with lumbermen's dioner—a labor of love in camp, to the breathless and amoezement of the lumbermen. himeeclf spon the bear, who on his Lind.quarters o mset them. Tae first few blows that a delivered st him, with all the force of vindictive ¢: ears. au angry aweep of thegreat paw/rear sank the axe-head deep between his pad on . pot and kettle: off the stove & fore-shouldezs, the spinal odlamn, thunder of crasting iron andclatterin and Bruin collapsed, a heap, upon the This was anow. the point at which cook’s helming ttained overw reali ‘which eV bat med hie -eyed gtz, as he vat | hand, their comrade’s — , and— pater ang cranes worse tae oe Tale thattiown, Jama,” was heard ia od blanketr, haps most va —their io sight of being | almost inaudible voice. dating ou arlaas ta agentactes «f stoam and thoroughly dinner, the lumber- one as me Timp os See = dis- | - Two more streams were crossed; bat the cmake'and bette and kettles, in-| men undertook to make a mea: of Bruin ; — ae One might old Indy was sik effectual swatches at a lump of scalding pork ius bo. didn atgangt Brats found © spacers take him to be, pthaps, a betevolent and| Suddenly her face brightened with vith new wpm the S00r uick bf etipsuen, cock rese| oven tougioer then be bad bese ta life, aad simple comntey 31 ey Ente, , some | bone pn,See oye wae sp ot softly. and crept to the other end of the phe famous luxury of a fat bear steak was { °7 of painted| “What place is this?’ she asked, confi- banks, whére a gut’.war kept. nowhere to be bad from his caroas. mind of s prof sa Mineman Dndlodee the weapon was ner wg lho Cuartes G. D. Rosxers, pay ny Ae epee hood of the Strand, ve goomanan came the monotcnous af theiJock ig Pigg See's euerm hundred | and, f the birds, asked The mous cost, over one showing him ne o aan wenteune Dinad ke een suillicns of do! has been pointed to as | the learned judg’s — as to what "E Fian, throw that paper out of the win- aie od aixalghtWrey Le overflowed with | baer ODestend to the proposed it might pee eer ad _'Haldon, sadam!” exclaimed the,cou- : eviden the author of and France across 7 pany eae nd to save bis ssalp-he had toe wrath. Here, tly, was cre nite of Daver. Forth + nied eplied ve had not seen a bird | d 38 save his e ped fi x ie cai * wa and vengeful paws{to ba a of two railway | exeotly like this ae before, bat, jad Pina tas the State roxd orn Cal —_ pice t for the bunk. Its edge was| systems, and which, at the most, only savce from the old proveb that “birds of # feather ne oh edie tous -aheggag ning‘ the eo . fl rein an hang sad = half of between 4 ficck ” bqshould say thatibwes o/s 7 pearly feet from the floor, eo Ee and the north ot Séo gsol-bira vader waited for Es sneks the aid jot aqne tins, tm, Sonat ex a oe ceed alo edge, abd His rest! pave | cot clove upon sixteen paytivalary bat ifansly eben away, | ber sblcie, but abe didalter awhliey spd the ever the cook's torn McClellan is o® of . the snowy passes rock n ee or w Tae white of the being u with pick and dill that the only way lode was to kinde “face” of the tum daring the night, In tact, this was used while going some ten or fifteen is now many butd is, so far as channel thtengi other a in the frogan in have a5 OS eee “The honomeno: inexplicable when i but cases whish, depth of from 60 to 00 mutter, consising of silics, calcite, and ore, together with the enarquading: ¥ wall rock, is a solid frczx} mass is surrounded bj massive rocka. possibly have resched'such a dep the surfacs. Biies fis there are man is 2,500 feet. At the feed the crevice the ibohent a: eastern 8 It has the form ot a a bold escarpment of teld- 2,000 feet high, which, endicular, in some placer, is nearly _ into den mine nothing un- tntil a depth of eighty cr ninety feeb ferboksd, when the frcz m tory begins ant continues for over 200 feet. There a no inlications of a thaw summer 200 fest of frczin wall, Tne misera oable to ixcavate the frozan material in the usual way, found to mins in this peculiar a huge fire against the el and in the orning m take out the ore — had been thawed loose the only mode of mining through the frezsn belt earssincs. The taanel red jeet deep, and stil there is no — d the om The sen, no whith the ivost Rata from y sane vicinity in a like The theory is that tle rock was deposited lacial times, when shere was cold enough to freczs the very exth’s heart. In that case the mine is an ic-house whese svores unthaved for a: least 80,000 m # pot uncommon or opnings can be found = which a curent of air can pass; lite the Sbevens = show no opening for tir-currents must rere i tbl berg the gata eges sant sensation, for bial in that land ol As Big asa Dinner Pilate. The biggest edible oyéters ‘in the world are — ad Port Linola, in South Austra- hey are -srumba., Bu» it isavery pies- thefisvonr and delicacy of the Port Lincoln nimmoths are prover- laaries. -[ Es. And now while ho T ie doctors are at excited over the wotings of th country is so tly “at the, Resian revious ap og me plugs of pale yel- Pe Bibri brine f filling pavities of the heart. § les to classify or cure me concsninz . Justice o' of the Queen's Bsoh Division in England. timidly to Mr. Bright, and gave him the ow info: Bright pos " deligisted. seated bimet ac tbe girl's side and vaiked with her for the entire evening, and when taking leave of ner ssid to ner mother : ‘You Americans have made w: — advances in education, The futare o of country is secure when the young men mince aliks are trained to intelligent ander standing of the laws which govern The next generation will bes nr prere A few days afterward came an t in- vitation for the entire family to spend a wid: at the Bright homestead. Where the little American was introduced to Mr. Gladstone and many other prominent English statee- men, Her anigue experience is very suggestive. Mow many of cur young people are at ali acquainted with the present state of Bases an politize? Too many of them, indeed, have yet to learn the very alphabet of their own government. — ee Ee \, An “Id Lady Taking Notes. ‘Now, Mr. Conductor,” ssid a snappish lodking old lady as she boarded the slesping car at Chattanooga, ‘*I want you to tell me the names of ali the places of interest we pass on the way to Atlanta, for this, 1 belisva is the road along which Sherman **Yesm'm,” replied Mr. J. B. Jackson, the conductor, as he cast his eyes at two protey a with the old lady. < * sald _ yi aa la, 7 get a piece Paper now ei down the names the gentleman tells ou. “ Yes, ma,” replied the et with a smile that made the conductor’, A heart “What ctream is lady, as the trai wD poe “*Thav'a Chicamauga creek,’ replied the ond “Take that down, Jane.” ~ A half mile further another stresm was r ossed. os “What stream is that?” again asked the old lady. wo creek,” replied ths coz- aociTake that — Jane.” “What stream is that 2” interrogated the old + “Chi a auge ” The old lady began to look suspicious but. «Peake that down, Jane,” ‘‘Woat stream is thatone yonder, ran- ning into those woods ; now we are crossing is 2" ‘ “Chicamiugs.” “Take that down, Jane.” ominous followed until the same creek had been crossed four additional times. *Qpother stream was seen babbling over With a sien slenep 28 the ellow waters the old lady ask = “And what oreck & ita 1" "C aga,” came the reply in a des- and the girls Seatd Lite the eonlasters vail, A said snappishly : Another creck was crossed; bub the old lady ol eine Soil another was crossed And oe ia what?” witness would lead him:-to aim at the utmost exactness of statement. Tae public may depend upon the substantial correctness of his teatimony. The question has been started ‘‘ How far ate the Companies which optrate the var- ae responsible for the casualties occur in pa tere with their lines 7” mad Ia New ¥ pl poe _— ie A the haar rand Jury aoe ten” thnes neni angry 3 —_ — mo cccordlagy they rong for the ac- current sup- sien the lamps could under no circumstan- ces endanger the passing or working citiz ns. This the superintsadent failed to do, and by in crimina\ neg) and neglect to per- en bis duty caused MHarris’s death. This puts the matterin anew light. It is not stated how the Company charge or what they pro to doin the pose That they should be made to feel bility in the matter is neoss- number of deaths by electricity lately may be thus a,counted for. Taking New York as a typical instance he said : “‘When the electric lightniog systema were ficst b pat in a a York, aud everywhere elee for $ matter, were something new ; thoy weil’ Sextet atp This led to two things. In. the first place, the few gs nl ies dida’) want to sink any more elec’ ty.was only partly known, and it dangers and the best way to guard agains them _— compiratively unkrown. The result of this ocm ination af and parsimony was that the first _ and other apparatus erected by the compan- ies was of a very poor adds : **Ip is only a question of expense and care to make electricity as safe as gas for lighting purposes or safer, so far as kind of fires as while when the matter of carelessness is ae ae A is infinitely y eee It is bord re work to help the careless use that care in the matter of and of set- ting up the ptant is the 3 2, from 5 A tags any needless risks, Exernal ‘the price of safety. Res pombe lor & apeak g tbe poor anfortanat® by a jury ‘of bt his Te rapid sped of the oon in astonishing. ; _ Ras- Fomoaly tve's bel +

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