Merchant And General Advertiser, 31 Jan 1890, p 5

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picasso "Two Doors East of Post Office. 1890 Considerable hauled in} Babee Robtert Hamikon spint Sanday in All Wool Tweed at 36c. at Mader’s. DRUGS ! 2 to town. ; Mrs, and children returned WISHING YOU THE CcOM-| Revenge is sweet, but Mader's ww. Bie. * Mi randon Sgn to her home a week from a visit at Belmore.———— [TT PLIMENTS OF THE ~~ [Sugar for the dollar is sweeter. — in-Arthar.-.- The Misses Wilson, of Harriston, were | Chemicals, Note SEASON, Owing to want of space considerable, Mis. Klamp hay recorpred from her the guests of Miss Alice Dunn last —— Envelopes, : interesting matter has been crowsed | severe week. School ee ee ee aed oon aabe out this week. "Whsiee is thn sia Waleoebiubatioed | - ic. L. A-Grigge beaSena in towneh| wire pent — Sood uss at yoer eee tee fas fe coca Miss Maggie Graham has j ust recoy- tithes ches as ae heed week and is like to remain for several make FOO) ae of yo all at once” |¢ted from & severe attack of that popu- _. [days yet., Can be secured from — lar disease—La Grippe._ A.H.N. Jenkins, fomerly ‘of the} The session, in connection with the| J. FOLBERT PEPPER, Buy a Watch Rev. D. Rogers contemplates a service | Brussels Budget, is now editing a Re- | Presbyterian church, met last Tuesday Chemist & Druggist, - —AT— CUNTHER’S, GULDSMITII'S HALL, Main St., Listowel, As he carries a large stock of all makes of Watches at prices to suit everyone. REPAIRING | done an guaran So m you come to Lis- towel don't forget to call in at Gold- | smith’s Hall, its.on your way, and easy to find when you are in town. J. H. GUNTHER, Goldsmith's Hall, Main St., Listowel. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & B. Trains leave Atwood anveint North and South as fellows < GOING gc py GOING NORTH. Express 721 a.m. | Mixed .. 8:07 am. aot 1224 p.m, Express | 2:34 p.m. Mixed ..10:00 p.m. | Express 9:12 p.m. ATWOOD STAGE ROUTE, Stage leaves Atwood North and South as follows : GOING SOUTII. GOING NORTII. Atwood Pretec aed | Mitchell 2:30 p.m. Monkton am, V’'rnho’m 3:30 p.m. B'rmho’ mio: 15 am. | Mankton 4:45 pm. Mitchell 11:15 p.m. | Atwood 6:00 p TOWN TALK. Have you had the “grippe ?” Some talk of a new livery stable in town. Subscribe for THE BEE and get your | home news. D. D. Hay, of Stratford, was in town | last week. John. Rogers is visiting friends at | Detroit this week. | We refer our readers to the advt. of | Robt. May in another column. All | kinds of repairing attended to prompt- | ly, Give Rob a trial. | We understand A.J. Keillor has open- | | ed upa real estate agency at his resi- | dence in Newry. Ie also does convey- | ancing, ete. Wm. Hawkshaw was called away ; of revival meetings at Donegal to com- menceé in‘about a week. John Clark offers his farm for sale in this week's issue. It is a good property and situated within one-half mile of Newry P.O Geo. Gibbs and wife, of Stratford, re- turned home on Wednesday of last week. They were the guests of Jno. Hamilton, 8th con. Elma. Miss Lifzie: Brooks left town last week for Toronto, where she purposes studying for a professional teacher’s certificate. We wish her success. J: G. Robertson has leased his bakery to Chas, Zeran for the term of one year. Mr. Zeran is doing a splendid business both in town and country. Read his ad. The Elma Insurance Co, met at loeger’s hotel on Tuesday of last week. There was a fairly large attendance despite the inclemency of the weather. Our veteran Postmaster, Donald Gor- don, has done much toward aiding the- circulation of THE Der, for which kind- | ; ness we beg him to accept our thanks. Hand us in the local and district happenings. Consider yourself one of our local reporters for the time being. It will take a few weeks to get a corps |, of correspondents in full swing. James Hemphill, of Listowel, was in town-on-Friday of last week, working in the interests of the Temperance and General Ins, Co’y, and succeeded taking a number of risks in this local- ity. The Atwood saw and planing mill§ are making things hum. Mr. Dunn is well known to the farming community and his announcement Should be read by all those in need of building ma- terial, etc. Bills, circulars, dodgers, billheads, letterheads, envelopes, invitations, pro- grams, funeral notices, and all kinds of card work turned out neatly, cheaply and expeditiously at THe BEE Publish- ing House, Atwood. John le!ton has disposed of b! 'spump | form paper in St/Cathaijnes, Dr. Hamilton is kepj.on the road pretty much all the tine these days. The Dr. has a large pracice. Winter goods must §ove if prices .| haye been an obstacle inthe way befo re Mader 1s bound to close fhem out. Conductor Quirk says all the talk along the line is“Atwod¢.” Right you are, Bro. Quirk, we are fhe people. Miss Lavan who has feu residing in the village for the past [ew months, is spending her holidays } the town of Listowel. Owing to the necessafy delay in re- moving our plant, setts up presses, etc., we were unable to publish Tur BEE last week. Tenders are asked foj the purchase of the Elma Agriculfiral ds, Newry, also forthe Socfty’s farm, lot 20, con. 12, Elma. Last Sabbath was compunion Sunday in the Presbyterian chu th, the Rev. A Henderson, M. A., r, officiating The congregation was v¢y large. Quarterly meeting in fhe Methodist church next Sabbath moning at 10:30; conducted by the pasto, The official | Board meets thefollowhg day at 2:30 . m. os Ida McBain is attending the | Listowel High Sehool at present. Miss McBain is a good stu@nt and Tur Bre wishes_her every aceess-in-her} studies. The S.S. Convention of Perth Co. will be held in the Main Street Metho- dist church, Mitchell, on; Tuesday and | Wednesday, Feb. 11th and 12th. a good program of topics ‘has been ar- ranged. Weare in receipt of a copy of the Albert College (Belledlle) Times, neatly gotten up montlly, edited by J. Hi. McBain, a former 4stwoodite and-a son of our esteemed ctizen, J. W. Mc- | | Bain. We welcome tje Times to our! a Itev. E. W. Hugtes, Incumbent of | afternoon. Rumor says that Mader is selling the cheapest Groceries eversold in Atwood, For once ramor don’t he. The Canadian Order of Foresters met in their Hall, over Whaley’s’ shoe store, on Saturday evening last. A robin was seen on Tuesday of tins week by Jas. Hamilton, con. 7, E!ma, Rather early in the season for robius to make their appearance. One of our local pugilist’s muscle be- came too strong for him on ‘Tuesday night, and succeeded in smashing two panes of glass for Mr. Ioeger. There will be no service in the Pres- byterlan church next Sabbath morning on account of communion services at Monkton. Service in the evening as usaal. The monthly meeting of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society was held on Tuesday, Jan 28th, at the residence of Robt. ‘Anderson, There was a large attendance. J. Jewell, of Mitchell, made us friendly call this week. Ile thtends ‘opening up a general paint shop in | Atwood about March Ist. Tne BEE extends a hearty welcometo Mr. Jewell ; and hopes that he may be able to secure | a suitable shop. THE WARDENsHTP.—At the opening | of the January session of the-County | Couneil Tuesday, John MeMillan of North Easthope, was elected warden ’ 3 vote of 14 to 13 over Thos, E. Hay, of | Listowel. Instead ot the usual warden’s | supper, Mr. MeMillan will donate $50 | to the Stratford Hospital. | Wat We May Exprct.—Snow.— | A new drug and book store in town. — | Several large brick stores go up in the oa | spring.—Tuk BEE to find its way into jevery home in the township of Elma,— | great many business failures this | winter.—500 new names added to our | subseription list during the next few, | days.—A new school house, the present |one being inadequate to the require woiks in Brussels to James Bell, an old | Christ church, J.istowel, and who has| ments of the people—Atwood to be- Atwoodiie, Mr. Bell has had long e% perience in the pump business and w. n| doubtless do well, especially since he has taken a partner juto the business, Atwood is to havea member of the legal fraternity in the person of W M. Sinclair, of Brussels, Hemay be found | been holding service in St. Alban’s ‘church here for sme time past has re signed his charge, Mr. Hughes isa preacher of morethan ordinary ability, | and his place willnotbe easily filled. dred years old. & is suggested by H On the 1ith of September, 1892, the Ontario Legislature will be one hun’ ‘come an incorporated village inside of | three years.—The young people to be | greatly interested in Mr. Lamoxt’s | singing class. The directors of the Elma Agricult ural Society met- at Wynn's hotel | Newry, on Monday the 20th inst. The | suddenly on Thursday of last week to/ at Joezer’s hotel every Wednesday, at , deputation appointed to wait on the Lucan, owing to the illness of his broth- | 12-5) p.m. and remain until the depart- | correspondent of} ‘Toronto paper pean er, Thos. Hawkshaw. When you are in Atwood call in and | see us. We want to get well acquaint- - ed with our constituents so as to be able to advance your interests, The Elma correspondent to the Ban- ner evidently made a mistake in designating Atwuod the “hub of Elma” as we claim to be the “Hub of the | County.” There is nothing small about us. Everybedy may aid THE BEE by enclosing $1 for thelr own subscription and canvassing their neighbor. Some of our new found friends are doing good work in this respect. Send along your names at once. The pork packing business is being, V pushed forward this season by our en- . terprising citizen Wm. Ilawkshaw, and | up to date has purchased 61¢ tous of pork. This is a good showing for the tirst season. we are indebted te Robt. Cleland, the efficient Secretary of the Elma Mutual Fire Ins. Co, for a report of their proceedings. The Elma Co. ranks among the best companies in Ontario, which is largely due to its shrewd board ot management. Our Banp.—The band boys held their business meeting on the evening of Jan. 18th, to arrange the time of practice, audit the books, &c. We are pleased to report that our band is in a flourishing condition under the able leadership of James Stewart. The following item is clipped from the Detroit Free Press:—“The Hon. H. Thursday, on his way to Eng- Canada, A fter spending ten days with his ne teen, Rev’ Breddin Hamiiton, rector of St. George’schurch. The gen- tleman, who had been on a tour through eur townsman, Br. J.C. Hamiltes, {uw ‘e of 9:12 train. Mr. Sinclair is favor | ably known in this section. Ilis card | | appears in this issue. If you have “bigness” of the head, al | cough, and: “ringing ears,” tears, a bilious feeling ‘bout your waist, ! | though farfrom well you are not sick ; you have not lost your “grip.” If yon. have “running” at the nose, and con- down your back as though your spine: was freezing, if in a nervous “rocky” or English influenza. Isterestine Lreat Case.—Judge Woods has just given a decision in leet pgs ema this + cality, in which J. Irwin, merchant of this place, was plaintiff. Mr. Irwin had a claim against the estate,of J. Bristow an insolvent, and had guarnisheed mon- ey in the hands of the Elma Cheese Co. At the trial in Listowel the assignee interposed, claiming a priority over all other creditors. Decision was reserved at the trial, but has new been given in favor of the plaintiff, on the’ ground | age that the evidence showed that the as- signment was eollusory, which we be- lieve means, in the vulgar tongue, that it was considerable of a fraud: Rev. D. Rogers has réceived the fol- lowing from Rev. Dr. Potts who was announced to preach in this village en Friday evening, Jan. 2ith :—“Fora week I have beea fighting this prevailing in- fluenza, and yesterday my doctor order- ed me te bed. I have explained to him my engagenients in your town aad nabdibecheed, and he positively says I must not undertake any such jouraey orany such work as the dancer ofa re- lapse is so great and in many eases proving fatal, that he will not take the responsibility of permitting me to leave home at this time.” After expressing regret he says: “I feel that my first duty is to take care of my health for my family's sake, Ever yours, Joux Ports.” ithe centenary le celebrated by the ‘erection of a moiument at Niagara, ; | where the first Letislature assembled. Mr. Haggart, Petmaster-General, re- a hot and, | ports that the pat oflice expenditure ! giving certain privileges in lieu of feverish cuticle and eyes suffused with | for last year was Pee; and the; interest. Messrs. Wm. Forrest, Jas. revenue was $2 ; and that there ! | is in consequence } defict. of 3761,818. ' This is nothing nev, however, for the country’s postal tccounts have never stant fits of sneezing, a chilly feeling’ balanced. This week will ‘lose the first half of | | Winter with no sww yet to speak of) state, like one in drunken frenzy, my | und the lowest recrd of the thermom- | | kind this’ would bea great convenience, friend, you've got the French “la grippe” | eter in these partsip to date, ten below | and might be made a sowrce of consid- | sero. If this witer desires to reaeh \the average of een the recent mid | «| Season it will hve to give us some | very low readings {luring the next six, or seven weeks. ing Co. have had <very successful sea- | son as will be seei by the following quotations :—Milk reeeived, 3,046,170 Ibs. ; cheese made2$3535 Ibs.; average Ibs. of milk to male one lb. cheese, 10.- 78; total sum realized, $27,527.13; money paid patram, $23,219.39; aver- age price paid, per found, 9.7. Last Monday eering a meeting was held in the Presbyerian church tor the purpose of organzitg 2 singing class Mr, Lamont: beiagill, the pastor, Rev. A. Henderson, M.A, acted in his stead. Although the meetiig was not as repre- \aeancgpion as desired some twenty names were taken and te outlook is very favorable. Mr. Lazont is a thorough musician and has iad great success as a teacher of yocamusic, The following isclipped from the Meaford Mirror.—‘The town of Tiver- ton has decided to loana gen $1.500 for ten yearavithout interest enable him to rebuid his tannery which was lately destroyec by fice. Things of this kind ‘show at ” Weald not a similar loan » Mr. Wilson, Who was so unfortunatas to lose his tan- nery reeently, by tim, bea move im the right @rection. Atwood can ill afford tefosé such: ah impwtant industry: Elma Cheese ant Butter Manufaciur- | UCLLUNER.— ; Council in regard 10 a@ grant towards | | building a hall reported that the Council | had laid the tnatter over till next meet- | ing, but the deputation were sanguine ‘of securing either a grant or a loan, Irwin and Robt. Morrison were ap- GRAHAM'S BLOCK, - BRUSSELS. ALWways Use Perrer’s PItyts, itt ADVERTISE Strayed —IN— THE BEE. H.F. BUCK Furiiture Emporium, LISTOWEL. I wish tointimate to the people of Atwood and vicihity that I have on lete stock of all lines BEDROOM SUITES, ~~ SIDEBOARDS, — EXTENSION TABLES, SPRINGS & MATTRASSES, f AND PARLOR SUITES. Hi goods best of their Ciaae, I am bound to sell them, Call and get prices. THE LARGEST STOCK OF MOULDINCS For Pietare Framing in Town. UNDERTAKING A Specialty. Full lines funeral goods. akways on Rand. 1-3m If. F. BUCK, Wallace S& —ATWOOD— Repair Shop ! ROBERT MAY intimate to the people of At- wood and surrounding country that he has opened up a General Kepair Shop Two Doors South of loeger’s Hotel. | pointed a committee to prucure plans | and estimates of a suitable hall It is: the intention ef the Society to build a two storey hai, with the upper vei furnished suitable for public meetings.' | As there is no hall in the village of this avd is prepared to do all kinds of Re- pairing on Shortest Notice and at prices. to suit the times. BRING ALONG YOUR FURNI- TURE, CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, &e. j erable revenue to the Society. Wood-Tu rning S ra TANNa.—In Atwood, oa Jan, 13th, ne Steere: wite of se Hanna, of a son. ROBERT MAY. Monkton, on Jan. 8th, lanlere wife of e Uliner, of a daughter. 'Mason.—In Denegal,on Jan. 8th, the wifé'of C. Masva, ofa daughter. Moone. —In vaoet, en the 27th inst., the “le of Robs. Moere, of a son. Stewari.—In Atwoud, on Jan. 2tst, he wife ef Jno. Stewart, of a daughter. 457 NETHERCOTT—GOETTLER,—In Fallar- ten, on Jan. 14, at the residence of the bride’s father, J. Goettler, by Rev. S. 8, Edmonds, Frederick Netherton to Emma Goettler, both ef Fullarton. BARGAINS! E. DUNFORD, BRUSSEES, ONT., Has a fuilline of SCOTCH AND CAN- ADIAN TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, and OVERCOATINGS. He Can “Suit” You Every ee eee Geods will be TOpes. Bold a COST sets the met gae ® days. Cie ogee on Jan. 16, onn. ire Varnor — In Stratf on Sanday, CALL EARLY Jan, 26, Mary, be of Johu! ~ Varnor, South street, aged 83 years. And get @ Bazgain. ATWOOD MARKET. (+ Cuarantee a Perfect Fall Wheat............+- . @D 8 NaN ooo. cncccccecesceeee » 3| Fit ar Noe Sale. — Tanne cear mfac docs neues 2° ee. — sant quae shenawaeweuees sa si Hides peri acc. 2% * E.DUNFOR Wood. 2 Os. saunas conten 113 1% MERCHANT TAILOR, carrged «lag errr = 5 a ete os Fors per 3... Brussels, Orntscria, ‘Knimals ° ont wi at eve,

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