Merchant And General Advertiser, 31 Jan 1890, p 2

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$ fa Ane preter CANADIAN, —s on snoat al ta would been killed before we Boca, oF. which + negroes ae rs) Bos Brat'Haste need te nav, he hen | could pump-enough lead into him.” And poet by masked men, of scalp- tiie sevenet ty by of F are suffering from the iaflaerzs. Payee debt ia was one's y habit, ai Saal, complicity in ba! has gone up 45 centa a a) ” Qppaattion SS the STs SL eh) aler fy ly day—brothers— i ak Ween kane "ies otee barrel during ce aa g Tt att pares or BP: ti the att var = aonacaey ny patina remanent a p of ‘ 7, vernor. committee's address to Pie yarn | nded bis evangelistic | Ireland. Secretary Balfour is down with giveijos the right»of: way, she will| 7 pereghary dere and the most “their fi ‘e-tbe work In London Sanday night. The meet- | the disease... ther salnon berries in the same patch, or | 5) successful hanters in the county. I iin Mr. Edward Blake concluded his ad- | ed ultra-conseryative newspapers from all bhe | sketching ¢ writing nob many. SWAY. | his birds ab 600. yards, ned to ‘Rill | ©eent to have the the f dress in the Canadian Pacific railway suit | Royal castles. If it wareotherwise—if the ¥ wild geese, coyotes; mountain quail and bare on Saturday, having spoken Tor nearly five One ‘hundred Brezilian soldiers favorable pr gt he : of te ores EW eran on the run with shelr Henry rifles. . Still and brought to jasties.: :Gevernor S days. to the monsraby are reported to have been of poe 0 rage fall. oe ese Sey had shot hundreds of deer, tha not one of (he Parthia has made the trip from | killed while resisting arrest, pre wish: woussd tua bucsibbe adi ee A and elk; they never wentigrizsly | *eir number more re Yokohama to Vancouver in) 12 deys ;13i| 4 avices from Bolivia state thut there is an | 8° Oi 7 *thanting, At lest, ia 1668, in the Gan Bonito af if hours, ‘the fastest trant-Paclfo trip 00) unexplained defilanay, of $300,000 in Sho.c- |, ind Bidwell | motataine ae Unuahehtindeetaenes He. See Shows hla eapenk rood Derente briech counts of the Bank of La P.z. saw 800: valley... Gen, teristic of the habits of the grizzly, - that nothing that he could do to secure con- The annual mesting of the oe It is sald the Czar has ordered the trial sheep in the} ‘The elder QOveracker was. then in the ‘paaishment for the | would be of the Imperial Federation — of the officers responsible for the recent| genta they were | rime of life, extremely Po undone.’ This atrocious deed has done Friday evening, Mr. A. J. Cattanach shooting of a number of Siberian exiles. oaks, The) ood quick'in hi notions: ” er eat much to widen the gulf between the. whites one Sone arin Mer. man named formed the rest of blacks, embitter the feelings Sir Richard Cartwright has sold his | ously ill of congestion of the lungs at Mer in shoot- the party. ‘They left chmp and ted, which were hostile enough in all conscience residence in Kingston, and peeve ton Norfolk, the seat of Baron When the nearly parallel ravines. Howard e of the tragical event. ‘ either Toronto or Ottawa, with chances in| 7), Spanish Government are taking fall A pra was slowly working his way. through the It is diffi malt to predict whereunto this dead- favor of the former. ; recautions to prevent a Republican rising ie’ still dense, thorny basher, ealed by ornians | *Y, Samtiel Stoner hrs sold nine lots on Ouol- spe eyent of the death of the young the great Pacific chapparel, when he suddenly came. upon a| The f Zz 6, wh Atiecgh ex lette ave, Windsor, to Toronto parties for | King. scarce, and certain to} ),1 06 old grizzly at close quarters. ani. | Ceptionally horrible is unfortunately nob $6.000 cash. Ter years ago the same lots The total number of cases of influenza in Age: bog on was less than 20 ‘feep diatant, and. at solitary, will give seme idea of the serious could have been bought for $2 500. Berlin is estimated at 400,00). There have h Slee Bar | once, with a roar of rage, threw himself and difficult natate of the problem which ab The President and Secretary of the Do- | been 650 deaths during the prevalence of the gh Slerras upon Overacker. The hunter, with that een statesmen of the U. 8. cece S| Se ai ne aan eee | ec pete ee the D on Ys © letter published iy a , £08, ou the grievances of the millers before them. Phin eroonyes 1 owed the Eovia Board, Sat: the foob-| shell, and pumped another ge apeedil: Sad is most Pe atived, and that and Fred O’Connor, 5 divcroe suit, was a hii twenty miles of San Francisco. | into the rifle whan the t of the wilder- Ys OF B& of, and atrife Mrs, Colin Compbell 2 | respecting the O’Shee pass T . forests of Kooins! | ness atrack him. w delivered with | Will enspe is not pleasant to convem- who eloped from Ottawa some six weeks | forgery. te, where. Berkeley, | the right paw struck him on the face and| Plate. Many wise men ars at t offer a re cabelas rk hens erer sy or It is reported that another scandal, ex. ‘ . VY | neck, hurled the gun into the bushes ‘and solutions of Senator ag dasaete ¢ able to ceeding in atrocity the Cleveland street out- svadonally bt into the old mis-| felled him to the ground. The grizzly Butler = has a bal’ the bail; were committed to gaol. rage, has been discovered in the West End of Jose an into to} instantly caught him in three places—one| House providing for the emigration of A number of bank representatives met in | London. fight Spareh ' | Bat they lived for the; paw over the ribs, breaking two and tear- the surplus black tion to the Montreal on Saturday with the object 88) ho chief of the seoret police at Moscow par{ in ted obscurity. When | ing them loose ; the other paw on the ankles, | Western States and . tories. This he alleged, of protesting against the Govern: | ¥.5 shot and killed on Friday night by a pion ifew of them’ understood | rj and cra the fissh.; the teeth | COmtends “ds the mest feasible, humane and ment’s to compe! banks to deposit | woman while ho was leading a raid ona ari of the gnimal, and so the early aed jars closed oa Web hy mangling the | Practicable solution, as funds to cover their = ee Nihilist club. iy ave tfrom the hone. setroive -< pomgelency. about tt” Senator A resolution Sanad overn- he death rates of Paris for the firs) week stories|acker, though eotly sonsolous lay | Morgan of Alabama troduced a resolu- : thoud a Ag h this terrific | ti98 tavoring the return of the negross to ment to imposes prohibitive tariff on dressed | o¢ the present year show an inoreare of meat from the United States was defeated |) 714 as compared with the corresp2ading at the annual mee of the Dominion Live | Waa, of last year. . stock Association, in Toronto on Friday. : . f Capt. C’Shea has commenced an action An advance abstract of the Trade and | for Sao againat the Dablin ‘'Freeman’s ee se shows an increase of | Journal” for comments published upon his ty, & Nova Sootian sailor, | assault. "The bear’ y! let go his _ pace lg Oongo river on. early day and bo by hold on the thigh, and canght Overacker by parc ant renee would re- and. obap-| bes sete a eae. craaints South, and of intreducing into Afrion clon. \ ; P- | bones together. From tne time'when he rose he discovered that a/ agaiost the man to the time when he dropped {4° of civilized ho - Ww. wa) acd as 0 in Canada’s trade with ere. The old captain| hima bundle of broken bones and torn fissh, missionaries to enlighten their hted the t United States and a decrease of about paaiype Srvcgse salt. the wilage for advice, t He} the grizzly had seemingly pat forth but one PS Atego ta 9 Sot and three midions in Canada’s trade with | The French Government is about to nego- : * gaid old Keater, who| tremendous effort, Overaoker sald afterwards | ADdrew Powell aré'in favor of education as Britain, Exports generally declined. tlate a loan of 100,000,000f, for the purpose | owned oC sch; + Buy ‘a bottle of! that he was no in the bear's grasp | *2* mosd effective agency, Says Douglas, “I The local Grand Trank train from Acton. | % constructing railways in Torqain and nin and the first time you miss a/ than » ost would be in hia owa. . The bear | believe the only way to settle the race qaes- vale to Montreal was approaching Sb. Hil- other French colonies. nc and pojson the earcass.” Capt. | lefs him amomen>, walked about in a circle, aad to educate negroes: inthe South, aire Monday morning, whenthe cara were| A number of officers of the Czar’s body Valpey brug! chnine: . The next! rotarned suddenly, and bit pisces of flesh as othe eons eal rights that any blown from the track. The conduotor, | guard have committed suicide, and it is aup- a bed ; over the gulch, | large as.a marble from various parts of Over- erie “ as have, including right to brakemen, mail clerk and three passengers | posed they had something to do with recent | W: of apy’ looked. down. He | acker’s body, : a er — gn violence, All wereseriously wounded, butno one was | plots against the emperor. ea —— ture. a, has ack we et grad pomnenen. negro killed. Someof the cars took fireand were| It is proposed by the Jews residing in 50] Overacker, « few minntes later, seized the bee right here as anyone cise burned. » whe are numerous and in many cases Fock, whaye he sat. eg» fom yy one pins hai a Set, cbarhivadton od tna a Be pole 4 Lo AMERICAN, cost upwards of 9 lilies frames. *™ we he declared : ‘‘ Boyr, | black,” and bis com him half { >38¢ his cluzsnship on any firmer foundatio,’ on that grizzly of | an hour later, For weeks he waa not expect-| + H. Anderson of Detroit, argues that no kage containing $11,000 has been} A deapesch from the curator of the Mn. ptr and he's {ed to live, but his wife's careful nursing and | the problem only oe the application him A package stolen from the Wells Fargo Express office | seum of Egyptian Antiquities at Borrlak| ay i ! "y too poor to let}his magnificent constitution pulled of the’ principles’of jastibe. Let ‘there at Dallas, Tex. announces that the tombin which Cleopatra | him have a fvé-dollar Spanish steer when- through. Two years later O P discriminstien fn the matoer For 1889 the Pope received in Peter's was buried has been discovered, ever he want it,” ‘ to the same region and shot two large tronage, municipal honors, , f Fedéral pa’ , from North America, $37,000, and| Advices received in Paris from Cairo indi- |, Under thee croumstances the Valpey | grizzlles witbout eg. astintance. One of mic Letne man's colct act'asa bar ony om South America, $62,000. a Tse Troeennens ape well aaveieed grizzly becam famous ant nis oe sere bag received .. his Lisdto rma bie | loyalty aud his fi is unge It or the ear ration of a new o- . Bud r the old cap- | fore be succumbed, sacti tness estionab e, Senator MoMijlan is moving in the U. S 7 eee eS rs ase oo Cr Po hege Sth Kuob” with tia] vanity being acoomplished, he hunts nd more | Will thus be.seen that the problem, difficult Senate to nd onps > the feasibility of ; Egyptian campaign in the tunnelling -20 Straits prpecirog alles The {funeral of the Dowager Empress py pitas. He say his = af oe was ae <Cabtersan Sissy. (etwas by capeblioe eneetint Rnd des a sneer ° versity of'view prevailin, ee md by dhe tows hoeke end Ae oo ee erate werenenien | in the beal of jhe oreck. Before them, | veteran whether he would have used a bowie|Cilled upon wo deal with the matter. If most submerged by the floods, and | ad app 2} if he had it while in the of the ‘forest | the hi thousands of bushels of corn have been des- }Court Chaplain K cege! delivered the oration. marching bipk ant fecdh pparery eral Peed orgie grip NT re lin inliibehnte be oe ' troyed. be Mexican police have discovered a igs SP as his dinner oe a the as an ox, Tf John | 2sanl A man named Parish was hanged on Fri- | large counterfeiting establishment at Tehua- |. osement of captain. " Suddenly the ivan had been in my place and bad driv-| boped, however, thas in:their solution of the day at Raleigh, N.C., for committing a | can,\where over §100,000 In counterfeit |}... charged intd the and strack down} ena bowie through’ t allo his thirteen-year-old | mone: d_s-large quantity of tools were) i} one blew te only blooded sbeer the} would have’been killed in the death ‘strug- tion of mere expediency to have any par- captain owned. The rest of the cattle os-jgle. As fora revolver, it would have been Seely Sofones.s Like all -other tons Dr. Beall, of Washington, was convicted | Owing to the excitement created by Sarah caped, wild wichterror, he captain swore | suicide to have tried it, Butif the bear had | where the rights and privileges of méi are on Wednesday of robbing » grave, and was | Bernhardt’s performance of Jeannne d’' ‘awhile, then he got his sbry: bottle, | been 50 feet off whe I'eaw him, instead of | invol fined $400 and sentenced to six months’ im- | projects are rife in all parts of France to do | and late in the abernoon cautiously descend- | 20 feet, I could bave kep: out of the way | settled un prisonment. honour to the Maid ot Orlears by erecting | ed the alopeto where the body of his hun- long enough to kill him, ' — The thermometer ranged from 22 to 27 | monuments to her memory. dred-doliar lay with broken neck. He ome 3 below zero throughout belaggen ge county, | The libel suft'‘of Mr. Parnell against the |’ the ee over thevaroass, say- Maine, Sunday morning, with a gale of | London ‘‘ Times” is among the first cases wrathfdly| ‘Wasn't Spsnish beef} » Human Batteries. wind blowing. which will be heard at the Hilary sittings | good enoughforyou, ye oli native Califor- Aithangh the electeda fishen are,,the. only A aaa: | incident of the Iate Mrs. Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott is to be installed | next Saturday, and the case will be probably ulan?” ‘So tp plsoned his bear, after all. a uala Gui. teopamninauaenaeett Haye ‘ > as pastor of Plymonth church, brooklyn, on | heard before the report of the Parnell Com-| There wash fimily of pioneers who lived apparatus for sha of olty fn the current number of the “Ladies” Home Thursday next, to succeed the late Henry | mission is published. in the bills of Akmeda onunity, nob fat from | SPD ts eleotaolty, | Magazine. Te ae me examination pro tion that as Ward Beecher, It Is understood that Don Carlos is well} Valpey's. tthe elder, Zachariah Cheney, | crosture is, in some, degree, a. producing her frien@ie- Kad rig Sabeals — Judge McConnell, of Chicago, ted the | supplied with funds, and it is extremely anda young tian named paralysis she too application fora new trial in the case of likely that he will take advantage of the aii knest v4 Kanz, but refused as to Coughlin, Burke | moribund condition of the intant King, and|*" “new ver} and O'Sullivan. the existing Cabinet to reassert his] 7 4 4 B = B g a H g : E I 2 & E 4 E a f : in this . Mo ay ood health to > de ; here: te in a a few before Ker death occurred, she annon, or about the rocks} one of the conditions necewary ia storing sbsola oak trees grew. They bad} cP his force, and jad as the.electric fith | her end would ootas,” Und One of the Messrs, Vanderbilt, of New | Tight to the throne of Spain, conan anenee Tapeubbla wetter Stamos. peak hed pecomgee $= ust ter gi repeated | of this feeling she and York, has purotiased from the Ear! of Dadley| {he Russian New Year was celebrated in| seen him grabbpg camass roots on the hill- Pr By £0, man Delage nei ail other matters. “And now,’ she fiaally said‘ the famous ploture of the grand Canal of | §4, Petersbarg on Monday with becoming | side when tay han Series sock powray, Prem trene Dodliy th as I believe Venice for £20,000. oerem: A given to the they thonghtay little of thadanger. them gore wee. record authentic cages of persons who, malt nreperted that a Now York, manager | diplomatic corpahih waslatgely attended, | of them hadp mand rescivr,Suddeo-|fvvarals onndiiong, havo proved genni |g fcr” ex my an retin patna creo ft ier» De daltvre in Seton owe, wat fhe conte) ogo ga ae Ee | Gow af. Ogeing a lawrer to Wink Con and rete pea. Beetoe uae : : while sitting ¢ thebe : One thousand four hundred and twenty- all three in les than a ie hl one of his boots, the Presiuie of which nis late authdale eee ne four people died in New York city last bo little Geto Of Tie cit tn, | Deoddie painful, “Presently, ah he swang bis| .rsoattye, my hand claro ° week, against 1,202 in the seven days end-| How I Became an Astronomer. ‘lier Chene i young Stee Bittable| stecklozed foot over the waste baskes, be | Taree days afver this what ahe feared would ing at noon the previous Sararday. “stow I became an Astronomer,” ‘an arti- Fathes tes By ess tue te Salk 00: tod ber! Gatente there paper | he cams + pom. She was.auddenly Supt. ioe ag ane eth, Do.» sin cle in the January number eee North it, the barhad Oheney on the ground Sol clinctog te pay Fk. enh. * down paralysis. Her organs. means of personal insulation by which live | 4, RAT Wedich scleniten be fallo? Soke rade Pipicwereds sr |braa them Say an fistiiny they had | ocr a word. Toes all she a par pee aléslato wicea can be th by. baa 1t emphas'zas the shoulde t bear;.. instantly . turned atid after sucotesfully experiment sadiy back'to' the memory of her devoted: The negroes across the line af v importance ot atleast Salags, of over yy Mana a4 ‘hile, bcleid him by his otter anda 02 | husband, »:b down into her shining angry. with Senator Morgan because of hie 1 rag’ eam ba ad to deal with the | the boot-leg, aul jerked him from the tree & eas feeling he certainly was eyes, he took her Land in-his and atked the intention co submio to Congress a yore for | yo The of having 4 | go violently taj the poor, rolled 30 aieshell feleatbet Sea ant detieat question which days. before. she had sug sending the negroes of the United tates to ection for tho calling pureyed. From | feet down thegilch and some willows, aa magrete teereay pellet’ of enitom weaied “Wid dear, ape ay eats, ts youth uf, 5&8, | where he layn man Waa . And clear and are you'fr The treaty between the United States | bis mind was turned in the direction of | beyond reach athe erisz'y, master of she wont ce her onweaptiee ted aensberns’ | Pain” Slowly the poor whlts fiagérs closed Government and the Coear d’Alens Indians, | Ss. After. allading fo several, spools rise to his fall height, gave ®| She tried’ to suppress the exhibition by fries Grint oe iy a some Mag State, has been slaqned. This | event in bie carly life he says: Such, When, | roar of triumph and walked lelatrely home. | wearing succétaively alll, cdtten and woolen | {28,Promur>. fhe nex. dey the brave and conveys to the goverment 222,000 acres of 7 ratory Not a dinngliebot was fired by tay of the bat her dress ‘bad tly dias teneh teas em tee conarent’ as it seems to me I haveslwaysbad thesame| threes men | ie let no one t00 lly shoot | nothing “to do with dt, and peter will have his own.ideas of shis peculiar oc- - - beaten thie ci Se ay me a aun out the oon paviag lips for 08 psoas of tel as seddenly a6: {6 bains. pesep be pissed cate agr ated eg a wo bullion career Waa desided. ad * © ‘ shall probably from @ truck on Broadway, New York, | disregarded suk et i br nly’ frond his be parel Mo re og wFedaak peg lan that “‘there.are more things in heaven and December 20, and immared him with in| shelter I by thie ningelat Fondiatwheies tablea, | orth than are dream) of in our philosophy.” thinking it tin, sold it for $14 The men | some m or en: '| moat of the arrent about books, ameeed ond :ether- articles pe _——— : were ovaght on pebliahggen’, 18 ba daabvtal shear = ~ hand. to-han eS ae Paige coe mien gl lenstnkbbnrrataoernatiet A Goed Bargain. ever have © # haCcess AAO Wr lies, Tere is an tree Te roorad tat » nog Wing | Bae lake otsae wn, wis Some eatin tner whe Sad Sto Tinned emlgmcn, amet rage tn |i Ga td ae made between some, pro- ;) | Upon a grizz! was me’ : such remarkable occnrresoss e lettin’ ip “Here Patrick seems. ducers of Pennsylvania the owners of | The advantage of being thrown upon one’s | the nimal, and when his com-| 1.0. ascribed to 7, aad the girl's ame —by les alone. i) constru: own resources. Flammarion telis us how | panions bear it found. that * to.give credit to the by a. similar foreign capi linos beteoad the oll folds aod | when at actoal his nataral bent led him to| the ‘man's wallet bad. passed’ eatirely shred have bean qlaty mor bak banded process of ressontag the coast, tibet the choteins | ate DOSY, : Soames ones , Niet Sidoordis , but that as the reoeiv- placed | solentist who confirmed t! tales rolanae thelt ¢ ab Triah- Senator Morgan's to. emigrate SS vere cokwally caasMnfactory he” beges itt rere 4 tor pelea planed See ee told of-ber, bat when she: was man was acknow to be the ohief from the Unitet States to the Con- | 4) iia his and think for himeelf. | forests wow at & rhinooe- | ken to Paris, to be studied: by the savants | speaker. He had on a pair of fins new ee in Africa eet ail | Lbongh no doubt this was « painful ex "fa almot wild chhoh of Coast there, len pewst: 4 ¥, ga onde boos. Bald be, ‘A wook after 1 signed the Bramela merchants in the Atri- | Sri, it led to indepen ~ Ringe and Sieta. ‘Mian learn to ive him | 40° Oo tate of elects no| Parsi tne pil Of poste yon tare ca? mde ae, en re | a eon a pee | se eT = 2, een satiatactorily anewered he woald bave had weber : femme pad Renee Seen the es ‘twas the saloon-keeper who gave'them tc ednesday night. a Pres- individual research Lals farm | tem, probably exhaus e me. ‘ insteries was blown and fall- ann sn yg me I otide met fit or six San took | Ph strain of constant use. “ ‘That was generous of him,’ esys he. ing on an ad in, kill- instead of an authocity in the science ‘le wane ok Ws , is sleomeid by scientists that atmos-| ‘It was,’ sayel, ‘but 2 made a bargain five of the inmates, and fatally injaring | of astronomay, we should have Pe — pheric conditions are very powerful in| with He was to his drink and I ng A to-day &|where the bar Hved. They foind him two others. ; mere echo of those who had been his instruc- | whare he wacom: to cross the ra determining the generation of animal electri- was to Keep my money. y manay bonght FOREIGN. earanting _ ee he ee at to get to thes were able to put oy, ont 5 ee eS these neg I on oetg e Henry M, Stanley reached Suez on Mon. | thers. Oar best ten come. t0 | over twenty fullets into him before under-st going atlek >) dom. a6 Shale feck: approsc \ | fDempstance Banner.

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