Merchant And General Advertiser, 17 Jan 1890, p 6

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oo ITU eee 4 - bi aoe bRste ON. 8 9 a=* = - “ neieOe -senttr ore ote aime ee e + ina eahape ao tr ee annem “ 5 R i kadiskekd epeNerh Ms in thas) ae taeda or ted and Cs cocasl lqomun bread MOMDAT acl yiula cheake, Sil One Inte evening, durkig’ lanterns were not lighted, for the brigh?, _._ ee ee os re tive Churclt'aa — int : mouth, eh cal =) «pecial 38 | Heart Dallght and Icha parting from,|.ed service, a the nan al rest of ly effiloted company, His hat waa gone his breath was re to" New Spain.” ettasre Why th g He threw bis arms aloft in nervous excil Aunt Heart Delight; | from lied: coM SrA res toe sian : : | ,‘that there may be some wild animals 5 Tete rdet vee lol tell. ena oe . 'BZ*° |} about in the woos, and that that is what ” Whe’ thts turmoil Abd cinfdeion? ' fi ; ri i Be ou saw.” - Mais ‘es Sibert | 4% toon. as he a. »he made a) °C om t afraid of no ” said.) with in anbdw, . : Pre arta that ss wl oad had | tohabod ‘Ea { afraid.of . = Silo ma [Tekyasentin spray glittered with ggg cheered —? a rade Wepeabors robe byte ae than rae mayer be. Bes Fe s Heart et oe oes te, aur crewscercae "Bank and MA, aed ce hing, a rs t ‘ Fs it OR, we : 5 tqward his home. He belleved the creature | «yy iA porsen vin 8 sige sanyinna 2 eat meee went out —— weind aa tee culita pore eo bier d i“ F pon, thing to fear m any other w rf to exaciine tracks Mamma’ ff <x colergh fa thin” 9 FE.) | creature tht bad followed her the night jna's Wed, RS 3 ? on ii ‘tit cm} before.” Why this howling and this yelling? such 4 fa] They wed plain in the snow. She fol- Baby's got tke grippe.. Air Shao | lowed th until she came in sight of/ Whew! of all his woes he’s telling, the hcuse lived her ym ” Ichabod. Baby’s got the erippe... wi to the old farm-{ Cole, Sherent directly to the ; bars with the stacks of corn | gave dor such a rap as ‘startled the} Just as if a pin was sticking tha . Here thelr ways parted, r In his tender flsah and pricki ng their names to's book brought to! «s9d-night, lohabod,’ ssid Aunt Heart | Ichabod Gle’s father came to the door’ Baby’s got the grippe them by the ‘tBlick Man,” and had m:t in} pout He seemed sartlei to see his caller. : witch ecole IA eave Gebiid tn tis ‘pen road under the “J want ¢ see the said Aunt Heart} hb. for some relief ¢ ffzctive they travelled through the air. Giles! ruiy moon. ht, inj hard, vetone. The man} _ From this cursed t-——* wOrey, s, b ecently | “Aunt Weart Delight,” said Ichabod, | had never More heard her utter an unpleas-| ©. for some new fierce invective Pat to death in a most cruel manner for} « may I ask you a question?” ‘His voice | ant word. was grave, like that of a jadge, very grave Ichabod ws sent to the door. He came : and eamared. : trembling. He knew that he had started} 2tmine piils and need “Yes, Ichabod, Whst?" evil reports bout the grand woman, andhe| Mare it makes you sigh for heaven ** Aunt Heard Dalight, oh, thisis an awfa | also knew tht she was Losi who, though Where there is no grippe. ht, the moon and stars and everything | amiable, wainot to be with. —{Somerville Jour nal, soscarey! Aunt Heart Delight, may 1 She stood there tall ard stately in the w ask you a question ?” hé repeated. at the bedside of his dead wife he | morning sun Her sstived “Yes, yes, do not keep me here freezing | fell over herhhouldera from a quilted hood.| E deer that is shot in Scotland costa knelt and kissed her forehead. He Sppear- The mania spread, ‘the & mental to death.” What is it, Tobabod t° There was aet look in her usually pacific thea shavor um averege of 0900. od to be unable to move and didn’t speak Barkers aod the Jerks ee eeact{ “Aunt Heart Delight,” sii the boy at | face that wold have made any one quall to| 9 wi eke 5 an experiences tht’ arenas 2 7 bere Barkers = : ers, an ort oe length, timidly, “did you ever have a < t. ~ a slomrzal_ spot gxcareagy B penal an — five © most oa trial that. God disease, which appeared at another ? “Ichabod you prowised to be my protect-| Sorevereny man Srows Poor by seeming Silecllanale coteadlesbie bes me for forty-six years. ‘a will be done” Then, no’ ea Bervous time in the Colony. Any one who will read | «Qh Iohabod |” or whatevernight happen. There are some World” will be amsz+d at the delusion tha ” ’ his a Oe - me lodging in the barn?” to follow. | @t and come. you haven’s noe it. 1f you know you have it | 00 he lest Contec! ef sudden mania fur accuting queer and un people of dealing in wicked arts, Cotton Mather's “Wonders of the lovinible “May I see you home, and won't yougive | tracks out hte in the snow that I want you! If you merely thiak you have the “grip,” ‘ your “Oh, I see--you are afraid to go home| Ichabod’shce was filled with terror. F P that overcame the jadgment even of the alove, Well, I pity you, and T'll go home| “Get yo andcome, You are going | similar to it. ever Will brighten magistr : ou,” to be now,” J never again when capone d when the incident we have “Pl be your beau,” sald /Ichabod, ‘with Thor’ aredssniting irresistible in the rae pri pbc Be loving and | #°® me?’ Having closed the 2 ‘ given happened. spiri burd i ff sarcasti mand. Ichabod was a break in the meeting, and ® ‘on awfal a rolling <a ose backs. E obeyed. a a aan howe Prowtnpeir port be the worried, condole with the royal aomreie, and will There eart, ‘WSS wha questioned by excited inh wont heme with b te ; tired, vexed, barrassed old the ~fast whee te hia fcightened |. Jae ster co ee eee eae a etriat | _<; What teks are those 7 Rardatas his own country has requited with each f him. He could only say that it-was black night, Ichabod. hen 1 want a beau will er gray, and had eyes like fire, A ge send for you.” “Then yolahall follow them until you ).5)°7 Seats ter, es | “Thank ye, Aunt Heart Delight, and I'll} find him, G right along.” . It was long ago published of him prosperity and well-being. heart and simple blameless life, said, “* Evil always stick by you and protec) you what-| ‘0 Aunt leart ht ! Suppose they that be confidently believed he wonld live! — oe - times have pon 10." _Alll caw | over may- ae should lead + the witches’ circle.” Lill this.year, but bis intimates ssy that he England and Portugal, — rari ee Tebabod Cole's ‘Auae Delight smiled, and then Ichabod “7 am notifraid of any wivches’ circle. énd in. o There fon lell fa thes P story, and ®sense of helpless horror and sb the door, and she tufmed homeward You have fen ctroulating bad reports core tion of Sioux Indi in | imbroglio. The three or ee wane con darkened every me. ce J j . at cabod, and now shall fol- 4 ax ans now - 5 ne ble wide tebe cle bible |. Hor Way lay througltsomewoodland oaks, low theoe tacks until you "as to the| Washington called upon Senators Allison ped eae since the repors of Major trange as it may ‘teem, fi is probable / the strong, knotted arma of which had long | creature thatmade them. Go !” and Wilson, of Iowa, at the Capitol. As| ooh em potentate, and shoo simple service dle-light, thare ‘was |pperet 7 She pointejhorerm ont of her cloak. | they filed outof the room they said to the | biodreds of his follaven ss soenath s wail ane cree yee at ot tae ae si wey noemsen: tre Bille, snd Ghecugh tej | Labor Sgatet, Sones. Tin ison al | See Seaton, Wall, gees, [tictue gen, have bem wittiord be omits ollow flowed a ig brook, now | y | to en the two came ° correc Bn Bn, Cole, had not seen the] fee-bound, A loose wall’ ran bate the | othe marginof the woed, Ichabod looked| An Enclishman has bought the contents | tbe Fron wea pt Beonpete ial bled tie Man, \ oat ‘of trom! road. As Aunt Heart ig came to the | up'to Aunt Hart Delight imploringly. of the royal castle of Nurembery, contain- €xpreased their astonishment at <— Be yea was Aunt Heart Delight, | PCs Which was pleasant in summer bat| “Go right o,” ate commanded, *‘Eaongh | ing the most complete collection of instru-| tion of the Zinz'bar advices conce th Aauee Le gen bef ae: tan pets. co Taste ont in cag ee cgnetly crac eaneoeas peep) a ger been — menta of torture extant, peep $20,000 in | doings of Serpa Pinto in Makololcland. “ name, . ’ rattle on the wall, eavy, objec to n m accusations, You : brary eclared thers — Cente ee, rudence, | sppeared'on the wall, and mounted th would like too back and tell the people/ giving the history of crime and torture for seared via Hage Dt “ pi ty, E: ty Lane He ae ee great trunk of one cf the oaks. She was | that | have ben in oconference- witht many centuries. would deal justly with the subject, Whetk Aus i a 2 Pl race. {alarmed as she had réason to be, but hurried | Black Man, ad that you ‘ave seen his er this be so or not, it is pace ‘ unt Heart Dilight was so called by her by. and came safely to her home. tracke, You dwt go with menow. My In Berlin the strcet car fare costs from two the respective t, now t that father — rere of her cheerful disposition | “nese events greatly excited the commun. | character and my be my life are at atake, | *2¢ ® half to seven and a half cents, accord= chet-cad that ee = each when a little child. ity. Bus the pablic mind became graghelly Goon. Into thiwoods. Go!’ ing to the distance ride. No one can Sich of ths afta to womanhood a tall, stately woman, with a | sighted man in Boston, named Robert Calef, | less afraid of meting ike animal then of ints, With. tee ee heart given to/ who was an intimate friend of Aunt Heart | i the pared lispleasure of Héart certain ae =e. i ld Fg — information totenes to hg ence. She was very devout but was/| Delight, and had met her often darigg the | Dalight. They pa Bt last to a trezsn{ “Pare. ty Whe wer om without superstition, and she clearly saw prevalence of the witchora{t delusion. He | cran , ixthe ont silignge. that the so-called witchcraft in the Colony | was honest and fearless, and his iron words | a thicket of alde busies, and some great} In Cleveland, O., a Judge adopted a novel | s an amicabl t Ad was eats delusion. became a terror to those who had been en- | tranks of decayd tees, The tracks led | means of deciding a cuit over the ownership | opening of the Portuguese Vortas last week sree ie iy one a rena] etn reset eb ple | ne at sa| pai Re ten ean | epee reng i Aine Con ’ of “Si e ) le was & momen to e the ou ‘ his shoulder, and bent upon him his serene the Black sfan.” He is cele sed in a noble the beelins, } of Gi me edie os face and —s eye. .poem by Whittier, entitled “ Calef in Bos-|. "What do ycujee,Ichobod?” plainciff. in chabod, ton,” “* A beast—ob, it ie awfal! I tnink ft is| that was sufficient proof that the bird be- | the tree.” +4 the very one I say nothing but what is perfectly natural and Two men met in Boston town, ** Use vat perme him.” Whitt having invited to conteibate he to The Jewish Messengers symposium on Christianity (in au . ‘ . es ; 1 | + e diction and ¢ my fe “os te ON htrenbling, took deliber: | 1°°rS*!) : knew sant in Rave See «widen oc am owt tn w| “Spal the ie traleeion Se "ged. large, loan creatre Jew, but Tkoow what itis tobe Christina, | nsoatatale 2'Gpeence of vim, and hee : 7 All thou knowest of trath hath been, raed yr lh t= ba creed, and can love, respected honor a Jew mate c head that you think you have seen some- Unto men like thee, a lie. r* io the basthlin’: you. caw om,the who honestly believes in the faith of his thing fathers, who obeys the two great com- would be willing to face it #<¢O? ‘ tres! That is yur Black Man! It’s a and ortuguese * your spectral puppet play te = ‘ the Shied country and the P I} ta , : 1 will send manaments, ‘Love to God and Love to ient: blame you for running, as you were anarm- -s , and have it to the Got" ° el” Come what will, I needa must say, ave Ly, town. Go? A little girl in the vor The le went out of church relactant- God is true anc ye are liars. pees ee band ie and pointed toward of the Bends [mech poston malay weg hg to pagan the Beisah Government of our | ly, as to venture into the open, air, e *, * » oy Calef ded the right to rule territory north and south The ‘p-noon Zo Re » “Tp theancient burying ground 4 saagiotcaten: of E : ; z i A f i g : E i F i 4 : 4 Lait i ie i El B. Tz J : f y E ; : 5 F é g. g F i 1 Fe | § : & g i q song. One legitima ing a wish to hear it, the mother was much | i,t :rests which may, as I desire, promptly accord Bias field of the sat, ae One with ; sti eymon ue e stare, The great oaks were ne with marble, pale and high.” colony. The of Wi th ne ping . leathery leaver, and tne “(We the terrible clondd"6t witchoraft | filled with pods rat at the charge w epee chestauts ‘were “break r eeecice siieinae wa thondimmed | they had made agshs Aunt Hea:+ ehelle i vision. tant book in | Th sane’ Wertep tees ' E : i E é j li 4 d j f i i g , 1 io at . a ey sh mn hae and a forest odor was in| London, which caused thoes who bad been rebuke that the digiy ee e far he | engaged, in the recent persecutions to | them. fo . . ee and in the distance the ponder upon what.they had done, and in Bat her beantifalsgirit came back. _ a farm ; for these soands |, cages to ‘tryt0 excuse their conduct, | forgave them all, ever Ichabod was y book was publicly burned on the Green who, to the day of Ba des: The cxcited people thought it pradeat not of Harvard a, vomed ~to- call “her **beau,” and tho myauwinnecieane meh ehd Mitac ior Be oymenth was in it | ridicule of- which! sppellation~ he: ~ took a circuitous path h- the -} pes ~ eg “| ven . to hs bene me woe Heart Delight in her i H Borexayorvn. accident of the machinery, the latter is du « from those of serene Aunt Heart Delight of her one day. An im dechim bas j rend” the terrified bev. Iohabad Cale. 3 ’ re. ine, | @i in thick weather by two powerful sirenr, | nied caamsnaaees ! 5 j ous -aconsé one of the | ered in - i t ” vped w Ln gee rac a ant. “"Phey “2 by os i he fog trumpets, working with compressed form, The rule in days iz for those. became = see the master clearly enough then.” | sell their publicatioot md wares by sa . wine 5} E to leave = She’ The accysing of -the wife | tion which hév certali conditions attached,| A writeria** Notes and Goeries: sakes) their name shall in come way become identi 2 men - . t. there : Mere ét on8-of thie colonial cfficers of the crime | are bound to explah the nature of the | “Wet is she sho Tobabod Cole dwelt on a branch road pleroed the darkness, It came like « light- | conditions, to Which tie subscriber” mune | aot te aloaie Jeera ve “« gz flash. expressly agree, “ a Posey would you do if you werejing. He argued thatthe ounditions of such bop. harvest here, 4 F P a i I a i | IF i ff fee at HH FE Fa Le : ; i i i i ¢ i i l : fi He too? | lading. » f td in Boston for hig | in ocnnection with a suit iustita‘ed their meal and re-covered the basket, ex. | 2°tustes the « Is te well, however, bold words . aden Bros., publiners WA olaim.:/4fhank God. for euch a - dinner {" that the gift iteelf is we by ither -will, ontained the thn Montreal was} she had made ab: remark at the be- ¥. pthe obifl of pablic disapprovaion account of | the place of ‘making she ¢, and that poder prada fy toe tir pie tere oa philanthropist who has given her v how, i ce Pred pcdteiter ie the | God for such an apperite ? “ ee oe was startled Py pame to en there. | cents in Leadon. beneficiaries -will~ that the boy Ichabod accused her | Of the exiatence of ths condinion « number | 10H to be hoped “thatthv Ilitle! Iesven only have to add to their prayers “‘whoaver ip the black arts, His of Ottawa Valley subpribers were firat made | iateeduced inthe massof Virginia politics | he may be” when they invoke Heaven's story RG OD Pn poo aware when they recived a letter saying | ™ay have the effect of leavening the whole blessing upon the man who did not forget cation the Black Man fie zd aspen | that ente would:be en lump. It is stated that the Governor elec | them im their necessity: May the race of the tree, and that was why she did not| they paid the amount at onbé. Wintiet who was Inducted into bis cfice.on New | auch men never.die out. We will put up share the commoa fear, Soon after she was|bis Honor has to sustain. him| Year's dey, has “never used ® profane word | with the ccoentricity requesting their names asked to be presiny at a special meeting |in hie» dévision &) (potst “Rbous | it hielife, never smoked, and never & | to be withheld. of the churoh, to be questioned in regard to | which the Irgal’ fniternity will prob- | chew of tobaceo, and during all thai peed the mavcer. Beautiful and amiable as was | ably differ, bar gone le will. pro he Des paver Grunk, mere thee bell 8 sales eps a invented an anto- Faw oeAT ed ‘ Teease pear el = = rat = Aen peniony Aa mallopennloe het picened peti tages belly t was a winter's * night, and she returned home alons. No ndiaternte, their ps His circumstance of sush oman standing so high | bank the dep2sitor pulls out a drawer and one offered to pany have succcede? ip ind their unsophisti- | in the estimation of his fellow citizsns is a/ finds a ticket bearing a number There was a light snow om the ground. | cated and wa to enter into | Proof that am appreciative sense of sobriety | in duplicate, He writes hits name aad ad- | or : brook, ; --the great'’.oaks, a contract, which bad never bees made if|and mprichtaees is still possessed ‘by the ress on the ticket, which he then presses into saw the same at she *, the red she base plainly | People. Virgints has done hervelf honor in|» cavity in the machine made to receive it, HY cow the Oe RD tis rosk fase of * Wy Jauiios Ja eka| electing wach a whois care tohenor|kecping the other half as his deposit . would, wader these circumstances, have | community is sure bo statain thie decision, | the office more the office will honor him. | slip. ® . \

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