Merchant And General Advertiser, 17 Jan 1890, p 4

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FE - She Atwoor Bee. — FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1890. SALUTATORY.__-—— With this issue we make our bow to im general; and last but not least to! ¢om secure enongh of the “needful” to pay our way and put a dollar or so away for <a rainy day.” _. It will be an impossibility toe «ccom- plish these results alone, so we bespeak the cordial support of the people of this section in the matter of supplying news, subscribing fer the paper, giving us all the advertising and job work possible, and by speaking a good word where it may be deserved in our behalf. We wish it to be distinctly understood that Tue Bex is not the organ of either} shout a,ai of the political parties but will endeavor to take an independent course and let the big dailies or weeklies hammer away at their political hobbies. _ After a practical experience, extend- ing over eight years, we feel justified in saying that we hope to turn out job work equal to that done in: any of the surrounding offices and at reasonable prices. . , We don’t want our patrons to imagine that the name of our paper is suggestive _ of “sting,” we rather desire that it may cause a hum in this district and be the means of fetching honey to more than one hive. This issue is sent out gratis but we _hope that _intending—subscribers—will remit, or hand in, their DoLLarR at once, so that we will get things working as speedily as possible. ° We hope to have the pleasure of shortly meeting with a great many of you and getting better acquainted. Yours, &c., Pa R.S. PELTON. Dominion Parliament opened on Thursday of this week. A lively session is anticipated. Tue Portuguese are liable to get themselves into eonsiderable trouble with England. A contingent of the British fleet is keeping a watch on them at present and are ready to defend their rights. WE hope the Elma Township Coun- cil will see thejr way clear, “at their mneeting on Monday, to take decided action on the very important question of a new hall The Secretary of the Elma Agricultural Society in his report, which appears in another column, out- lines the benefit it would be to that or- ganization and that is only a small part in considering the general good. We anticipate the pleasure of reporting in our next paper that anew Hall will be built as soon as seasonable weather ar- rives. ccctelsesesonaa NEWS OF THE DAY. Dominion Parliament met yesterday. It is rumored that the Czar is in- sane. The Princess of Wales has the in- uenza. Thirty deaths from smallpox are re- ported in Saxony. Napanee has had 500cases of influenza and several deaths have occurred. A Cairo ch says Emin Bay has had a ape and is now in. a critical on M. E has Panama i,arich banker of Paris, ed the $125,000 prize in the Canal Lottery. AR oan = has bee is hanged ‘oronto on February 12th “tor the murder of his sister-in-law, Mary Kane. Edward b dng mayor of Wexf the. : the ths’ ieseieeeiaeee he Mai months’ ent for publishing a bopeots notice. ; - H E i rly { | He E 3 78 Morrix. Thos. Newsome was awarded the con tract of re-modelling and ng Jas Duncan’s barn. In the gale on Monday Duncan Camp- bell, 1st cou., kad the roof blown off his month, is slowly recovering. School stared on thé 6th in section 5 with about 50 pupils. Not bad for a start. G. H. Blackwell is in charge. laid up with what appears. to We hope to soon see him around again. Rev. Joseph Edge, of Ontario street > church, Clinton. wiil conduct the eer- vices in Sunshine church next Sunday. James Cleniian, jr., Jennie Kolly and Jennie Kirkby, all of 8.8. No. 9, have gone to Seaforth to attend the Collegiate Institute there. —fPhe anneal and patrons of the Belg Butter Manufacturing Co. will Be held in Belgrave on the i7th Jan. at 2p. m. Revival meeting», under the leadership of Mr. Tonge, wilf comimence in the Sun- shine Methodist church ‘Wednesday next with « four days’ meeting, to be followed by a ceries of meetings the succeeding £43 =e bad J. C. MeCracken Cracken, of Morris, who has been teach- ing school in Bervie for the past four years, waz, upon his leaving there, pre- sented with a dressing case supper by his brother Foresters, at their spent. Cueesr Facrozy.—The following are the names of ten of the largest patrons in connection with the Belurave cheese fac- . The figures indicate pounds of milk: W. Wrav,33,150; A. W. 23,698 ; D. Scott, 23,579 ; 19,905 ; Mrs. McLean, 19,691; W. Case- more, 17,635 ; W. Linklater, 17,618, and R. Curley. 16,684. Total pounds of milk sent to factory for season of 1889, 743,- 315. Total pounds of cheese made, 65,- 428. —_—_—_——_—_____ Ethel. Miss J. Dunbar returned to her home in Prescott on Tuesday morning. About half of our citizens are laid up at present with bad colds or other forms of sickness. Rev. T. preach in the Methodist chureh of this place on Sun day evening J. Dunbar, It is reported that Wm. Tindall sold the homestead to James in Bar- st i 5 é i i ne ED ee] ef iff Ls i t f eet i B Bi 8 iet le H | ii FF te. rave Cheese and hall, where-a very enjoyable evening was, FFE i r | & Spears have rented fom Mr. Scott, the * stand latdy occupied by & & C. between Hacking'4t Bart B The nda:d says:-—On Saturday last Robt, Roth of the Listowel brewery, shipped dca: load of ice—last season's crop —to/Ioronto. We venture to say that n-ve before this year has ice been shippet 4 hundred miles over a Canadian railroad in the month of Janua:y. The dorm did some slight damage here, blaving one of Hess i smoke cindacters down and badly wreck- ing the ¢thers, blowing in one of the windowsin the Odd Fellow-’ Hall, one in the Free Masons’ Hall, ames Armstra@u’s wiedows, also Gunther's 3ign. The storm was at times very sevire. Peter Knapp, 2 well known townsman by the listowel people, died suddenly Tuesday afternoon while in the act of helping unload some hogs at hi< door- syep. Tig disease was the cause. He will be geatly missed by. his friends. The fungal took place on Thursday at 2 o'clock, in set- tling on fis farm in Manitoba early in the Sprigg for which he was fully pre- silicic Grey. Mrs. &s. McIntosh is very ill. Counc} meeting next Monday. - Si and A.J. Shiel have re- niversity. Dunca} MeNair has the contract for | i 238 with wood for 1890. He talks of having @ wood bee. end ‘dancing party was held recently \. nis’. young folks say no better or more genial host and hpstess can be found. E. V. Smith bas secured a position as teacher at Caledonia, not farfrom Haw- Mr. Smith holds a 2nd class cer- tificate and wil! no doubt give a good account of bimielf. m. Bi has ——- of his 200 acre farm, [Oth and 11th cons., to Fer- gason Bros.of Teeswater. It is one of the best sifrated farms in this section. Mr. Bi bas not decided whe blew down fituber to the amount of 200 nett. suffered in like manner. roof of i bern was Ha 4 Sua ERE EE eyEte ; t | ; F : BF Fre if a i . E L E 1 f é F y E 5 H - : | k uy i brat rf i 3 gif il i / at 7 Ff : | F i So «= an ! 4 it I ing in Bluevale, but it has gone and now there is only the hard frozen again. to see about his new stores there n. He-leaves iu about a week and will be gone for a month or so. Rev..A.—-Y_— ¥- in the Methodist church last Sunday evening as Mr. Wallwin was at Gorrie. i Duff & Stewart's saw mill. the chimuey off ‘he Presbyterian church and a great many fences gave way before it. ener ere Belgrave. AanictLtunaL.—The annual mesting of the members of the East Wawanosh i in t's reday of last week. A n was The Atditors” report ~receipts to the amount of $399.42, pay- ments ia prizes, &c., $305.33, leaving a balance in treasurer's haods of $94.09. balance exceeds previous years, ing ander Stewart and Jas. ‘ MoClennand ; Sec:etary, Finlay Ander- son. Waiton. Willie Torrance is on the sick list. Several in this vicinity are suffering from severe colds. : were, Misses i Annie Fergason, Minnie Md@onald: John W. Morrison. Msy ihey always be as succeasfal. j iy g Rf i 28 g HEE i FRED «* BEER D Jas. Timmins is going to Winchester agai Watchmaker t —AND— \ » JEWELLER, | Main St., Atwood. £ ome os MY SPECIALTY, Watches ! WEDDING RINGS AND GEM RINGS. All Repairs Warranted. Over 20 Years Ex- perience. J. JOHNSON. R, M. BALLANTYNE —js— THE PLACE oT ED Without any trouble as he carries the Largest & Best --STOCK— = IN TOWN ! R.M.BALLANTYNE, ATWOOD.

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