Merchant And General Advertiser, 17 Jan 1890, p 2

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ee An Nee nee tate ellie eniien ne emai coerbes Bo: aonrcnnde Mtetieematenement ie atinmernrend LEO LL NIC AH BS A COANE EN An pH le il NEN Vikdaz i Faker "9 RMomMerint Stpey. "fa GSimmck’ Conipltint,*, honhiae es _ oer terabyte etre | nana rena ya =/Money to: Loan and table statements ; and perhaps | W_. 8)-Giadétene: *Dhe “G fand-@id Man" |. -pant—a¥ou erect ght ; I mitnot,:” BS it weld be im pow Uk MG either seems: ¢ of wonder! wet stat tie Can’s you-getalong with: bifa to* ©19:! STH eae Sart FED. | Ontario Farmere detrous of pasting off ex st aaiad the to/ baving “filled out ‘the’ fall if past get alomg wWita’ bin wh ‘r. be ‘any one sic 60. "Dida , eene ster, WY | Dish interest-bearing mort wes, or mtending to wholly car him of the damaging impe.c-| four soore years” le elghtiem naive: | ast unfeneiestatt teaser St Wewest Catrent Bales ot Taterest >) Spay — “hanes: " rhigh ‘be bas ~ dived thsumate of ie haaiietians ek wy ribet vot tae di ate i ry mata repent + EF "pongo endl } ible sayings, Ww €X- | ceived of tel 2s of | .: «1% pours ; . daata agit ; many sent ny Chat they canthansty regia a his any = aod A°Dappy ‘.raniten. 6; TATA DSi Tor tale ox LOK & CARADIAN oa AxCY EY bs noe pression. | Nov eng! vid ‘Scat. telograin spaok oils nee end janteting from dyspepsia | SE ie oe. TTesdate, Oat: | KIRK, Maracer, who pay go attention tention to the demands | ame tere It elie fe foality that the man reed Sa Bi aen water ped ae highly, TOMOR Special +t. Pri — st, : pirat ha child nature for amasemen’ oon’ on ; to fine Ga ato Boge No ; ominiainai cad where bowen are Creme t of ~~ ything Dhillosophie, seleati, social, and political | health ix so grand 4 permanent. To. this aincer * oH wowinE ne CONVERTIBLE WIRE BASKET. and everything that is desi; to wake the | queations are aa cms as ever, who is: hour not a pang. Feel so and hearty egy Niagara See ee long winter evenings pass Uy. Save/ «quai to wow tae of addressing ay iength will take plesanre in snewering any inguir: ——— he; “The winter months areespecially | three or four public gatherings in one day, | jes. Josxra Price, 349 Dovercourt. Road, CASINGS—tcason 0. New trying to the moral ché¥acter of our young | besides riding a distance that would weary | Toronto. Place your qinter orders now. SAUSAGE Se importations of English Sheep:, pecans some of thele boupeiin win- many cuolags and ope ity pen poteally rimpossible vo overrate the vine of Se a ed gaantty, Wiletorpeice | ter are peculiarly unattrac sammer | re ® period of life a Ail Leon,” say physicians. PARK & SON, ) young folks can sit on the porch or steps, or when. is "A. P 485 JAMES pall a bouquet for the. es divagt — _ by payaen! wat wankaaes oni and paired aaethee- 41 to 47 St. Lawrence Market, Tornnte, Ont igi t na gyenings are 80 8 i convert $ ted they feel like retiri essent hive ‘a ca ip him 2 eith faili ~ f into on uteful sn ornamental sha tisa Lamp pated te ‘on —* ag nd be mental ee but only those who a I took te Si HE BOILER LER INSPEGTIO Heater, and Benicia Ingurnbis oer Caer rte maka these long even at- | appresiate his purposes or approve o too ck, CANA e a Agents mabe 6 sec om” — It -in strange that ola peo- His frierds see no traces of wasting I TOOK sates ee OURANGE 60.6F CABAL nl | germany. fea make Sood at once for par kaa 20 little about young people. | intellectual vigor or acumen; while friends tons by, Proper Inspections. _ Bre tex Gan pring Saver Toate eserOen MTs Cos of yo%\have the means—why don’c/ and foes rezard his exviocedinnty ghystcal et pin Ger, ot On tario, Pre sedjent. Mead (Mention this paper.) om y them 3 violin as] panes ce eee popes get Sepa mire Though ‘be ING ENGINEERS wa’ O™* _ Axeats Wanted. Wanted. our daughter ou: per ae Mo suberitanee in thi SOLICITORS tS OF PATENTS PO lo gan help to make-home attractive? There | doubt his mbheritance in this respect was are ten thousand ways of ligh up the | above the average, much must be attributed &o'y domestic circle, Iv requires no in-| to the carefal regimen under nga gr Artificial Limbs © big house, no rich wardrobe, no| placed himself for many years. - chased silver, no gorgeous wegen bub | taken cone of | Navure, has —o her RESULT: ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS: parental heart awake to its . ve | secret, n wise eno’ a dolefal home and your children will nov| his daily habite to her requirements and| } I take M < h Meals, ; . FOR CIRCULAR ADBRESS, A HE PIONEER CANADIAN LINE. stay in It, —— c Rage tn. gag door — ‘roper food, peepenty eaten ; i poe It My Rest, J. DOAN & co., dak Satie tee front {2 regar | to the provision made with an as sicadaest illion | re proper AND I AM VIGOROUS ENOUGHTO TAKE cen Livé atechions.. I said to a man once, This is properly ind ios contributed ip ANYTHING I nt LAY MY HANDS ON; 7 Northcote Ave., Terente, Ont Weekly Sailings Between Liverpesl, Gias beautifol tree in front of your house.’ He} no amail degree ville farnishing us with t too, ror Scott's JL JONES, ly Service from Linden during ENGRAVING whine, ‘ it will togenarian rettin See ea tonin, * dag he | harp rarer sone ene pr ps ca Fonnriston of Pure Ccd“tiver Oil \ WOOD ENGRAVER. fade." ‘Taaid tobim, «You es he rapes in| § and HypophosphitesofLmeand VE \\ io KING STREETERS garden.’ He replied, ‘ Yes, but it will per- | duties of leader of a party in the most im- Rade dee duce cant si¥ tare No WHO. KING STR AST, ish.’ I found out efterwards that his son | portant parliamentin the world. The Hon. i -/ TORONTO. CANADA BUT BU teak P : eo was a vagabond and I was not sur-|W. E. Gladstone would not have lived in} ? lent Consumption scr voir For rabes of pesage exd other to — apply prised at it, You cannot groan men into | vain had his only distinction been, that in H. BOURLIER, cor. wi aing not Yonge Om, Detcle Sreruey, bak nom groan them out of it. | him we have a concrete illustration of what FLESH ON-MY BONES H & 4. ALLAN, Moatreal, or to the local agente is Chis is atieasios rhapsody, bat sound | Nature is supposed to do for those who hear AT TH SOF A°POUND A BAY. I . 1 your county. sense, strikiogly ex ft lsys bare| her counsels and obey. His friends from TAKE IT JUST AS EASILY AS IDO MILK.” parents, who, while they | this this side the water. anite their hearty con- Scott's Emulsion is p vonly ft Sa! feck ond Chothe thelr sbtidres’ wi th liberal | gratulations with those beyond the sea. ool vr ater ah) wal feanee CG A. = r= ‘aud, make no provision for the tifica- si , i — =. powa to mamma fee = Comes Laiguy Wadi ~ : _— &+ BOWNE, Belevitte. sc ~A& Young Girl’s Grief At seeing her charms of face and form de- WANTED. Sead tor Tie McCausland & Son, Get cmeuichin tabs Siaeal placket | coe eee sae 72 1076 Kine STRE‘T WEST TORONTO. - — irregularities, at her critical period of EYERS Beoa 7 etn ator er lif - chosen wisely, and has been brought to ruip. | brief self-treatment with Dr. Pierce’s Favor- Fas his parents acted more jadicioualy |ite Prescription. It purified and enriched ADI. Ws Had 4 i they mi Ms ave have had occasion to Med blood, ware beeen pe to the for os een sn and ome te 2 3 b gad neys, sto and other amen and her return to robust health speedily fol- | 7 acuems can make mo one aan ‘Provident Life and Live Stock ne lowed. It is the only medicine for woman, 4 | by canvassing for one or more of ou: fast selling CHIEF OFFICE, sold by druggists, UNDER A POSITIVE GUAR: | Books and Eanes, eopoutelly Mistery at Canada, by Taming the Puma. AXTEE from the manofacturera, that bs will port ad ney: DT, latest and best Gition ever | “SUL “J ROOM D, ARCADE, - TORONTO, CANADA te: ee in | give satisfaction in every case, or — Tiustrated ciroulars and terms, Address, WHALEY, mottne it: 158 Yonge (ENCORPORATED) Mr. William Lant Carpenter giv be refanded. This tee bean | Publisher, Toroata. WH, BRIGGS, | street, Teroate. Scud for A Mutual Benefit A:seciation. D account of a tame puma w guaran “Patare™ an scc sti Wittich, | printed on the bottle wrapper, and faithfally SQLID ISVESTMEAT = Br paving Montana. Mr. the above Chae on marat the'pums, had devoted eizhtees | carried out for may years. BARKER'S SHORTHAND SCHOOL.| THE ca QUEEN'S = Aneauhon ONE CENT FER DA sree - HE) = Proof: naw 8 to sing were ——— “os Home oro the club he comes, the hour 45 King Street <r East, Toronto, formety tor over sailed breure ack set per week while train were peed eget ge con- and three cen’ persons aged as abeve oan wine Seat not bev Cola been fed for twenty- ans his wife awaiting, stern aa Sats aes cewin| ¢ LAUNDRY BAR. — er Poependaat, Fr Five Hundred Deliare four hours, ra piped me ger for How trae to him the poet's words ap- or Olroula® Mentich this pave ASK FOR IT, ARD TAKE NO OTHER vate Roce a rp dein vans “uid won nr t to eat umufl the word i'henee on - t livel in writing. eh - BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. rates, Thode interested seod for prospectuses p wen piven, ante a dog. Occasional attempts saniec” Grave, vely to Th Gr t Otto B Re Trade Mark. reed Aruees Testes BOLE ‘Con. cic, Halil Agents wanted in unrepresented dis- / . Pnormecrons oF +Jr were made, but a twistof the ond by Mr. $10,000 Found in an Ash Barrel e ta man lood medy WORLD-RENOWNED GAOv-6 OWN RORO WELLIAM JONES, Manacing Director. — ane — to — “ away A pe Tab 7 ied Gawantecd 5. cure alt | dleases of the blood en m laced ards 8 ow or repc to whetber on by in excess or the puma fetched it by word of command, | found $10, fs io greaheske boas ann aching treme Reseda, coneen. tof by lsat. . @ THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES ard pr nitted the mear to b fnadied hav barrel. ‘This was 8 rare plece of good lack, iz ection on the Lene yt seaboente a powers and 2% GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. her mouth by her master, a id bat how much more fortunate is the sufferer builds up the rystem of ag re from wasting 1 do as he would a cat, from consumption who learns that, although ; (isssee. | pass "pet botie. Ad Sew, Ottoman b aipig sian than ter elf og re Avery awe dog, . on "botmeen » pur Be — = have pronounced his case Ge bg. Tonate = them return ag 2 MEAN anapieat cURe” ra oer ade thea diconbe eo * rnard, iJ ierce La} ickness r Cure od, pamed crene” is on intimate, and pe sana cure bien Coan! — THE BEST FOOD B worst cases. Because others Bape led x. to reazoa for act now facet ra cure. abr even » affectionate, terme with the pame, whe | scrofaloun diseass of the Inngs. The “Dis |Totone up after an attack of Post Giice. it costs yon sothieg for a trial, aod and nd it will cure —H. @ ROOT, wed him toremove meat placed upon | oovery,” which is the most potent blood. Cold or M.C., Branch Office, 186 WEST AD STREET, TORONTO. her jaws, and toeat it. Onone ococasion| porifer of the age, strikes right at the root | , f; allowed to sangeet. dog a Me, Wiseh Gertler oden inl eetieer ef ohe| INFLUENZA together inthe same bed, and the master | bj004 taints, skin and scalp d old Cc n eder t e mas wakened by te pans stacking sore [sors and evn guaranteed (ote | es O acion cr money prom refund > Whee th a is tied up, the dog goes _ w ‘ HN Sy I N D) aati nile - REMEMBER, . AFTER THREE vEans TOROn SS to inp pall her, and kineea her, and “He is a manof moist habits,” is a mod- | 9 _ E ( j the puma responds with a short, sharp tes way of sayirg a man is a drunkard. 1-1 FL Ul D. =| E 2 i POLICIES ARE INCONTESTAB L E s follown her , ’ Sage’ Caters "Rewtedy: a Free from all restrictions as to residence, travel or occupation. fronton, Tye yume hrough the etreets of the town, bat ———— ben pools pieces several strange dogs when "ie haath ee life ran more The Great Strength-Giver. Paid-up Policy and Cash Surrender Yalue Guaranteed in each Policy mnaccom friend Brace : Me TPiutich Gelicves that this ia the | *moothly whereshere is little javen ile. ‘ THE NEW A ANNUITY ENDOWMENT POLICY only puma known to ke in captivity and Dakota. ARE Y OU RDS ABSOLUTE PROTECTION AGAINST ramen Nag d tame. In training her be The thriving town of Lingd count ed ee. RLY DEAT pS has chicfi — tapsian. Her memory is seat af Cavaie Count Dekete, ie oad ONE Provides an Imceme in old age, and is a good Investment short, intermission of reunded by thmeands a acres of choice Aare pion ie ary digester ceca the Sormance necessitates much extra Pc potas A imd. Country settled chief OF Profits, whieh are any compeay do ing basinces ia Canata, are allocated every five yeare training and trouble. 8 . aty 7 Seen tan een ak tte policy. gp Blas ls panther yer mere! the insured, from Qntario.|Sscure a farm from the THEM . PROFITS SO ALLOCATED arc ABSOLUTE and mot Hable to be reduced or recalicd Was the Czar Poisoned ? 2 Monger _ Pr dapnigr I Witte? In 1890 at any future time under or ef fom be it Wa enabdd ume ( entil, to not r poattrenrant in ¢ transpires that the recent illness|G Pp. & T. 1, Se Pal, Mion. J, M. | THE HOME SEEKER © takes 160 tree acres in ct, sd othe prt aren re ri Ss povamna. of the gueftiesn tareeed of tue Czar was not a return of the inflae: zs, | Huckins, 4 Paher Basen Toronto. the famous Milk _C. MACDONALD, J. K. MACDON aLD, but was the result of an attempt to take - 7 Valley cf Montana, Acruany. . Maraorc Dinecron. his life by poison. Apparen The man whcis seg thyme pee ol reached by the Manr- health, His Mojesty was suddenly — cften is surrounted by the deepest sol, Tons Ramway. : violent pains in the stomach after Manrro \ | nr the dinner table. His attendants All Men, THE HEALTH-SEEKER barge coe and zon SUREL were greatly alarmed, and physicians were | young, old, or tiddle-aged, who find them- the Northwest, Helens, : summoned who administered remedies for | selves acrvous,weak, and caer, | — Hot S;ricgeand Broad, ; ‘ C R' D poison. is that Leg Tr ps are hang Tae fom pane wee or watér Saxitarium. mixed the food of which } Mojesty | resulting in mp t owing sym ' : Set’ pextatons Nihiliste, bina have been a —_, — em, premature eG THE FORTUNE SEEKER pega d ean oe ae ety ag réaders that I have a positive remedy for the above named of this report, asf, loss memory, its ti cases bees permanently cured. I shall gee [paion man ndmininered by | irae, nae of ah palin 2 he co eee BS I aay eir number. For a £ of energy A Fnpero's oonditon wen, sae critical, pe Eipaies headane, pimples on lthe {sce or THE MANUFACTURER taste Marrmons T. A. SLOCUM, B4.C., 186 West St., TORONTO, ONTARIO. by powerfal antidotes treatmen oy, sensation abont ian i ved. This last attempt’ on |ectotcm, wastiz of the organs, dizzinees, STANDARD CHOPPING M LLSs. bis life will not tend fo allay the fears by specks before ‘te eyes, twitching of the | THE TOURIST takes ape ages pee USESBESTFRENCHEIRR. AE SS JoSEPA MADDAUCH WRITES ra P.Q which £ the Raesiae bas been s0/ muscles, -lidand “ through grand . ov, 26th, "89. ——— . ry America. Now that I have purchased from you one of your greetly tormented? and which have done e0/ deposite in thearine, lozs of will power, tenderness of os and spine, weak and | THE TRAVELLER” takes the | Manrrona Btandaed French Burr Chopping Mills. turcing is om fiabby ‘muscles, esire to sleep, faiinre to be Palace, Dinwwg and it a9 part payment my Iron Grinder, Ehave no rested by cans: dullness of Sleeping Csr lune to Odjection to tell you that the plate¢ used im the Isom, less. of for. aolitude, Mixnesots, North Da- Grinder cast €2.00, and Istterly but $1.00 rér pate. excitability of senpers sunken eyes sur- kota, Scuth Dakots, I used over $50.00 worth Last winter. | | found LADEN cincuE, oily looking Montans ani the Paci & plate would last a week, but sometimes not_crer ‘kin; etc, are iil symptoms of nervous . ; €wo or three hours. debility that lea to insanity end death an- | Tyr TEACHER takes the Mantropa MLL eis prise Ur tha Mill was $85.00," mach” chesper lesa or vital force having chesp ¢xcursions By fees that. youra, but in the endit waea very much dear- lost its tension fanction is con- St. Pan) to Lake Min | & oa ta or Mill: I am satisfisd that [ron Griader: are only ccgennye is glia abuse com- canals, th ig ye 3 oe Be. eultable for farmers wha hires very eaall amount cured.. Send yor address for book on all bec, the Ne. Es 4 3 ef Chopplag te do for their owa use. aii liaxto man. ° er Park, the P. 3 : a Oe Lupox. 50 Fron Street E: Eust, Toronto, Oat. ia] Shs 1 ee JLICOMEAR, MAMIWAKI, QUE, WRITES : Books nent ree sled, 0 Alsska. sca g ; 24 Nov. 280, 1888. EXT DISEASE, ANYORE will receive ,books | &S ae * Twould feel Inctined to apoton tor, mot writing sot craters ace int pall ves ick a Segmneerene ake ot 1 seen 5 . re ] Ay epee ; bot rushf to the head, dali |\ . Paul, Minneapolis Z H vias Maris Wing leaf wane strong, rapid and ) & | Maritoba Railway, uy a the send heart-beat quicker than ty writicg to FOL ike Lace ~ ancaaganmre so er ondary ST FoR E SALE. se y becuri. No cure. no psy ium. G8 50 af". No. 3 Iron Grindess at $15.00 ench. Three for book, Acdrea M. V, sv, 50 J.M. Huckins, C.P A., = ( ws Suse faces oleae tates ns eee / Sweet Hsst, Toreto, * E.\W.C°-Brawtraap, canana—— 9 in good onder with now platen, = ]

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