TOWN UNVEILS ORANGE CROSSWALK th be DAVID LEA 'Town of Oakvil andlletineecnacctie 'Wednesday, June 22. 'The crosswalk, which is, streets in the downtown, honours the tildren of Canada's residential ohonia whi 'Sover cats home, said Oakile Mayor Rob Burton, 'The mayor ay the. crosswalk ves as aromindr of the generational impact, trat- ma and oppression en- ured by Indigenous Peo- ples in Canadaasa result of the residential school sys- 48 "tive gather as a commu- nity today toalsocommitto learning more about Indig- Jameson Glas oxnwall Road, Unit C, Okie Ona 1i8es-s45-0767 Feoos-eas ass 'enous history and culture and. to further support truth and reconciliation work that needs to be done and must continuo," sad in the coming months, the ineseetion will eleo adi ject, which somks 10 po" mote the an tence of First Nati A permanent si will be installed at the south- east oumer ofthe tnierses ten to prove te pute with an opportunity fear about what Intigs nous people endured as a result of the residential stem, omme sign will also give talttre" and. the "treaty lands Oakville is built on. Sherry Saevil, a Seer en uucation advisor at the Hal- ening ton Catholic Dist wool Board, sald' when She looks atthe orange 'erosswalk, she not only thinks about the ehidren who never came home Canada's residential ples, theirhistory and what happenedat theresidential schools We have deniers in Canada that deny has even happened. » ant proof of bodies, mad cul Stow horrendous is that?" this Saevil, whose mother was a oy school survivor, says looking at the crosswalk also reminds heroftheneed for allevels heels to action mado by Canales Penthand Recon ciliation Commission back 905. 357. 9737 nooangt a w Re-fin wna 3 ushaton calls toaton oe fy 34 / $17 i ee NE am * these. recoumotted a 3 tions have been completed = soar Dai Lea/Mtolnd What's happening with -- Sherr Saev,a Cree woman and indigenous advisor atthe she _ Halon ata att Seo Bo, sacs ont ety Unveiled orange crosswalk in downtown Oayile, 8 @ constant re mnindorforastofinish that _ Resident can Also pars fd paths to truth and re business and T hope that ticipate in the family. onciiation business is going tobe fin- friendly Moccasin identi." look forward to con- siedmaenotinnyit. erdrapinvrkshopatitednungto werk enter time, but perhaps Gate Msc cl chien' etm 26 frorn Burton said he encour They sive, diverse ean xultable ages residents to rel geno Oat" said Burton, andlearn through sich op- Guiles tthe Oakville topo we can cotinae porunies as Treaties sem on une 2 rom 63 to build on what unites us ind Truth Heritage Walle pan, pm, fora and continue ereating thatwiltakeplacvune2s thoughttal discussion of communty. where ete atiso nm, sartingat the the resgence of Indie one fecls respected and orange cross ous voices, and how to welcome "Our clients enjoy felking about their retireme! dreams and we ey helping them get there. Peter & Jennifer Accepting new clients. Please visit ook a free consultation, Offering safe virtual meeting e-signatures for new client onboarding. 52 Info@watsoninvestments & (905) 842-2100 : Jennifer Watson Peter Watson : Momeroiene" Romer nna cwrsrest |