BeaverToo, 6 Feb 1868, p 3

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_ BARCLAY SEWING MABHIIE I us "UNimhrtiiiriiii a! Ola-gnu mu on: IMO. I',', 2er,'.', ma. I",,',').'" comm um. order we . ”with 51m “(III e Vlon "quire . _ . SAWING, PLA'NING a: TURNING. Received and for sale at the) Wind-o summon, . quanta In " Coffee and Spice MOU. “th5“ an» old and an. Mum-no m d public with only thing in their line on MIN. TERI: COFFIN TRIMMIN GS TI'. umltnlgned in: been tppolnlod Gene-l Amt hr Waterloo Goring, forthe NU of thOO col-brand 3am. Hamlin", and who [atria-nun In mcomcn in: them lo ill Putin "all“ South; Inhinu. Tney I" enmurnoud on calmly new whom. of loch“- ism, “In; may nu mu] "lrtatrlsjrtt;teo-ttu. lulu: been unmlud by tho loll pro- fonul "pun, And pronoun-d In be 2elti Ind Motion combined, may but no equal a I - or nanunhcturln' Mus-mine, Iva-rut to - Mu an, do" In work Nb "ttlt dar. We nah um" Murllonn which we In papa“ to “Nu-chm In our, particulur. I. In ohpllolly and [rut mute of work. ' I. In ”kin; mo bank or Shuttle Stitch. s. The alt-Md muliun operated by “and; 1mm down ths toat pro-mm when " will M lull "ull" (no operator to run the work no. "igtt lo lulu-d ll pol-hell} Annual" to the and ttt lb. Sum. L Tho porfbttt Mlgh Ind “Numb! mum-r tn Ill-lob phloem" u made. , a. Tho rapidity ohu wotklnn Ind the qunlhy chin nth “no. it. tu “ulna wlth "no In“! mum do" to ll" Ml hon. undo linen than, and will a. on aver, d-4ptststt " tutorial, from leather do" to tho but Ila-Mn, man u "rerott u tttt “a lo [Magnum lamination vim-"er “Md. Bull". not I!“ ll. Attest. or Mild. _ 1tp"trta" my My, but In an BARCLAY 50M ”uh-lag a; 0M Md Judy be -V -eteee __‘_V.r_“ _- 1 V.~,, --_ --- _-- -_-_i_e__-'_ vv-v-v F""-"-. cu, v“ “-.--.v " , f. r ttl'; OWIUJMIL‘BI‘ P. 0.. or In ' " I. Wanna. 01mm. Inl- 30w om. Jan ”thump“ tip. J. It. Inc. an“... has Tm, an.“ "'""'""-""""", anloo. A. 2. Dunn”. Elam. B. 8.1",”qu JJowII, Illa [r Sump]. Nubian to h. an Much or mu plan nu In: In “on glu- tm out". Ill AID ., Il-L Inn. --- - . Mamuiseturers of. and . WhOIeme a Retail Deal or. Rtetited and for sale at the lem Huh". Stan. a very an. a- ' k non-om of Manufactured by the British American Sewing Kahlua ths, at PARIS, ONTARIO. th1mpsozt'tib Aldous t Itat. Call an! no one ol the banana ured.t Stocks ofGoodI in this part of tha country. . An all the nbovo Goods nro bought in m but Mal-hm for CASH. intondh‘ punhunn will Gd Is In an": intone-t to be, what no bought” an ofond. The GROCERY‘ Department :E'erxierentesxx reached. at last: Embodied in the new and popular Dress Goods. Woolen Goods! GoTToN _, Gums wan. cold Claw mfor my Ware. Stock of Dry Goods! nu AND WINTER 600118! Tho non oompoun human»: and than lt nun-mo In any ad our, doponmom. hh, The hon Conn. for Former. m. {In but Yunnan) Ind Molten-deal do- pom-o». M. 'ttttt Winn»: h Lam: Wu“... qu-ooo rot-o old lam Advonlo my. Conmorekl Low ond all bro-shot “new, for o thorough rustic. o unlion. Iona. 2tgtttet'ete nonhuman umpluing the oouroo n nah dopannont. ond u n. “no our-d ml n3. Hut, Tho but Ind lnrgon number 1t'etlitgd"Ltte from [Mum and gun». mam-in. ch nonunion 18th. ru Inclination l u uni“ out lo m Letter l o Tum: ot in Edvtrtiaettsertta, Ind our- ly tho boot Institution. our, an... coo-idorrd. nod the but ouitlod to tho trottihi-t. Md patron” of m public. _ Thu lnuinuon to an only mid-vol the hon In out of the obovo poruonlon. but tt in tho onl “my”; prudent Buns-on Behool. it In the no“ manual. I. in our.- " and in 105...: in we - lullh ond bountiful our In the Ind. " In oonoidorod the loot noon-M Bum... Cello , Ill) ou II. more 'ttees from [Mum oftho put r! Jll;'lt11'tlln"i'dh71lfl'lxu1 noun. ofuudy any on boredom-d , my other was...“ may bums: but. unmo- out to m Letter oh. m.- o m Adm onu. . ht main-ion. m "eneottt Invite You; ond Middle-o3“! In Mouton, out! (an. mun-ad. who have no! viohod the Institution. to no” and GGiiLi' ind judge hr tho-took“ of in - tUad to: Omaha and Spool-om of Puma-hip. Large Importations h in on in but not you mun know the (if/tSli'.'! PINNAN. and humour orb-much:f of Amoncn,,lo nomad with an. "no. You; Ion no mou- teed woman Pontoon t"l-ittg an t'natitett'ott. Tho b no nutty wound”! Tho Collogoio ran ttllietg up will young no. no. my ponloo of t o oooouy. You. noon on ttaBi.ted in “an. oiluuiooo. ,. Young Ion 'eqttalng a mood o Coimudtl Coup. Tho folio-h. portion-n no you oubjolu ofooquiry t "i. Which in the not nucnoblo in in our .hoo the boot lid moo: ououivo {o- onliuoo in building "rttoatmodat'itro, in the i1'ge,'ldlg on! loo tho ohoopou nod but bonding oeoomnodou'ooo form nudonn. N. The boot corp. of Profouoro om! he nomm. 3rd. The - and“ ”mango. the Ion-u nut-tor ototodoumin mood- one. and atoning no nook I. woman for tho tin" mood. “I. The but "lei an Iyomm of gonna-om north. bool not-oi Mum. 6A. Th beet ooum of an,“ m. beet plnn 'ttittetruettoa in the Pnponxory or Theory ter",t om. ?Puytexi-iede0i,tiraiii. amount of Ann! Booinooo min at. The beat e ofopontiooo. ty, book ”on. tt Booking, Moroholdiall: 3nd 0thy blolm chum nude on a. m Nada. 31:31.03, Juno the 1m. 1801. "Ant, " nm. m1. menu-nan: swoon-n _ THE POPULAR INSTITUTION AT HAMILTON In Immd th, mm. by the Roll-bio. Ludln. Ind Thoron‘h Basin.- In ad lulu- .m of our gantry. h In: bacon. was", nod-mood tttrrtugttout the can": t " 1 Royal. Dominica: fiethhet __ In the but an...“ institution of It. and. nad 5. what it II chin“ to bet Genital-l Block, Wuorloo, Oct. At86t. mm: m, mars, nun Pumps. ' We: 'AWWW " HAND AN [MINNIE BT0CE 0? AM, “ND! of 0000. ' ”all, found in a Quad Gun. The ROYAL ommlou C OMMERC IAL C OLLEGE, Flannels, ($50.. $0.. ' er ALL " WHICH WILL " SOLD y CHEAP FURNITURE, JOHN “BOA”. in mummy!“ cumming no“ lac-mm! is also complete. [an Inn-1m AIIIICAI] no PARK. a, nun-u T. N. HARRIS, minim. Royal Dominion Common!“ Collage. Hunillon. D. C. IN " One hugdggd , hut received at this Waterloo'tPo"u1rrrst from on ulna, BLOSBURG COAL. " In: Rescind tou It]. 'ttrap, noo_ frgwn‘ u a. waaaTitaaTiare.T"' JOHN WALL mare '1' of tall snnganaogx'u ut, , JOHN SHUH & Co. :WM-ndaopm tf, suur, Eu; JOHN IGDOUGA“. "4-. Ward”. Oct. 89th. 1867 WINTER CaH&See guhitzshiz frienhs B. Dennltt Snider’s Block, B. Desith Column. FALL PUBLIC WATERLOO AND THE cordially WATERLOO CHRONICLE AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER. OF T0 7 W - --_...-- .__,.‘,,_._. v. __--vâ€"...-‘u .1144le i m do. to W. than“: ttterin oppuuo swam um: um. when m "yu. of new... a. m], w . mud $.15. an In oration!“ when mach-nu " work any h I - Att *tnA"ettatmurirttttl Amt." order " tte Wnorloo Sowing In!!!" Itm gnu. 417mm SEWING MACHINE DEPOT! - We mo In tbe World, " Ma boon proud at the 2tt Ilhlhltlnl when an. II. but columnar“ In Inn-op. ad Analog, um ttmut . took no “RS? . "V "w..- - - - w. "v. .u, a. "... mu pun-u u "I. a.' llnluunl when on: an. II. but columnar“ In Inn-op. ad Analog, thin lull . took A. FIRST PRIZ I Sewxng illii!lta,e1t,iruss DEF-'0 SP'. AUTUMN TRADE ' A CHOICE AND COMPLETE STOCK All kinds of Produce talms in exoha'nge at the highest Market price. “,______ mm oo:'.., HENRY Roos & Co. . / Jfr_r--"-'""-"-", ARE; NOW ii"2r-iiiii"iri'o', ONT STAPLE and-FANCY DRY GOODS. KERR, ",!l,tr,!,i,rt.ylli)jiiiliiiiiiiQ AVE great pleasure of :mmnncing to the public that they hm oponed . HARDWARE 'm,puil in Mum. In Mr. Fischer’s Old Stand. , Ono-in Mr, Mulhemn'a San-a and Tin She , when they will constantly hop on hind A FULL A"lalrig STOCK 0F SHELF Mill HEAVY HARDWARE I IN WATERL'OO VILLAGE l "moo. A... no. not. CANADA TWEBDS, CANADA & WHITNEY BLANKETS, GREY COTTONS and SHEETINGS, I" At the old price of years ago. aa Prints, Ginghams, Flannels, Plain and Fancy, Blk. k com Cobiurrgs, Blk. and col’d French Merinos, Shawh . and Mantles, Irtlreteemp Winccys, Ke, . ALSO 7 - _llfjrh.RI)W)rrrE Staple and Fancy Dry Goods! W. H. G. KNOWLES, Fuchs’ Block, Berlin, a. The highest price paid for Butter, Eggs, and all kinds of Produce.. , _ ' . _ -. _ . an" w r-:... amt wand l V "r JOHN BOND, _ _ GOOD AND CHEAP. - t careful Inspection of“). Stock and price: ielioited, In the WHOLE STOCK " 'uold “prion an! hue not been heard chine. the braking out of the Ameriun tit Cuh Ind prompt paying d AMthTON, Ant. so". um. DRY GOODS, READY-MAD]: WITHIN! RmmmmmléééViEEfiiiiEfiiuTii‘Fe‘Hana To MAKE ROOM FOR NEW GOODS l GREAT BARGAINS WILL BS OFFERED. Mama, October Mth, 1367.; Berlin, October 8th, 1887. Montreal House ! BERLIN. DRY r GOODS-l Bar Iron, Steel, Home Nails, Cat Nails, Pressed Nails, Wrought Nails. Spikes, Window Glass, Oils & Paints, Coal nil, Axles, Springs,” Carriage Trimings, 'Griudstoues, Shovels, Spades, Rakes, Hoes, , German Cow Ties, Imaging Gums, Dang Forks. Brass Kettles. Lamps, &e., Ke.," ke. They can s-sum the Public that every article will be sold READY3MADE . CLOTHING i BERLIN, hm}, 2od.,xaos'. trd t,1.ti.r,t.i,Irjr] (ii-tr/ii)) WE LL. ' Indy for imp‘otion. Cuh Ill-d tromttOs!ttirtrhsal'era are particuhr Their Motto in t--", Ema” ProjiU and Quack Return t." For the Next Four Weeks AMONG WHICH WILL BE POUND A GOOD A$SORTMENT or At the TaonNrart Cash Pricel‘iw GREAT SALE 7 am, WILL-BE OFFERED and. 'U‘nder Cost Prloe! HENRY RODS a CO. Hull: botanic thew dole he"; Jr “To celohruod And by the oid of this month they ml] luv. As the whole mull. be cleared out by In March, Gt only. tmteth better than a, othox‘ifogi; -ilirGaiiiGo" STORE I HAS NOW RECEIVED FALL STOCK SEW I N g ‘MACHINES, TERMS 'AB USUAL. TEE EN FIRE STOCK OF NEW . 1?OR THE l l DODDS * OADWELL. AT THE --0F-. - OF.- particuhrly Invited to all And input. W. H, G. KNOWLES. 32mm“! 'rigu--4 t 'tu-., 'l8-.. DIVISION COURT! [cm Wd were agnln Iwnrded the FIRST PRIZE It the Ian Provincial Exhibition, Kin. non. for the bent specimen of MUSI- NEgS PENMAN§H|P. and an EXTRA PRIZE for our SYSTEM of WRITING. A For PtsrtytrysbyyAitful"tt, te., addres- Thetimo required to complcato the full court. vuriu considerably. according to .he attend-nee, lllention, and ability or each student. Young men. however, are onrnoltly cautioned ugnimt the injuriou- pnctico oflmrrying through the count. mu the miutakon idea that they will than be gainers b1 the loving of men?! in In. item of bar . Inlintttrly mare I want-xe- ouu would it he to, tho student; linue ho full oouru oi tuition in .iready paid for, to Incur the comruttvely small additional upon-o of: weeks board in order to Inuit. htmuli' completely matter of tho course; nnd thus. by a "all prov-cm outlay, qnuli- t himself for some lucrativa situation. Td crudonen that such huts ant-ill in highly detriment“, not onty to tho student him'uli, but also to the Coll.“ where he grnduutu; and, bis-kin It brings oppre- brium on Commnlul College: generally. The common pructico, therefore, ofbolding out this crowning Iyntem u on inducement to student-in moot doceptivo And highly "prrtusnctbh. _ _ _ _ -r_-w- Another (liolinolin fawn-0 oflhin College u lhnl tt unempta no ntuneoul Inching. In work in on, 3nd In the accomplishment ol Ilmt work our] effort " direct-ll. Jon u the University and Grammar School mun ho lemme institutions, no the Com. mart-ml CollNretrnd the Elemonmvy School must by distinct. Common unto sad - potion" olikc allow that Inch o combination " not eonpnlnblo with “money. . - pruning “new on the Altcnlion of coma»- ci-l circlu more and more wary at. Ind in advlntugen In perhaps more em nio- nlly uhown by nothing more than E, tho “mun ground on which it plumes ttuJuliy trained clerk above the inpufeelly train. ed one. who}. moldy; rH.te.i.ty.ttyin., THE BRITISH ' AMERICAN COM- MERCIAL COLLEGE hu in full open- lion and. a couru'ul ill-traction an to give it prqdical fitne" to do the you! Program]. In" In nude n type or model nol'only of an extensive bmmeu house, but even of u lugs midi In commanjty. _ - __ 'Ani'import'unt ottttraoterlstie ordai- 'InstiQ union in in mature! organised ACTUAL pusgNEsgs 'lh17iL7, w.htreby m. tlol- BUSINESS EDUCATION! pg IMPORTANCE OF A TROR, OUGH BUSINESS EDUCATION in Barr, Slmplon t Co., Montreal, WooleuIe Agent, SJ Font Co., Sherbrooke, P. q., Bolt Proprietor. lining a wonderfhl ethet when taken inter- nllly, in quickening we clrcnlnion of the blood, it in invaluable taper-om predhposod to Punlym, or inbject to bun dileuo. In can: ony-pepah. when food dim-nun, it "ordg prompt relief, and continued for a Ihort time, mo everything Twht. , . _ Tho name ofthe Jeanine is blown in ouch bottle of tho genuine. 1nd the purpolel for which it In Intended, " wall " the mod. of mil-lg, numbed. _ It bu never but. forced on the public unen- tion by {Inning ndvertlumenm of remark»). euro-1h“ never had any “menace, bat by in own peculhr ulna u an unfailing remedy, it bulwark“! in wt, jnto_publlq (nor. OR the immedme relief end permanent F euro ot Rheuunmm, Sprain", Bruins, Burnl. FPO" Bk”. Lune Bleak. Bide, Limb- or 8totttteh, Camp, Numbnell, of Limbs, Swelllng ofJoinu, Sudden Colds," Dlptherln, Son The". JACOBS RHEUMATIC LIQUID [in been tutor. tht public for upwnrdl of many you", and web are ita merit. tint. it in now justly con-{dared " an indlapenlibke uti- 010 in every family w_here lt in known. n Hamvulo. Plum and seoittettiutm' Ttty be “an at the "lee ol'M. P. Emmy, I Elq. Parties may tender for the whole or I mlpnrt, np to the an! of Match next on- In n . tt JOHN W. PEARSON. Burk-ville. Dec. 9th. 1867. 619--tot . Dunn. 1‘11 Brlck Layers. ( l? , TENDERS wanted by the underni ned, Dun It Hawhvilfo, for the erecting ms " . idling of: l BRICK CHURCH l THE Bahseribera would relpecifully in- " Elwyn“, Plane and ImrtMetiunal form their friends and ths public in T0 GARPEPTHRS I Elan. Aug. 24th, 1867. WE consider the, Star Shuttle Machine to ha IIIB heat cheap family Sewing Muchino, with which we no acqusintod, it nuke. the gamma. "Lock Stitch.” - aMAW TENWICK. (605) March-at Tailors. For furlhoipaiticulun Ind -tbiaiGli. dreu J. E. SPAFFORD. Box 150. Rcrerenee, I. B. Knack”, Toronto. West Montrose, Ontario. . Ty, Slur Shuttle Machine nuke: a llilch mike on both Ilden. tlust will not rip or mvel, will do all kinds ofwork equally n wall " my high priced Machine, and is tuned mike for tho Drona-Mun. Tailor. Manumetureror Fundy. Mr. J. E. Spur- Itrd having been uppuinted Gencnl Agent for the Slur Muchinb. wishes to engage a four good looll and tnvollin Agent. to whom mod inducements will g. offered. J qgob’s 10!iiiim"sti'iis- Liquid. 820 m STAB mums mo Sewing Machine ! Slump "oi'nll, Turned Colin", plated Duh Roda. glint: Sockuo; WbiMe Tree Hooks, Top Props. For sale cheap. handy, 1808. Just received at the Waterloo Hudwnre Store, n large Stock of Carriage Ar Eire. Bolts, Borax. "Its etipt7shtr!) Shnpklu, Fell'ow PM; Basswood Saw Loci. For which the undersigned will my highest Market price, part In Cub. M. WEGENAST. Wntorho, Noe. 12. 1867. turr.2m WANTED IMMEDIATELY ttt this new Ste-m Cubinat Fuctory 3nd Saw Mill, any quruttity of Pine. Maple. Elm. Cherry and Saw Logs PATENTED, MAY 1507. NolNofl‘NoaNo4 iiiitillMvt & 1hiidii'f," Toronto‘ Wanted l For 1868. JOHN McDOUG A LL AND io 6No 6N0 7, v v-u-l ' By . New, bllll Cumin. Speednmd "rely Punt“: process. and WITH ov‘r THE Us: or TH: Km". THE cure will be guaranteed. and zu- " proofof thin. no pay u required. until the cure In complete." The "tit n cull- cerio discovered. " nhnuhl be 21ml, an it Willem! less and is more Ip¢dilv cured than when orloairer stunning. nd mm is nothing tn gain and etteryth) it m Ion hy dolav. What now. was mrmhuu- lump in the breast. neck. aye h' or nhwwhom. or nmall wart or core on the hp may in n few lhort month: beeome u hediour. ths- gutting. dPilroylng man ordismmc. Irre. quired," reference. can be gins” to purvie- who have been cured mnny yt-nrn sin". and who use now Bound and hmllhy. All ttttttttttttmentions promptly anuwernd. No money required in advance, and Home until he an" ite sample“. ovum “new mnnmni Ottdwa, Canada West which they will In” cheap for CASH or up- roved paper. Having uuucuul tacu'iitirs fl,') purchuing and eanive connection:- ubroad they otUr Inlucomonls to purrluu- orl ucetyuslled by any other Home in the trade. MANUFACTURERS f) ANQEBS C URED Foreign and Domestic _ _ AWOOLS, I er Alt "I'd." by mail promptly unend- ed to .nd under the lupuv nion of an ex- perienced grader. J. H. DAVIS H. BURKHOLDER. keep comunlly on hand a his um; aa, nook of will Gd it to their lnumuo cul before purghufqg algewhere. b» _ Office and WarehousefNI). 13 King St., next door to the Gore Bank, Fo/Ter/G (itby letter" prep-rid /i"iiV/e; loo P oo upply to the uuuerraigned. Adm mininntor. SAMUEL WEBER, WOOL DEPOT! GOOD I [OUSE & BARN undul-on never failing well, " well u some young Fry} Then. - nd [pad xgrdau. new the plan. Wlhrloo Township, Dee. H3, 1867. 6204 TAE underlined offer: to ull by prime "le, the Home and Lot Intel! occupied by the Isle Tito Schl-chur. sun-led 24 mile: North Horn Wuerloo, on the road leading to Ger-rum. _ There are upon ‘tho plue I N08. 307, 308, 309, 3l0 and 3ll of Hoff- tmutht Survey, Berlin, fronting King Sum. For partieity ?.B}'ll_l.9..__ TOWN LOTS FOR SALE. The} Would nllq take thin opportunity of informing the public. that [my bin iaat completed their new MOULDING srdllll ind are now prepared to furnish nil kinds of Outing-to such " may fnvour them with: cull. All land- ot repniuing dun promptly. They lrust with strict atten- tion to Maine". they will receive stood altar. irf public patronage. HOUSE & LOT Fort SALE}. They would co“ tho otlention oftho pub- lie to iheie "1f-Ngtthrttng Grain Equator 1 And all!) to their IMPROVED PITT’3 PATENT HORSE- POWFH. STEEL Plough. &e., he.. all of which on kept on hand. or will he furnished ll short notice. A form their friends a-nd Ihgvpuili; in general. that they are now "s'tnufaettarintt, a: Elmira, all kinds of Agricultural Imple- ments, Inch " TTh' THRASHLJ G MACHINES l STEEL and CAST-IRON PLOUGHS, gullivatort Drag Bum, Straw Cutters, ., to. J. H. DAVIS ok co., Geuenl Newndcnluru Smioner. N. B. Daily and Weekly Glob: otd Len- der, Cmnda Farmer, American Agricul- turilt. luplyed " Publauher’n prices. Clubs "g'ltt etlin.Dec. 4th, 1867. 618- Hamilton. tone thh, 1867. Guava, Do»: idsh;1867. Young English Women, Sporting Lite ', Illustrated London News, ' Peoples Magazine ', Blackwoods, British Quarterly -- - Review, Wnlorloo. Nov. 20, 1867 English Woman's, . Bow Bell, Chamber’s Jourral, Com Hill, English Mechanic, Leisure Hour, London Society, Good Words, . Sunday Ma- gazine l 7 Temple Bar, A. Z. DETWILER & CO. Elwin, Aug. 30th, 1867. 605- New Is the Time to Subscribe! Godey's Ladies' Book ; Ma- dam Demorest; Frank Less- lie; Haruer's Bazar; Hur- per’s Monthly; Atlantic Monthly ; New York T Ledger ; New York Tribune ; German Frank Lesslie, &c.. ke. M A G A Z I N E S: 1868. BERLIN 1868. j, 5.5!! §~P;FE£I,:EK’s¥§lfiiifié§hhfi HAMILTON. c. w, Dr: TW't:te:re:r, SpurkoStregE and Mafia Suva, " &c. London Review, Christian Re- _membrancer, ELMIRA 'rotrrietor of the C. R. GEDDES. tullrl nppl to RE. W. “HER. FOR Cumulus 051cc. 593- Teyhtttt! offers to I." by "in". cake hil thcullcnl Fur-L mt..-.-.a ...._ _ _ -- "MPV' '7 F"'"' 1 sale his nudism Fur-L muted "no halfu mile Glut of Bevin. h in one ofllm - beautifully and o-ty/rent!, Iiiuntrd rum: in the county Tun hummus... orchards, want. an. rqmnl'm My 5.. u... pun hi the count}. Tet-u reasonable. Apply lo WM. MOYER, Ll, lhnn- ilulrhh-u io the Hun". ”er A trste Jam)!» Huhmun rut” luv N e', Bonk nrmmnl. are r. qlh-hloed In gm, up ' mmhnlp'y. Thou- noglwrnn‘r to “Uri u tho Nulirr. will only have lhrmulr blame for com. Single and double Cut Militiaw , Files, Flat, halfround and Smolh Files, Taper Saw Files, single & double cut. JOHN MCDOUGAXJL. superior to lny other Oil in the market G machinery. JGHN MeDOUGALL. Jusireceived and for sale at the Wan-Hoe Hardware Store, Jun Received mud for sale cheap It the Waterloo slow. direct from the make", ‘Hl undersigned Oh to an by We. ll sale his VAlunlle lull villi- hllu hub of Elmira, on the “murky-mm. load, It eul- n'ma 141 Am. under excellent ('ul'ivlliuu, at which ll3 an claret h in In“ Rand bu first chm farm InuiMingu, a upturn-(mm; "rrirsr, I (and fruit “mum, jun beginning to hour, and c, acres "tfirst class (‘rdur "tttrr . Cod 0il,Whale 0mm 833.1011 Volcaniea Machine Oil, Till-l lihunl. in be made- kwku u: a, ph- cuiun, (if by lotlor pun paid) to GEO. (“Jung Elmira P. (L Woolvich, Jun 01h, was, on -3; - W - _ - _l by Henry I?te4sheus ofEdiuburuh. and a. [nu J. P. Norton onnle. Calla a. 9 vale. Royal Oetuvo, 1600 pages, a “0.9"“. Fllwruiun. Prise fi for the two volumesoby Hui. post paid " - tY Neither I.trtrniums, " 8utoeribers nor discounl lo Chiba. nor "duct-d prion for buck numb-WI, on be “low-d, an no It. money is retained direct to the Midterm No Pielumugn-cng litigjven to Qluha. No remiuum an be Ive to lulu.“ IHE ['t1rliiii/'s"ii'irGu'iil;tt,, thncribon may chum back numbon It the, following reduced rates. vie.. The Abrth British from January, 1863, to December, 1867, inclunive i Edinburgh up! the Walminoler tron: April 1866, In Db. i-smher. 1867. inclmive. iii2 the but.“ Quarterly ferr the yam IMU, Ie66, and 1807. an the rate of 8L“) a year for each at any Review ; uloo Bluckvood for 1866 and l867, for 82.50 I your, or the tmt yearn to. gulhor fgf M 00. New Subacriben 101m two ohm the" periodical. for1868 will id entitled to h- iwive, gratis. my one ofthe Four knives Cor1867. New Subtcrihorl to nil tire of the Pcriodicnlo for1868 my rerarive, m0“, BI-ckvmul or my “on of the ts F0103.- vinon" for 1887. 'Suhncviboru should maps, by the qunnor, ll the Miee ol dertvetry. The Pounce " any plrl of the Unllod Sun. in TWO CENTSnnuubur. Thin nu only Ippliu to current Inhacripliom. Fat back nun- bers the pally. ll double. _ ‘ PM” aw 33mm . A disconni oftwenty per rent. will be " tow"od to Club. of four or not. pom". Than, four copiu oI Blackwood. or of on. Review, will be com to one address for 314. M. Four copiu of the four Ruin" and Blukwood, for 848.00. and no on oft!» Review-.1. . . . 10.00 For Bluckwood and thre of Reviews............- For Blackwood and the {our Reviews. . . . . A. . . . 15.00 For nny one ofthe Kevin " M For nny two oflho Review. 7.9. For any three oflhe Review. 12.00 For all four arm. Raviewu 12.00 For Blsekwood's Mug-tine 4 AIO For Blackwood and 1 itevie. 7.00 Pot Hugh-yogi! and In] two A A lTur. Lanna: QCARTIILY Revrmr, (Con. i lemming) ‘THI Emu-urea Rxwrv [Whiz]. Tn! Wn'mncsrcn Rnuw (Radial . Ttttt Norm BllTlll Run" to. Church]. and Bucuwoon" EDIIIUIOI Inn.“ [Tory]. These periodicnl- Ira ably unstained by the contribution. ot the beat writer. on Science Religion. Ind Gem-ml Lin-nun», Ind unnd unrivalled in the world rflcllrn. They are mdiupenuble to the who!" and rho profeuionnl man. and lo every Pauling man. an they furni-h I better rmrd oflln current liwraluro ofthe d., that on N obi-iced 'rorn my other source. BulimJau. Nth. Hus /iJrri, Wat-thou. oiroc!_lmm Euglnnd, a Ill size. from 5 by 7 to 40 by M. CW? than ever. Jun received u thtr Waterloo Harlan Stan, I In}. stock of . l German Sheet G lass, Berlin, Jan, ta, his. and ludinn Rubber Cloth, Patent Dull: Leather, Lace, Whip Socket! and Hoklrm, Curtain Light Hooks and Rinpn. Pin ' ml. Brmr and Ivory Lining, Japan! and Silver Linn; Nails, Cut Tuck. La. Tneu, le. joiiit McDOUG ALL FARM M SALE. Just Reeeivedat the Wnlerlon 1‘ Store, n large lot of Carriage Enameled Muslin, Drel Duel), House & Builders_ Mum, My. Hinged. Sen". Bung Phi-{Hug NI" Brndu, Blind Hinges, ‘mnch-th; Slrovn Tong. Bat Ind Cap Hook, W ard- robe Hooks, Hook. and Even. Door I‘m-hm JOHN McDOUGHLH. JOH’N MODOUGALL. Just Received and for talc at prices which mil detrrorititiott, a In." supply or y'. Con hails, mm and sums. FARM FOR SALE. Just Received at the H_tsrdwrre no Fulton a. N. Y. . The L. tt. PL B. C0., also publish the .5tty)15ryt..,t.?yit?E, British Periodicals Spring and' Blister Steel, mi! ’03 1.08 . and the celebrated POSTAGE. CLUBS ISAAC HOFFMAN , 3: 99pm u. p, oirrieton, 640 (.23 -

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