BeaverToo, 9 Jan 1868, p 3

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0 0 # ~ gTAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS K MANTLES, l Readyâ€"made CO1L.O0TEHEINC, #o., 5s AT COST PRICE, On_ and after MONDAY, the 13th instant, 1|\ W#oiini Gaerm:ont. .\ }| " The Sale will be continued for Three Woeks only. the late relief and permanent Eeps des hn t en R C musuls â€" Muihmses af Lhabi ;‘..-.nll"' math, Cramp, Numbn m .{m!. :éqm Ool.::‘. giplt‘h_& 3‘00“ RHEUMATIC LIQUID Mas been before the public for upwards of twenty years, and such are its merits that it is now jusily considered as an indispenslbld artis %fl avery family where it is l‘non.‘ m&:' the public astens ....33; 5 ","‘.â€"'-"â€"p' 'â€" 2e n e *fi"flfilnn' Q@vaataaby Ravnay, (Conâ€" | * .:l:;:‘tizt) «# { 1 h d lfl;" 4 '\: T:flwl.?llllftn anmew t miin[]z nally, in quie! teck, ic levereahle Mr. in a ing tue cirtulation O° IMT biost, i‘ulnratoagh o‘ pperom pesiazosed to W ve aubject to i cased of m‘t‘_ n'..._')“:..m;‘nJ & a shart affords prompt relief, time, sets everything Fight. + The ond blown in sagh c emrteal t ies MeNuwil Robert _ Youll James Mistishorow Thos. "llmfin Toblas Maler Jobn M. _ Woolf Cha e n o w hard J _ WiltentiJ, fi.«. lor::on })n'f""‘ Harriett fii%fimfile{ (Ruvical ], maeu | Reaview luecs:::’r]‘&u&;\f hoth: : tT .]. ‘ copen 6 ) and stand unrivalled in the worldefletters. They are indiapensable to the, acholae aud he m{ nd To évary readin ML‘MJM of lh! Jacob‘s Rhoumatio Liquid. .. itfi:.‘.fl.â€"..‘:{\}.. 13.00 mafige mo o omndpntine d aol o Sihef8‘\s olabe "Thik es wnl? applles inanpmimentipieys is Mc in PRBHIUMS TO BW 3UB8C2REM back be "wiuwed, un‘ cas the eoin] in rewnied divecdte Ihe Pubiichire is emrame ten be given is Gramg, No® hucn ol‘ the above "'-fi:?“ ‘Tow herive; ‘l\“n_ A.Hq‘np_tgmhul of December, 1867, inslusive ; the Weetménater trom Afl camber, 1867, incluaive, & the Pertodicals for 1888 may receive, gratis, Blackwood or any two of the " Four Re views" foe 187. 0_ _ _ at the réte of §1.50 A yeat 10? aadit or Review ; also Blackwosd for 186% m 18¢7, tor 82. 50 a year, or the twn years toâ€" the Weetminater trom A% mu}'»n.l camber, 1867, lnlnmr"“n. e Londo#s o ie ralr tf hLid o your Â¥or conll se ang Waterioo, Jan. 8th, 1868 . 7 ;« Bign, of the l naugeg _ _ _ YAFRRLOQ, CHROMCLE: ELLING O FFi FALL IMPORTATIONS The subscriber will offer for his LARGE STOCK of B.PVUB, CO, tnblab FARMER‘s aurde, €OoST PRIGE. CC :l'?tf. and eom\;\l-fiir;iofl thing right. she menticine is blown in cach [ C. KOMPP, » h. late relief and permanent s At ing Femino y 65 m:fin favot . al t when take® int#r= » twe cirgulation of the YÂ¥ tence, RRMBMBER THE PLACE, Buy by i‘;'l' 'J}’h P. &, and by of the Members of the Mutual Fire Insurance Company of" the Co. Wellington. WEDNESDAY, 1l5th INS at 1 o‘eloek, Y in., to take into consid@rati the loss susta n:hgumm James MWssic Co., at the late t lt: Alfiia Block, ue By order of the Presiddi#t. LL those Indebted to the, nndorfl‘m‘ aither by Note or Book account, are no that untess they settle on or before the 1 of March next, their mecounts and notes w be returned for eoilection, t ADAM HELLEPR, Bimira, January 2nd, 1868 . sarâ€" A'l‘ the request of D. Guthrie, Bsq., and other menibers by requisition presented to the President of the Com{:ny, a special meet» Ing of the members will be held in the Anglo« American Motel, Guelpb, on Queipb, ath Janm, 1868 mich .as Beotts, Humorous, lives of fish Potts, Pilgrims Progress and Hoiyat, M B & Goidemiths, Thomsous, LJfe!â€" lom?u Burns, Casquet of Geme, tds* worth, Cawpers, Shakespeares, and/een “‘:M Ni t‘l‘.“‘hd. ::l“m“d? QE e, that ne ;5! vad FANOY STOhB in‘ Belige lace lately oecupied by. Dr. Yeagiey, t* !o hopes to receire a shhre of r-bnech. His ataok contabisrall kinds of / German Sheet Giss, ,m‘::wmn' $ hy 7 toi60 by 32. Caper HOUSE déoAT English & Qerman Sohoo! Bq:, Ribles, Testaments, Histories, Poetical k8, All kinds of Stationar|! ant aud atsortment of TOYS and| NOY G0OODS, &e. Taris same as before. _ Jnet receiveat at the Wiitarlao F Btore, a large Stouk of Table 'Bg'nm. German Bilver Nitho! und Piated RFotks, Scissore, Butoler Kniths and Pallet Knives. \ JORHN McDOU GA LL by ‘the fare ‘Titus Schiachter, dm{ s‘ wites ~Rorth trom Watertom on throm: TAI"nmhhlynod offera to sell byivate 4 sale, the House and Lot lately @pied lemding to Cenestogo. ‘There ampon the place a go9DitOUsE & BAX anthiso n naovertilting welh some young Fruit Trees, ~ nd â€" 4 Table | Pm n on Tuble Rgnon:..‘(lmml t::} 4 R‘?m WDis i a d nobs â€" Salscess Rusifect Wailka Ottawa, : Canada TOTU N 1LOPS \_ _ FOR SALE. Just Received nt the Waterlou Stog a fne ussurtment of . NOl. 307, 308, 300, 310 and 31b( Holf: i rn‘i‘ Snrvo\L."l::.rlln, fr&mig King or ( o 2. . T9: 3."{40\'%’ e us s 21 To Cunontectuflcse. €:Watest00, Â¥or 20, 1867, He in delly. N. Gordon Bigelow, LL.B. Bertin, Jan:. 1, _&o. Orson«=Bhird doorâ€" South ILQ. *orounto Stroct, Tona\o,‘m. ¢ ‘ *TORNRYâ€"ATLAW, SOLICITOR, Ounawe, Dec. IBib, 18¢67. PAYZ UP. JORN MoDPUGALL JDxr. Waod., d Flag.‘" â€"â€" DAVID DEVITT..,, ° oN TARIO ) CGanada West, Proprietor of MA# Cnas Davipson, J. 0. HUNBLC J 0. HUXNSLCH, nse, and nene until Sec. «& Tres. ven to partion y years since,. s Isaac Boftman, ; _ _ _ * WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER ptie Ifree A & EU TT U G fi.‘!‘ITIFsTTN;;:T‘!nL-,MO rlI BE ! Ba» Farmers Produce taken . Call and cxaimine his Stock,. g»% k # ~f EBRLIN, October %2nd, 1807. $ Ne ;~ 618â€"=; mtn Poin» ka> Call and see before purchasing elsewherc. Now is the time for Great Bargains ! WATERLODLOct, frhk 1887) 5 uq uy al. « FE:IB“NM... w s es a “.lâ€"aangi%gg. |€$§?§Ehy Qd Pmm and GENUINE TRA 8, o'fn|§lemlid halhrd) "Auvor, imported: direct Company‘s Plantations in AS8AM, and on the sloper oftlie HiMALAY 4 PURE and GBNUINRW i M/D, 0° n|€emun CORECHE DOTCCOOD No casiaau 6A ara C l Com?n“v Plantations in A88AM, and on the slopes oftlie HiMA LA Y AS, biend â€" ed with the fimes\ products of CHINA. 0J 4o HJH»E 71401 Only Twe Qualitie®, vig. : TNc. or 81 per tb , either BLACK, GREEN, or MIXELD. i a wengch and â€"Biarory rups: Fine Household Tea, combining 8 w‘,lb use Ilardware Store ! E undersigned in returning thanks for the. patronage beâ€". stowed upon him for the past nine years, would beg to inâ€"| tdhe public that he has 6 .\ as | kceived his Fall Amportétions 181 Sry Large and Complete! P yq g ; swronrnk®e, Tall & Winter Goods GoDps CHEAPER THANEVER. HOME DEPOTS, LONDON AND LIVERPOOL. _ ‘anada Depot, No. 28, Hospith] St.; Montreal; EREAT P COTTON & wooLEN Goons ! Great Reduction! Dress Goods with Silk® Stri e BdanRAn MpaeSCotton, Giagbiaknis,.Dlannelis/{Carâ€" ‘ pets, Buffalo Robes, Blankets, Ready«made Clothâ€" : ing, Ladies‘ Mantles, Hats and Caps, is A Two Ply Union Curpet is now sold .at 62%c. which cost a year ag:'ld at 809‘.'-&., . f h j Ea C ich is sald at 18e,. cont six months ago °“3fi. ~m§ %fi%‘t\"weml‘& Sultzwhich ie now . _ sold at 150. cost six morths ago 280. . A Ps, Facâ€". > tory Cotton now sold -n;-.‘fi.fc»_u 12 months ago, ggy ®y x e semo o ion | o GENERAL Waterlon, Decamber 4th, 1867, Great Bargains Commercial Bank Bills taken at Par in exchange for Goods, 4 t y ‘ " o esticits, RICE TOBACCNEE COAL O 4 ‘:gns Rghr DiAQ AOL ts Rakers for OASE 1 10 T T 7 0 His Stocksidow!s 2 6 00â€" Large and Complete of Every Thing in his Ling, made of the \'cry:beqt?m‘a‘t?riui. ud is Pva ugnage * ";51!____' 'fl‘l:_, erlin +|[rfF. AJ.L KINDS CAN Di HAL UNXUSUALLY CHEAP! OM Wiifsi L » Nov. 20th, \80‘ traok. {1cy» Observe the Trade Muxk GEORGE RANDALL‘S i, Doors, Venitian Blin PLAINING DONE TO QRDER. ~ and an extra allowance will be mude ti&?dflo buy a large, ppru} L q p} + _ JOHN MeDOPGALL},_ »1 & and Manufacturer of all kinds of t AT THE WATEBERLCOO . JUST RECEIVED, ARRKBHR‘LOT or L KINDS CAN BE HAD which are , 4 «44 a g10.. ‘ â€" s stâ€"ror oo â€" AXES, COW CHAINS, with Si‘l‘l'("fi!l,‘?o_s. rory Uotion; Bnup, Bed. Checks, TO . Call and cxamine égk‘ & ‘L ER’\"@"\M $ 8 s Al@Ao| ,.or8 HER‘S STORE! ir than 3 months ago. ne m retcorms _ _ MARK: 0) ol DL# Yid?I.d 1¢ TT B18â€"1y. U"Y 618â€"â€"; §17tâ€"4moa l e John Fennell‘s columat w IMMENSE QUANTITIES! HARDW ARE WBILF thanking the genercus public for the libern| patronnge bestowed in the past) the subscriber would invite an exam;â€" * ination of his Stock of Hardware, Hardware Store Largest ever offered in this Part of Canada. Everything the Public require N o Second Price: AT HIS STORE. All Goods warranted to give satisfaction. Just received, a large lot of the YBRY best kinds. Table & Pocket Cutlery, PLATED W ARE! The best assortment ever offered for sale in this section. $ A W S! of all descriptiona. The best makes at the lowest prices. (He inviteg particular atâ€" * tention to the Lightning Cross Cut Saws ! as the ordinary crose cut saws. ‘Fiey now in general use in lumbeting districte, im assortment on hand. Billetwebs of this and other patterfin on IZT Call and see them #F LEATHER BELTING | NAILS, LOCKS, FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Meat Cutters and Stuffers, a ve‘y large Stock on hand. Inquire prices bnfo.rz purchasing elrewlrere. *r LEADS, OILS ! ‘Varnishes, of guaranteed qualities, at prices not in be nurpasted, CoalOil i Lamps, B mME LIN Blacksmiths tan as usual be supplied with everything they require. A v‘ory larrge lot now arrivâ€" ‘ing 0 *!# SLEIGH SHOES,. Hamilton and Toronto Prices, 1000 worth of Lunpq and 500 Bhis. of il, some excellent ‘I‘nble Lamps, from $5.00 to $10.00 each. N@» Remember the place for Cheap Hardware of good quality, is the "Canedian * _ Block." Sign of the Golder Cross Cut o‘ ~~‘~ JOHN PENNELL â€" WAGGONMAKERS It will be sold cheap. Mechanics Bupplied . AT TWICE AS FAST Berlia/ Nov, 6th, 1867. M iâ€" English Oakâ€"Tanued is now arriving at the Gl“s’ mnges' &o" IRON and STEEL will be found warranted to cut which is the Also, all sizes of IN menadn Gwenme AND SCM A S ! Montreal DISPLAT Dry Goods, GROCERIES, X‘mas Presents T O Y S ! CLOTHINE! CANADA TWED$, CANNOT BE BEAT ! Wew Raisons from 7c. | Currants from 4¢. ~ Fign Pfims, Nuts, House ! B A F L. I N Canned Meats AND â€" FRUITS DVRINGX MAS HATS & CAPS, FUR CAPS, BLANKETS, SHAWLS, NUBLAS, At Wholesale Prices . Bond s Column. ‘The subscriber has opened the Store adâ€" joining his premines with a spleudid Stock of Crockery,. Glassware, &c. This is a rure opportunmity TO BUY GOODS HOLLIDAY S ! y * Confectionary, , ‘ Sardines, Lobsters, Oy sters, Readyâ€"made BERLIN, Dec, 9th, 1867. GRAND a AT PRICKS WHICH CH DEFY COMPETITION. Come and be convinced. J. BOND. 8UITABLE FOR THE WILL BE SOLD AT THER &e., &¢., AND OR AT PRICES X‘Mas Gifts, China, 619â€"â€" at Hawkeville. Plarf® and Specificatione may be seen at the office of M. P . Binpey. EKeq. Purtics may tender for the whole or in part, np to the first of Maich next onâ€" suing. JOHN wW. PEARSON. Hawkeville. Dec. 9th. 1867. . 619â€"101 TO CARPENTERS | WANTED IMMEDIATELY at the new Steam Cabinet Factory and Saw Mill, any quantity of Pine, Maplo, Elm, Cherry and Basswood Saw Logs, TENDERS wanted b at Hawkevilie, for t 1 :t Huwklvillo, ishing of a BRICK CHU ROGLLL at Hawkeville. Plarf® and Specificatiune Saw Logs Just received at the Waterloo Aardwure Store, a Inrge Stock of For which the undersigned will pay highest Market price, part in Cash. M. WEGEN AST. Waterloo, Nov. 12, 1867. 615:2m Carriage & Tire Bolts, Borax, Aâ€"ilg;[lpl‘:Shnfl Shacklea, Feliow Plates: Smmpd'oim-, Turned Collnrs, plated Dash Roda. Shaft Sockets, Whiffic Tree Hooks, Tup i‘.q.b. T‘v, Aito vheay BUTTER& EGGS! NOTIC! is hereby givon that Application will be made at the next Session of Parâ€" Hament, for an Act to authorize the Waterloo County Mutual Fire Insurance Company to establish a third Branctr to be called the Manuâ€"« facturer‘s, and for other additional powers. C, M. TAYLOR, BELL FOUNDRY. THE underrigned befi to call the atâ€" tention of the public to the fact thut they have a Foundry in Ma.}'kham V illage, ‘or the manufacture of ~* _ _ Amalg'a:in"'v('fai_i:x}&ifion Bells, Churches, Schools & Farm Use, yc l juinousth arend im AF avilabn where they will attend to @ll orders. ‘There are nearly twice as man‘y ne#spaâ€" Wholesale or Retail at oue third the price of the Brass composition. JONES & Co. "A Complete Bigtorial History of the imos,." "The best. cheapost. and most snccessful Faâ€" mily Paper in the Union.~= CGaAaAsSEIE PAITLD HARFPER‘S WEEEKELY BSPLBXDIDLY ILLCSTRATBD. Critical Notices of the Press, The Model Newspaper of our countryâ€"comâ€" Fleu in all the departments of am American amily Pugor. Harper‘s Weekly has earned for iteolf a right to its title, "a Journal of Civiliâ€" tion,‘‘ New York Evening Post. _ The articles upor public questions which appear in Harpers Weekly from week to week form a remarkable series of brief political esâ€" says. They are distinguished by clear and pointed statement, by good common sense, by independence and breadth of view. They are the expression of mature convietion, high principle, and strong feeling, and take their place uongtbfimt newspaper writing of the time. North American .Review, Boston, Berlin, Oct. 29th, 1867 Waterloo, Ost. 22d, 1861 SUBSCRIPTION8. 1868. ‘The Publishers have perfected a system of mailiug by which they can npyly the Magaâ€" zine Weekiy, and Bazar promptly to thgu v:o Brick Layers. e o e e e en Et rohr to receive their periodicals diree#ly rom the Office of Publication. Pastmasters ahd others desirous of getting uo Clubs will be supplied with a Showâ€"=Bill on application: Montreal House, Berlin. _ The postage on Harpers Weekly is 20 cents w year, which must be paid at the subscriber‘s pow-ohce, Harpor‘s Weekly, one year ... .. .. $4.00. An extra Copy of either the Magazine, Weekly, or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every 6‘.\15 of Five Subscribers at #4.0¢ each in one remittance; or six Copies fors!i ¢€ Back Numbers ean be supplied at any. me. The Auual Volumes of Harper‘s Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be seut by express, free of expense, for 87 each, A complete Set, comâ€" prising TenVolume sent on receipt of cash at the rate of $5 25 per vol., freight at expense of purchaser. Volume\ January 1st, 1868 ~ Subscriptions sent from British North Amerâ€" lcan Provinces must be accompanied with 20 cents additional, to prepay United States posâ€" tage. Addrers ons s NOTICE is hereby given that at the sitâ€" ting of the Municipal Council of the Village of Waterluo, to be held on Monday the sizth day o( January next, application will be made for Byâ€"Laws for the niteraâ€" tion of Wenver Street. affecting the Kounâ€" dry Lot ot Jacob Bricker, and Lots numâ€" bers one hundred and seventyâ€"five ; one, hundred and seventyâ€"six and ‘Ilill squbre of John Hofman‘s survey, and also for seliâ€" ing. For sale cheaper than ever at the Waterioo Haraware Store, best reffned by the pint or the thousand Barrele. ‘Mavâ€" imng been appointed Agont by one of the largest Refineries in the country 1 can offer Oil he»\ at London prices. BURNING OIL, Improved } arm for Sale. 1 half of Lot No. 9, in the @rd Concesâ€" sion ot the Township of Maryboro‘, canâ€" taining One Hundred Aores, 49 of which are cleared. There is a god Log House and Barn on the farm. The above Sfarm is five miles from Glennlian, f Traxs EasÂ¥, APP y [wt.welr‘?v raw nPtt Just Received at the Waterloo Anvils, Vices, Bellows, Sledge Hand & Shoeing Hammers. JOHN McDOUGALI, Waterloo, Dec. 3rd, 1867. NOTILCE. Hollen. Nov. 27th, 1807 W anted! N~NO@TILCE. Store, direct from the makers JOHN MeDOUG 4 LIL‘ AT THR HARPER & BROTIERS, Franklin Square, New York. FOIl AND POR TERMS Q to ILLIAM BELJ, the undersigned, erecting and finâ€" Hollea,P. O Secretary 613â€" Clerk. 618â€" diTâ€" Young English Wonign, Sporting Life ; Illustrated London %ews, Peoples Magazine ; &e., &o. Godey‘s Ladies Book ; Maâ€"" damm Bemorest; Frank Lessâ€" lie; Marver‘s Bazar ; Harâ€" per‘s Menthby ; Atlantic _ Monthly ; New York Ledger ; ; New York s Tribone ; Gettian: Frank Lesslie; &e. &6 _ _ M AG A ZI~nEs:2 o~ English Woman‘"s,;: " } Bow Bell, L Chamber‘s Joarnal, s Corn Hill, a English Mechanic, ~ Leisure Kourfâ€"~~ London Society, ‘ « Good Words, _ Sinday Maâ€" ~ _ General Newsdeaiers Statiomer. N. B. Daily and Weekly Globa and Leaâ€" der, Cinnda Furmer, Americas Agriew!â€" tur st. suplyed at Publisher‘s prices. Clubs mfiplicd. , erlin. Dec. 4th, 1867. 68â€" 1868 _ BERLIN _ 1866 Now is the Time to Subscribe > Just received and for sale Cheap at the Waterloo Hardware Store, +i NEWS DEPOT . Boiled and Raw Linseed Of1, White and Red Lend, Yeliow Ocerre, Veneâ€" tian Red, Spanish Brown, Burned and Baw Umbers, Terra Dseinon _ Indian Red, Persean Red, Vermillian Red, Vandyke Brown, Chrome Bruntwich and Paris Greens, Chrome Yellow, in fact all kinds of Paints . JOHN McDOUGALL BusinEss EpucaTION! THE IMPORTANCE OF a OUOGH BUSINKES® EDUCA 1 OVGH BUSINES# EDUCATION is pressing itselif on the ettention of commerâ€" cinl cir¢les wmore and more every day, and ive ad‘v-m-‘u are perhap« more ..t{'-\h- ally shown by Mm# more than this tantage ground on which it places the fully frm’nfi clerk whove the imperfectly trainâ€" ed mfln looking for a #itustion. THRSERITISH ° AMERKICAN COMâ€" MERCIAL COLLEGE has in full eperaâ€" tion such a course ol instruction as to give it practical fitness to do the work proposed. An important characteristie on:'u- Instéâ€" ‘An important characteristic of thie Instiâ€" tution is its materely organised ACTUAL tution is its malure!ly organised AtC TUAL BUSINESS QYSTEM. whereby the Col= lege is made a ty pe or mode! not only of a® ertensive business house, but even of im large tradt ig community . Another distinctive feature of this College is that it attempte no extrancous teaching . Its work is ox£, and to the ancomplishment of thut work every effort is directed, _ Just as the University and Grammar Schoot nrust }-ovlerrl:o'indit&iom. so the Comâ€" therotal College and theâ€"R ementary Schoot must be distinct. ,Commou sense and exâ€" perience alike show that such a combingtion ts not compatible with efficiegey. _ . _ _ _ conree varies considerably, according tp .he attendance, attention, aud n.btlx of ench student. Young men, however, hre @arnestly cautioned against the igjpriage %pe(iu of hurrying through the| rom the mistaken idea that they *flm be guiners by the saving of m in the item ofhurl Infimtely more Z..b: ous would it be to the rtudens. since full course ol tuition is nlr:::f paid far, 4o meur the comparatively I" additionat expense of a weeks board imorder to make hunself completely masier of the .course ; and thus, by a small present outiag, qpali= fy himeell for some lucrative suWuatiqm. The crudeness that such lKaste entuile is highly detrimental, not only tothe etadent himself, but also to the Co‘guc whore he trad\lll“ ; and, besides, :t" brings opproâ€" rium on Commercial Gnllofu g?nnlly. The common practite, therefore, of beiding out this erowding system as an inducement to students is aest deceptive and highly teprehensitle. 0_ We were ‘ngrin awarded the FIRST PRIZE at the late Previncial Exhihition, Kiugston, for the best specimen of HU&I NKSS PENMANSHIP, and an EXTRA PRIZE for our SYSTRi of WRTING, For Penmanship, Circulars, &#M NUSGROVE & WRIGHT, [611| _ Just received and for sale at , the Water|O® Hardware Store, God Oil, Whale Oil, Pale Seal0il «uperior to any other Oil in the matket foe machinery« JGHN MeDOUGA LI Volcanics Machine Oil, Just Received and for sale cheap ar the Waterlon Store, direct from the makere, ‘The time required to complete the feil Single and double Cut Mill Saw Files, Flat, half round and _ Smmoth Files, Taper Sawâ€" ® Files, single & doutble Just Received at the Waterlon Hardware Store, a large lot of Carriage _ Enameled Muslin, Drel Duch, and â€"Indian Rulser Cloth. Patent Dash Lenther, Taee, Whip Sockets an| Holder, Curtain Light Hooks and Raga, Pin Heac, ed, Brigr and lvory lyning, Juparst and Silver TLineg Nuik Cut Puoks, Lnoe Punks, da, JOHN McDOUG ALL Just Received at the Hardware Sl;;l;e, Waterlom airect from England, & Inrge «npplv of _ Spring and Blister Ste@h, ~ Ceil Traces, Halter and Chains, JOIIN McDOUGALNM, Just received at the Witarlon Hardumese Store, direct from the manufhaotares, CAST SLEIGH SHOES, Horse Nails, Stocks and Dies, Horse Rasps, fiat and half mund, Round and Square FILES, JOHN McDOUGALL. London Review, Christian Reâ€" membrancer, Tops & Dics seperate hkom the Stacks, British Quarterly Review, C. R. GEDDES, and the celebrated waw + m meit cut. JOHNX MeDOUGALI Temple Bar, #.¢ h â€" d

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