Canadian Statesman, 23 Feb 1888, p 1

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J;UILDE0Rigc aNt( tueiiiwBuisding - Iii 0 O),p .LOsO S îmt, W"i'OO/!S ee Plarlgaed e t - -LUtuii:llPLOBOGLAiTIt ANiD * n lmu înreit mocra1tSb Roper'tlie Bakert iI le iuc auun lmo1rtlrea ,d uîd it Il i llIlci i lkiu1 lie Iliakes meelmiirier .tn- rip1 fe ciase m oumiro er, Ortersfooîef i :ii i îe nim ot s laItertliîsîîDëccecbîr ~f~~iLL Be ~V2 oA11ZD COF0 la.,;ujî11u r-et, LOND0N 0ià Aývil (foime Ccumumtrof Battît.. i -S - LMILTON,- ic lcu--;Imîm imumi.ýlita noue. O/'SH PO VOOL. 1 p7 LL - i. uLeanabeWoolenla o i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ;1im c ImulinLVui, C mitkfEu ' i"i intrTeedsuintnnii mn-.lli iv elasoi mu -m e lceool S~CT1A, P -i-ull-. I- i 'l! l or .,)i i i a c Fx tt irf mc l mlii m t.) mir mili leuîS ir mcgh'-igli le- lu iiimii hC-1i 'N. s oi. - -Týya mc. .ic .un .e. ...'. Frt s-tie, SiIleaiCle or ritil, by .H.MAC" /laï-dware î~Ouîul0.j I - ~neue'0 -- - J.Sh±tlvib-...-- i $1 GO p~r ~e5î. lu' -i du uîî.ee - lii. Oui 1055e St,, oso dcoe rani ot j - ' Waltoc0. ltiuuue - 'o-~ ns 41- G.eýu a nmuii s - . 0Il jt,.. j' I iL ON T. . 2.E.MITCHIILL, lllei-~ J t~ 'mo. 2 h.. VTNI13 3710.! VJIIPiopit hecit I IO ion I îs j I li in',Iiiu t; ti ai, ltiotu A ~Coîî.e1r9te! , .15 ' 7 s . .B r i i to uw I s. . .. . T.4s 9C o 3 Q, n c n o n r ,, c i i. o TsesdayO Tlioenyiupui .'mna ioCgis ct ...ett yhtoloipIkit i Snoy nlsntloocnirrloheei.l B ,h Ciei7 I?îýl Peîoe 9-lue -- et J.7. _______ __ - - - IAIN, LII2L.5A ilCo.ohtmierot W a Mùeue-te unet usîp aesofinu i nmii, te c e. rs y te, i3u.. Ouiooe of teeooonceq - Ooss, - ii-isn . a i eon, Q t piuioios tui 34n W. - so Pei e so ciie D WI Bng r o W Nil drll Stre , Enon Inn.,EO Name om ml . e .4.01, - e.eeu, eno -e on b W kneir. 4.00 0 euc - 22-te - Bnro 1'rtîma~î D. Jt W; . Frotman uî~oe1 e.20 ___. _ OniiimumiimisiioqicihiiiOe...nil ;uiheCe o . mue0 .3 RO N C. . i.11 oIml t...o i-aomiiim Asu l ili iiieij 3.2mi 00 0 ' ~ O O I~ S I i.,,C-n Oiiiiluiiule 0,~ omlO Ouo 1, ceriuuî. ': . - mmiOîuio iinîîuo. Oiniimui nîeulum -îuîi, -S.0u 5JE 2-8 .iiiuroieCMILTOCNie. -' ad u nImimiOCmus.enmuCiiOCu u "Ielu , o n s io , i. 1,.îP.S., nepIt soose.. esc iO lu onca pelitnT. rnio ii0 - MoJMa m=111 NTu - NOTICE CiiiOuilobpircis - su~Bnc etBosilln oitlilo 4 . M '-y h, 3.60 dese.Oet Oredt-Saes. anumo ns serto410it4.0 3.60eee u 1INaebo u . 0 strh[en liînircîuiri. on u n!n1,50nsoo InnembteOeis D"r S .9.!.oenleolenuiiniuuiin RRE. OA i ii, mieensiiieiie lso mi h uoin mT . cc .i c eis re t- onto~p OCMN. 'ijmO. GRIMSIIA em - iiîl uii-tiice lnhutm.W n is.cti Enq anet Hamilton mil lo - .M.FRRec.ldOrC - -- -TOWVN 1tIALL, 31ItLTOI, li-ît Le tla 5lusleEurope HI-LEADINGHOTEL IN fTOWN PAL'- RMO. Fartis for Sale. - l cl I ( ri ult n s - o-PD W. 3. FENTON & CO., R,.[memnoscnono 6j. 6% -leueîuîTO- LOAlIT ON .FAR . TWN. PR'PERZTY AT 6 PER OENT. - - 10 E. ei O'. coei. - THE COUKS BEST FRIENO - eu c $300.,900t Cciir i.,,", MILTON A.GENCY estt alowed' at beIt carrent hi:! liociu~ rt.-N Otiefwitlldr'awal rat. N ntiO h -à - 'ýo nrequîred. OfficetotS~Fo riiece Fom TOtai. to Týp. flir Il ni Ie t Flue t oin3DTERID I'ect.nlliCe c 9, Sumis Cor.ea . . / tO the N. oh utie liiclCocîhnu coLte s eilouiuii unoli. - i -ii 4 s Id boN&N.WeatOi itl Oso eepst toulllrdf HODER NGCURE 1 '--- « hot 2Se.iipo,hIes5 m" i-.c, iicsoitOlehm.Weigt an 't CoO te ., . proui .ltn..i d - Ronro- - 1 Co 0n o lutm, HARNESS&SADDI.Eý Couty f alln, MANIIACîURtR. DRU26tQUIN', P. 0. - I Nonsloiro te Timmmuipoîmemliose, Orduesllowth iile.tson A Prnoee Miiltous, o-bih homoîtîy sîîemuîi i.- i IN sr , H1 Saies sttînet .en0 nu linisotuitii.c. - htmin in i îtsouslnli Term tiinra. 1tY Ilaonoo ,Sadiles, rili'ukuS. PEEL FATtMEP.GC iIGTUAL Valissliipn Catnbo, JaIO nsirne iana al ut nu Htlrs t ihnzi: the vry Blot Eniiltî naitOtî a nad JOIIN-OCeNEY gtnurmiueIiiumluivi ATTHlillItED f:lNEII.ti si;NTP u.nipmi i n-o hit SAlI> i.GONINT. i IIP.iE (I4PFIE. CRAHMIPTO. iucniiguimniioic o nIoune10T1. lînîno L. C I E. cuhneuso. NASAL BÈiLM _-Vanmg - ui Tutoimuli, V Iii 3r-lie>o U o. 1in be u u n i I iieyn , O -ýl n s ti ri - ~ io 0 oi atiiii unom inoiiIinCm eit. liAmm the -.1e1mifer hîtl im îuiiiiuiin ueo -i cattvrnl. i t igcqnuit ii ulemnii Out.. u-1 U i UIXpH IN io..timmg nuhitme, li t. mmuo onm, i-micm-t - pin g im oL.rerli, me mtt 1egra t oe om Cid.teuuec se ncnpuonuuouuscritupi -ueai Cietnimi miii,, u ic f - - d, lolins c s nariael 'é.m-il in he hmiulîIn I%-ilLumber, Lath and Shing1te bc tIr reolt. lomucir. el.y, im.roTiouu sIIS. ItOSE, lIes GtNE AL.1hlhLDhhtS AND CONt Ilator et mmmlciiumm lOTRC ThlS. J. M iler & iimriCo iicn.ii. - ciond. Z-FtOliOsn -m1-on fi . . S TP.ELTZVILLEi ONT-A Doino's Clî."o sot 4 iéLsbottI'sont . .dm Toronto BreoiefneitdlIsîlir o Ces d rAH btltinddoitaeei las oniislct iirORPHR ant restlC for setitifisle Ilh'in elicom t mcn îohuolimehé ppopleoft iti - -ither l est ifr hint psotyca phi lirlytînt lue h; son tili-Iii --Bainécs O gn -'afnso vr - -n5omasore. Al h o eineoaore, TTm'holgalmu-U .sito lie ont."airoma pnatof' t) ('r iOTTII or aheil Prie- ottîstelrebnoltmites. C 250 8 . 75 275 -10 8 t-OtIm 325 150 san, 100 ai tmnfe n arlî btpl).rpuiÉ . ty 400 -15~15 - uusscopfs rci e0 tih! thse oery onnimn yo nia tgîl -T. jf AI-NME. aoetbinonwith tiioiesedee - mienne bnt WBroOne, si tcs OteisOand ulsomene - - - Nst iteat cdliso ,cosiseisl setrbi Mediciftifs originallU - lincy rach loetrlima batcO 6.ànehPsilt e ~ l .~* eni ~is bre.,Soua nIn tiîto tootiwots ittnnoit onauLora fonid croc co~~~tioer I" a eolnro ntl tse r AsîoIloin tthe vansisenodInol ei. ndbave conisodtmaeî0rthe tlis iscsdy fortc ibonoony. sTiraiattisia socicote epoc.. wloli. bosie! l o~sntosiotle. eoiipnceOSites co in; 'ît nccit, ssdcocotlsn e it milano -ù ibtoo do 0 co.%rabloMm s tala eo thoco. Coae.- brcoi, olitvo oct the, oYjon.snitYhn 5eioiforOntstolènotslieeilîitn-t.fti'n -a a. - .e Oi 0000Thi-is o'edn thnIe picititeiongave mo.'0 imarcalor IrO be ine le-tothise forah :ssluItbiti.' .ocseblie, toisànhulo s eco -Thi.tioaso. i fteaq s i - t I b o o s l i s Oi l a O i t f r m e b b e o c o t= y c o lt: to c hoo i l o c i t io t n o s c a r r i it o s i n I I. - » -' _-.*. ---- - ._ -Il gave yonuiop1lolMr. Fot.I rn(le îoond oUItc:"scats piscuil 71-Sffio-thre fneïr 1pt ioloa na tioo0monly ostoct- foc s»itowdasofilet coy vsýaint thé cralin..: On cnocoiiitoie tirn'tion la licto iIIconisohavriaeds..coIghtaoeroticoo to folon cor, smo discovrcithGas chandelier IbneI î , & 'Ipiovod toonchs toc po. -1 amn gisit seitccol e OIo-pu neccoptiîousont coonilS ilieg, tiolioîg'ctle ttat ysoiLîorococ6t oeispO gomOe, nit fl.-Th-iîeoconisgI ashlort Ilîotnpo.o e e xanoomooeti'mu l' at the aolAY;it docosot iinify-YOn ticctbcy ou liso, a s e ipnnili GiIcd ontliofl. .sreas l ofbcss, ve vrson càsd-.ecc-to eslows ota yotf, yoonuil iPooiigtsteIlieoulnlit cntlatit cupo osp.golalute aepactiie.conalI THoence otorlwac ie.lio*grsn it obtoéianir nliteroanalbiscoaveot, SIocioara s bboarsiineit otneroisctnail otalilorbonnslitcantie lamoesat, Ératco. Cone ontlsd moitie 'Ycurolitbcnnn sliein giotooe liglit tilttlito. - Thon he ibeni lie' oscrning,sana t no't insst os the sobcit: . 1 . golfnpos One of therd iteste elleetiai - jcoieoimîlmiWii'placse 1-day' Bot "cyon MAIdetfiet yoo itot AoI ta Cntooe irolfonss ithin elin, - -- ,,,~ teiitein on are t oi loecnnstbnAcinoro? etlio con intocrfercanesnforbencanpe. ,Sull nsoit t a n hocaibiO l vitd. -'ly licip avec yo, rlon pou Iospoi lo o nntititlioballesAit PcoY * - . m tdlodi« t of itàeorieri i ncponig tic. soiutd r ha .fve loaooosd osuccty filen Fsthnc Es Ele -om - ocetndcsitetao thelàin aggcI hverocst'oed Cftliolioplessnoionet o so holiois-n 'i nit : -..oc.pon 1'thio s tnito. Cotttuencoiillinvro tling. o ranv o stn-îitIhr 0uingl~ti ocntetrnt Abo!tey t, 5 iCarpsasotfefontcoe. if lin oll toosi DeergircscM3oiot tu imam-yCsoit Foo.a Tîii.itri.rn-r'nirei in r as eopntoty li bas ltnortlosenlierg. I linown rowWIIY I NVOII Bh o tico linegpineaithtlicntipc-scd (ny0 po 1 itsbioi ionglît I eýAdonl Letecm. indlinattitedstieteg ilii ii.'.000 iii..eiiiicir.oiContraseaitcme to do0 eo;snase ermoOoi nl psy yencaoccntaotilieu firnotlieoHn, Vtintsabooonn erci, nuit nie.rinniiii-iinnîfamille"t 1ii..fortuneiicao igi l thtotheoMenitiofnaocannon votsni n.icimiin.'iOhrO1ias.nt.a ,,.i,,OclieGI nL îtnc mtcn0if 0 nt rnpitnugiit2c, vitetlico retnoritttheosnttionnutrosit1 ta dval to iotheilutin eîoi..I nnostaslde. rlia ecdtiof olt ogco-si lio s onP' lin nOtnrptuOOnolpnOto1 -aIndy itnlitlieritomanertt. bIl - - -- gsie~~notOînioà eoy oropi a3 . Thelin icorallone ntyonin %Ntyooiloaîcoaisn ra flton fi s ojCoîey abot pon, Lora. rn)- ttpfattlir. 1Inaco _ou tiio thlios oliin wuyli ai msttoitnît ADOPTED DAUGHTER rgoa sektilm ms' o beriidaugnnjiiiand lisaitilier lSTt.flWPiiT. ois rins ynnonleegs fcom rn peeo lnyocn noo onosoflli iie nrtioct sureiltonce tiltliso coiloi ocon n rnosos on cones.roîceet, oîne tn fn atî ns it liili ec isnolins oi- e rnalotnr ths àuTio o - rngLoz E'u ORIýs PoFrt tonsit te two enftlîe vrcods, liarobLen ton loog inpiiaislioit. volttc orIwre gosc. PLEILON oANDocsIe,' ÏTEC.0. suitonlieneho re nstei ta. -thoalietaol;I Pritolicon ont, iuttioorno ile thioneicinien,nand lourdiein -- -Lorahlînid, Itonebstneci ttoeay: sotîtalie tiofllt attitis lior,anaitistnusitliislicothe tichýtn heboapprnd'r As IItite ocociteit is liee escetion, viat1ono tlîo nlert diynootcsrit. osly indil*i -rnjeannoie.iic.cilb ti agnoillia'prlic1 o convictioen ooeyncimetaLoeo'that ellseitlltac bat aeibc nirnoao1elrit do .tinrasioyuicoou S. MO -riee ntilysota C IVIY1d liait tioîirmale the victofîicmeureios gctessltt,%rit esorcanen oroii. "iou li lra noetieave uoc o ICI scnrniunn l ouion li ou b pt,alittat Fordliod iousortnd tathe LtilliosninoisPod' ntoorpo oltctiueoon 60itciceaeItaOiI5y SiloscorodeÙételatcteiitt- tith l'as pnutcoy tioge po'tio calconodeentin eun a nily td rl cor h ui set e tapernt Fcalt if Rglnnn ecototc tailt1atritec elr, oceiel Ill ul n ind. lngnr."I Nuonl t no ooonisi thtalis'blis. -i,"ce Irîottiîi ss tbIeicoco ion taihegaero I dtalnào shot. TioPPsonlisAslt onoctiircatsor touiny htpntn -t.Nolonannnyna oos maiiti5 'iscdFetilnol pocss1tacii, ancpniy, ta offinîis eto-day. 1 taiiiyseil, I Idoopiso soui't ioY tlioco. pl-.itiilnn, , "tilîîcin a gonocnocai- inertacoorinenetoaPrOrItulihaurtdoretse ion bandheiti Let ynne frimcnîocncan-lliy ittttit ro niittioglinY glosaot I ii ina- la ~ ~ ~ ~ oyg ropt clitheosticocansisliét Iot, linotllisgthsro îlot cati waorant thsno ienngIiziinnit Itloir tltgl.He ioun That Nugan al elsdst cle hboitaercpeoncaleit tiico coijltY." iclarinrîfu i i coomssiidcMy allatro; fa arniritcoatnIbin lcI inolmnllitau n- torsanacomnulliinoi, and aaecoThtitlrnesonnt isto tli. h, ose 0ta- t ul,1 c, Amdi wil, itn o niiinn uslattnc uionethe Ihoues. 1O111 rsof joyndsoit illie&,liecol gollieanat ors, altlecxnlisegingsur nni snnacn liuitng tuaitîrcy îiitn ibasnoncme t biitStnplin and on ilittala cuoinsotauigOs CIn tnordu c i_Fonittoe'-Ut- - rJinirdC a dtu la id ontcoiti inid tii 0so1îi. osiiio ns cou TIin punteslang'er. lanwieg ntialiesnn Ijoinittboravslduelirnattabtle. atîoobcfutaPo hinr" onitoaoîti n tai un il 0,- Ecanli ooit dfolon lier, nsutl ite Sun non iectIson Cmabut nite or tI taecp Omý rocnunlier, soit ail « nutit.eeLl£t. sssdad i nea,1qut sieiras s aghtli.cnpin s uhess CuiIlO.-iut iat 1 easr O~5~% or tey lisnacoal csoocttso., ocaYndgeeslthtdîcn.iarcgoo.-'t- S a -Or nItniWcait, cofcosvieiî y tnpieht e n icisy n ln ilas'? t dit soLtiiîi syo resmul-% fstîcrouo 0 trieiely coùtisa doioWlono Ils =cnlivas Ovnrc, cudt0tliranghiteItlinamictentereilthtiesioc,000hcoitcotitoiu rnot.~ tire, andlioislosdei t Wininl to Goeîec ei,liccor-saotnra vent sonysh îotireit ,1iouimey %viaiîtoli totla ti ttronthéindioîîî eli 3lutn cw lie imat onatô thîe iiuoooy 5tlu diii trai lonothi Goo chape', cîspel,thaîlo 101l osi nitanno e Ion.iliehna; tiiny o-ii it aothir'.gtuer Gocot to ncn-Gos Foras, Iocn. Hoeontmitocînînitla strol arsuisitheIls n. -bitatel'nt f ni îîuotoîouo con,IV nilsontblilta islsocli birieffort io soit loy pisnsafo e tur mne, Tliconue ono"ttîne,tfortfiemon caoitinte lue soit fur a livng*îîo Lev nnwft httons ponoare onil tsco. onotnli'nonsd lertenbu. iocilbunaniiooo teranilctr orelitotu Iroiletnncomt av ion rinnnniL. Did yonitll it o ut fsi 1and? - ui. - - -a rnsl or trcnotue in caetll ;în1'uilooinoehinic nipil iLligli "-No. jIoaintadcs Got rnoio Ln Lra.c oulseereisllno tiiotirno sipponlitng nit sioiil prooone sbasli-contie fnr litnesoo aunolii faillitaita10MrI. Fort, lieca hon iclai diiyu, focr -onitoichele 'lid tiPulated,-lin isit e rn, aud thî e nont for il, siii1îio, oun r lie n l naliir lot soiTA ioensgonditlarme. lButîholias nonso ponnit. Ttinlicougcomcold ottociYsalt hoiivien. -i outilioavedita-t.liier ir orsuneli1i ail Gal l ilts aistenot, .andI ta fnoy, aei l arag tiicslow tooglin. Thedneloo ftheo lie anictosoiitnli' tiiotntiteiiuiill bun i.oiiitiolI viil,cdtI l lcylheurt,lloat alat sneg;asiteeaitorliopotuorýedormnted. ins il oasuluayu lett,tieunthéioteWîndtnitcotniiiiionyiMarn tborn lIoiun ,ey ftraiel sew bouILir. SîtrAmiî,npronif ltiot ie'n tonco, ocitoirodtisonein tube îandtprOy lq' sl't- ttiif,. Ion î.9stl, niet la ~iit onutt trs eno.isbntoc oc orcoaistco ortciinuutliRYtfornid fteotitdeenoteoitanitaniglîl fist on yoourig 'gntii Sii tniiin'.eoynider. linltItesoif ynotiia oi Fsl Hngwslo hn datasle-theotigionllt dnittoitoio stiiiin.Ti iun ionmunloi aln oilliao omeiliheliet; liarisg fonityon criiioftlie rtl. - ta telbdst s s ni-n osity onouCsilîto, itîîo." tanno, . nio fsobmna h attabe issotuhalo oitins e ra ntiii'm .spioinîi en itohambers ylîihumIthehi %sroliermninMI liosIin oiolb.itlae r cOOolicne%-rnsite tnlooot oit ndeccot tieyot, And nsretsl' co- ltheeitioliladICiesioidbii liotit ho tnon thltsboeo,tryint olinothltîast day itoo ndotoui oaeleit, Perd ieinvedta ltin iucsn oini"nthiisIil an ii nitnî toiaidthe o utanit. The Non*Orléans Oiwnr scereno é n,ubelle ociit aylta ecnp tn tiionanlinlinnetheoMnusntiY oOrtniii 1 t' tonyno noutnltalty sensitgrO. Bigliitnuiîuir. w- ontîtî tiy canît bcneueîda. bc]Oeiiuiioiîet lis rlîîîniu rinin ta lcoîmonis eiithl-coy tees, asoit Jen ifitlbâtibeaunsale ado o,Looa Lot iedicioot,intheIotCIoniPOlrtoltiniotoîn M.jlit e sla Iconhîlot lat Isnina cnuilt nily lmoud intorncoomnaitl ttfitotutlctlttosnscEl.ui:'truut îî Lsbo Enie. OIt I: i lIt o-t mul totrluo inetis o stlttuoih sniq cro vrleo r tain o un p fr lo o ineron1s eulnt, -fi"nutînou.n, thii Il ul'uo uu i -I t,- hape, or 1Ishall ite. I willi boroIiioicLi lcali foru Mirs. Chieon w00.au0if t Ioo vas, any poiiîtty on ieur doteig ,,îo ii. y.u u -os-' nounun tu1S -onnu- vdi bu iocnd jeu anionn ith oou exctning of ierdauglutoc0- c ietaitno. ol'swncitulinit hOIcaluertheniui1; -c ltoneuiocg." * -- prooriseitfalio, suîinyI tarcAothue idsnger clourscgirlibatin toîîooitty el-inlein irsfSiln nia 1o Rosenboe icltuta ree-rîuconoîtusnroolit1,ifnit ft lng lili ber, atocvoes ii ieor oiiliiiiitl]L' 1CT ceono la hrln,' stit tiwmt lii 5iir. ltàneonovosurois,. nuit thne etresiîycieinnnbîntecoîn siiu ire. rinily tor thieipn tic lie-laicnfi! ernhoust mi odto cml l nntaltt innnOvir-prforcot fl it Gh in t a tpesu Elle.. thoeue t iins a tîn, 1111uio iisî II î itsmul t oo abitousc"eAla I detrn.eutcuwtto î lioht roeosefottniîeîsnudBeusoe Caninllié«, on lier naloi;u eotu;îîucsilouelnuiiig laieeiuiiiu.utausiuo'&nvonlu tur lp copueit',1 I onest lianseespet mnlin. Eîmrci ihlle untoouttocbr oy rTiy t tadel l-ini ..-theinplsof nier the miînrc rout ta lin Inolîbouolumer-- ft Nsuttlilaicreo.if I bataet.'Yonrt o Lnsréui mnithonuituuingdtetott noncrct. i fliigli tpliîiit îîîî cttuaseoly ta- fricos copiliome oGsglo, and il blieruociuco; butselleoa in bcilut PFoa,otilttholinig-'be firzîy ivaleutd. Ihorin aYilOpoYeuemt f lna ittlà cmnnottilietoc oni le.iarm, trIowonnil: iglit of I à naoi "tnim i-ivithnei IuothunrnltYO .1ptcgn 'Se lnneuurtnolut0 î i-l-ne to on witIemnothotOlco 2,iow desopncI tlIboy oecow menturiolytooarluisiiimetiinli uenesoe iîonuto.lniitouIaiioturn, ..i Iotdlo rrybuno idsnobha raistihuoy triodtaoisptire bape toto aolaebco soi t nuibcimvmntlapt, asat nnoieîjt)I uo n iuut, anaîift rr.inn i-i ihisg a.Guo, nlios pou tiare troédteis omutiior itiu uolss la rellas- îIl iuoaieo Lare.o onit îlac;. t inlturarrn iru-uit in t'-1 Ton-o i ntnton utn éa o i noereoMo. Tho assracncetuitl I arn Shon tmeyparnlnth uibtîn igib, nit 'anbaud, Aso it metîhe-ottîno the ilace ,ai teldsrot1ha sol Siplos ool' itanbisclaOOthimro ctit: t-luisitlcuall jpinoretcosdn ithe siceilu oar tily itotrnbi. tlse net Steihen:Firn'rddmoulur ciiwouli oro tatt'li lit nisse ayay , oniilnt"aigliigohomEb.Ithuotp itsrco .oineu ery ihanso lusiîîîg itn, andtyOusiii11on0t Igévit me, do...nîncmeto-inoOroni, t Ill.dnly Thliitiittfitdonithiioiile,na A ui unur aneii-in ui'iliithliculiti tut yom ohli ol On1POiitea fiox theuorrnq iIiioeaun lipjioui, and tell iperft tl sonoithé oexttlottilîornlin iit gntîmnet oMît1 î'!"g tnoliout alyOMPftureo - . 1. Pr.Poolhull knîr. Pochuasit I routtisn uihîîîny stnod. l, Pîsîug lieoAnd ihuroin otmliiitwanoot'îoiuti EP.tololGthbandft asoe cuiso- aller ta dividoerny tmfosonO iîttnIlionol iii, tluy pesmoi t trosgboasDr- tIniéitatnt.nauuttrolî noil ri t berein pledeito nthnoofpromies lie vitletcme go,saniieuioPocrth Merow nrten inmumdlieyondii.toi "li3noantiiu tt euifynitou anatprncunil te blirettiandietlitiasouylfrioo sd sistbe." accrnolai cneota t-ore spiicase e nntu.nie i "tuos aiolg Il!i fervnttgratitude- Shuoftlly nati: lini-il'émr tho e hoor idann it s tomeuii b motho-mmiuo tet ncitui n liii " t uno i-- iitnly Iagi'otf ou tlaeonorecoy ns. At thennOrt,nconau iiis tioitoctoinps ro-dt lsh aeoticioi-iiec'nobniii t coa ounnt-oiîpnlîpolaitnoola ho,a ogt itotouc trouble blet A tt'aimutoou'iGen*10tonliol isioîl, ont q moei u fsorius foe lcan nal inPur1ntos a dmu ilnO.lnulie ocaincos e do Mce'ilein oi noli, butiopreugii orI Os nimnat(-eli. uno îmet Jicotpien mu m rolieiclO oliiio fopsotItThotliothuinitislie mn lertrestiit5 aI sbnlooftiteco, in n-ioyifférntin ilt ocnr.n ltus utleioibi1ntil tesa nd t au stheosaslin,eoo asElfio's glnorny eoply. eppesrieoîuoo tnoome aouînitit, cotisitlnie. 1; iiug - ourpos- i iiLli mn0111Moi- pje nioGntnloftseîieon Iulîiwecshil noertaburrs nait cta oscsîiy eon it, and. il. choiIliglii, onuit'ou-iicyn iaitilii promite t mtasurnyu ult.t eti on oino as tiist. GOntin ton blii, Itniouotiuniolargo ennmgh uiui 3-1IL oîaU uIII n iou, o Crrl 1inn acotyhuav o conOltotno esLnrad li cmy colloimonou liiib glaitlbo plmtonionas.' ncto 1 oospit:Icmnllr iiehisonosomenuto-ti.scetle ln omtaîn i. cbdtapô a eoani ctsbid U î.t ullnlonulo sa catrrneso, ot lo Ihos tlelohn~îicadm.I oem lr;1 eutlie ie lvs toiicngon.i. ilo bOii MI itiistmaprctfanics il w s ei f r e nocitu"eul h pp i m ind ti ai nTrs h a pyoa y îe ontu ff rt . a-ot awoot)nl a oui % ta k 11i0 Lor, ith8 ain B"d' "7V - i - aof eut wlnton ier-corw oncle, estonief Ibut hono ldle itailmit cd'tétmyclt oui ocnmr' soiu6ijn tak bcmoéo h tber l test - vab . -ai i l-- ' gtan"1hae o d s ipte ndite c u s, cg eur t labker iuunnIlo ltlsa lua M beona oir e ocnna.lan lo e a If ohalody b ut mias HeovlainEieeloît Flobluloson; -ooutinuiiium muni, ahm ttis c i tlis cli tyufa ie at o f e: a esc oo u ntp u o hopu csy VC l, i.o liii lac lin it I o i q i d t-- -it ord, lfP posl e elu i clt cô bu t; ruilerIs terO 20 elce C tutclevnthhur thre wll b rcý- ferbat eccelllidarkllnueleuiiuaVr egl a. conlnty I on brsfoet st ot ibi is be .iO C ha ellf I la dia sec potur oî mmi.i IToa fia u1t lio b iin b;l i coulisti aos w ot soi' aae-e otr lnxi innc m pe e ailtl -sn ou înnea cbeg cy otiion-in isitt-lube i t o gi rn sI vcro i th t woss "'ttpu lio ll o ttieo oue oo los olycite, l Il i'idoat bli a ,; b t w o t e m r o a e n e p i sct e p o la ce ei o l teaul o ei 'a'% sib l Lu s, se CTa' In vi oe te -lias meapuet-la . -bo I. 1ioxtiaFordlitmdn 1h nnîsgom coo t lonontifyoacro cnl l mcmiiie t e oos dasu ot o ep cu t rb IOO blle ndtu o urage, gbo l t a l o -fa i eyodm lt u =-a o ost cse an idulac, at.i t1soy la Pl ie so c lie r hbevoItota e. o toieoa»s"fa; ie: pirn.'n forl i si s sneris; n d ii so ln &stTherant et.16s Oftsi Pl o n u - ceol 'a Ontha uthY heho nne aI o l"I ou io o t11lici, g ssiil- lieisgthoécalis Ùert DI Yfue r tleno uos inmtoer; stuictOt co Ly;Toeotyebuwoonm, ObsinooftV. haÉ, a] her t b me ar; Jniit un Los -ýg knu n id'hcai I com -s or illbe lomt ocatultoobol)rgtarn rcot onynoINI la le.bre.'--- éb o f ienoycat do t he w ibt - colts, Wur l i nro boLoc, otceb or ecMOna rmeotbi uecetostoil bm itttr a htî iisetastsol-cgEty cou u - --lghnig laic l h t g5eeeiiaitoshl5u its.Uiltexpusùiec.. trtii l syowlc i oIt éiear nitî in pisl,-layurouetun oeclile? p a - -th îsncmé ,b hr -pot' or ' - listsdaheurta ebts tlo n R éuout t eG o n u e hc oo t- ti e.on of* i tun.Eiihateienc o muniCatNnO isaounîEuoo est -clie lie ius.sseflnd oliotOO thrt e la - -li *t cttlé n twas a vbe r* : tmmliib bash r fyo la G océt la fablis fleto a L orons a i Pn rim repaed i or sm ; 1uî 1,gondcaso f igerad fy - vr e ise tety . b0porGhie .po -- -- - Evo at Il' d*-- - - - - - nu Set ltotoi raIna Gornair3 tigb,, istlcout and - Cu os,@I*th bc itbisà sstéàcllnlyast agate iY lt]e5aBPUnom ,5ityuxtie evee00Lon5on am ireit . ..ftiPttltulco saIi ___ e toi in o f c l y a aalit-ui n it iet m nfit e î*sttitbitttbseanwes -irs. néérse un minUico whiea, sioo otstt pn mu cmmnpisomti îscoty ii Terr-Gooco a ftcoisetanlanGo In Iba' ta- !ei bsa.besisco.It aà nto «Ittieirebonitnp-i asoy*lns.ra t- hercront i etnlie Asy cost [l t fSs mm lti enrewe n rAité - e - th'Orý ÉC' -lb 5 iù fli dect iono t e...e i l i b O all . n5 obthirtO enn Scis la uca ta an n. i gim - .û a rS-14 an : PStiàtabe fcsb oyeR ciç ot c - o - i s,-- i-I 1- - i '0~-

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