Merchant And General Advertiser, 24 Mar 1871, p 3

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THE MERCHANt, FRIDAY, MAHCH 24, 1871. AT . THE liltYME AN:O LIME. A lettle Rhyme cnme just in time, And all about th" be1:1t of L iwe. Lime fron1 the West of the ve1-y best, Not beat in any quarter ; THE REPRESE~'rED GREAT ENCLISH AND SCOTCH QUARTERLIES AND BLACKWOOD'S M,1GAZINE, j l.N :Nl!:W-YORl( llY Tll.E Lime that will always stand the test, "\Vben making into morter . I ,vjll try and keep a good supply, For it U! always 'vnnted, '!'hat wht.:n you all come in to buy, You'll not be disappointed . You will ah\·ays find it dry and fresh, And that is somt:thing bonnie, Leonard Scott Publishing Co. QUARTERLY. REvnnv. Non·ra Bru,Txsu REVIEW, MINIBTEll REVIEW. 'l'H~ EoiNBUHGH REYI8W, LoND0N QcrARTEUl.Y The Promised News I THE CHEAPEST I TE 1\_ 8 BO\rVIVlANVILLE Hard to Beat ! ---o--- AIU' THOSE SOLD RY 'l'l:IE CLOTHING S110RE. \VxsT- TORONTO TEA COMPANY, Or their A gents. A single trial and con1i;iari~ son v.·it11 any other teas, at the same p1·1ces, will provt1 this. Our We. Tea will u~ found eq_ua.l to any at 60c. · our 60c. equal to any at 70c. ; our 80c. equai to nny at 51. ; and OW' $1 green equal to any, however high the price charged. Our Black Teas sell fro1n GOe. to $1. Japan (all uncolored) 500. to SOc. _All ~ur Tens. are sold for, at wholesale prices, m half pound, po·uud} and 5 pound packagoa. CHEAPEST GOODS IN THE DOMINION MONTHLY. BL.iCKWO'OD'S EDINBURGH 1v!AGAZIN1f· These -periodicals (~re the merl.inm t11rough ! whicl1 the greatest 1ninds, not only .of Great Britain and It·eland, hut also of ContitHmtal Hours of delivery fro1n Nine Four p.rn. 1 Europe, are constantly brought into more or Cornet of Qneen and Ontario Stre1o1t. less intimate comrni1nio::ttion with the wo1·ld of THUS. BOWDEN. readers. Elistory~ Biography, Science, PhiloBowmanYille, March 11th, 1871. 11024. tf. sophy, Art, H.ellgion, the great political questions of the past and of tu-day, treated in their pa"es n.s the learned n.lone can treat them. No one ~vho \\'ould keep peace with the times can afford to d.o without th~se periodicals. Of a.11 the monthlic1' " .Blo.ckwood " holds the foremost place. So come along and try this Lime, But don't forget the money, Mro J. Milne, H AVING assumed the busi?css latel:y carried on under the name and style of "Consaul & Co.,' and havrng had nearly · J and TTS'l, rccdvec1 a bca.u tiful lut of the no~yest mo5t AT TREWIN'S FASHIONABLE TWEEDS, NEWEST CLOTHS AND OVER-COATING'S, NJo:WEST STYLES IX SHm'.l'S, --:o:- - THE BEST TEAS! 'rhe 'feas of the Toronto T en. Company are g_uarantet'ld pure as imported frouL China and Japau. For ititrength a nd £.ue flavor, they cannot be excelled. .All t eated hefore being ~old, fl.nd cmnprise the finest 'vhich are impo1-ted. AND a.ll of the DRAWERS, · TERMS Ifaving ::ie~ured the Bole agency in this locality for the sale of LAZARUS, MOR· RIS, & Compy's celebrated perfected .sp~ctncles and Eye G. lasses ; they are very popular and h11ve been a special n1a11ufaeture of' the nµO\"e firtn :for 1nany years. Thtse spectacles will assist the sight li'or any one of the Revic,vs, 4 00 per annum. F'or any two of the Review1:1. '1 00 " For any three of tho Rev!-ews,10 00 For all fou1· of :the Rcvic;ws, ~2 00 For lHackw.ood'~ . 00 }i'u.l· Blackwood & oueRevie\v, 7 00 For Black"'·ood nnd o.ny t\vo of the Revit!wS, - 1 - - 10 00 For Blackwood and three of the Reviews, - - - 13 00 For Black\vood nnd the fou r R~viewB, - - - 15 00 ·: Single numbers of a ){eyiew, 1; ~ingle I uinnbers of J3.lack wood, thirty-fl.-e cent s· tage two cents i~ number. TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE TRADE, with ample facilities for the BEST QtTA:C.:CT_Y, which "'ill be sold very chaa.p fo1· CASH. - -:o:-- .. ---- Purchase of Merchandise in the Cheapest Markets, he flatters himself that he can offer _ That tho Teas of t.he ·roronto Tea Company give aa'ti8faction ia the immen se tra<1e we once, now get thcl)l regularly, as they find they cannot lfet nny such teas for the money elsewhere. The Best Proof no\V doing jn them. :f'amilies who tried them AS lJSUAL. A large Stock of brilliantly, strengthen and pr~scr ve the eyes, auU very ensy aud pl easant to \Vear. YVc solicit a call fron1 tbose needing aids to si~h t. On.r fu11 assortment in gold, silver, steel anJ shell fran1e s, \Vill eua.ble us to fit all coiulitions of the eye, nud gi\·e great :satisfaction to t hose \Vho favor us \Vith a call. AARON BUCKLER, ngcnt for Bo\\·n1u11Yillc nncl vicinity, m.o.22. 10.4w. Pos- 1GREArrER . INDUCE1\;1ENTS --:o:-- TRY BEFORE YOU BUY diatrictt1 where \\":! have no agents, }JCTf!ons can write to us for RMnplca of Teas of any kind, at any price, and we will send them by maili..Jree. \Ve seud 2Q lbs, or more to any Rtt..ib·oad .Vepot in Ontario, freight paid, and collect through Ex:prel! ~ Agent.. Put up in half pound, J)Ound, and 5 pmmd µuckages. Addl"c~s n.ll or ers to the TOltO~-TO TEA_ CO., 186 Young Street, cop Le£> of Blackwood, or of one Rcv11~w, \Y1ll be sent to "ne a.ddrcffi! for $12. 80. li'our copies of In t owns where 'vc have agents, parties $1.l'e CLUBS. ' A discount of t?Cent.v pe,. cent. will-de . allow- than any other House in the trade, wes t of the City of Mr.ntreal, and invited to buy a small quantity to sec ho'v thl:'.Y like th o1n. AftcnvarUs they can b'lY more. In ed ~o club~ of fnur or more persons, _'l'but1 1 · four he hOj)es that Uy NECK-TIES & COLLARS, Ready made clothing in Over-Conts, rea.J akets, and1ill the thefourReview·and Blackwood, for 48, perdol· are, and so on. J:!'or clubs of ten or inure sons, a copy gratis to the getter-up of the club) in addition to the a.bovc rliscount. Attenti'o11, P1·01111lti'tude .-- and Courtesy, he may merit a fair share of public patronage. n24-ly Bowmanville, March 17, 1871. LEADING STYLES OF THE DAY, rema.rkflhly cheap. Ca.ti and examine for yourselves. Con1ti aloug n.nd get Bargains. :Ntnvest : F ASHIONS alwu.ys on hand. All orders promptly attended to, and good :C"'ITf: guaranteed, and no mistake. · SUBSCRIBE FOR PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIHims. Nf'w· snOOcribcrs to a.ny t\YO of the\·e periodicals fQr 1871, will be entitled to receive one of the lleviews for 1870. New subsr.ribers to all the five n1~~y J"eceive any two oi the ,l{.evicwR for lH70 Neither premituns to sub:;;cribers, n or discount to cl nbs ean be allowed, unless the money isi rc1nittcd direct t() the ·:Publishers No pre· 1niuu15 can be given to dubs Circnlars with f urt her particulars inay be ha.don application rorontu. - -:o:- - THE Great !11ction Sale OF AGEN'.l'S IN BOWMANVILLE, Who k11cp on hand packa.ges of h alf pound, pol1nd, nnd 5 pound caddies, of all kinds. DAVID FORBES. Bownn,nvilL~. Just Received over $5,000 worth of . L adies', Gents', and Children's Boots and Shoes. A 1 PRUNNEI.LA BOOT FOR $1 A PAIR. Oshawa, March 7th, 1871. n53-l y Yellowlees & Quick, 113-ly Oct. 13th, 1870. n2-tf Bow1nanv.ille, Oct. 27th, 1870. " OBSERVER," one of the The Leonard Scott Publishing Co. 140 Ji'lllton Street, N<w-York. PostmaSt'Cli:I and others disposed to canvass. liberally dealt.wit'h. GOOT> NEVVS. 1 Tutsey Nene '\Vawwany Mecannis Ca Qu Oconiba. NEW GOODS! ---:0::--- -oTRE LEONARD ScoTT PuDLISHit·G Co. also publish TH E FAJUtliiR'S Gt." DRY DR. GOODS, RESIDENCE, ON I 80].fETHIN'G New in ~i · To Scientific and Practical Ag1foultnre. By HENRY STEPHENS, ",.oul<l respectfully iufo11n his p3.trons and the public gene1·ally 1 tb1~t lw is SEWING MACHINE can be seen by calling a.t the Shoe Store of the late J P NOR'l'ON, Prufessot of Scientific Agriculture in Yale College, )l' ew-Haven Two vols. Royal octa\·o. 1000 pa~eil aud numerou11 engravings. Price 7; by tnrul post- F.R.S. 1 Edioburgh, and a large and attractive Stoel{ of in the Store adjoining OPENING HIS ST(')CK OF OUT in the Dominio.1. paid, $:::;. 1113 MEDICAL ... 'l'erms · - $1.50 per annum. Student, one with so1ne WANTED, ledge of Compounding a. prefe1 Ted. LAVV'S S. :S. BRADSHAW, the improved COMMENCING know- FALL AND 'VINTER GOODS, AND INVI'I'BS INSPEC'.l'ION. Dry Goods anti Millinery, just received at the H. It. REID, M.D. Bow1ua.11Yill"', Jan. 26th, lB"il. nl7, ~~~~~~~~~~~~- -~~ JUST PUBLISHED. ience of Rn1:1h Farming in the free grant districts of ]\.fuskolrn. a.nd P:lrry Sound, by~l'homas Mc~f urry, J. P., Ex -Reeve of t11e United 'l'ownhips of Draper, l\.Ia.caulay, Stephenson, &c., Contruning a. History of the Early Settl~ment . the Ad\·o.utage, Proin-e!ls, n.nd Developement o1 the District1:1 j a. Description of the CJimate1 Soil. Timbi::r, Scenery, 01·ops, &c. ; Hints to Emigrants ; Illustrated 'vith a LikE'nesa of the .A.uthor, a. View of the Grand Fa.lls of ::P..Iuskoka., a.nd a Splendid New Map of the Free Grant Tuesday, March 14th. The goods are part of ii UNIVERSAL SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. the )fa.nufuctuers challenge the \Vorld for 3000 d, to produce a. A NEW WORK, entitled The F1·ee Gl·a.nt Lq.nds of Canada ; from practical exper- NOTICE.----NO HUM:BUG. Seedless Raisins (New Fruit), Ten pounds for One dollar. Fresh Canned Salmon. Fresh Canned Peaches. Pure Coffee, fresh ground every SEWING MACHINE that will accon1plish what the 1'BE STOCK H! Dfatricta, &c. ' P1·ice-In Paper Co"\·er, 50 ci:inta ; Bc.und in 100; Size- -Deniy Octavo. fii· 30 per cent. dhicount allowed to the trade. All orders to be addreseed to the \vholesale, Adam 1t-Iiller, Eeq., 11 Wellington Cloth~ Street, Vv" esti 1'oronto. Morton's celebrated Pickles, new. Dundee Marmelade, new. Fresli Sardines, new, retail at wholesale prices. Brown and Poulson's Scotch Corn Flour, the )le~t used ·in Canada. Toilet Soaps (very large size), One dollar per dozen. Pots of prime Cheese. . Fine new season Young Hyson Teas, good and cheap. I Fine new season Pekoe flavored black T"AfikindsofGroceries, Crockery, and morning. BANKRUPT STOCK, bought at less than half the regular prices. UNIVERSAL.MACUINE WILL. SIGN OF 1HE GOLDEN LION. 1 VERY COMPLETE AND , ·w ELL SELECTED, I And in every way suitable render~ It is constrncted on a new principal, whieh it hy far the b est M:1.chine ever offered ICHEAP G-l\EAT BARGAINS WI:C..L :BE G-:CVEN. , · ' for the approaching st!eaon, and '"ill be Sol'l to the Public, it is Siinple, Relin.ble, Dut&ble, and Cheaµ. Each :CVIachine is >n\n·ented for five yea.r-s. All fwr sale ltt the loivest , ratct;, S. B. BRADSHAW, Agent.. AT FOR CASH. BOOTS AND SHOES f every clcscription, inade· to or<.ler, Sewed ii,nd Pegged, \ytw.·rnntctl to fl t, or no salei the best of workmen kept. ALSO, l\fen'I! au<l '~rorr1en's 1 lt'e]t-overn, plain and Fancy. )\_lso Shoen111kcrs l·'indings, a complete Stock nJ.wa.ys on han<l. Bowmanville, Xov. 24th. 1870. n8-t£ _M,\KN AN }:AnJ:,YcA1,r. A:l"D YOU AUE SUHE 'l.'O BE SUITED. I mg~~~~~8goods for Poultry and Eggs at SIMSON'S No. 1 Corner, Wellington Buildings· The Auction will . egin a Six o'clock, Stylish Ha.ts and Caps, eVel'y nig-ht. BUFFALO ROBES, &c., &c. Ladies will be accommodated with sc1tts. b · t STYLISH FUHS POll LADIES' AND w. McMURTR Y'S. ln . GI~NTS, Bowm:rnville, Sept. 28th, 1870. PRIVATE SALE DURING THE DAY. All kinds of Furs altered and repaired. · HIGH PRICES PAID FOR Stubborn Facts. FAC'I.' NO. 1. BIBLE CHRISTIAN F. lF. HoA.BTHUB. March 10th, 1871. RAW FURS. 52. tf. Coilee ! CoHee! of the very best kind! J. GRAY J. QRAY J. GRAY Has by far the largest Stock of Goods rn . Tyrone, FACT NO. 2. Has by far the greatest Variety and the best Selected goods in Tyrone. FACT NO. 3 . Hns by far the Cheapest Goods m quality being the test of cheapness. QUERY. How can these things be? Tyrone, BOOK Q) ' s~rORE, I ~ TO T.HE PUBLIC KING ST, BOWMANVILLE. · ol~. LI.. WALTER WIQQ & ' ' SON, · · EXCELSIOR. No War with Eussia, a succeesful r· is d:bily looked for on BU'1 the 1 and TEA JUST as GOOD, and chea.p a.sat a11y ~~ore in Cana.cln., or out of 1t, at JOHN SIG MOMURTRY'S 0 and see Olll' ca Stock of New :Books. A New Supply of Wall Paper Splendid 1atterns, nnd good qifality. rcttu11ing thanks to their nurr..e1·ous Customers , and the Public_ gcn.craUy, for past fa.Yors, would rt::spectfully invite their attentic)n to our present stock of }\1rn1tu1·e 1 as we have lately D..dded thereto, thi:i.t we n10.y ther~by be enabled to supply ~11 parties who ln'.l'y please to f;ivor us ,~jth a call Great inducements held out t o ~ho~e purchasing at oiu· Eatabhrsh~ent. P1?tures. Looking Gln.sses, &c., framed to order, and ln every sytle. Sa.~p!ef of thedifferent ~1nds of l!ouldings can be !1ecn a.t lhe W We wonld also beg to intorm you, that, having pttr· ·chased a OF TJIE GOf,YdiJN LION King Street, Bo·winanvillc. SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, H w. 00 ... ~ we shall be ready at ~11 times, to attend Fllnerals, on short notice, and reasonable tcrn1s. N. n. Coffiru; kept ~on hand, and made to order, at the WATCH MAKING, 0 NEW DOMINION RETAIL FURNI1URE lVARE-R00,11. King Street East, Oshawa. Oshawa, Ang. 20th, 1870. JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS, Establishrnents for v.·bich the Subf!criber }1a:; . would respectfully give a hint to those in perplexity, that.J1e keeps constantly on hand a.first class stock of llTHERE DO YOU BUY YOUR ll G"ROCElllES? being the question, J. }1. Al'\SWER Opposite J. W, Fowke's Store. 48-tf. m'lde extensive prep."l.ration, and is prepared J. GRAY J GRAY to ·how the best If you want GOOD AND CHEAP PRINTING, leave your ordern at the WEST DURHA>I STEAM PRINTING HousE, Bow1rnmvillc. SELECTION OF GOODS, Such as 'Vatches, Clocks, Gold Jewelry, Plated do, Get do, Electo Plated t Goods, Tea Sets, Buscuit Boxes, Cruet Stands, Spoons, and Forks, Cutlery direct from the Celebrated G-roceries a.nd Provisions and thooc 1vho buy from. him will ne.ver regret that they 0.1-c able to answer, - "I buy from John McMurtry." FLOUR, OA1'MEAL, CORl:r..lIEAL, Alf D Selects his own Stock, buys in the best markets, buys largely for Cash,'coLtducts his own businel!S with less expense, ha,s had nearly 20 years experience in Tyrone, knows exactly what the people 'vant, and has just t he Goods to supply their wants, has very few unsaleable Goods. ~ 00 0 ---Oi--- MESSRS. RODGERS AND SON'S, l:!l:IEJ!'FIELD, of the greatest magnitude. Thia ~tock is the most complete in quality, and va.riety, and is allowed by the beBt of a.\1thority, t::> ~n othei· Houses between Montreal and Toronto. -a. good assortment of CRACKED WHEAT Requests an early inspection to convince the most incredulous that the above are "STUBBORN FACTS" which ca1rnot he denied. J. GRAY, Regrets that a few plain Facts should have proved sG nauseous to an extremely sensitive neighbor. (Some folks hate facts.) C. BOUNSALL, I MPORTER, MANUFACTUREH, nud DEALER in all the vn.rietics of Co1nplete Stock of Choice New Goocls at Fresh al'J'ival8 of Crockery andJ Glassware. Goods sent to allptuts of the T own. Julv tith. 39 ' Italian & American Marble. A la.rg(; and choice selection of z 0 MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STONES, ul Y·ays on hand, of sup ~riol" '\'urkmaBehip, and .. at lo\"\o"est prices. Elliott's ·Store, HAMPTON. All to be sold at reasonable prices. i Defeated, Note tliese Facts, FAC'l'No.1. S I L VE It SP 0 0 NS, 1tlso o. beautiful Stock of Wedding Rings, Etc., AARON BUOKLEU, Bo"'Tilanville, Nov. 28th, 1870 . W1'0ught 01· Cast hon Fences fo1· euclosia.g burying lots. 116-tf J AS. EI.I.IOTT, Selects his own goods. FACT No 2. Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c., kept on hand, or wrought to :>rde(·, respectfully requestctl at tho works, ~ B'.mHOVED. J AS. ELLIOTT, Buys and sells them in his own name. lJ'}·. CT No. 3. A call is .J(ing Street, lio'l.1.:nianville tf-1 Dlt DAVIDSON has A October, 1st, 1869. 1 'e1novcd his Office a.nd llesidence to ICing Strnct, next door to }lr. Buckler'a Jewelry Store. 52. ti. J AS. ELLIOTT, Don't do business on Commission, and is not to be undersold. his Vick's Floral Guide for 1871. HE }i'fret Edition of Onr. Hundred and Fifty Thousand copies of Vick's Illustrated Cata'logue of See<l1:1 and Floral Guide, is published aud ready to send out---100 i;iagcl$, and Ml Engraving of almost every desirable Flower and'\' ogetable. It ill t!le..,antly printud on fine tinted paper, illustrated with Three Hundred fine Woo~ )£n.?,ravings and ~wo be(l.Utiful Colored Plates. 'l ht: most beautiful, a.nd lihe most instructivo Floral Guide published, A German Edition p~blished, in all other respects similar to tbc English Sent free to all my customers of 1870, as ra.. pidly as possible, without applica.tion. Sent to all othcl"S \vho order them for Ten Cents, v;hich is not half tho cost. ..("\d<lress, , Headqua1·ters j'or Gentlenien/s St11lish niade Clothing. Note the ·fact, and leave yom ordern in time. House for Sale, or to Let. SUIJSTAN1'IAL FRAME HOUSE, with half n.n acre of land, \vith trec::i ; n.lso a. good \velL Situate ou Concession St.reet, adjoiuing lvlr. I-t. :rtfanning' .~Apply to F. Y. COWJ,E. Bowmair"illc, Feb. 17. 115-tf · T T. DARLINGTON, }JAVE Just recei ved a. Choice lot of DON'T }j-,AIL 'l'O CALL AT liberal patronage he has received since commencing busine~s, and now begs to '3ay that he has on hand a SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of ELLIOTT begs to return sincere thanks, to J AS. inhabitants of TYRONE and smTounding country, the tho for NEW FRUITS, Raisins, Currants, Figs, JAMES VIOK, n54 Rochester, ~. The selection of Cloths and Tweeds is one of the best to be found in the County. Hampton, Oct ith, 1800. Y. H. ELLIOTT, JR. 2 llt.Xt For Harness, Saddles, T k MASON'S FALL & WINTER DR.Y GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, W. WILLIAMS, ISSUlllt OF MAHRIAGE LICENCES INSURANCE AGENT, Co1n·niissio,~e.r of.the Court of Oo·m.nion l)lerts. Rt1&1· of L0t Ko. 21, Cith Con. of Darlington. IJarlington Oct. 27th, l8GB" 3-ly FARMERS, READ THIS I ..- 4000 lington, for 1871. get them? SPlUNG PlGS W AKTED in Dar- IIow can v;e best teen months old, on Lot, 27tl1, in the 6th Con., of Da.rlingttJn. IMPROVED BlRKSIIIRE BOAR, eigh· AnR. 1 !j1 { ug you1- SO\YS to V{. 'VERRY'S of the P.l·oviace of Ontario, at its next Session, for :i.n Act to constrn(,1; a.1\.a.i lwa.y from the Wa.ters of Lake Ontario, in the Town of Bown1anv1Ue, in the Com1tv of Durham, tbr.o ugh 1:10r:ue pa.rta of the 'J.1ownships of Darlington,· C!Mke, Cnr~ wright Ca.van and ~tauverr,il in tJ10 said CountY and ti1e TownBhips o Op::i, Etnily, and Vei'-t1lam, to the Village of l3obca.ygcon, in tlie County of Victoria. Ni~lica.tiou will be made to the +.egisla.ture _r 01'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ap- IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ap· NO'l'IOE plication "'·jll be made at the Seaaiou of the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, for an Act authorizing the construction of a Railway to connect Buwrnanville with the Oanada Central Raih~·a.y, passing through, or near I.indsn.y, Ome1nee, Bohcaygeon, and Fenelon }.,alls, 'l'Le Government Lunds in the back Towushipa, '£he lauds of the Company; :\ll in the Counties of Durham, Victoria, and Petetborot·gh, and to amalgamate, unite, or make rnnnius-,arrangements with other llailwa.y Lines of tl1e .t'rovince. rlll\;lises, :SOOTS AN:O SHOES, &e., &c. NUTS IN GREAT VARIETY. Whips, Bells, &c. .1.ilso Ba.i-1-til'l itnd of in fact, the largest :J.nd best assortment of' goods ever offered in Tyrone, which for style, durabil!tY a~d .c~eap· [Beautiful Candies all of which he offers at ness, cannot be excelled m this vicm1ty ' 1 Da.tes, :C..emon, Orange I a.nd Citron Peels, __ ·tvith an assortment of To those in ARREARS, he ·would sa.y YOU MUST PAY UPI S. MASON. CHOICE BISCUITS. Da.r1ington ha!! a.gain received anOthcr lot of th'J~S cclohrD,ted ASTONISHING LOW PRICBS FOR CASH, 01· Fa1"inm·s Prnrlilce, - JOHN l'OWL ER, ThOfa.. ·wl1n alren<ly s1::ttle1l, will i)leasc accept our hen.tty tl1 fl.1)kB , Bowroll.J)ville, Dt:c 3rd. 1SG9. 1!.l.O :PtTitE LEAF T:E:AS, Qitalit11 is the :rest of Olieapness. Bowwanville, Dec. 2'"2nd 1 1870. nl2-tf Date<! 17th day of ,January, A .D. 1871. o.m.9w. Doted Jan. 31st, 1871. JOHN FOWLER. which will be taken in exchange at the highest Market value. J. E. also begs to say that he has now p1'epared to furni sh Gentleman's clothing. in first-class style, by a first-class tailor, at astonishing low figures, and wan-anted a good fit 01· no sale. XB.-Don't forget the place, Jumes Elliott's Che:>p .Store, 'l.'yrone. T,rrone, Oct., 6th, 1870. nl ly

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