Merchant And General Advertiser, 7 Apr 1871, p 4

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· THE MERCHANT, POETRY. "Make Use of Me." 1\1Me use of 111e , 111y .FRID AX, APHIL 7, 1871. ---'=- -_-.=-----· - - - - - - = = ..:====-================-=-::::--=-=·= ----- =;";:::_.=======7-====================::'::::::::::::::===::;;:~------ ---~ cd vin egar. Tlu·ee distinct varieties of orii?in m ay be enumer ated for acetic a cid, two of wluch being ad upted in pra.ctlco on the lal'ge scale, t he God ! I.Jet me be n ot f orgot, A 1.n"tJken v ·essel cast i-i. sidti, One \vhom 'J1ho11 n(:ed ei:it 1tot . I I um Thy creat ure, L ord , And 1n~M.:le by hn.uds di vint:, Ai\..nU I :\ID irn ~'t 1 ho·.Yever 1ncflill, Of thi~ \\'0:r1rl of Thine. t hird 011ly a refined chemical curiosity. It may be obtained frotn the fer1nent.'.lition of alcohol undei· co1·tain ci:rcumstances v:ell known ; it inay be obtained frmn the destruct ive distillat ion of wood, in w]Jich case t h e product is often cn.lle<l p yi oligneous a~id; or, lastly, it may be procUt'ed by 1efined synt hetical proce1ses lJilnecessary to describe here. Although acetic acid ia no product of t11e dewmposition of alcohol, yet the conditions under which, in practice, al· point of itnportance with re8"ard to the soarlet-fe. ,·er "poison~germs" is the length of tilno v.·hich ,-. a p erson once affected 'vith l!lcarlet-fever is capa~ ble of ootnmunicating the disen.s~o others, "\Vhen a. person baa got well of scarlet·fevor, all! gener al health goes. it is by no Jneanl!I the case that he is no ll'nger ca_pa.ble of cononunica.ting the <liseaae but, many days after he is ~trong appn,,rently ht>althy, he is capable of disaein· ina.tin,; "poison-germs" from his body. - Hen·ald l\IOBBIS' SE:'i!D J.'.OR THE list of the" SIJ,VEH ToNa uri" ! ORGANS I to ICARRIAGE SHOP. MLEODEO~S :4d (w..t of the Oni&rio B&uk.) SUBSCRIBE 1 FOR THE :&:. :P. Needham &i Son, ~Late CnThnrt & Needha n1,) · ( I cohol can yield acetic aeid are some what limited. of Health . N obody cVi.:r f ound rnoti "'hiakcy g1n,or brandy ~fILK }'EYER. -Our cows som etime1, when in chnnge to v in f'g'Vl' by ' van nth anti pm1ure; again , uobody evei· Ja1ew rim·t·'\~ iue 01· sherry li.if h condicion 1 get down with tho milk feyer, uudcrgo that d1ange; bnt thu acid ifi cation of Thou u s;cst. a ll thy wo rk i'l, cln.ret: beer, cider, p erry, etc., is a re1mlt by no w en the calf is about three daye old. which '11lte w·e::i.keb-t t hings that be ; means uufrequent. T riese facts p oint to a gen· very often' proves fn.t ttl. '\That is t·hc best reEa.oh have a aer \'ice of its ow:n, eraliza.tion which ir:1 as follows: alcohol~ i11 or- medy, S. 'T. , ,. . A:-.s.-La.udanum has pro\·etl r der to n.asume the 1)articularfcrrr1ent.ation which the best remedy in eo1ne \'cry bad cttses given :For all thi ng ~ wait on 1'hee. 1 ends in the devclopn1ent of acetic acid, must, in the first place, b e htr gely ntod ; secondly1~he up as lost. It ie given in ln.rge doses, fl·o1n t\vo rrhou U30.:it tree and flowe r, diluted fluid must be inixcd ·with some third to three ounces. Some may think t.l1it; ~ .heavy rl'he ri \·ers vnst and sru:ill 1 body, "·hich m ay be desig nat ed a. ferment iu d013e, bnt we have boi\·en.. the 18rgest dose (three The cag-le great , the li ~tl e bird general terms. 'l'he fer1nent of \Vin e, b.oer, ci· That sings upou the w .<tll. de:r) etc., ia a iuixturc of nitrogenous a.nd color. ounces) and some of our n eighbor$ have tried eU vegetable extracti,·e bodies. I>uring tbe fer· th!' 8~\lne, a very b eneficial 1csult. 'Tho 'l'hon u scst the wide ~e<L 1 mentation of vintigar a certitin slimy m a:i\s fa J?l'O· sm.imal is mo.i;tly in great pain, for ,.,·hich lo.ud· duced, to which th e designation "mot her vine· au u1n work s wonders. Soon as the cov.· will The lit tle hid d en 1(1,,k e, gar" is commonly given. ).{icroscopically ex· TIH' p ine upon t.he 1n o11nti11n di ff, amined, it is found t o consil'lt of forms of inferi- eat, give hor turnips or apples, which 'vill open Tlh' lily iJ.1 t he b rake. or life; indeed a.ll fe11uentu.ti o11, w fal' as is the bowols and put her in right condition. knowi1 , may be referred to a vita.I action of Tho h uge rock in the vale, To PnEVENT l<'ROM Sucx1NG. - T. G. eit her low forn1 s of a.1 llw al or vegeta ble life. No 'fhe sand.grain by tl1e sea, note h as yet been t ak en in t his place of the fact, ANS.- Ta.kc an iro11 10::1, a small one, of· that when sngiw n.nd " ' a.ter is H1ixtid with some cni.-Iength, bent at t\le iniddle to fit t11e under 'Tho thunder of the rolling clou d, fer m env. such as yeai:;t, and aside iu '~ warn1 place, vinegar is the ultimate r es ult. 'l1hc fact, jaw; it is then ma11c to form n ring at ea,ch side how e\'OJ', is t.h a.t before sngn.r can yield vinega.r, of the mouth; the ends, aha.rpcned 1 tieach for· All things do serve Thee her e, it must. if can e-sugru·, first ho con verted to ward five inches; a. rope or strap goes from ring .AJl creat ures, great and srna.ll ; grap e-sugar, an d thence to alcohol'. j to i·ine> over the head . another from dn.,. to ::\f a.kc u se of m e, of tne. my God, 'l'he circ~1nu~ta.nce n1ay Sf:em rem arkable, that 1 1·ll1g o~er and o,crof>!I th: nose · heat th r id,.,into 'f h') wen.k t:st of thl;Dl .i.,1!. i:i.lthQugh v1negnr is perhap~ the rnost com111only c ( , . n1 et with of ,.Jl vegetable acids. yet tli c ex· tself '\Vhcrc it crosses to form the ri.ngs. TJus 1s <~m pl es ;1re very few in which it h1 founcl r eady I the oontri vancc, simple, durabl e, n11d chea.1). fo11ned in sour fnuts. Excellent vin egar ciin be I ., ·' , . ~ade by tl~o fcrro eIJt<1.tk1 . C RACKS I::i OoYi 8 1t.tTs. - What 18 the be~t 11 of cidel': hence tl!e iuftjr;:in ce nnght 00 that sour i:tpplcs owe their 1 01ntlnent 1 I{. J. 11. Ah.'S. -·,Ve cured sournoss to alrca{.ly dcvelo~d v1nega.r. Not oo: ' cows' teats tha.t nl'e crncketl, by i:,crca.s1ng them CONDIMENTS. the sourness of 80Ur ap-pli:;~ ts inostly due to the ll . 1 . The we w1t 1 l 11.rd. ~futton tallo\\' and glycerine [ff!.::Sc uce of malic acid, novC;r to vincg,ar. NO TT. l 1;;o~n'11 of l cinon s IB due ~o th~ l > r esen ce of citric have been tried :i.nd failed to effect n cure, while ] ~c1 d~ 1n d eed lcniou a nd lJ m ~·Jtnce are t h e usual puro lard bas healed the cracks up immediately ('ll'r(ltn G ood H ealth) ~narcc~ uf cry::it n.lli citric R<iid, mtt?h a.nd rn ade the tea.ts quite soft. Cows very CLoVES.--Fe'"' conc lin1cn t s nrc in 111ore gen- J,; obta.1 n cd frmn 1ed<:u1ant1:1. lto.ccnno, mallc, . . . er al repute t han clove sp ice-produce of a. tre u oxalic and m all Y oih c1· rtr.:1ds conduce to the often troubled with cracked te~ts, cspe<;11ally if g 1'<1wing in tlie a n Archipelago, nnd sou rn~ss of fru its~n.ncl lc:i.vcs; but hardly evcri they are allowed to go into lo\v e:wampy ground denoini1rnted car,11ophyUua ar omaJ.icus by· if c\' er, acetic acid. a.nd muddy places, "here.,th ~y; get their udders u:~us. 'V hether this excellen t spicti was kno,vn covered tdth 1u..~d. Tt-\s "'ery disa.greea.ble 01 nnknown to the auci ent Greeks and Romnns is d i~ pt\t~ ( l. l'lin:-· Wl'ites of th e !Jwryupliyllon ; milking sore-tt!a.tcd:'?Cowa) as the anitnals hu t h e cmupt\.r es it t o a peppercorn , 'vhich hat-<l· 1 apt to kick or step a.l,)out wl}ile m ilking. : 'l'he ly answers t o t he descriptiou of our clove. 'I'he . a very s1mpl1 . ' one, and as it J is aJwaya remed y IB clo\ e·tr ue is in digenous to the ~Ioluccas or Spice ~t hand in every family, it Cft.d he ea,f;ily tried. Isl an1ls, where, a s "·ell as at Sumatra, 1Yiau rit. Fowls for the Farmer· hts. Bourbon, lvlartiniqne a.ud St. \..,.incent:s, it , __ Ll:,U:ING MILK. - '\\. . hat will pre-vent it,:b-I. "\r. is n o":' extcnaivcly cultivated. F or a c~U1:nder(Froin t he C anadian P oultry Chr onicle.) able t nne the Dutch managed to restnct tl1c r AKs, - "For a. cow: thn.t lea.ks her milk badly, growtli of this va.luaLl e tree t o the \folucca s, 1. ~fnch haB be en said and .written about ·w hich place a. little dl\stic .gum ring a.rouna ea.cl1 teat. l; ut t h e sel fi sh policy h as complet ely fa.Bed in its breed of f0wl IB the most profitable for a far1ner You ca,n cut a.· ·~t out of- an old cast-a.way "'rul>· in t en t . l\{~~ny p::trt s of th e clove·trco a1c . . . odorom·.i, lJut the cloves of co1nn1crc c iire to k eep. ..1\.ll have then· merits and the1r ad· ber ~hoe~ ~Q·t nothing- no hairn1 to the cow 1a.nd tJie tlriQd flower·bucls ; these bein'i:' foun <l to mirer s ; and not one of the recog:nizetl breeds will save cin.-a setl.s0n aeveral dollars wo1·th of contain the odorous princi ple~ cl1a.racterizing tl1 c thnt h as 110t some peculi a r qualities in its frn·o1\r milk." h~ spice uiot'U h igh ly d eveloped t hnn any other b d . I ll l '· ·t · h h !J'H t. 'J'hc fl owm·-!"1tenis, however, are nearly as eyon i.ts e. o\v; an: :-'t.ince I l l3 '" y \Ve ave strong ; u.nd these,broken up into 1:1m all length;; , Mtcb ·~ tU ver.~1ty of opuuou among the breeders lvfen differently - builf. 'fhere art frequer tl y n1ingle vd tb t1H~ real cloYes of conl· and fitncieri> as to which ls the 111ost profitabl"' ~nen wh~ are broa.d und strong at t11e Lase. rn ercc. r.rhc d ticd ~lo_ve fl o.w~r·b~1d with sti;m to k eeep. It will not he denied, however that lll the :i;rnddl_e, and up until you re3ch the nttach etl bears a. str1kmg- amular1ty to a n inl ; ' n1oral faculties. These arc shrunken in h ence t he }'re11 ch name tlou , fro1n whi.cl1 the there nrc some breeds posse~sE'd of such genera. and almost va.nishcJ. Such men nre lik~ \Vorel clove is derived. Tho fully-expanded cl1a.racteristici; for us e fulne~s & $ to render them ligh1 honae1't built well at the hottoni and flower ir; n1uch les1:1 pungent aud spicy t1 ia.u the more suitable. a.ncl better adapted to the fa,rmer all the \Vay up. All ri!!lit, oiily tlie[' Jiavo y et l1 ndcve loped bud ; hence ca1e bn.s to be tak· ,, . ._. 1!n lest t he dcvclop1ncnt proceed t oo far befor e 1111 d g eneral breeder than others. lhat which no l~nlern, and no light. And t 1e two ga.the.ring. Whc111;milicie11 Uy ti pe,thc bnds a1e combi nes 'vitllln itself large l!lize, good laying thh1gs, the n1an and the house, are equally 1 ;ollc?ted ei ther by ha nd, or el~e by beating or aJ1d fl csJ.1.forrning <1ua.litit1~, aud hardihood, re- l10(1k1 ng tlow.~1 very 1~1uch as ~vild ha~cl-nuts art> ( uiring -thc least alnount of care :w.d attention 1 plu~ke cl. 'l ney ru·e u1thcr clued l; y f1 rt.!·li t:a t ,or, I. . . . . - - -- \"Vhat is pl efP.rabl c, by ex pos iU'e to the sun. The I either· 111 clncken-hood 01· n)atur1ty, w1ll 11t onc e c.hi·d _vjrtnc of cloves re~1dcs in n p'l.111ge1_it vo1 a· be Rdrriittcd to b~ t he .cno~t r:;uitable fo,~ l for tho tile 01), !'resent to such an ~xteE t tl1 ~1t it tn ay fa r mer . lfe " 'ant s uot 011 ly a good 5upply of be for<'C t ont a11d n in.d e CYHlent to the ey e by I . . lllessnro. By d istillat ion 1 nost of thi" , olatilt· · cgi:,'H dnnng tho year, but also in ea.t fu1· lns table oil l H!i.y be drawn of, leaving t he clo v1·;; 1111alt~r- I or for the iuarket. It is nl!eful ancl not 01'11acd. ns to shape, but of course cl et cri o l'at~d. 1.'hc j 1n e 11 t al fowls he r equi re({ · al though if both are J) ntch ustid to perforiu t his ingenious op ~ra.tio11 , . . , < · · a nd sell the exhau sted cloYCB ~Lften"\o·:trd::i. combined 111 the same breed, 1t becon1cs a still T h ey \Ve n~ to \Vor k inge11 iom;ly, 1w t he follow· greater fa.\·ourit e. \ V c have n o h esitation, t11en, ing 1:1tatorne11 t "\\ill ~ua1 ~ife,': l t. J ~ha~ ~ccu alren.dy in su.:ying th.:i.t the B rahnrn. fowl pos.:.esses all 1 i·em arkecl tl; rrt ~o nch u 1 volatile 01l 1a th e clo~·c-, these qualities and m anv ot hers "bcsidc5 · a.nd t h11t exudn.t1on t akes p1ucc on Jll'Cssure. 'l he ' . ~ '. . ! hi t ch ope r~tors, h av iu g t'xtractcd the odorous 1 that of !Ul t he recognized breedi:I of fowl<J, it is · ' · 1 1 King Street, Bowmanville. ESTABLISHED fK 1846, THE. snbscribtw prur j~ prt'lpAJ'ttd M build and re· Gutu1·~, 01,iginaturs >incl S'Q1e "b;hurnfa.cturers BOW~fANVILLE Wagons, Biqf(Jiea, and of every description, at short notice, andon na.sonablo tetml!I. I l of t he CELEBRA'fED SILVER TONGuE IT · Carriages Painted and Trimmed· Organs and Melodeons, SON I A Blacksmith's Shop ~pecial J. NEADS. on the pretnil!ee, \\·ere a.t·tentio11 il!I given 'NIERCHANT' E. l'. NEEDHAM & PUBLI S H to 1111 Carriage work, ad General Jobbing. " THE SILVEJ{ TONGUE" All work do1te. at this EatabliAimen THE HOUSEHOLD. I wan·anted. A call is respectfully solicited. G-eneral Advertiser. A~D J. MORRIS. OR( i A N lS1'S REPERTOR Y, A Bowmn.nville, Ot.:t. l~t. 18G9. ~IONTJ'lf,Y ~1: .&0IZl .N E, ly-nl For Orgnn·players and the music·lo\ ing anti story·rea.ding public gcncr111ly. ONLY AGRICULTURAL =================== ARRIVAL I ARRIVAL I SUBSCRIPTION, Only 50 Cents per Y.e~.r Only 50 Cents per Year! Only 50 Cents per Year! SAMPLE C o PY :ll.\IL ED li'n:t:1~ r o ANY I ADDRESS. NEW DRY GOODS to B·u y Tl11 fYJrt · A NEW .!!ELECT, and CHEA1' ' STOCK OF 75 CENTS GOODS Send to the office of J. P. RICE Brown S t., Bowman ville, Sole Agent1 or to the SPRING a:tri\' Cd, "SILVER TONCUE " FACTORY OF ! !I ===='::::::::::============= I per ANNUM, in ADVANCE. Sty(1<ih Good~ for the Ladies. E. P. Needham and Son, 143, 145 & 147 EAST 23d St. GENTS' COATS, PANTS, VESTS, and I MURDO CI-I Bl·.OR . ~ ~. SHIRTS, made to order, and made to fit! NEvV YORK, o;J, JJlfl,dC good th e appc a.ranC'C of the ;;a UlC by 0. 1 1 the b est ada;pte d U.Ud m ost suit able to the f~fnl· 1 er H""ve received per S. S. JTibe1'nian, nncl othct' s hipm ent ~ ,"" lot of being t h e undcYe]oped flower .bud!':!, it fc·llows Ihc size nf t he Brahn1a at one~ renders it !\n t h:.1t t hl;'ee, if not pl ucked , would gro\V into : obj ect of attention. In this l'CSpect it s u1 pa.ssHowcr s, and the l:l.tler j1.1 to fruit.. T ho. na1ne. of I es n.11 ot h er breetls, not cxce.ptin:; the gigantic 1uother-clovc J1:i.CJ been given t o th is fnnt, \.vluch . . . . 1 J1,t 1 a1 oJy ilndr: Hs way to 1nark et. 1:Ioth er · C ocl11n. H ens 1 11 .th ~nr second ye<w, w1Lh m oclt:hive r0se1 ubh s thtl oli ve, but is i'l ninllcr. I t s er:i.te earl', will \vc1 gh hoiu 8 lbs . to 10 lb~. , and oJor ni id fl!\vor rtre C 1 )mparabl0 t o the clove, hut co i.;kerals f1·um 13 lbs. t o 14 Hi::i . ea.cl1 , The not so :;trong, 1'he J?u tvh occnsio'?ally m ak e a quality of the ineat is also good. \v}ien tolerably .~n~·cct p 1 es~·rY<! of t lns inothc1 · Iru1t 1 an d from . . ' \ thno to time ~tnnU con~;igrun cnts lll'C sold in the 11 oll fod it 'nil be found alrnost, and ver y often I'.,ugliHh 1nark et. J.l r1:" ing' a gen~nil Bimilarity q uite, eq ual t o th e ])ork ing . '.fhr re ir;i probably 1 or .ltPJl~!r~·<o to t~it~ of c1over;, pnri~nto or all· a li tt l e less mc~t on th e br c1,1 t but thi ~ is com tip1ce difl era f ron1 it in be1ng the fruit of a tree i · ' I ,~ J 1 cn.: 1is c} 0 , es, as wo }iave seen , are tJie uuex· pensnted by th e (J X tl'a q um1t1t y of that on t h e p ~11rlo<l :flo\\e r.h1 ~<h~ . . l)i1 ncnt? is a n!l'tive uf .the thighs : ind eed , 1na.ny people think the l eg of a 1 \ ·~'st I ndies, It is cln,cfly cultivat ed lll J amrucai Brahina cockentl one of tl1e best pa1ts of the ivl1t;1 e t hL' tre~"J yickling it bound long t~v eut'le si , .. d If h b f lb f · · I t ca.ll (~d "punentn - w~tl k s:·) Being a n ative of u1r . t. e o JCCt o e :.irm tir 1:; 81mp y o Amt'rica 1 it eoulJ h ardly hav e been kno"'-n t o procure cluckenR fm· t he t abJ o or the lnrt.rket 1 t!1e a.n eic~ t G reek~ :"\.ntl Romans-Prof~s::io r Clu- then ~ cro ~ b et\\·een t l1e Brahma and a ])orking gluze of olive oi l ; a. pl actice 11l toget her 1norc in · genio uti t h:Ll1 c01nn1end:tb le. C om 1 u erdi!.l cloves I,ADIES' S.l.OKij l ..&dy·wade, an<l made lo order, in the uowert stylt>a. Cood f+rocerie11 on hand. ·r, . . i 1 I I I I New Goods PANIC NEW DRESS GOODS, (all wool BUTTER AND BGGS WANTED. S. F. HILL. THE OBSERVER, (the Organ of the Bible Christian Denomination, one of the best Fa,mily Papers printed in the Dominion.) clubbed with the MERCHANT, for Two Dollars per annum, in advance. Sateens nncl Serges. g iven to p imento, hcc~,u;,e the flavor of it if.I t o rcse1~ble t hat of ciuna tnon, clo\·es, a!1d nut· n 1egs m inglell Oln:rut11u.n is tl1e bark of a m e1nbe t nf t he lau1·c1 tnbc, t h e lauru.~ ctn11a1nom 11 m uf L 1nnre1rn. .Like most of the spicefl, oinnun.oll comea froru ia l11J1 ds of t.h e Indian Oco.-ill ; Ci.:!j loi1 and .J being especiaJ ly cclebrate1l for its cu lture. Cinnu mon , in llebrew /i.i11m!Jn , ib m en t ioned in the <Jhl Tei;tament; the If !'!J n·\\ :-1 ha.viiig nio::i.t prob· n.hly obt nined it f1·cH11 the A1·abi1'rns, who at u.n c~1ly ~eri.o d li -,~l connn~rci<~l ~:~li ~gs. \d t h Jn· (ll.i.- Jle1odot . .. am01 !0 t ht G1t;ck f! , is th e first w1'1te1· \\ho mo11tion::1 c111ni\mon u nder the name of ki1uuw to111v11. , "\\ Li.r h IB said t o be tracen,ble to the Cin g ;de~e eatyn1Hrm ct (i;wee t wood), or th e ?dv.layn n l.ahnrrn il; . . llippocrnt cs u~ ed cil!-nu,n1on rls :~u external ap1 1 hc.i1.t10n; a n<I D1oscor1d c;, de· "01il'es SC \ ' t·"a l ki nd:; of it. The Cingn.l ose ci n1nunon-garilcns are in ost1y aitnnt e in t hti ueig h· bothood of c~)hnn bo. T h e bark- pecle1:s.01· clwl1 011 0 ~}~~'J rt~~~.~~~~~}~~~~~t~t~11:~;!: ~h~ :~~~!~~l~i~i~c1fs ! cock will pro<lnce t ru ly n1a{, ritifi(·ent f()wls, the ltu·gl'st, perhaps, that l1ave evor been rearefl. Ch icken s thu s brc1 l have, a t the age of six months,atta.incd t he weight of 18 lbH. the cou ple, nnd o\·cr- 110 m en.a n1nttcr fo1· the fnrm er's con- NEV-V BLACK. L US'l;'BES. NE'V BLA01{ GLAOE & GROS. SILI{S, I SPLELLHD VAi. UK · --=-0 - - 1 ~~ ~!: ' a.u i nch or 1nore than t\'o ort}J roe inclies in diIJ'he ope1,~tio n is con· .n11eter Rre 11 ot peeled. d.u?te<l by mnking two opposit e longit ud inal i n· t.'lb'lOns along tl1 e lJ1irk, or if t hG branel1 be lar ge, ev en i11m·e;> n 11 knife.blad e b eing thrust n n· d ernE!tith tht.l bruk ~ the Jatt er peels a"l\·ay. 'l'l..w lJar1< ii:; next ,;et :isidu for twenty-fonr }w1 u'a1\Vh t:n it is scrnped on both aides. ..r'\ fter a few ilourH, the l"rr1aller q uills are in sert ed v. ithi n t h e larger 011;;~, an<l t!1e whok' collection sun-driod. C(la.~ia,..Uark is a vc1·y sirui)a.r in gencru.l ~ ppe:tritn.ce. ai:i .ruso in t:ts~e, t o c1nn.an1on. Ott 1ln; Cont1nont, lndeed, as 1n the U 1utefl St::i.t es of Amcricn, cru:::sia is reg arded as a cinuarnon, longe1, as 1.>ullots c:m alwt1ys be had to supply thoug-{1 ~ broad d ist.inct.ion is tlr&\\·11 in E ngland. their places . I n connect ion \Vi th the produc· 'i1he fl avor is n1uch str ~·m gcr than that of cinn~· tion of egg::i. \\'e may mention another cross rnon , but i1ot $0 dehcate ; and, moreover, it 'th tb B 1 11 lb ti tt t' [ lca ~·ea upon the e ~1 certain taste of bitter· Wl e ra Hna WL wor l.e a. en ion u ncm I n Ger many , ]{ussi a, and N orth En rope the fa.rn1e1·, that i:;, betwe en a Brae1ua hen aud, as also in 'l 'nrkey, it is prefer1·ed to a. Spnnish or l\finotcn. cock. This croBs proci nn~n1on uu accoun.t of .ita greater p~m gen cy. duccs a fowl generally 011 the body \vith Cn.nsHt·hnrk occurf; 111 much larger q111lls than . . ' . t he bu.di: of c:in nmnon, and, beside:), '"hen benti 1 dark striped hackle , which for average fc~nnd1ty \VJll bl'cak wah a clean frachu·e ; whereas cin· f.mrp n.sscs any ru1d every fowl we kuow . narnm.1 i ; t ougl1 , n\orc readily ~ending thnn Alt ogether, then, tvc consider that th~ b rcnk 1ng. }lo\\' agr eeaUle both cu1namon a11<l cas 8i<L rue a.-:; con diincn ts, one n eed hardly state. Ba.rhmn. possesses a. greater amount of useful\.ll c u se i t for fl avoring- certain d11111c:s,pies,tartB, lless and value t han any hthei· pl.U'c braced, an fl :t!1 1 l ]Juchling.s ; Uut the chief coneurnption of is aho capafile, in an e1ninn.nt degree, of cmn· i.:n111<.1n10n rn Jll the inauufachn·e of chocolate, its good '}un.lities to other fowls Ly lrlulmcr1s a1ul Jli aee. - N ext we cnmc to n u t · ) crossinr' · a.nd fo1 · t his rea.son tYe stron(J'ly recom- k'i1~~~~\;~ };;.i{ 1~h~~c~~~cl{ {;5~ ~ba~:n}~'llf . . 1 aideration. , _i\..s a. laying fow l th e Brnhnut is, in our opinionj 1 equal to any other breed. 1'hcre is no doubt tl ttl 't . 't · I f ·d . ' ·! ~a ie propens1. J 1o s 1 m er eres c_ontn eta~ y with the -production of eggs. N otw1thstand1ng this, the fecundity of the hens. and pullet s ia: very· g!'leat. B nihnia pullets will lay '\\ith rrreu.t · "' reg nlarity at six t" seven iuout hs old, u.nd usually !:! it "\vithin two n1onths after. 'l'htiy may thus be made t'Xt:ecdir.,.,.ly 11 s ~fu] 1 where a reg · .""' · . ul <ir sup ply of eltr1y b1rds for the market LS desired. l ncleed 1w breed so eu1inently poeesses the iucritof t('g'Ul:1 1ityin t h e t ime of incubatio n. INEVV C L A N T A RTANS, NEvV HO U GH BHOWN HOLLANDS, [ VEHY CHEAl'. ADVERTISER CORNER AHEAD, A PAP.Ei1 TJ f~ UIT ~~-~ '11 ~ .,J..¥eiv Drab f ./ Wrinceys. NEW FRE.NGH 1lfERJl{OS IK THE ·- ., without car1 y ing it to :i. t roublesome excess, a$ is the case 'vith tho Cochin. It i:!I rcmarl>:· ed that the h en in 11er scconJ year ln.y s mu@ h I longer t]1an the pullets a nd in this respect ' . makes the fo\vl, as a layer, far i;upenor to the Coc11in, or indeed neatly ;iny other. , ~4.fter th e l!C OOntl v ea.r the t endancy to incn b tc b · l · 'ti a. c con ie~ grea. 1er, an( incr eaHes wi I age. \Ve i,vould , therefore, recommend t hat hons, :liter the third year, ~houl d be got rid of; nor indeed is there any necessity to keep them 1 - NEW CANADIAN KN ITTED GOODS, Bowmanvillc, Septeml1er !Jth, 1870. j nl-ly A SUIT OF p'3ors, ::.:; 07;:;i-::c:l and ever tncr~~=ll c:J'ers t; u~ arr·~H'n!s ? i ~·::1 u:11 ~1,, ~ :!flcd i11 n 1 uf 1:1!c'!l::;:::·:1 ("~ ' ,, .-, I I rn ~ ~ Q · Good Twee() For $10.50. -0GET YOUR in co1 n ~1lsionH, a1 1d t he ~thc1· had ~ nruTO \V 11ut1ueg and m rict: h ighly a.ro1na.tic, but also t he ...i< c:;i ca pe. Q.111te recently. a. child so1ncLl u og over l:a.;es. of t~1l"' untr~e~ :1·al:l .. . ·l:~tcb n utm!.lg fa :t y ear old \ya,.-:; wit h violen t dye eu teric ,, 1o~el j e1n clopc:d 1n i.t ~ cove11110 of mace , an d l\fTnp toins for which no cause c<mld be :isFii" n ed. ; t he \.\.-11010 con t :u n ed 111 a lal'!.;'C fl. t>sh y Jn<.l.81-$ or r, ' . l;> p ericarp. Nu ttnegs .at e ei:; µedally IJ.a,Ul d to at · lhc n.ttack ca,n1c on dunng the p11-ssa.;c of the Vu;k from :111 immc t , \Vl1i ch 1ho" c\·e1·,only bogin s f1 11nily on the .stctuner fron1 Sa.n ])iego. The i ts rn.vngcs whilst t he spice is yet untlriecl. It sp u ptoms w~re itlentit::ll with t hose which hail is :1 {,,'let.Lt objiJc;t, t h ereio1 e 1 tu cot:nplutc th e d eb t' . t : f · · ::; ii.;t.:,~Lion as soon as po~&iblc ;which is effected by v rev 1ou1:1 1Y een no icet1 o. ~1r:~ t om po180111·11" :.nwke-clryin g ()\,-e1· a 'vood-fir e for a period of by Ol':tnge peel i and on inpun y , \YO \~ ere 111· ut two 1:10l 1 tli~. \ Vhe11 t~10r )lttihly dric1 l the for1ncd t hat it h ad b eo p la ying with an A orango ells ,,dnch nre then crack ed a ntl nihbhng at 1t JU::it before t he att ack of dia Jn!ts i n t hen· s11 w1th 'vooclcn lH:lllets, and t h e \\·onn· e:.iteu and ,, . i:ihl'i \ielle.d irn b; t ln own a.!-lidu. .After warih· they case. J h e flischa.1 ·ges from the bo wels \Ver e fre. H it' clea'lCll d thcr by dippin g lime and wa.terI qucnt an d pn.inful n.nd consiste tl of blood and 1 t he Dutch vractice- 01· else b y h:i,ving- qn lt:k · Ju u <: u b .Aft er a. \\'eek of seYO l e cnteric infl l i1ne ifted over the111. Jv[:;,ce undergoc::; the t.i th h il I u· d. W 1 .· bt t h p1·epa1a.tion of dr ying fol' sonic d ays in t he sun ; 1ua on. e c c. lC e no uou at NOTIC:E.----NO HUMBUG. in rai11y we ather, however . a1 tifi<.'.i;1,l heat is e m· t he dise::ise "··t:> brough t ou by t he rind of th~ ployed. !vface ,tt i n f:! t i::i c1 ·i. 1n <:1on or blo nd-red, or::~nge . Though bu t a. w nfill quantity inust Seedless Raisins (New Fruit), Ten o nly a ~qu i ring t11 c golden tint 8 0 fn.111ili,t1· t o us ha v ~o heen 8,valluwe<l., y t·t a very B inall ltHrt.ntity pounds for One dollar. 1 wh en thr ee or £our· in ont hs old. Both nutmegs of Huch an iu di(·cstn.Llt.: nrnl iHitati n"" sub~ti~nce Fresh Canned Salmon. and mace oll'c ]let:ullal' a100J 1 g 8picc8 for a o :' Fresh Canned Peaches. . 1 rin narcotic quality, not dis!sin1il11r to tL !!.t t of will o(tl'n p1·o ll ~1ce the u:io:'lt se1·1ous cousePure Coffee fresh ground every opium, b ut innc.:h "·ea.k('r. ciucnces. T he oil of the rind is h ighl y acidi morning. ' 17inr:uco (~· i11 'll[fte) Il!ll)' be cheu1 ic; reg:u d· l dl t l t ti · l't f tl "Air rt ' I b t d l" kl l'd R-= : ~ 1)1i}:JJ\H C of ai.;et1c ,~ci1 l with watel' nnd 11l1C a C;:; grefl y 0 l C UOX10ll$ qua l y 0 1e J.U.0 011 $ C0 8 ra 0 lC 0$, lleW. idi(!e.sti blc m ass. \\'c Ic o ~ru that it i1S a co1nruoa Dundee Marmelade: new. I (:ertaiu extr.incous n1:"tJtters, \ £lrying lil nn.tur e .., p '· S d. h n ncl dc Tee aecon lin" to t he 80 u 1ce ,,,..hence evolv- pn~ctice mn ong child.i·1n1 at aoine of our puLlic reB~ ar ines, new, retai. at W ole· ed. ~lo>it :ire D.\' a.1~ of tLt· chiura.ctcristic J 1ffer· schools to ca.t the rin d, an d tha.t juvenile 1ue1 '- salBerporwlCnes.and Poulson's Scotch Corn cncc ai; t\) ta;,,t e bct\vcen vll1cgar the product of 1 k ·' , I · ·d wine, of beer, of ciJcr , etr.:. ;, ag-a~n, di ffe1. j chants been -no~v n t o tr a u.e Oa.L t 10 lllSl Flour the best used in Canada. f·11t wJne~ Cf?ll ~i~lerod an1 oll~f.t thcurscfves yic~d j of tbe fr uit for t he sk1u . I Toiiet Soaps (very large size), One charact enst1c VJneg~rs.. Ail tl:'-:s~ points of c11f. P oisoN G.1.u~UI:3. _ \Yi th rega.i·<l t o scarlet fe ver, . dollar per d~zen. feren ca rn?relyco~srnt 1n a v nn.lt1011of t he.col- 1 , , . .· " . ,,, . ,, Potsofpr1meCheeae. l~tex:il thing" ,, luch m:>.y ch a.nee t o b e 1 rux.ed "c ha\ e n1ore e\·Jdence of t hese p oison- 0 1;.111ns p· y 'n"u T wlth the o.cctio aci~l i n _dt~'crcnt vincgn.ra. ..1\..b· ; lt't n.ining their vitality th an with any oth er con- l .ao;3~:~~h~~a:on oung ~son eas, 0 ~olutely pull' uc:tic acid ui. 1 n uch too &trong t o , tagious di~easqs , Sir Thouw.s "\, i n Ui.., I Pine new season Pel!;:oe flavored black be u-ied as~~ cvndn11 cnt. lt 1s n eady i~ :; destruct. " . l 'l · ., i ve to tile skin a.~ 00 rnuc..:h si)irit of salt. I f dil· I cl n.ss1cal lectures on th e Pro.ct we of 1ya 1c, i Teas. . . All kinds of Groceries, Crockery, and ut ed with water. then t h e weakened acetic Reid iucntious a ca!'le in \\·h ich a. p iece of fl:tunel worn migh~ indeed bo usc·l Ii.kc vin (·g:i,1 · of 001-rc.-s. roun d t h e n eck of a scn.rlet·fever pn.tient, bdng Glassware, i19nd1~1g- strcn,~t)1 , aud.1ndeed, u nd1;n-, t he na1ne accident ally d i,;co \'erecl two years after and np· l Cash or goods for Poultry and Eggs at 1 ct wh1te or chstillei l v1neg:u· 1 often lS ~o uiset l ; . . I S I M S O N .1. S , hut to the np pl1':t'H\tion of n1o,;t p .'.1.1.,t e;; lts t ru;te 1Jl1ed to the lJCl'llOll of a ser vent ln the family, / is not so agr eeable as that of colored ot· undistil· produced R.n attack of scarlet-fcve1-. A nother No. 1 Corner, Wellington Buildings· A 1. '] 1or s aH' not 11,gr eed as t o wh ctlu; r- nnt111cgs P OP:! o~-oes EFfECI !:I Ob' O"RANUE P Rli.L. -Ma.n y nnd 1n:tc e \VCJ'tl know n t o the ancient ~r ei;k;, y ears a.go, sa;y ;.i D r., two li ttle "irb;, and Hom ans. It would st'ei11 th~t the finst un· 1 . . b . e'Juivo<:u,l rcferencl::! to l!Jace aud nutniegs oct.:i irs srstcrs, four and six ye a1~ of age, \ve1·a tie1zed pi th ~ works of A vicen !1f1. 1l~h c nu~tn eg-tr~c is \Vi1h violc11 t iuflil.lll!ltion of the boweh1 fron1 ;> 11.~trn.! of t he B:~uda isleis ; it obtains a height I .s w:lillowing the rind of orange. One of tJie1n ~~~1f~ t~·~~~~ii~e,m~~.~~'~ 1 ~}~i~fii,~~~~n;l{f~~~re~~oe l 1nend i't io the fariner as rt stock fowl.0 CD · CORNWALL BLANKETS -' Reac1 our Sple'1anc1 Sowir;g Premium ..L SP1.1:xo10 1'~ . ,,~: r::· !o "i ;;~ii,~1;~ 1~~f~~t~ i~:;:~~~e~. ge 11JJ~ ~~~~l~;~y tl~! (~{1 I ! 1 · Clan Tartan's, THE GREAT FAVORITES. PR,INTING AT THE ;, c' Tll"O"'HT\' :,r:;.; · :: : -r·. ·; , : (l . ~ I A $25 · 1 :..U\7.'!..:"' l "·F or 1-0 f:. nbsc:-. b·"'1" Fo r 6 0 Sub!jCl'I\) :._ ... BRIMAOOThlBE & RICE would call special <i ttention to their stock of A $32 ;:v1uJ..1 r! 1· 1 :< The Choicest Va.riety, Form your ('lca?i,; f ' @lnitl c CQI~Y rar o·t" : l':.:·. : ~ . addrclis . .. Subscr!1JU0 11., ~r?"'t t ·1 r· , ,, , .. i~· oflS7:1. 1'61::?-;'t-::--."\ · :~.,-.-:· · · · TION I?Oi!t o;; c DO~ . L . . ; r I Organs anfl Melodeo1is, (manufactured by E. P. N eeclham & Son, New Yor k,) justly designated t he a S j]YBr Tong·ue/' the cheapest ~iEROHANT Spccin&cn coj)Jl·. ... JtJIJ!~J OFFICE, J.-2°'S'i'. f:l ::;·· tl.~~:.:. , I TEliGRA. P l:- .'i ~iU~··a } ~'. : , . ( , to <.'anva1!11'ers, ,1":.:1: , . .. , ; . 0 THE DAILY TELt:CRt'.F'H , A.ddrer1 a.u Lcttor:i, :;-e:t .. y"' · ° I 'l'he Sweetest Toned Instrument kno\f.fn. Don't fail to cQll and examine quality and price. Seeonc l hand instruments taken in exchange. Show rnoms at J. M. Brimaco1nbe's Dental Rooms, over McOlung Bros Stores, Bow manville, J. )f, B!UilIACOMBE. J. P. RICK Bownmnville, Oct. 7th, 18i0. nl GOODS IN TOWN. .J. ltO&!i JARES Aobettsrn; :~ ~"~; Pl.~b· l;,i.lrr:i r :..U .... )' Jtl!H~!.::: l'.H:.):~. & . < '~> ::~:{, 1· F. Y. COWLE. Bowmanvillo, Sept. 1870. All work executed in the Latest Styles, with Neatness and Despatch tf-52 i and ut Lowest Rates, ' JUST ItECEIV:&:l},"nc1 lor sale nt tho OIJSERYER STOilE, a. anpply of U001' SCHO OL BOOKS , 0. BARK ER including Fi·ench , G1 o.:t>k, and I~atin Class Books, J ohn's lfutory of J~ngland, &(.).

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