1858 May 8 Sunk off Little Sodus.; Final Location: Little Sodus, NY, Collision; Coming from Bayfield, Lake Huron and bound for Oswego collided with schooner L.J. LATHAM and sunk off Little Sodus. ACA
1858 May 8 Sunk off Little Sodus.; Final Location: Little Sodus, NY, …
1847 Enrolled at Sacketts Harbor NY. 1848 Chicago to Oswego grain & trade. 1851, August, went ashore on Pt. Pelee cargo salt. 1853 Sprung a leak on Lake Erie. 1853 Rig changed ti brig. 1856 Buffalo o
1847 Enrolled at Sacketts Harbor NY. 1848 Chicago to Oswego grain & …
1847 Enrolled Sacketts Harbor, NY. 1848 Chicago to Oswego grain trade. 1851, Aug Went ashore, Pt. Pelee. Cargo, salt. 1853 Sprung a leak Lake Erie. 1853 Rig changed to brig. 1856 Buffalo owners. 1860
1847 Enrolled Sacketts Harbor, NY. 1848 Chicago to Oswego grain trade. 1851, …
Official No.: 77697; Dimensions (LBD): 136' x 27' x 7' ; 1867 May have been Great Lakes first compsite vessel owned by J & G.T. Malcomson, Hamilton, ONT. 1868 Delivered oil & supplies to Canadian Lak
Official No.: 77697; Dimensions (LBD): 136' x 27' x 7' ; 1867 …
Official No.: 77697; Dimensions (LBD): 135.8' x 24.6' x 7' ; 1867, May Have been Great Lakes first composite vessel owned by J & G.T. Malcomson, Hamilton, ONT. 1868 Delivered oil & supplies to Canadi
Official No.: 77697; Dimensions (LBD): 135.8' x 24.6' x 7' ; 1867, …
Dimensions (LBD): 150' x 26.5' x 11.05' ; c. 1921 Struck & sunk by steamer TURRET COURT. 1921 June 18 Registration closed, Windmill Point Basin, Montreal Harbour, QUE.; Original Owner: St. Lawrence &
Dimensions (LBD): 150' x 26.5' x 11.05' ; c. 1921 Struck & …
Test 4 Walter
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Made possible by a grant from the Paxson Offield Family Foundation