1857, Apr Launched.
1857, Apr 27 Enrolled Buffalo, NY.
1858, Jul Lost bowspirit & foremast on Lake Erie, Enrolled Chicago.
1858, Jul 13 Aground at head of Elk Island, St. Clair River.
1859, Sep 5 Ran on rocks at Clay Banks, head of Lake Erie, into dry dock at Detroit, bottom not much damaged, re-caulked.
1860 Owned Pratt & Harmon, Buffalo.
1861, Apr Leaking, Lake Michigan.
1861, Jun Damaged schooner NORTHERN BELLE in collision, Lake Huron.
1863 Owned E. Harmon, Ashtabula, OH.
1865 Readmeasured 140.42 x 39 x 11', 336.5 gross tons.
1866 Owned V. Swain, Cleveland, OH.
1866, Jun Aground Thunder Bay, Lake Huron, coal laden; released.
1869, Nov 18 Sank, Lake Huron.
1871 Not listed