Wednesday, March 28, 2007 · Page 7 Diversification and cooperation needed, says SOERC CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 "We have all kinds of energy working together," he said. "We have great resources in our town," said Ken Schwab, vice-president of the Harrow and Colchester South Chamber of Commerce. "Our eco-tourism is not marketed well as a group," said Schwab, who called the municipality a "rich rural treasure hiding here." "We have a sports fishing industry that is known in North America, but not well," said marketed Schwab, who expressed the need for the town and its businesses to form partnerships that will enhance the local economy. SOERC secured the endorsement of Essex Town Council, following their introduction at a special economic development meeting with private sector stakeholders, including members from the Harrow Chambers of Commerce and Essex Business Improvement Area, Feb. 12. Members of council continued their support of the organization, which is working to establish a strategic plan for the advancement of economic Debt Freedom Canada 250 Tecumseh Road E. Windsor, ON N8X 2R3 T 519-776-6978 C 519-982-5563 Paul Foster "We're going to be breaking down the barriers to focus as a region." SOERC directors told council that diversification and cooperation are paramount to advancing the economy in the Town of Essex, and significant investments from the wine industry and other sectors have enhanced the opportunity for growth. and tourism development for the entire Town of Essex and region - at no cost to the town. Essex Ward 1 Coun. Randy Voakes was pleased to see the start of initiatives to improve the economy for the entire municipality. "Ward 1 is in dire need of revitalization," said Voakes, noting the difficulty in keeping tax increases down while trying to maintain vital projects in the town's budget. "It is so hard, it makes you weary," he said. "We're heading for disaster," said Voakes, suggesting potential new businesses could be discouraged from locating in Essex, just from a visit to the downtown core. "Flags would go up when they see all the vacancies." Mayor Ron McDermott commended the group for their work. "This is just what this town needs," said McDermott. Details of the SOERC summit, scheduled for Apr. 28, are expected to be released this week. Free Press Photo / Daniel Schwab NEW CRUISERS OPP Sgt. Mike Beatty, left, and OPP Const. Jason Findlay, stand next to the first of a series of black and white cruisers set to be distributed throughout Essex County over the next few months. Within two-and-ahalf years, the reintroduction of the cruisers will completely replace the blue and gold models currently used by the OPP. Police said the black and white cars add greater visibility to officers on traffic patrol, with the addition of new LED high visibility roof lights and vehicle markings. County urged to focus on active transportation BY DANIEL SCHWAB The Windsor-Essex Active Living Coalition urged Essex County Council last week to promote and improve the health of residents with "active transportation." About 50 per cent of county residents are overweight, council was told. Active transportation, which includes walking, jogging or bicycling, would reduce that number and help develop a healthier society, said Karen Lukic, chairperson for the Acting Living Coalition. Part of the group's mandate is to make walking and cycling safer along busy streets. A poll that sought opinions from county residents, which included council members, showed a lack of sidewalks and bikeways are keeping people from getting out and exercising. The majority of those polled also said trails should connect the county's municipalities. Lukic asked council for an investment and improve- Wayne St. Denis Associate Eliminate Debt. Build Wealth. Live Life.TM OOD'S BRENTWUAL ANN Saturday, March 31, 2007 · 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sunday, April 1, 2007 · 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Craf ts, Easter Baskets, Baked Goods Kay's Café - Selling Chili & Hotdogs (Saturday Only!) Spring Craft & Bake Sale 2335 Dougall Avenue, Windsor Notice to the Residents of the Town of Essex SALE OF A PORTION OF AN ALLEY Pursuant to By-Law #527 and the requirements of the Municipal Act, the Council of the Town of Essex intends to sell a portion of the open alley which runs parallel to Talbot Street North, between Medora Ave. and Maidstone Ave. more particularly described as Parts 3 and 4 Plan 12 R22973. Any person who feels that they will be adversely effected by the proposed sale are asked to provide in writing to the undersigned the reasons for requesting that Council not sell the subject property. All correspondence regarding the proposed sale shall be submitted no later than 4:30 PM on April 2, 2007. Council will consider the passage of a ByLaw to sell the subject property at their Regular Meeting scheduled for Monday April 2, 2007 at 6:00 PM. J.E. Marion, Clerk Town of Essex 33 Talbot St. South Essex, Ontario N8M 1A8 (519) 776-7336 ext.12 NOTICE OF MEETING TO ADOPT THE 2007 MUNICIPAL BUDGET The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Essex will be considering the adoption of the proposed 2007 Municipal Budget on Monday April 16th, 2007. An information session will be held at 5:00 PM in the Council Chambers, 33 Talbot St. South, Essex, Ontario. It is the intent of Essex Council to adopt the budget at its Regular Meeting later that evening. Commencing March 30th copies of the Proposed Budget will be available for review at the Town Administration Office, 33 Talbot St. South, between 9:00 AM and 4:30 PM and will also be available on our website at CD copies of the proposed budget will be available commencing March 30th. Written submissions relating to the proposed Budget will be accepted until noon, Thursday April 12, 2007, by the undersigned. Jerry Marion, Clerk Town of Essex 33 Talbot St. South, Essex, Ontario N8M 1A8 ment in local active transportation. "Education is a key," she noted. Each municipality was also asked to assess their state of active transportation. Leamington Mayor John Adams said about 4,000 people regularly ride bikes in the municipality, and that he'd like to see a greater focus put on providing safer lighting for those biking at night. In October, Essex hosted an active transportation workshop organized by Go for Green Active Living and Environmental Solutions, An action plan was drafted, focusing on developing a safety education plan for the community. In April, a Go for Green representative will revisit Essex to see if steps have been taken to implement the plan. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AMEND THE PROCEDURAL BY-LAW Council intends to adopt a revised comprehensive by-law which provides rules governing the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Lakeshore and the conduct of its members. The by-law is scheduled for three readings at the regular meeting of Council to be held on April 10, 2007 at 6:00 pm. To obtain a copy of the by-law, please visit our website at Inquiries regarding this notice may be directed to the undersigned. Mary Masse, Clerk (519) 728-2700