Wednesday, November 29, 2006 · Page 14 Moving to positive times by Geri Kamenz, President Ontario Federation of Agriculture It is the dawn of a new day, the dawn of a new era. For too long Ontario farmers have seen their industry sink deeper and deeper into economic darkness. As the new president of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, I will work tirelessly to restore positive economic times for agriculture. Ontario farmers have always been proud of their abilities to produce and suceed. They have built their industry to where it is Ontario's second largest economic contributor. They have built a reputation for production excellence in the world. They want to maintain those strengths and I want to bring the industry together to restore the pride and enthusiasm farmers and their families used to know. Call 776-4268 LAVIN AUCTIONS INC. Every Wednesday at 6 p.m. we begin our sales with selection of miscellaneous power and hand tools plus miscellaneous related items. Following will be bank and finance repoed vehicles then consigned units from dealer and public. Some e-test and safeties. We are conveniently located at E.C. Row Expressway and Manning Road on Desro Drive. ADVERTISE! IT PAYS TO RICHARD LAVIN AUCTIONS INC. 735-3070 TECUMSEH Our industry needs to restore the strength and confidence necessary to attract young farmers. Without that strength and confidence, the young people Ontario agriculture needs to survive and succeed will look elsewhere. We need to turn things around to restore faith in the future. As I told my fellow farmers attending the OFA convention, we need to be consistent in our policies, but we need to embrace new approaches and strategies to achieve our goals. For this to happen, we must have everyone pulling together. For that to happen, there will have to be compromise to allow for the partnering that will restore strength -- the strength necessary to convince our governments to work with us to restore agriculture to the economic greatness it is capable of achieving. To find and restore greatness to our industry, we need to seek solutions together. OFA has always found its strength in its members. Our talented staff is another source of strength for OFA, and I intend to draw on the resources of that staff to help in the restoration of agriculture's greatness. Over the past year, OFA and its partner organizations in Ontario agriculture have succeeded in developing the programs our farmers need to succeed and protect their future. Now we have to work harder to convince our governments to support those programs. We must also ensure our governments continue to support and protect the programs that have found much success over the years -- marketing programs so critical to the economic success and future we want for all agriculture in Ontario. Society tells us that safe, healthy food is vital. We also know how vital a safe and healthy environment is to the future. Ontario farmers are in tune with those issues. We are leaders in the production of safe and healthy food for our fellow citizens and for citizens of other countries. Our Environmental Farm Plan program has put Ontario agriculture in the lead at protecting our environment. We want to continue our leadership in those areas, but to be able to do that, we must have economic success. We must have profitability to achieve that suc- cess. We call on our governments to work with us. Our governments must move now to protect Canada's food security -Canadians need to tell our governments they want a continued supply of domestically-produced food for the safety of their families. Our farmers and the future farmers we need to attract to the industry require a commitment from the people of Canada. They need to see their governments move to restore pride, confidence and profitability to agriculture. OFA wants to work with its partners to achieve these things for Ontario farm families. UNHOLZER/ SAUVE UPCOMING AUCTION Friday Dec. 8, 2006 10:30 am For Mr C B (Claire) Sherk 343 East Cty Rd. 14 Cottam, Ont. And the Estate of Mr. Dave Colenutt c/o Gord and Dana Colenutt, Essex Ont. Sale to be held at Claire Sherk Farm 343 East Cty Rd. 14 Cottam Ont. Directions: From High 401 exit at high 77( Comber) Go south aprox 15 km to Staples turn L and continue S on #77 aprox 3 km to Cty Rd 14, T R on Cty Rd14 aprox 6 km to sale ( greenhouses RHS) From Cty Rd 8 T S on Cty Rd 27 (Belle River Rd) go aprox 5km to Cty Rd 14 T L aprox 6 km to sale Consisting of very clean lines of well kept equipt. No small items Tractors: JD 4650 FWA (very clean) 6175 hrs 3 remotes, quick hitch, 20.8x38 R 18.4x26 F, 20 suitcase wts incl. 20.8x38 T-rail duals. Lower end redone and new rad at 6000hrs. JD7800 FWA 4866hrs(new motor at 4300hrs) 3-remotes, quick hitch, 18.4x42 R 16.9x28 F sells with hub duals attached,. Massey 165 diesel 2337 hrs, 1-remote 13.6x38 tires, Massey 135 Diesel 2980 hrs. new paint, 12.4x28 tires. Combine: JD6620 3379hrs 28LX26 tires sells w 15' flex grain head, Ford 4000 new paint. Eqpt: JD 20´ model 750 no till planter, yetter markers, dolly front end, market fill auger,Liquid fert tanks w pump, spring harrows not attached, 28´ kongslide triple K w rolling harrows, JD 6 fur. Plow, JD 20´ disc w hyd wings, 2-500bu derink gravity wagons w roll tarps on truck fr run gears. 22´ land leveler, TR 800 Hardi sprayer 800 gal 60´ hyd boom foam marker wash station chem blender , sunflower ditcher, Bandit 10"x 35´ grain auger PTO drive, 2-1500 gal plastic water tanks on truck FR R Gear, 4hp Honda transfer pump w hoses,16.9x34 T-rail duals, grain cleaner, 5th wheel 8X16 dump trailer w 37000lb axles, elec. Brakes, utility trailer aprox 5x9w ramps Note: This equipment is extremely well kept and clean Terms: Cash or Cheque with proper ID. Verbal announcements take precedence over written material. Sale management not responsible for accidents or injusries. Lunch available Proprietors: Mr. Claire Sherk and Mr. Gord and Ms. Dana Colenutt Marty Unholzer Home: (519) 723-2622 Cell: (519) 791-4101 John Sauve Home: (519) 723-2023 Cell: (519) 791-4772 SANITATION SEPTIC, HOLDING TANK PUMPING & EEL SERVICE "A PLEDGE OF SERVICE" kend Wee vice Ser able Avail (519) 738-3309 (519) 791-7964 CELL Uncle Earl Hardwood Flooring Auction Solid Hardwood Flooring, & Reclaimed Tools, 13400 Desro Dr., Tecumseh (Corner of E.C. Row Expressway and Manning Road) Old-fashioned good time Members of the Perth County Junior Farmers show their moves during a square-dancing competition in Cottam Nov. 25. The event was part of the Sing Swing 2006, which drew Junior Farmers from across the province. More than 70 competitors attended, participating in a variety of contests such as line dancing, singing and waltzing. The event, which was hosted by the Essex-Kent Junior Farmers, also featured a banquet and dance at the Comber Community Centre. McKenzie's Associated Auctioneers in association with Richard Lavin Auctions has been instructed to sell an incredible inventory of Solid Hardwood Flooring including quality woods such as Oak, Maple, Kempas! SAVE ON RETAIL PRICES! Saturday, December 2, 2006 10:00 A.M. Preview at 8:30 a.m. 15% Buyers Premium Cash, Visa, M/C, Debit Card or Certified Cheque JOHN B. McKENZIE & Associates Phone (519) 453-7182 1-800-265-1906 Fax (519) 451-2443 Web Site: ACCELERATED MARKETING SPECIALISTS Associated AuctioneersTM McKENZIE'S Hope to see you there!