Wednesday, November 22, 2006 · Page 28 The strength of our community lies in solid citizens. Here is your chance to nominate a young person, aged 6 to 17, who is involved in worthwhile community service; who is contributing while living with Sponsored by: limitations; who has performed an act of heroism; or is a `good kid' who is making life better for others and doing more than is nomally expected of someone their age - help us recognize their contribution. Nominations will be accepted until November 30. Nomination forms available at or 905-639-8720 or contact this newspaper. Coordinated by: Ontario Junior Citizen Of The Year Awards NOMINATE SOMEONE TODAY! LAKESHORE Christian Reformed Mark your calendars for Sat. Nov. 25 for our annual Fall Fest from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Come for breakfast or lunch, purchase some baked goods or Christmas crafts for the holiday season. A Spaghetti Fundraising inner is scheduled for ed. Nov. 29 to help out the DeVries family with medical bills. Dinner will be served from 4-8 p.m. with a donation at the door. Come and join us with friends and neighbours. GEMS and Cadets Mondays from 7-8:30 p.m. Coffee Break Ladies Bible Study Tuesdays at :30 a.m. For more information all the church office 776071. Essex Retirees Social Club The tickets for our Raising the Roof Raffle are going quite well. We will be selling tickets at the Home Hardware on Nov. 24 and 25. The draw will be held on Dec. 19. We will be having our otluck Christmas Party on ues. Dec. 12 with Smile heatre providing the ntertainment with their erformance of "A hristmas Carol". Dinner s at 5 p.m. and ntertainment at 6:30 p.m. lease bring vegetables or essert, the rest is supplied. lease purchase your ickets in advance. Monday Pepper winners ere Evelyn Vivier and on Ames. Cecile St. enis and Louise Perrault ied for the most Peppers nd the booby prize went to elen Slavik. Tuesday Pepper winners ere Agnes Little won irst, Lily Hundey won econd, Cecile St. Denis won most Peppers and Cecilia Edwards won the booby prize. Wednesday winners were Don Ames won first, Lois Tapping won second and Floyd Cascadden won the booby prize. Thursday Bridge winners were Phyllis Armstrong and Euta Johnson. Essex United Sun. Nov. 26 worship service with Communion and Sacrament of Baptism. Christmas Town Concert "An Evening of Voices" on Fri. Nov. 24 at 7 p.m. following the treelighting at 6:30 p.m. at the town hall. Noon Hour Advent service at the Salvation Army on Wed. Nov. 29. Rev. Kim Gilliland preaching. Sport and Social Club in the gym on Thurs. Nov. 30. 7 p.m. dodgeball. 8 p.m. sport of your choice. Everyone is welcome. For more information call 7767551. Holy Name Benefit Spaghetti Dinner on Wed. Nov. 29. Proceeds to the late Chris Jackson family. Sponsored by our K of C, St.Vincent de Paul Society and Local 444. Tickets available after mass or call 839-6293. K of C Fish Fry on Fri. Nov. 24 from 4:30-7 p.m. Takeout is available. NET USA will be joining us for a high school aged retreat on Sat. Nov. 25 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Polar Bear Dip on Sun. Nov. 26. If you know of families or individuals who could benefit with a food basket and or gifts at Christmas, please contact our parish office. C.W.L. Christmas Potluck Dinner will be on Tues. Dec. 12 at 6:30 p.m. in our parish hall. Please bring a dish and dessert. Please bring an unwrapped baby items to be donated to the Sunparlor Resource Centre. Thanks to everyone who helped in any way to make our C.W.L. bazaar and turkey dinner a success. Remember in your prayers the families of Patricia Vermuelen and Chris Jackson who were buried last week. second Joan Eyraud, Broders; most lone hands four way split between Pauline Eyraud, Joanne McMurren, Helen Manley and Mildred Fuerth. Every Monday from 1-4 p.m. The Christmas dinner will be held at St. John's Hall in Woodslee on Fri. Dec. 8. Woodslee United Sunday we celebrated the years of faithful service to God and the church with those who are 80 yrs. and older. White Gift season is from Sun. Dec. 3 to Sun. Dec. 17. Donations of unwrapped new toys may be brought in starting on the first Sunday. All donations from both churches will be given to the Belle River Goodfellows for distribution. Volunteers are needed. There will be a special meeting of the Woodslee Congregation following worship on Sun. Nov. 26. Our annual Turkey Dinner is on Mon. Dec. 4 at Rose's Kitchen at 6 p.m. You can order off the menu. A list is posted in the hall. Spaghetti Dinner at Woodslee on Fri. Nov. 24. The Warming Tree will be set up on the first Sunday in December. Our congratulations to Tom Bain on his successful election to the office of Mayor of the Town of Lakeshore. Since 2006 was declared "The Year of the War Bride" the Woodslee Friendship Club would like to honour these local courageous ladies at their annual Christmas Dinner Banquet held on Fri. Dec. 8 at 5:30 p.m. at St. John's Hall. Please submit any of these ladies names (living or deceased) to Joanne McMurren at 519-9752409 as soon as possible. Anyone else wishing to attend this banquet should also contact Joanne, because we have to submit a final count of dinners by Dec. 1. Also bring a canned good for donation to a local food bank. Golden Link card game winners on Fri. Nov. 17 were Cecile St. Denis, Don Sylvestre, Joanne Diesbourg, Madeline Diesbourg, Bob Matthew, Marion Fuerth and R. Mogyorodi. Door prizes to Thomas Allison and George Diesbourg. The next card party is on Fri. Nov. 24 at 7:30 p.m. On Mon. Nov. 13 at The Millen Centre, the Woodslee Friendship Club had the following winners. Men's first George Diesbourg, second Tom Allison; ladies' first Donna Weather is cooler and very damp around here this past week. Belated happy birthday to Michelle Thibodeau last Monday; to Don Ames on Tuesday and to Nancy Fitch who celebrated another year on Sunday. anniversary Happy wishes to Claude and Joyce as they Ebbinghaus celebrate #54 on Tuesday and to George and Crystal Holt as they celebrate their 20th on Wednesday. Happy birthday wishes this week to George Newman who celebrates on Friday; to Krystal Holt on Sunday; on Tuesday to Shirley Wright and on Wednesday to Doug Trimible and Gord Moore who share the day for celebrations. The Christmas parties are starting and the Davison family are celebrating with a good crowd coming from Michigan and Kentucky also. The Essex County Steam and Gas Christmas party is coming up on Dec. 9 at the Dominion Golf Club. Tickets in advance only. I have been busy and have not got the news written up for a couple of weeks as everyone is telling me, so here is the Pleasant Valley Community Club card party results. Oct. 31 winners are Don Ames, Eileen Ames, Bud Ellwood, Marilyn Whittle, Helen Slavik, Charles Chevalier and Josie Dresser. Regular card results for Nov. 7 were Lynn Will, Mary Demars, Norma Beacom, Thomas Allison, Helen Malott, Garnet Galloway. Pepper winners for that week were Herald Ferguson, Stan Jackson, Evelyn Griffin, Helen Slavik, Sherry Armstrong and Keith Dresser. Regular card party results for Nov. 11 were Lynn Will, Cecile St. Denis, Grant Beacom, Maxine Knight, Don McMurren and Helen Malott. Door prizes went to Percy Newman and Ron McLean. On Nov. 14 Pepper winners were George Diesbourg, Joan Dresser, Nina Towle, Marie Ellwood, Keith Dresser, Barb Booker and John Neufeld. Sat. Nov. 18 winners were Madeline Diesbourg, Grant Beacom, George Davidson, John Simpson, Peggy Kettle, Ron McLean and Helen Malott. Door prizes went to Shirley Ouellette and Don McMurren. If you like to play cards come out on Tuesday for Pepper at 7:30 p.m. and on Saturday for euchre at 7:30 p.m. DAN DIEMER