Wednesday, November 8, 2006 · Page 31 Holy Name CWL Bazaar on Sun. Nov. 19 from noon to 5 p.m. Lifeteen mass on Sun. Nov. 12 at 7 p.m. NET U.S.A. will be joining us for a high school age retreat on Sat. Nov. 25. Call Claire for more inforation. K of C Fish Fry on Fri. ov. 10 in our parish hall rom 4:30-7 p.m. Takeout s available. Thanks to all who helped make the last fish fry a success. Shop at Souled Out Christian Book Store in Essex and our parish will receive 10% of sales. Check out their flyer at each entrance of the church. Only Nov. 9-11. Benefit Spaghetti Dinner on Wed. Nov. 29. Proceeds to Chris and Stacey Jackson Family. Sponsored by our K of C, our St. Vincent de Paul Society and Local 444. Tickets available from K of C members or 839-6293. Polar Bear Dip on Sun. Nov. 26. Help support the Essex Food Bank. Make your pledge after all masses. Essex Food Bank needs volunteers. Please call 7765607. Christian Reformed You are invited to Sunday worship at 10 a.m. with Pastor Fred Heslinga. Sunday school for ages 311. Nursery is provided. Join us again for our 6 p.m. service. A very big thanks to all those households who donated to our Youth's Trick or Can campaign during Halloween night. GEMS and Cadets meet on Mondays from 7-8:30 p.m. Coffee Break Ladies Bible Study on Tuesdays at :30 a.m. Nursery provided. You are invited to attend a concert of the Royal Canadian College of Organists featuring a 47 voice choir "Musica Sacra Chorus" on Sat. Nov. 18 at 7:30 p.m. A free will offering will be held for the R.C.C.O. Scholarship Fund. The Fall Fest is on Sat. Nov. 25.Come for breakfast or lunch and purchase some baked goods or Christmas crafts for the holiday season. For more information call 776-5071. Essex United The flowers in the sanctuary were placed to the Glory of God and in celebration of the 12th anniversary of Ilene and Ernie Sayers. Day Remembrance Royal Canadian Service in the sanctuary on Sat. Nov. 11 at 10:15 a.m. Continuing at the Cenotaph at 11 a.m. Rev. Doreen preaching. Sun. Nov. 12 choir practice at 9:30 a.m. Remembrance Sunday Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. SSC volleyball at 7 p.m. U.C.W. Christmas Potluck Dinner on Wed. Nov. 15 at 6 p.m. Remember to bring your film canisters. Sun. Nov. 19 Ron Klusmeier & Friends at 8 p.m. Workshops and Concert at Essex U.C. at 9:30 p.m. St. John's C.W.L. is holding their annual Bazaar on Sun. Nov. 12 in the Parish Hall in Woodslee. Everyone is welcome. Golden Links card game winners on Fri. Nov. 3 were Blanche Vetor, Madeline Diesbourg, Ethel Allison,Thomas Allison, Don Sylvester and Lloyd Dewhirst. Door prizes to Garnet Galloway and George Diesbourg. The next card game will be on Fri. Nov. 10 at 7:30 p.m. Woodslee United Special thanks to the R.C.L. Colour Party from Essex and Ian Hart for their participation in our service. Also to Eric Olson and Dorothy Knight for all their work on organizing our service. Thanks to everyone who helped at the Bazaar on Saturday. It was a success. Poinsettia orders need to be handed in by Nov. 12 or 19. Call 519-723-4601 to place your order. White Gift season is from Sun. Dec. 3 to Sun. Dec. 17. Donations of unwrapped new toys may be brought in starting on the first Sunday. All donations from both churches will be given to the Belle River Goodfellows for distribution. Trinity United Church would like to invite anyone who needs good, used clothing to come to the church on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The clothing is free. For more information call 519-945-8022. The Warming Tree will be set up on the first Sunday in December. The next Spaghetti Dinner at Woodslee will be on Fri. Nov. 24. Calling all church choir singers, clear out your pipes at a Fall Tune-Up with Ron Klusmeier on Sun. Nov. 19 at Essex U.C. from 5:30-9:30 p.m. For more information call 519776-5121. Souled Out Christian Book Store in Essex is offering a great promotion for anyone seeking to purchase Christian books, gifts and music. There will be a three day weekend special from Nov. 9-11 on all the items in the booklet "Christmas", copies of which are on the hall table. If you bring the booklet with you to the store Woodslee U.C. will receive 10% of your purchases for library books in the church. Thurs. Nov. 9, 7:30 p.m., choir practice at 1907 Ruthven/Olinda, Queen Blvd., Ruthven. 8 p.m. choir practice at Trinity, 1005 Road 2 West, Kingsville. Fri. Nov. 10, 6 p.m. Pizza and Games Night at Ruthven/Olinda Church, 1907 Queen Blvd., Ruthven. Wed. Nov. 15, 7:30 p.m. Official Board meet at Trinity, 1005 Road 2 West, Kingsville. at 10:30 a.m. Mon. Nov. 13 is the U.C.W. meeting in the hall at 7:30 p.m. Ladies bring a needle, white thread and scissors. Poinsettias for Christmas order forms are on the table in the narthex. Please fill your form out by Nov. 26 and give it to Lonnie or Heidi. The Official Joint Board meeting is Sun. Nov. 26 at Gesto U.C. at 7 p.m. Please keep Brian Beetham, Marcy MacKenzie and Gary Coomber and any others who are not well in your prayers. Kent Jr. Farmers will be hosting Sing, Swing. If you are a former member or would like more details call 839-5351. Sun. Nov. 12 service at 9 a.m. to pay tribute to veterans from this area. Thurs. Nov. 16 Gesto U.C.W. at 1:30 p.m. at the church. Sun. Nov. 26 at 7 p.m. Joint Board of Gesto and Bethel-Maidstone churches meet at Gesto. Sun. Nov. 12 is our Remembrance Day Service Let's hope for a November with sunny days and mild temperatures. The farmers sure need a break in the weather so they can get their beans and corn harvested. Cottam United is having an evening of Music and Fellowship on Sun. Nov. 19 at 7 p.m. Call 839-5727 or 839-5323 for tickets. The annual Turkey Dinner is on Thurs. Nov. 23 starting at 12:30 p.m. All help is appreciated, call 839-4117. On Sat. Nov. 25 Essex- Cottam United Baked goods are needed for the bake sale table at the Turkey Dinner, call 839-6294. The Sunday school has pies for sale, see Sharon or Tracy. Committee Property meeting on Tues. Nov. 14 at 7 p.m. A Prayer Chain is being compiled at the back of the church. Please consider adding your name to the list. We extend our heartfelt sympathies to Ercell family and Merritt's friends. Ask John Logan about PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance). Happy birthday blessings to Ashley Osborne on the 1st, Anita Mayea on the 7th, John Logan on the 10th, Clair Cowan on the 13th, Sarah Wright on the 17th, Lisa Docherty on the 22nd. Happy anniversary to Lyle and RuthAnn Miller on the 6th, Ben and Lillian Wells on the 21st. Keenagers will meet on Tues. Nov. 14 at 12 noon at Colasanti's for lunch. Plan to come and bring a friend to enjoy a good meal and pleasant fellowship. Looking forward to seeing you there. The Shoe Boxes for Operation Christmas Child were dedicated at the morning service last Sunday. The love you put into those boxes will touch the heart of a needy child in a far distant country. Our thanks to each one of you that filled a box. Remember to pray for the child that will receive your box. Doug and Barb Trimble visited with Jeff, Julie and family of Rockford, Mich. over the weekend. Jean Newman is back in Leamington Hospital. Please remember her in prayer. We extend our sympathy to Verna Merritt and family on the passing of a dear husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather, Ercell Merritt, last week. ESSEX & DISTRICT CHURCHES Bethel Christian Church 119 Talbot St. E., Cottam · 839-4632 Sunday: 10:30 am Bethel-Maidstone United Church Talbot Rd., Maidstone · 723-2284 Sunday: 10:30 am "Come and Worship With Us!" Essex Gospel Tabernacle 335 Talbot St. S., Essex · 776-4667 Sunday: 10:30 am & 6:30 pm St. John's R. C. Church 1688 County Rd. 46, Woodslee 723-4458 · Sat.: 5:00 pm; Sun.: 11:00 am St. Mary's R. C. Church Cty. Rd. 34, Maidstone · 737-6869 Sat.: 7:00 pm; Sun.: 9:00 am Brooker Baptist Church 269 Belle River Rd., R.R. #1, Cottam 839-4953 Sunday: 10:00 am Essex United Church 53 Talbot St. S., Essex · 776-5121 Sunday: 10:30 am St. Paul's Anglican Church 92 St. Paul St., Essex · 776-7711 Sunday: 8:00 am & 11:10 am Church of The Living Word 1697 South Middle Rd., Woodslee 723-2535 · Sunday: 10:30 am Gesto United Church Gesto Rd., Cty. Rd. 12 · 995-8820 or Office: 723-2284 · Sunday: 9:00 am St. Stephen's Anglican Church 5280 Howard Ave., Oldcastle Sunday: 8:15 am & 11:00 am Church of The Redeemer 15545 County Road 8 (formerly Colchester North) Sunday: 9:30 am Grace Baptist Church of Essex 120 Talbot Street North · 776-6222 Sunday: 11:00 am The Salvation Army Essex Citadel 26 Talbot St. S., Essex · 776-4628 Sunday: 11:00 am & 6:30 pm Cottam Baptist Church 161 Talbot St., Cottam · 839-4789 Sunday: 11:00 am & 6:30 pm Holy Name of Jesus R. C. Church 146 Talbot St. S., Essex · 776-8483 Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:30 & 11:00 am Trinity Anglican Church 247 Talbot St. W., Cottam 776-7711 · Sunday: 9:30 am Cottam United Church 137 Talbot St. W., Cty. Rd. 34, Cottam · 839-4266 Sunday: 10:15 am Rock of Help Christian Centre 43 Fox Street, Essex · 776-4158 Sunday: 10:00 am & 6:00 pm Unitarian Universalist Church of Olinda 2953 Olinda Sideroad, Ruthven 326-4352 Sunday: 10:30 am Essex Baptist Church 71 Maidstone Ave. E., Essex 776-8563 - Sunday School 9:45 Sunday: 11:00 am & 6:00 pm Community Church 11th. Conc. & Baseline, Maidstone 2548 Cty. Rd. 27, Woodslee 735-4717 · Sunday:10-11am. & 6pm; 975-1082 · Sunday: 8:00 am & 11:00 am Tuesday: 6p.m. St. Clement Church 9567 County Road 11, McGregor 726-5127 · Sat.:5:00 pm & Sun.:10:00 am St. Clair Baptist Church Woodslee Prayer Essex Christian Reformed Church 276 Talbot St. S., Essex · 776-5071 Sunday: 10:00 am & 6:00 pm Woodslee United Church 2616 Belle River Rd., Woodslee 975-2252 All Print Classified ads appear on our website at no additional cost!