Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 17, 1897, page 8

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* *. npsswenK Delia Pratt vielted MIbb Hattio m^m^0^Oi witt.iKipgavillethe: **A'"flSjtfwJB'$$n ctopies of ^I^U.oiE^ph--' 6WMl/a opirltnalistio paper, oom- $Wb|^GunningV;' WHbb /IjewiaY Byron "T^ttjt .itfiss. Katie Gunning and Ernebt fcje took in the sights at the Indus* _ ||Sfefairfla8tiweek^'f/'.v'" v; v;,' V ?: |||f ^^ ?'V: ^f};v$na base ' of " Swoetman vs. Staddon |a!nd Shook was heard at tho EaBei fftll p^Bizea. at Sandwich last week, E. A. |pi|itaet:8&'d M. Wilson,,Q. 0., acting |^or; plaint^ and M. K. Cowan for de~ gp^e^6^nt%.',-VThis "was an action brought p^^yi^edST7oetman of Colchester North If^igainBt. Ohas. Staddon and Grove Shook, 7!0f !Ooloixester Soutl^for malioious pros- |/: f6ution arising over a seizure and a ^j'^ftl before a magistrate at Harrow. |fe$hparticulars of the case are well J&topwh to the people of this vicinity. 'pt^Ehf jury: returned a verdict for Sweet- ptjtiian,for $800 and the county, court ^pbstgi, of which. 8200 ia to be paid by |^i Shook and $100 by Staddon. n v j#!^>'.'-';'i , '" &$a's':<\' Ruscomb, " Thos.. SohBofleld/a farmer of Rooh- ,v<.7| fc-^ . ... s&gJ&Bter township, laid an information ^,$ Bgainet "WUliam Michael on Monday ^felast for hauling gravel acroes his pro-' fj|t^perty. and thereby, injuring the same. Sp^JHiecaBe will \>e argued at' the polioe ^'iViionrt at Windeor on Saturday.. #$ , A ; team belonging to Constant ^.^.^Eoquin, lot 8, West of Eiver Rusoomb, 4^;;yTEtooheBter Tp.; ran away on Wodnoa- p^^day oflaat week. The boy and-hie Sfe;i;-;iin<)ther who were in the rig at the time Hj|^|itfere.;botk thrown oat, the mother haV- $0^in^ner left arm broken; and-hc faoe P^twxd'head badly, brnised. ' The boy'fl K';! right arm was broken and he :also sus- ?%:,;;tamed aome bruiaeB.v Dra. Anderaon and Smith, of Comber, reducod the m$k fjraofcures'ond drosaod the wounda. mf-*[-'fay't - Cottam. Mra, Arthur Adama, of Kingayille, is ^J-TiBiting with Mr. and Mra. J. A, Taok- ; 1^ in Belle River the guest of Jliss Aggie Edwin Plan^:^ beeii; atteridMflr:; tha. ' . Wefltern Fait J at .Xlondon;tiliB';^ewi^v': >'./' ,;; ;^B,;pi:jaj;^^^V of; BelleyBiver;: is viBlting her donghtor and intends remaining 'for !two w'dek's;,: : ..MiBBA^ returned home after spending a few, days with frienda in Maidstone. ' ", We are pleased to hear of Joe Fuerth improving quite rapidly, He is being cored f or by Dr. Jeuner, of Eaaei. A large number, attended the dance at Mr. Haze's on Tueaaay'evening. An enjoyable time was spent by all. About 80 of the cream of Essex were here on their wheels Tuesday night, They were a nice crowd. Come again, Benny, the i9-monthfl:old son of Fred Gauthier, of this township, died on Friday last of cholera infantum .and. waa buriod at TeoumBeh. , The Maidstone farmer who ill-treated his wife last. Thursday is warned that should it occur: again he will receive the same treatment from the hands of his neighbors. >-, Naoe Halford was out driving, with hie frienda and on the Belle Riypr Road picked up a wallet containing ^38 in bills, which was afterwards claimed by R. Taylor, of Lake shore.; John Kane, William Kane and his daughter, Bessie, of Chicago, are here visiting their many frienda. It is 26 years sinoo William saw the home of hia childhood and many changes have taken place. - i . . . Our locality will ibe represented in Klondike, as Wni. Johnson and John Lickman have joined the Leamington Company for that district; and in order to carry out his purpose the latter has leased his form to Wm. Wiamer. la talk of "starting Vj'-'l & on Monday^ im^p^i^frt^^ fiupply;' fdr'dpnieBtiiQ' i>i|r^B^s,^;vV.>-::v ;V^ordl;;taa;^ei.:reoe^ Oopeman and E.Medd^ngh in Mani toba. ,Thoy find plenty of hard work, ore en joying themaelvea, and think well of the eoniitryj; ' -^ vn.r W'ii'Jli,, ^^ W$""'gaiter Bowers hoe bqen on the sick jfevvJUst but ie able to attend to his farm g^:;V";d[utie'a again. .' ,. -.' ^*'.: "Mr. and Mrs. Robort Tate Btartod on Monday to spend a few days'at'the Mtti-r-." London Fair, . * " fcltV,. ',' Mr. and-.,Mra. Jos, ' Bennett apeut pS; Sunday with their son, James, on the l$ft'j '^th ;oon. of OoBileld South. '^ -i' The Carder Bros, are gottihg ready ||:,yv to;bnrn another lot of brick and tilo. ^:'r^,' They have at present a largo stock of fe:'v>'yW.'"flno tilo on hand.' -{*The receipts of tho -Methodist Har vest Home concert, etc*, wore 'over' 8104, instead of $90, as reported lost week. ..It-lookslike a success, - &AV, ,.' Sain Moore, our gonial mailman, has .invented and perfected a lino corn ^;:'^ cutter. Recently one farmer out air V&V aOTOfl w^h this machine in about seven ^f^'liours.' ..'. ' |#-y.;; (. Wm, Buckland and E. Clark havo ^r: 'their, new. Iiouhoh lioarly oomplotod. The. workmanship speaks well for the ji;^ builders, David Olark and Hubo fe'i.1; , Judge Homo has appointed Tuesday, pf,.,.1. . 'September 28th. at 10 a.m. to hear the M\:y -appoaIS against the voters'liata forGos- fe^b..: -field Horth for 1807. Thoro aro about (. ;,rhventy appeals to h& dispoaed Of. fe^- v'; Our rbspocted toaoher, Misa Hall, to the duties of last, as she was p-ik;;'fwas unable to/attend ^4^Y;v!her'floh6ol on Friday1 K!^.;' suffering from- i>roHtration by tho ox- W&;;<jeBsive heat. We hope sho will Boon fe^,::befully recovered, ',. l^'^'^'-.iJohn. Hill, of Ghippawa, is spending fefey 'tt few weeks with his children, Thomas P^vOf Cottam, Frod of Essex and Mrs,. I^V^Georgo Poarc'e, of Havrow. Mr. Hill |^.;,iv ;formerly**jli,Y6din Cottam, and his old S*v;;.'friejada will bo glad t6 see him. ^^i'^vWrn. Walker sued Mr, Pressy for ^^JVW^^ ^e'** '^'"B?7^^0 ^ftB^ -Monday. i|^;E(a?won-the suit..' 'In' tho ,.evoning-!a ^^fe'lf^o'^fftt't'enfluod in which a Oottaml ^f'i^'-bpy-^.'whipPo'i,half a dozonof thoattaok-; te-i'^'iiiio' nartv. breaking one man's leg. ' ' vr/j7i;v,v^,.7ITTP:.,_.T..5iiUep,i lately in the employ i^l;i>.^^'!'^6Bsra';';;For8ytke' & Anderson,.: of. ^;ysEase^iiia^ tno store which: was ^!^^^p^;]b^Wlfilie,J'. T. Brown. We ||vj;^%U!^e.^ smil Belle River. ,.' Mrs, John Lesperancet of Bay, City, is visiting with Mrs* iDurooher. .' '. Harry Wild presented his Babes in tho Woods last Monday night. Wo deoplv sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. Moisons in the loss-of their little child. Mrs.' S.. Banning, of Dotroit, is the gueBt of Mrs, Taylor, of the Taylor Houso. The banns of Philip Monsseau - and MiBs Lachrite were published for the first time last Sunday. Theroare bright prospects of a 0.0. F. .court Sbeing organized in Belle River in the near futnte. . The Hogan bathing party, of Woods-: lee, ap'orted in the pellucid watera of Lake St. Clair last Friday night. l Itia to bo regretted that the- boy a cannot enjoy themaelvea without in juring their neighbor'agrape,vines. . Quito a numbor from ,hbr attended tho Induatrial Fair at Toronto. Among them wero Reevo Oorbett, Wm Wallace, Rev. John MoInniB, and Bavid Purvis., Joo Grainger threahod 855 bushele of 'Dawaon Goldon Chaff wheat from -21 Vnsiiols of seed sown. Joe* Strong threshed 100 bushels from 0 bushels of ' .... Mr. Strong had his horse and buggy stolen last Friday night while he was atthedance. It was recovered next day at Wobdaloo in a very much used up condition. ; Sana Oliovalior has hla beautiful new roriidenoe almost completed. He gayo a most enjoyable dance laat Friday night to his numerous friends in honor of the event. All enjoyed, themselves until the early morning hours. G, M. Sohiliing,of Now York.wholeft on foot August 20th to foot it around the world, passed through he*e last Saturday en route westward, having walked WO mUes since'. commencing.; He waa accompanied by his;dog,.Kipg.; ' A very pleasant event occurred on 'I'ueBday of laftt .week 'at Sandwich, when-i'V P. Boutollier, of Belle River,; was united in the bonds of oonuubial bliss to Miss Mag:gio Mero, of Tecum-' sph.' The happy couple 'are . now: r'e-J carving the congratulations .of ,v r : friends.' ~y.'- v, The tax rate for 189^ has .been fixed' bythe, opupoil' at two1 -cents .on ,the dollar for all pur poses, which is a redho--' tioh of five inills on last:year's\pfi$.':. The village has ^ . : Jas. Jeffrey, who Uvea on tlw town- line between Mersea and GosflelJ, met with a aerious accident on Satmdfty morning, He waB driving, hia tearn^ which waa drawing a separator baok- warde, into hia barn. The horses be came frightened and rah away. Mr. Jeffrey.tripped and -feU: so that, one wheel of the heavy niaohine ran across his breast and oyer the back of. one of his hands. He waa picked , up unoon- aoioua and carried to hia: home. A doc tor and a. lawyer were summoned from Leamington. Examination showed that no bones were broken and although painfully injured he will soon recover. Christian Johnson, of the 8rd oon.r Goefield South, has his new tobacco bleacher in operation. .The: bleacher bnildins: is 20x20 feet and 20 feet high. It ia'perfeotly air tight,beihg lined with several thickneBBes of paper. The to bacco is hung up and two hot-air fur naces outside, heat the place through large galvanized pipes at tho tempera ture desired. : At the proper timo'steam is turned into the building from a small boiler outside. The.tobacco is cured in three days and all is- the same color. He has just completed a tobacco born, 120x20ft; with, ventilators 'on.the roof and in the sides and will also convert a large barii; into> a tobacco diyor. He has arranged a tackling, to hoist the to bacco into the loft by horse, power. He had 23 acres of. the Burley, Gen. Grant and Conger varieties, and all are an im mense crop. He has expended between $400 and$000 oh the plant and' expects to have a good return for his ontIay,ond from the enterprise ^dlsplaye^ by liim he certaittly deserves to suooee^i Her- jnan Brunor, George,-Jonathan and John Wiglehave oIbo erected tobacco bleachers. N6ver had' GoBfiold South such a tobacco crop as this year and if the frost will hold off for a few days the crpp will be flafely harvested.^ Maidstone Council. ' Saturday, Sept. 11th.' Council met this day, pursuant to adjournment. All the members pre sents Minutes of the previous moo ting- were read and adopted. The engineer's report on 0th con. road drain was read and considered. [Mpved by Mr. Price, seconded by, Mr. Damm, ttat the en gineer's report for. the construction of the 0th con. drain be-adopted, atfd that the clerk be instructed to prepare a by law to oarry tte said report into effect. Carried. The engineer's report ojx the 8th con. drain repairB'was roftd and considered. A number of the; parties assessed for the said 8th con. drain pe titioned the council proteating against the enlargement of said drain contem plated in the engineer's report for the following reasons: 1st,that the, construc tion of the No.; 2 W. drain, cuts off the water of, about 1,000 acres from the 8th pon.' drain; 2nd, thiat if the parties who want the drain; enlarged would not plaoedamsin it, it would, be large enough to carry off the water,&c,\ After careful consideration of the said report bythe'council it was moved, by!Mr, Price, seponded by Mr, Paieley,,that the said Bth con. drain repairs report be referredbaok1 to the engineer' to .be amended by him in.; keeping with what the special ratepayers to the aaid 8th con. drain considered to be theirpresent roadafche cleaning out of the aaid:drain to its original dimehBiohs. Carried., John Syortiey was paid$i5l. 60 for tuild- ine? bridge oh Noah Gauthmr.'. preaented :Tile, Drain Inspector Kondriok'a oei-tiflcate thfit he had*^performeduhd^r ihe'prbyiaioris of the tile, stone and, timher! ;b'ri^ge;act,;' work wMch,:together;; wi^'ithe^ooBt of1 rnateriai,^'aggjpegated the sum- pi $i5(>.(J6; Mov^hyMrv.D Batteht'that Mr; j^ut^'^^e^dWih: -to^<deattouianai^ iw^e;^hft'|eoifif i :'tbf^hp^yo*d^heW'e'eh eeoonded by Mf/Pdtterr that the aaid rioti<^sher^ -:$&&lMiti^^ the eh^i- nee^^^epo^ ^ie^hj^|4^^ie^'^ the pouncU n^a4e;ah6\subflcji^ea eaoh Ins declaration of7offloenBmember of a <36ntt of;Reyiaio, on ;:the )we8t toVh line drain by-law/ >^ ) The Refljve was ap^' pointed chairman of Cpuart of Revision. After conBidering for aahort time the f eyr appeals against some of the aseeBB- ments for tho said ^rain and without arriving at a definite conclusion respect ing tthyjof them, it; was moved by Mr. Damm, seconded by Mr, Fftce, that the Court of Revision on the west town line drain by-laW bo adjourned tjll Satur day, the 25th day of September, 1807, at 10 6*clook, a. m. the Court of Revision now arose and the oouncil again sat for general busi ness. The. following accounts, were paid: H. Navin, damage to hia crops in constructing: the Little Greek drain, $10; Dr, Casgrain p examination of F. Dahl, lunatic,. $5.00; Brett & Anld, pr|ntingf &o., 828,85; Hi Price, burial of horse, 81.00; Dahl & Gurae, balance an bridge on Maiden road, $2; Jerome May, ditching oh Grant gore road,S22.- 50; F. Gerard, ditching on. base line, $10.50; M. Maitre, ditching on base line, 8^8.80; Isaac Hodge, ditching on baee'iine, 55, and -ditching on Grant gore road, $28.22; J. W. Kerr, work on 10th ooa> drain, $10; W.Dibilly,bridge on town line between Maidstone and Goefield, ft14;50; J; W. Kerri bridge on lots between lots 0 and 10,M, R. range, $38; W. Miller, goods furhiahed Mr. Haggerty,, indigent, up to Sept. 8rd, $9.50; J. Hante; ditching on Rourke line, $81.83; .TOos.Tuiiy; l^daye* ser- vjoes as drain inspeofcor, 81.50; S. Lar- kini j; value ,bl two. sheep killed,, $0; F; Hogan,."ba Order of -Vf.' Lihlor, grading and errayelling, $25. Oh , motion of Messrs. Price and Paisley the aum of $50 waa granted to each of the polling subdivisions of the townahip to be ex pended in gravelling. By-law Nci. 421, to provide for borrowing on the credit of the municipality the aum of $2,000, to be UBOd on current account was put through usual reading and passed, as was also By law So, 422. to appoint a collector of taxes for the municipal year 1897.', Moved, by MrJ Damm, seconded by Mr. Price, that the blanl; in the'By- law be filled up with the name of Ed- . wrrd Jones at a salary of $100. Moved in amendment by Mr. Paisley, second ed by Mr. Potter, thaiMosea Papineau be collector of taxes 'at a salary of 905. The amendmemt was; put, and carried. Moved by Mr. Damm,seconded by Mr. Price,, that the oommiasioners, Mesarfl. Laird and Dammy he authorized to see the work of,cleaning ont the. 8th con. drain from 100 rOda south of the road between lots 13'and 14 to Fike Creek* sale, to take place on the Little base line at 2 o'clock, p. mi,.on the 17th in at. Oarriecl. Moved by Mr. Damm,aecond- ed by Mr, Potter, that Oliver Plant, : overseer of highways , for road division No'. -24, be given .a refund of the statute labor on lot 12, n. hf. S. M., R., for 1894- ' Tenders "for the erection of a; new fence orbun^ the town hall jot wore readl. That of ' James R. Dixon was found to he the lowest and he wae; therefore given .the. coiitraot. On motion council adjourned to moot again on,Saturday, Sept. 25th,; 1807. i$frM. 'lis .1". '. i 1-.'- f& over shown in5jBB9x; Never before h* ^ the; opnnters- ' \tlMb|v ::0o^^ buyerB,, you would/think ^ plying every perapii in 'W^w4::rtcWfty.^',M "" {.^H gopd values are given:, ,; ;:;.,;;: ^S 42-inoh two-lohed 'French 'Novelty^ti^fl^ v-. V^'^:^r'^^fe| 4n-inch fanoy Dress Goods for 17o. per;ya.V':fii^ 44-in(jh fine! illuminated 'I)wsa"'0oodB;i^r^& ; 600.- per yard. ;.; -: "t^'Vs'-jlh^^ A full Aesortment of Priestlej's .laok.;v;(.v^ Dress Goods, the beBt in the world, xnVelpOTi';^ Serges, Habitual, Brobtiea, Luetrea, Crepons, and Bouole Clothe; ;. , 60 New Pariaian Dresa Coatcmesi no two alike, from $5 to $12, for each Dreaa. ."' , Fancy Blouse Silks from 85o. to $1 per yard. "..r'"1.:- Specfai values in Black Dresa Silks at 76o,, $Land $1,25 per yard* - ; * ; ;r.iv: ">}'. ! fVii" - j ' sfk. Now is the time to secure a* new Mantle,, the values,ore a great, deal_Jjfltier_ than ydu think.. An inaneotion will opnyince/;- youV . * A SPECIAL purchase of Boots and Shoes, at a great reduction torn: regular prices enables; usjto offor special iuducemouts iuLadies*, Misaee/ Men's, ^oy's and Children's Boots and.Shoeff. *,: >& la filled with Choice and Fresh Groceries, ;>fj?}j, at Astonishingly Low Prices.. ^ The Gre&t Corner Store. Vi?358K Eo-oponed and thp; ..'. i\"u' ,/. ' , Has Received a. jjarge Supply of. '"; v;'; v SoBbbl,Booka for , V . ;'!r|t$Jl^ ^'Wih^hbbl5l .' wao1^ ';in^li^in^3;p|f^ Gold Mining and DeveloDment .{Off'ONTAJRIO, LIMITED.)-. , s'T. -i'|^^^ Incorporated under, the ftaws of the Province of Ontario. Head Ofuoo, , ' v/^eamirigtpn/'Onlr.','.;'^!^. N'oii -PorBonal Inability. :. AUTHORIZED CAPITALIZATION- 000,000 aharea par v&Iae Cl.OOi fally paid up and non-aB$eaatt]bje:.|S Bhares set aside loir development purposes.. A limited^ numb^^iagr ths inarkeu at 6. oonts per share, of Btook, ob September 156h- at purposes.' A limited number-.ia^juh] we. The; Opmpany;?/;^ill V^^$$PW nriitiritt "" ' ,-"|firv3 prFICEBS. President .^. P^P.^'Aim^erBtburg^^OT 1st Vioe-Prea^DR. VV.'A.,PIP|i^, Bsq^ ,.^Xi^^gmi^'^m 2nd Vice-Prea. . . - 3rd yioe-^res. Manager ^.IOHABDTRUAX, Eaqr, a. Eflq... Di8tr -BejL^s^l^KiMi !.^0.;E. JOHNSON, Eflq.,vMay6r,;lj^amingto'nKt0iS wanttRBr ?$\T$t$fa$$qi$ Secretary iTjeaauter HXJGH, MoS\yEEN, Eaa.iieamihatbni'^S "-'""Bankers;.'. s: ' ..vOohaaUing'Ma'inh.eJBK^^ The. Tcftdere, Bank of Canada. : ; -. '., :[MW9^9^^T^mm U W. T. EaatoD, Leamington. w Lombennani Mftol John A Anld, Eflfi, BI P P, Amlioratburfi, Onarloa 0> Vox, Biatript Uoil, Kiofievillo, r^jr W A Piper; Esq, , -" Leamington J E Jobnaon, Baq,, Mayor, 'L^amiugton niobora Truai, Hag, t- - -Toronto company v.-,:.;:., w^r-y^ >:$'&!':&j$M aamingtoa; ;;;;..; ^y^pM B^Sntton/J W J Girllig; E8-, .. JaaD Dunn, Ka<l D E Sweeney, Eac W 0; Omwiord..-r Hu Dr jn licSwefln, Bleq, " ?lpW,K0qt BS Tlie "Leamington . Ronjamin. Noblo, farmer, ;"/;f;j:v;;T^)i , - ' Ohiottsq, m ' James Fisher, TCBq,Publlfj^or;;.ri :] Kloudyke, JBpnanza^;;BiB!i^iU^Bl^ol;;^i[ftV^l,'- organized Yukon.wjl-------------TK ...___ .... .^ .......t. ,|( ti . . ooantry and its great depoeita of ^ldhavefiafld dalumelD the'Oanad: press, and fcUe Dorn^iphwvernme^ that sent men to thatregip^JiavQfaapad'enQ^bw >,t1 to the dittwultlea 'in'lraneSirtStipn^d^pr^ Saotim5:ihBl: attentJ<?nvot(>he ^viliwd^Or^t m^^Mmt' bver.than\oyhit^ bWcb^^^ vhioii'" now Klondyk will be that np . . put np ^Dy.mpra^ ,|&a*^ Events emtQVW tot P^

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