Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 17, 1897, page 6

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fe&Cfc m i'AM a*^| Acer's Pillsr aad yqu will jj|^^Qgai|ipn- for .theday's wort. ^^?A^r^ Cathartic Mi's have no fm;^yr*-*.s a pleasant and effect- ^ fe^i^p^eay : ior: 'constipation,' K^^iliou^ess",;siclc e&dacne,and ]Kj$^ _ They^are. |M^ujg;ar:c6ated,'.and,,so '"perfectly K|^refared, that;they, cure with-, |fe wilt the^arinoyances experienced |^^.'ijie>;use" of''.many of the |^3^in?S;,'e market,:. Ask your jp^ruggist for Ayec's Cathartic |i|l"HE'PILL'THAT-WILL, J& - :,V^v iileat. Boflflof, of the 18Gb, won the piize >j/;1or the Grand Aggregate In the Dominion V:JEtffle Association matches in Ottawa, with |.^soore'.of 875.. il'lVaof1 1>aoa' Mai miles of grade on the Orow'a [eatPaaa; road is ready for the rails. v ^act-fayirig weafi from MacLeod |S;'>;tten6e/at onoo.; ^^e.jHiiition against the election of O.B, 'M^Eeyi% M;*;.-JV 'for, South Brant,.waa dia- Sf TtoiBaed at Efrantford. ^/;Thflbbrner.atoDe.of the Montreal Gen. Hjjjittj Hospital Jubilee Nurses' Home was |/B,SaSby Lord'Lister, in the presence of jfe^Jjflb/fripii^B of the institution. ; &:&$&I Wi ThompBon.westerD manager, of the A^i;'6)tfiviB, Milling, Company, estimates the I^WtanitobA wheat ,qrop this', season at from ||iiW)0,b00 to 16.000.000 buahelfl. "f'ith'e poatoffloe offiolala at Gait have coop ^SBBoated-copies", of Benuational American S^apeW i Ttie customs officials are also Kl^WiigBtapswitha view to having the Sj^iporfl barred out of Cabada. F^^man.oalHnK hiraeelf Hamilton, was ilir^ested at Cornwall for pasein'ff himself ^flE as inspector of th8', York County Loan |/fs&' Savinas .Company, of Toronto-, aridfcry- ^|n^ to obtain the week's collections from. j^ttieagent/ -. . fjif&j'CA.typewritten letter.was.aent to a farmer Mn'Bar'lce'County, N. D., from - the State T$i3Jpard of Agrionlture. He thought it was ^f^ninBalting intimation that he could not P'^pinprebend "pen and ink writing,".and ho |y,^r^ndignanily returned it, fe%^oould "read writin* yit," I^V-ivVbile President Faure was driving to stating that he '^anyone: ?^6tM<^bomb exploded jast as he left ^r.vVarw-for Baaaia,- fereinvestigation into the books of the County $&^reaBurerof Frontonao nhowa that there Sli; bay been no additions made or balances ^carried forward . in the treasurer's oash .Ji-bopk since Jan. 1894. 1Mb oxpeotod, that |V, 'jtbe county willloeo heavily. '&?;{: ftlieOntario Government will attempt to $/trtamp out tuberculosis among cattle, and |y fcas secured the eervioe of an eapert whose [^^bojtinoss it will be to lecture, and toBt any iSinimalsreqnired of him: The Govera- f#&* p>y the: man, and the. Farmers' B^jijiitutBa'or group of farmers; who send ^la^tib station, left England for Halifax the ^iiner'day/.and will make a" teat of her fffmee&"::in oroBsine the Atlantic.; The Bo- %liow will be. the first modern battleship l^taiionCd by the British Admiralty in the ^Ij.JSiprth^Atlantici' ' Pl^V- '. - S|:^T)ae:.01d;;':Syfliem Gone/ S^w; and Easier Work Done* By f:;Iv' :Diamond Dyes. fejfilgofc^rpetB. toats and rugs was for a ^ngt|m,e a"tedious, diffi ^^^|ry0pBra1ti9n-,:owlng to the arndo and ^S^^IasiiJorfed^yBBtuffi .'.that home dyers '^^4W ye^rVaU tbiB has been .changed fe^;:ftaTOn^"--and^beneflt." of aVery ^W;SiSMoe;-hw:,.Riven th&, wbrld the ^ibife^^yM.-in^li 'have'.hrought joy'"and ^mjtor^femjiu^ ," ^ipjti&'ma^ew^f^h.e,':^ '^^$t&^)i^^:^^ 'oojprs.suoh. as ^^^ ForpIe, '/& -^^"'^'""^--'nirB'aafc 'follow/. Fast M*V&ti ^||^^na;!^'Tfts^, Black and testmed to ,the foregoing .facta, 'als<Lthit her^r'otho^in^a^/'^/p^ /hfr'(Byide^6o;;waa:bb^ B^igwW;'Aat-*>^,rt^'^ rive^ at and the liearing- was postponed; with that.end'In view/thfi next paae being taken up In the meantime* Later m the afternoon an arrangement was; oome' to whereby Bo^InBOu agrees fy pajr,-Mb wifs the Bum of 25 and $10 per mentb afl lonR as ehe remains his wife, the paytaenfc to' be guaranteed by his father. In the mean time the oase will stand; afiafnat him and' bis bail will be renewed. His 'Lordship sanctioned this ggreeinent and the jury. waB diamisaed, and J, H.jBodd defended. " v v Arnold vs. Moore had been aalled in the meantime. This was;an aotlon for dama ges brought by Mrs. Arnold against Bobt, Moore for tub seduction of her daughter Ada. r^olh partfflslive in Sandwich West, The evidence of mother and daughter . was all that was taken, the defendants admit ting the charge and It only remained for the jury to assess the amount of damages. Mr. Cowan for the prosecution and Mr. Hanna for the defenoe addressed the jury .n short, but forcible otyle, Mr. Cowan arguing for a good substantial sum i. and Mr, Hanna the contrary. More especially,* Mr. Hanna pleaded, should the amount of damages he small as his client was a farm er andoorn and potatoes were at a Very low price. . The jury returned a verdict of $050. '.- Martin vs. Lafferty. This was next taken up. It is another action for dama/ ges1 for deduction in which the oomplain- antT^oseph Martin, seeks damages for the seduation of his daughter. The com- plainaut wss the first witness called. He testified that the young oouplo had boon keeping company for three years, daring which time Lafferty bad been a constant visitor at bis home. After Martin's evi dence a rooesB was taken until 7. SO when Clara Martin, the daughter, was placed on lhe stand. She is a very pretty girl of, 20 years and gave her testimony in Fren oh. She admitted that illioit relations'had ex isted between her and defendant almost continuously for tbo three years during wbioh they kept. M. K, Cowoc.oonnaol for plaintiff, next road part of defendant, La - flerty's, examination tor. discovery previ- r>na to the irial, In ic Luffsrty claimed that It was he who had been sednaed not th e girl. Oqurt was then adjourned until 830 Friday morning, Just previous to adjourn ment Mr. Iliddoll, for the defemae,. moved for a non-Buit on tlie ground that the se duction had occurred more than two years before action was ooramenaed, Obarles Lafferty, fho dofondant, wuafchs first wit' nessoalled Friday morning, He testiilod to having illicit relations with the girl, Clara Martin, aontinaonaly throughout the three years he kept company with hen Tho jury were out an hour and ten tninu- tea and brought in a verdict for the plain tiff for 83,500 and a oat a. Martin vs, Lafferty, The breach of promise oase between these parties was Settled by consent, Lafforty paying $500 and costs. Queen vs. W. H. Martin was caned. This is an notion for fraud brought thro ugh the creditors ot Martin, He kept a- small pigar store on Ouelletto-ave. . A few months ago he assigned with liabilities far above asnets.It was blaimod by bis creditors that bo had freqaontly made away with some of.hiB goods, henao this action. After tho jury had-been impanelled and Martin had pleaded not guilty the prbse- ontor stated that Martin had mado suitable arrangements with his creditors, and after one witness had been ox ami nod the judge instructed,tho jury, that under oircum- ntanoes, they should how bring in a ver dict of not guilty, whloh was done. lb is understood that Martin will pay his oredi- tora 60 cents on the dollar.. Lafferty vb. Facaud, a criminal libol oaHe,was postponed till next court. . . ; ------------ ; ^ h 3q^>%: appreciate to its fall extent the bleating. $&$ passed i&ioingh: ^v^n^iilliie^;: 'li^ifeel'^b^h^ ihbfle wio Kayo ei^ of this ifi MiBfl: SabrttiBeotor^;;';ipf' West JilverJ^riel)^ pasaed throuli a trying and WGnrisome illness, from which happily relief was found through the medium of ft , medl- oine ', tjiat haa brought'd strength to thousonds of others, and whose medieval virtues will work equally good results in all cases where it Is given a fair trial.' Mias Bebtor says: "J feel it is my duty to recom mend Dr, Williams* Pink Pills, as they have done wonders for mo. About two years agolbeoatne. very ill with a^ oomplioation of diseases. I was suffer ing with indigestion, biliousness and the resulting nervous disorders, euoh as sick headache, loss of appetite, and flashes of heat and-cold. I began dootoring, and although I had the best of oare I seemed to grow' worse every day,, I slept but little andjvhen lying down would grow so hot and suffer from a sensation of smothering that I would find it,necessary to ariee. Then the other extreme would oome and I would.shiver with cold. Time wore on and there was no improvement in my condition. 1 was not able to do any work about the house and even the exertion of moving about would tire me out. If JC attempted to walk any distance or hurried in the least I would gasp for breath and could scarcely speak. I had a very poor appetite, and what food I ate did npt seem' to agree with me or furnish needed nourish-- meut, and I also suffered with a severe pain in my 'side and back. During this time I tried many rern_edieB(: but they gave me no relief whatever. I had be come so weak, and my system was so run down that life was a burden/to me. ^M tliis_, stage : my attention was di- Oooil >Iews from South Dakota. . South' Dakota has thousands of,acres' of choice farming and ranoh land- lying, east. of the Missouri River, and within 1 days ride from Chiou^o to Milwaukoo wbioh can be bought reasonably cheap, but whiob be fore tfcie end of another, year' may be ,ad- vancedin prioe* ,; - .' The stock-raising industry in Boath I)a- kbta is profitable, and eaatera .capital, is now being invested, in . cattle and sheep growjng in that state.;". ; biverafled farming, the Browing pf Hye stook,'and the prodnots of the dairy, are' placing South , Dakota formostl In the. ranks of the suooeBsful Western States, . Those'desiring full information on , the' subject, and particularly those who wish to eeek'a new. home prpurohase land, are requceted to coireapbnd with A. J". Taylor, OanadianPaflfleaeer Agent, 2 King street EaSt;yo^o^b'/iOnt.':vv<< " ""<> when, we were young, in having Mastes dn: their,J breads" Moat of the naolsises go^s.;into the distillorlef, where it is mode into mmt for whiob, notwlth- atanding; the efforts otonj temperance workers, the, demand UcOnatantly on t^( ;,^bre^, e^ ' New The regular drinker of rqm will take no other liquor-in;4tvplace if he can help It It seeniB to reach thft; spot more di rectly than any other dram, -, . "Th^ darker-brown flugars, have also Disappeared, and they;wo not likely to return, owing to the methods of boiling and the manufacture. Granulated sugar U of the same . composition, as; far as Mcohnrlne qualities are oonoenied, as loaf, out loaf cube and omnhed,; and differs, from them only in that its oryfl- tala do not cohere. This is beqnpse it is. constantly stirred during tho prooefla of crystallization. The lighter brown sug ars taite , swseter than the white,' for the reason that there is some molasses in them. Housekeepers have difficulty these days in finding ooare,'dark sug ars, which are always preferred for, use in putting; up .sweet pickles, making cakes and similar,uses. As,they cannot get brown sngar -any more, it may be well for them to remember that they can simulate brown sugar by adding a teaspoonfnl of molasses to each qnarttr of ^ pound of the white granulated sug ar. . This combination does. as well in all household reoipes that ball for brown sugar as the article Itself, and besides it, saves them a great deal of hunting for brown sugar,- whioh, as said before,', has disappeared from the market. ' Eastport SentineL HE COULD FORGIVE HER. ., aaUr. hotwou Detroit trips dally between: per rooted,to Dr. Williams* Pink'PlUs and I determined to give them a trial. After using fonr boxes I felt so much bett.or that hope and enoonxagement camo to me once more. I continued the use of the Pink Pills and found myself steadi ly gaining health and strength. By the. time I had used four boxes more I had fully regained health and strength and I am not only able to do my full sharp of household work, but also at tend to-my Sabbath School class, and other church dutiesl I look upon D r. Williams' Pink Pills as a priceless boon to Buffering Uumauity." Br. Williams' Pink Pills are a speci fic for the troubles whioh mako the Hvos of so many women a burdon, and speedily restore glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. Sold by all doalors, or sent by mail, postpaid, at 50o. abojc, or six boxes for $9.60,' by addressing the Dr. Williania' Medioinq Co.; Brookville, Ont. Bpwore of imi tations and substitutes nlloged to bo "jUHt as good." Vor In 01s OpiHloii Mm. Slddon* Did {Te* Mar^y an Actor. Mrs.-Slddons, the aotrees, was born In 1756 at tbo Shoulder of Mutton inn, Brecon, South Wales, of parents con nected with the theater, her father, Roger Kemble, being a strolling man ager. The child Sarah, was reared in a theatrical atmosphere, and at 10 she was playing Ariel. . As she grew up she became very beautiful and had many admirers, among whom was Henry Siddons, a young actor in her father's' company, who had tittle difficulty in.winning ths girl's heart. Mr. and Mrs. Komblo had made up their minds that Sarah should not marry in the. profession, in conse quence of which they strenuously op posed the. marriage, and young Siddons, in a fit of retaliatory humor, composed a song detailing their opposition and his trials, which "brought about his, speedy dismissal from the company. - Sarah left, the company* tooj and hired ont as lady's maid In Warwickshire for two years. '/ . During this time tho lovers carried on a lively oorespondenoe and finnlly, gaining the reluctant consent of the Kemblea, were 'married at Trinity church, Coventry, in 1778, when Sarah was ^18, . It is said that Mr. Kemble told her if she ever married on actor it would make him discard her' forever. After her; marriage he said, ' 'I may forgive yon without breaking my word, for. you have certainly not married 'on actor,' whatever the gentleman ' himself,. may think is his vocation.1! This ia on au thority .of Lady Eleanor Butler, who Tine-yv the persons. St. Louis Qlobe- Demoorat . Tho Montreal Star states that Messrs. Petersen, Tate.& Oo. have given up their contract for a fast Atlantic serv ice and that it has been taken over by by. Gray, Dawes and Go, of Loudon, andit is intimated that the Marquis of Lome may bo on tho , directorate, A despatch from Loudon quotes Mr. Pet erson as saying that the company, is making f^ood progress. ROW IN THECAMP. Breaks up suddenly on the Arrival of Kho Itlttlo Oanquoror. Know whut it moanu ? A row in tho kidney camp. . '-.?' A dautforouH blockade, y Kidneys oii aHtrike. '.,*." Too much work to do. ^ ; Then call on the conqueror of kidney, ii-*- ' '.' And the kidney stride will be, over. '.." Another'victory.for Doan'a Kidney Puis; Nothing new, they always win. " Baokftcho is qniokly ourcd* , "Drihary rtroubles .disappear. Diabetes, kidney rueumaTiem and even that dread destroyer,Bright'sBiseaso,! are rampVed. Plenty ot proof that this is so- ,: ,./ ' Mr.X K. Millar, with. Forsythq . A, An- dersqu, the well-known dry goods house qf Essex; Ont., states, *\EW some: time 1^ have had kidney and back troubles, bnt am glad toeav that ,1 have bosn on rod by TJoan's Kidney Pills. %,, "' , "',: "I got a bb'JK' of " Sherfin's drug store and the result was remarkable. ;lc. is. pot saying tbo: much to BttUe ,t(je ( oureis.oomplete, and Ifebl itull thfl more rem'arkablp afiji:!had rakenhiHlnV/other, raeaioiueft before I(had tried Doan's Kid-, ^ney Pills, but(i:receiyed np l^nefifc.irom; tb,em;: '.,' '/"-':,' ;*;I reoommend Doan's .Kidney ^PjUa' heartilyH to ; anyoh n ' .troubledi wj th' back : ^bheorkidneyHirduble of auy 'klrid.f^i:;.', ^ ;: Hbro;isanoiheri;'l^,^ t^Js tO'sa>;^.'lFprCs^ had a paihfnl stiffhasa-ir^m^ C-;thlbk bv takiriRio6ld'whieh;W His Br*ad Upon the Waters. Fifteen yettra ago Oanio Burch was a servant girl in a California household whore William B\ Hastings was also employed. Tho girl bcpameill anil had to leave, but had no money. Hastings : loaned her $200^ and she went away, , The years rolled by without the $200 being returned, and Hastings hud for gotten the occurrence when he received a letter from a barristorin Loudon stat ing that an estate of $73,000 had been lefthini by a^Mrs, Hall, formerly Mies Oarrle Burohof California. "Hastings oOnld hardly believe wha't ho read, but he has the money, now, and for, his gon- erdalty to a Btraogo girl years ago he has beoomo independently rich. When the girl; left Oalifowaia, she went to AnstraUu as a narso' apd there married a retired ] English merohont, who died some1 years afterward; and the; widow then returned to London and lived there until heir .death. Exchange. ,' .' A OopdfBeason. ' . The general passenger agouj of one of the Obioago.trunk lines received' a letter.fiom a Ka^isasman the othorday. requesting a pass for hiuqseif to Chicago au'dvreturn. 'Thorp was nothing 'about the letter to indicate 'that the jVvrifcer had any claim whatsoever to Itheconrte-, sy he reqnestedtJtint;;the raflwayv man thought:; that ' perhaps.' the' JKnhsan- .had, ioino eouhection 'with' tho road: In s^rae;. wayr possibly^:;aa. a';' lopal freight^ agent. 0p he;wr9tq;haok^4:Pleas^ .'itly on what aacQunt you request trnnH- Huron.ana way, .andljolikwiandti, ri_ . ,___,_.___ trolt,tb>famoMBtvOlairFUu:anaBfr. Olairi i LeaVfr^t6i(3rUwold 86., Detroit, for Port Hurooa&djway Pdrt^a so a.m. ana ,OS0 p^m j fluuat*(;iain..ud^.go*. m< rretarmug arrive Detroit n a,m; and BM t>.m.; J9unda>> \l% a.m. and 9.80 p.m. - L#v* Detroit for Toledo, v dally. .!-.flV. ; t'^^W^^iiii^ ^^^eiipi,the,;iii^ a hakeshop oven consists of & machine 1 ^hiob^e^ 3B0p(m.[ BuutlftysO a.m. and 4,80 p.m.f lotora-r inn wrive woek days, 1&80 p.m.; Bunds,yi 1.80 :an4,9;.nttr:/,.::;,;v;.i:,,.,;%;,,,v.v.V;;;;/; IJoaVe Detroit for the Flats, Bt. Olalrand way port#,wek dayg, 8.80 o,ra;, *.80 and *p,m.; retaining orrlvo 8 35 a.m. and 0^0 p.m. ;: , Pore, DotroJt to Port Hnron or* Toledo, 70 e>ntr stag!*; 186 unlimited retnrm Bxour- 8l0na,;Detroie to Port Huron nnd retnrn.overy woekday to Toledo and return:,every. Sunday morning, 60 cents round trip. Bpeolal rates to soolotlai, ' Wliarf, foot of Grlswold street* Tolepboho 1,100a v . . O. P. BIELHAN, a'rainoManaflor. Detroit, Mloh anted ; Men rmd Womon who oan work hard' talking and writing six houn dally, for alx days a week, and wiU bo content with ton dollars weekly. Address. NEW IDEAS CO., Brantford, Ont. Is what jyou oan rely on Retting when . you buy from us. Our wa^on goes to all parts of the town. Buns. Cakes and Pastries, You cant find moer, fresher, or sweet er in the country. All kinds of Fancy Oakes and Jelly Holla. Fresh Taffy and Candles every day. dry. Wo sell nothing stale or Leave j our Order and you oan rely on prompt de livery. FRANK FOSS. Oppo tte Book A Francis. Essex : SING LEE. CHINESE L4IINDRY. . Wilson Ave., next Aberdeen Hotel. The latest improved machinery for Ironing Collars end Ouffs. Will not a rook or break trie wing. ffl ii^^S eireiaan^YBtt^rtrwB.-m1 Vhu&inm* People of[^tow^^ for the; patronage ,beitowed: npon . PMt.wtfl 8Twnt*eE(itl^atlbn5nih^ . ^*vr$s&#m CornmeaV Kept in Stosk:qM>soWMM Price*/':' V, ,*;'; "y . /'^^[i^O'^MM Cash 'PaMforMeaiSm mmm I i'i JI I I \, m * the" - best 'therevibI^hw everybody knows vip^ The Nobbiest Turnout'; y;lf -.'"rA \ \\W>'fiffi$X ^-v^pj.wM JOMN A.,-ROiiCl . Good Koadatera. ..',"'l'-'\^'\-"fi$k Easy Miding Buggies. i |1! Comfortable Carriages, '.*.' "'j:i.?.'^| A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed, North of the * Railway Track. : essex; ont| Builders ... .,^ PBALBns rs- ' Family work aheap, and delivered. Parcels oalled for British Cpluinhia^ll Please call and try. If not satisfaotoy no charge will bo made. f our work suit yon, recommend us to your friends. CURE : BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION SICK HEADACHE LIVER TROUBLES AS a laxative, one pill acts perfectly, jxxtd if a stronger action, is desired a Cathartic effect isproUnced by two pills. In obstinate eases,. where a purgative is necessary,'three jSills Will tie found sufficient. 'These/ pills leave no. unpleasant after CiTect.'. "V - One pill, taken each, night during thirty days will cure constipation. . 'price 2bq. on a ro.n t.oo' . y$m Pine Shingles, $100 :'^:^!i All Kinds cf Building Material. .:' - : :v.^v wi ::'nii& $A$ir, poors, \.,;....; .. .yyfflfflp ..' 'LATff.ady}'y .(,""""' ': -UAANLPMB$M /:.' ":....".' . 'V'-'">.^-:,'..:= ^.3^ y Satisfaction Guaranteed. 'v^'^ - "-M%m Opp. Water Works; , FOR TWENTY-SEVEN ^ral J. GOURL AY & SD3SF. ttSE^$$$ -Z-&f'l i'-Ki

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