Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 17, 1897, page 5

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Sy,.SBPTEMBEB17,1897. rV-'vft ia^;Storielfor: forks, spades and i-^n- aw those elegant watersets ^.i^f^-^qtJirreV; assumed D40trauig,l?iat ^edne'edfly. 'fif^W.'-W&8t -. of Detroit, is the ^ta&iff-Ritchie Op., of Essex,- lyiookyell in their new sign. p^^'year old Ayrshire milk cow for iij^ipply'*0 ?tev. A. Ii. Beverley. 1 ^SoaliiNpsAy,o| Comber, hoe quali- >4'a0 a Jnatioe of the peace for Essex Pi#iffOnion Wigm, of Amherstburg, '|ji^iting.Mr, and Mr*. Ernest Moore ^4^1^eeki";."; SM^to* J/xzzxk Boss has gone toDetroit ^yi^eJ^she will resido with her aunt ^n::a^terid;Bohool. ': ^S-fSi^j^sxKxnxA'OoiMTStuM is .visiting %j(pnftsin London and taking in'the ^S^-pia.'week. "*. , ^5?^bs Si AwsiiiB, of Detroit, who has |PJbeen Tiaiting friends in Essex and vici- IfP^retnxned last Monday. ^.^^iatlBBN: P^bkinb, who lives just east S^p^e^tovri', hasa flno field of fall StiSSieatTftb'five the ground. M|!jjMw"^.oB^'^.Petw>iti IB-again in ffif^Bargb of the millinery department of |?S^'yprByt^ei:Anderaon&Oo. " ' I^I^Mnsr Johwathan Bobb, of Detroit, TS has been Tiaiting with Mrs. Uriah Rose ^^Wd^otner relatives in town. l^:P:ifc is Said that jho mounted police in iiiifeis^ 't^eir progresB'to thi &J'^travelled only eighte |Wij;';MB;'.ANi jfe'^eaminfrto en miles district in ton and Mrs; S. Wilkinson .were at 'Xjeami^gton yesterday, (Thursday) at- ^Stending the funeral of Mrs. Wilkinson*s J^little hiece. ' %$?/< '.-ainTHOB. 'Soabff and John Abbott vflv spentlSundfty at Put-in-Bay. On Mpn- ;^^da-y ir. A-bbbtt left for the 800 whore ^h;e^lholi^y for some time. t FnA^yfci^Vent'eafltwith another double deok carload cf hogs Monday night. He usually takes;. }n-the fairs all week and returns Saturday night. ' GtiliBEBT SiNABAd and son Wal- Grand Eapids, Mich., nro yisit- .'ing her brother, James C&mpeau and ; other relatives in town and vicinity; BbV: G-. A. Gifford'has been visiting m '**< Pip/ --... l^y., 8ft Fprest. The pnlpit of Grace Motho *% ' ' " '" ' "....." ' ' ~ "" :<v& :: ^i'rJj-:* pulpit ef St.. ,'iT dist church was pccupied by Rev. N. E: Scott on Sunday morning last and byA/B. Gushing in the evening. , JBbv', ,T. B^yEBLiEy Smith, of All Saints'ohurch, Windsor, occupied the Paul's church last Sunday morning and evening, Kev. A. Ii. Bov- e'rl^y taking tlio pulpitof the chapol of the Ascension at'Windsor the same day. \r: W*i. SETTEBiNaxoN.a native of York- ! ahirei Eng., died on Monday at the old homestead five miles- oast of Learning' .ton at the ripe.old age of 83 years.- He li^, "had, lived in ,that vioioity all his life. $$,:. , fie' was buried on Wednesday*in Lake $:-< ". ^ Sunday, night, snealt thieves !f- ; f&tole a finely polished bioyole chain, ^i' -. jnanufactnred by tho Warwick and *|^ ^tockdam Co., from"J. A: Taokaberry's $M"'<" Vshop. Tbo chain was hanging on' a W-' *-centre polo in the shop and it was ro- ^ 1 '.moved by means of a stick shoved S'(^. through a brbkeri window pane., Tho 1$;' ?. parties are suspected and for' their'own ||tk'; >\\ inferest it would be woll to return the MM'- ' chain, boiore serious coueequencos '^ ' "' /-'. :Abbangieme^TB'werqmndo at tlio ,ro- ^ient meetin^f-thfl^iiidsbr JJistrict TO^K-.-.; Dec! 5th; Buthveu, Bov.nV.H. Cooper, ^fer"',' J>bo. 19th' Gestb,'Dr. Gifibrd; Oottam, Wf-dtii -Rev A MoJKibbinv 'Qofi. 34th; Wobdslee, mi ', Rev. . Romney", Bey. tt.Ai Baker"; Oct.. 8rdf and Bev. <?aUo- M$xv -Pelee'. 'Island, 'Bev,. JRv^ ^- .'."v':' ^l^v^y-^i'^eilast-m^ R^'ii'i^ii'Gpnnbil the greater portion j<tf-:;fche; s^vM^^bjseedingB was;devoted,to:devising ?'C^V-'l7 TOeanS of stopping the exportation pf the J#;|;S ^^oni 'tlw;|3aflex;fleldB;tc'-th6 United S^fe'.'^-S^pn^and.R ^fe;|j ' SfflL Tfraifr. :bn:- &e:p6minipn':gover,nnient 5l!4^;^re*en1i '^petitiotf :frpm.ihe; riesiclents. ^:r^^^&3^x,a?kW Anient prohibit the exportation of natural. w'^awW^ iPi^nmg'Sxiiiw^ ^^^^^^^^iii^nW'^sleit: for thoBi and repair shop .h^.the'Rush baJmOing.-; lA-i^iL '"C^tti4nftis;;--':-:'; V- ' . :;-:i^':0^:ttmiam!Bii!::.l!i^' C*-lL\,-:.iBiEmi;;-liieKa: returned from the Industrial Fair last Friday night. ' ',' Mbbv 'Ambx, ,^maoxr:^f Amheret- bnigVis Waiting at the home of her Boh, AJex, J*rintpwn. ;. Gteo. M;:OAaB, who hafl been visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Wigle,has'returned1 to his home in Ghioago. Thb LeaminJDfton News: has again changed hands. Hereafter it will be conducted by A, O.TVpod; J, E. Stpnb left on Monday fer the Western Pair, London. He will ppm- bine business -with pleasure. ' Thb post office department expeot-te derive a profit cf>a quarter pf a million dollars from the sale of jubilee stamps., Mb. and Mrs. Chas, Allison, who have been visiting at Wm,_gmyth's, have returned to their home in. St. Thomas.' The Laing Ritchie Co., of Essex,, have the contract for the. erection of two sohobl hpuaes in S.S. No. iO,Gos- flpld North. ; ' Miss Steveson, captain of the S. A., who has been here for a. few months was ordered to London and left for that place Monday.. Wbioht G. Smith, ' harness maker/t South Woodslee, made an assignment to W, S. Oummiford last Tuesday. W. H. Kennedy is asaignoo's solicitor. . W. R. Manning: occupied the pulpit of tho Baptist ohuroh last Sabbath in the absence of Rev. Mr. Campbell, and the services were exceedingly accept able. Rev. M. F; and Mrs. Campbollre- turned from their holiday trip Tuesday. Mrs. Oampbell visited her sister in Brampton and Mr. Campbell visited in Toronto. , , A. Raines has been walking lame the past week as tho result. of letting , a large.bex filled withgoods fall on his foot on Saturday last. Fortunately no bones were broken, - -^-r Special, 100 pairs of men's solid twbed pants' regular price $1.25, $1.60, and $1.76 choice for 08 cents a pair at Diebel & . Bricker's. We urge our friends to act. quickly; they won*t last long. Gamb Warden Quallins, of Leaming- ton.called on Dep Game Warden Gorin- ley here onMonday.They weredevising. measures for the Btriat enforcement of tho gamolnwfl. It will be well fPrlecal sports to notice that no quail or part ridge can bo offered for sale until the year 1900'.; The Epworth League of the Metho dist ohuroh hold a specially interesting meeting Tuesday night. Miss Nellie Clifton gave an earnest address on "The joy of winning souls for Christ.1' This waB followed by an interesting description of hor sistor'e. work in Ta- panby Miss O. Wiglo. After tho regu lar meeting was over the election of officer's was proceeded with wliioh re sulted in the election of the following: Pros. W: B. Manning (re-6leoted) 1st Vice, T. Aliispn^ 2nd Vice, Miss Thorn ton,-3rd Vico, A. W/Koane, 4th Vice, Miss A." Coleman,' Seo'yi Miss Milly Clifton, Trona. Percy Gifford. New clothing; oorrebt styles and right prioos at M. J. >Vigle & Go's.. The people of all denominations in town will rogrot to learn that Bov. A. L, Bovorloy has been appointed by His Lordship the Bishop of Huron to tho rectorship; of Christ Church, JForost, the appointmPnt totakeToffeotthe 1st of OctoboW Mr. Beverley has .been in charge of St. for t)io past five yoarrf and is nniversally esteemed. His friends trust that the- change may bo bonofloial to his health which has not b6onof tho host for some time. Bev. R. Of. .Murphy, of Euphrasia; Grey Co., lias lieon appointed to suc ceed Mr. Beverley but it will likely be tho'15th of Ootobo* before ho arrives. Ho is n brothor of KoV. A. JMurphy so well known in Jjfgvri and is sent at the reqnest of the pe'ople o| this parish. ',. Hats and caps for the millions,' at M-;J.'Wigle & do's. i>vjtim the month of April j.800,, the revenue and expenditure account of the consolidated fund of Canada follows: 'Revenue, ;$8,140,120,05; "(ex- p^ndituro, $3,32G,C04;50,-the figures|ipr the, same month in 1897 being- Revenue, expenditure, ($3,806,686^' 31,: Eor May in the same year the.'re^ turns were:,1890,, revenue, $2^W7,i4$B.J 8T; expPnditure, S6,540,758;03;jl8Q7f re-, venue, $8r62B,088.89; lexpenditure,r;$S,- !48TL,680.6fl; The' stat^'aat^p^fift;^^. ClQse of tho fiscal year; 80th of June, in i^b;/jiW'i67Ti;.xespe^T^ ^872;t7a:6is;"" ' ,"'! .' MsBEkwBffMm -> yy m^^^^ib^Jiii^; Jh^vaBl^ ^try Gmm '^::- *.l"' '<-:' 'erB'and'v^j^'gOTtf Fob values jn teas, spices, etc 'A..^/.9ol^^boj:;-^:,'r,!:>i-:!^ /VASH;"Bbiajpa '.&' Ob. are; selling a good tea at^15o p:eF pound.; : ;: : Tspi !Pbbb Pbhss^ will be;Bent;to new sutiaoribers toJanuary 1st 1898,;for25p^ ; Wawtbp 0pod. girl wahtPd imme diately* iBifif pay,, apply to 5^rs. 6. H; Brioker. '_' ;"'. It is wonderful the bargains you can get from J\ E. Stone in hand made single harness. : 31 PAUiWest of England Troneors, regular price.9d. 75 and $4.25 reduced to $8.08 at Etebel & Bricker's. Pabtieb wanting a wagon, buggy, or family carriage,' wait till yon see what J: E. Stone will have at the Fair. 1 A. E, Paiulhixii carries a badly col ored eye as the result of on encounter with some hardware ene day last'week. J. R. MoEwan and family are spends ing their vacatlpn at Cedar Beach, attd are. pcoupying the -opttage of W. Ohuroh. '. v\. .'"'" Wen's ;flneBt Black yenetian coats and Vests, regular price $11.50, $12, and $14, pick of theloti8.08 at Biebel A Brickers. DiBBEii A Brioker have placed on sale the clothing that was stolen from titeir store last Thursday night, at a great reduction from regular prices. 3?obsvtb*e; Anderson & Op. invite the ladies of Essex and vicinity to visit their millinery show, rooms, at opening time, Thursday Sopt..28rd and follow ing days. ,, ' AWBEEnTNO party consisting of eight oouplea took a run out as far as Maid- Btone 'JCuesday evening' and on their return .were treated to refreshments and pleasantly entertained by Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Brioker. -'.- Beabs ,15p, pk., encumbers 25o, 100 beets 40o. bs.,; turnips 40c. bush, corn Bo. doz.? radishes 206..doz,, pumpkins 7c, each, squash 7c, each,'onions COc. per bush.,.red pepper 10c. doz., butter beans 2 qts. for 5 cents. Celery 80o doz. V Majk BbCbw has a good Eyslpp bi- oyol he wUl exchange fer agopdypung seryiceabie hdrsel alsoi a nuntber o| (rood dwelling houses that he will sell bo oheap that they can be moved and will make comfortable farm hpuses. What might have proved a more seri ous causality happened to Mrs. (BeV.) N. Scott last Saturday evening. She took a dose of croton oil in milk, in mistake for castor oil. Mr,* Scott hastily proourod an. antidote ond we are pleased to say no ill effects resulted from her mistake. The following shipments wore made here this week: Diebol & Bricker, one carload of corn from Woodslee to Bo- trolea; A. J. Green, three carloadsof wheat, for export and one carload o hogs to Montreal; C. E. Nayler, one carload of staves to the Eastern States and one carload of. hoops to Montreal; O. Haunon, one carload of butter plates to Montreal.. The Brize Lists' of the Great North ern Jfair, Which iH to bo held at Belle River on Oct. 12th and 18th are now in the hands of the seo'y, Geo. Leak, Woodslee. The directors1 have made every effort to promote tho success of this Fair and every indication points to its being away in advance of last year. Handsome bills announcing the event how adornsevery available place in tho villages in the distriot. .... Fob the-Westera.Fair, .at London fcora> September 0th to 18th, the M,03- will offer a rate of one nrat-class limit ed fore.for round trip, good going from September 10th to 17th,'good tp, return until September ^Oth and on September i3fch and, 15th , speoiar;excnrsions ^11 bo run good tp return until Septembe 20th at following,'rates:^-Essex, $2.40; Woodslee,, 92.80j Maidstone, , 3;?Q; Edgars, &2;5p; MojOregor, "e^OPt, ; tf ; . pt ,es-: tablishing a here was held at the heme pf W..R.' Manning last Friday evening. ,l Tho , advantages of Btichan inBtitutioii^,swer"^eoUBBed and^thpse, presentexpressed themad as beingvery. muoh't'ln,.'; favor; oi;the Bchpol.'^^bv..E.;,^aylpr;t^ i"' wa8>.notK^': reW'efl'Atatiye';^^^ they sheuld deviae^^ :mMs.meetin^^'lhe' ne,oTifutn^ei'/:v ^lie; jEoUdwingi:^ yX Phpseia\t6,inier^^'iV?^^ TJais Month at...'; .^ Iflfluer of Maniage Lioensea. ing Pumpkins are reported as a poor crop. Biodisopunt on all lines at, ParklB this month. ,1 lb. Baking Powder and bread pan for 40c, atA. H. Scarff & Go's.: Be sure and see J. E. Stone's exhibit ai the Great Southwestern Fair. . A. H. Soabff 4: Co. for fruits, vege tables, etc., try them with an* order. GxrtL wanted to dp general house work. Apply to Mrs. (Dr.) Jenner. Miss EtheiiLaino visited fiends in Amherstburg on Saturday and Sunday. . W. H. Kennedy, wife and children ore took in the sights at London this week, M. J. WioiJB & Co. are'daily receiv ing large consignments of new fall goods. Sav i are yon looking for; something if it iB bargainB? .Ton 'will find them, at Bark's, Mbs. J. Fbanci*, who has been ill for some time, is now'convalescing rapidly, . Wanted Ab apprentice to learn dreBBmaking.",. Misses Hail aud.Faul, South Woodsleei u . Miss Mabia Hyatt, of. Wheatley, spent a couple of days thiB" week with Miss Maggie McDpugall.' / ,. Messes. Beaman, Evans, Hicks, and Gregory left for the Western Fair at London Wednesday morning. Thebe isno doubt that now the aver age citizen will try to impress upon you how many squirrel a ho shot'on Wednesday. The public will be interested in hear- that the "Family Herald and Weekly Star,'* of Montreal,; has now the largest circulation in the world of any publication of its class. It has gone to the. top by leaps and bounds. The M.fB. will issue cheap excur sion rates to the Canadian Northwest on September 14th' gepd tp / return until Nevember 18th, at the fellpwing rates: Binsoar'tb, bauplnnrBeloraine, Esteyah,- Moosornin and Boston, at 828; Calgary and Prince, Albert at .885; Moosejaw, Regina and Yerktpwn at $a0;EdmPnton and Red Beer $40. tf: Ladies! You shouldsoe the new dress goods at M. J. ^igle <fc Go's. The annual meeting of tuo;Women's Missionary Anxiliary for the eleotion of officers was hold at the Parsonage Tuesday afternoon, After . devotional exercises the business was proceeded with. The following officers, were elected for the ehsuingjyear: Presi dent, Mrs: Gifford; 1st Vice, Mi-s. J. M Hicks; 2nd Vioe,' Mrs. N. E. Scott; Treas., Mrs. (Dv.) J. W.. Brion; Opr. Sec, Mrau^loEwan; Reo. ^eov Idrs. ColemanTEieoutivo Coin., Mrs. 0. E. Naylor, Mrs; James Brien and Mrs. O. II. Brioker; Entertainment Com,, Mrs. Stone, Mrs. Beamau and^ Mrs. J. W. Brien, .' Interchangeable nileaffe Tickets. A newformof Thousahd-MUaTicket, tho result of careful consideration, and discussion between the .railroads and their principal patrons, will./be, placed onsale September 1st, at all' important Mibhigau Central 'ticket'pffice-B;: .The tioketissoldfor$8Q with a,,rebate to tne^'purohaBet 810 when, used; up on ccmplianoe witlEi its ^bpnditicns, and: u acc^pteaohalttnelin^ Basseng^:"'Assbbiation, ipr>y,flve_,in uumberand noy^^^yast extent .of Tjonntry>'::'\;.':r"; -.' ^ ed BO^cieptable;to; all^ar^siWc^rnv ^ed'a^d^b'advan^aRepua ,wi;^^.v:.;.vj/.:\^ BegS;;to iaT^e^o^|Jj^|j^|^ /P. :.:and; ttii^ iputiji^g^ie^ -; RedTice' his Stock of HatsJ Ca^pis|||| .vFurnishings one-half to inake:'l-rp1piii^| his large stock of General Dr^ ^b:|j: and will give . .: ..-.' Y^^^^^Ym . TQDO SO '.^US Another Lot Boys' Caps 5c eachf j Don't Qo --------------------. Mm . '^OT :.^.,.v*M --)i'i^ to the iKlondike tout go to Whitneyfl Q-reat Clearing Sale and You will sa|;| '.:': : -'::'M$ -^'M :'--.' :'-:'^t:M$ Butter, Eggs, Apples, "-Potatoes,-;/ai0^ :- kinds of Produce taken in eicliaiig^i^ i".h] Q-obds at-#* WM riHW^iiii ^5aai Farm Implements; ns. 14r"f", y-am. , 'i.r.rp -- 3 Buggies, Etc. sl'Y&hM^m '.1 :-'^ii3m : v'v: ^:M ,.r. . v/^^viM? ES3H5X: p0:#&#ffi$j?i% saPiP^ia^ Or yWrmM Biiiii mm w "I [ (K

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