Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 17, 1897, page 3

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B& means falle ^SftftftWfew'Ott^rwiftn failed^? -1, Ww^1"^1""""' ^l"1-' ^'r'TT.'. r^tfoninthb VBe 6( Dr, Fbwhsr's y*-Uhv4tijftU)ei ,ln 'All, CABoat of! r^.&^A^d^uiUraer' complaint.;. MSm'Prawiti^tiriPmo'to recommend. mjmpwtc^:x--y:.i:>:..,.. .- ^ 'jBfc^ASTERTOM, Principal;-!.' J', ' Pftgfc.B&b'oifKiverCharto, N,B.'j _ ^va* Bbysl d**W Volumes;;r.tto ^oUVeringr Commission pSU weekly. A canVasse* I&*M Wb flrt iseekvmftlilnB.over .wvonty MJoUurp $mm JonthTeastoriyBia^br/W^Cotto^ . mWosotitb^eD/r6ft^to;toBV7th'flonflMi[oa fOsl$<weqam:ta^^ 'A '&, - q too .eredlVc to iftjfri iV, om .He BitenBiou liicr-. JBideboard. ill For -ALSO- Jjx Ghaira, wjfjejfiRookeri . 1^^:;^-^..,. .... W^0^^Baby-'CBrriage8t . . S^ tPioture'. Mouldings ana '#ferything in.tbo Furniture 'Lv^&af M^>v'Jrforo we will guarantee it the est KpS&ifrthe Market * * * : $^'^>--:' '"'.., '--------------------------------! ' . yndertaking A Specialty. te;%.- '.' ' W-iffisl'.. *'" 'l/'Fi'rafc-ClflSB City ETapka in attendance ^^;l^";;'V^e:fe^uirea,:.',- ./' ^^^^^ipf^jb^e,iliovo liad..*it ;,,;, $w^ :WrerooinB J. *. HICKS & Co., Essex. . .r^-JOB All* KINDS OF- . Away down. OHlNAWARBr BEIO-A-BRAOE, " ' FASrOT; OOODS, s NOVgliTlES, , BOOKS AND STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, TOY? 6]F ALL; KINDS, .' BEBLIN WOOL and PINGBUINO YABNS. -, New Stock of hte Wall Paper roaflarfl4n. !,would tUbrafororwompioUia that thej bo all -omnajtrdtt^aad.Improved^ in *o oortino* with the anQex<ia,proQlofli.ftnd-'peol- noations. 1 find-that it viu'eoftt.J'aU *peniM inalndea, 6B,UT.S5 to put laid dralna in a good taxed tfieTOirngbip of OoBfleld North for .bene fit'to . roadfl wttb 627fl.9& and /or .oatlet with the lands In GoBfleld Nortti^wUn tWB for benefit and 1,Q10 80 for oatlot; the topd* in GoefleldSoutb-with tlS.40. for outlet, and the roads.inGoafleld South with.S*0 for outlet, Accompanying yon wlllrflnd,, plane, proflloa. BpftoifloaUoni, estimate, aewasments and all other, pspen nooessary for^fiaidanoo In the oonatiuctlon of sala drains, Theso drains shall be kept. In 'xeipalr by ,a tax on the lands and roads now asBessad and In; the samo pro portion exospD thb eaglrieer In charge of the fopaha dooma It noooanary to ohango Bald pro portion., .* : Ihare the honor to be, gentlemen, Tonv obedient florvant, JaMBS B. LAIBD, 0 L.8, Bsser, AtiignBt 7th,^897. ' . V :, Jhonsorrciuud jrilxtyVohtj Poilwa and: BoV* porupito(>th^ittOO>;noo^Mary5o^ andmaytaBaedfl!ipntaroBOftbQOcrboiatlon to tbftt:Bmonntln^yilof,no6IosB'thaa|y);eitcbf an! payaolo wltbl&ioTenyeBjBfrom"tboflat* *Wn^i,Wth:jijt|srit:-fA;j&tot 0flntaiSf:,P :annoW.; that (h* to say.Jn aaTec annual iijfltalmout,saoh dtibontntos to bapny able at the aanoy of the Imperial Bank, atTthe Town of Kssex, nnd to nave attached to them able at the Wxnotm OQupoaafor^epaymfjnti.Df lnterwt. k^prdiv-; Jrfir ^ -tjiiiytna'f amount onargad against the' wld lands .and roads for benefit, una tho' sum of $1,210.80 the amount: charged against said lande and roads for, outlet liability,- apart from the lands and .TOftdB iielonglag to or^controlled by the munioi- paHty,, and for i'ppverlng Jntere'at.thereon' lor soren years at the.rata or flvo, per oontnm por annum; tdo-following total Bpeoiol rates over and aboro all Other: rates,; shall -be assessed,., loviod .and collootod (in .the same) mannermnd at the eanie time as other taxes are levied and collected),, upon and:from the \ undermeationea lots and patta of lots, and1 roads, and the amount of the said total apeotal rates and interest shall be divided into aaven equal parts and orie snoh part shall ba aaBeued, Levied and oollooted as afore- ;By'J^elyinWo^ TfJnenMarUs'jano la maypri notiio bnt *idle|h " Be appmntedindinberaof thb oity jiollco forco, Andintheir blooijier uniforms they'll look; so ' '- th>i ga'ril^ to "1*0, o,rrostlj Will conn ;,, Thetatorw will bo cotnpellsd tohareabargMn \ aalo'each dny, ' /.'..' And. for1 oa'ewing, gum and Hbda you will not . , r. Oh, groat .roforma. will; be; projected, all tHti wrongs will l,o lorreoted, Vhen BEiiriarJang' cleottd to the mayoralty ' William Wfttft in Chicago Rtscord: .!tfifttfa*W^thd;^hp ootnitry^bloh.oopuiitift nowiormbnt'ryV said lo each year for soVen. years after th^ final SOMln'eof th|s by-law, durli ebentures have to run, -law, during which the aaid < mMMK%jx.=jJtjnACiAa-nr,i%ttanr-'> - <:$ '.(WiW DAVIS1.) 'A'Snreanrt fl'tV }\?tyt,\'y In. ovrtry case ondovery Uiiilo^liuwM.pompInlutls Pain1 Thle Is a true stn(*mnnf. nnd it cnn'fc bo , laado toofltroily'or too emphatic, It'Ia p. almplo, siifo and'ouicl: euro for Crmrrpsf- Cough., E'lotimntiam, Colic, Colds,/ Kwuntlclii, Dlsrrltatas/ Croup, TtxitUUcho. , TWO SIZFS; 25c. rnd 50c. i i **www* iiww * a WcTwvwv^t Farmer's Sons or other In- ,______________ , duBtrious peraona offair odn- .otlon'-to>whom SAO a month .-would bo an vj-Inducement Icculd also engage a few ladjes sV a* their'own homos- STR n hf 264 b pt 261 b w pt 364 .pta 264,266 n'.w-'-pb' 265 a pt 264, 265 nfo cot 266 n e pt 266 m pt n} 266 pt 266 Bi 266 n pt 207 a pt 267 ej n e 268 wi n ej 268 n w pt 258, si 268 n e pt 260 n w pt 269 100 54 16 40 35 100 I 3 87 a 95 106 100 '29 28 58- 100 51 24 8 wpfc r)J200 21 i ...O,*.o.... SW :.,T.H. LINSOOTT, Medical Building, ; Tomato, Out. 3T S li^^pideBt'bU8li)e8B in town. Eatabllshed SftA' 1878. Flmt-claBB bread and oalios of ail rvVV,JdndB.*WeddIn3oakesaBpecIaUty. Orocones Hv'.prQViflioufl, flour,'food, salt and .pork. OonJoo- ^ r,|Ioneryjcrookery,RlaBawBTe. Canned fruits an*i P;ivegeta^ldfl of all kinds. Good a promptly d ^:,v:vored to all parte oftbo town. J. M, HTOKB . . ..Bough and rendered...... ......DehVerofl atfcho ,/. , Essex Imperial Soap Works Agents for **Queon Vlotorla' er Jtin and Diamond Jubt- rlotioat jilc- blographyof Her >.J Majesty, with authontio History of her remark iV^Wftlll Cl| Hor^elgn and Dia ^i>|rlee.!'r Overflowing with latoat aad ^r-ttueB. .Qontains the endorsed blogr m cent Orsdlt given., Freight paid. Outfit K?M, .de; Dutypald, write qulok tor outfit and &wi';tnfltQnv,.flhe Dominion Company, Dept. 7 S^l.ooDearbornBt., Cbioago., . VVifiA Made from G-rapes Grown In Essex County. Rich, Sweet and Whdleaome 1 6th Con. flj 26,0 b Q pt 270 m pt nj 270 m pt 270 'nept 271 8 opt 271 m pt nj 271 n w pt 271 Bwj 271: He pt 272 n wl 272 , ej278' m pt S78 w pt 278 8 w pb 274 n e pt 274 ,ef h . wfr 8 MACKINAC DETROIT PETO&KEY CHICAGO ^^ewSteelP^seiiger Steamers mw-':S;-'< -Th# Greatest Perfection yet nttAltiid In *&->'^ ^osii'Co'nstruttlohr^HixurlouB,- Cqtiipjncni. Kr."'/s/ArtM.ue. Furolslilnff, Decor.tlnn and. litfio- -' $;f;o' int Service, insuring; the biffkeiit dcfiree of .g^CdjMFOIOP;' SPEED &jSJ?;!(v.'V m^ Toledo, .Detroit and Mackinac K:.:.'.:' PgT68KEY/?-'THE 8O0," MARQUETTE! -. ^LVi-iir:" ' AND.-.DULUTH.,.. Ni-pr'".tiO^RATJJSto Plctur^aqiio Mscktnacan/; ,"- ." rivals and Berths. Pror> , Js*'.":' .-Cleveland," $i8x from Toledo, $151 from fgV:;>PetLrcU,'.Si3.Co. . . - . . ': < 3-V;; -*1:/"'.'; < v|j| i Between Detroit and Cleveland'-. tt^J1'^'-':'i'vV"ConuectiuK./.at CJcveloud with Earlieat &^V^,ra1i(a,forall,plnt*iaiBt,-aouth and South- g!g^;;;jjeai.and at Detroit for all points Worth and ff^fytoorinweat. .', ' i^;;^|b^7rl[sjune, July, te^'V'^'"^ EVEBV DAY August and Sept Onir EVERY DAY BETWEEN - PP;icveiand^Put-iri-Bay#Toledo ^^^efcud'ioriUUstTated Pamphlet: Address W$$&*i"& *. f, .,'DSTROIT. MIOH. mtttfito UMt i Cleveland steam Kav. Co, ^^"" "'" "" ' "' ' iiS .........Per Oaso ot Twelve Bottloa.......... :;80c< per G-alloii-- rollvorort Froo at Hallway etatiou or BxproPe In Ebbqx;. The Amncrstburg; Vintage Co., AlTlkllSUNTBfJlI^. ONT, IF YOU KIDNEY- " PILLS ^MOtjMAKH WEAK BACK. LAME BACK, BACKACHE* LUMBAGO OR RHEUMATISM, Doan's Kidney Pills WILL CURE YOU. DO YOUR HANDS OR PEBT SWBLUr IPSO YOU HAVB WEAK KIDNBY5. DOAN^i PILLS WILL 5TREN0THEN THEM. HAVE YOU DROPSY. KIDNEY OR URI NARY TROUBLES OP ANV KlNO> IP SO. DOAN'5 PILLS WILL CURB YOU. SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING. HBADACHES, DIZZINESS. FRIOHTPUL DREAn5, DISTURBED SLEEP, DROWEU NESS, POROBTFULNESS, COLD CHILLS, NERVOUSNESS, ETC.. ARE OFTEN CAUSED BY DISORDERED KIDNEYS. EVEN IP YOUR neriORY IS DBFBCTIV8 YOU SHOULD ALWAYS REnBrtBERTHAT DOAN'5 PILLS CURE ALL KIDNEY TROU BLES, AND EVERY DOBB HELPS TUB CURB.'* . ': SOLD AT ALL DRUO STORES. ttir-jkiAwr asro. 3. $pQ($J>Jj&Y?topfcovideforatftlncsge, work ^^effefp3bip.;'^; aoS^..N0rtli:in; ^^^ftejjap^'ty^^Bero^^ ,'- tno.;; bori' ' a1ity w*5' eJ6 wJC . aiei 6 u^ 04 6 nj 7 , 1'7 . , ' w4 H 04 8 b wf 9. ,e pt 10 goroll n e.ptfl Wpt 7tbOon a pta4 1 n pt bJ 1 bJw4'3 , B4042 ai 3 ' a w pt i ; n e pt 4 . . Bwf'B b e| 5 .' aw} 5' . n d j-5" wpt 6 ' Q pt ft . . '" ' w 4 a 4 7 u4 w 47 . ' : n6i7 B.pta'- . m pt 8 ., n pb 8 b pt n p*t 8 n pt9. * H ptaO, 10: 8th'.Ooa-"' all ' HJ.a . ajfl ; - u e| 4 ; ,,n."wi"i"' '. r 'a ei 1 .'.. -BelS;-.. . w pt P , opt 6 , ' aw pt 0 . a e pb 6 ' : no pt,6 - Goro 7.' ' , Gore 8 ;' ',' 100 185 52 24 20 40 1 80 : 64 50 143 . 50 ioo 40 60 70 ISO 1C0 25 7fi 50 . 60 100 200 100 100 100 60 CO 100, ido 100 100 1C0 .06- 45 50 45 10 16 50 60. 100 .120 80 60 ' 50 60 50 126 75 50 50 50 50 ,60 40 20 674 70 70 26 100 100 50 60. 60 50 50 100 : 80; 484'. - 60 16 20 65 21 18 75 16 50 10 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 '5 00 6 00 1.25 8 75 2 50. 2 50"' 6 00 10 00 0 00 5.00 5 00 . 11 45 11 45 l> 15 fl 15 18 25 0'J5. 6 00. , 6 00 05 1 40 i 60 4 00 .9 15 11 15 7 86.;'. ,4 60 '4,60;- 1,4 60 ' ',4 60 11 45 6 00 . .4 60. 4 60 86 00 : 85 00./ 10 00 8 10 , 5 00 18 60 5 00 86 00 , 2 30 0 16 9 15 4 65 , 4 65 4 55' 4 55 4 55 0 16 2 76 4 75 4 65 1 35 1 80 ": 65 00. , 3 00 ' 18 00 . 7 05 1 05 4 0 4 55 18 15 45 11-B6 45 12 85 40 60 45 80 18 80 12 75 26 60 45 80 26 ML. 12 00 : 10 75 55 00 67 60 26 00 1 25 10 00 20 00" '. 16 00 27 CO 25 00 71' 00 25 00 50 00 20 CO 80 00 85 00 32 50 30 25 22 95 30 25 80 25 45 40 28 76 13 60 15 15 18 60 2500 20 00 10 00. 83 76 85 00 35 00: 2 75 1,49 48 I 01 40 - 3 75 00 u 2 44 It 2 63 10 42 12 66 2 78 2 72 5 60 13,16 ,5.37 "2 66 3 27 18 68 10 37 ' 6 50 20 ; 2 11 . 5 24 8 18. 5 69 6 33 15 98 5'24 ,10 48 4. i'2 6 83 7 :tf 6 81 1 09 29 '80 "',' .si*: 1 09 2 11 1 09 1 09 . 2 48 . . 2 48 6 86 ' 8 00 8'84 ^31 12 40 8 02" 2 85 4*28 ' 3 94 17 28" 100 100 I'08' 2 36 ; 1 05 . 1 00 . 1 00 1 00 too 2 41 .1 43 . roo ioo. 7 35 7 85 -7 95 , 5 92 3 13 '9 04 -8'44 ' 14 96 " 50 191 1 91 :98f* 1 . 9a:-, 98 98 . . 98 .. 1 9i;: >. 33 .37.:, '11 57 . ' '64,, ' r-ToUHdr benefit,; ft 642 00. XoiWforonUeb, ' ! , ,1210 80.. TptaVforrottfla tapdlanda)!. 27B"06- ,, ,'; of munioipality, r T 35 ;5p *' 91210 80 ': - 35 50 8.872 84 64 84. 9 J6 75 8 64 2 86 5 81 5 04 15 75 21 \ 50 ,18 70 .56 , 14 98 69 92" : 72 10 16 03 . 16 47 82 20 7540 80 87 14 56 18 02 .78 68 . 93 87 81 50 ' ^12-1^* , 80 24 18 18 82 69 ... 36 33 , 91 08 30 24 60,48 24 22 86 83 < 42 35 39 84 6 09 1 54 4 65 3 01 b or ' 6 09 13-11 6 09 .0 09 6 09. ,13 98 18 93 80 61 81 01 . 47 71 71 05 45 92 16 45 "'*. 24-43 22 64. 1 12 , 1 68 V 5 60 , 6 60. \ll3 13 51 8 ,40 6 60 '5 00 5 Q0 5.60 .. 13 86 8 33 5 66 '- 5.60,. ; 42 35- ,42 86 ; 42 85 ; , :'; 34 02 18, 13 67 19 , .48 44 .. 85 96 ' 2 80 11 06 11 06 ,5 63 6" 53': 6 63, " '. 6 63 ,'. 5;53 m 06 '"' ' 886', 5 89, ..- 63.'-'- ' , V'l.:68; ;-.'--2'.i7. , 66 57 .'8 64 ; 2124 04^;. : ;.;^'874;29'.v, 9 3 26 22 84 83 72 25 03 08 97 08 14 56 eralv.'rtin, :#f: ihfoad"^]SfoS^ 'offqrea 'tp:-;thbm:,-"B'ti) nrkflbte;oi;4iSn Beeniv' tbia 4a the eiMt;.opp<iflIt^jrf.vii' /.Tho NeW;Tq:fcy.olty;U^^^fe^ rutift in dirdofe oorapefcjiion ; v?rt|i oabloliaeaof .'.'.jt^'iipper'vl^iitt^^ its . maHo^t-icB, 'yfbp;-; leq^Dtl^P^I^ 10 30 2 29 .2 21 4,60 10. 78 4 41 2 08 1 86 1L 24 18 41 4 60 22 * 1 78 4 32 2 69 4' 67 5 19" 1S"14 4 32 8 64, 3.46' 5 19 - 6 06 5 62 87 22 05 43 43 ' "87 1 73 87 87 . 87 1 99 1.99 ' 5 23 4 43 6 B2 6 82 10 15 6 56 2 86 3 49 3 32 16 24 80 80 1 69 DOCTOR9 AND SUICIDE. St*tUtlos Show a Peonllar Bond of Sym pathy IJotxrucn the Two, . ;' During the last throe yenrj/ says The Medical and SnrKicnl Reporter of Phil- adolphia, nearly oue-flftiotb of all deaths among phyaicians buTe been by. Baiqlde. This ia a consorYativo estimate,' aa many instanoes of daatb are attribut ed to nooidontnl overdosing, na thotend- enoy is alvrays to hash up a snicidt whenever poaaible. But-vrithont includ ing atioh cases, the fact' remains that tho medical profeeaioa U more prone to suicide than any. othor. These statistics may be explaiuod by the doyelopoTent of morbid fuuoies in the mind of a doc tor on aocoant of his constunt assooia- tion with the sick and dying, or of an actual indifterenco to death, or boo an bo ho has the requisite knowledge of how to die conveniently and painlessly. , Poifloning is a favorite method, but it does not appear from atntiatios that the cyanides or morphine have the pref- orenoe which would exist if epionreau philqaophy were carried into tho choice' __ . M of drpgs^ At the Bame time, phyBioiana^JmaueV~pric"e7and '^ole^wSt \iBually pnt their knowledge of drugs to - " ^ n practical exGontioii in eeleoting a poi son for suicide. But if the mere knowl edge of the puinloaaneas of death by cer tain means is not a determining factor in leading bo many physicians to sui cide, probably1 the accessibility of poi- Bomi ia.. Hoioide ia largely a matter of insane Impulse; and each an impulse can of ten bo aspertained oVeu in the case of those -wtnriravo long been indifferent to life and hdvp; contemplated suicide. If a man must put on his hat and overcoat, walk to a drug store and tax fain inge nuity for a lie with which to explain his desire for poison, he may .postpone the fatal aot from mere Inertia, or he may meet a friend or have his interest in life oroaaed by one of a multitude of overy-' day ocourrendoa or, physical exerpisomay .bring him to bis senses. If, as is the case with almost ( every doctor, he has simply to feeV in hia. pooket or walk . aoroflfl his ofiQoo to (jet a deadly poispu, the impulse may be oarri'ed into oxpau-' tion bofore any thing can happen to sup: plant it in the bruin. . it, determined; as Boon as the^ oMrn^i to ppHfiCBBloU' to place npoo it.a>B,upeT) lot of. hbrflfls; and ; in fcb^i.;yfa^ftig8l its r,unuing uiifcilmeohanip'atprp^^ could be introduced/ brdeisvf^e^ out to tiny, the needed, horsee.\tMj&Qmil the'surprise of the"'^age,r'fi^'i'fc^w& .discovered that, thore were"^lmosV ' Btreot eta horses of "any 'Jciiui^fe ,_-, bought,, -r. ) - ,->'\i^^0t : The explanation of thiBs^ua^oriii;!^ in the fact that since the demand ;#, street car horaea almost ceased the.tta^ niitcliinery. by-which they we're gathfijr^ has fullon into diausQ. A few-yoaravagfr; the -street par horses were; one of'^tiV" meat important features of tiiei':ju'" murket. They were animals of a kti ard grade and of almost Btabje^i,^, and every part of,the, oonntry con tribute^ its quota. The street car horeeVb^d;^ be big and able and sonnd of Hrpb. ^ wind, bat it might be 'of 'any -ig^Bt^M lasted long enough In tfie^ser^^^ make tjbe question of a few year* moj# or less of any consequence. Thp deti^^Tia,, wasoonstant, und the prioo n*vervantfl^ in New. York more than fromfa&Su $125 to $160 each. Dealers could alvf.M count upon getting this price an^;;j^Sjn ting it promptly, and^aa a cpnsqquenoii^ every horse whioh would onsWet^$$eJ , purpose was a safe investment "afc.,*'lit-;|| |10 a horse was regardqd ati afair iai,^., gin in handling them, -.'. ^{^f Horaes of all sorts, which lacked ^t^f qualities of apeed, beauty or youth,; bni possessed the otherrequiremeate^w'eiS quickly Borted out from tho mark^*fli, the whble. conn try, and every big'deale was alwaya.ableto gather drovea p^oor| horjes as fast aethe companies, pe^4eoT them. The trolley has fiupMsedfid^cr car horses,,and oar horsea are no;lph^ quoted ;.i^. the^m8i^^|)X, oompatiiea which': stilt:;;usp;Vith'ena;S obliged to go out and searoh th& m< and bey them one by\oue^^ ihst^adJ simply sending out an order tqx:%0fi 300 or 500 and getting ttieni as-ircf^f as they would so many loads of hay^ grain. f/jidti$ 1 93 1 20 . 80 80 :' 80 80 1 98 1 19 80 .80 6 05 6 05 6 06 4 66 ,2 69 8 17 0,92 .12 28 40 1 58 1^58 79 79 79 , 7fl '. 79 1 68 : ' 48' '.'77 79 V;24 81 9 51 y;- 65 DflninK Appendlflltls.'. , A toadhers^ examination washold at Seneca, Kum, at which one of the ques tions in physiology was ns follows: "What is appendioitis, and what are its oausea and euros?" Bolow aro given a few of tho answors as reported in tho Soueoa Tribune; "It ia a dispasobf the appendix, whfoh is located somewhere betweon the liver and the heart; the organ of the affections.*' ^Cosifioation of the' marrow of the longitudinal shaft bono." , ." "Appendioitis,is aunafcroke or over heating, onriBod by a great' heat. The cure ia to got the patient into i a cool place, bathe the face and hand with, water."'" ^'..'./ ,-, "\J^ ^'Ia th^ dispose of appendice, baused by want of oxorciFo,, improper food; olotbiiig and ventilubion^' ' ' ..: , "Appondioids is a condition oaused by f^ood subBtances lodging audcausiug a blockade in the digoatiyp apparatoa. ,It is,cured by .surgical 'operation, in which the obstmdtiqu^ is.dat ayfuy.. A theory is .'that the -.appendix waa^ at bn,e time.a tailqnmau and is not yet; evolved, off., .U is the sur-^ gebn.V: ! '.'. -' , .areco-Esrrptliini Pln^tnf;i , The remarkable Bpries Vof ;;i found in Egypt aro described 1q>? Monthly inustratpr.and:ftil6'i|fi^4a the old artists employed^ ;,\Vf vQ The methods, of; these anoieiit'^ were totally different'fromtthosejat,^ and.were eyidenfclytyaiti^ more durable. j?anels ol;7WQOd:,<;.:-^igj^S used to paint on-^eycambre and'by^r^ri:,J i also panels of papior maoho .aiidjj&[ oasionully they were formed by glujnj three thicknesses of canvaa together These panels were usualiy'ahpn|^ inches long by 7 inphes v^We^ .^nie^i* used liquid wax instead of-'oirl^jl the colors, which we*e; ma|de; iq^to vegetable, but from mineral subatinj and woret of^ :marve)bus ,bri|iiaucjya permnneijoe blue powdorod lapiadf' li; green malapliite, x^dI ciide'.^^ etc The colors^werelaid:.ipajc'|i^'^VLl! somewhat after the mshion at^^im and afterward blended witli^aD"1 , ment called the ceetruiu, whioh Jaijj to have' heen a lanco6 flhjipeilyJk^* , iong'handled, wit^>ii:qa^je^^iijg^ point, a> the; other a vflpeiy|:? edge/ With the' to^(i^ could be equalized and Hmoothedttj -fqr^plafi&EJig^j lights,-, marking -.Hpff,-'^/np^^few r The fina^I :pn^^'^hij^}'Mfti^ name enpaUstiq; toifejis:kin^'p^J^R* WflS.thV-burning^^ was dqqe by tlje' nxXs4%3]9^^n^!^|^br surface to '"the1. "'-'p'anelV^ 'jhbqo^^S JEheri,"believes,jthat,j in E^vtttsiw $808 62 . .";';-'58^7 Total, 92qoi;76;, 9 437 18; ,. ;;924S)8:d3; 9 850 99 Asp WHRnBifl^ tuerenpon ttjo aiiid ?onpoU hasproQurod aa oxantination tolj.eipftjdby J Sj Laird*0. h 8,rboIupapexson oompetontforsuch purpose, of tho &&14 ut^apirqpOBttdto be drained' and the monu& mmijofitua fort the,' drainage thereof,und ototbnr lands und roo*U,liable to, asBaBSfhenb-uudor tliia fict Mu\ ib ftlaorpto-' onrodMaDa.sjiGo'ficcLtlf'DB nud u*tlmiitt>a ot the* dralnoae' ;worlt J. ; 8. ,Laira, and on atsetew^nt to bo mud* In him of tlie;ISJidO and, rottdfl to b*i b^nvflUtiA .by auoh .dralnsKe-wp>r>W'flpo^'i 'h"riiun'Kai'ana-itoBasilinj B^lftforoontrlbqtiiJ^moj^o.VBtBWiff.M nolnj^beprDi)ortlc>d ofrboiifnt.ViiMctlW' :,- ". trial; cf: appa*dSjcas^^in8t;.toe^*boy^-84.,; /. munioipallfcy, and tot covering intorest therepu, .-K\ OTIOB iBhewttftfyen that a qoart of Eo^ fw'aovon tharatftofnYepor.qpnrani X^ :^sIon,,hald per annum,1* speoial rate'on:tho.aolIar.'is>Mar -- - -,-. oientto produce tbaroqulrGd yearly amount tharefor.flliall.OVOcana t---^~" -^- beievioo; lanft'pQneotoi: andftttho satvo time ia ooUeoto(l)*nDoa,i,and'.froni vmdi.tMv*^b ->>rv*> -,___^_, ropWvi^ s^Towasbip:qf;(^ i!soryedxn;i!he^On^b|^j^iM^^ Plants Thafc Thrive Indoori. Plants suitable ipr: indoor window garden's are: Goraniuma; begpnjl^ not' inoipding the B^x sections, :as^these,arenot adapted to frpuse Qulture; bleandtfr;> plumbago; cacti, ficna, palm,; atipiais-. trai lantana, fpohpla-;speoibsa, faotburi- unV aMo^ ' primrose, primnla ;oboonioai baUa,,;" abn-r tilbn; ..a^fcliert^ni;^ trope,,; ohryBanthemuhiauA; oobea and jasmine, flor nangiqg planta, ::pthoii^,.V,saxifragai';;m j|b-a4eBow^^ .'^ ':sia^Bpbolbsnifs^bra^^fe>r^;;N^ .;')' ;ThB ;:By*; i>i.;i; phip*?:.^|3 '!V7ho' ban ] orplai'&bV'i^tft'0^^ droas inatinct p4 the chiltit ,1^^;, ' ,'it'f'n'iarflevln: i^a^'^|e|^ 'roaia';6vM^^iwa^;!0 its features break, Itf.asj^BS^^n^poj^t^ SmrI nil! e Ti' b v- cni 4*n wAHLix'.

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