Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 10, 1897, page 8

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puttttdiTtfil^ftukQe;'with,her frienasi |:^^'a:Mrs.^Arthnriraw;; " Maidstone 3$$;;i-Thefrtfant child of H. XavBon diod ^S-^OnSunaoy. and wab buried at North ^fritidgeon'Monday;" . "" |5;[ ^IVhileolenuing n lamp glass lately 0i!t&!$.R. Wigle'.met with the painful ^f^iiisfprtane of outtine her hand. '($' ^ .jiisa Cora Wigle' purposes taking a trip to Barnla for the benefit of her health. She will ho accompanied by mm V/.!..r-: $$& 1^);:,:;: Miss Jennio DaWRon. **' "' '-. , The barma of Mina v 'kdttjiile,'^]!^ all they can lay haiidfl on in the ahapo of partsof tables, oaalcet handleB.oto.It is time such nefarious .work was put a stop to an4 the guilty parties are warn ed that if caught they will bo dealt with to the utmost limit of the law. i?f :. #?/ ' m M:- "' Jj.'/i' -' te-- fi" - i my- tt'J'l 0, Hannah McCar thy, of Dougal avo., and Miohaol Kane, of Maidstone, wore announced in tho Catholic chinch at Windsor IftRfc Sun-, day. ,i Mrs.Thos. Onrrau and aauphtor, of Detroit, Miss Kato Hurley, of Windsqr, anc Misfl Katio Tjyneb, of Detroit, nro Spending a two weeks' vacation with the former's sister, Mrs. John CVKoofo, of Maidstone ^ The Oonrt of "Revision on tho by-law to raise 8845 to ro-imbursc Sandwich South for Mniilfitono^ share of the cost of repairing tho rikn'Oroek and Wnat Town Lino Drain will ho hold at tlio Town Hall, on Bo turd ay, Hopt. 11th. Tho ohickon social givon by the Methodist Sunday Bohool horo proved a pront ruooohr, both financially nnd , otherwise. Notwithstanding tho largo crowd which was present, thoy woro Unable to cope with Ihe lnr^o supply of chicken which tho ladic/>f Maidstone provided for tho occasion, and another social wa.i held the Hocond ovoning fol lowing. North Rldtro. Mrs. Boll, of Kent Co., is tho guest cf William Tteives and wifo. Oftfiimor Thornton, of Detroit, oallod on relatives hero laHt Monday. rJacob Amor, of tho Hoetion, called On acquaintannes horo Tjabov Day. David MeOroory, wifo and son, Glenn called on Alexander Wilson lafit Sun day, E. J. Williams, who has boon in Por- tago Tja Prairio for novoial months, is liome again. . James Cummtforrt and wifo spent Inst Tuesday in Woodsleo, tho guosts of their son, Winillo. Alf. Baltaev, and wifo, of Amor,woro the giiosts of Bamitol Baltzor and wife last Saturday and Sunday. Windlo 8. Gummiford, of Woodsleo, called on his parents", James Ouromi- ford and wifo, last Sunday. Mrs. George Tuning and children, of London, woroguoHtsof Jnmos Gummi ford and wifo last wook.. Mrs. A.G. Bodollo and Mrs. C, M. Todd spent lasb Friday on tho Hth con., tho guostft of A. W. Bridgen' and wiib. . After working for a fow wooks- in Jasco* .Co., Mich.. Jessie -nnd Ellbry 'MoOombsretnruod homo last Satur day. Honvy WilliamR has gone to Utio'a, Miohigau, to roHumo his oditorial labors hftor u fow days outing with rolntivos hear. Mrs. (Bcv.) T. B. Huutor and child-' "'ion, who have boon visiting at hot* sister's, Mrs. Whifcmoro, left for her homo in"St. Thomas, Inst Friday. ' 'David-Noble has boon quito buocobs- fnlih.soiling Peninsular Gold Mining stock. He will likely bo ono of tho party to go no, to tho minoa in tho spring. ' Tho warm weathor wo aro now having is1 just right for. ripening tho corn; in fact, it is porfeot and could not bo. hot- .tor, and wo hopo it will oontiuuo for tho balance of thb mouth. The Harvosfc Homo sorvieo of Trinity church, North Itidge, will bo bobbin tho church on Sunday next, tho 13th inst. Tho Bov.-Mr. Smith,of Windsor, Will conduct the sorvieo, JPbo collection will ,bo for tho church improvement und, ' Wooddlee. Miss Martha Owen, of Kingsvillo, is visiting friends here. . Mrs. Parker has. opened up a dress making establishment in town. * Harry Wild gavo a show of a miscel laneous oharaotor last Thursday night. Frod Taylor has bought a house from Mr. Xjadquoenr and is moving it up to his own place. Miss Ethol Thompson and her brothor Goorgo, wheeled out from Windsor and spent Sunday with Miss Allio Sohooloy, Harrow. Labor Day was frilly approoiatod, if tho largo crowd which boarded tho train was any proof. Mrs. Leach, of Oakvillo, who has boon visiting hor sister, Mrs. Hugh Wattors, returnod to hor home on Sat urday last. Thoman Britton and John Mulder woro on Saturday committed for trial hoforo Judge Horno on Sept. 17th for alleged hog stealing. Tho camp mooting which was to hnvo boon hold in Jam on Grior's grove proved a decided failure, as no proachor could ho prevailocl upon to como to preach. Last Sabbath ovoning tho Bov. J. Johnson,of tho Baptist ohuroh.proaohod in tho Frosbytorian ohuroh, tho regular minister having to assist at tho servioo in Leamington. Tho Sacrament of tho Lord's Supper will ho dispensed in tho Prosbytoriim church next Sabbath at 9:00 p, m, Bov. W. Fattorson, of Leamington, will con duct tho sorvioe. out a mftrrlftg6 license.qh TVednoeday. tags in ottr last Ijsuean error crept in, tn oar report ifwaa stated that the rate was to be 1} millfl on the dollar. The paragraph should have road as follows: "The estimates for the current year woro discussed and it was decided to levy a rate of 13 mills on the dollar for tho county rato, aud 5J mills on tho dollar for ourrontexpensosofthe town ship, tho townahip's a hare of drain ago debentures maturing in 1808, and that portion of the school rates to be paid out of tho general funds under tho authority of section HO of the Fublio Schools'Aot, 180(1/' It will thus bo soon that tho rate for 1H07 will bo sovou mills on tho dollar. * fitter :lJWappt?tmeats PAJNB'fl OBiBBY OOKPOtmB BBIkrOB niAIiSB, JOY ANP HAPPINESS, a oavlond of East. Thoro '<v , Bcllo River. , Our doctor is quito busy at.prosont. Tho Board of Trado mot Inst Monday evening. Mast* Lila Boyi'iolda roturuod to Chi cago liist Thursday, r Tho nino-months'-old child of Mr. Fontaine diodTast X^riday. Tho bridge gang on the G.'T. B. reached town hint Thursday.' Arrangomontfl avo boing made for tho building of a ilo'uv und grist mill. /Henry Archibald's threshing last ... week gavo him 3,250 bushols of'oats oil' fgv(.83.acres, 170 butthols of barley and OflO '$-" of wheat. . A largo, attendanco at school is a vary AV'< pleasant feature of this torm. Both teachers and pupils aro hard at work. ^'.-,"f,TUb largo publio sohool loaving-ola'as is 3";f .also working very em'nostly, ^ ; : The. High school oanvansing commit tee composed of J. Malouo, F. JP. Bou- ^ /telHerj P. Dumbnt, D. Dumouclioilo.P. |^;;:J; ;qorbett, T. Orozier, J. XX A. Do^ipl, S, Dp)|,;.Sylvester and others aro mooting with l&vAyery encouraging success. . Thosoeur- |fe|f svj^igrpf the necessary number of electors IPf^toi^lie'huiidiiig of a high Bchool hero is ..m^S^-O^^^^'^^o^' Wallace/ B. A., ^^^ Pori)Qtt and F.F. BouteUieratthe MJiin'eeting of the.Board of Trade delivered K'K^ ; 'of &^v|ii^i(i8,|^-geht^meh iufsupport of itfl feJ5';i early:' erefltiipn.. '. mootings will feljpjipw in the Bohoql septions of Boob- S/eBtei-jTilbujy North and Maidstone. W.'.'V^""r;1..rv,,;..' ' " fey^ft^'r:- . m..........'"' EdKarVt mils. Mrs. Tj. Donoati, of Walkorvillo, vis- itod with her-father, Mr. Boneau, Inst wook. Miss Abbio MoLaugblin spout Mon day with hor sister-in-law, Mrs. L. Mc Laughlin. B. Cudmoro, of tho Stato Savings Bank/Detroit, spent Sunday and Mon day with his puvonts. Mrs. MoVioar and Mrs. Cudmoro are' in Windsor, this wook attending the \VC. T, U. convention. John Sutton sold two loads of hogs to S. Green, of Essox. My, and Mrs, LangloisandMrs. Mar tin picnickod at Lake St. Cbiir onTnos- day. South Woodslee. Busihoss is booming in all branches. Tho repairs to tho parsonage aro now finished. The church will bo nttonded to shortly. IC. B. Cohoo has roturuod from his viBit down oast and has resumed bis old position. Jacob Mitcholl and W. H. Bumball aro at tho Industrial Fnir in'Toronto this week. Henry ICnistor shipped bogs Wodnosday to tho aro a fow loft horo yot. The Ladies aro putting forth ovory oilbrfc to irialco tho Harvosfc Homo Bari- quot horo next Monday night a grand success. The ontortainmont given last Satur day night had a vory dolifcerious odoot upon tho performer for ho was under tho weather for tbreo days after, 'Th6 Epworth League' Entertainment camo oft'last Tuesday night but tho attendance Was not so largo an oxpootod owing to the Harvest Home Favowoll at Cottam. About 40 omployoes of tho M. 0. R. came into town on Tuesday. Thoy Jillod up all the private houses tlmfc would accommodate thorn,, as most of thorn objeotocl to going to a hotel. Thoy will.remain about four weeks. Tho annual Harvost Homo enter tainment in connection with tho Mofch- odiflt Church, South Woodsleo. will bo given noxt Monday ovoning, Septem ber tilth. Broaching on Sabbath, 13th inst., at 10.UO a.m. and 7.110 p.m., by Bov. W. H. Shaw ; special collections in aid of Trust Fuud.. On Monday evening, tea will bo served in Cumm i- ford & Molntoev's warorooms from rt to 8 o'clock. A literary and musical on- tortaininont will be given in tho chuvoh. to begin at 8.15 o'clock. Addrossoa will be given by Xlovs. A. Thibaudoau, A. MeKibbin and N. J3; Scott, Br. Jennor and W. Feotham. First-olass music will ho furnished. Admission, S5 oonts. \ About two months; ago Messrs. Flick .v-.Boggs commenced tho manufacture' of fino caskets and coftlns over McTn- toer's repair shop, Sinco then "their, business has grown so rapidly that last wook thoy woro compelled to move ovor the Hogan block. They uso the old shop for manufacturing and the now one for finishing. This firm manufac tures entirely for the trade and their work is bo well done that orders aro coming in faster than filled. At present they have on exhibition in their new warerooms some beautifully flnishbd caskets wbiohoro to be shipped east,, To Bacceasfully compete with large .establishments speaks much for the ability and push of the men who compose thiB firm. . ' M'i Cottam. Miss Bonio Hicks, of Sarnia, visited frionds in town this weok. Chas. Xfurdcastlo. of Windsor, was in Cottam on bpsiness last Tuesday. Mts. Alfred ICollingtou visited hor parents on Poloe Island last wook. Bobort Tato.on Monday,sold another carload of oafctlc to a buyor from Lou don. Mrs. A.'Hayes and child, of Detroit, are visiting with Mrs, J. T. Brown and family. Mrs. Geo. Piorco, of Harrow, paida flying visit to Mi;;. J. T. Brown on TnoHday. Samuel Moore, our mail man, bought a vory from Bichard Juno thiw wook. Wo did not learn tho price paid. Mastor Toddy and Miss Gortio Wiglc* ohildreu of Albort Wiglo.havo roturuod after spending fchroo wooks with friends in Toledo and Windsor. Wo understand that John Lonsborry, ono of the XSssox High School boys, has boon ongagod as teacher in ono of tho schools near Harrow, Wo wish him success, ' .. * J. Buokland has an oxcollent crop of wheat this soason. Oft* 10^ acres he threshed about 7(10 bushels, an nvorago of nearly 40 bushels to the noro. Oft' one. piece 45 busbols to tho aero woro tbroHhod. Tho Harvost Homo fo^tival given by tho Mothodist people of tho Cottam cir cuit on 'JMesday, Sopfc. 7, was a com plete success in ovory particular. Tho pastor,.Bov. A. MeKibbin, has organ ised bis workers "on a good systom and no ineonvonionce was folt in anything; overyono know thoir work and did it, and more oftioiont and willing workors wo havo novor soon. Oottam is famous for good dinnors and abundant ropasts, but this ono excelled any past record. Nothing could exceed tbotasto and ele gance of tho table arrangements, Par- tios from a long distnnoo declared, it to bo the ilnost "sproad" thoy had ovor soon," Dinner was Ftorved at 13:110 and tho programme was taken up at JJ:15 p. m. Tho following spenkors.gnvo excel lent addresses :~Bcv. IMossrs. Bakor, Shaw, Hor, Hamilton, Trimble, Gilford and McMullon. Tho orchestra from Leamington was present and discoursed sweet music on "stringed instruments" to tho groat satisfnotion of all prosont. Tea was sorvod from C p. m. to 8 p, m; and tho crowd pourod in so thnt tliero was scarcely onougli room to roooivo thorn. After cutting accounts with tho good things on tho tables a soeoudtimo, all ropiiirod to tho church to on joy tho sacred concert, when the following pro gramme was roudorod: Instrumental, orchosira; anthom, Methodist choir; recitation, Mrs. Mc- Croary; insti'iimeutal, orchestra; duot, MisscBSodgwick; anthom, choir; read ing, J). H. Trimble; instrumental, or chestra. Anthom, choir; recitation, Mr. J. M. Henry; instrumental, oruhbstrn; duet and chorus, Misses. Sedgwick; instru mental, orchestra,' It in ncedloss to stato that tho orchos- tra bad to respond to sovoral oncoros and did so with^a good .grace, as thoy havo an unlimited supply of oxoollont music. Tho occasion throughout was ono of. tho most.onjoyablo wo havo ovor had tho pleasure of iittonding.. Tho proooods amounted to ^00,00 or ovor. You are willing to confess, poor suf ferer, that you havo been bitterly dis appointed with past efforts, and that in your estimation your future soems.dark and gloomy. You and your frionds alone are to blame if diseaso is tightening its chain around you, making you a sure captive for the dark and dreaded gravo. Why keep a wifo or husband in fovor- ish anxiety, daily bonding over you with tearful oyes and almost brokou heart? Why cause your children's voices to bo hushod, and thoir childish sports and games to bo disregarded and castasido? Thoy certainly cannot enjoy lifo when thoy sou a fathor or mother in tho agonies of suffering and doop in mental despair. Yon can change the scone by chang ing and bettering your physical condi tion. In other words, you can ho cured and made well again by tho uso of Faino'H Celery Compound. Your efforts,' up to tho prosont, to throw oft' tho ouoiroling and deadly bonds of diseaso havo boon vain and futilo. Your doctor's well moaning work has not boon productivo of cheer ing results, and you aro wasting monoy on medicines that can novor moot your easo; Doing assured of now health and lifo by tho umo of Baiuo's Celery Compound, you nro sinning against heaven and false to your family aud frionds if you rofuso to mako trial of tho groat agency tlfat has saved thousands in tho past. Fnino's Oolory Compound . is tho grandest diseaso banishor that medical hoIouoo ever devised, and has tho in dorsation of our host doctors, lawyors, public men, morobants and others. Its curing powors aro wonderful, prompt nnd surorand it keeps ovory man and woman permanently cured. <"/jsgEfli '-l.v.i^:^:M Are cordially invited tp|!j|||l and see the Colossal Blli|| tion of New Dress Goods aSl Mantles,.....'.-. :?% ' .- ':':^ii THE GREAT CORNER STOR '.was ' Vv/!a Ovor CO Bartsian iTronch Novolfcy CosLumoH to Bolect from, ranging in from $'4.(>G-to- $12 for each Dress. Dross price 25 Piocos of two-toned Fanoy Dress Goods, 42 inches wide, worth rogular U7Jc. por yard for 80o. por yard. Special values in Briostloy's Dlaok Dross Goods, Sorgos, LusfcroM, Velours, Black and Colorod two-fconod Broadcloths, Whip Cords and Bouolea. 100 tionH, Bluo, un< each. Ladies' Now Mantles, the latoet cre.a-. in Black, lirown, FaWn, Groon, Navy I Groy, pricoM from $3 up to !g;i5 HOSIEKY.- standard brands -Wo are in roceipt of those of alroost everlasting laolr Bibbed Oashmore Doso, doublo Icnoos aud toos, for Ladies, Misses, *Boys and Ohildron. Groat vfthiGH in Winter. Ladies' Voats, >v Fall and % 'if, lixrtliH. GrrjioK At Piupiclte, on Friday, September 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilboc, n t'aughtcr. McAuj.ikkk At Muldstonc Cross, on Wed'. nesdawScptembcrSth, to Mr. and Mr. John McAuIiflo, a Kon, Kjcnkkv Mnidstone Cross, on Wlnc- day, September 8th, to Mr, nnd Mr. Xlioa, Kcnncy, son. '. Our Grocery Dept ::m is filled with Low Prices* Choico Groceries at Astonishingly ':-:m The-Great Corner Store. Essex Markets. September nth. Wheat, red, por bush.,,.8 % 80. Wheat, white............... 8(1 Corn........................... '80 Oats........................... 21 Timothy fiood............... 1 20 1 25 Oloyor seed.................. 3 00 4 00 Hay, per ton............... n 00 8 00 Alsiko.................. ...... I) 00 4 00 Boof, drossod?.............. 41 05 Pork, live weight;........ 5 00 Mutton...................... 4 00 4 50 Hid os......................... 0 75 4 00 Obickons, por lb.......... 07 07 Bnttor....................... Ill 14 Lard............................. 08--- 08 Eggs, por doz............... 0!) . 00 Potatoes (now)........ ..,. CO DIEBEL & BRICKER. NOTICE, We arc now buying corn at Walkcrvillc and paying 25 cents per bushel for No. r. No, X Kye 40 cents per bushel, Hiram Walkkr A Sons, (Ltd.) Wulkerville, func 8tb, 1897, ALMA COLLEGE For Young: Women. ArcNldnntlritnRlion].' Ciillu^iittf: Iiiul I'n- ]>.irn!oiy Si uitlc-;.. Klii'jli;, Kinu An, Elocution.Huiilivt-'i, g^wHWw^jjfto'^d ;, .,{ wj[l, Vf.:i..ti, Cheap Advice.. Don't be talked into buying a' Stoye^ that won't suit yon' and paying two$ prices for it when you can buy a:|| * *i<- -AK. better article in your an lionest price. own town, at;'; Ublvcrtity. Collen fitiiiiil lit i;n ciyhi ;icn.> purk haw tat ph. l'*Ci-illiliill'iittllc;iUtlil|:uou])i|[i.-,illcilliif!(,:ul(Ir.jtii;: Rftv. R. Wcrnor, M. A., Prln:lfi:>t, '.'>*. Itnwa:. G:jL T. lit Meiiiorlaii. The following? linos woro composed by Rev. .Tneob Tier, of Oottam on the doath of hiH xriond, tho lato John Brown, County Councillor- for No District.. Our lives are now quite drtMiy, Our hearts arc'very sad,, .It was John's presence with us That made our spirits glnrt' Usunlly lie wns cheerful' Mitlst all the scenes of life, __ Suddenly he wns tal<en.....- "- From friends, chililrcn antl wife, 'Irt the prune of life ."cut down" . ".." , *'Liltc a shadow ht; fled" (Job 14:2) Now the chiefest of the Town Is'.numbered with the dead. As we all must shortly die - And leave our kindred too Shall we. reign'with Christ on high With saints on earth we knew?. Yes, if we our sins forsake : And do In Christ, believe " Of hln grace we'thall partake ,. . And eternal life receive. In heaven we soon shall meetk Alt of our "white, robed" fr(ends .Who will us lovingly greet . And from ua part no,more., Then we our Savior, shall see, . Whom Will fervently loye, , . We'll praise Him eternally In thcbrlght wotH ftboVie, Schools - W. H, Richardson Oontinnes doing "business at the old Stand. - - ...... Hardware, Stoves and Ranges^ ,-)?.-* '^ '. .1; Ro-oponed and tho ..... Essex Medical Hall Haa Koooivod a Largo Supply of School BooIch for Public and .... . . High .Schools* . AIpo art Assortment of Stationery hi All Linos of /. . . .'". Inks, Lead Pencils, Scribblers, Drawing Books, Writing Pads, Counter Blotters, Day Books, &c. &c ":v-t.1 Is Do you Want . A. New Buggy ?&S&* & If : mm m mft If so you cannot do bofcte* than by calling at the :-'U ......PHhiiaoiB^.EaaeK....... __- urn**'-. :' y.L'.'-'V^ir . i'"1'u'.,.'.l,'|lf e::.'issey: carnage Havinsr the beetMebhanioB employ^, ^e;can.tpaiwite^all]^^^^&' ' ^ 1^i^ng^and.C^era^j6bb^ng;^

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