Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 10, 1897, page 6

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ftXV&t^' E everyday,toilet. ^yiyor^&jD^^ ^^^jA^rM^^ ' 1fiiii liH. Blrt, do>t S8>7( T . >** (' T" They're brokon your doll, J knout And your tea Mt bluo ;j? -i'i > W*' Si Aad y<?ur toyhooM, too, Aro thingi of the long; ago. Bat childish trouble will aoou pas* by. Vheru, 11LLU tflrl,'don't cry, Vhoro, little girl, don't ory. Thoy'vtJ broken your slats, I know* And tho glad wild ways Qt your uahoolgirl days Aro thinga of the lung ago. at life nnd lovo will 00011 coma by. Thro, llttlo girl, don't ory. Thare, llttlo girl, don't ory. * They'll broUun your boart, I know* And tho rninbow gumma Of ymir youthful ilrennia Are things of thn lonir ngo. But Imavmi holds nil for whloh you atgtt. Tbore, little girl, don't cry. Jiiraeo WhlUomb It I ley. k ' AN INDIAN LEGEND. In tho county of Berkshire, state of Massnrhuficttfl, tho lofty Monnmmit mountain roars its firay form. If there is any riling Bublime attached to 11 mount, a ruro beauty will be admit tod to linger around this wild and towor- lug lino of rooka Itfl bold and frown ing front extends about ono milo, and ho roughly is it flung togothor by na ture nnd sraiidinK at tho sumo time eo porpuwlimiliir that n trnujuJoua ohill hurries over tho body us tho awestruck boholder gnzen up at it. A few knotty, dwarfish pines aro to bo neon peering obliquely from tho nurrow ortivlrr h, looking groen ovon among roolcH, like hope flourinblug on the borders of do- spuir. Tho rod bolt from tho thuudoroloud, the wiwW and the power of oonturioa bttvo torn way many fragmouta of etono from unhigli mul uout thomumok~ ing to the bano, whoro already n long pyramidal linn in Htrang along, quito a mountain in itaolf. Tho roar of this plauu fallsnft* with a gi'iiMoblope, Which Is oviiwhiirtowod by tall and rogal Jook- iug troejj, whofio giuut root huvu never beon brokon. It ynonouta a itmrful yet maKiiiflnout nppcaranco. There is no villago near to wnfoi tiio Bolemnifcy of itu solitwlo, nnd mJoucg in at* profound at thti mid'ft meridian U4 at tho huh_pf knidnip;ht. It alwuyw soumod to mo thin apot \v:m a favprito with tho nun, for tho first rosy flash of morning appoiirod un- etify until drinking tho dow from tho trees npou it brow, nnd hi lnnt rnyg Jingorod tlioro at evening, ovon after a put rial twilight begun to fling a duwky th ulo over the vHt valley bolow. But thiy may bo imagination. I muttt juat mention a oiroumntiinoo ha relation to tliiH mountain which it tho uppnlJatiou which it has teoeived, Qucft this buokwhrd Hlopo wur fitud- dc! witJi the wjgwam of tho Indiana, oa.lod the titnr*kbndgo tnbn, and tradi tion ha4 linndod down many an ambig- uoiiH and eliilling tulo in regard to thwji. lb w.w an cstabliuhed law among thorn that when un Indian committed a deed tho ponalty of which wns doath ho should plungo hirofiolf, or, refusing to d<y this, be plunged by Homo one of bis triboy Over tliiu frightful prooipjeo. Many had been dashed to tho rooky valo botow, and ho high was the Hpot from whore tho victims wore oast off that it was Konorally supposed that fcho rapid descent through tho uir deprived thorn of broath, and fow if any had ov er boon conuoiouH of anything when they reached the oiirtb. A beautiful Hquaw trnnfigrossDd by marrying into another tribe, and tho penalty for such an offouso wan and ov er had beon doath. Bho wan woll awaro what her fato would bo provious to her scaling it, but it did not rustiain hor. Sho dnjoboyed, and nothing could atono but tho full extent of tho law. Although $he had oourago snfllcicnfc to faco death in marrying, Hho did not fool willing to sacrifice) hcrsolf according to tho mun- dute, and it thoroforo devolved upon eomo ono to prceipituto hor over tho cloud capped mountain, All her hmbfl being bound oxcopfc hor hands, flbo was borno to tho vorgo and lanncliod away with all tho HtoioiHm for which tho In diana uxa famous. But hero a thing oc curred which had novor boon known before. In hor downward flight ba eamo in contact with tho long branch of ct piijo wliioh swung out many feet from tho locka, and, grasping it with fcho clutch of doath, Buconoded in break ing tho'force Hhu had attained, and rn- MUiined holding faht, mispmidod butw< en tjio top and bago of tho mountain. Tlioro who hung at tho pioroy of a filondor branch, without oven a Jiopo of risouu, Tho (ipacu butweon her and tin* rooks wan too much to Drink of tow b- ing them, and hor ntrongth, ovou in tho oatn-0 of lii'o, wa> not auflloiont to draw her up to tho limb. Sho oast hor oyos up, but uoihingwiiH thorn but her 10- luntlosH onomieH, whoso rtmnnnhod and duHlcy f6riuw wore arranged along tho edgo of tho mount. They mdeked'hor in tho situation in which hIio wau placed, and tho aislos of tho forosfc rovorborated to thoir hidoous nnd unourthly yolls. Bolow nil was in mlmuturo 'tho rooks woro dwindled to a lovol with tho surrounding valo, tho trees had shrunk away to buuhos, an old ohiof, who jwua,Bitting on, a rock string- fng his bow, Was but a spook, and tho outline of his form could soarooly bo traced. ^ It was morn when, hor soutoiico Was exeonted, and tradition Says that whou tho shadows of evening began to gather round she stlllwas there, and her shrill try was heard disturbing ,tho qulotnesD of the houTf Night oame and passed 1 away, and still pho was swinging on this sloping pino, and the noise which be uttered told that hunger was doing ^.fcis worjc upon her. JLate in the mora- . > .ipg "DU38 of the Indians, going over to jij^tjie.verge of the precipice and bending S^T**' -^aw a ^w *irows circling round fix tfieunfortunftto victim*b head, as if im~ ^^pk^mh'p^her .Wasting,body, ,-whieb ?<?; ^eyeyhaf^dftydiving anddMtiug at ^C'Jiif form And theo, rising suddenly in p'jjfetHir; with ontatretohcd wings, a/if ft^iaw* motion of-life had deferred, them Wt-***m thtlt purpose. Often did they rest "' '^JMfpitfy' vpoa, th* r*wj tnw ^v THE CATBIRD'S PLIGHT. Fo^y tth-dtf to the tlQumui How It n'ru Finally Bt Vrmo. "Going through tho woods onodny," aid a lovor of birds, "I saw a catbird with ono of its wings caught on n brier bush. Thoro was a clump of biicrs here, with a narrow opening at ono place botweon two of fcho bushes Tho catbird had tried to fly through that opouing and hud mado a miflcaloulation and got ono of its wings impaled on a thorn. Tho othor wing was frcp, and it wo flapping that and trying to got cigar of the bush. "Around this bush there must have boon at loaflt 40 othor birds, of one kind or anothor, catbirds and brown thrash ers and wrons and grasy chippies, and bo on, that had been attracted by tho unfortunate catbird's oriee and its ef forts to cscapo, and that appeared to have gathorod thoro to help it. They, fluttered about oloo to tho bush, flying around at a grout rnto and making a lot of uoiso, but not really doing anything. Soma of tho smaller birds would fly around vory olono to tho bush or ovon fly under it, and I imugiuo some of tho bigger birds Baying to aonio of theso venturcsomo little followfl, 'Ilore, you brown thrasher, you, why don't you get undor him thoro and push 0x1 his wmg?' But tiio brown thrasher would only go about &o aloflo. Ho wasn't going to got caught. What tho bird.H_ would have done finally I don't know. I think they would Jiuvo helped tho catbird in somo way, but I undertook to help it jpysolf. "Of uourso I oouldn't go right up to it, for that would huvo frightened it, nnd may bo mado it hurt itsolf ovon worHo, I had with mo 11 sawed oft broom stick that I carried for a walking fitiok, and I undertook to freo tho catbird with that. I thrust tho stick through the brier bush, nil tho othor 40 birds look ing on, and brought tho end of it gen tly againut the catbird's wing and push ed tho wing off tiio thorn. But in start ing away tho outbird got tho wing caught again on anothor thorn. That wttfl bad, and 1 stood off a iniuuto do: liberating about what to' do uoxt, the wholo flock of birds still fluttering round and the impriHonod catbird now pretty nearly exhausted. It was a timo to drop all ceremony, and I simply walked up to tho bush and took tho cat bird off the thorn with my hands, "Just beyond tho brier bushos there wuh a sm6otb grassy spot Jn the woods and I laid the catbird down there, the Wholo lot of birds that had boon hover ing about the brier bush following along, more or less near, and hanging around there. Pretty soon the catbird got up and flew to a little tree nearby. It wasn't strong, but it oould fly and its wings wore all right ' When it flow up into the tree, all the other birds flew away, From the tree the catbird sang its thank* to me, and there I left it, " Now JTorJc Son, by which ihe wsiwpported, and' tho long flay paste* wW tntae ooe (rf.ihcHfl sable oreatures wafwlng the.moment- when the,grasp should fail and tier body fftll below. - - It was on tba night of the nee odd day that a scene took place which has nevor been forgotten, Tho sun fell away at vo with a peculiar splendor, taming every objeot in the valley to a golden light and causing tho Hcusatonic, in its HoipenHae course, to gieuui up and BpauRlo Ilko liquid flro. Many wan the hautor who lay watching tho hoauty of tho beams which were flung around him, and when tho hint gorgeous streak had fiulod ovpr Monnment mountain tin broad heavens were olnar and blue, ex cept tho crimson folds whirh floated in grandeur along the wosf. Yet tba squaw still hung by tho branch of tho piue, and 1icr orlos alternately rosii through tho dM.'p stillncfw that roigncd around. But icon a louden haato bognn to riso along thn nsAUio wall of tho west and was shortly hurot'eded by dark, dismal looking eUmriH, around whoso edgo thn lightning plnyed, as if to light thnm on in their s.ul and gloomy pathway. Tim thunder muttered faintly, thou sent its roll up to tho meridi'in, nnd finally, with increased power, cracked mid shook through the vory bouveiiB. The shriek of tho squaw was heard in tho profound pause after tho roar had died away, but itrt echoes s+irrfd not tho HympathicH of any ono of tho tribe. Higher and high er mso the storm. Tin* lightniugcrinklid ovoi tho sky more vividly, and Die re- pott followed f>o soon and Imivy t'mt tho gray old trees of tig1 mount trnm- blod a fcho peals burst through the -*p- per world. Kiglit had sot in with all itn hliirk- nohS, wlien a party of tho tribe proceod- ed to behold tho situation of tho .squaw. Soon after their arrival a flamo of lire suddenly lit up tho woodtf. Thiiplnuwus struck by a thunderbolt, HofctiiiK it on flro, which, being piuiiil fiom tJio clidl of tho rook, spun round and round ^o BWiftly that naught could be traced of tho treo itself or tho squaw whom tlioy Mip powul to be attached to it. Upward it hurried into tho air, burning and whiz zing in itn course, the torrents of ram not even dimming its glare. Tradition sayw it whirled with Huoh velocity that it did not seem to the oyo to turn at all. Away it wont, and it is said tho Indi ans gazed at it until it noemed no big ger than a star, whin finally it was lost in tho blackness of tho sky. The base of tho mount wan immediately exam ined, but nothing was to bo warn either of thp jrdno or tho squaw, when it was finally concluded in council that it was tho work of tho Oiont Spirit. TJ10 Indi ans, therefore, raided a monument by rolling stones together, which stands to this day, and from whirh tho mountain takes its name. The untutored urchin quickens his paeo when pu^ii;*; tluH spot uftflr day light has dipaiud fiom itH summit and whistles a lively air to clevnto his drooping spirits, and tho teumutu'i as tho crook of his whip riugfl among tho rooks, starts from Mh scat as if 11 hpirit spfjlre, so strange are the associations connected with Monument mountain.- Now Vork News. "There are fads In medicine 'as well as In other things/' laid * busy drugfirlst, "but the most remarkable thing about Hood's SaraaparlllA Is that customers who try other remedies^ all come book to Hood's, and this Is why the enormous sslesof this medicine Acoep up while others Come and in a short time go oat of eight en* tirely, to be heard from no moro." "Why is it?" "0, simply because Hood's Saraaparllln has mora real curative merit than any modlolno I ever sold," This Is of dally occurrence in almost every drug store. Hood'e SarsaparJIIa Is the standard remedy which has cured more sloknoss, rollevad more distress and made mora happiness by bringing people Back to health than any other medicine. Its wondorful cures of the worst cases of scrofula, running sores, ulcers, salt rhoum, to.; of dyspopala and other troubles Where a first class tonic and aid to diges tion was Hooded; of catarrh, rheumatism, malaria and othor troubles nrlalitg from or promoted by lmpuro blood, bavo made Hood's Sarsaparilla The standard the One True Illood Purifier, w - - *-*., - aro tho only pllh to Uke tlOOU 9 Fl I IS with JUood'u Boreni.firlll*. WOMEN AND JEWELS, Thi nnd Ctmihhmtluu In bm Old um Tlm Not n N*w Vuti* Tho critic who finds much to blamo in modem women 111 tho number of jewels they wear on both fchif and tho other sido of tho Atlantic will llnd that hidtoiy had set the fashion long bef010 tho fair creatures of today had opened their lovely eyes. Aceoiding trrPliny, Lollin Paulina, the wifo of Caligula, wore on hor hands, uimt., neck', head and waist pearls and dmniondH to the valuo of #1,080,000. raustiua had a ring worth $200,000, Domitia posscssod ono worth $300,000, und Ciffcoiiia had a bracelet worth $400,000. Sontca cried out that ono pearl would no longer do for u lady, but she must insist on at least throo for each ulioll liku oar, Tho weight of these, it is hard to believe, could ever bo oudurcd by ovon fcho Vain est of fair maids a^d matrons, T^/o were womon in unciout Rome whouo sole occupation was houling the torn oars of ladies whoso omamontu bad proved too heavy for tho pretty lobes. Puppioa'f earrings woro worth $7fi0,000, and Oalpurniu, tho wifo of tho mighty Jul Iuh Ciosar, had a pair valued at twice that sum. Later on tho oxtravagance had not scorned to havo died out. Mniio do' Medici had a dress piepared for the baptism of her chil dren, uud when she nttowiited to wear Dm maivelous froation sho fouud that ii wiw so heavy that sho could not stand in it. It was trimmrd with U2.000 pcils and .1,000 diamonds. Men, however, excelled in eoatly ap- pinel in the middlu ages, nnd Philip tin Oood of Bmgundy frequently wore jewels valued at $200,000. When ho \ialki d along tho straits, ponplo climb ed o\rr furhothir to g< t n pcojj at hum Tim DiiKu of Biukmglmm once woro at the court < f St. .Tun.cs a continue ocst- mg -'; 100,000. Tlu dif.^ of tliu ih Lh . oi iln Jiuddjo a/*, win htnally untred Willi gold and pucious stonos. UhitW- go 1S'('\V4 A nnod ^-llly I.iimi. A good Sally I-iiwu, m.uV* nccoi img to tJk' 011^'ihd Win ih LqnuN rn-ipu, Without yniit, 14 rhi" Mii y ciqn of floui, H tab1! jii-c-iifnlH sugai, U t.ihh- sjiuoiifnls mi'Jtfd lmtror, a cup of milk, 1} ti'Hsj onniuls linking powdt r and \eggs H-getlicr ami b.tke in a loni. If n ".ii-(d""~bHi\d U dusir< d, nothing i1' b.tti r than this ol'ti it' r. sti d j telpu. Add 2 t.ihk'sjinontuK melted butti r to a laige of w,.> jj]( d milk, then y well beuti'n cm*-* and h iff a yea1,* cakt di,solved 111 H t.ihh iipnnnfuK cold wad 1. IVmi gi^il- u.Uly nvi v ,t quart of fhiur and beat hi 11 Hinooth hatfu' Arkl a loaspnonful salt and a toa^poouful ot sugar tiot to rise ioi '3 Imjuts 111 11 waim placo and buJ 0 To tho^owho hko tho hop tunic a wholo yrnst cake m ly be um fl with rhco pio- porfionn and will, of cnurhe, accelerate ooiihidoiably tho using pxocoss. 'Now Voik Post. It in ostimat(v,i that about $70,000 worth of moat and $00,000 worth of bread ore daily consumed in Now York city, whllo for auiusoments tho public apoud^not more than $80,000 per day at tho th out era. fPr^W^tt*- W (h W tan j N^ ** 8\ ,.^m^. kott * Your anxiety is for your delicate child; the child that in spite of all your care ful over-watching, keeps thin and pale. Exercise seems to weaken her and food fails to nourish. That child needs Scott's Emulsion with the Hypophosphites not as a medicine, but as a food containing all the elements of growth. It means rich blood, strong bone's, healthy nerves, sound digestion. No child refuses Scott's Emulsion. It, is pleasant and palatible. : XTntetlonl Talk For 1*nrj Paoplo Who W*lt Upon niraselrwh - ~"- It is a faot whloh tho coming season will bring homo to all of us more or less, and especially now that~ all kinds of outdoor sport olaim numb or less fem inism devotees, that constant exposuro to sun, wind and varied temparaturn will have adisagrcoable effect upon tho skin. The busy people and who Is not bnsy nowadays? will grasp any sug gestions for ameliorating this stato of the fikin that aro briof and practical. Tho following from C*ood Housekeeping bavo tho ring of uotuul experience in thoin: The best protection is u tliorough Dloansij'g of the akin with soap and warm water every night at bod timo. Wash the faco as llttlo ad possible through thn day, i\nO never go out in tho winl immediately after washing. If one expects to be out in tho wind all day, 11 liberal application qf the fluent baby powder Will do inuoh to prevent burning and chapping. Only tho best quality of noup should bo used on iho face, nnd I havo found it hotter if preparod at homo. The follow ing formula gives a delicate soup which Iuih woiidciful cleansing and whitening properties, and it impioves with ago and woll repays tho trouble of muklng: Take 11 pound of flno white oiintilo soup, cut in very fine shavings and put In a tin pail with just enough hot water to cover it. Set on tho stove and simmer gently till tho soap is dissolved, then stir in -1 ounces of swtot almond oil, 4 ounces of powdered borax, an ounce of tincture of benzoin and tho juice of a largo lomon. Beat tho mixture woll and as it cools take up spooufuls, dip tlicm in fine outmoul and shape into oakes with tho liandw. This in an ideal soup fur all toilet purposes. All oily lotions for tho face should be avoided, as they encourage tho growth of downy baira and mako tho skin shiny. For ohups and sunburn there is nothing hotter thun a tublo- spoouful of oatmeal simmered in u cup ful of water. Strain and add an oqual quantity of lemon jnico. This is vory healing and at tho nawio time softens and whitens fho skin. Thoro is no beau- tifior hko cleanliness, and all tho creams and balms in tho world will not conceal tho cu'eofs of dirt. Eflki* .Town Council uaoetfl on t&o 1st and BM 'iWwiHj* in^eachrUioutn ut,a p. w., at TofctfHall, 4falb6tw.r C*. J. Thomas, Wyor I jolm Waiters, ciork. , OOLOIUtBTHtt NOttTU ^ownsuip oonuoll halda regular inoottuya oq tJio 'Jmi Saturday In caob niuufb, at the towahall, Qeeto, Jobn Taoaiua, lipovoj A. O.AtkJuboij,(jlrlit Goeto 1*. O, ' aoBriiSLD1 Noirrn town8hip oounoll liolde re gular 111 out n^B on ihu laat Hutuxday in uuob mouth at tUo tuwn null, Cottaia. Obun, JItf llclo, Ht>avo\ Isaau JucKuou, Ulork, cottuiu, x'. O, MAmuToMJfl towoublp council holds regular xnooiiugn on tUu lout ciacurduy lu tswoli wuntli at tho towunhlp hall in tho dch, oou. Jfutor Cor- boll, lleovo; M. MoHuyli, Ulork, Woodslou, I'.O Sanijwioii Bovi'H towuuhlp couuoll boldero* BUlar iuit*>tlua on tiio lut But.urauy 111 oauti luoathckttbo, uMuuhcIu, jjjiiwura O'-Neil, Itoovo, Jolm Aloyuiibuu. Clork, MulU- HtOUuJ'.O. A Kovlty In Vnvnltnrt), Ono of tho recent productions In fur niture is tho sctteo screen. This is an ingeniously contrived pieco of furiiiture, designed to servo tho double purpose of decoration and comfort. Its frame is of mahogany, tho upper part being filled in with Hiaall squares of bovelod plato glass. Tho cent f is of tho twoinnor pan els and the scats ovo upholstorod in one CHURCH DIRECTORY Dx, OJlfowl, i'uauur. borviou jvory huuuuy ac a a. in. ami 7 p. ta, bubhuU. U. lb. Naylor, buporuituutk out, oi eohoul. Ji^nwdtth Ijunguuprtiytjriuuotuv j.atttuluy avouiiifniHt oolouu, Uuuu/ul yiuytv inactmiiou Tliuindnyovmniw, (Jnonou ov KhObANu iiuv. A h Uovurly lu ouiuouut, til. 1'uiil'u, 1'jBbux, Uiyinuulii'viuu u\ury ouuuiiy at 11 a m ,/ o'uiO.*k p .uibumluy tjoliuolatlO u.. m. ifinitV Churcii, rtorilj Ul(t$v feuu day tiutiooi at l.-i(>)i. ni 'lllib imbbo alru cor- diu!lylayitud. i'BjfiBUKrJiKLiN. W.M.l/loiaiug, 1'aator.Hor* vioaa ou HabhaLh at 11 u, m. uud y ,uo p. m, Huh' Oath School at 2iUO i>. ill, l'rayur lutotlusuud t'ubtor'u blblo ulabu ou '1'uouUay at 7.JU p, m, Bucilil Uuloo oil Woiluoadavat H.16 p. in, tiAi-ribi* uiimum. Jlov.M, p. Ouuipbell, l'ab- toi* Hj.vIuou uuuii rtaubatu m, 11 u, m, utm 1 p m. t'rayor niu4)tniy ou Woduumlay ovoaait, utbo'olooa. Jl V. 1'. U. utiuLiut' ou IViday ovouiusut bo'oluuU, buutu ttiia. Ail aro uur- tiiaJly Wojoomud, lluUh CAluomc }<r. O. 1!>. AIoGuu, i'aaiuj. bui^iut. uvufy utniir buudtj,y utu.JUp. ni. tiuuday ^uhooiuttiii.m. AlAinmoNiB. illffli liuiHuaud buriuon ut lO.liu u. m uutuoliiam ut-'4 p. ai.i huptiuui aiU x'< lll- WMpuiiiium ooiiudJotlou at 7 v, m. O. Ij. Jlo- Uuu.i'.i', HAIiVATiON AllMV. flapt, Ottwiiy and Llout. Coo 111 ouiuiuuuu. BaWutiou niuotlusu Wou- notfclay.lJiurHciuy aiul Hiimlay ovouhiyfi,i)'roouud Jlany.oatuiday ovuuIuk uudup.iii. buuday;l*t)li uuHb UJu6Hi)({h lor oiuiuLbtuiii/riUuy uvouiiifjaud 11 u ni. buuuny, Kauu Dull 7, uvsry bumlay. Aliaro woiouixio LEGAL. ij1 A. WlbAUUt, bamatur, tjoliunoi, Notary XJJ. l'ubhudfo, JUouoy tojouu, UalCo,Uuh- utau niouU, up-utai) a, luuuox. ^-j.v O lijAjtKii., euwA^lnAlt'^LJ!'l &uAiwitUi, WiiKOiiJ'. i'nyiau nimiH to loan, A. Ii.UimjuOj, U. Jj. II, M. Jw. CO WAS, Al.iJ. A. JS, A. JlAlUIiLJ, A. K.-1UU11,)-T, ll, A, HJINltV U. WAL'lJ.i.h Jj.L.H.,Attomoyauu Couabulor at iuw, bonoitor 111 Chanuory, i'loator in Admiralty, x atone bollcitor, uihuw, Uiuuiuor 01 Goiuuiorco Uauiiuii;, uocmit, Mmu, (Canadiau olahnt. . galiibt, puibouu iu tlm 0nium hinmn ooliu>*L<( i aoiuiuuuuut iiupuiiai..auk, lisyox, Out, J, lj. Totoia, Kaq j.arnutdr, oto., Windsor, Out. iti.A. Wisuiur, 3'aiq. JiarriBter, otc, Lhbox, Out ./.EDIOAL. r \its. bttiisN & ujti^N, Jus, lirlau, il. 1) (J. I*. S,, graduato of guuou'H UmytuHuy, iiiuijHtou, uiomUorot aoi- tuuu at PiiyBJOJuuij auu ttur({ooun,Outario. Grail- uatuoi Jtuw Itorfc l'out Orfiduuto iledloal Col- 10KU. J. W. Uiloa, M. 1)., C. M., J7. T. M. O. llouoi uraduato ut .trinity Moutaal CJollofio. Jlonor ruauatooi I'muty (Juivurulty. Alumboroi thu t.ollOKo of i'nydiciaus and Hiirnoouu, Out. Gi ad nata ot Now ork poat (iradaato Modtoul (Jollo^o. OUlooovor Ijubox Modlaal Hall 'lruH etoro. CouHiutiition rooaifl, both oa Krouuu Uoor auu hmt Sat ubovo, Toiopiiono lu botn oiliao uuu mstdouco. All oalls uttoudod to rroui othco, oiuii aum>, or roBidououH. ituuidouooa. Xalboi Htrout, uear rair nveuudtf aud adjomluu JJium 1'klub Outoo. J3J', <^^J7 BKTWK srOTI'N Or>EN AND CT.OSKD. of tho nrtwtio printed volvotfouH now used in nrtibtio furnishings, wliilo tho two onioj* sides consist of upholsteiLd panels with openings roptosonting min- iaturo windowi fitted with llttlo Hilk curtains. On the outer sides of these panels m-o two double shelves for books, chiim, etc, which also snrvo as arm rosts when tho pieoo of furuiturois used us a sottco. Important Item In Drinrf. A becoming veil is an important item of dress, and tiio woman who makes a fiolection without any icgnrd to Iho ef fect of tho mesh on her complexion makoH a mistake. Another point which add(i to or detrautH very much from fho bucccus of hor coblnmo is tho way sho puta it on. If it wrinklofl acrofls the faco and tho ends aro not caiofnlly caught in ut the bade, it is tho fhafc ob* joct of mtcicht in her appearance, no mattur Jiow elegant and attraolivo hor gown may bo, says a writer in Tho Sun, who nddft; Too thin or too thick nieslioi are not becoming to any ono, and if tho pattern is fancy it is usually vory try ing. Tho plain moshos with medium sized ohonilio dots, not too cloio togeth er, aro most generally becoming, but tho olaborato moshoa aro vory much worn, as they corns in tho finest veil ing. Doublo veiling of plain whifco tullo over black, with (lotw, is ouo of tho novelties for Summer, but tho fash ion at summer resorts of wearing two veils, ono of clotted chiffon ovor ono of faucy not, still holds good, ns it affords grout protection to tho gkin. Veils fin ished with an edging nro worn, but they aro not so becoming as tho pieoo veiling, which is mere easily arranged. Veiling with tiny flower sprays is a Victorian revival which is shown among tho novelties, and you aro in formed that it is to bo worn with larger hats, hanging loose and straight down from the brim after the manner of BO years ago. '__________ Staling; JellJe*. An old housekeeper remarks that be fore sealing jellies it is best to poor a Dim of salad oil on to prevent mold. It does not in ,thQ least nfiVofc the taste and is all drained off before using the jally; and it Iteepa the air out perfectly, .Tin covers for ielly tumblers should always have the brandy or egg papers unfe* J. \i>. JliistiiuU, Aiiflooiato C'oiouoi for tho County or Uiibox. J.KarloJonaur.M. JJ.U. W., Trinity Univoi bliy.Al. O.r. and o. Ontario; Jjio. itoyai Uolloyo ljuybiuiauij, London, J-^iiij.; xuj, tiobohuuhip ami Uyni AtudiiiiHt, 'J-'naity coilu/io, mud; appointou II0UH0 I'hymuiau aud ouroouu, loruuto Uoiiorul Xioeplial and Uubiuuub Accuuotiuur Jiunimuu Jjyiuglu hoiipltaJ,'iorouto,18i. bpoolalty.ulii- uuutiii 01 wuiuun una uitildrau. Kumdouco, nouuu latoly oooupicd by Jjr. Uuwur, Ualbot at., JijULoi. Oillco in Jinporiul Huru liloclt, flrouud ilooi, Oppouito laoruo'u diuj; iHoro. Alouiomofl din* puniiuU iu tho odiuu. itilupliouu oonuuution wun both oflloo and romuouou, Puvato tolu lJiuuoiitio huturoun Oynl i'acjuuttu's iiouiiuauu una KuiiUiidy'u buuuu ..jti oihoo, at 1'ufiuotto atittiiiii on tnuJj j^ d: U Jt it. NiKht oallu attoadod 10 at otlloo or rt'diUunco, DENTAL, HI*. MAIll'XN.U.AJ.S., Jj. u. a in Uoimntry, itoyal Collo(;o ol H. Gruduatu i> on tin uiituuonu, Ontario, and Uuivorulty of Toronto. Uhiujiuij, inoduratu. OH100, ovor Iuiuok Mimi cal Hall, i'albot otioot.iiiiuox. ls-lv "VETERINARY- WII. JtlUHAltDBON, VKTI'lttlNAllV SUll- (lUO^. Honorary (jradiiatu at Ontario Votuilnavy Collofjo, Toronto; monibor of On tarlo Vuturinary iviedlcal Horduty; PIplomiut iu Uoiitihliy, iioatu all diuuatjou ol douiuutiuatuo aniuialij; oattlo dohoinod by tUo latent iiupiovod Luavitt olii'por ualln by tLkphono or tulo- Kiupli nouiptly uttoudod to. iiouhluuiuMuruu tiootii oaut oi j.riht mill, ol/Jcu in pout ofilco bnildlum Kbsox hiUrniarj, diieotly oppoalio. LAND SURVEYOR. JAAIKb H. UAUEU, I'loviuuialliimd Survuyoi and County i'JiifjIiitJHr, hutwx Out. Ontoo, UuuHtauJilook, up-utatia, AUCTIONEERS. rYKNItY IlUDJUdK, Auotlouoor. B a 1 s u J J piomptly attuudud to. Audrosfl, Boulh Woedslau, Out, J-'oiLonaduHiiiny touuouto inc may Joavo ^ord ut tho Warn: I'm un ohluo. tf H. UKDJtIOK BINOLAUl, IjIOMNBKD~aIJOTION1'3EH _ for tho County ofKuuoK. Jtiuliu*of KiiUlitu Ulvlsiou Court. All kind* of Farm and otlior Ualoa couduotud proiuiitly. IlatoS loa^ouahlti and nmjlBhad ou iiiplloution. Jiiujuirora may applyafc W. D. Bortiimu'aollloOjorttt tho oflloo oi Dlvioion Court Olorli, Wm. IiaJug. D. JOHN UOItMLKY, LlOtiUbmD AUOTIONKKK for tho County ofUusox. All kluds of farm Htook ealoe. uto,( uonduoUd promptly and on short uotlao. lltites louBonabloi PorKOiis doslrablo to arrange sales may do eo by oaHitiB at tbo I'J'.BB I'KBHS OUloe or by applying to P, O. Box 165 J. GOttMfcEY, Kbsox, Out, itftANK MtiOLOSKEY, WaidHtooo, thirty- 1 seven years' experience aa an uuotlonaerm the County of Ebb ex. baiOB ooudaeted promptly, and on reasonable terms* Partloe deairta^ to flx tbo date for a Bale oan save themaelToe a drive by nailing at the Ffibb Pbesb othce. We have nrrtvaged with ilr. HoOloskey nnd will fix the dates for sales by telegraph, entirely free of all obarge to the person holding the salo. Ad dress frank MoOloekoy, Maidstone Oross.Oat, 1 166 i,AHD AND LOAN A CI E NTS r> EOKOH J. THOUAB, Oonvoy*nor, Oom- IX nalMionor, in High Court of Juatioe; deolet la Beal Hstate auA Mortgages,A Mocey to lean at tho lowest rats. prihterijiN Forms bpngbt sad Sold. Iniunfloetolwaintoe mprtMUafeje oompomi. Drirh3jpt;dU;:morHW".^ MARRIAGE LlOEN9W.% E.L. PABK IBflUEK off tfABfllaQjy.J . oonses, Biobardson 31k.> yssey^Qn^ MBARItBTT, losoet of Marii'agS.XdflSJ m CommlaafonerinO.J.,to, Ossttf^j 11^ D. BKAMAN, J-i Vj Issuer of Mart In, ho Lloense6. Iniiuanoe Night offloeat DwoUin oeatjjwemng. ' TALBOT 6TBEET, Eld .' A A fl UNDERTAKING. HPIiUMMISB, Undertaker aad * ____. Deal or. Cofflnn, bomoand-foctory ,j,a fromSStoeaO. MoOrogor, Ont. M^ SOCIETIES tt; 6. O. V. BWlPKllPBlBH Lodge, NO.) meetsevory Thurnday evening at,S,ut Oddfellows'ElalUn third storey Dunstaa^fli, Visiting momborsuf othor lodges will reosil fraternal woloomo. FHBO. OfLBOB, N O*? OBNTKAL KNOAMPUJilNT.NtrflO/niMWifl Oddfellows'Hull,; Dunatan Block, on tHe fin| and third Tnosday ineach mont\\. Viflltorl'^'" dlally teeeivod. Momhorsof enborditiate'loV- in the Jurisdlotlon, invited to Join.,-. ITANNAN, O. P., O. P. HILL, Boo. ^ffijj T7*SSKX FlllB BHIOAPfi. MEKTB VXBl J-J Vriday ovoninjj Jn every month fDr^li Kudo woetluH and tbfrd Friday for praatfaeH tbo ffiromou'H room (d tho Stono bnudinc, Jan. MoMurray, Oluof; Bam, Bmith, Coptslnft Job. Bloto, Lloutenaiit; Warron Loo, Seoroi*ryil JTrud. Hyatt, Treasurer. "$ CCTJKT KOYAL, NO. 212. I. O. F. *ffi Moots Bocoud and fourth Tuosdavs ureflQu month in J. O. O. b\ Hall at 6 o'clock p, mi. Vlfiltinfi brotlioru will bo given a fraternal weM oomo. \V. .1. JJowur, O. ft., W.O.Bhaw, B.WJS M. J. Wllo. O. I). 11. O. It. A. Kalns. Fin. BeC! and TrenHurttr, ' %lho Niagara fall* Rnufrf* ' OOtKd KABT VaklUK aftaol May, 1807. Dotrolt..... WJiiflBor.... Polton........ ivfaldstouoa Kiuuix... ., Woodsloo ... ItUHaomb ... Cotnbor ., . Khluotowji.. Hodnoy...... Bt. I'liomaa London......... Hfc. Thonma... Itodnoy......... Hidtfotown..... Combor......... KuHoomb....... Woodaloo....... IJssox........... Ma ids ton o Or Polton.......... Windsor,...,,,,. Uotroit........... Mall a,in, BOO B.B0 O.OH o,lt> Il.IM) II I'J II Ml 7.00 9,20 H-ll) ono a.m. 0 20 "11 1 f%, " A Kxp, Aoflom MlxSd^ a. iu. lo.rm i(>. aa 7.18 n.oo a,d7 iaco 10.00 1.20 p.m. filld 6.10 niiS 5.H7 CM csa COS 710 7.U8 H.iO OOlMO Wl'BT. Map, p.m. W10 am 4 07 B.^ 5 40 6.B0 B.0!1 11.1-1 11.21 O.'ifi 7,10 a.m. a.n). 3,-iO 0.30 4iR o.f:i 10.25 fl.OS If..15 QtH5 7.00 13.05 12.40 G.15 615 7.11 7.S7 8.57 0.00 tUo 11.88 9.43 0.64 IC.15 10.NJ [H, AtnhcYMthurtt J.ooul Vralaw. inn (1.03 0)1 0,31 a'Mi (1-tIO <s4a WTHT a.m. a,m. 11.40 7.2rt ijo JM 1.8B *V$& 3 OQ ^ S.2tf'^ 4 00 :% HAST ,-(, a m. a.m. p.xa' % u.00 0.'25 ^.so ' 0.15 9.07 0.05 645 M0 U.52 71U EilgarB B.Cii 0.15 6.WfV'|3 IU.0O 7.J0 LU Al)KXIng B.47 9.07 4Uff -i 1Q.10 7.4a MoQ^OBor B45 0.05 #Jip5 12.83 8.00 Gordon 5.25 8 45 4.85. {, VX4U BM Amhorstborg 5,20 M0 4.80,;/, All trains aro run o central standard time* /'" wbioh in sixty mfimtos slower than Bssex v ^ time. For Information and rates to colon-; lata iuovinfj wuHfc apnly to John O. Laven, Fas* |,J< soiapor AKont, Bt. Thomas, O. W Iluggles, Oeil- oral PnnBCnKof ad TiokofcARout, OhlooRO Dl ^ or A, O. Btliuors, Aont,Kssox. L* L\&D.R.Ry, TratT! TABLK NO. 22, taking ease's Monday, Bopt 117,1800. Tralnnrunby Kastom atond- nrd Timo. DaKv oxoopt Sunday A M A M O/JS 13 00 OJlO'lSttO !1 IU 13 40 0B0 017 V M 0:20 0.27 li.IIO fl.40 10 02 10 00 10.16 10.27 10.17 10 15 10 t>5 11.11 11 SO I1.2U II 111 II 43 11 B0 11 C5 13 OJ Ifl.U 12.10 ie-24 12 Rfi J'. M. 12 cy a 17 1.10 6i 1.10 ecu 3.80 7.10 1.C0 7.17 2.03 7,27 2 Of) 7.117 2 50 7.44 U.iS|7.rt MOiHCO 4 SI 8.17 BTATIONH. ... i io 5(18 0.2H 5 12 ft 65 0 05 G10 0113 t) 45 7.00 l'.M. 8 32 fl.M2 H.(0 8 47 H52 (100 1107 0.12 0 20 II 111 V.M PopWftlltorv'Io Ar Walkorvllla Jtma. .....Polloii.. ,... + Oldoustlo...... .....+ Pnquotte...... 5fcGrKor Kew Canaan... Mawbfjold ... ,..... Harrow .... ........f Amor......... .....KtwjHvJUe.... ..... llutliven ...... ... Ijunndncton .,. ,. .. Whoatloy...... ....+ Itoinviok ...... ......Coatdworth ... ......IGIoHwood..... ....... MflHin ......... ... i Buxton........ ......BunuUon ...... ..JOodarBpriL'gfl... Blonbtdni dunot'u .....Bloulio'fli..... ......-f WUkio..... Ar Itldgotown l)6p a w 0 10 0 011 8 57 H47 ma sac HLMJ B22 8 11 HU 7 51 7 40 21 IB 10 110 BG3 0-15 fl -10 081 4 2*1 A M B.BO B.U8 B.S7 6.17 5.(6 5.00 4.40 4.93 4 SB 4.00 S.45 0.15 3 40 1.54 1.88 1,15 1200 1231 121* 12 00 1128 11.80 11.1ft 10 10.15 0010.00 A.M. A. 11. V Si *te.t 7.50 i*2 7.S7 J 7.83 %, 7.87. 747 7.10 ^ 7.03 S 0.52 iffl S*48 it :?g4i 6.00' , 5.46, f* 5.36 j.g B.10I i.W ^.oo '4 4 45\,, 4^5 ^ P-.U. t Hun BtatioiiB. Traiiia stop only whoo therej aro paiiHoui;orn at or for thoo ntatioua. Mixed %trultm uro at al llmos uubjoot to ho oan celled WM WOOLLATT, Oouoral Kuporlntendon To I>rJvo imywbore, if bo, jou wnt a Good tZT@^X ISSCK'i\ the piaco to get it la at JOHN McDOUGAITS Livery. Sale & Feed Stabler Oood Hostlers in attendance day .'and night^a \ . , w,v H0RSE-SH0EINQ Iq tb!s branoh of oar bnalnesa .ve.lL^W clBBS Workmen and will guarantee aafjsfa iu.Shooing Horses that'latorfete. .r--1- " or have Corns or Oontrajited Feat;',' fipeoiolty-of ahoeUaBoad aha.Trw, 1J,. l ?sm

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