Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 10, 1897, page 5

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- D: ANDERSOH & Go. ^^ , mm ,^^Bfq^ The Royal, fevv';rj>':'i:: ^e Guardianand ' P^iJ;s';-:':.V; ^he Lancashire,] . Si bMtiufltuaiioo Oompanlo In tbo world frfltn&ke a neoiaUy of Insuring Farm Pro- Kfofioy to Loan at 5 and b% pet cent, on Farm |qprty. ymtvmers Insure now in Good HtliabU Av';. Companies. iThB'Essex Free Press. BRETT A AULD, PROPRIETORS. gfTEUDAX, SEPTEMBER 10, 1897. j*i: k'ft ty,: '?;> $<yvm and^ Vicinity- l-ipiiji Fairs are almost hore. ^<Gp to Stono for forks, spades and loyels. ' |& .STOsra givoB tlio beat value in wash- Jkfirfl and wringora. K;Thh thormomoter registered 85 do- Kgrees Of hoot on Wednesday. fevafcirrntnt Soaitff returned from his Iboliday trip last Tuoaday night. E^JFrawk Groon is in tho custom mar kets with a load of hogs this wook. ^;:v.Mbbt John Laino gave a party to a ^nnmter of friends on Friday, ovoning. r$vM. J. Wiglts'&Oo want 10,000 lbs :|j:,firBt oUbb butter, and I'O.OOO doittsn r;v;;; Say ! aro you looking for something ||yi| it is bargains? You will find thorn felt Park's. . fS/i'.j Miss Adoik Bikni)ishm has roturnod ffiaiter a throo month's visit with friends In Detroit. ;i ",Wa.ntbd Good girl wan tod" immo- ^ diatoly. Big pay, apply to Mrs. O. H. Brlckor. Thus Model school at Windsor oponnd |i-!;:Taesday morning with 224 studonts in " - ^attendance, ' Miss Dusiifci/, of Waterloo, nioco of pTJ: A. Diebel, i sponding a woolc or IJtwo at O. H. Briokor's. m;;, Ofcrie who has .tried it says: Don't put Vf jubilee stamps in water, as tho colors p are not fast, and thoro will bo no stamp $:tat : te;' Mns. Geo.La,in> daughter and son, %;of Ijpndon, whs had boon visiting in fetbwn for some time, wont to * DotFTuT Monday. '.. X F. McQueen left on Monday for 3, the Industrial fair at Toronto. Boforo ^ returning to Essex ho will visit his ^ parents at Elora, fe.;< Miss PETTioimw, of Orillia, milliner gf/' for Diobol '& Briokor, arrived on Satur- g;;;'day and has taken chorgo of tuo-millin- .^Very department of thoir- oBiablishmout. "\ Owinq to the absonoo from town of Bev. A. L. JBovorloy, Marcus H. Jackson, of Oottam, conduotod tho ser vices in.tho Episcopal Church on 'Sun day last. " Miib. B. J\ IiAiiONow and daughter, Minnie, of AmliorHtburg, yiaitod tho past week aB7ft.Brott's. I. N. .Tack- son and wife, of Detroit, alao spent Sunday* at Mr. Bratt's. Mihsksj Bortha and Jostiio Honor and thoir brother Frank,-of Maiden, camo out to Essex on Saturday last to visit their aunts, tho Missos Austin. Joasio and Frank havo roturnod homo but Bortha will remain for some days yot. Ix is rumorod that, a big oil strike has boon made on the proporty of tho. Standard Oil Co,, noar ^Leamington, where drilling haH boon in progress for gome time, Tho authorities aro dis posed to bo oxtromoly roticont; but it is known that at some of tho wolls where boring was going b'eeit stopped, and tho neither deny nor afllvm 'has boon made. . . Fon the Wostoru Fair at London Soptombor 0th to 18th, thoM.O.B. . will oilfor a rato of one first-clans limit ed fare for round trip, good going from Boptombor 10th to 17th, good to return until September 20th and on Soptombor Uith and lfSth, spocial excursions will ho run good to roturn until Soptombo SOth at following rates: Woodsloe, S2.J10; Maidstone, 62.40; .Edgars, $2.50; McGregor, ^2.00. tf . ic- In ': vt!'. {$: l-U on- work has wbrkmon will that a striko !-(,-. into tho oihco eaoh and says, I'. -K : 1."; ^'. J '.' - [ . 'to;- WH,UNaman comes "and'platiks'down tho "send me your paper for. one year," that moans buHiboss,says an oxchange. When ho takes it, out of tho postofllco ' for tioverdl months and then aonds it back "refused" that's doHpicablo. : Wbon a inan spouds txom ton conts to a dollar a week for cigars and boor, and then says that he can't afford to adver tise or tako a.homo paper, that's a Ho, ,;Whenaman borrows" a papor to read every week, that's ohoek. It is. said that the tobacco crop of South Essox this year will probably bo worth about throo-quarters>f a million of dollars* Thoro is moro tobacco ^1,;: grown this year in Essex than over bo- r!:: fore, and if tho woather holds favor- ^!:, able for a oonplo of weoks longer tho orpp will bo well harvestdd. Some SVV^grrowers havo already out their orops. ^ . The price will probably run from 0 to jTO';--JP bents a pound. Tho manufacturers fe. of Oanadian leaf tobacco are deseryiri ^ ifVojt-encouragement and growers are. ad- fej-V^ised to aoll to manufacturers rather W^'-ihtax-to epeoulators. The manufabtur- fe^er-will get the crop on .the: market aa ViipeedUy ob possible, the speculator is "Wiibat iablcl for 00 oohib on WodneB- pro you see those elegant watorsots atPark'sV J. A. DibbeIj returned from Toronto on Tuesday. E. L. Park and lady loft for Toronto on Saturday. Mjss Hall, of Oottam, spent Labor Day in Tilbury. A. 0. Grehn returned from a trip to Chicago last Friday. Tub maple treoa aro beginning to don thoir fall costumes. Mns. James Joiinstok is spending tho week at Codar Beach. Giieat olonda of dust boar evidonco of tho noed o rain in this locality. Musk melons and water molons are being sold around town vory cheap. , The Frer Piiesh will bo sont to now subscribers to January 1st 1898, for 25c. Miih. Joun Laino gavo a party to a few of hor young friends on Friday night. E. L. Park and wife are spending a couple of weoks in Toronto and other places, Tub golden rod ib beginning to look as if it had just returned from tho Klondike. Miss CIjAIU Buhh, who had boon vis iting friouds in Oottam, roturnod homo last Frittuy. Wantjsd An apprentice to learn droHSniaking, Missoh Hall and Fatil, South Woodaloe, " tf Tina regular mooting of tho trustoos was not hold Monday night on account of it being n holiday. Mihh Tave MiLTiAn, of Loamingtou, who has boon vinithig friouds in town roturuod home on Monday. M; J. Wiglelefton Monday'for To ronto on n businoHH trip and also to attoud tho Industrial Exhibition. Fou Salk Buggy and lumber wagon for salo at a bargain, nearly now. Apply to It. H. Millon, Esaox. 8 4t. The Iittlb dnughtor of lBano~"Tjoo, Talbot streot is seriously ill with Scar- lot Fovor. John Aimorr, operator hero was token vory ill Monday night. He is progressing an favorably as can bo oxpoetod. Laiiou Bav colebrations throughout tho country wore duly obHorvod, tho sports forming tho prominent foaturo in most places. Tina annivoraary sorvicoa in connec tion with tho Esuox Baptist Church will bo hold on. Sunday, October 10th Furthor particulars will bo given lator. Tine infant son of Jeuorsou Hill .diod on Fridayi last of cholora infantum, and was buried at Oottam comotpry oii Saturday, Bov. M. 1>. Campbell oAl- eiating. A new postofllco was oponoil at Boms Porriu's houso,' lot 17, con. 1.1, Sand wich Souths on Sept. 1st. It will bo called Fairplay. Mr. Porrin is tho ilrst postmaster. Tins two now wtool ' boilors for tho waterworks aro boing placod in position. The briok work is hoing vapidly pushed forward. Those who know say that wo havo two of the ilnest boilors in tho west. Little's portable ougino is sup plying the power this wook. Mow that it ia nearing tho opon eoa- son for gamo too. much procaution can not bo oxorciaod by gun clubs, gamo wardons, etc., in looking after tho usual, quota of moau-Bpiritod. hunters who sluughtor young birds, 'Bo on tho watoh for such as thoso. The M.O.B. will issue cheap excur sion rates to tho Canadian .Vorthwost on Soptombor Uth good ^4o roturn until Novombor 13th> at thji following ratos : Biusoartb, Dnuphivi.Boloraino, Estevau, JVIooHomin and Boston, at $28; Calgary and. Princo A]l)ort at $115; Moosojaw, Bogina and Yorktown at $!I0; Edmonton and Bod Doer S-10. it ' 'Wiiat are those largo, groon, heal thy-looking woods I saw err owing in so many fiolds hotwoon hero and Kings- villo," said a stranger who was on his first visit to Ehhgx coonty theothorday. A young man whoso mouth watt ho full of tho fitufl'tlmt ho could scarcely artic ulate, in slow but liquid fconoH informed thoqudationor that it was -'jon toback- r," Pretty near good enough to oat, ain't it," laughingly responded tho vis itor. For aimwer tho man with tho quid ohowod on. ' . Tiieiie in a pretty general and grow ing fooling of confidonco at present in the future of business, Oommoroial travollors, men who.porhapa, are in tho boat position to judgo, confirm tliis opinion. A. J. Greet*; who has just re turned from a trip to Chicago and other woHtorn citios, says thoro is a revival of rado all along tho lino. Money which has boon looked up sinoo tho dopreaHiou of businoss is now in circulation, and tho outlook for both 'Canada and tbo TJnitod Statosis bright. As Missos Bertha and Jesso Honor, of Maiden,'were coming to Essex on Saturday evening last they met;with an accident. . They were in a buggy and whon on the Maldon .Road, this side of Gosto, met John Keane and his sou, with two loads of' brick. They passed the first waggon but struck the second,. Tho shafts of the buggy wore broken and the horse freeing itself r'top away, oing as far as Cook's corner be fore it was caught. The Misses Honor were taken into'Mr. Koane's home and oared for for a couple of hours when theyvwe?re brbiigh* on to Esbc|x ah4 tlio i^ was fiked up. i', ^vl.;.,.;,l;,'l^!. "h'-r^K .%> x. rrr. Ubbox,,.:.^ '. Harvest Homo festivals are nowTn order. \ . V". ' , ". Farmers nave commenced their fall plowing. Bio discount on all Park's this month. O. E. Hood, of Dotroit, was in town on Friday. J. OiiANGY, M. P., Wallaceburg, was in town last Friday. A RrnoETowN man has boon fined $8 for swearing on tho stroot. Harry Dymott and wifo spout Sun day and Monday in Dotroit. Girl wantod to do general houoe work. Apply to Mrs. (Dr.) Jennor. Second hand buggy and cook stoyo for Hale cheap, Giso, Liokman. B3 4t Tub family of G. E. "Forsytho re turned from Cedar Boaoh on Thursday. M. J. WiOLE & Co. are offering special bargains in all linen of summer goods. Br is wonderful the bargains you can get from J, E. Stone in band made single harness. H. O. Walteus, of Detroit, spent Sunday and Monday undor tlio parental roof in town. It. PmtnoM, of the Free Press stall", spout Labor Day with friends in Do troit and Windsor.. J. M. Cask, P. W. Gifford and Lily Wigle, viaited in Kingsvillo aud Lin- don Bench last week. Tjie prioe of stock in the Poninaular Gold Mining and Development Co. will advance on Soptombor 15th. Fwteieh for tho Groat Southwostorn exhibition aro coming in thick and fast. Tho prospects point to a groat fair, Mimskh ICawuivn BiGAAtAN and Annie Coloman spent a few days this wook visiting Miss Carrie Burton in Chat ham. Mr. Flaoic, of St. Thomas, and hot dnughtor, Mrs. Burkholdor, of KansiiH, woro tho guost of Mrs. Krioghofi* this wook. The oystor crop is unnounood, bo the biggont and host this year that has boon scooped up for a long, long timo. Guy B. Bosh shipped a carload of cattle from Fshox station, on Monday for Honsall. This makes the fourth carload that Mr.ltoss baa shippod from horo. The Peninsular association, football leaguois about to orgauizo for tho fall soason and a largo ntimbor of entries from tho small towns in tho counties of Essox and Kent aro oxpoetod, Thoro will bo sonior, junior and intermediate sorioa. , Mtub Lily Wionia gavo a1 party to about twenty of hor friends on Wod- nusdny evoning of last tvook, Among thoso pr'esont wore-I. M. Case, of Chi cago, 111. ; Ethol Bonds, of Dotroit; C. Groavos, of ICiugsvillo, and A. Cross, of Loamingtou. A pautiaTj list of tho cotton mills that resumod operations in, Now Eng land last wook alono, gives an aggro- gate of 27,000 operatives provided with employment who, havo boon for months standfng idlo. This is only one in stance and in a singlo industry of tho revival that is going on all over North America and not in ono, but in all tho staidb linos of manufacturing- and tho hundreds of. subsidiary branches, P mxrn'ATj Manninci will occupy tho pulpit'of tho Baptist Church, both morning1 anil ovoning, on Sunday next. Harry Wilshor will preach at Brooker Church in tho afternoon. Bov. M. P. CanipboU and wife loft, on Monday,for a vacation which will bo-spout at To ronto and Brampton. Mr. Campbell will occupy his own pulpit tho follow ing Sunday. TnrSuE is a now issue of Domiuion uotos, Tho now one dollar billm'nro groon on both aidos and of aprotty do- sign, On tho. front aro .oxoollontport- raits of.Lord and.Lady Abordoon, sep arated by ii centre pieeo representing a logging scono. On tho haok is a out of tlio parliament buildings at Ottawa. Tho front of tho now two dollar bill is in two shudos of green, and tho back is a bronzo rod in color. On tho front of tlio bill is a portrait of tho Prince of Wales and a fishing scono, and on tho hack a picture of the harvest. i'FotjTj'owino are the poursos which thoso who attend tho Collogiato Insti tute for tho term just opouod will tako up.: Tho first form examination,which is open to all pupils, will bo conducted as horotoforo,.' tho course embracing rootling, writing .'and book-keeping, drawing, geography and/'botimy. Re gulation 411. is amended ho as to ; allow the Form III examinations for junior leaving tho following options : Fronoh and Grook; Gorman and Groek; French Gorman and chemistry ; French, phyr sios and chemistry ; Gorman, physios and chemistry Botany, physics and chemistry. The obligatory subjects of Form III for,junior leaving are as al ready presonted t -Bngliah composi tion, English literature, Ancient His tory, Algebra, Geometry and Latjto. The, options for the senior leaving course are : Ger man and Greek ; French and German ; French and cheBttistry rGerman 'and Chemistry. ' Tho obligatory subjects for Form rV for senior leaving are t-ry' English composition, English; litera ture. Algebra, Geometry, Tri^iiopae- ^^E^lkh' '""'" -i--" ftips.a'4.;IiiB' mm 4fc. Has Taken a Drop Big Discount in CHINA, GLASSWARE, TOI LETWARE, And SILVERWARE. This Month at '-^ I^auor of Marriage Lioousos. plikoly.toholdandso injure prices lor W0;;iw^ ............ ^ ............... , . ,. .,. /t .....,.............. t^..^ WA^TKD Good girl wanted. Aiiply to Mrs. J. E. Stono, Tina grain buyers were as hot hh tho woathor Woduosday forenoon. Miss Anna B, BioiannaoN, of De troit, visited friends in town lust wook. Miss Mal'd Pauaoih, of Lowell,' Mass., visited with,Mins Efiio Ley laat wook. - W. O. Shaw, wifo and family visited Mrs. Shaw's parents in Dotroit this wook. Gko, M. Tuoukton , is in Sandwich this wook attoudiugjury. .Pitov. Lawuknck and iody^of Now York, aro spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs, WillLahig. . W, H. Bonaisus and wifo, of Wat ford, spout Sunday last with Mr.. B'B, daughtor, Mrs. W, H. Kennedy. , ,T. D. ANOicnsoN, who hasboonatMt, Clomons for somo months taking tho baths, roturnod homo on Tuouday. Mihh Jmnnim NKsnirr.hus returned to hor home in "Walkorvillo after a visit withJior Bister Mrs, (Dr.) H. P. Mar tin. Risn clover promises to bo as big u succoas afi'aluiko was ufailuro thisyoar, Ono farmor counted ono hundred and twenty seods from ono head last wook, BuoNAim. Foud, who lives opposite tho Mothodist ohuroh, is vory ill with typhoid fovor, Mr. Ford has only livod horo about two months, coming hero from Loamingtou. Itisv. M. P. and Mrs. Campbell aro fo tako part in a mooting uudor tho aus pices of tho Women's Mission Cirolo in tho Colchostor Baptist Church next Wednesday ovoning. J. Annori', M. C. R. operator, was taken ill on Sunday evening with heart troublo and has boon confined to tho house ovor siuco. Mr. Bo won,, night operator, is taking Mr. Abbott's place and Jas. Nicholson, of Taylor, is work ing nights. W. H. Kignnkdy was in Windsor on Saturday last dofonding Thos. Britton, jr., and John Mulder, of Colohostor South, who woro up before P, M. Bart- lot on tho ehnvgo of hog. stealing. Tho two men were committed for trial, but woro let out on bail. Tni; B, O. Ohuroh at Wallacoburg, on Wednesday of last wook, was tho scono' of a pretty woddiug, tho con tracting parties being P. J, Marr,, G, T. R. Agent at Dolhi,and Miss Helena, youngoflt daughtor of Mr. and Mi-h. T. "J. Barrett, Mr. Barrott wns .form erly in husinoHs in Essex. . . . J amiss Hutchinson*, ir., wont to Ham ilton on Saturday last to take a'position as American Expross 'mossengor on tho i\, H.. & B. He will move his family to Hamilton in about a month. Tim has boon mossongor on tho Amhorst- burg branch of the M. O. IX. for five yoars past.and has many friends who rogrot his departure Ho will- bo huo coodod by bis brother, William Hutch inson, of this town. A. FiEimuM spent Saturday night and Sunday in St. TJiomits. On Monday ho visitod friends and relatives in London, returning on Tuesday' with Mrs. Foo- tham, who has boon thoro for some weeks nursing her grandson, Tlio lit tle follow, wo are pleased to say,is now on a fair way to recovery. While in London Mr. Feetham .wituoHsed tho distressing accident which happened to Geo. Frazer, mentioned olsewhore in our columns. , W. C. Sheuuan, who has been on- gaged for some months past teaohing the now Spanish Guitar system tea class in Essex, will, give his last lesson in Essex next' week and. will shortly begin teaching in Windsor, Mr; Sherr .man has been very successful in this town and we bespeak -for him a good class in Windsor. Tho system ho ^eaohefl ia a very eimrtle yet perfect' dine, "pai<L. parties desiring to talte up the guitar oannbt do bettor than bey in on; tKe Spanish Bystem. Tho members of the cIobs in Eeoex are all well pte ' TTT k .At" " >'.^ Butter, Eggs And ^^> Potatoes Taken in Exchange FOR GOODS p c^- :i0 ::M ,;.i1S WHITNEY'S. " Crfl ttic. Periinsulai7# I Gold Mining and Development Co,, (OF ONTARIO, LIMITED.) Incorporated undor tho Laws ol tho Proviuoo of Ontario. Head .Qt'Uoo, Loamington,. Oet. Nou-Porsonal Liabiliiy. AUTHORIZED CAPITALIZATION. Tbo 1)00,000 Bharea par .value ftl.00, fully paid up and non-uHaoBBable. Bbarow not aside for tiovaloimiimt purposes. A limited numbor is the market'.at 5 oontd per share. Tbo Company will advance ol stools on Soptombor 15th- ' OF-FIOEBS: ProHidont JOHN A. AULD, Kho., M. T. P., Amhorstburg. Dlt. W. A. HFlftU, Eaq.. - Loamingtou. 2ud Viee-Pros. OHAB. G. VOX, Esq., Dint, ttop, KingHviMo. 3rd VioQ-Proa. ,1. E. JOHNSON, Esq., Mayor, Loumfugtou. . MauaRer IUGHABI) TKUAX, Eqq., - Torouto. .. Soorotury-TVeaMumr Bankers.. OoiiBulting Duyinoor. Tradors Bank ol Oauftna. JG. Wallace, Esq., Toronto. Bolioitor for tho Corapauy. . ,'\V. T. Eiiuton, LuumiuKtou* ' , DIKECJTOllS : 200,000. uow in the prioe.. ",;:j^ Jotiu A. Auld, Knq, M V P.,Amhorafcbtiay OlmrloaO If'ox, nintrlot U6V KniffiivlUu. rrf W A XMpot, Ksq,. - LonmlHRtou ,T tf'Johnson, HsU'i Mayor, lioaiuliuttou JRIabanl Traia, Esq,- - Toronto HuchMoHwooa, uq, - Tjeunilntfton Bt-1) H I'lpor, 1'JHfi, - - Ghioaijo, 111 m i.'L'"iv'-tJi LoQaoni:':;..;^ Matiohostor, England, :1'^ Wti Button, Kko, WJ"01rliii.Kuq, . JaH Ij Dtinu, Kufii Lumbormau, Maokluao, "Mlobt';, D WSwoouoy.Kmi. OapttiillBt, - Detroit. Mwteri,;*, W O Orawfcinl, Kwi, MauuHuotunor, - 'TUbTUOfi.'-H-! rt-------- \ Loamingtoi fijjti Loamingtoa. ,'>4^, IlLC Hoiijiiinin Noblo, J?armoK, . * Jamuii Flalior, Kaq, l^ibllalioir, Thon W Moluornoy, KiMiinocr, Dottoli, Mloh ' 'lie KJourtyUo, IJonunvirt and IBldorttUo <>old ITjolds. The Pouiuflular Mining andDovolopmont Company of Ontario, Limited; has feefft;:'?^ drftaniified for the parposo ol exploriuti, lqeatxuu and working minoral l(inds and-'w';^ Yukon willbotbe prinoipal fluid1 of its operations. Doaoriptione of this wonderi1:'-^S country and its grant dopomtB of Gold have illlod nolurns in tho CamiUiaDamJ AraeriOft^M proBB, and tbo Dominion Govommont butt ooafirmud tlio fuofcH. American byhdlbfttiB^j attracting ovor than any hitherto diaooyoroa,-nud ovory man bbould bavo hlB share of Klondyko Oold. If he oanuotolor it himuoU, ho oau purphaso from 100 to l,0Qtt-i Hbares of this Company's btoch for Uvj conts per abaro up till Soptembar- IWnMfe which it will bo advanced to (com 25 oanls to 80 oenU per sharo. Thia Oompanyyfe^ now oomplatint! arraufjomontu for a nitonn party to proceed as soon as pbwible:*te;j.4ft';g iClondyke aud Yukou. . lb thoroughly equipped in every raBpeot, Rood groun^;^ will bo eoourod and mimuft operations will bo pushed with vigor, Ypu will phBefevftl^ that this Company ib only capitiilizad at 000,000 aharoB parlvalue ^1.00 eaoU.faUy pkiM Up and nonaBHQHaablo, Thouh the purchaser of this Btook oannot be oalled>:.iip6?i"f|iC|J> put np aby more moooy on the said Btook, yet tbo Same utooli may advanoo in one.yijg to 86 per share, for in Flaoer Mining there ia no blasting of rocs or sinking eJE pjoa(S| or purohaairij! of expensive machinery, therefore our.ohief expense will bo. in get^it" our meu ou the uronnd. Weay to she investor that our chances of m^ing Urge;":J imiok returod out of Placer Miniud is twenty times greater, than any ptber.^'.Mflj^ JobnBon, of Leaminffton. Vioo.prBS., and Bbujaram NobleJ.tbe latter'*'wealthy. wn& to pay every investor who putu in 910/8900 ; and a very 8100, 2,000^eflrat.&8i$oi WHAT 18 BEQUrEED" . -' ,,'v '::^'-'^W y^wMm All who wish to join this Company 'a Klondyke'fispeaUlbn patty raU8t>lri^thj^| ell reoommanded. ^>!l be'>'regaled' J to; ^afco^RW. I. .For farther .parfciouUce-'-apply.'.^oV-Jf.>^^m ...:-V.'.'

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