Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 10, 1897, page 4

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Wftw\\1'! ." , .- '" ii-.i'-rw.|.^j] IS^ni^rr^^ '^Vvf ^; BBtTT> AUL0, PHoimcToR. nw ::::S-1^ |^|^qPAy, 8EPTEMBEB 1038P7. MENT AND CHANGEABLE given by the club. j ^;D^.'JNNBn offers a apeoiftl prize of ^^ODl' dollara to -bo-divided among tho $$oia beat writers of an historical sketch ^J'of' Essex County from the earliest J t!'3Fr:etioh oxplorations up to 1820. The J^eesay is 'not to oxooed twenty pages of ^!fpoiscapand is ** $'* vfltudonts open to all bonafldo of collogiftto institutes or |f; High Schools in Essex Co., who have Ju):f attended school for at least two months Bilvof 1807. The essays must bo in by 0 $ o'clock first day of fair, Tho judges jftS,";,' are to be E. A. WtBmor, Barrister, mC> Essex, E; Wictlo, Bnrristor, Windsor, ^ and Lawyer Eastman, of Loaminpton. $ $$"' The Fall Assizes. iX iV>'> U: .-'The fall jibbIzob opened at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Justice Faloonhridgo presid ing. Thero are jnet two criminal cases ,v:^ V on the docket this time Qnoon vs. fj; /Robinson,non-support,looming, Wigle & Rodd for defendant; and Queon vs. : Wm. Martin, a charge of. dofrauding creditors. The crlmiun.1 work was in charge of .Tohn Kin^.Q.C, of Berlin. The civil docket is as'follows; Jury Rtmdofc vs. Jloiiotary Times, F. A. Hough for plaintiff and J. King for do- fendaut; Arnold vs. Monro, Olarko, Cowan, Bartlot and Bnrllet and J. W, Hanna, Swootmau vh, Staddon, E. A. Wiamur and Olarko, Oownu, Bartlofc & Bartlofc; J. Martin vs. Latter ty, Olarko, Cowan,'Bartlot & Bartlofc and F. D. Davie; 0. Martin vs. Laflerty, Olarko, Cowan, Bnrtlot St Bartlot and F. I). Davis; Hovay vs. Itourlco, Olarko, Cow an, Bartlot k Bartlot and .T. W. Hanna; Murphy vs. Black, Olarko, Cowan, Burt- let & Bartlot and J. W. Hanna. Nou- jury Oriok va. Bropko, B. K. Davis for pluintifl' and Fleming, Wiglo A Rodtt and Hanna, defendant; Brown ys. Crick, J>. B. Davis and Hanna; Gig.. uao vs. Bor, F. D. Davis and H. Whito. Grand Jury R. Ma-vary (foreman) Merseu; M. Barrett, Oolchontor North; John Birch, Colchustor South; Gilbert Bedolle, Bandwich East; Mar.tin Burko, 'Sandwich South; H. L. Droullinrd, AmliorwUmvp:; .Tonoph Ladoucaur, Roebuatov; ft. W. Malotfc, Moraoa; Dan 'Moloch*), Saudwioh West; G. II. Morris- Michael Bamors, Maid stone; Wm. Somevvillo, Maidstone; Thos. Webster, Walkorvillo. Tho civil list was ju'ocoodod with TueHday afternoon and Itondot vh. 'Monetary Timofl was called. This is an action for lihol arising out of an as signment for tho benefit of creditors made by Boudot in 1805, when tho Monetary Times published an article with rospoot to tho plaintifl* voflooting, it is elnimod, upon his honesty. Tho wholo aftornoon. was taken tip in cvi- donco when the court adjourned. On Wodnosday after being out a short timo tho.jury brought in a vordiot for tho dofendnnt, and tho action was dis- ,naisHod with costs. \V. C. T. U. ConvcntioH. \.: &;. J.V'-" &< Tho fifth annual convention of tho County W. C.,T. U^was hold at Wind sor on Tuesday and "Wodnosday Inst. Mrs. D. A.^ Maxwell, president of tho County Union, "presided. After devotional exercises Mrs. An- drows, prosidont of tho ' Detroit - union : was introduced to tho convontion, as woro also two protfcy little pages, Nellie Dodd and Laura Bond. The following reports woro road, diH- , cussed and adopfcod:-Proas, road by 'Mrs. H. Scratch,of Kiugsvi.lloj woman's "journal, by Mrs. Maxwell; sailor's work, by Mrs, Brownoll; soioutific tempor- anoo instruction, by Mrs, Wightman; ,'flower' mission, by Mrs. Belsom; work among colored pcoplo, by Mrs. Max well. A momqrinl sorvioo was hold instead of a report by Mrs. J. B. Scott, de]J ooasod. Mrs. Groon, of' Detroit, was then iu- Iroducod to tho convontion. This closed tho first session. ...' Tuesday inorniugr' the convontion opunod with dovotional exorcises, fol lowed by tho reading of tho minutes of tho first nossion. , Tho following reports, "which woro laid pvor from tho first day woro road, discussed aud adopted: Evangelistic work, read by Mrs. Sahnoui, of Kinga- yille; narcotics, by Mrs. Naylor, of Essox; prison work, by Mrs. Maxwell* .The eorr cap on ding soorotary, Mrs. Naylor, road a roportoftbo dift'orcut unions of tho county. The following Baying members in'tho county, 134; honorary. memborM, 17; avcrago attondanoo, 07; ' average attendance of Band of Hope, .XpO; total amount received for all pur- a*.VVl';; VoaeQ during the yoar, $2114.46"; public 'p meetings hold 28; temperance leaflets K/ 5,445, The treasurer's re- port is as follows.* receipts, for , year disbursements, m.ia in ,tjie treasury. ;iV.:;:i; ' After the reports ware read, the !eleo-< ;;t;on of officers for the county was held ', iind: resulted,, as follows: ^President, fc<: Vpreti.,.,Mrs. ,Belapm;' corresponding SVV." ^ i|g;-,ended3ept. '00, 859.01; disbi fjM-fl J&0.75; leaving- a balance of UK EASILY PAIitS A PRBV'TO PIBHARE RHEUMATISM OKK OV TnB NATOKAIi nnsuiiTS ONB WHO SUFFEHED fou vr- WABDS OV NINTB YEAIlB 0;yHB niS EX- I'EUIKNOE. From the Intelligencer, Belleville, Ont. It is doubtful if there is any other occupation more trying to tho constitu tion than that of tho thresher. Exposed to tho rains;and storms of tho autumn season, and at tho same timo choked with the dust consequent upon thresh ing, ho easily falls a prey to disease. Mr. Jos. H. Davis, a rom'dout of. the township of Wicklow, Hastings county, follows tho threshing maohino for some mouths every fall. For eight or nine yoara he was subject to attaoks of in flammatory rheumatism. The disoaso usually mado its appearance in tho fall and continued throughout tho wintor, causing not only muuh Mnfloring but great inconvenience, Mr. Davis' most serious attack ocourrod during tho win ter oil 80H. It first mado itself mani fest by tho swelling of tho right hand, and hoforo twouty-fours had passed tho disoaso appeared to havo gono through the wholo system, and tho logs wore swollen to an abnormal sizo, so much so that tho joints wore not visiblo through the swollings. For tun months the troublo Continued and during that period Mr. Davis was unablo to put on his own clothes, aud tho pain ho en dured almost passed comprehension. Quo doctor uftor another wa tried but without any bonoilcial results. Then advertised modicines wero tried but with no bettor success, "I oau hardly uny," said Mr. Davis, "how much monoy I spent on doctors audmodicino, but it amounted to a considerable sum, and yofc I would most willingly .havo given my farm to ho rid'of tho torriblo pain I was forced to onduro. But all my expenditures soomod of uoavail,and I began to despair of a euro. At this juncture, acting on tho ndvioo of a friend, X bogau using Di\ Williams' Fink Fills. The first six boxos T used soomud from outward appeavaneos to havo had no ofl'oct.imd-I fcltalmost liko giving up In despair. I thought, how- ovor, that possibly that was not a fair trial for ono in my ooudition and T pro cured ii further mipply. By tho timo I had used throe boxes moro thoro was a considerable improvement noticeable, and from that out oaoh day found mo growing bottor. "1 continued using Dr. Williams' Fink Fills until I had takon oightoon'boxes by which timo ovory vostigo of tho pain - had loft mo, and I was fooling in ovory rospoctanowmon. I boliovo, too/that the euro is povranu- ont, for I havo not known what it is to suffer with rheumatism since. It will thus bo soon that Dr. Wil liams' Fink Pills released Mr. Davis from tho painful thraldom of rheuma tism at a comparatively small expense aftor doctors and other medioinos had utterly'failed to givo him even a fair measure of roliof. It is obvious thoro- foro that if Dr. Williams' Fink Fills are given a fair trial thoy nrc*suro to bring roliof and a oure. Every box of the gonuino Fink Pills has tho trade mark on tho wrapper- around the box, and tho purchaser can protect, himself from imposition by rofusing all others. Sold by all dealers at 50 cents a box Or six boxes for 2.50. Additional Local. Black squirrels aro thick this fall. W. It. Mann'in'o aud wife spout Labor Day iu Araherstburg. John' and Ernest Laing loft, on Mon day morning, for Toronto to attend the Industrial Exhibition. FAinnsjtH are beginning to .cut oaiiy planted corn. Miss Mabel Lainq loft on Tuesday for a month's viwit in London. . Mhh. WiN'ricRMVTB, of Detroit, is vis iting.with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Shcrriu. Miss Ainslie, of Detroit, was tho guost of Miss M. J, Laing for a few days this week.' Dn. II. D.; Dew ah, of Grand Rapids, Mich., visited thin week at hiH father's Goorgo Dewar, town, Jtna. II. WatjIiAOK who has boon visiting in town loft Monday night for her homo in Minneapolis. Miss Jicnnuj- WaiiXmok roturnod to Dotroit on Monday, after' sionding two weeks ut her homo in town. Alias F. CjUhkig and daughter,Ellon, returned from Chatham Saturday last aftor' visiting a weak with friends there. Miss Emma Townsbnp returned-to town Tuesday aftor spending two wooks visiting friends and relatives at Wind sor. A. D. MoivroN.'of Hamilton, is put ting hi the long' distance tolophone oouneotiott in tho eontral ofiioo hero this week^ J. A. FuANOifl returned on Wednes day from Toronto whore ho has been spending the past weok in the whole sale houses making his fall and winter purchases.,1 M Auk DeCbsw hasagbbd'Hyslop hi- oyole he will exchange for a good young serviceable horse j also, a,, number of good dwelling i houses that he will eell; ao oheap tbat they; o*:;|>e moved and w'iil make comfort able farm'housee. the'ton-milo handicap race at, Amhet-Bt- bnrg, on Labor fiay, against six com potitors, .; Th^ prize was a gold ntedal given by the club. "TVIiss Bnoww, of the Fiude Fbss's staff, returned Tuesday after spending a few days with friends in Leamington. Bho was accompanied by the MiflBCB Bessie MoDougall and Fannio Brown. Peaks 20o. pk., cucumbers 25o. 100, boots 40o. bus., turnips 40c. bush, corn r>o, dqz., radinhoH 20c. doss., pumpkins 7c. each, squash 7c. each, onions 75c. per buah,, rod peppor 10c. doz., butter beans 2 rjts. for /5 cents. Risv. Aiituur MuiU'iiv, Ohnrch of England minister, IugorsoU, has boon appointed mission preacher for tho Diocoso of Huron by Bishop Baldwin. Mr. Murphy's many friends around hero will be glad to hoar of his appoint ment. 1>k. H. P. Maiitin and family Hpent Hunday and Monday" with trionds in Windsor. While thero tho Dr.. pur chased a flno driver at Walkorvillo and had her only a few hours when sho got looso and ate a quantity of chop stud' iu tho stable, which caused her death in a few hours. WAmo&nviJmYis Herald: Our Hohool Board, after calling for applications for tho position of principal of our Public School, without restricting tho appli cations to-iuarriod'num, paHHod'a reso lution to the oft'ect that tho applications of unmarried men bo not entertained, giving as an oxouso for thoir bud faith, the explanation that thoy wero afraid an unmarried man might make love to tho lady teachers. Thoy might have followed the ox ample quoted as fol lows ; A Fayotte County, Fa.., board has adopted this resolution : "Toach- o'rs must not mnkolovo whilo employod by tho board or during school hours. The violation of this rulo will bo suffi cient causo for dismissal." And so kopt faith witinhoT6"for whoso appli cations thoy advertised. , Interchangeable nilcaico Tickets. A. now form of ThouHimcVMilo Tickot, the roHult of careful eonsidcrution and discussion between tho railroads and thoir principal patrons, will bo plaood on sale Soptombor fst, rtt all important Michigan Central tickot oifioos,- The .ticket is sold for SHO with a rebate to tho purchaser $10 when used up in compliance with its conditions and is accepted on all tho linos iu tho Coutral FaHsougct' Association, forty-fivo in numbor and covering a vast oxteut of country. No mileage book has yot boon devis ed so acceptable to all parties concern ed and-so advantageous to tho holdor. Evory ono who is likely to travel a thousand miles in a yoar should avail .thomselves of it, and should consult tho nearest Michigan Coutral ticket agent. Easex. A. O. Btimkks, Agont. 85-4t Ucsto. Mrs. J, A. Coultor has boon on a visit to her old homo at Norwich, Ox ford Co. FALL PAIRS. . Grent South Western Exhibition, at Essex Town, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day, September USlli, 2oth and 301I1. Western Fair, at Loudon, Thursday. Sep tember 9th, to'Saturday, September lfith. Peninsular Fair, at Chatham, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, September 2i5U, 22nd, 23rd and |th. Mersea and Leamington Apriculturnl .So ciety, at Leamington, on Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday. October 6th, 7th and Sth. Pelee Agricultural Society, at Pelce Island, on Thursday and Friday, September Uoth and October 1st. Tilbury West and North Agricultural So ciety, at Comber, on Monday and Tuesday, October .jth and 5th. Rochester.and Maidstone Agricultural So ciety, at Belle KivcC oh Tuesday aud Wed nesday, October isth and' 13th. ' Colchester South'Agricultural Society, at Marrow, on Tuesday and Wednesday,October 12th and 13th. \/f RH. St. OAKUIK DINGWALL, of th Han. iVl nior Hahonl of Muain and LauKiiaaocv-Do- troit, Mioli./J'uuobopof Voleo CuHuva ami tho Xvt. of binrjltitf. Kahox, Wodnoudnv nftflfiioou ami 'J'bm'iuky jnorninu of oncli vuoli. Bl/S//VSS ___ DETR01T,MICH. , "i'tio best plucu Iu ^tiiuiloiv tor vouiik ">ni> u>,|1 w6men to souur* u. ]tunhi6tiH Ktiuoation, Hhorfctinml, Molmtili)l Ur*wintr or l'DiitmiiHhli'. Thnrotitfh uyw- tumofAUtiiHUUitiuttMi. WoaHloiiiHitlroyi'Mf. StudontH Iwiirlti *y time. C*tAli)i*iio Vwtu- Hurornnct!, nil DUtroit. V!.V. JBWKLK Pm>*. lMt.Hl'KN'UKlt. Hi). Star-Cole, Red and White, Star Lines. Faq.t.. PaBBongGi* Sfcear\ers Grey hound, Oity of Toledo, Darius . Oole and Idlewild^ Kuunbitf twloo dally botwoau Detroit,'Port Huron and way ports, daily' botwoon: Dotroit and a'olodo, aud tfiroo trips daily botwoon Do troit, tho famouB 8t, Olair Fluta olttl Ut. Olair. Leave foot of Grlswold St., Detroit, for Port Huron and way portB,_8.80 aau. and fl.80 p.m HuudaVfl, 0 a.m. and 0.80 p. m,; retumios arrlva it U a.m. and 8.30 p.m " and 8.30 p.m. Iioava Detroit for Tolodo, daily, Dotroit 11 a.m. and 8.30 p.m.; Sundays, ib lioave Detroit for T H 00 \t.ta,; Huadnye ft a.m. and 4.U0 p days. 10.80 u.m,; 8 a.m, lim arrive w>ok days, 10.80 p.m and U p.m. ta,; rotnrn uadays 1.80 ' Leave Detroit for the Flats, Bfc. Clair and -way ports, weok idaya, 8,30 a.m., 3.80 and 4 p.m.; rotnining arrive 8-95 a.m. and 8,80 p.m..!'. Fare, Dotroit to Fort Haron or Toledo, 70 onnta, fllngl6; $1.28 unlimited jcotarn, Eionr- slous, Detroit to Pprt Haron und return^oviary. weojc day, 91, ^yery Sunday ,75 oeot ; to TolaOo! and rotnrn every Sunday i morning, W-oenW rbnnd trip. Bpeolal rates to footstlep. V; . , Wharf; foot of" Griawold atreot, TelephoDo 1,100. ':,- :r2y'^^0'--y^<r,.-.,:f\:w/- ",' ':' ' f'j-aft : ' ".-^J/^'l, ... Until farther notice we will offer all Lines qfl strictly Summer Goods at Greatly Reduced priced;.,* In this sale will be included the balance of our Dongola Foxed Ruseiaii Canvass Shoes,-for Men, Women and Children. r'.-.iC: Straw Hats for Children, Men and .Boys ; Sailors for Women and Summer Goats for Men and Boys, Ladies' Vests, Parasols, Fans, Fine All-Wool Challies> &o. Come Early and Secure the Choice of these Gen uine Bargains. . . , ______________ 5. BKS^We Want 10,000 dozen Fresh Eggs, and 10,000 lbs. First-class Butter in exchange for goods. g^^ Our Premium Goods aro the finest to bo had. Yours For Bargains, M.J.WIGLE&CO. 13XJXTSTja.1T BLOCK:- ESSES2C. "A '4 jl Special Sale of SPRING DRY GOODS. CLOTMBG, HATS, MPS, BOOTS, SHOES MD GROCERIES. i Lilies of Dress Qoods. Dress G-oods, Latest Shades, at 25c"per yard, all wool- Blaok Lustres as low as 25c per yard. Fancy Black Soleil at very low prices. Fine Line of Prints for 5c per yard. m m CLOTHING. . ". We handle nothing but best makes at the lowest prices. BOOTS and SHOES. Special Line Ladies' Oxfords for H. Men's Brogans for $1. !$. Latest Styles in Straw and J'elt Hats at very low prices- GROCERIES We Lead the Trade in best Goods, at lowest prices. Try our 25c Tea and if not proven money refunded. J. -A.. FRANCIS. <s- Highest Price Paid for Wool and Produce, ESSEX. MwiQ'X'&{<#** ' m % * The Shoe Business of this Store has been built up ij on. its Merit i$$ i'^( THE FAGT- # ^m Of having the newest and Selling on the Closest:pM margin of Profit is all the argument that is needed;^ for brisk sales. " The more you compare Goods and prices the mor^JP certain you will be to spend your noney here. ':'.r.-'i$B We want your Trade and we offer you this pppofr;iv# tunity to secure Extra Value. .' '^ xr a "dtvt ) -t'lano and J^xJSdN ^Organsv $t R. S. Williainfl' Pianos. Evans Bros. Pianos. 0-' Singer Sewing Machines. .........Have juafc rooolvod ft......... \nv Nu).))ly ol Vl*1in, Aliiohnlji*., uud Buiiplios for all tho u haiul. - Violin Hilutf abovo lustytimojitH 'Tuning ft"11 Kopalrlii(( a Hpoolaity. Maohino Nootliesand Oil In Btook. H. M FAITIi, . 2nd I>oor Norih o* ITI. .K. Cook's Cotton Root Compound la the only safe, reliable montily medicine on which ladles can aepend in the hour and time of nted* , I prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 for ordinory caae: is by far the beat dollar medicine known sold by drnggiati, one DoUar pet box:. ' xo degjeea Three Dollars; two boxes, Fiv* Poftta> No. XjorNo^ a,toailed on rtceipt of T^#OookOonfiptny,^ m larSign of tho Ooldbn Boot, WHITNEY BLOCK. ESSEX. Great Sacrifice In Lumber. Last Chance at ' ii '. '.( '.V !ESSE!IXI "^^^ m s wm All Jjumber sold out tfais 'J^lli_ the Proprietor has disposed off Ms!0ut!jl and is leaving town. ^

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