Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 10, 1897, page 2

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' [ ^T,llT.V,V*ITVT'^'*riT'"TTT'-T'Pr wzm EMMi'^^tM^^- '0: to- ^-1 ,'me I' {" ThatVAyerV The same old -ttarftaparllla aa It.waMnade.and ^aoiabjrDr. J. C. 'AybfWyeartt ago. Jtt tlie laboratory It js different. There modern appli- v,> 1 ancei lend speed to skill, and fc?'"'S;wcperience. But the aaraapa- ,Tllla i the same old snrsaparilla SO yearn of cures* Why don't we better It?. Well, we're much iu the condition of the Bishop and the raspberry: " Doubtless, " he said, "God might have made a - better berry. But doubtloas, also, He never did." Why 9pV L ^otl,t *we t>etter the sarsaparilla? Kv. I We can't We are using the same oUl plant that curttd the Indians and the Spaniards. It has not been bettered. And since %ve make sarsaparilla com pound out of sarsaparilla plant, we see noway of improvement Of course, If we were making some secret chemical compound we might.... But we're not. We're making the same old sar saparilla to cure the same old diseases, You can tell It'q the *ame old saraaparUltt be cause it works the eame old euroq. It's the soverslgn blood purifier, and Wm Avar*. ^" ft- ' V;--- i Items oi' lutoreat in lmilntorroa oaonr m m w W i I: p. ' Four-Ufihsof nil In the dny tiwo. Thw lartl'Mit o^;ttu in tlio world m in tho cathedral of Siwillc, Spain. It Inut fill pipoa nud 1i00.itt.opM, . Twico t\a many criim'8 urn committed in Paris botweun thn iitjon nf 15 ntt<i *i0 iu by . thoae-hutw-ufMi 20 and 110 \- Kittling ranily oconni in Japan uuIohh between lni'flmud and wifo. A raothor dototj not- ovon l(ien \\frr child. Tlio lookout, difdiueo iu which a tulu- phone in onunitcd in l.ftwouu Jiontou inul 'St. Imuit*, about, l.^OOJiuilea. . 'Tliero arc iiocovh, Hhuup or picfci in ,Tu- 'jpan. Tho Japiiamuj do not driuk mil!;, out tneut or W(juf wooluu ulolhiiiK, Xana Kinjj, of Fiiirlund, Mioh., twi/lo a , Vioiptft kick nt a doj, Ho minood tlio ani mal, but Rtniok a pout and broko hia lu^. JFpo Ohoc, a Cliincmo laundry man in Nilos, JVEioh., riilon a hieyulo, and uhoh it when colluotin<i or dnlivorinij hiu wash to his patrouB. \'Lightning otruolc thn homo of Joneph Voorhoc'H,at Now Uali^miuclt, N V., noveii tiraoa withiirun hour, during n rcoen.t tI, thuudorat^rm, &;.;.<,,^fU..J*eUu.,,e at Koirio, required throo aud '. a half eo'iWuriuH for H complntion; aud . while- it wan in qoucho of ureotinu forty- thrflo .Ptip'.M roi^nod. Tlie oldofit puplar troe in 'France in in Dijon. A.uth{it)Ua rconrdH that it watt iu a UouriHhiui; condition in the year , 722. noarly 1.5100 yViarH a**o. In Hiudoatan when tho parontii of a ' baby cannot u^roo upon a nam", two liimpii . aro placed ovor the numOH. Tho ono over which tlio lamp iu hriuhtnr is that which Purine a remmb rain-ntorm at Ltiodii, N, Y., a ahowor of whito l.nndn fell over an area of ono hundred lujuaro. Tho . grouurt of that Bpano wur literally covered \with thRin. ] * / On tho pnlloo force of DnlMh, there in an -ofiioor, Itoyal MoKnusoo by niimu, .wUomu lioiftlit ih (i feet 10 IJ-J incliLH and wboHO woifjht iij 'J(ji> ponndn. FIih atlo- in 2(1 yearw and ho that ho iu mill (jrow* int;. \Vh0n Mrn,..Tohn Blituli, of Donvor, du- Biron an oxoitioi; and plenHiint drivq ulio , harijoHK a largo oatrioh to u liyht spring : wafjou, aVicl gayly wtu forth. Tho ostrich <: . rnovoH vory rapidly, oatitly oovorin^ eigh teen milort an hour. A-body of water known aa the liuko af Ink; in in tlio Ooobpah Hiiln, Ari/onu, It m of inky hlaokiienA, but douu not utain tho HeHh. Tho tomporatero rwnpjOQ from 110 to 110 dogtruoii,, Kh^utiiiLtiQ patients batho in it, aud find roliof. ., Mr. Mary Bmiau Shiubot, widow of tho late FranoiH Sharbot, tlio chief of tho .Mphawk ti'ibo of Indiaiui, and in whom honor. Bhin'iiot, Lako wau named, wan ui'irnol at Kuigtiton'to Thoti. liutterworth ,., .. Oharlntfi'll, - Rhino, a colored boy, agod Ij-\i-" , twenty, of Howard County, Mil., ouu lio'on ji,!'-'.; stand oti hiri patmn, ami then, armo from k'< the ground until ho io ilreet and otill nun p fr^' taiu tho man on bin haada, l;1 &'?', Tlio followinfj la bio of tho avorago prioo J;,'olwlieitli per annum ujnoo 1871 will ho A" road with intercut at tho proaoiit junoturo i ::,;' , -frioo por Prioo por Yoai? ' buH. Yoajf buo, 1871......81.371 IBQl......81.07 1S7U...... 1.47' 1885.;,... t.Btt 1BBG...... 87 fef.-hitV'babk with hm arms extended above hiu head, and lot a man weighing lfiO ponndii .1873...... I-"1 ;;l874..r..i 187D....:. .1870...'..- '1877.....V 1878.-..- 1880,,.;... '1881,'...'..-.' 1882.-.:.. 1888. .. . 1BB7....... 18R8...... 1889.....; 1800.:.... 1801...... 1802..,'.;.. 1.24 1803...... l.ii 1801...'.:- 1.08 1805:..1.'.67 1-8 i.i3 iml:.'^ co. 1.43 1.1S 1.24 1.10 1.88 1.00 80 8fi 80 83 1.05 9ft 80 07 -, c .' ' A man .earned pollar vtm mtuTlod to 1 MiM Kiohol In, OJclaJioma the other ':}*?< ^t ' Mrs: EliwiUth Seward of Donvor U 1 well known bill poster. Though at Brat she did much of hor work, aho now smploye 14 men. Dr. T. Edward Hayes, a natlvo of -.Oharjeflton-aud formerly a ronldont of Bnvnnnnh, is now tho phyaioian in ohioi to tho king of Si am. Sarcoy, tho noted Fronoh dram at to -vritio, atylei) himself a ' 'moderate vego- larian." He eata eggs, milk, butter and buh, but eaehflWH nil othor animal food. It U rooalled that Gonornl Jo Shelby's mother was both rich and gnnorous, and when she sent hor son to Bohoolin Phil adelphia sho eont other boys who wore poor along with him. Theodore Sedgwick Fay, who woo an- auoiutod with N. P. ^illia and Georgo P. Morris in editing tho Now York Mir ror, more than 00 yearn ago, ia still liv ing in Berlin at the ago of 00. Ono of tho jollieet of tho old.mon , present at the old folks' dnnoo given ro- oently at Burro, Muhh., was Dr. William h. RuBnell, who is now the oldest living graduate of Harvard college. Dr. Ims- Boll is 07. Dr. Samuol D. GroRs, tho eminent Philudolphlun, will ha- tho socontl phy- ioiun in this country whose memory Will bo honorod with a monument. Th statue will be placed in. the grounds of the Smithsonian institution. Matthew Buckloy, who died the other day in Dolavao, Wis., at the age of 07 years, was said to be the oldest oircufl man in the United States. He was the father-in-law of William O. Coup, who wan once a partner of Barnara, It is 1)4 yean) sinco (he kaiser came to tho throne, and in that time he has killed, ooeording to the offloial atatis- fcioa, 26,879 hood of game. This list in- eludes ono whalo, two aurooha and thro* large bears, but takes uo account of very small game. It is sold that Kas Alula, tho groat Abyssinian chief, whoso -death may en courage Italy to another AbysBintan campaign, began life an a groom. He ended it by freeing his country tho highest groatneud it ia possible for a sol dier to achieve. Ishaq Khan, tho formor governor of Afghuu-TurkiHton, says that tho allow ance grunted to him by the Russian govorumonk is innufllaient and has posi tioned tho emir to bo allowed to rotum to Afghanistan, Ho has long boon a rofngeo at Bamaikaud. Mr. Holmes, the librarian of Queen Viotoria, is mukitig rapid progross with bin lifo of the qucon. It is oharaotorlstie of her mnjoHty'n lovo of thoroughuoas that sho review every shoot of tho man- UBcripk hersolf. and that sho will atriko out tho Hlightcsfc biographical orxor which may ocour. m^mfSm WHAT WOMEN WEAR. ^rfe'V'V"-.: '.,,,1-' :" '.' mUu:y--:-r^ ' ?&r'..0.- ';:': m'-H-"'i ',;-".; ' ' Trimmed sldrts Hoom to bo winning their way to favor, although plain ones aro by no moans out of fashion. Among tho novoltics in veils are those of very groat Hizo, which cover tho on- tiro faco and aro drawn nndor tho chin. Colored handkerchiofa aro coming into fashion, Thoyuro elaborately embroid ered, and many of them aro vory expen sive. A dross of smooth faced oloth has rows of velvet ribbon placod around above tho, hem. Those rowH aro their own width apart and cover the lower half of tho skirt. A snug littlo toqua is made of yellow volvot looped and twisted-over u frame. Tho trimming is a wreath of yollow ns- torH with blaok oentcrfi and a fltondirig plnmago of bird of parndiso feathers. Popular' fancy runk more to trimraod ekirtH for ovoniug und dresuy wear, but loHfl for tho street, although a number'of module aro shown with raw upon row of braid, ribbon or galloon, either plaiu or in points or fancy figuros. A tailor made eofitumo has at lonsfc half of tho Hkirt covorod with row npon row of mohair braid about thrco-qnar- torH of an inch wide. The waist is sim ilarly trimmed, and the hIoovoh from wrists to elbows are almost covorod with braid. A new hat is turned down all around to scoop "shape. The crown .ia rather high and narrow mul is trimmed with hands of fancy velvet set round and round. At ono sido of the crown ih, a largo cluster Of ostrich tips, tho quills concealed by a rosette of volvot. Now York Ledger. A .Word A limit Itti^iuilitH, Tho earn of hngoniiiH is obrnparntiyo- ly simple, they being well uduptod to ordinary window oulturo. The varieties aro very Humorous, nnd, according to Violc'H Jlugazino,' aside from tho tuber ous kindu, thoy aro inoludud in two di visions, one of which omhraoos tlioso spooially prized for their blooming yuul- iti'ow and the other, those having re markably handsomo .folinge. A few. of tho boat of tho flowering variotiow are B. samporfloroiis and its several vnria- tiouH, B. argontoa guttata, B. argyros- tigma piota, B. gilHoni, B.' fdnstti, B. rubni, B. sandersonii, B. zubrina. There uro many othors that are oxcollont. , OatUng' Xliuivb^rry Oanoa. An Ohio oorrospondont of Country Gentleman-writes: "Wo found thut it doos. not pay to out bunk the rod rnep- bo'rry pane's during tho growing season. Wo should prefer to tako tho old onno*i out immodiately aftor picking aud hum them, not beoauHO it will'inoroaso the coming orop, but that we may check the ravages of inseots and tho sproading of fungous disease. "Most rod variotios stiokor vory bad ly, We must treat theso sprouts as Woods' cr; olse the orop Will bo afailuro. Tho better plan is to cnltivatb the rod raspberries In hills instead of the hedge row." .' -. ROLL OF HONOR THREE GOLD And ONE SILVER Medal World's Indiiati'liil and Cotton Cctitouulul Kxponitlon, Now Orleans , IKH-I and 188.V HIOHES'^A WARDS Nebraska Slate Hoard of AgrlcuMurc, 1697. DIPLOMA Alabama State Arlcullurol Society at Monljoroery, ISA8. AWARD Cbflllaboocbee Valley exposition, Columbus, Oa., 1843- HIQHEST AWARDS . St. Louis Agricultural and Mechanical Aasodfcdon, IS89. SIX HIOHUST AWARDS World's Columbian Exposition, Chlcneo, 189J. HIGHEST AWARDS Western Fair Aisoclallon, London, Conada, I89J.. ^ ___ . SIX GOLD MEDALS 'Midwinter Fair, San Francisco, Cal., 1894. SILVER MEDAL Toronto Exposition, Toronto, Canada, 1895. .Above Honors were received by the Steel, hotel and family ranges. 'Jthovc HtplC Jhnlll)/ Jltiiiftc is mill onl}/by our yVai'Wiflf/ /tt 11'* men J/om Mir ttivn iittfjnns at our uniform pruu- thrminhmd Canada and the Oniuul Xtntis, Madeof'MulU'itMr Iron ami U'muf/fit Mcrt and will JLast tt-JJ/t'thiif tj profit'/ty tiscd. 345,584 Sold to January 1st, 1BP7 WROUGHT IRON RANGE CO.,Limitd. FOUNDED IS64 - - - PAID-UP CAPITAL, $l,O00,00U. k'ACTOItlKft, ALEMIt<HIH *i*l> WWIM.*', ,735 to^7.6.Poarl Stroot. TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA. ts, ST. LOUIS- MO., U, S> A. J9 Olonarm St.. DENVfcR, COLO. atocK nf Kotrl Jltuip'M. Cnrvlnjt B o,/,o.Koan stroot. tukcjnto, o Wpshinston AVenuo. 19th to 20th Streets. Westeui SaJSsroorns and"Offices: 1519 ( Tja- Wji.tiiuriulcntHf ittiii airry n rffiplolt' atocl* Tabids, GlWm 'I'nblcs, llrollors, Orna. 1'lnl^-Wi.rMicri. ami till r.ihi't Kiti;liii lit"1"". _, ond nrvRole miihitniaurifPiorilMi ntiwiiinltol HOM K CD011-U'i IKIT-Ali: S'l'IvEL jPUUNAClCS. ("'or laiut,l lllnstrutwl CaUilumui itnil prlorH write* ov cull ut any of mir i-nlmirfmriiH. SOME FACTS FOR INTENDING PURCHASERS : Homo Comfort. Tho following article JH olippad from tho ProHbytoriau Hoviow. Wo uWro to call tho uttontiou oN our roadefs to tho advortiHomonfc of tho Wrouaht Iron ltatHoCompaiiy, of Torouto. Tho rjiiino Hotn OomfoH, by whioh tli&Ho ruugon aro Icuown.'iH a happy one, uuff^oti- tlvo of all thut in ploaHing in tlmb rtopiLit- moutof tho houHolioIti, Tho hiHtsry of "tlRrWrou^ht Iron ItauK" Oorapauy ia a re markable ono, while tho reputation of thoirDtitput in tho uiout cuviahlo utjtl 3o- Rorvinjc o( any (tirailar Arm iu fcho world, Tho Homo Oomfort are ^uaranUiad ab- Holutuly unbroakablo and will not omok or warp, Tho Hovorcob toat may bo applied to thorn. Thoy may bo Btnaaiiod with u oladyts hamreor or jumped upon by a two hundred pound raatt, without tho ulightoHt effoot, Tho objoot of tho Wrought Iron Ran go Company \ tu aupply tlio domrmd fo^ a porfoofc Wrought Stool and Malloublo. Iron Unbroakablo rau^o, houoo tho Horao Comfort which mootH all roqjuiromGnto uoooHaary in tho porfoot rango to u do^roo that Ih autoniphing iu ita public . doraon- atration. Tho i)nnt quality of iron iw houglit by tho Homo Comfort Ran go poo- plo, it in.then tritatod in an nhncaliuc iur--1 naoo and roudorod litorally indoRtruotihlo whon tmnafoymed into a Homo Comfort Rango, Internally tho Qowo Comfort id porfeoli and uniquo. It iiJ~I>nod with iiiibohtoH, thue aiding boat thrown upon tho nrtioloH hoing oookod and preventing tho radiation of hoat from tho mugo.All of tho liningK aro inndjuotablo nootionn,whioh can ho oaaily and rapidly ftttod, Tho othor ufljunotH of tho Homo Comfort aro iu oom- pleto acnord with porfoction, Huoh an hot air oloflata, r.implicity ic oloaning, and dumping tho atihofi and .many othor noti- ooahlo improvomentB overall othorrtuiKOH. An important foaturo in tho hUBinoHH of tho Wrought Iron Ranc;o Company ia that thoy do not. noil to tho tradb ai oil, hut do- hvor tho Homo Comfort vauuo from thoir own watjoun by thoir'own authorized aalon- mon diraot to tlio honaeholdor, thuohav- inu no doahntjo with outuidorH. HomoCom- forb KangoH ovor all othorH mnnt not ho forgoUon in tho faot that' at tho World's Coiumhnm Exponition thoy roooivod iiia: hightut awardu ; at Now Orloanw, four (!ld modiihi, and at tho Midwintor fair, 8an .Franoinco. nix gold moclklH. TIioho hiotdaro Htandinp irrofntablo proof of tho unHtnpaaflod qualitioa of tho Wrought Iron Rango Oompany'a Homo Comfort lWngoR, and auk for. tliom u. oarofnl innpootion whon and whorcvor nhown. Tho ahovo oxtraor. from tho PrOBbytorinn Roviow, a papor which thinkci twico boforo it ondorncn anytlunt*, should bo Hiiflioiont pront to tho. moiifc akoptioal that tho Homo' Comfort Rango in all that Ia olaimoS for it. In addition to thitt thorp aro annexed tontlnionialo from a largo numhor of Kincn County pcoplo who aro known woll ajl ovor Hid provinoonnd who have givon 'tho rango a novoro tost boforo putting thoir namoo to papor. Mrs. John Cliulondor, KittgHton. Mro. Ooorgo iTIowolling, KibgHton, Mru. John Hill. Kingston. Mr. Jamett uauongo. Lony Roach. Mr. J.'.D. CoHroan, KingHton. Mr, Forrotit Williamn, LougRoaoh. IVlorlt WIiih. Thin in mi advortlnomoni for tho Wrought Iron Rantro Company. This ad-. vortiHomout ditTora from tho UHaal brdor of! ndvortiBing, booaund it ifi an ttxproHHion* from tho une'r of tlio Rango, who doairoo tooxpruHH hin horco of , gratitude to tho company for phioiug within hiu roaoh itu artiolo that. ponnonson ovary advantage that a rango,to" ho of ntmoat Horyico to tho. unor, nhoultl poaueno.. Wrought Iron Raugo Co., Toronto, Out, Tho following woll known pooplu of Kiujfl County havooaoh purohanod a rango and fipoak in tho highoat tormn of tho Homo Comfort Rant^e : A. MoN. TraviM, Station Matitor, Hamp ton. H.C. Chnfco, TJndortakor ; J. H. .Tack- hou, K. MoCarron, G.W. Bharp,Hampton. G (J or go Duncan, BarnoHViUo. David Kilpatriok, Upham. Wm. MoDormott, Tituavillo. ^-ft, W. DoBoot Upporton. John Raymond, Coo. Raymond, Goorgo Burnett, Bloomflold. Kiugston, Kont County : ThiB Is to certify that I purohaacd a Homo Comfort Rango of wilesmau Gro- ham. and aftor uaiug ifc for throo monthn find it juRt an ropronontorl. Yoarn, Mrs. Robort Godfroy. ' BIrB. Roborfc Sullorton, Mrw. Forotit Wil* lifinin, Mr. JamoH Gauongo, Jamou Whito Wooh Pattorfion, Long Rolioh ; Robinnon I'lowollinfi:, Oak Point ; Kdw. Htovonnon, WoHtnoId ; Wm. Brown,. Brown'u Jfiatn ; Mra, John Chandlor, Mru. Goorgo FlowoJl- ing, John Caiuiman; John Hill, Kiagnton. Cliarlotte County Hoard From. Pontlold Station Thin ih to certify that wo purchanod a Homo Raugo from your nalouman, F. C. Drew, and and ifc porfoot iu ovory roapoot, alao a groat boater, und doos not uho half tho fuolour former ntove did. YourR W. N. Hawkins and wifo, Poniiold. Wo oaoh purchanod Home.- Comfort Ranges and aro glad to rooommond thorn an nrHt-olan(i, and great Youre, Hugh MoKldridgo, Dclbortl'ool. Bimmur Marwo. JamoH MoAdam. WcKtunoroland County OinJiioim From tho tone of tho following tohtim- oniiilH from ho mo of tho bout people it in vory ovidont tho Homo Comfort Cooking RangoH aro proviuc; a groat blcfliiing to/our honRowivoEi, an thoy aro all Joud in itu praiaos. Thifl range hnn.takon promiumit at all the loading faire, and na thoy arc mado of tho vory boBfc matotial thoho de siring a flrat>claa cooking apparatuH can make uo miHtako in buying a Homo Com fort Rango, X^rfoctitm- Gained. Kingii oonnty people havo boon takoh with tin Homo Comfort. Rango, and a tho tonYinionialo bolow show thoy attaoh their uomoH to what thoy do nob hoaitato to iiav in tho mnnt porfect.rango that, ban enmo within thoir notice": Wrought Iron Rango Co., .Toronto, Oat.: Gootlomon, Wo each purchased a Home Comfort Rango from your aaloHman and find it tho boht baker and hoat^r wo ovor lined. It does not uao ono third .tho fuol our formor atovfla did. Wo arc woll ploiisort, and would advino anyone wanting a. ur^t.olaRH ran,go to procure ono :, Mru. E.G. Lamb, Bukbox. Mr. tfe Mrn. W.W. Btoekton, Suhhux. - .Mm, S. O. Walker, Buhbox, Mr. Aloxandor WalKor, Siibhox. - Mr, 01ark,TacUla, Suhspx. Mr. \V, J. Pattoraon, Brookvillc. Mr. 13, M. RiobardBon, Waterfbrd. Mr. John Calling, Waterford. . WrouKhu Ij/on Range Co. t Toronto, Oat.: .Wo have been using one of your rabgea JVlon<:ton. Wo, the undoruignod, oitizoiiH of Mono- ton, aro each .miing a Ilomo Comfort Rango and ihid tliom good liiiUorH, oookorH and boatorfl, and aro ploanod with thorn in every rormbot. A. C. OhupmuiJ, Mayor. H. C. Hanington, Barrister. Kd.. Lynch, Mrn. .1. G. Gibnoii. A. F. Irving, G. W, Harrop. Covtu-dulo X*nriHli. Wo aro oaoh uoing a Homo Comfort Raugo and aro woll ploanod with them uud would rocommond thorn to all douir- iug a JlrHt-olaPH.range. Wm. Smith. Nolnon Goldarfc, , .- JamoH Aylofli Bolomon Smith, John Colpitts. Buctoucbo. I bought ono Home Comfort Raugo from the Wrought Iron Range Co. and am quite well satisfied with : tho article. At tiratforthe want of undorn ton ding .the working of itt I hb.d aomo doubt, but after a day or two of operation I kind that .the Ranjjf^ cannoij beBUrptteao.l i for economy Borne time"and thrrongei?we'u8e 'i%lhi\oUwl. forgood and, .qniok loooking, (ana bettorwfl like^ifc. litu, aa ita ,nam* im-j nwtoMBAnd oomfort.: ,.; pHeaVan Ideal Range, ; \ ^*.X Job. Mioheaad, Priest ondaU JiOWXSI, COMVX*A.INT3.'$fc A Sure, Safe. Qu IqIc Cure for those xroublcs la "PoiinKiUer! (PKttnV DAVIS*.) Vaod Internally and Externally. iA Two SIztifl, 25a and BOc, bottlim. <t U> t> '13' <* & Wanted Mon mul Wornon who can work hard talking and writing six liourn dally, for aix days a wouk, and will bo coil tout with, ton dotlavu wtiolily. AddroHH. NKW IDHAH CO., Drantrord.Ont, WW AH I Ulla to a ludy of muturo ago, ro- niitiinaat and taot to siierul lior tluio In il Rood ami (id, T. U. TjINHOOTT, Toronto, Out. , Uf AUTCH tl'^OHKHH and othor bnclii WAU I CUw mon for viumtlou or iiurmni). untly to BOlIult for "Uaiiada : an Knoycl itfidfa of tho Country/' In flvtt royal oiiiirto volnmou, Noilollvoriny. OomnilBlo paid \yookly, TIIK IiINBOOTU OOMPAMY, Toronto, Out. Fresh Bread Ih what you can rely on getting whon you buy from uh. Our wai(on goon to all nartoof tho town. Buns, (lakes and Pastries, You cant ihidnicor, frouh':r,orHwobt- or in tho country. All kindu of Fancy Cakeu and Jelly Rolls. Fresh Taffy and Candies every day. Wo Hull nothing Htaloor dry. Leave our Order and you .can roly on prompt livery. do. FRANK FOSS. Onpo ItoiJuoUA Fran do, Ennox SING- LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY. WIIhou Avo.,noxt Abordocm HoUl.. The latoot improved maohinory, for Irouing Collars and CuffH. Will'uot oraok or break wing. Fumily work cheap., and delivered,. Parrels culled ff.r Pleario oalliand try, If not Hiitiofuotoy no ohurgo .will bo made. f 'Yur wr'] I; suit yon, recomniond uh to your frb.-udh. This is an advertisement which tells the truth about Milhuru's Heart and Nerve Pills. PEOPLE WHO SUFFER from sleeplessness, dizziness, shortness of. breath, smothering feeling, palpita tion of the heart, pains through tlio breast an d heart, anxious, morbidcon- dition of the mind, groundless fears of coming 'danger, anremia or impoverished blood, aftor effects of la grippe, general debility, etc., should TRY THESE PILLS as they cure those complaints. Every box is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded through tho party from whom the pills wore purchased, nnd wo authorize them to do so cc, the strength of tho' above statement. This offer is limited to tho first box used by any one person. T. Mildckn & Co., Toronto. JAMES ]NAYLOR:l TakoB tli la opportunity of announcing to the '^ peopled tho Town, and " " " uonoi roroodolod tlio '. _____________________. .. oordiag to plana prepared by R N.-.Prloa^Otfift^'.v.'fi'r, Btraabna, an uxporlonaod and tborongblypotn?;. & potent millor. .:lii'"yi bio of too town andfloin^*"^jf LoBtowod upon hlro in the' Vi-.v-i Tbanlilnff tlio poo for tho patrood paat, will guarautoo BafcUfttctlorjIu tho futar*. Gristing and Chopping a Specialty; fcac" Th 4 litst GratUs of /"/our, J't . Cornmeat Kept iti S/oiA ti/ul told at J'rifci, 4 Gash Psid for Wheat an(fOatQ.-:^i DO You KM ? *. If bo, you want to have tlio best there is and everybody knows that The Nobbiest Turnout -IH TO UK KID X'. m JOHN"' A. - ROSE'S Livery, -^**rr-Good JioadHterui ' Many I&idlny MuygiCH. Comfortable Carriayctt, A Gall Solicited. Satiujaotioh Guaranteed. North of tho .* ' Bail way Track, ESSEX, ONT. M X4 Johnston Bros., Builders Aim Contractors British. Columbia Pino Shingles, $1.00 Up. All Kinds of Building Material. Ssis/r, nooxs, LA TH and i tW NJltlMfuclIOll (JlUlk'UtltOUll. Oj>i>- Watoi* Worlcfl. l^HKOX FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS 'f-v^' ^"R'^S'^^^-^' 1. y IC^iCSBEST FRIEND' . .-J"' *Jf^; 3: GtOVmL-ATSt & SOH. ESSEX ' ^'."Vl.---.. V-' rV \\ Al*VA 'VliE THIOMPH OORN SHKLIjEB Tiy MaohinO'.ooTiBietP of u hoiirrontnl oaBtoyimdor, with wrought> iroa^ I fri tlin Mt'livirlap a.Vnct i,r\ Tin i*ovahdiVi!a iwhoni'fliia^V^ bat's, witli ,'aiobl' tooth bolted to. the cylinder Silas to be rovereible wbeh^ew toeUi. b-coinoworw on tlio front nidu, canning in a .perforated cbnoftye;iroS ,9hel' which tho Hliollod cori) passes through into a eheot iron:case, .wit^aM 3^n or'oWnor attuohed bolow, which takea all tbo J).^,^ houpost host, simplo and durable Power'Com holler',-;in".'rUeeyii'jatt'e'HM corn uorfaotiy clean in any coiditicnT--pheir-------3 -1--^-*-------- ^!1^'^ thoiisaiidbuBholB of ours per day. according Dimknsiohb. .Iiengfcji......... ier, o/n. face: Motion^ 800 (.pi 80.O'reyolntijonq per fy'imi%}^ WAiRAfiTebk^

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