Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 10, 1897, page 1

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'" ^^%0i$m ^-Jo . VOt XIIL No. 86. "ESSEX, ONT,, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1897. 0.. JP0R5YTHE, Iaisiderson&co J? te: kV We Are Out !&Affcer an increase of business. We want to itake our place right in front of tlie wave of prosperity which appears to be com mencing to sweep over this country. A largo Stock, bought for jsnfih^ and can afford to sell goods cheapor than a good many stores. Tho produce of tho farm in . increasing in price and. many linos of goods are getting stoadily chonpor, bo if over tho farmer .was prosperous it. should bo now. Gome where your dollar goes tlio farthest, J. T. SOMLERVILLE, M.D., CM., H.C.P.&S. Ont. Graduate ov Tkinity Univbrhity, FjELIiOW of Tiunity Mkdioatj OoLTjuam, Touonto, Ont. Officio and Buhioenok. Houbo lately ocoupiod by tho Into Dr. George. MoIConzio. Tatjiiot Stbicbt. - - Ebbk*. Ont. NOTICE. ALL p T. II Jo) in (rowii, Into of Cottum, umruhant, do- qotiHod, art* lioroby notltlod to call mid BOttlo \%ith tho mnlornlfmort o>i or boforo tho liflth day of Hoptmnbor, 1B07, uftm* whioh data unpaH aocounix will bo jdaooil In court for wait, JAMSJU II. HHOWN, Cottam.Ont. Auciint 2At)j, IH07. Strayed- Sl'IiAYHD Irani Lot 10, +j*.siju iKii.i uuu iv, Hon (in <t Linu, two your-old Oiittlo; otio blank hoifor with tip* of oar* noiui, ono attior, rod ami wliito with whltu Btar lu forehoiiil." A nuitublo'toward will bo ijtvon for any lnforiii'itlnii liinillnv to tlmir rooovory. JOHN liAUKU, Woodnloe. !jil-1t Essex Town Council, 50 Farm to Rent. ACHtiH being of Oowfnild North. Tho laud 1m wull tlraiiioi ami him j;oo(l tlwulllnu Ijouro and olbor tntm hulldiiiRa, ulxo a uoud orchard. To h jjnoil tmianb HinKiliiI tjirmn will bo (,'lvon. Apply to MI8H A. FULMKIt; KhhoX. liil-it 'even September fc 40 Pieces Prints, Light and Park, wove 8c, too. aucl 12Je., 5o. a yard. Prosperity Prico, 27 Pieces All Wool, Double Width Dross Goods, comprising Sorgos, Gnsh- moros, Tweed' Effects, Diagonals and plain Cloths, all shades, wore worth <10e., 50o. and 70c, all on one table now, Prosperity Pri^o, 25e. a yavcL Voters' List, 1897. Municipality of tho Town oI'IBbqgx County ot BflB03C. NOTIOH 1R ItHUKBY GIVMN VTIA'V I UAVK tvitimtiiittijil or dolivortiil to tho miraotiH nutntlonod In nootlouH f> nud (t, of tlio Ontario Votrtra' LI tit Act, 1HM), itnd iimoniltuitiitH tlioroto, tin) oop{on rotpiirod by mtliJ Hi*o- tloim to bo truiminlttod or dollvorud, of tho IItit miulo )iurmiiiiit to HaM not of nil imrtloit upjicurbip by tlio lurtf rovlfjod annoiiumuut roll ot tlio Hfild Munioipallty to bo nmltlod to voto In tho Hiild mtinioipality utj olootloim for mom- horn of tlio Lojjinliitivo Annomnly and iitmmil- clinl oIccIoiih mid tlmt (mid llwt wan Unit ]ioat' ml tip i' t my ollloo on ihti 7th tiny of Noptmubur, 1J-H7. and romiilim thuro for Infijinotloii, Kii'oloru uro nullod upon to oxamino tlio rmld Ih-t and il any nmlnriowi or any othrtr orrorn urn found thorehi to tiiku lminodluiti prooood- iiif:H tohnvo tho otroin ooniiotod acc6rdln{,'to roi'IN WAJjTKJtH, . Clark of Ksroic. Dittudthl(i7thday of Boptorahwr, 16117. canadian ^ Pacific 1\y. J-fARVEST-^> TO EXCURSIONS. MANITOBA AND THE CANADIAN' NORTH-WEST Oood to (jo on Annunfc .'lint, roiurn until' Ootobnr IIOpi; i;ood to ko on Hoptombor 1-ito. rntnrti until Novombor l?th; from all ntatloiiH in On tario, OnapliiK. BnuU Hto Mario. Whidinn- und Kaitt. l-'or rrton, mapu, tlmo tabled, pamphldtn and full iiifonnation, apply to any Canadian' raoiilo Hallway Aflout, or wrlto O. JS.MoPnKUKON, 1, Kiiiff Rt, Kaet, Toronto. Tn Notice to Creditors. the FMatc of John ZJiompson .Brown, Decmticd. (ft.*;1 te.v- 3 Pieces .... (10-inch Loom DunanBlc Tabling, puto linon, regular vnlno, 40e. a ynrrt, ProHpority Prico, 2ao. ftyartl. Fine white . . ; Wool Blankets, Largo ami Heavy, ' Prosperity Price, $1.75 a pair. NO TICK jnhfrnibygivon pinnimnt to chuntur 110, Hotjttou 110, of thn Ituvliiod BUUitoH.of Ontario, 1H87, that all imrnotiii having any oluimn nfjahiHttho ontat'i of .Tolia Thoinption Brown, lato of tlio Towmihip of Gonfluld North, in tUu Comity of Khhux, iloao'annd. who dlnd on or about tho lKth dny of Aunmit, A.D. 1897, at tlio (laid Townnhip of Ooiillold North, Jiro ro- quirml to (loud to iho undornlonod, ono of tho oxoontorn,oii or lmforo tho illlth day of Koptom- bor, W'.Vf, tholr alirhitian iuiuioh- and numainoii, addrofiHOB unddnncriptioim, nnd full nartloulftM of tholr olainiii tuid (itatouiDntii of tholr acoountu iluly voriftad, ami tho naturo of any ntourity hold by tiiom. And notleo la horobv furthnr jjivou that a(ti)i- tho -mild noth day <;f Buiitorabor, lbD7, tlio oxoontoru will prooood to dfntrlbuto tho amiotti of tho miid ducnauudiLitioiii' tho partitui ontltlod thoroto. havJiif! racurd to tlioiio oJultnu only of which tuny fihall havo notioo. 2o Boxes . ... . Pino Selected BnisiiiH, 2H lbs. to '.' tho box, regular prieo 3.35, . pority Prieo, 8I.!35r box. ProH- And that tlio mild otoontoni will not bo Jiublo for tlio (laid ammtii, or any part tboreof no din- tributod, to'any i>onion or poroomi of wbouu olalm or oluimn notice ban nob boon roooivnd Ijy tho oxeotitova at tho tlmo of suah diatrl- hiitlou. ' JAMBS H. IHtOWN. . , , , Cottarn.Ont. Diitoil AUBUDt2fltU,lfi97. ?Ml'.BeBt Fruit Jars Complete , m PINTS, QU'Att'J\S, 1 OAXtA', GOo. Per Don, 7r>c. " Ladies' . : . Carpot Blip'poi'H, Prosperity Prico, Qtic, a pair. ml'1--- . l:;;'Bargains. !ti All through tho Store, Now Goods arriving dhily., Ono Price to All. All QoodH murlcod in Plain Figurofl. Money Bade if you wuut it. CO u a) .a a ri b EH U CD Pi m ESSEX. ^ tn CJ U) a) a s o H O CD ft 42 W hn CD W $ w CD CD O 1-1 m P o I o o u a o -4-3 Kl o. -B trt <D O o O CD Tnosdny, Bupfcembor 7th. Council met at 8.J30 p.m. Present, Mayor Thomas, in tho chair, Hoove MoDougnll, Deputy Hoove Johnston, Councillors Foraytno, Rose, Hicks, Haines, Riddlok, Joaoph llobiuson and Prod. Robinson; 'Minutes of'previous meoting wore read and, on motion, adopted. Acoounts were road and roforrod to the Pinuuoe Committee, an follows :' Win, Lain^, lights for August, $8B.U8 ; Alhorfc Wjuldin^ton, salary for Au^uflt, $H1 ; \Vra. HisBon, killing flvo do^s" and oflloial Horviees, }Jl.fi0 ; Tj. Peeuan, enl- vert onOontro streot, $1.3(5 ; Win, Dib- ley; hauling (18 loads of Rravol, $Q8 ; Lfimg BroH., materinl and work on streets, tt15,2<l; Brett *fe Auld, print ing, *(!ll.y0; ,Tohn Turk, work on stroets, S8; W. T. Jones, work on Vic toria avonuo drain, $50; J. B. Tjindsny, work on sidewalks, $2.75; W. T. Jonos, leveling fitreot $1.50; \Vm. Koil'ron, hauling gravol, $;r>; Joseph 'XWnsend, work on stroets, $10.07; (HobePrinting Co., advertising $1.(10; Tamos Quinlnn, Itrxiords of wood, -i:i.7nA oommmiieatiou from tho Fire Un- devwritorH Assooiation wan ordered dontroyod. Qeorgo Ohumbors addressed tho ootmoil about tho back taxes on his property. Ho was not in a. position to pay tho taxes and thought tho town should give a rebate of tlio amount duo tho town. Mr. Hicks- stated that Mr. Isaac Loo had requosted him .to roport to thooounoil that there was diphthoria in their family and thoy woro in noud of iiHsistiinoo. Mr, Kid dick thought Wio sidowalk along tho Milne property nhould bo re paired. Mr. Johnston said in reference'to the Viotoria nveimo sidewalk some of it was in bad condition. Thoro wore four streot crossings which tho town should build. Tho town uhould Imy sonio cheap lumber and tho people along tlio sti'oot will build tho walks, It" will oost tho town about $20 for the cross ings, Mr. McDougall thought if thoy used choap lumbor they would huvo to have a new walk put in noxt your. l\rr. Foraytho thought-iirrimrot" tho fact that tho utroot is ho long and- tho houHos ho scattorod, tho town should do Homothing towards holpihc: to build a walk on that otroot. If by spondiug 1f20 or $1)5 tho matter could bo stayed off for a year or two. Tho Mayor objentod to tho bill of Dibbloy for $(18. Tho gravol" was not put on whoro it was most needed near ly all'of it was put in front of Milne's property. Mr. MoDougall thought tho putting on of gravel y/an a good thing." The road from Nnylor's mill to past Milne's property has boou in bad condition for years. Mr. Thomas thought a lot of gravol had bairn wasted in many . plnces, the gravel being spread rlgl'it out to tho ditch. Mr. MoDougall said thoro woro pitch holes on tho Hides of tho road and tho gravel WftH_unLiii tlioso. Mr. Forsytho moved that tho com misftionor of >fo. 1 ward bo ompoworod to expend not more than $26" for lumber for tho Victoria avonuo sidewalk, if tho residents along that fitroot will do tho work. Prod Robinson seconded tho motion. Mr. MoDougall thought that it would bo cheaper in tho long run to build a now sidowalk tho whole length of tho streot. Air. Johnston said the people along tho street thought if tho,y waited for that tho.y would hnvo no sidowalks this fall or wintor. The motion carried. Tho Finance Committee recommend ed tho payment of tho accounts reforred to them and", on motion of Messrs. Johnston and.MoDougall, tho report was adopted, Dr. J. VH, Brion -'addressed tho coun cil regarding Mr. Ford who was ill with typhoid fovor./"The family iH in poor circumstances". He uudorstood that tho family oomo from Ijoamington and had boon living in town a couplo of months. Messrs, Forsytho and F. Robin son moved that tho mattov, bo referrod to the Charity Committee with power to net, Carried, Council adjourned. Essex Pair Notes. Tho attraction committor ia negotiat ing for special features. Tho membership of tho O. S. \V. is now in tho neighborhood of 400, Everything indicates that EsHox'tt Big Fair will be a groat success. Every one within a radius of 25 miles will bo horo. Tho boys out in tho townships aro Hlickingup thoir horses for tho Fair, and the girls aro deeply engaged ia tho mysteries of fancy work.. Writo to Bocrotary Boainnn for a pri/.olist, Positively no entries accoptod after Saturday, Hoptombor SHth. Essex Wins the Cap. Monday biHt, Imbor T)nyt was oh- sorvod by lilssox people iu various ways. A number loft town by M. C. 11. in tho morning for Windsor and .Detroit,- Hoyeral paid thoir usual vocation while the moot of those who wore loft in town went to tho Agricultural grounds in the nftornnnu to witness the ball games. A base ball match was arranged be tween Fhsox and Windsor- players in which tho Windsor boys didn't know whether thoy woro, playing baso ball or cricket, nidging by tho scoro ono would think thoy woro playing tho latter. Tho score'whs 17 to 1. In favor of Essex, voo'r iiatjTj. The principal iutorost centred in tho foot ball livntch hotwoon theEtmox and Windsor Juniors. Tho game was tho final ' mutch in the series for tho championship cup offered by If. O. Fleming, of Windsor. Essex had pre viously won tho oup fairly and squaroly hut with thoir usual aptness for kick ing Windsor sot up a howl an'd ontorod a protofltrognrdingono game and another game had to bo played. Tho hall wan callod at 5.30 and a fast and oxciting oxliibition of ball playing was given for tho next hour and a half.- Tho playors liuod up as follows; Easox Windsor G Foster..............goal..............V Paper x\L WHOLE -iS^MW - j^M^ I- ui'i Our Smoke and Water Sale Still On ...... Lots of Good Goods Left yet but all prices are badly damaged COME And see for yourself. If you can't find a bargain don't buy. J. O. Peck, Windsor's Leading Outfitter COB. OUELLETTK AVE. AND SANDWICH ST. backs half backs forwards (VV Tiormaiu i..E Rondot (V Alberts .....JYulo (V Gundy '...J Butler II Gundy J Tiorman ...E Stokes ......J Gall play of It MLaing......) Alox Gourlay) .1 J Booman) a Allison... - L Wolch...) E Richardson8 J Pi/or...... C Baugbman - A Handcook,, A JoftVoy......I Beforeo, h. D. Ktotts. As soon an.tho ball was put in tho Windsor boys took possession and rushed it toward Essex gooTT ivnd insido of three minutes after play was started Gall placed a goal to thoir credit This scorned to put tho Essex boys on their metal and thoy retaliated in about, tho name length of tiuio a goal, Bioh- ardsoii doing tho act. Play was then protty oven for about tonminutos when (Tandooek scored for Essex making it. Si to 1 for tho home team, and -just before half time watvcalled the advan tage was increased by anothor goal on a corner kick by Jeffrey, the ball strik ing Alberts on the head and bounding througli,, Tho second half, began withEHRcx iu tho lend, which soomod to stimulnto Windsor and with tho oup away in tvo distance thoy set to work earnestly and faithfully to ovon up matters which thoy suecoodod in doing, Butler and AlbortH osoh scoring a goal. The tie was kept up for some time and it lookoYTulmoflt as though tlio game was going to result iu a draw.' About llvo minutes boforo timo was up, how- ovbr tho question was decided by Bich- ardHonsonding tho ball hotwoon Wind sor's posts, and making tho score 4 to ',) in fnvor of Essox. Wo oxpoot now that Windsor will ho satisfied to allow tho oiip to como to. Easox. builder and in Windsor, Deputy Collector of OnstomK Friday morning, rocoived word w s -. d 4-* d O h O !j O B'. o g w High School Notes. Many old faoos.aro missod this torm and many now ones avo to bo soon. Of last torm's class J. J. Booman, II. M, Cooke, A. D, Potter, Miss Jarmin,Minn Griilith, MissIC. Millar, Miss MoHugh and Miss lteaumo aro attending tho Model school. Miss Oliver is tonehing at AlgomaMills and Miss II. G. Arnold in Essex, and E. W. Borry is in tho Morchants' Bank at Windsor, w.hilo some of tho girls havo graduated and aro studying culinary affairs at home. Tho nominations for oflleo in tho liter ary society will ho mndo this. (Friday) afternoon and tho voting will- take place noxt Wednesday. Homo modifications havo boon made in tho new regulations for this year, Tho Form I oxaiiiina- tion and'tho P. S, Tioaving examina tion remain as thoy. wore Inst year". Latin is tho only oompulsory language for Junior and .Senior Leaving.. Phy sics and Botany being taken as oneh oouivalent to a language for tho Junior Loaving, and Chemistry and Biology as eaob equivalent to a hiugnago for Senior Leaving. Students writing un- dor tho old.regulations, who failed this year, aro permitted to take tho same option noxt year as thoy did, this yoar. In future, 'Junior, and . Senior Loaving candidates will bo required to tako 50 per cent, of tho-^iggregate mark of the form or part of form for whichthoy ore writing, in addition to 83 per cent, in each subject. ' ., , i - i i In 1810 tho.valuo of a^bttshel of wheat in England was equal, tb that of apound of nails. Today a bushel of wheat will buy ten pomid* of nails, '."'" ',".!" Paquettc. Mrs. Jackson, of Dotroit,. .lmH boon visiting at Win, Evoringhara's.", Bobort Shuol threshod this Aveek and had a good turnout. About.two hundrod pooplo on.joycd thomsolves at a social dauco at Willard Holdeu's last Tuesday night. Anihorstbufg. A number from Windsor and Dotroit visited our town Sunday, Ex-Mayor Franor loft, last weok, on tin oxtondod business trip to tho Geor gian Bay district. MiH8'MoIutyro,P..P. Scratch, D. D.' Wiglo and othors loft on Monday for tho Western Fair, London, Tho motion for an injunction in Fra- sor vs. Amhorstbnrg was enlarged until W'odnosdny, the 8th insf. KiMirsvIllc. The drying apparatus of the evapor ator horo was romovod last. week to southern Illinois, noar St. Louis. Mr. Graham found a locality thoro whoro apples were in-abundance. Ho pur- chased tjie fruit of a ono hundrod and live aero orchard for $7,000. Labor day passed off quietly hero. A largo numbor camped out at Codar- Crook., A praotioo pamo of baseball* was played iu the afternoon bbfcwoou Buthvoit and Kiugsvillo. The Ruthvon lads just played with our boy's and had it all their own way, Jas. -Dpau, Elihu. Soratoh,. John J, Malptt aud sovorul others left Tuesday morning for tho Miohipoooton region. Of oourso thoy aro not going for gold, '<oh, no!" Thoy took thoir guns along and oxpoet to havo a big hunt, but it was quite a sight to watch some of ' W' studying up evory kind of .quartz rook at our stono depot prior to their dopavturo. Wo presume thoir gold pans will be purchased at the Soo. Good luck,-boys. : "' ' Eighty new grain ^levatoro and thir teen flat warenouses have been con structed during the present yoar to aq- commodate wheat; along the railway lines in Manitoba 'and . the Northwest Territories,.._, V'. ,\'WindjiOr. Potor Craig, carriage one of the oldest Masons is very ill, and not expected to recovor! Walnh, of tho appoihtmont of L. N. Castanior to a position in tho Windsor oilleo. Tho following* marriago licouso was granted at Oxford, Mich., last weok ; Charles Eastman, 2JL Windsor,' Ont. ; Mary Jenkins, 28, Walkorville, Ont. The restriotions-put-upon Canadian bioyclos woro removed last Thursday, so fur as pleasure ridors aro con corned and Windnoritos now wheel over tho river as formerly. Inland rovonuo collections at tho .Windsor olHco For tho month of August Wovo:-Spirits $7(t!)fl,fi7, Malt ^ar>.4.7, Haw louf tobacco ^7^.-10, Cigars, oxL-fuc- torySnOU.'iO, Cigars, ox-warohouso &i\0 Methylated spirits $10-1.03, Otho'r col- loothms 81711.00, Total ^O-MB.05. A day or two uro a G.T.B. special pasfumgor train made tho run hotwoon Windsor and Chatham in 40 minutes, a distance of '1.5 milos. Tuesday tho Collogiato and public schools opened in tho city aftor a rc- cohh of ton weeks, the longost vacation in tho history of schools in this city, Elsowlroro schools oponed on tlio first, Ou Mondav the Greyhound left Itur- loy'.'i declc for Tashmoo Park with a joint excursion of Companions of tho Forest, and Windsor and Walkorvillo' lodges of tho throe Protestant orders of the Forostei-H I.O.F. Tho L.E.& D.H.B. brought in ilvo conches flllod with brethren of tlio some organizations from points as far caBt ns Bidgetown. Tho negro who murderously assault- od Constable Cassidy of tho il.. 0. It. on the night of July Hist, has boon run down by Detectives Campau and OlniR. Mahonoy after many tortuous .wind ings, Tlio man's mistake, was that ho doubled on his tracks and, returning to Dotroit, was laid by tho heols. Ho was caught picking pockets on Bolle Islo on Tuesday and was arrostod. Tito Dotroit polico say thoy will abandon all right and titlo to him whonovor bo is wanted horo. -Bo was brought horo Thursday. . . Tho work of tho model term, began Tuesday with Principal Chisholm in charge. Tho model course is hold at the Gnmoron-avo. ubhool this year in stead of at tho'Central (1h formerly. . A. 'movo was necessary on account of. lack of accommodation at the latter school, Howovor.tho students will do thotoaoh- ing portion of thocoursoiu tho Central. Thoro is an evident intention on tho part of: tho Education dppartmout to make the training of the toaohors iu_ thorough ns possible, as a now. subjoct has boon added to tho regular cohtkc. This is psychology, as applied to .edu cation and is oonsidorod an important subject. Besides this, tho minimum marks rcipiirod to pass tho examina tion have boon raisod to 40 j)or cent, on each subject and () por cout. on tho 'whole. The attendance this year i lorgor thau formorly, twonty-four pu pils hoiiig'prosent on tho opening day. This moans a hard task for tho prinoi-, pal. Of tho twonty-four now in attend ance, lit rcoeivod tboir education aud Cortiflcutos at tho Windsor Collegiate; sovon nttbo Essox High School; two at Loamlugtou; ,ono at Canard, and ono at Aylmor.. Tho full list of names and ad dresses is oh follows; Miss M. Wight- man, Miss Mand Crnmpton, Miss Daiwy Hineks, Miss Christina Prico, Miss Nolhe demon, Miss Joan Black, Miss Lillian Lyons, Miss Fannie Biohards, Miss Mary Brenan, Miss Koto Fothor- stono, Miss ^\a Hardcastlo, Albert Goitm, William Obenay, Windsor; Miss CatharineMillor, MissMamie MoHugh, MissL Griflith, MissF, Jarmin, Hugh- M.Oooko, Joseph Booman,. Androw Pottor, Essox; MiBs Maggie Sandison, Miss Hattio Coulsori, Leamington; John. Gignao, Canard; Miss Winnie Bai-rott, Aylmer. Home Comfort Range Company's Testimonials. This iH to certify that I havo boon using il Homo Comfort Buiujo nearly five years, and find it junt as roproHOutod, It does not uso as much fuol op our other ntovei did and in a porfcafc bakor. MllH. jAMKfl BuOKnANIl. ' Eiiiiox County. Cottato. . This is to onrtify that I havo boon uain^ a Homo Comfort Baugo over four years, and would not use any other. 'It ih a pr- (oot lmkor and boater, junt iwgoorl na the day wo bought it. FnANCia Oxuxrij*, Esaox County. Oldcaatlo,' "', -------)o(------- This ih to cnrtlfy that wo have heon ns- , lug a Homo Comfort Bango more than four yoara and find it a good linker and' liontor and dons noMiso ouc-thlrd tiio wood our formor wtovc did. , , OHIO, BlUjIKOS, ',.; Ehhux County, North Ridge.. -------)o(------- ;V, This is to oorfcify that wo havo boon wdng a Homo Comfort Kautto oyer four .",' yoarfl and would not tiho any other. Onr.'^ Uango is just its good an tho day wo pur-!': ohnnod it, Mn. Awn Mh. Aijvin Obtok. V' i^ufiox Countyi' CntiiLm^^ -------)0( -: % :m I WROUGHT IBON BANOB COMPANY \M TORONTO, ONT. Wopurchusod a Homo Comfort Bange, from your aalosmua and Wnd it ovorytlnbg horooommcridotl it to bo. It (h tho'beat balcor wo ovntr nwod and tftkoe vory little fuel. Mn. and Mum. James Diixno, Ennox County. North Rldgo:. .15 ToWnou it May Conokiw. ?$ aortify that! parohaaad a Homo' Comfort) ^ Kungo ovor four yonrs ago and havo heeu using it ovor ninoo. It has givou good- Hutitdaotion, in a good boater and a porfeqt; bakor. Mnu. Patjitok Mciimiy/ W-Oodiilee.! -------)o(------- . I purohawd a Homo Comfort ^Bango ovor four yearn ago audit basgivon entire.' sutiiifaotlon. It dooH not uho ay muoli fuel au.other rantion and I would not .bo with out it for mora than I paid for name. ' John Walkeii, .' St. Joabhira P. Oi'"'i| . f To tuid Homus Comroni Baxok Co. ':? rango I purchased from' over four vi| yearn ago bus given tlio bust of iati8fao->i.'3i tion. It is an excellent baker and is;-...a-i., ODonomioal in fuel. I would not bo with-,'^M out it for anything. * Mna. Gehahd, Belle Biver. vl'lV ' '! :".. I.pnrohased' 9/'Cim JaoOb Boiner, the Berlin forger, was sentenced to four years' imprisonmout. At Springville a five-yoar-old daugh ter of Mr. H. P. HonderBon was shot fatally by two young men who were driving past her father's farm and shot >t'abirdV|i'. ,- A heavy freight ora8ho4 into o dia- ablod oxpresa two mileB west of Btrath- roy last Thursday causing the death of engineer 07Hagoan and boHous^iniriried to; tho brakeman. -----)o(---- This is to certify that JQomo Comfort ttango oyer four years ag6 aud am still ufliug same with tho tntm6i$$M> aatiBfaotion; . ' im?^' John BAtuit.rOllijjpn., Meraoa^S ..-,, . ::,:m I have no hBHitalion In heartily rwora^g monding the Home OomforG Bange, haySnj^jlj purohaaod one over four yeara ago /anB^^1 haying uaod it evor, siuco. . . -'} ^^ John Hawkrb, Oliftd^M: Tho Home Comfort Range in uso in my place for over four;-:yo(M$fe$J I would not dieposo of it for what I for It, as it givoB the beat eati8faotioa.'-V'h^::^f Gordqk RkidV Stapl^a^ll ; M ............. Over fonr years ago we, purp Home Comfort Range and. are Btill na^njr it. As a baker and bearer, it ,ib ^it^u}i' equal and we would notpiart w^u'iii^v;'/ Ma, and Mae, Yens Olbkw, Now. Can'fM The Home ComforcBanga ia\a,')!:'" hnl' heater" and bfther.. Having^ for oyer/ four:jrTOiv;i."l!^ow^;:v^ ' > Y-Wm parobaBedV'tfif/l thing. ,........ , ,.'&i?Viti?t;&

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