Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 27, 1897, page 8

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HP'1 is}"*' $*; "< Ml *"" P.. -', laetMnUaltobttttfc. Brwrnook ooratr of lb* ejitea to mmWI Uu blood, art oa lta qwOHj Um dttioftof tmy organ depend*. Good nmi strong bcttm, food dlges- , robast health. Impure blood mMni fttofala, tysptpste, thenDuUsm, etUrrb pt other IUims. The Barest way to bfo food blood It to Uko Hood's W9* ft" n t^ ..A (** ' J J Blood feuHpoHUo. ThU nwdloln* parities, !- UllM, and DttbM th blood, and send* to* eltmenU of health and strength to *Ary nerre, organ and tlaav*. It creates I food appetite, flvot retraining sleep ^d ewes that tte*4 feeling. It Is because fl lta g*eat power to parity tha blood that From Blood*! BamperlU* fees Moompllftbod so fa*ny wondufvl euros. It makes the Blood pare, drlvM oat the germs of dl- g**e. Thousands today enjoy food htaltm A* tbo natural malt of taking Hood's . Sarsaparilla fos Qua True Blood Fnrlfler, AH druggUts. |L Hood's Pills SWOiPE&fifc or ass. Oesto. The annual mooting of the W.C.T.U. Was held last Monday afternoon in the Gesto Mothodiflfc Church. The dovo- tional xercisofl wore conducted by tho , President, Mrfl. Barrett. Tho btminoHS part of the mooting was thou hold, pre sided over by Mrs. Maxwell, of Am- herefcbnrg, provident of ISflHex County W. 0r-Tr-Gr-~Tho following woro ap pointed as dolegatoH to tho County Convention, to bo held at Windftor, Bopt. 7th and 8th, Mrs. F. Sweet, Mrs. Keano and Mian 0. Rodd, bosidoH Mrfl. M. Barrett who is a.monibor of tho County Executive. Election of ofllcors for tho cunning year roaulted in tbo following boing doolarod oloofcod: President, Mrs. M- Barrett ; Vioo-Pro- aident, Mrfl. 0. Waldon; Cor. Secre tary, Miss 0. Bodd ; Bob. Soorotary, Mifls IDolla McGregor ; Treasurer, Miss Leah ICeano. Tbo super in ton donte of departments were oleotod as follewH: SoientifloTomp., Mrs. K Swoot; Nar cotics, Mrs, Woldon; S. S. Work, Mrn. M. Barrett^_________________ Cottam. Mias Edith James, who has boon vis- itiug friends in Bollo Bivcr and Woods- loo, returned last Monday, The Methodist Sunday school hold thoir annual picnic to ICinKavillo yoHter- day (Thursday). A groat number wont owing to its boin^ K4KSvillo*s Civic holiday. Tho younpr pcoplo of tbo Motbodist ohurob mot, on Friday ovoning last, in tho oburoh for tbo purpono of organiss- ingthomflolvoflintoauEpworthljoaguo. *Tlie Pastor, Itov. A. MoKibbin, was in the ohah. Fiftoon of tho young people had Riven in thoir namos to hocome rnombors of tbo League; and with tboso as a nucleus, tbo Pastor proceeded to organise. Thoro is a good piospoct that thememberflhip will soon bo throe or four times aa largo. A happy spirit of good will and unity prevailed in tbo meeting. Tbo following is tbo rosult of the oloction for officers and appoint ment on committees: 1st Vioo Pros., LewiB Williams; 3ud Vice Pros., (Litorary Bop.) Miss A. Stephen; Soo'y., Win. Buelctand; Cor. Soo'y., Miss Eva Stopbon; Troas., Miss Gascoyiio. Tho following committooa were appointed: Prayor MootingOom., Miss Eva Stophon, Mins Valeria Wiplo, and BayOsborno. Look Out Com.,Wm. Buokland, Miss Cusooyno, Frank Whxto and Thos. Millon. Literary Com., Miss MoMahon, Sidney Kollot and B. Burling. Tho League decided to take up only two "dopavtmontH of work for tho present. On Tuesday, Sep. 7th, tho Motho- dists of Cottam and tho a/ljoining ap pointments will hold a Union Harvoat 'Homo, It will bo an all-day affair, and 'promises to bo muRniflcent. In tho evening thoro will bo a saored ooncort in tbo church at Cottam. Tho now Pastor, Bev. A. MoKibbin, B.A., ia pushing work along in a mannor that is giving universal satisfaction, and will no doubt make this a most exoollont entertainmont. Bo not forgot tlio date. Keep it in mind and look out for post ers.' The lawns of Mr. Jamos and Mr. Jolly will he used for tho affair; dinner "will be nerved at 12 o'clock noon and supper at 0 p.m. Tho programme will be given at 3 p,m. A string band- will be present and ronder ohpiee music duripg the afternoon w^hilo tho follow ing speakers are expected to bo preo- ettt: Bevfl. fl A. Gifford, Ph. B.( W. MoMullin, B.A,, John Morrison, W.H. Cornervllle. F. A. Leak and H. M. Cooke were in Detroit on Saturday. H. M. Cooke-will attend Model School at Windsor the coming term. J, T. Leak and family visited with the former's father in Rochester on Sunday. Samson Gosnell and wife drovo to Chatham on Saturday to visit their daughter, Mrs. J. MoOoll., Mrs. Gos nell will visit friends in Chatham, Blenheim and other places and will be away about two wooks. --------------*--------------' Edgar's Mills. Mias Xj. Stevenson is visiting her siBter Mrs. B. Queen, John Button has men employed in putting in weighing soales. Mrs. F. Beaton returned from visit ing friends at Highgate, on Monday night. Ezra Pickett is supplying tho place in the section gang vacated by E. Med- daugh. John Sutton loaded five ears with wood for Detroit this wook and two last week. Michael Farrough of Maidstone, with his wife and ohildron.spent last Friday with Mrfl, E. Boadhoueo, About twenty of Misa Jenuio Cud* more'r) young friends assembled on Monday evening to celebrate her four teenth birthday. They report having spent a vory pleasant time. Cheap Things That Are Good. August is The Month when prices are held out as a Prime In fluence here . . . . North Ridge. ' Miss Margaret Eivell, of Dotroit, is visiting at T. Slote's. Missofl Shoroland, of Detroit, are vis iting at Geo. Bedollo*fl. Miss Outntniford, of Hart, Mich., is visiting her parenta horo. Mrs. Sloan and Mrs. Dunk, of Essex, wore guests of Mrs. A, Bodollo last Fri day. Mrs. Andrew Gilboo and children, of Detroit, aro visiting Mr. Gilboo'fl par ents. Miss Niokorson, of Windsor, 1h vis iting with Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Wil liams. iTosoBh Meyers has rontod his farm on the 14th con. for ono year to Wil- tiaot Birch. W. Colonutt and J. Lickman, of Maidstone, called on John Humbor last Sunday. MajorJ&jlling, J.P., W. H. Billing, jr., and David Koblo attended the veterans' reunion at Leamington on tho 12th inst. Rudy MoyorH loft for Manitoba last wook. Ho wont by O.P.B, Harvest Ex cursion, and ho purposes helping tho Mauitobans to harvest thoir grain. North Gosflold Chooso and Butter Co., limitod, (JohnS,' Billing, presi dent) shipped last wook 118 chooso, one- half July nmko, to T. 0. Biloy, Ingor- floll: Samuol Snrgont, of North Bidgo, baa twolvo black walnut trees grown from Heeds plantod by himself nino yoars ago. On ono of tho trees aro twolvo finely developed walnuts. This is a romakablo yiold as walnut troos aro slow in maturing. South Woodlce. P. B. Tester spent Sunday in town. Mrs. 0. Underbill is visiting at tho 'Ban. IC. B. Cohoo wheeled to the Eau last Friday night. Tho parsonage is looking woll in it* noxv coat of paint. Mr. Louoks visited bis son, Nathan Louolcs, last wook. Romomhor tho B. T. of T. Concort this (Friday) night. J. Murray A Son paid $1 per bushel for wheat on Monday. John Murray is slowly recovering from his late attack of sickness. A. Van Evory has rontod the store and dwelling of Mrs. Hogan. Tho P. 0. DTnspootor spout throe days in tho'village laat wook. Rev. .Tamos Hubbov and lady aro vis iting hor brotbor, Nathan Smith. Miss EttaBailoy, of Jackson, Mich., is visiting with hor sistor, Mrs. O. Dawson. Rev. W. H. Shaw is succeeding grandly in raising money to paint tho parsonngo. Murray's mill, which has boon shut down for somo timo for repairs, is now running again. W. y. Cummiford was presented with a ilno bouquot of flowers as a birthday present last week. MisH L. tfillior, of Essex, and Miss E. James, of Oottam, aro visiting the family of W. S. Cummiford. Mrs. II. BotOr,and Miss-B. fadden, of Windsor, and "Mrs. Charles Ellison, of St. Thomas, are visiting with Wni. Smith and family. Tho mania for whoeling becomes so strong at times that pooplo havo boon known to wheel ovou in sleep. Would you eali a lady who arises and wheels at night a sombioyclist ? Wednesday ovoning last the Sisters of Bebekah paid a fraternal visit to the sisters of ICingsville Lod&e. On re turning to Woodsleo they discovered H. 0. Bees' sawmill was afire, The Bebekahs, at once became a fire brigade and by their efforts the fire was quickly extinguished. Those who could not carry water screamed with all their might, The sisters say that'Mf. Bees has used them well in many ways and they wore only too glad to render him But Cheap Things are often bad-* What brings buyers here in large and ever increasing numbers is the assurance . of safety in quality the mind is at ease as to quality when the Goods are bought at The Great Corner Store. HOME COMFO RANGE CO. OMFQM Prints, ovor 100 piocea, of the boat 89-ino& Prints, sold in other stores at 12Jo. per yard, our price 10c. poryawj. 76 pieces of tbo regular 10c. Prints, reduood to 8o. per yard* 100 Pairs of Ladies' Chocolato Oxford Shoos, regular prico 81.25 and $1.50, reduood to Ofio. per pair. Dross Goods, wo have opened and passed into stock 60 piecos of new Dross Goods, call and soo thorn. To oloar the balanoo of our stock of Parasols, wo offer J off from regular prices. Special offerings in Grey and Bleached Cottons, Table Linens, Napkins, Towels and Towellings. Oar Grooery Stock is Fresh and at astonishingly low prices................ The Great Corner Store. DIEBEL & BRICKER Cheap Advice... Don't be-talked into buying a Stove that won't suit you and paying two prices for it when you can buy a better article in your own town at an honest price. ROLL OF HONOR THRBE GOLD And ONE SILVER Medal World's Industrial and Cotton CcDlcnalul I'*poiit!on, Now Orleans 1WU and 1H80. HIGHEST AWARDS ritbruVp Stale Board of Apiculture, 1M7. DIPLOMA Allium* Slate Agricultural Society at Mootromery, tiSft. AWARD CtullaboocbM Valley Eipoiltloo, Colnmbas, 0*. IMS. .I, / HIGHEST AWARDS St LouU Atrlcullural and Mechanical Auocliitao, IM9, SIX HIOHEST AWARTJS World's Columbian Eipoilllon, Chicago, 189J. hTohest awards Western Fair Aitodatlofl, London, Caaaia, ISM, SIX GOLD MEDALS 'Mldwlnicr Fair* San Francisco, Cat, IS9L "I SILVER MEDAL "~- Toronto Expotltiou* Toronto, Canada, 16*5, Above Honors were received by the ' & * STEEL, HOTEL AND FAMILY RANOU jibove Style Family Mange is sold only by OtJjJl% TVavillntf Salesviat from our min wagons ,$*3 at Off nni/oi m prtcr thrnuubaul CanatUzM and the United States, Modi of Malleable In>n and WroiiplilTJIeeLanSi, tulll Lat a JLi/ethite ij property used. ij 348,384"sold to January lit, IS1 WROUGHT IRON RANGE CO.,Liivhteo. ----- FOUNDED i864 - - - PAID-UP CAPITAL. $1,000,000. ,, Vy^Bhlnarton Avenue, lOtfi to 20th Streets, ST. LOUIS. MO..U.&AS-1 n Salesrooms and'Offlces: 1519 Olonarm St., DENVER. COUO at*" W munufiicutr*.* iuhI curry n roinpiole ilo^W ir Jiolfl lluiiRfH. Cflwlnf; ^ ^ Tatiea, SlWm lablen, DrullfrM, Urns. l|ut***VVirtn (i . Ml nlj_0ipr Kllcn(jrj_Ktjn(l, v a '....... " ..... '....... !,\, $ Western Salesrooms and^Offlces: 1519 Qlenarrn . mo munuiiicturt* iuhI curry n mmpiolo iiovu nr Hold Kunfit-H. C'fli .___-. -..... .... _........ _........ "1 nil oilier KIlfrttKii BU^da, andnn'Wlo irwnulUoiurvn oritur Unwitinled HOrtK COHORT HOT-AIR STKEL jPUltNACliS. for latent Lllnstralvd C'uUUuuUo uml | r lo* r. \ i U or cull ut nliy of our milcsrooma. SOME FACTS FOR INTENDING t URCHftSERS : Ilonie Comfort. ' The followiug article iu clipped from tho Preabyteciau Itoviow. Wo deeire to call tbo nttontioii of oaf readers to tho advotrtluomcmb of tho Wrought Iron Uangu Company, of Toronto. The name Home Comfort, by whioh thoao rau^en are known, la a happy one, bu^oh- tivo of all that ih pleasing in that depait- inonfc of tho houflohold. The hlfltjry of Mro. John Obuldnder, Kincnton, Mrs. Goor^o Flowollin^, KiugstoD, bird. John XIill. Kluuatou, Mr. Jamos uanongo. Long Keuoh. Mr. J. D. Coftraan, Kington. Mr. ForroHt Williams, Longlioaoh. .1 the WrouRhfc Iron Range Company ia a re markable one, while the reputation of their outpat in tho wont enviable and do- serving of any Bimilar flrm iu the world, Tho Homo Comfort are ffaaranUod ab- Bolately ttnbreakable and will not oraolt or warp. The eevorosfc test may bo applied to them. They may be Smashed with a aledce hammer or jumped upon by a two affect. The ob]Mt of-tho Wrought Iron A w D B rjnportoD. Range Oompuny to supply tho domand 7-,.J \7..Z?:Li vl 1 n____ W. H. Richardson, Continues doing business at the old Stand.......... Hardware, Stoves and Panges. Do you Want . . . . A New Buggy 0^d?0ne for a perfect Wrought Stool and Malloablo Iron Unbreakable range, honao the Homo Com fori whieb moots all requirements Doooaaary in the porfoot rango to a degree thab is aatoniflhing in its public demon stration. The boat quality of iron is bought by tye Homo Oomforb Rango poo- pie, it ia thou treated In wi anucahug fur- naoe and roudored litorally indostraetlble whoa transformed into a Home Oomfort Range. Internally tho Home Comfort is perfoob and unique It is lined with asbestos, thus uiding heat thrown upon the articles bolug eooked and preventing tho radiation of hoat from tho ranga.All of the linings aro in adjustable scotions,whioh oan bo easily and rapidly fitted. Tho other a'ljuncta of tho liomo Comfort aro in com plete accord with porft'Oiion. Suoh as hot aii* O'oho'h, mmpltoity Ju oleauing uud dn npinti bho-atthoa and many othni* noti- oeahlo imnrivemdntB overall oMiorranged. An impot'ttnin feature in tlio bUHinoss of ihu Wrought Iron Rtngo Company is that thfy do not srtll to the trado as all, but do- liver tho Homo Comfort rango fiom their own wau'ous by their own authorized nales moo diruofc to tho houHoholdor, tliuw hav- nif; no duulings with outnidors. Ilomt'Com- (ort Ran^oa ovor all othora must not bo forgocton in the faot that at tho World's Columbian Expomtiou they roooivod aix hmhost awards; at Now Orleuiitr, four gtolii medals, aud at tho Midwinter Fair, Ba i Vt luoiBoo. six gold modals Thoao faoti aro atimding irrefutable proof of the mwirpaseod qualitioH of tho Wrought Iron Rango Uompauy'H Uome Comfort Ranges, and ask for thorn a careful iusneotion when and wherever flliown. The above extraofc Trom tho Presbyterian Hoviow, a papor which thinks twioo before ib endorsos auybhiug, should be Hufuoiont prool to tho moot Hkoptioal that tho Homo Comfort Range ih all that is otaimei for It. In addition to this there are annoxod tntttitnouialB from a largo number of Kmuu Oouuty ptoplq who aro known woll all ovor tho province and who have given tho nmgo a Hovero test before putting thoir names to pap or. '* Wrought Iron Rauge Go. Toronto, Out. ii% Tho following well known people ofiV Kings Comity have eaob purohased a rango and speak in the hrgheat terms of the^r Homo Comfort Range : A. MoN. Travis, Scatiou Master, Haaap*-^ ton. 'w H.O. Chute, Uudortttkor ; J. 'H. Jaol son, E. MoCarron, G.W. Sharp,Hampton^ George Dunoan, BarnesviMe. "M David Kilpatnokp Upham. M $* John Raymond, Geo. Riyraond, Georf Burnett, Bloomflold. Kingston, Kent County : Thle la to certify that I purchased Homo Comfort Rango of salesman Gi ham. and after using ib for three montl find ib just aa represented* Yours, Mru. Robarc Godfrey. Mra. Robert Sallortou, Mrs. Foreet WJI^ hams, Mra. James Ganongo, Jumee Whitfti Woes Pattoreon, Loug Reaoh ; Robinaoa^ I'*lewolliug, Oak Pomt ; Edw. HteveneonAJ Woabflold j Wm. Brown. Brown's Flats;J Mrfl. John Chandler, Mrs. Goorgo FieweU^; lug,, J oh n Cauamun, J oho Hill, Kiugston.'J ^i JMLoHt Wins. This la au advortiBomonc for the Wrought Iron Range Company. This ad- vortiaomout diffurs from the UBnal order of advertising, beoauao it ia an expression from tho user of tho Rango, who doeiroB to express his aenso of gratitude to tho company for placing Within his reach an article that possessor overy a^v&ntago that a rango,to \)o of utmost HOryice to the usur, should posseus. Oliarlotto County Heard Froni? r4 Peuileld Statiou This is to certify thaV1 wo purchased a liomo Range from ydntrl Balesman, F. 0. Brew, and find it porfeoM in every roapoafa,also a great heater, anAS doos not nso half tho fuel our former stovf did. Yonra -i W. N. Hawkins and wife, Penfleld-^ Wo oaoh purebasod Homo Comforil Ranges and are glad to recommend thebil oa nret'CluHB, and groat heaters.' Yours,'^1 Hugh MoEldndfije, ",3 Belberb Pool. H) Simmar Marwe. ^ James McAdam, VVo8tnorolau<l County Opiuloi From tho tone of the following testim^ ouiala from some of tho best people it fl* very ovidonb the Home Comfort Ooobiiu Ranges aro proving a great blessing to pi honsowives, as they are all loud id i( praises. This range has taken nremiai at all the leadiug fairs,.and as they , at mado of the very best material tuque , dflj airing a tirst-olass cooking apparatoa cat make ho mistake in buying a Hpme' fort Rango. If so you cannot do boiler than by calling afc tho tfhe Essex Casriage Wop^s, TALBOT-BT,; - ESSES. Having; the best Meoha^ios employee!, we oan gtxarantee all work to be first- ~olaB8 in every partionlar........*........ . We are prepared to do all kinds of Repairing*inoluding Painting Trim ming and general Jobbing. Perfection Gained. Kings ooanty neopla haVo bo9n taken with the Home Comfort Rango, and as the testimonials bolow show thoy attach their uuwes to what they do not hesitate to Hav is the muht,_porfbOt range that has come within,their hotioe: Wrought Iron Range Co., Toronto, Ont: Gentlemen, We each purchased a Home Comfort Range from your sale a man and fiud it the best baker and neater we ever used. It does not use one third the fuel our former Btoves did. We are well pleaaad, and would advise anyone wanting a firat-elaaa. range to prooure one: Mrs. E, G. Lamb, Baasox, Mr. & Mrs. W.W. Stockton, Bas&ex, Mrs. S. 0. Walker, SaasBx. , Mrs. Alexander Walaer, Sussex. Mr. Clark Taakels, Sussex. ' Mr. W. J* Patterson, Brookville. Ttfr. E. M. RiobardBon, Watorford. Mr. John Balling, Waterford. < Wronan/Iron.^ge"Oo^ yoro^tb;pttt.y, M one ton. ' 7^H We, the undersigned eitiKeus of Moq| ton, are eaob using a Home Cami Range and find them good bakdrff, copS and heaters# and are pleased witfr'ttiflm" every reapeot, , , s'l , M A. 0. OKapman^Mayor. (-JM H. 0. Haningtow, BarrisUrJi Ed. Lynch. \ *JM Mrs. J, G. Gibson. A. F, Irving. / M a. W. Harrop. M 1 "' " liS ' ------------------------ >$ Covordle Parish. $ We are each uafng a Homo Ctoaimj Range and are well pleased' with 'lu and would recommend them to aU[-qln iug a flrat-ola?B range. / nfltr^ Wta, BmitJhi- Nelson GeldJ Solonjwiej^ m ,Johol?9M| 1 T"'^ .^i i^ bought ODo'JSomo don^rilUfl the trough* Iron ^Sfu'Qpm" fltrprtbe; witarattti^

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