Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 30, 1897, page 8

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criteBUnta lq the late scrap hare ielr difficulty in a lUtid n- ^Parkv MJp(n./ are sp a few $|tffei^j^ Mjn Bo^ialln the interests of the Mia- :|of'the BngUai^ph^oh; fi July 8Wi, has been postponed lay evening, August 8rd,: is Mafia Orton, ofMt.JDora, Pla., ($# On friends here. Her father's Itfc had;. beeb, poor here, but has good since he went to Florida, wo j^ftvel or sand our olay roads, }fi^ore they make ofay roads for nee in weather, and use the sand roads in lines. They raiso bananas, pine j'-^ples, oranges, lemons and all email &-ifrait, Also sinoo their orange trees K^Sereifwzen^ they have found it not Jplio^t'to'depend on one kind of crop and ^^'^effiising many things that they did before. <c. r. j_,._,_ ji'in the district do not know feS^t'hpjjr near they were to another ^f^$d&ap.;,(px County Councillor. It ^ "ihappenQd the other day that J. T. Pf^^TWl'flnd Squire Blair went for a "" (d of hay; 'On* genial County Gouu- wb extends oon Jason Woodiwissi High Marshal of the High Oom^ of Ontana Independent Order of Fpreflteis;' InBtttoiftd ft <wurt at jGteatowith twenty six charter mem bers. The yifoUowlrig officers were) elected and installed: yWW'rtih* .horn, irlar ihoine. Malford Garrainger and bride called upon the latter'^ Mr, liatimer, of I^n^ Sam^:ipfo^ *Xifi XaQJBrhlinrC;p.;;'J^W;V.Bri^v"-H;D.; 01. Phys; Fred. Ii,; Bweet, Of &, "Win. Blight, KC.B.;Fred. . %' McGee, V.O: E.; A. C. AtkihBoh, B,Sr J J. N. Widdis, S.O.,A-B.Baker,Treaa.;Ff W. Sifeet.Oi; D. A. Brueh,S. J.OV;E?.GVBweetlS.W.; Lewifl'MoLaugiiiin; J.W.;B. F. Sweet, S.B.;E. Meddough, J,B.V feouth Woodalee. B. Oudmore, formerly a merchant in this town called on friends here this; ." ::,. . /^^v : 3js*iafto Jackson, Township Clerk of Gosfleld North, for the half year ending 'June 80th, 1807^38 births, 3 marriages and Wesley Hr Mo-|7 deaths; The causes ;of deaths were Minut4of the previoua meeting were read and adopted. The oletk read a oonimtinioatip^ frbm the: Trustees . of l^lle RiveV ^bUo Sonools^ se<K>nded ByMr, Pamm that the clerk as follows: - General debility,: 1; l;Bright'B disease,!; Old'age',1; Tuber culosis, 1; Frematnre birth,); Cancer; u ;.,' _. . . v North Ridge. Wm. S.Ohfltfield, of Kankakee, III., was, here one day last week; MraVWrn.: James Taylor is away book north in Grey Co., Moaford, sum mering on the banks of the Georgian Bfly- Mrs. Alexander Taylor left, by boat II* week. Edward Baraham threshed wheat last Ifrom Detroit, for Cleveland, Ohio, last It averaged 85 bushels to the fe-pilior boUt tlie flwt.part of theload.un- p^tistaetorily, a^d iherefore, it was pfto^ed.'off by the flauire. Whether *f Unintentionally or with uialioe pre- ^i^enBe the load was put on crocked and P;|*0*tseqnently tipped over throwing $ H)T. to the ground and nearly smother-,4 ting him, We are glad to report that Mr, Brown Is none the worse of his mishap. Jjjf^The 'St. Mary's Argus, in a recent pifcine, had a lengthy interesting histor- tefeal sketch of Motherwell school seozL. 5^i;tioni Fullarton Township, Perth coun ty. > The Motherwell school was opened pijfhalf, a oentnry ago and reoently the ; -people oMho section oelebrated the ^{^ceilteiiary of it^ opening. Several sj3'j;<" "' Cli1. residents of Essex oonnty are gradu- ;('fltes of that sohool. John Browntcoun- p^ijr';o6mmisflioner, Ooltam, fet matiy My^ei^irsi .was "a .teacher there. His fath- ^;; ert the late James Brown,^was the first ^;;,Ite.aober in the section. At the present ;:. time the educational destinies of the 'jV--young folks of that place are directed ^;,:by Wm, Brown, a grandson of the first teaoher. and nephew of John Brown, ^i);;dottam. Angus Campbell, of Leam- iV'J^Qh, and Philip Molntoeb, of1 Mer- ,^^sea, were both'Motherwoll schoolboys. p'J^Bolbt; Fleming, blacksmith, of Kincs- "' jVille, is also from the same school .flection. Joseph "Voy, Wheatley, re- ^irnemhere hauling four logs for the ij-^ walls of the schoolhonse, and that ho ^jij-'ivioolcup ouo. corner of the building. )tj,! The first sohoolhouse was a log con- w,,f:':;;, cern. Bat the old school house is al- felterednow^ In fact, it was not many ^ :ycars ajEjo, being replaced by a hand; i&. Some briok bnilding. Bev. Principal ^"' Caven, of Knox College, Toronto, and 'pV Prof. A. B. Bair'd, of Manitoba College g/i':' Winnipoff, are graduates of the Mpth- '^ 'erwell school, Sfc;:;'; .' , The young people of the Methodist Church gave a social and entertain- biijj-, menton the Parsonage lawn on Tues day eye; 37th. Notwithstanding the .rather unfavorable signs of the sky, a Vtory good number predenteii thom- Belyes, and did ample justice to the ioe oream and oako prepared for the occasion. The, Junior Brass Baud /from Buthven wore preaont and en- V4^ divened the occasion with excellent Friday, acre. Abraham Hedliok has been slok the last week with symptoms of typhoid fever. Jako Mitchell is doing a rushing busi ness in tables for Alsike clover' this week. , The Epworth League' and Sun day School held their picnic to Belle Biver on Tuesday. Adrian Brooker is the representativ6 to the Grand Lodge of the X O.O. F. which meets atBelville, August 11th. Misses M. Ellison, John Mclnteer, W. ^/ Oummiford and Eldpn Avery at^ tended *be bioyple tournament at De troit last Thursday. , The Maple Loaf Band, of South Wopdslee, were at Essex on Sunday esuorfcnig the Moooabees-to-the Baptist church. ^TJie boys look fine in their now uniforms. The annual society meeting of the Methodist church met on Thursday evening; to eleofc class representatives. The following were elected for the en- flufctf year! Oliver Wiloox, Allan MUls, W. H. RumhaUand W. B. Smith. The Literary Entertainment in con nection with the Epworth League came off very nicely last Tuesday night. Bev^ W. H, Shaw, dhairman, gave a very finely written' paper on Armenia. Then the following program was rend ered: Music (vocal) "The Old Church Bella'1,Mabel Smith; Instrumental Mrs. Paul, Essex; Masio (vocal) Miss Bosh; lew; Music (Instrumental) May Han- cook, The League deoided to purchase a new organ for the ohuroh firom Mr, Faul. , Friday morning; having been called to see her sister, Miss Louisa Mo- Creery, who is very sick. To the roadmasters of Gosfield North: Gentlemen, are yon cognizant of'the fact that thistles and other noxious Weeds are blossoming and seeding on the public highways at the present time. JamesCtimmiford, J.P., passed the 70th milestone in ftis journey of life last Monday, July 20th. He is hale and hearty and bears his weight of years pretty well. We hope he may live for many years. Besides the damage done by light ning mentioned in last week's Free PitEss, the Baptist Church, on the Belle Biver road, was struck by the electric fluid snd considerably dam aged both internally aud externally. Jacob McLean, of Harrow, bored into the bowels of the earth 180 feet for Win, Beives last week and obtained an abundant apply of water ;. he drilled several feet into the rooi. Our friend says he has one of the beet wells in Essex County;: Canadian Bacon and flarket The English M m. ,innsio. In addition to this thore was ST-r.. Bfivpii, tb.o following programme and gi:;1 ^.instrumental mnsio: Solo, "The Har- MV'ttest Homo" by Lowis Williams; & {: '"Iristrumontal duet, Miesos Stephen and u' JennorjSolo, "Ehron on the' Bhine" a^v ,by/Miss Sedgwick; Quartette, (malo, fey "Come where the Lillies l^v.-Bjoom"; SoIo^.'*Tho church across the ^'!'~~-" Jesse White '; Buet,: "Lar- board Watch" r^:- Awrey; Solo, Duet, Messrs. Williama and "Lost or Saved" Mr. Iji'/Awrey. The evening's entertainment S-JuTv'as very much enjoyed by, all who fe^ore present, and the programme came '^toabloseabont 10.80p.m. . |^ At Odttom.oriTuesday, the 27thinst,, p,;.!;fm extraordinary, wedding come off. I^yn' the groom, XTriah Phillips, |>|&; plinda, is 08 years, the bride's Mrs. ypjl^^ the: same. The ^j^a^e. <>f'one of the attesting witnesses is ^j^years anithatof the other, is 71. ^M^^iimor^oi^e^maxxiase- liponse is S||feU^ciyanoed ip life,and tho qftlciating ^pteiter/'Bey. .J. 'Iler,'. is within two ^^^ h birthday, The. ||ApPstle Paul assures us thofc "marriage ffl^ji^riorajbiein allj** that inoludes the ^^^^^^ ^^ yw- Near the ^j^J ^ej into old |mu4s|ier-read the 82nd verse of the 10th i^6e|Sy^'tHe fiiiaTy^h'ead(:,'!iand'^hpnor Maidstone. Mrs. Ohns. Littlo, sr., is very ill ai her daughter's in WalkOrvillo. Miss. Cora Wigle has gone to Buth- veu to spend a month visiting friends and relatives there, Bobert Hill has greatly improved the appearanoe of his placo by putting up a verandah and painting the whole house. Miss Nollio Ward. Bucoumbod to an attack of inflammation of the bowels last Wednesday and was interred on Fri day, July 28rd,in tho Bomon Catholic cemetery. John Smith has purchased a now double, decker separator from the Goodison manufacturing Co., of Sarnia and is now prepared td thresh every thing at sight. The price paid was 8440. ... On Sunday morning, Kennedy's mills caught flro, presumably.; from a spark from the engine. In a short time tho neighbors around collected and succeeded in putting the fire ontt but not before oonfiiderablo damage was done to lumber, belts, mnohinery, etc. A horso belonging- to Mrs. James Datiihor of this placo ran away in Windsor tlie other' day doing consider able damage to Nelson's hardware, store, by breaking the windows and damaging the goods, After getting. it put of the Shop window it ran away again, throwing the driver out and damaging 0io buggy and ruining the harnees. .'" . John Smalloy, of Maidstone, appear^ ed before Jndpre Horn, Wmdsor, ,'on Saturday, pharged with non-anpport of his wife/who was formerly a resident of Rathven. Smalley insisted that she had no legal right to claim, support as she was not his lawful,wife. He claim ed that his first wife had left him'"and had scoured a divorce in Michigan and had married again, but that this di vorce watt not legal m Canada., Crowri Attorney Clarke told the court that he had searched in Detroit for a< record of the divorce proceedings, but had been unable to gain any inforniation at' all.; It was finally f decided that the oafle sijioujdbe:lai4rover -^ 17th, and in the meantime Snialley'wili ^t-prejndj^^'^V^ The following, has been handed to us by one of our leading hog dealers,. for publication : As is well known, Canadian Bacon has.-within the past few years attained a very high positi on in the English market, which success con only bo attributed to its superior quality, the result of the system of feeding that has for some years past been pursned by our Canadian farmers and feeders. Canadian hogs have been fed mainly on peas and barley with the very desirable addition of skim milk, Experience has shown that a mixed diet of this kind produces the very best quality of Bacon, and to this fact must be ascribed the unequalled success of Canadian Bacon in the English market, where it far excels the American article and is now on'a par with the best English and Irish cured meats, The inferiority of American as coinpored with Canadian bacon is due entirely to the faot that the diet of the Western American hogs consists almost wholly of corn. Corn feeding produces a carcass with a very small proportion of lean meat and an excessive amount of fat, and this of a coarse oily texture, a class Of meat not, wanted in England, whereas peas and barley feeding [produces Bacon with about an. eqnal quantity of fat nncl lean meat nicely mixed, thp fat firm and white possessing a sweet flavor,, and this being just what the Englishman reauires, ho, is ready and willing to take it all and pay a good price for it, whilp Amorxoail corn fed stuff goes h- bogging or is worked off at many shill ings' per bwt. loss. , In view of ihese facts and realizing the danger that threatens the welfare of Canadian bac on trade sinoe the remission of the duty on corn, and the consequent tendency in the direction of substituting it for peas and barley in feeding hogfl,^ we. w;e desire most earnestly, to warn our farmers and feeders that such a coursp can only result in disaster and serious loss to all concerned. Canadian bacon, bringing a muchhigher price inEngland thanAmericanbaeon by reason of its su periorEquality; enable theGanadianp.ack- or to pay the farmers in Canada from lie to lo. pervlb..raore for1 his hogs than is enjoyed bythe Amorican; ffirm- er. This' advantage the Canadian former canhope to retain only so long as h.e keeps,his,nog ration clear of an altogether corn diet, for just so soon as he oommencoB its ubo the quality of our bacon will immediately,decline to. the level; oJF 'the'^tnierioan article. inV'the, Enpflish market,, and Canadian paokers ,wiH:;^e:yery^re'iuotanUy;;;Co^ lower the price of : saie ieyetin:pifc^ito!;(^pfe^ "rnaxiDmm;6enfi^V:.'oi^ ip preparing fltatlstics of Belle Biver SeipolJB;and:BiVP^^^^^ tranemiMion to their respective Boards of Tmstees, deduct from the former and add to the latter the assessments of Messrs. Charon and, Telller, 8 s pt and 8 n hi in 1st concession,1 is oar solicitor advises ns that the taxes of these two. parcels of land must go to the said B. O.0. S. No. L Carried. A. Hedriok advised the council that a dog for -which he had' been assessed had been destroyed, and requested therefore, that he be excused from pay* ment of dog tax, On motion of Messrs. Price and Paisley, Mr. Hedriok's re- 1 quest wiia granted. J. "W. Scott presented a bill of $2.84 for gopdsfnrnished Marshall, indigent: On motion of Messrs. Potter and Dammsaid bill was paid. J. 3. Austin presentedLa.bill of $8.88 for goods furnished "Betsy," indigent. On motion of Messrs Damm and Potter said bill was paid. .The Reeve reported to the council that he had been served by tho Keeve of Colchester North with a Copy of a report, plans and specifications of the Colohester North townline drain, and produced for the' consideration of the oounpil the said copy so served. After reading and considering the said re port, which showed that of the cost of the proposed drain was$4,099,the town ship of Maidstone was assessed 8147 for benefit to roads,, it was moved by Mr. Price, seconded by Mr. Potter that the said assessment in so far as it relates to the township of Maidstone be ao cop ted by this township, reserving to itself the right to its share in a refund that may be made in consequence of the work being sold -under the engineer's estimate. Carried. ,J. W. Hyland, notified the council to clean out and repair the drain on the townline between Maidstone and Sandwich South, from the Colchester townline to the road in rear of Talbot road lots south. On motion of Messrs. Damm. and Paisley, Mr. Hyland's notice was referred to Mr. Potter to report thereon to the council at next meeting. The Reeve reported to the council that having seen J. B- Bankin, the township's solicitor, in the suits of B. F. Seymonr vs. Maidstone, .he was able to offer a settlemeut with him on the basis of a $12Q reduction * on ihe account of $650, rendered and for pay ment of which orders werp issued at last meeting, and returned t6 the treasurer the .said $120 surplus- On' motion of Messrs- Paisley and Damm tho Hoove was paid $3.85,' expense of a trip to Chatham on township business,. Move hy Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Price, that an order be drawn in favor of. Isaac Hellier,. for $9.88, the sum necessary to pay him for a strip of land and for work of rebuilding fences, the said order to bo held by Mr, Paisley until the work of removing the 'Carried. Geo, Kpath reported one sheep killed by dogs, and presonted . Valuator Pfahler's . estimate of his loss $8, Moved by Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Damm, that Mr. paid two- thirds of said valuation in full satis faction of olaim. Carried. Matthew Henry and others petitioned the council to construct, under the provisions of tho Ontario prainago Act, a drain along the road in the rear of the Middle Road range of lots north from a poinfc; in the, Hogan Drain to Belle Biver, In response to this peti tion, and also to one presented by tbe Messrs,, Gerard and others it was moved by Mr, ^price, seconded by Mr. Damm, thftt.Jas. S.Laird, P.L, S., be instructed to examine and report on said petitions to the council at the next meeting. Moved, in amendment, by Mr. Potter, no seconder, that Jos. M. Ti&rnan, ,P.,L. S- be instructed; to perform; the aforesaid duties. ' The original motion was declared carried',. . J. Hill reported to Cpunoil that the Drains in front of Lots 28 and ^9 in the 4th Con. were in many places blocked upbyuhderbrush: placed there by parties engaged -'in'.: lumbering opera^ tions '.'on: said lots*/Moved by ,Mr* Price,' seconded by Mr.Damm, that the olork be instruct to write, the trustees of the Cflmeron.eBtate"ie"matter' con*- plained ofuby Mjr;: Hill,7-4parrie4. A 'Moyed'py by Mr. Damm, that tho sumrof $35 be placed in^ the Hands! of the Beeye 'for paymeiit pf thpvcost of'removing Ja's^ Rouxke. jr.t tb Sandwiohfor examina- tionastohissanity Carried. .. ,;-wm,^Keri* notified repair under the:;provisions,; of; the Ontario Bepartmenti-l'iW Is Filled to Gverlllf^ Our Btock: is" ;new" ;and;;; coi||iip in all departments. " S if '; ^ We show the largest assortm^i of Hew Black and Ooloreal )$i0 Also a new line of Priestley^P Black Dress Goods. mi lOOi ladies' Shirt Waists at 25cl| :,-.c^f A lot of Remnants of Dress Gopd|i "'; at;:half jprice. -....... \:C'$^k Men's, Boys' and Youths' Clothing at astonishing'ly low pricefe-iliM 'X:.::',M Wanted 20,000 lbs. of Wool. We Are as Usual Giving Riglit Prices on- :^m Or any Implements you may Want on the Farm- . *:.....-.-. '^ ^# & :. VAV^ & yrm-'-tovt'-m thirty ?DB^-:hi^^^ill0^m Drainagei.-Aod ;t^e^8th;/Ooni vDrain, Moved by Mr. Price, seconded by :Mr,^Danm^;thativthe^tiotioe^M^ >K$W;to&^texta^hed^^ instruct the,Eneineer^to reno]

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