Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 30, 1897, page 6

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l?MI^.*^:^:;.::v-:-V.' r^; i'UtheVy:U'ir.bonatolook ' K-^*i;wet^e'ihadow'cMt before ' . fejgffihai coming ot Conjurer Diyraerrc J.*n,d bli art; like a girl la rpInfor ^4. tome d7 totlcwm to a goddess fair. ^^iCencertalnly-^cre'notoiMjick, wcknow V;'.Ci04,p they pictured them, go )n ago,: . KM _ Ayer's .Sarsaparilla |}r began to make neitf men, Just g!2^;;M-the^now. pictures ot, pen! (jtefifan'to bemade. Thousands W^^it people fronted the camera KS:|with.BteUxo: jnade clean tropi blotch and. blemish,' .because fe|;! .they had pnrifled the blood M?^*rith Ayerfs Sarsaparilla, It ^i;-.v\""fti'i;'is-powrftdi now as -then. ;, ., jiniitftte the remedy ;, dfcfcey can't Imitate the records 50 Years of Curef moredhU^oodoT^^town/Mother* wtoiiiBJIi(mMioD arto thQadviafthil- ^ofwpttrfltiDghouflp flndoffloe. ,^,._ lee any difference id Ion? aa I m at tpy office 'during.offloehoors."; "I*t mo tell yon a tory,'*,remtirked .tbeoldestminn in the partv.' "Thirty rear* *gp> 'When I began prnotico, I lived fh; Virginia,, arid JtotfViH* yjair .two,! ilopt in myrofflce, Then I ^arriei .'anal my wife owned a nioq house, and I went to lit to lire. lit sat back from the street about 60 feet, and we decided that it woald be mnohnfcerifwe'hadiiiyoffice ant ou the street in the far corner of the Jot Only J50 feet away,'you will ob- jcrTti, but waYendngh. In order to see flnoh callers as on mo daring the night I had anight bell and a spoaking | thbe>oonneotingthe front door of too f office 'with my -bedroom. Von gee, I did not want a patient to eacape under any i oiroutn stances, ** Well,' everything wen tnioelyenongb | for three years or;so, when one night a ring came to my&Gll. It was then about ,2 o'clock in the morning, and' tho ring wad a hot one. I kod who it waa,' and the answer oarao from a friend of mine to the effect that be wafl mighty sick mttn-and wanted. tojiae me at, once. I told him to come nrcnnd to the house and,I would rneethJm at the door and tnke care of him. Then I got tip, and, 1>^T*H " M^ttfag on my drying gown and *Up- there was no one there: and no one in W t.s,,, . ji. Submarine Inflow. ^jVi! * (huhte'.Tuu*nin rivur miming A%from "I*.'k> Superior through Xa'.io Huron fiVaiid ..UiibiKaii, uudjr L-iho- Erh% . und .^'*/ in'o h'+M Out Ho. Thora 1a no K/^'Other theon* by which certain lowering of ^^6 Grqat LukCB may ho explained. Tbo I^V'^abrfttoe ot Lnko Siipannr is about. CM foot J^Vv.iihovO tido, while iln bed is 250 feet below Sfc','..'ti'delfcvel." L'iUe Huron's suiface is fifty llfp/ftiot bolo.v (bat of Like Superior^ and its ^?>.:bpd is ab^nr on a bivol With Superior's bort. ^%. otljika AIiohi<in is 800 feet tv Slower .thftti Liko Huron,/an.! its bed ip j,:.!aut)k,to (i corresponding dintanoe lo th" .,j:jfleye\ of Likes, Superior* and Hurou. lf(5,^'X|ake Erie'a enrfaofl ia nrmrly as hffiii &'s ^ '^'tiikd Michi(i*u'n, bamg fiG5 feet above fcidf, t&k") puti ita bod is also above tide, being 8G0 feefahovo the ocean tuvt'l, consequently |f$;;J;Jjft bad in 25() feet hiuher fcbao tbo beds of ^:V Xakes Michigan, ' Huron and Ruporior, fUi.Tfieiiurfacff of Lako Ontario is tho lowoat j&V" /of all inko-4, bointi luni than COO fedb above K'ptide^but itn bed is 260, feet below the IMik ,03puu i->valtor ou about tho same ievol. a^giprpu About tho ,sumo level with LakeH ^(>;Mlebit;au, Oqrou and Bupcrior. 86 there Ifev'.id tt coutinuous fall from Lako Suporior to Kg"::(vjjak(i Oattn'io, and all the kuown outlet KVv^itios the upp^r liikosiH in thocoraparativoly Kji^.iuriiiJWflcant Sr; Olair Iliver. It doon tiot ^fe:."'eera wjithjn il>> bounds of phytiiuftl pouni' ^^P^-^t^M^Qhit/Mvor could diri' |^;":p.)Be'of all thai Ot WRtOr /rom fljfjl/'ffyV* 91H^ b^nlW wilhtttn(3 tbo ouormouB ^;v"v presf-uro uf tlint hiimonBo volaaib, and tbo ,^0-iKtoryoi tho exiateiioe of'that.btream'Is a fefejieOBasity; AH the St. Lo-wteUbo' River l^r^jfi'ljhes are fouud in every oui> of the %rot\t ^iriakosexcept Laku Erie. Why?'. Bocauhd J'fv'tiiey. fbilow tbo pourso of the subtorraneun |&ji!i', river, passinfj 300 feet buuoatb the bottqm ^'};"ol^IiJ-ke...JEJrie, uud eutar tbo watorspf ^f^^HaUa Miphi(!an, Ibouoe to be distributed in P^'i-'The'iafaei* above Luko Eno have fro-( :;i'&t'bJt Irirucular iinx u,ud ccaux of th^Jx i|7.*,;t-;.'rt,a(brflj correspoudiutf viitii oouau lidee If&'iWimt is tbot.tplauution'of'the luystery 6 eight on the way between the gat and the house. "That was odd, and I-went hack and called through the tnbo to know what was wrong. I received .no answer, and, being quite unablei. to noooant for it, I took my lamp it was a very dark and still night ftd(J started to o out and investigate. Just qs I was about to step off -tbo, poruh I lowered nay lamp to get a better light on the atop, and there at the foot of the jJorob lay body. I turned it over at once, and as tho light fell on the faoe I saw it was my-friend who had only a minute before spoken to me. Ho Was quite dead. .And when an examination was made, it was discovered that he had died of. heart disease, and o near to me that I oould almost hav tonohed him. Possibly I could not have boon of any service to bitn if I had seen him when he first rang the bellf bnt the possibility that I. might ao affected ma that from that day to this I have had my office as near my bed as. X oould get li" Exohanga, . :, A ;thoae'orratio lako tiaunl" Bimply that the ^^tl^btorratieah' river beoonbes ocoauionnllyf ^vOjifctruuied by.'grtmt obiitaobs that- aro'ooii- ^M,^btly s'epat'atbd Ixqm the laku bottoms ^'^ifiuiJ'moved duwu;. Then that supnlemen* ^' I'Aiiry.bDt'lot.for.the uriJxt-vohiuioH of wattr Hji'..'.1 -',1 i, . gr^abpve for the .tjuau. .buqotuta UHuleab, and Ij.^J'the.Other only; outlo",(the St. Olair River, j^^iact iuaufficiout for (he. piirpoHO, tho ^Waters'-& to dammu-d back, and tho Ihk^e ^ *ipeV""At,1a8ti.theri.uudorj(r6uud Obotiuc- l^oiig ftfe/swept away by 'the' Irreyi^iblfl ^^ieianre, ino'subte'rrttiieftu river,flows ua- ^fluraHy once more, and the dammed waters That is tho aud faU'.'of the Now^'Yoirk . Bun fejoi'iba'.uppt-r lilkea Hu'jeifle. ^IvWnoIe'inyBfcery of the' hho ti fe^^^ ip-theygraat 'iakas, |ii>8 is indeed very kind of our neigh-, pi "In;:th'e: states to continue their tariff E^^mMfl ibiig enough to onahlo orr ^|armers to sell 'tlib'jr"aoaHon's wool clip J|^:th^'baited BUtoti rdonlorr The pai^ergy With which the "wool has heen ^vIorwaTded to its destination over tho s^^l^Diir^r'.-^niv, bopn> 'ail." oh j opt lesBon uIho %^St^d^j\OAAadiaatt Who asgovt that f"^eiprooity would Tbo of, no -value to canadiftnfl:;beoaufie in the main wo pro- *' those joe; ('fliinilar comunodities to; ^d^n'^ejttnit^d/^tatos,1 .. \ , ; "sued a special intended to eole- l^e^ioiandiand, also ise , J^|:';tlufl; year;.;. Itis int p^fnfe'flVft 400th iannivorBary of disooy- |^^^:^^o|j/^piie.; of'ythe^ .designa- ISe^ite/pbrtiftita'pf, Qalpoi' and '"Henry '!- . Fruit KoUs. The Newport muakmelon U described aa the highest flavored,,moat lujciotu green fleshed variety'grown, and re markably early. . The Timbrell atrawberry ia a fine lafcf pistillate variety. Lovfitfc's Beet blackberry ia generally hardy and bears a profnaion of Imtgt berries that ripen early In the seaaon. Anemono Whirlwind, a eemidoublt form of the white Japan, anemone,- eon- tinnoa to jjtow in favor. Clotbildo Bonpert ia recommended hy eastern florists as one of the boat roaet for bedding. - A popular crimson variety fox fcooing la^te ^eteor rose. RICHARD" IM. aetiB* itnoight^ theaggbtiorigaffl n5yi.ofMaooan,'NvB,,Ba^^ hayb been a i^eiderii of ;0mnijt4rlond Oo, aOme\yaT)B,: ..^jhflTe^on.^i^wti *&*' feror:4ar ;:;^iwarda', of ten yeara witn j soiatie rheumatism. I was tortnred with flevepe pains whioh at times would become almoet unbearable, and i think I Huflforod-almosteverything a man can suffer and live. I was so crippled, that I ootild noi worik-and part of the time was not, Able to .even move about I became so weak, and my system ao ran down that I despaired of-even getting better. My. case was an, almost hope less one, and'as X had abandoned work X was almoet helploee for over a year. Iheard of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I was induced to at least give them a trial. In a ehort'tinio I began to re cover, and the ozonizing pains left my back andlimbfl, so that I. was enabled to walk ot of doors, before I had used more than half a dozen boxes I was al most entirely well and could do a hard day's work;. I had a-good appetite and began to gain flesh and Joel like a new man. I am free from aehes and pains and have Dr. Williams* Pink Pills to thank for it all.". The reporter oould not help feeling that Mr. Downey's case was a striking one, as he now presents a stout well built figure, straigh-tlimbed and as smart in his movements as a young man of twenty. ......- Canadian. Inapootor BroWn, at Blenheim, has received the following order from Ot tawa: "All movement of hogs from Harwioh stopped. Issue no further permits, either for ahipment or from farm to farm, or to local markets or otherwise. A young man named Huok, who lives in Waterloo, trxod~ to commit suicide Thursday night by slashing his wrist with a razor. His sweetheart is report ed to have jilted, him. He will like- y recover. ' ' Over 000 people, mostly ladies, went on the pilgrimage to Ste.' Anne De Beaupre Monday morning Over the O. P.-B. . The pilururis were accompanied by forty priests. It required two trains' consisting in all 21 coaches,' to convey them. ' Chatham paid $800 more on a $5,000 contract rather than give it to on Ameri can firm. happen* ij! ptriugttm; H^/whloh.ii o< enough ipq*tW to mak. ^worthy, '0$sbrif^\;*x$:Wfyq^-:^ plaoa.ii lwr'oi|ij:,']Mc*t^ol..^^e:i,iime":i67j^^ ^Oryi^to;'! t^onih A'O^in^Vand "pvyiagton" ijrt, not: Bncommon, ' In fact, the town's name ia spelled every wax but the right way. AU or thi* is due to the blunder of a prominent eiti- sen who used phonetlb methods of ajtell Ing.J.'i . It-was/nely IBS years ago that some of the leading cititeris met and drew up a petition to the general court of Massachusetts, asking that th plantn- tion b0 incorporated as a town. The feople agreed uponithe name. It was to be called Orangetpwn, partly out of compliment to Orangotown, Md., which was "then a thriving piano, and partly as a mark of respect to the Prince of Orange/ who, as William III of Eng land, had donevaliant work in behalf of the Protestants. Having signed a blank petition, the residents went home, leaving the clerk of the meeting to fill in this spaces, which ho did faithfully according to the light which was given him. Of course the members of the Massachusetts general court did not know that 4#0-r-x-i-n-gM was meant to spell orange, or that "t-o-n" spoiled town#. Very likly they didn't stop to look at the name and wouldn't have cared if they had seen the bad spelling. They incorporated the town without protest and named it Orrington, aa.. the petition had asked them to do. Though Orrington received its name because an old olerk didn't know how to spell and though it is the only Orrington in the world, it gets little credit for being original, because compositors, proof readers and careful copyists insist upon misspelling a word that owes its birth to bad orthography. New York Sun. NAVEL ORANGES. i..W^B*mAwJ^:rtvbfe*iwidirv' :-..K'>, ^fig^pnK'ft1 '^Jrt,^.^!^ Cure for theiw . -../frtaiw'wxs'i^v '"'"-'.Vi"';,., '^aed'ftniirii:BUy pnd Externally.* Tfro Btaes, ^, and 00c. bottles, Men und Women who can work bard talking and writing eU honrs.daUy, for alz days a week, and will Lo content with ton^Iotlara weekly. Address, 1 '.' NBW IDBA9 CO^ BrKntford, Ont". y|ItlTCfl r oan PftV ton dollars weekly Iff fill I Cll* to lady of mnturo ago, re flnsmsot and toot to spaad her time in a good oaufie. T. H, LINSCOTT, Toronto, Ont. 'u; UfAIITCn TEAOHEKS and othor bright WW Mil I kill men for vacation or perman ently to solialt for "Canada: an EuoycJ -pedla of thflJOounte,r.'*ln Ato royal quarto vqluraefl. No delivenna. Commission paid weekly. . -THB IJN80OTT COMPANY, Toronto, Ont. -*-- WANTED !- Overflowln Agent b toz lee. taeen Vlotorfa, ilomond Jabl- -wltb Tatoot and richest plo- Ber Bolgn and ia with TatoBt and riotioet pi tores. Contains tho endorsed biography of Her He K*wr Injarod th lrf*5*e and Wm Not Unpopular WHJj Them. If Kiqba^ be- tri^d bv the onTy prdpef standard, thaJi of Jils own time, he, will be found to be not more but less cruel and bloody than either his predecessors or those who came ' after him. The act which has> ospeoially blackened his .memory is the 'myslferiouj. "JOTGTjl5r backed by Ma^fiFet of Anjou. had kill ed in cold blood Kiohard's brother, the Earl of Ruthland,' a boy of .18, while Henry VII imprisoned and executed the feeble minded Earl of Warwick, tho aon of .Clarence. In mere numbers of exe cutions, excluding, of course, on both sideB thoKe.who were token in open re bellion, Richard has much less tp an swer for tban Queen Margarefc, or Henry VII and far less than Henry VIII, who put to death anybody who happened to be distasteful to him on political, per son nlor relip;ioue Rrounda. 'Xhorewas no public opinion in that, day against utting to death any one who had played ndTosfc'in tUo(3rcaiiBrrCBrgl|'Q? poHtiosj; Exeoutious were a recoffuizea pari of the--'.business. When the yame went against ii statesman in those" .'days,:.iu Mr.. Speaker Reed once said, he did; not oross'the utslo uud tulce hifl place as the lender of his majesty's opposition; he was sent to the tower and hud his head cutoff. Autrff temps, autros tnoours, At overy turn of the wheel in the long struggle between the Lancastrians and :the, YorkiHtH the yictorioun party, nl:,, ways executed every 'lfladrir-of- the other side upon "whom, Ihry.cbuJd i lay .hands.' Such were tho;rulcH of /tho.. society arid such the politico in wnhrh Richard, was brought up, and lu: plnyVd 'according, to those rules and witlif.ut excoi^ paying 4ho fil * ;' foi inisclt' 'vith unda-inted; courage.-,. . Nothing is farther froui the truth than the notion that Hi chard was unj popular wi^b the innsscB of; the people.; He hud never ; injured them, and .they.,1 did not care how nianyiiobleHorpriiicei, he,iput to death. -Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge in'Scriimer'8, ;, -; / >'.,/" Nephe; gout? ," , Una No B^tU^ KvidnUj. / i^,--,nr4de!/,;H6v'a, Truths Told In a Pew Words, A child's reapeot for its patent is not floenred by over-lonionoy any more than by over-aeyority. , A. daughter, should never oeek nor be allowed to '-'outdrofls" her mother. In every family tho mother should be the boat-dressed mombor, Tho discarded finery of n daughtor should never, constitute a mother's wardrobe. No 0110 fools ofljiecially digniflod in the prononce of one whose old olother she is. wearing, and a mo ther should at all times preserve her dignity beforo her' children. The ino- ther who novor lopes nor quoenliness will nover'lose |her crown. I*reyentable misfortunen conHiat, chiefly, of.manifold things, little"to do bnt immense things'to have, dpnoi." Thv'mnn who o^rjis on . dollar &nu spends'two, and tho man who'earns two and spends one, stands on either side of thb hairline between heodlosaneKs and diHcretiou, between rain and safety. Parent^ generallyreceivo that.'meas ure of filial respect they deserve not always, perhaps, but vory generally. "Whon.a mother allows her daughter to appropriate her. wraps, gloves, veils, or other articles of personal attire, flhe begins ri policy of familerity which,, sooner or latter-breeds contempt. A respectfor one's belongings engenders' a respect for thei* posaossor, : KiplaBtlon'or Thalr Origin That TJoerat Qalta Explain. They wanted to know about navel oranges in the store, and the inquisitive man asked of the market man the same question that the little boy asked his mamma. In vain the little boy awaited the maternal response, but/not so ho of the inquisitive mind, for the market man revolved the quid of thought in his brain, eyed ohioken and turkey and juioy slices of beef, lifted an orange and fondled it and said: "I Oan tell yon all about it. They come this way: Yon see they import the seedless navel orange trees from Australia. They don't do well in this country, so they cut down the California or an go trees when young and ingraft slips of the Austra lian tree into them, and they grow op big and strong and perfect into, the juicy, applaase compelling, month Wa tering California navel. That's how the navel comes," A silence fell, and the inquisitive man said: . "Once a nigger asked the deacon abont how they made man in the creation, and the deacon asked the dominie, and the dominie /said, 'Doy wes a bruok man and er brack woman on de earf long 'fore dey waa ever any liviu, movin thing, un de brack man he took de brack woman end put her in de sacred spring and leaned her up agin de. fence tcr dry, and de brack woman took er brack man and dipped him in de sa cred waters an.she leaned him' . ""fiol'on'/ said the nigger. 'Pis yeah was 'fore do Lord kriowed any thing ahgut it, ,er dey waa any earf or anylhlog.'. r>^. - ' " 'Yes.' . ' ". ' ** Well/1 asts to know whoro doy git dat fence?' and I wawA to know where they get that Australia s*edles navel orange tree./*; Lowiston Journal. Majesty, with aathentlo History or her remark able reign, and full oceonnt of the Diamond Jubilee. Only fel.fiO. Big book, Tremendous demand. Bonanza (or agents. Commission 00 per cent Crodlt glyoa. Freight paid. Outfit free. Uatypaid. Wrjto qnlok for outfit and territory. The Dominion Company, Dopt. 7, 9fl& Dearborn St., Chicago. Is what yon oan rely on getting when, yon buy from us. Oar wagon goes to ail parts of the town. Buns, Cakes and Pastries, Yon cant find nicer, fresher, or sweet er in the country. All kinds of Funoy Calces and Jelly Rolls. Fresh Taffy and Candies every day. We sell nothing stale or dry. Leave our Order aud you oan rely on prompt de- , livery/ FRANK FOSS. , Opposite Sack A Francis, Essex ^^'P'-i^'^M^M f>frW. Takes W(f opportniilty of: Mhonnelniifq yeople Of the Town and Ooqnfcj of tJCia^it ho BM'renjodsled ,tb Essex Botler^r" cording to plana prepared bxB'jHx. Vi Thomas, and also secured the sflrvloei . .., fltroohan, an experienced and rborongWr; .^^ towtt""iaio for the nstronage bestowed upon atari past, will gaaranteo aatiifaotlonln tht iawtW& ^:^^m Gristing and Chopping Mm ' Specialty.--/"'^*#?|H HP. The Best Graitts of M^^&WM teal X"e6 in J?f/tj-& *iJ tAM' t '<%':&& Corttmeal Kept in -Stash'and sold'aty^ Prices, \ $ : Gash Paid,for WhatfanttiML v* 'J,t ' '<" /, ^ "' >h*lTY<k Doyouiyaefi >%m *. If so, you want to h&V& the best there is aiir ' everybody knows th^tii " ' '" ""' %:$k The Nobbiest Turnout -la to bk nax> xt- *m JOHN A. ROSE'Sf SING LEE. CHINESE AUNDRY. /Wilson; next Aberdeen Hotel. The latest improved . tnaohinery for Ironing Collars and Oaffs. Will not oraok or break tao wing. Livery. Good Roadsters. Easy Hiding Buggies. ' Comfortable Carriages. A Call Solicited: Satisfaction Guaranteed. North of the * * * Railway Track. Builders ESSEX, ONT; -ill And ContratrfcorSs. British Columbia Family work "cheap, and delivered. Parcels called for Please call and try. If not Hatisfaotoy nooharge will be luudo. four work auit you. recommend us to your friends. l?ntt August'number of tbo Deliuea-. ' called the raidBumrnor number, and its exposition of hot weather modes and,fabrics is made graphic by fill' page color plates and intortoitual illus- trations, supplemented by a, Bpeqial article on mourning attireT Order from tholooal agontfor tho Buttorick pat-; terufij or addroBS Tho Delineator Pub lishing Go .Ltd., fl8 Kiohmohd! street,, west, Toronto. ..' Bov. Angus Graham; late of St. An drew's , Pi'enbyterian ;Ohnrqhi, has accepted a gall to the pastorate of the Presbyterian onuroh at Potrolea.' Roy! Mr, .Graham' will take a European trip before beginning his labors in tho new Md.'r' *' /::-:r Much in Little . ',!; Is eapeclally true of nobd'itilU, for ho'kaedjk olne oTor oontaloed so great ourattve power In1 so small. Bpaoe. ,Thei7 are a;whole: nfddtolne- small spaoi YrleorJU>jrII' l>nto Examination. Proftjflsor Lowell still had a few courses. in Spanish and Italian. I ra in ew bo r going up to his house in June, 1870, to be examined in Ban to. I was a candidate for tho degree of Ph, Df, be ing one of the oarliest applicants for that degree. My course Of study for three years bud been in English, Ger man and Italian literature. .As it hnp- penuqVI was very well up in tbo "In ferno" and the VPnrgatorto/Vbnt.lVas.' a little weak on the "Paradiso," espe cially tbo. later cantos. I took cotmsnl with myself and made up my mind that I wqgloVnot-'bo.ojiught napping ,in ooao treaohery* should Tjo prnoticed on me. ConReqnently, the night before tmndo myself ' thoroughly familiar, with canto 88, thejUsi yanto. In t^e presence of rtwo men like Professor' Xowell and, /Professor Child, who waa,/to B*t with hiin in judgment on me, I naturally folt a little nervous, but my opinion of my. owu talents rose considerably when Professor Lowejl offhand manner told me to begin at the last/oahto. . Judge Bohort Grant,in Sqribner'a. Skirt Trimming-. Many of the models for anwmor .jgowns, says a New Xox^'aahiorj'waiter, Eave flat bandfl of velvet sewed on the skirt or lace insertions set in about four inches apart, eorao of these showing a, color oontrasting with that of the dress set benaath each row of Insertion. Tiny ruohea/ of silk outlined tho skirt seams, and wider mcbes triK the extreme- edge of the skirt, adorn the sleeves and finish the diminutive flboulde'r cape, and on; ether gownjl aooordiqn plaited frilla rip pie all over the dress from the neck qf the bodice to the bpttf m of -the akir.t / The sleeve, tope atre a nass Qf the. pUit- ings and J^ little Aferie Antoinette ^v m/KU WUSKm In Spring Time get Pure Blood by using B.B.B. No other remedy possesses such per fect cleansing/ healing and purifying properties as Burdock Blood Bitters. It not only cleanses internally, but it heals,* when applied externally, all sores ulcers, abscesses, scrofulous sores, blotches, eruptions, etc., leaving the skin clean and pure as. a babe's. Taken internally it removes all morbid effete or waste matter from the system, and thoroughly regulates all the organs of the body, restoring the stomach, liver, bqv/els and blood to healthy .'action. . .'., " .B B B "^ BBB rORTHE A FOR THE 4Sk ^OR THE BLOOD M BLOOD- A BLOOD Pine Shingles. $1-00 Up. All Kinds cf Building Material. m SASIA D00XS> . * LATH and ": liAHNr-'LUMBERi'M ^Yi-fit ry WaHafucHou Guaranteed. ."-M Opp. Water Works. -Essex:* fOR TWENTY-SEVEN |EWif^ '&WrM -.Vih: THE COOICS BESTFRlEMDtli -;_, LA^GEKTBAtE;i'N':Q^.Ap^;^^| J, G01TLiLY ifc SON. ESSEX, I ' ' h*tlS v;v.,^., 7". THE TBIOMPH 'ftW'.v

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