^$^mw...... M'irhMt th*t hfttf ben ^ieldeafrocaiMStoWbue, ^P^|litt^'&iB;wiwn; weattfei corn Jjjr^eat aPpearatiMB will be a big M-'-rA'tf1itt^!:VPiiitfciboi and rbote also Wp^^j^^:"ih6'rtshdl '49 has a^ .^fl^V'Biioh an entHufliaam,.'in,./the ^tt of fortune aeekers as the. reoent fcS";^^^tr:;'l'-Td^ndfl-'- .'of M men, iitqut ev^ a reftaoiiable hope of euc- "^a^^h^g.these by train,, boat i^i^totcaili haying thrown disore- ^^ipjwii$ftj;;with. only the wild 0;of gaining a fortune in a short ^^Jfo^Warhinga from the moat reliable f^flbu^b^have no effect upon the mob I^W^^^n^with erbld fever. The f aojt that |:/,tSej^Are: assured niost authentically ^f^^theWay is paved with graves-.of vito&, predecessors, that thoBe who re- V:'J'ipiin'are niore in number by far than j^tftflSe-who'return, no more deters them w^nan signposts on the roadside stays iV.rthe inad rubh of the elements. Already jSg'armies. of men and women too are on ^^tft^'waytoflnd-a grave in that deso- _. region. It is hoping against hope $!"fto::expect return' of a tithe of those who fego there at this time of the year. The Sf^pSrnpy.aoroae mileB of traoklesa waste, ^thb.eitremoly cold climate, the lack of 1^, provisions and an almost impofl- fe;BJDility, .of, getting .them there in Ifc^nter Ought to bring men to their %*s'pbor senses, but it'seems that the |joId saying still holds true: Quern deua ^K^t pedere insaniat. , There have come fe^'efc1 almost fairy-like of the immense M-jjK>J4 harvest reaped there in a fow fe^eeis.:. It seems too the iroUy of fate, i^tnatthe Gtoddess of Fortunff~BmileB WS^xabre benignly on the tenderfoot than K'Oa'those old miners who have been P^(: wooing; her.for these many years. ^ Eyery week parties of three or four Jv/Jivko'hftv^-been up there for the hnn-r Ife^ to astound fe^infl^'excite,the 'cupidity of their oom- tei^ades:.at home, with fortunes won in fe'.fthat time by simply reaching out the lj|||$m^d;ior what Nature has so 'bounti- Hy strewn there. The now diatriot fS;has exoited the envy of the Americans. ^SHieywould like to awaken some morn- ^ingtoflnd the Klondyke district in lll^laskAn Territory; but boast and blus- Ifewr'as they Will neither legislation, ooer- ^ joj&a'not any other power can make it J^^p,v:other than Canadian ground, and if S^Americane are.allowed there at. all it tab&iji;.bobecause the Canadian' people are BoUtorA _ Eot*M$3ohn .Witt86w; 7 u W, pThomMuMTlck..l4IS* 6 *X 9f 8i^i6r:itti;ai;-. la s 8i s a w 7 ia W Boton, Nllia......lfl 4588 9 46 88 Iiove. JDlanor^.....14'45M 12 60 80 pPower, Jie... 17 40 88 10 M 88 Woflloy, AnnnIo...14 48 19 B 43 Bfl a4,-,'0Q',B8.',4B,.'.e8;t #49 ft .80. SO ' Bond*, EvlIna ..J4 pBUrt, K*tfe.,.,. ..i6 < Oolb go Bliiler ilborna, Eilonr,.:>.178891 >tt. Bdlth M,.;,,..,.1fl M ffl [lller, fcuoy.;. .i., JO 40 90 HTaRBOW, :B8.;!4Bv S 88^0 ,?6l ,48V7B 40, 81 887 50 00 W WV 08140/87 88 818 "eo '"00 :M'Viia,"iW;-MV'.a8^M"'.4ia;' S ra m m 48 BftiOBflo eai .88* TO 88 49. 48t 70 0< 88, 898 00 87 80 8780 -00. 80 90'400 W 19 83 15.35 78 0, 89 .406 T7 63 73 48 W 00 .50.49 CM 74 00 60 88-80.7000 98; 088 ; Off 71* 88 48 40 ,90 :90 M 884 U 84 88: 48 88. 75,.85 88 044' 0Y6, Keanetb.47 83 91 15. 44 84 78 70 48 78'" pBwod.________________________ rBhyndreBB,vWia E1B 25 24 .10 45 20' ,65 88 6S 68 16. 80 18 81 80 80 6 43. 80 40 113 118 80 SO ,79 190 140 .61 1019 , 26- 78 54 65 84' 51 5578. 44 W No 4^ MiW'a. . 43 38 40 89 40 80 28' 419 No 9_Colohfllfcr 8 73 00 00 90 44 130113: 48 ,859 NO 10 06 00 48 87 88: 00 87 87 M9 No 9^ ffi S9 60 40 ,40 60 65 41, 049 No 10 , 61 83 40 ,88; 85 68- 70 88 518 , No 9 42 ^9 49 18. 21 99 80 84 376 No 10 85 89 88 6 41 80 17 90 384 NO 10 Mi II . M I)' 0 80. 13 6. 85 as 150 IBS:, 49. 779 No fl 0ol 8 .ww^.-i -^-f-__________-----------------------180110,47 739 pBaldwlD, GrM&...17 88 85 9-41 . EjOollisonj Eaaa .....17 30 03 8 .41 , BFoter*I(ubT.....(...lfi 35 20 IB 49 Howie. Maggie A...17 33 23 8 43 BHnffhaon, Nina... 14 38 00' 8 43 BMoMftDomy, AddlolS 90 S3 8 44 EQaiok, Myrtle .-...15 80 80 10 48 fltadaon, Enia.,^.05 89 89 8 89 Wright, Ualiel D...10 ia 23 %8\ Campbell, Harvey JIG 85 18 BFrazor, Oarae*......It 80 18 EMlllon.fitepbouF 11 83 18 S 84 86 kMoo. John...........90 88 91 10 87 99 pOsborne, Roy,........16 88 99 9 88 95 K8mith,Frderlok..l3 80 91 10 40 97 PBraay,Oora,...........18 88 83 5 41 84 110 75 70 67 M 40 60 88, 610 No U ^___ . OhrlBtle.JeBflle......15 88 BS 18 40 82 53 40-45 10 80 70 75 89 526 No 11 . " James, Bdltb,.....17 Bl 23 19 89 98 33 .66 49 90 08 41 69,81 467 No 11 . M Keano, BHa............15 90 30 7 44 14 87 60 60 85 40 0 50. 17 300 No 6 OolohMter N pTaylor, Ethel M...16 40 91 9 40 38 81 98 70 45 88108199 64 771 No 11 Gosfleld N Total roqaired for Pabllo Bohool Leaving Oarklnaftfte, 612. Total required for Higb Sobool Kntraooo Oertf6oate, 808: Thoae who paieed the Pabllo School Loiving Qxamlnatloo are marked with a' r before tbair names j thoBfl obtaining. High Bohool Kotraaoe standing are marked with an a. ,,^,. SOUTH ESSEX ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS. .". 53 89 SO' 44 44 05 8) 96 488 No 3 ColcboitorN 71 49 40 61 88 60 80 J 478 Ntt U ClOafleia N 72 BO 69 01 47100110 69 030 NO 11 , '" 53 61 60 56 30 68 05 40 590 NO U . " 69v93 -70 70 70 76 90 68. 718 No 11 " 69 40 80 17 50 70100 43 648 No. 11 ." NAME Minimum MarkB.. 50 25 95 AMHERSTBURO. BOYS. Bailey. Dorfc..........15 28 17 8 19 Hailoy.W.A......;...13 95 21 11.20 Barron, Harry........14 25 20 7 19 Eectloa 16 30 40 06 60 B6 45 21 26 4U 15 09 43 83 28 19 61 33 89 409 16 12 37 70 48 24 21 31 89 350 Barlow, Norman......16 99 21 JO 90 16 97 40 64 49 32 85 35 84 412 Fowter.Pbllo............13 98 21 9 20 Foster, Waring H..14 80 81 19 20 *Hutton, Parker......15 28 91 7 15 ..19 30 20 3 18 McOoe. Edward......15 20 21 B 20 -Ouollotto, ThomaslS 25 16 . 8 16 Parka, Harry.........14 25 10 5 21 Wright, Walter O..J6 26, 17 10 10 . GIBfcB. Alexander, May......19 28 15 "Barron, Adella.....16 30 80 *Bertrandr BlanohelSSS 99 Bertrand, Grace......14 39 91 Oolborne. Maggie.. 15-98 99 Droulllard, Bva....l4 80 16 97 47 40 94 43: 48 80; 17 3J 49 70 59 46 54 30 39 485 16 26 41 63 64 82 59 23 33 430 16 20 64 58 80 81 47 84 39 471 16 20 41 82 B5 84 49 SO 80 411 15 38 36 63 00 34 68 47 44 443 15 10 83 35 46 99 44 9 82 833 14 10 83 66 44 36 35 88 49 896 magnanimous enough to rise above the ^. 'sna alines a of suoh legislators as father- ^jodithe American Alien Jjabor Law. rat.V^fy few there are who would say, fe^fificfuld Canadians eviot the Americans feirom'Yukon, that their, aotion was a ^.obhtaraventioh :of the Golden Bule. $J;$elf-preservation Is the first law of nn- |r|;vtureand preaervation of mineral dopoait ^B^ottid be one of the first laws ;of na- (^'tions. . The gold vein is said to extend ^^ftsterly for about four hundred miles; ';rS?but it soeiha now -as if tho half will nov- [)ffi be, told, until in the courae of nature, ^V^the northern rogioiis again l^boome gl^ropioai iu climate, and then to Canada |!V!Will belong mines aa rich in gold as the ^;lo st mines of the Azteca of whioh history ^';^lbrie. speaka; ,;". .- Jf&i' '" ir.^':;!li is probable the Dominion Govern - I'nXjDJtent will rjlace a royalty upon gold k^0#en but of the Kfoifdy ke ~8ifltr.iot, fe^fe;i/aat^Saturday afternoon Alie Mc- p^^jOalliunV aged 26 years, of" Harwich. |?;^|a^shipt Kent, Bhot hei-aelf fatally |5^|iiie removing a loaded gun from the g!:^:gdm in which she was working. Jv'J^t'pourlffijfht,'on Tuesday lnstrthe ^;8TyearrOld son of John^Huff, while flah- ^ in^'^en into the water and,>aa drown- \%*^. && body was.found about an hour tef^r; immediately upon recovery of j^&!^6diy\l)i,\:Ors^rtord. made every froit; to \teausoitate him, but without n&^0;':: .'; ".,, . . ^^t.mqvementa of hogs from Harwich ^^Knp^j^f'JI^ia.^ nas been stopped uh- f^uith^r notice from the department. W:J,fept^8.hle condition of affaire M9ff .ttpj^shippers- has no doubt been TO|ft,;-]6jy^vEHe"," oarelesanesa of aome L^^^^jbe^gtii6t.e'npughiilh the ^^to^of'Kent'hoga,";. " ll^ip'^tfptiatjedibjf^Iqcai railroad men Vthe interchangeable mileage book f^f^ill he^ .^apfed by the Oenb?al Ste^/^ooiatiqn,V^ :{?o into of- W^BO^V^iiOTBt' 1;">' The', rules' gov- ' ^^^^a^j^-'v^ " be.-.'announQ.ed ^^^::tflVit;id;^ven/ontv,that )ru6ks^willbegoodpn all roads in- ,de^.'to, the. central aaaociation. , / %^0^iovfjii^9, from St. Olair ^^j^;^;;:^ing.... rained!. by 'the' ' ""^^"'^'(v&uiiifcees^but" \ also &#ell^kUl#^^^^^ a^araiioe of the part of aorofaloua 3.18 13 91 61 88 09 87 07 89 44 804 7 29 18 97 69 78 07 86 61 99 20 453 i 23 17 '30 60 87,00 96 67 88 93 459 7 91 18 33 54 48 60 97 49 21 13 4M 8 18 15 20 47 60 5B 98 61 S3 86 453 uluu..,<uUl .u...,iw ^ 7 20 17 33 51 82 67 91 60 14 83 447 Droulllard, Joflle..J4 35 04 13 20 20 30 60. 69 07 45 84 90 83 469 Falls, Hazel............19 35 90 8 20 16 8 66 68 57 84 60 88 36 469 Goodrioh, Amy......17 26 24 10 23 , 17 89 60 79. 45' 44 71 48 47 515 ...a3 80 91 4 84 fll 33 83 99 65 50 70 59 40 485 Honor,JosaioM.....14 28 20 9 17 16 21 64 81 69 35 69, 89 26 480 Honor, ButhE......10 80 SI 4 21 16 17 46 68 64 34 45 41 45 441 *Hood, Hannah......14 80 21 16 21 16 39 79 81 41 89 87 43 43 044 Horsman, Edith..v...15 SO 21 6 93 17 22 63 46 51 26 46 91 97 897 LaFerto, Rose..-:.... 16 28 94 8 21 19 89,81 65 61 41 81 34 41 628 Lafferty.Bollo........20 20 24 6 99 17 90 61 35 53 31 57 34 37 433 Leggatt, Boatriee...l5 82 21 ,7 22 18 20, 43 55 55 66. 75 63 46 469 *LogRatt,OoufltaiIco,10 30 91 6 GO. 19 20 71 81 ,66 86 35 38 63 496 21 10 91 20 14 78 8J 71 34 69 46 .66 540 Taylor, Busle A......15 32 10 10 20 17 81 69 60 60 84 79 35 49 507 Trerablay, Maade 14 98 21. 0 93 16 37 61 75 61 36 64 34 26 483 7 18 18 29 56 61 88 21 63 30 35 425 3 20 QO 2* 64 85 40 28 fll 27 36 416 (i 23 21 29 59 B0 74 97 66 30 89 507 7- 92 18 99 68 47 61 43 00 46 34 406 >iay, * Turner, Maude.....,16 80 90 Verrall, HatHo.........15 86 17 *Ward, Battle........16 30 20 Wlleon, Mary.........13 86 29 HARROW. BOYB. Bell, Boginald.........18 95 22 ..,..'.14 28 92 Oarrott, Clayton 8 1333 23 'Manger, Ouy ,.,...15 30 20 GIRLS. Aftlock, Eliza.........13 30 23 Anla, Amelia...... ..IS 28 99 'Aftla, Qoneva BuaaDlO 83 93. *Brueh, May............13 33 20 Orummond, Joele 110 29 23 5 21 18 11 20 48 40 97 43 37 33 859 7 20 15 30 34 68 31 28 43: 59 43 481 K 19 15,24 43 50 58 40 68.41 96 451 9 29 17 26 58 83 Qi 41 67 44 47 597 6 20 13 80 86 85 69 44 36 66 66 470 8 22 17 21 80 65 67 30 88 32 80 410 8 23 33 89 55 38 48 33 82 94 B6 453 6 21 16 29 68 73 40 24 46 20 85 429 9 20 20 31 64 64 66 39 48 r,7 47, 604 Ferries, Dolla......,.10 95 S3 10 19 15 23 59 86 47 19 53 28 46 415 0 20 18'SO 62 09 65 38 (15 W 40 513 7 20 16 14 59 35 51 80 62 87 16 871 7 99 lfl 29. 76 CO R7 45 63 87 35 509 0 .20 17 28 19 18 SO 23 46 80 31 313 7 10 18 83 51 35 01 22 85 23 41 808 8 22 10 21 50 60 45 33 58 38 36 444 8 20 16 28 53 71 63 48 81; 61 41 ,693 4, 01 10 27 41 40 70 32 63 43 9 408 4 23 18 31 65 48 58 31 M S3 27 426 0 91 17 00" 60 27 38 16"01 91 97 863 itFerrlss, Funny..,...16 20 23 FerrlBB, Lydia..... .,14 26 04 Foflfcor, Graoo..',...,,13 33 91 fox,.Grace...............19 32 93 Fox.Graco PriBoillft. 13 SO 20 *Haaton, Addlo......10 28 91 McDonald, Mary..J5 80 23 . Muner. Effle........13 08 19 Tantorlus.FIorence 13 28 19 I'astorluB, MllJle......10 30 91 1'atton, Jesflle.........l6 80 24 11 31 16 12 69 04 91 23 68 22 29 883 ...,15 30 23, 6 21 16 38 56 00 67 40 66 33 35 516 *ltoa, Millie............13 31 23 B 10 lfl 18 C3 65 ' 63 40 70 .80 27 453 >SbOMOan. Maud .18 33 23 10 21 16.20 68 62 60 80 70 31 48 493 Binasac, Lisa Bollo 14 29 20 8 EO 10 23 51 67 50 30 .40 Efl 18 405 nViJeon, MargaretlS 39 23 6 19 16. 29 M 61 62 Bfl 60 28 46 471 Wrigbfc, Grace .......16 80 23 6 .91 ,17 33 89.30 59 20 71 17 39 411 ESSEX-.-. v BOYS. i3 28 23 10 21 Calvin B..18 26 2i 6 23 Barrett. Myron....,14 93 21 18 21 17 29 43 85 42 36 74 49 37 499 16-97 .63 76 63 39 43- 37 43 465 10 31 21 43 35 25 91 24 48 833 . MjTi *Beaaaan, EHie.....14 28 21 13 .91 35 27: Si 70 60 47 68 67 48 628 *BlIglltl. Bortran,.lJi 26 20 10 90 IB 20 83 74 60 98 ' 60 37 44 433 *Craaewonor/Warr,19 39, 10 0 10 15 93 64 63 69 34 09 39 85 470 Flint, OrVilie,......,JlS 29 10 10 92 27 16 47 4fi 80 35 41 37 18 378 *aanimon,'Norraan,10 25 22 18 91 18 19 04 73 75 43 29 40 44 470 Gardner, Howard..;i4 2fl 20 19 18 16 17.49 67 80 43 35 37'30 407 Hlfllop, Vernon V....13 20 21 8 20 15 81 . 57 , 86 66 :85 68 65. 88 510 *Lalng,ArohieO...,..13 30 20 13 20 18 15 4D 78 53 43 70 87 37 489 MfLBon. Jam as...... IS 95 10 B 18 JO 20 04 84 60 43 61 63 46 526 Moo. Bobert B......10 20 23 11 20 10 17 46 85 85 87 26.29 40 354 Olver, Josonh A..J...15 28 20 13 10 18 8 4B 23 69 18 lfl 16 35 330 'Hodwiok(ArtbUr. 13 30 22 7 20 16 25 06 44 60 31 40 87 29 425 3 16 10 24 38 56 .35 2/ 07 17' 30 .880 Tborn. Williata......10 32 GIKLS, 20 Aloxandor.NoflfilG .,13 42 30 *Ald, WilliauaIno...lfi 29 36 Uatton. Ida 18 25, 18 BttugUman, Bth'ii,-..10 89 31 Brady. Elaio....... .14 35 19 Brady; M*y... ...,:,19 28 19 ' 13 26 17 34 65 ,87 60 83 88 37 87 501 14 20 19-23 64.67 60 63 ,66 97 'bl 498 5 20 14 28 48 69 84 23 35 39 93 804 7 19 17 16 91 33 97 16 35 19 83 287/ 4 20 10 21 43 80 36. 81 57 18 35 840 9 18'15 -15 44 ,28 59 28, 40 38 19 818 7 20 15 28; 73 77 60 89 81 41 45 617 9 0 17 29 68 40 67 SB 70 87 29 478 BarK, EJva..;..........Mfl 28 33 .l3 89 24 . OrJmfch, FrttUkle.,,19 U8 23 15 93 18 83 68 66 00 U 87 47 45, 629 30 ,35' '427 .tHanuan.Bossie,...;iO 33, 19 J3 99 18 17'50 68 40 34 79 83 31 463 60 51 47 37 00, 37 34 439 rMltoben, Mabel.,.14 30 20 0 10 18 28 78 rSl 50 41 68 87 26 ,490 MoOreery, Annje..,J8 27 30 5 .29 lfl. 17 -49 42 34 86 51 29 40 388 /fMoDailgall, Besaiel8 28 20 11 20 16 26 M 05 40 85 75 23 61 491 7 91 17 33 69 ,70 ,45 80 88 .30 60 448 Oaborne, tiidfl.........l3 20 22 6 21 ; 17 11 40 47 43. 33 fti. 13 44 850 *B080.1 Lizzie:...::..lfl 28 21 ll S3 17 86 71, 78 74 .34 60, 19 43 609 *8edgwlok. Annie B?fi 88 90 30 23 18 33 68 69 53 40 71 29 26 469 ,Stafley^;F10renco..jL4 81 31 8 lfl 17 lfl 68 47 63 93 73 7 39 437 Swqot, Alaio... ;.,...I3 20 18 0,19 15 29 03.86 68 81 00 0 26 870 Taokab'ry, Be'trioelO 33 21 0 83 'BO -34' 78 63 08 27 83 47 J)8 640 Tborno, Mary..... .i5 40 19 5 94 18 37, 39 17 09 15 48 ,9 88 853 mm :^$$;Z.v?^;:^~r^"^^ :Seli^0%!f^ of ;Twen^ per bentv n^om O^ ': oiose..;i'rioes." '\t--'--?-WM -'.'.' V'-^A Will he Included ^oesfb^||^ Shoes for Women ; :;^-^;-*:^^ Boys; Shoes for Girls; Shoes for Everybody. Shoe;s;%fi ,"V'v^Lrr Men's shoes worth $U50 for 1.20; worth 1.75 for 1.40 5 Women's ;MS^ worth 1 for 80 cents; worth 1.20 for 96 oenta; Boys* Shoes worth .96^<Iltrfo^72^l cents; wdrth 1 for 80 cents; worth 1;15 for 92 cents; worth 1.25 for 1; w6fi^|M 1,36 for 1.08; Misses' shoes worth 90 cents for 72 cents; worth 1 for 80 oentsj dM14iw5A?-S shoes worth 76 cents for 60 cents; worth 1 for 80 cents. These Goods are First Class in Every Respeot, are A 1 Values at Regular Prices; arei~lk just the Goods for Warm Weather, and at the Special Prioes Quoted ahove, are DeddeaL:S Bargains; Come Early for First Choice. Yours For Bargains, M. J. WIGLE & GO. i-^m iSUlSTBVAXr SXiOOZC. ESBEZ. "7*1$ SPRING DRY GOODS, GL0THING, HftTSy CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES AND GROCERIES. , . " -:-' '. -:>:':,i .....;..:,Airis ' '/v^| Dr^ss Goods, Latest Shades, at 25c per yard, all wbdllf* Black Lustres as low as 25c per yard. ^ Fancy Black Soleil at yery low prices. v Fine Line of Prints for, 5c per yard. QLOTHINa. . . We haiadle nothing but best makes at the lowest prices. BOOTS and SHOES. Special Line Ladies' Oxford's. ? for 11. Men's Brogans for $1;/^ r.y,;-1] Latest Styles in Straw and Felt Hats at very low prices. GROCERIES, We Lead the Trade in best G-oods at lowest airy.....,,.IS 40 19 B & 18 37, 89 17 OQ 15 The minlmgm of marks for p&esiag is bus half of the total oC All eqbjocta Obm- bioed, or 422 marka. Id addition to this, not lads than ono-tblrd of the total of enoh aubjeot is reqairaa to be auoceBBfar. Those who passed arc* matkeiJ v?ith *t in froot bt their names. y' .... Two new. maohinieiB have'been jn- yejttted which proniise id revolutionize labor in printing of&Qea and machine shopa. ; Oneie a maohine by which an operator can Bit in hie office and eet up t^jpein any: newspaper office.,1 on the' contiiieniby using alectJrioity and the typesetting niaoHines, Another inviS-;; tion ifl f or obntroUing eoBapresaed air ;^^j^e:n'^B8i^^.;;n|^g Lamarsw At,North Ridge, oh Friday' .'July 33rd, to Mr- and L. La- ' V marshy a son, .;...;;;,. >^ KBNNfiY.^At MaidstbpV on'; Sunday July 25th, to Mr; and Mrs. John Kenney,/ ^ y;.. '.'?.'./y I]EocAN; SouthV ,.on:. Monday' ;., - "July^th* $#9 H6g^f'.'-a, Vinceht, In Colchester North, on 'Sunday prices. Try our S5c Tea aiid if not proven monejr refunded. : d^u" ^* Highest Price Paid for Wool and Produce, ^|| , | WOOr># FHOSPHppINK. The Great Bnglhb Remedy. SUo Packages Guarantied to promptly, and permanently cure; all forma of Ntrv&M* WeaimeMlBtntsU>nB.Sperm- atoTTfua, IrnpoUnpi/and aU tdfeata of Atnuo of Exeetset, SfontalWorry, ecoot*aio6 we before anaAfter. ^^ ^^^nundtoin. flrmitu. Insanity, Consumption and an early gnaw. Haabeon prescribed over 86 years In thousand^ of euefl; Is tho only Reliable and Boneet MedUino fcnmrn. Aakdruffglitfor Wood'i Pbaphodla|If booffeivaome worthless mod Jclud In placoj of this, Inoloso price la lettor/and wewlll send by return njftH. Prioo, one paoW^* !* *lxt *** One via plcate, nix triUovre.* Parapnlets freo to any address. \ Tbo Wood Company, Windsor, Oat,Canada. >*,u! tSf Bold Id Ebbox and ve by ajl, reaponeiblo Dims St. here In Canada THEY ABE AU HERE. ^tv*- RAT POISON. Fresh siipply of Chejbiically: ^ure :y^iBI^;raE3EJN; **Fibjr potato HneiB'9 ':',::::-';> Pare palination 1^ ..'..'H. ':>. ?,' : "KCbloridev oi 3Li We. . . The ^Tailor, > , Is Selling all Grpods At Gds|g| ;.. ;. >0,-SI^ Retnoved : To Corner Aberdeen Bloo^ THE LEAMINGTON KY-0^m mm ; , J i \)^^^-V^'^^^j^^ '; At.Old' Agricultural BuildingrLeamington^-^^y^l^ r^--:'^-yf^^^ tSP'BenainYQVirOrdeta {or Baaket*va^Few.JD4yB";vy^^'^^W a. .'. : '::\:>iv -:^v#w Beforei you ^ .V: '^y&yf^^M ."; J