Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 16, 1897, page 6

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mm m EMM' v :ii.f i.f v*:.:! Taking: ^:^6W^'.Eid-a'ihari begins to feel '* that; life Is rc^fr'living. H*' trio has become the gra^aU* prey of constipation, does not .realize the friction under which he labors, until the burden is lifted from him. Then, his mountains sink into mole hills, his moroseness gives few p?;i: ' jpQoe ^ftUfift hg is agappr seem wbrth1 living to you, you inay take a very different view ft'VV- $* ml it after taking r Am's Cathartic Pills, :-iiF TTT a; j-l tt& SO.'- W' jrean Lanes pf tjje Past, w I oars|nafc to gaze at the yoars coming on* ,. Tbiakmantlod in mist and with doubts overcast, . . But would rtitber Htray b.iok to the days that are gone. Along the green lanes of the past Across the eooi meadows of memory, whore - Tbe birds ever sing, and the wild waters .Atf&HiG Tauljiter of ollidVaq, id ihtnh' 0* , the air, ' And Jovo ahiuoth over it all.. The painter may picture the future in dyes That ivu.1 tho roue and tlio rainbow,. .' and still -^ . *1 ' i T It may leave hfr$ aQist but ajgaerdbA of sighs. And a hope that it failed to fulfill; The poet may owg of tho spleudore bu- prewe, , Of the opulent ages, far- coming* and Vast I questioned him not, yet I ask but to, dream ** s. On the old quiet hills of the past! The past is my owu^-thero is nothing un. certain ' In all its wide range, aud tny title is" oleat fcaaleV^Bome^^ m^er.bBvorylrtatffflQ^^ApinR th*oIfftpx tb] doofi T^ ; Jkt|olr daring tho winter months In ft neighbor- "% tot^tQx otrrrifeI .jftttnt&'f P$ you tfaow Novombe'r has been" a dreary month to me erer since?' As we passed ^>ver ^hejSriTodj. and tt> the>onpoBite JflToC m vaUQ. wf tarjjed to took, flbb view for weeks, for months', perhaps for ever, and my heart well nigh broke at the ittjj>ugut,t TJiatwjiiinl longesfjournejll ever tobk, for thirteen miles ;s?aa mora to laelatte^thnn'tWo grift's* birouhtfeteriofei has ever been since, "Whoa at last'wo arrived in the town I had hard work to keep back my tears, and my brother had to do his best te ohoer me. Suddenly be pointed to aom&onu and paid: 'There's a man that'll gllo ypa'jB, oenjj he gives one to overv new^oy that ootnea -<u town.'" I was so afraid that ho would pass mrby thaQl plantiej?m^aelf directlyOn 4iis^atb/-He^as'arffeeble/ oft^ >hna. 4ju/rq^ m*q. Ae yjxe oame; ugi to | as) Jay brother spoke" to him,' andne stopped and looked ai me.Wby 1 have never seen^ yon before. You must be a new boy/ he 6aid. He asked me about my home, rand then, laylogliis tretpbtinR hand npo"n my head, He tolnie fc^at, although I had ^noj earthly father, my Oea^aly Father, love (J. j&ejanoj^en^pi^aye^mt*; a ibrighfc^now Qont. I do.npt remember what beoaraa- of .(hat qentjbQ&thalt mWb'flbleRainglba'B follow lonsUkeplacO rB.BaDkiDbatf lpj^flrm ei .'WiUon, fjnathom arfl will 6) .aelt' J,.;,; :':" ". to-^ohbiaHop La Jit&tt tBadho $Q JnlyfllsV1 OfflOO for hi m* an haawykte.n aleit Jaioy/iJi poBaesalo :;. - W^ilq t[he futuro^u-t bosfc^ia a face oh -jthe ' ** l - That fades as my foefc drawoth near^ ' Thou giye me tb'y bloasoms, tlid birds and ^Ihehowera, - , ...-r* ^'jSlnd every lovod koene* where ,rny* soal Dlin^eth fafifc, ) Like au evergrean ivy that), mantles the , towers' And foods on the dews of fio past. > iTAMBsNEwioM MATTUKWfl In July Ladies' ,',Hpmejournal. ,"; tit. ] }\ < T Tf Qjent, me for over fifty yearH, anfl, t6'( py .dyinS day I Bhall feel the kindly'prWtrre of thatr hand apoD my heed. A loving deed costs very little, but, done In the name of Christ, it will be eternal, This divine love is what the Ohnrah of God needs to-day. We love. of all the information regarding the sab difficulty, and all agitation and disonssio of e^e Matte* nBt ffeafo^ndiog the HolyMTthflr'sfeda^eqt.i 1 | OolMha^beJl dBoovirooriar Oak Point Island, Rainy Lake, which will probabl^ lead to luternatlonal boandwy disputes between'Gtea^rtaih AnoVthe Uniteji States, as the Island, is olalmod on theonei aldo.^ be pail of the State ofJ Minnesota, and on the other to be Canadian territory!. Five years ago a Strathroy ladv lost k pouketbook containing some money in the t' rane running from Thomas to Albert stsj. Aflame passed te-lnqident waa.-fo^otiten^ ad Bie wa^BomWWhafpsnrp4so^ tttree weeKB agoio receive a letter oontaiainffS'^, and again only last week another one con A mm ......,.#Jwi ABLE MuiQE MQn$&0 y~r ' nm*CJ Coamt Vp th She Tmrtmtm .*> U|. i TJbe ^eyereeitforsfl on tit* New -fork police fovea iftuPompejr,' who# "regidtorf e$ i$nmp9t ft tb books of the assort ment fc >aa: i*} mf A?" or poW , man yfhd dfspnt,.Uii* sU^enijitoJ) o^ai^and-iM^'to;'jNW I ' Fom^y-gs^lineibitttiin,vf hisiall Vedtsfor meonefltoffheSunday irbnr* nalj' He oah coint knot understands* otv dinnry oonveraation. H* Is, tnlfcot, sft| niost^a intelligent tm^ poliqeman/t Ho |i the stes4 and inioparable^nv nion^ oi R ' " seu4 ,yon *18. ;fbere voas 4.iQ in 'the ipoVkofc fcoold Iiflt'the ba$coQ go'foVjlj torest. One of the letters was mailed from London amlt the otheg from^ Strathroy. d it in mnofc kn^wn Neither {raals'gned-ana it in ifcuot ki "by whom mey were sent. F ' Hon. Wm. Puter^on, Controller of Ous- )tpm^ and (fiir Henry1 Jotyx Cojitroller o| Inland Bevenm, bav,been s^norp in1 as mehxEars fot *tJo CabinetKas' p^ovikod1 by the act^JaBfled/afcJViS sessiop^ just.blb^j The restoration of Theso departments \o Independent status and the elevation oi the -heads, thereof?"to Cabinet rank, foiiol bodes, it is generally updera^po(iLt*o tftpl' tiou"ot>Trade and Commeroo'as a depart disopss audVotTgue ower methods and meansc .tnent ~ol 0overisment # TbisTwill oomd but .Liter alljtho' aohilionJOf the -problem ik abont J soon as it has been' alianged toi Sir Riohard Cartwright's departure for England aa HighvOornraiHsioper jfor^CTa%ia-| da; * Thajfifbotiofe of the departme^ oyer! 'which lie Has presided ainjjo the inoommK' ojLthe liberal admiDletratioD wJUl be srane-t f0tedjpb tHo i^artbienC rnWrl over bv Hon. Ijilr. ^Fielding, which will then be Houaoliold Repeipts. -' " ciombhv. ( : .'v- '.-. Torrey, chief engineer of tho M.O.K, statp ln6 that 100 atfrs (ifvravel w^uld be %hip- ped forir^lbury jVYeflt atiteoQji aB the fcowc- ' ship was ready jo; spend it.j On Wwlnesday, Jaue BOth, at tho home -of.'tbe hrjBe, by.'KoV^A..Tl Odl.fer,, ."M^. .^^. A^ltei(,h..oldest Hon of Koborfc Keith, -of Tilbury' \VeBt "to Mihs ButH Hannah, 'daughter of tho Mo William Lindsay* of Comber. Miss Sarah Brown, who for over ilvo yearfl, has taogbtthe third roomi of th(0 Combat school, lias severed hor conneotion ' With the school, and loft for her hemp in New York State, whc:e bud will pormun- ,pritlyUeside; Chan. Thornton, Tilbury-West, mot'with a painful accident. last wook, IIq was driving pi^s out of his yard whoti ono of animals stepped on a soy tho, win oh was &;" iyinu across the path, swjnglos (the blatLo &v '.. toward.MV.'Thomtoti, Thp sharp odgo'of ^Vthe.scythe struol{;um right'Isg, and onb an ? " ^ ly ii^au uva iuohoa m (onctli. $-;;. 'Ilieamlugton. " MluB^eiglor ban -gone, to Hor homo in ^fV ,Be^iIn,'Oiiti. Shejntoudpf to ta,ki> atrip to W-fy. Germany.soon.'. ' ' ^7;ji;;/'r;Thellov, B..'QpftleVi jr^-lato^of Kitigs- jjg&'V-'Vilib, iti spending a soason of vacation with ji^ ', his 'parents m Loamin^ton, provions to M;' engagiug again in aotivo work. " "' \Among the successful studauts at tho oommenoemont excroiBDS in connection One feoaul oNjranj. Jlfttrod BUgar,*one"-posud o sw'eet butter, ten, eggs, one pound of browned flour, sifted with two 1 teaapoonfnUs of ^jakirT^-! powder', obe-half otmful ofc-Byrup, Oao-^hUlf onpfal of blaok molasses? fWe tablespoon fujsrof roBe-water,, top tablespoon tula oi frnuLjuioWtnteQ tabfeepaonlola A>f cinoa*- mou, one |ableapoonlnl of cloves, uve touspooufuls^of ntlsploe} four teaspoonfnls of nutmeg, one-half tpaapqonful of mace/ four pouuds of ohbpped; seeded Taisins, fou< poUQiievof curi[auts,~ouo pouiid of (inoly-alioed citron, one - half pound _ bf ilnely-slioea candied leraofi, ^nl onshalf p^yud of bitter-almonds,, blatiobod and p6nndad1dnoj Do not) bake it 'toUjonV, or^ it will become dry. When it dobs not taste of raw flour when tested with a broom- straw, it will bo done. ^ Vanilla loo Cream. Tako two drams of yiuillti,^ne (aart 'cl milkMialf pbuud of, oaeter sugar; ono [pitit < of qream^' and the yolks of thrs^cg^s; boat the< yolks well, and stir thorn with tho milk, then add tho other ingredionis; set it over a moderate lire, and atfr constantly^with a silver apebn until It i| boiling libt/thon ta " known aa the Department, of Trade Com- msrcejirfd Finance. :\ ' r -^ Ji| out. and when cold freeze it;.iu fche usual v/efy. >2":.:.<^:il"'-- Daring the past flue years the cousump- tion(ot Bpiritar^n thef United States hop 'decreased' from l gallons to 1 gallon a. 'head^antt the couSuiupJbu ,of ^ win6a (rom Ai gallons to 2G gallons ahead. Tho de- roaae is asorlbadObo hard times: If so( .fchejihoory that* hard times drive men, to drink tnujt bo set aside?- , '> l' ' Clanqraf'LQW Wallaoo says that aftflr a idiligon^'floaroh for a shqrlr4iame for tho hero of hW great book, ho cam* across tho hamo of " Hur,"In the book, of Genesis, and by adding'*' Ben/lyvh{oh]'b3(i%nB^f thp Bon of,w*he obtained a name both short gndodcf \\ -'".! i J . Vr^eidont MoR^nley( Intends'^that hi^ Administration shall be an aotiye one. On tho hoels of his propoaitiou to anuex Hawaii ooraca tlio anuo^unoement that he "aa determinedlto revivo the abandoned oaty of gouerriji arbitration botwdon the uitod States ana Great Jbritain. Under the direoiion of Sooretary Sherman tho malttor lias profjretmctd to, tbo extent that a V'. 'i lffi,/ : -.' f.'y Mr.: ' The latter the J^S^s'hrothyw,'D'-M.-ahd :Wm; fe:.v^nad just returned from tho Soo, with B&jyjfeflaw'riB of. hU lato wife. ^ 'JaB, Nail and wife went to AvoutOQ lint M 'week io a^ttuui^bhejuno^x] of tho '{o^uai's feStnother, Dboeahed was the relfot of the g&ie^llEto^eii, andWas 76 years- of ;ago. ^/Kn'e-^aves seven bohb and three daughters $$ii-~y?uii ai home; John, at pt. Arthur; j^ndrew, at ^Leamington;' Samuel. Pt. J&-ntinri.: David bajC Itpbert; at hoi gi-X)^ngbter8; Nfra^iAuowA, Mra.rtTo , fe'^bwe, and Sirs. AmSaadonf.allot S#ut m&;$'.-;'The'Ma*h"dj*nte# Mrs. -JoW KftrfaJ--w.-'ci.MA j| -:~j a'Jhorbtupb. ago.. in a mortar, thou add ta them a quart of Water; pour this into a basin, with a lomon (diced, and a tdaspoonful of orange- ilower wator; let it remain ^for two or thfoe'tiourfl. (Put eighteen;ounces pf suaar Into uuothor baHin, cover it with a cloth, through which pour tho strawber^v juice, Aftor 'as muohl Has ruii' through1 as will' gathornp the doth and eqaeeze as much juioo as.possible from it; when the sagar is all dissolved,. strain it agamprot the vessel ooutaiuintf it on ioo until ready- to sorvo. ; A>ion)oh|Sherbet. One popubf of icing sugar, ono'and ouc-haU ouncos bioarbono,te of sodat one bunco of tartaric aoid, fouif drops of essence lomon, added to Btigar. Mix,., aiffc, and bottle soqprely._ For. use ono Jtisaplug' ^Jasj^^ a tumbler of, wator. '\ fltra4borry:Shcrbot.'-vTalta fourteen* o^ncee-of picked s*trawborricst qr-ash theio, jnow."ltroatyv hao-'Alro'ady fcfcen drafted to i.. _ A-'serve as a baaia of 'nsgotlabiouB. In this draft thoro are none of tho points which oo,UBed,HbG faHuro^o^ tljo, .Olnoy tfoaty. The treaty wm not be snbmittod to tho Borate before ('next B,ooom'bDr..'0lfc is to be bopecl that the Souato will be, of<v littlp broador guugo then than it fwaB'lu tho aprlngi The Hawaiian1 troafcjj-,' too, will probahly^nob borne 'up for^ considorafclon before n'oxt Docorabor. Tho frion'dn ot an nexation in the Senato arc found to num. .bar, at-prcJumt thj'eo lose! than tho neoes- Bary-^wo-thirds'majority! feo all ttfat will bedor^o at presoutfis ^..repor^the treaty to the Senate from tcomiuittoe ;audU|ben lot it wait until tlio 'next, sbaslom iHie longor com) id oration it reoelves, the butUr, onodsmkn Redmund ,{*j Keressy of tbo..Tbirty-eigbtlj preoj^bv Which lg ii. tb annexed distriot. . Pom- %poy H'n remarkable hot alone' forhie ial^ ents; he has also n history, which U full oi human interest " >" < >' ti, His intfllligeuoe devolope'd so rapidly that'Kereeey began to teach him a fewj tricks. He Wonld tiokj^ blm ittndep thb right fore leg with a straw and say, ."Pompey.^ivy' sno.'jfWngh* hand.". At first the horse would raise b^ leg' la avoid the Uokling, but soon he learned to'do the same thing merely when tie heard (th* words -Vigfat harid.M *' -l . him to cJTer hu, leftfcjot whon- po^tely i^sked to do, so.1 His. education went on steadily, and he learned, to false liis.rigbt hr bis leit hind leg" at a mere word from, hie mas ter. oKorosoy made the norso nndorstand that -when ho used the word "papa" in oonversa^on'.ifae-referred ,to himsejf .Kereqey., Tnus the policeman wonlfl say, "Give papa your right band," sii^ tho animal would understand perfeoUy.; The horse's name also was varied obon- An Infterosting feature of Pompev'i education was the rapidity with wJhloh he aoqnlrod,knowledge In two weeks ho raised his right'foot, when told to* His teacher bad fewjar -diffioultioi tjpn xnost men Who train1 anlm.als. Doga are uBually found to "be inattentive and tin1: duly ox'uherorit.; The'suporiorlty of thtf horse liosvnQt in . anrntar intelligehbe, ^nt Ip greatsjc Ao^jltity. -._ '.' The next stage was to make Pompoj ay " Yea"-or "No," A tiokllng on jlje side of the neok oaased him to move ) is iiea'd aidewise. Thjn was accompanXud -by the comtaiand, ^V'nb.1' 'Ftaftliy 1 the tickling o6nld be omitted. A Hilla tion of his chin taught him to move hli hand ,up and down, which meant yei;, After this Pompoy-began^to learn,tq count. A light Vfhip.woS'plaaed on one of lhia fqrolegg near the ground., fle ifiitri mmm l^baa^'^a^ofiirrV'VAttl: it'ahdtiwt to inonillor time injtgpp Xi")., m! AW* neett intelligent ^uc- ' asents for this. nsttVirorlc. ~tat we obd affora ( fci(iljt>6ko*|otl w, The people, oaatoms, government-of; tho loMlntr %M^ si wo obd affoVa good nay oVThe P^opjetbaato, wortfl^aarsejen aud. tary, d wonnn a .. } ao'n workers.1 Ma1 workers.1 Th giodtMtWockotKlorrdwidottftvolMorpqWlBt "-----, habita, religloB an riot and fefrbViB ofiOi L obr1VtI^"and, ftrriatott arlbo< ord i Qflfl oet pftlrttbr Oft' is thi opportnnHy V'ann Is of the Town and County m roipodjolod.tho Bssex_B T~r, , We WiE Pay Straight Weekly. Sftlaiifia, i bfyrom'^ia.'to'eW/'aouordfug'to ability! for tblf wondermi vmamp, Koouing aii uanna woriina early ahd late.' Tho only Canadltttt w6H wceptddiTy BeuMaJerftyiandoridorsed b^thi SRoyal Fainllx. A beautiful big book at a, amal rloo. Hurry:70tfai)piroatIOB./.TftB JLiiiAPLtW 4HBET90S Oo.,I/tu,Toronto,Out. * f. r lor 'Queen :Vlcooria 'iulaniond Jubl ,_r__ _.....and1 rldti'oat pth Contains tbo endornod biography of Bm UffMllTCn*"Alt',>ltv /or "Queen Vloieriat Vf.llR-lpuU. ,Her HolK" und'viaraond JubH ' f*' OverflowfDK with Utost and1 rldh'oat bid- lee tares. MolAStv, with authontto History of, hor roumrk dblProftb, m,xiA full<aoAount of tho Dlarfiomll Jabllee. Qply *l|R"^JMfi book: Tremoudoutf domaud. "Bouai.k'i for agente, Oouimfsfilop flu fur cent. Credit glyco. Freipbt paid. Onttti rea. Doty imld. Writ ^ufok for. oatfU.and tr;Hu)ryt>'T nomlr.ima'Coinpiioy, Dc^Ct. 7j 300 ^rbj-jru Bt.. ^bicu^^. ,,i < ,.| ,' i-'l HEVKItAr.PAITHFULMiaNpill (o tr-ivoT- * t roBpoimiblo oatabJ lisbedbxuiw.iu ^Unxic ; Salary, S7SO^pivvabI^ ^15 weaVlyaiitl oxjiodsoB. Position jiormaiiout. \U>ter4noo3 I3ocIoso*lf*adlrRBod qCuMpatf en-l veleop. Tho National "StutpiiUjUn^, Chicago. vpi . .it" Tatesthii opportunity of'annohui people of the Town and County of K HflfAi^VS^led.tbe Bssex_BgOUr oordinsHo plana Wepard by N> Pi... Thomas, and alBOrfoonirodOioSarvioerof Htraohan, nu oxporiondod and thoronao! WANTED- Women o tnvol i\ <? I Animals Uh&b Do. Not Grow ' .' ': ;.-,'v' JwhlvBty. \. ' How loutf would you bo contented with out a drop of water to driuk ? There arc many diffaront kinds of the world that ucvor iu all their lives sip bC iiiuph as.a drop of watar. Among ir^eeo are the'llamas of ^atoiouia and,' the ca- Isollos iv tho'ielr bast.' A 'parrot |livod !for di yeo^rs ju'lho zoo at liondon with'out 'drjnkiug a/ {Irop of i Watet, and'mauyjnafc- urajiBts behove tbo i only raoiBturo ^im bibed by wild rabbltH is rderived from green herbage ladon with dow. Many reptiles-T-aerpeuts, lizards and certain ba- tiaohiai^ l^o aud thcivejn plaooe on"iro- ly 'devoid oy water, audi Bloths areilso never,said drink. An, arid district in I'raaoo has pradnoed a race 6t uon-'driukin cowa and uheop.^ndftein ifie mjlkToL ?the former, Bovuefort cheese is 'made. There is a species of mpuee which has established itsefonUbe &aterBB -p|a|^B of "postern Amwicaiandwhioi flouuBher*nQtwith BtahamgThe aosenoso*' "" **^is i,.T>Ii.^otlguBt9n ofthe lungs and Old age |^jp^8r'.tinie.-,;': moisture." i * '* |>/ To destroy: warms ;at*d *?** thorn trot** ifdren'oS aiiutts use Dr. Lo-^s Worm^Sy* ; $"r" .::r^' :.'-:.-.-^--^'^""'.'- . L< Gon; Wdylor Is oalliug for more troops', aul ptomisbvlto tiialio the Riiprlme oflort of his' lifotto [oruBh tjib Cu^an*-, ii^urentiom iIb(iH ato-ted au h,igh auth^niw that the Qunon thin-bs that artor sixty yeare1 rei^n che deserves a-woll earned rent, and in- so fiivas a Bovorcigu oixuFshauowj)ropo8es, to lottue Priuaeand^ritfoosa i>f Wakes in -future hold all .drawing-room * aud lovoos, and perform bthorpublic functions appo.r- 'fcalning-to.Roy-atfy, ',' TOno oi the', mdstlimportaat"poetical ;inpidontfl ^bnnooj^d with tho1 Jubileb,! ooncerna ^hej'ro|ations? bot\yoen (3*6^^ Britain '.and Japan.'..The latter country, since tor war with Ohiila, has agsumod all the dignity aud prerogatives of a ffroat power,,. Now, with prpud humi lity, she conioaaeB >hat she, needs a Euxo^l^^ pMferablVnMat'Bri-l tain. - -This rgoyeriJmont haa boon re peatedly approaohod during the past year with a view to the conclusion of in Anglo Japanese alHouce. The-'mat- ' 4er.hvas trflotieaedMat arf' inteStewof ' the Mikado's Jubilee envoy with Lord Salliflbjiry on Monday'last..;...-:;':.:::..:...L:.:.:. . %eM JSrothfflj*.Ik Collins is.maiting l^^"*118.'1*5 ahBit.jPwri and vicinity to Mwefhat ffioWluMfeage on the A: M. E, .oliUrph. Ab; on auxiliary means, to^oU<uw^fl w^lu^toifl on #e^^ t>o;amouiit:chteibnte^^^^^^ out by tn'd,-,"w"- "7'-- Then he oonnted one without the1 nse of. tlie whip; This proocBa was continued nntil Jpompey.Vos^able.tq oouj?,t tix,i which Is his present state of profleienby^ "Snv, it's 0 o'clock, time for relief,' .foys fkorosey, aud- i^ompey' gravely scrapes' his fore foot six times on the' ground. ; -ii \-> ,tj' ;.!/.. .' y fld tokos two step's to the right or loft wlion told to do ho, nnd in fsot has , sq gmany, soooninlishraenta that they can not nil be enumerated here.' New York' Journal. ^ ' , - ------------^-----------_j a Up th Way*. . , *-v.Tou are a'producer of petroleum, I, belicvo?": ' ' " ' l "IwoaldHketoaakyou a question or* ' ' "Gpoii."^ , ' : ! ','1 ,hnvo noticed that whon oil sells, high thoro is a grout deal of activity in Well drilling. Why is that?"/ 4 'Thatf/ question Is easily answer**!. \V wont! to, take all tho advantage wo can^ of , high , prions. That' is natural' nongh, isn't it?" .. ' . i t[ ' "No doubt it is, but when the price of oil Is low again prospeotors are nosy patting down wells. How do you ex-' .plain that?" ' t V , _ V X "Tfieoxplanstion of thai; question ! qnito^is Nimpleaa the ot^ier. When pe-i trolouiu BoJla at ,a low prloo, w havf.i to producd.moro, to obtain tlio same rer turn in dollars. " Pittsburg Ohroniole. , : Point JTot Well Takab. ^ho John, yon are a perfect bear about tho house. T/ ^ .* * HoVMiiria;. that' aflserfcion won't standi the rest of soienoe o'bIiVrIo mo ment. A ^hour eloepfl' all winter. He doesn't have to get out of. bod before dayligbt'GVery nvoming .'to stir" up the fir*; unci oall ^e birect girl. Try sojue otlior nietapho^^Maria.-^C|hioago T^ib-.,. 'njio.,- . . Isjwhatiyod tiah rely ori golfing svUj'*ti I yoa'bny from ns. Our wa^on fines, \p , ull p'is of ,ih*) town- . ,. , Buns, Cakes anil Pastries, "', Tou cant find nicer, froaher.orMwecil! or in the conntry. All klndb of FunoJ Cu!<<; . Fresh!Taffy and Candies i every dayi' Wo eoll uothlng'stolenr ' ^ >l ;' .! ; '. Leave cur Order ' Thanking the.ppoPle.tlfthe_town'-an i' r tho patronage, >eitoWs*lupon bJ t, will guoiftiit^oaatiBfaotlooin tho 1ST' ^/^/^^^^.r^'^^ 'Comtitaf Kpt its Sheh and sM 'o**Mj Price*., ""\U%$E ifeoj-you wanjb\^$i$m ^.^the best tyhereie iai^iri The Nobbiest Turnout ,.," :iU ."',',->'>!1 JOHN ;A. RpSHE^lf ., ' '__^JV, ; . ar't v'j\\ en: livery. ' , tr!i prompj rRANKFOSS.' Opiiimitbiiack A Frunols, Ebgqx ' SING- LEE. LAONDRY. ' ";W/5eou Ave, next Aberdeen Hotel. - /i , .Tftp, Ji tout .improved innohlnery (^or trotiinv 01'ur ->H Cnifn. ,\VJ|1 not oraok or I'* util. ' > 'Vil u'. ' ' . ' -i -.. --. :(( .- ^ Fareels called for. -.I , Goqd JZoadetcrs. , Many Jliding Buggies, domfortable Carriages? A 'Apan'tfoUoftfid, '-- Satin/action ^Guaranteed. v'5 'A. >h North of the ' * Railway Track1. it, Ml essex, omi Bnililefs Ana M , Bunnly wurk|$b(Htp." and'dchvercd.. i?leaso call a'tl try,' If ncl fiiitFnfuotqr no charge wlll'Kc inuao. r fx-urVorh auitft* yon, rsconimnnd us to your <ri* ndn. -A Contraclioiw p "Britisk ,Coi\lmbiaS| bf FOWLER . EXT-OF.T CURES, ,lV COLIC, CHOLERA, pHOLERA- RIORQIIS, DIARRHOEA, , DYSENTERY, ,' And all SUMMER COMPLAINTS of Children or Adults. ... ,'; PglCE, 35c* Beware of Imitatlons- ..].. All Kinds c? Building Materi^r^ I SASirt >&dA% :' "> ' .i'^.-.'.y-Pliis ^"'Saturaotlon Qunmntced. , .,.'^M Opti Water Workp. " ' i'^BS^m ioR, TWEMTYiSEYtN YEARft^ ; mmm " ""' ' ""' $$m ,f y Sapren^lr Kxaupbratlpa1.' "Bon't jiou thinla)Mr8."9purrell baa a poor an awful temper?" . "She-'hasvjrat oauVoi blame \,U w6ii]an?i;,6he has hufibond who, just absolutely won't feet rifad at all^-^fir-' pographioal'Jonrnal;: ; ' . ;: i ., ';;; / ftifx Xn&p^._;'. ".' > '('ffheydqax, 'ideair pirlaj1-1; exql^imadv ftlrp. Eawftinst,)obkJng jjat fher fashion-. ible daughters' pritlmpiofltibalty.'"', , ' Ut Y-ei, tbfi dasi; dear' Bitty* mutter1' ed "Jfr. PaWkiha 'despftndently.^Pioild Ife Up/*.' ." i'i . !iP| !"'V>' 'V^l Since the beginning of this pturyr ^eu^^f '^e Ita^Vlapguage hoi, rreatW'inbrea^d. XnlMfi it wwspok-n11 y iW70joo&ip^pkitod'& Oi ." - '.is

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