Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 9, 1897, page 6

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?i$$fc BT'.!."V a*;.-: iV-'i JMv " Eft./--. " ' l^^i^'lty the best thing for the' ^fe^"-;;!-;>-.l&'air-' under all circumstances. |]|^ - Just as no man by taking -' thought can add an inch to 'bis stature,"-so- no preparation can make hair. The utmost that can be done is to pro mote conditions favorable to growth; This is done by Ayci's Hair Vigor. It re moves dandruff, cleanses the 'scalp, nourishes the soil i:'i v/liich the htiu; ^rows, a;-."':, ;-**3t as -a '.undor rain, so bald heads ? ' ^--vir.wlieu 'tUs root's are ncr.'- ,;..!:: t Ix tl'ji'v:. If you/-*viih your fcv.l: i:i .:*it;uu :L:3-:x;-:.:.'.l color, c;* .>;* you-' wj^u l':' "^pU:re, thc.lout tmt: of gray, or faded hair use ' Ayer\s Hair Yi&or.. LW: #v I?- )- r je ??' - s Ic:':1-- fe( 1" 1 ,<,BlaoJljawl,ln Illinois. . + Lonff after the oloso of the late war in the United Statoa the law of the sovereign state of Illinois contained thin boartlcRH proviaiona: "Noblaok or mulatto person shall be per- rait tad to reside in this Btate unless such person ahall produoe to the ooauty com mi- loner's oont-t where he or she is desirous of Battling a'flnctifioateof bis or her freedom; whioh oorfciflaato shall, be duly aathonti- oated iu tho Bftmo.manner that la required to be done in cases arising under the acts ane judicial proceedings of other nt&tep, And until snoh person shall ii&va given bond with suffioent Boourity to the people ofthisstato for the uso of the proper county, in the penal sum of 31,000, condi tioned that such porous will not at any " , ilme booomo a ohargo of said oounty or any other oounty of this state as a poor person, and that such person shall at alt : times demean himself in strict oon form ity With the laws mi noted, it shall not bo law ful for Hiioh frod negro, or mulatto to roside In this state.". Acothor Hootion read: "If any poraou shall harbor ouoh nogro pr mulatto uforoaaid, uot having suoh oor- ' tiflaato thereof, or ehall hire iu imy way, give sustenauoe to saoh negro or mulatto nob having suoh cartifloats of freedom, and not haviuK glyon bono, ho ahall be Unod iu the sum of t$500,ono-half thereof to tho use of tho county and tho other half to tho party giving, information thoroof." Although Illinois was adjoined on -two idea by plavo territory, yet prosecutions for violations of this odious atatuto, oom- Eoonly knowu as tho black law, wore of rare bcourreuco within hor borders, Owon Iiovojoy, who drank bo deeply and persist* euily at tho fountain of abolitionism that fae has boon compared to Otis, the "flamo Qf flre," in tho colonial dayH, brought down npon himsolf tho tnlfihfcy arm for "harbor- '.'ingOfOorialn fugitive sluvo girl named Agnes," This ocourrod as early as May, 1842;.aud oarly in the following Ootobor ha lyaa again indtofcod for the namo offonso in L Co initiation wiih a "ourUiu negro K,t-l .named Nance," in tbo oirouit court of Bu reau oounty, Illinois. Awide, however, from the Intervention of the law whioh fpon of bis violent atripb provoked by their .persistent hostility and .defiant attitude, Vre find-but little ovidouoo of the enforce* tnent of this statute in tho oxiatltif,' oonrfc 'records of tho fctato. Aroua, Editor's Essay on Man. &4P ft'o'.ViijV "/ Man that is born of woman is fow of days and full of microbes,The moment ho is'born "iv.,:he starts for the aravo, andtho lou^or he "?$ :^'^tuftvols the faBter ho oop. The visible !ji'ff,|.TJ.!l--.'.reward for long daya of .labor- and nights W$$V'?&t walfaing the floor with a toothing baby V^iv.v'.'tfl au epitaph ho oan'b road and tombfltouo i^l' ;ha'doosn'fc want. In tho first of tho i^O.V.-'tievo'n ages of-man he's Holtod, in tho last "tii-...llneia neglected and in all, others htj'a a ^vK' vtargetfortholyibg, pneddleaome, misohiofr ij^;V.;; ijfbakep-^-a woman who. won't tend to hor I'L^'V^wn 'business. If he doos not marry his fflfciK'-'^itab Iqve'he'll' wish he had, and if. ho fe^^ilbBw'he.wW^ aiwayB wish ho hadn't. Yet Rfe.cfio man over follows freedom's flag for ISj-,:/.^pitciotisoi (and a, pension) with half the ^^jpntbaaiMin that ho will trail the red,, the 'ife^hite and bluo, that constitutes the banner ^ipffobiaU beauty, He wjll brave, the lion ^ iijjhiadeu, faoo the booming oaunon, tread -^IhO ooeac form beneath bis feet and yet ^ Wtli'ii t^unbia[like, a half frozen eggrBubs:- JunB26ht. djonrnmenl. all themembera'preBent. The mmoleBof the previous mooting; were read'and on inbtion of Meiara./ fiftmm and Paisley, ' ' A Jetter of advioo from the township Bolioitora re oertain. sohpol seotiou qaeB- ilbos.r^iBed by tha latter of q. Wh|ter was preflentodflBd read* Moved by Prioo and Potter*, that, the olerk by lnatrnotcd to notify the two boards of sohool trusteoB, that haviug advioe upon tho natter it (the council) la prepared to aot upon that ad vioe unless one or other of tbo boards see fit to rest thooaao by suit in tha pivieion ooqrt in tbe nature of an Interpleader, so as to dotcrmiqo whioh of them Is entitled to tho aohool rates. Oar. Messrs. Wilson, Kankin, MoEeoUKh and Kerr, barristers, presented bill, $660 for professional services and disbursements in the suit of R. IP. Seymour, vs. Maidstone. Moved bv Price and Paisley, that warrants bo drawn for payment of said bill. Car. Kd. Horbort notified council of the lack of drainage facilities for bis lands ib thd 10th oon. On motion,,Mr. Herbert's drai nage matter was referred to Mr. Damm with power to aot. The reeve nf Boohoster addresBed the council re the keeping in repair of portion of the road between North and Booth Woodsee whioh ia used in lieu of a portion of the townline between MaldBtono and Bp^hesier townships. Moved by Pnoe and l)amm that' Mr. Pafslev be authorized to aot with the deputy. raeve of Rochester in the work of;repairing said road. Oar. On motion of Messrs. Paisley and Price the olerk was authorized to striko from the aa'essment roll the dog aBflesaed to Ed mund Barb am and also thoao aHsessed to Thimafl Fair and W. MoOloBkey, ae tho do^H had boon destroyed. The oontraotors en the Littlo Creak drnn oomplaihed to council that no atakee remained along the lino of said draiu to guido them in the work of oonstrnotiug it. Price Damm, that tho olerk instruct to re stake the said drain. Oar, ' On motion of Messrs. Prico and Paisley, Mr. Potter was authorized to aot with tbo reeye of Handwich South In tho work of repairing or robnilding a bridgo ou tho west town line. . Price Damm,, that Mr. Paisley ho imtliori/ad to expend 920 in rounding up the middle road from'.the oaat side of lot No. 16, middle road rauge, westward, pre paratory to gravelling it, Carried. Messrs. Girard and others again poti tioned couuoll to construct a dram to carry a portion of tbo Brown's creek drain water eastward to Belle Kiver. On motion of MeiaBrs.' Potter and Damm, Bald petition jvas allowed to stand over till next meet ing of tbe council, J. K. Arnold requested that the contem plated repairs of the Uth donoasBlon drain be continued southward to the Bouth flido of IotMo.,jl8, Moved by Paisley and Price that Wm. H- Pottor be added to the aom- musioners appointed at last mootiug for attending to the repairs of uaid Otb oon. drain. 0ar., The overseer of highways for road divi- bIoo.No, 45-gave P. MoPharlin au order for 85.00 for, work done in said Oiviaiou. Moved by Price and Paisley that tho said sum be paid from K, R. statute labor fund of said road division. Car, On motion of Messrs. Potter and Damm, Br^Beohard was paid 8200 for medical service to tbe Lee family; E. Prioe, ftl.lfi, for provisions furnished tho Lee family John King, 81.00, for removiug driftwood out of tbo King drain. Moved by Pottor and Prios, that John King, overseer of highways, for division No, 17, be refunded 89.00, bring P. Wintemuto's statute labor for 1800. Oar. Moved by Pottor and Paisloy that Jacob Guise bo paid $40,00 on aooount for build, lug bridgo on ISmbox Centre road at tho junction of.said road with tho Mtildoii road, Oar. Mr. Boauaoliel addressed tho council ro drainage mutters in connection with hiH hinds. Moved by Faisley aud Pottor, that Mr. ijoanBollol's matter-bo rcforrod to a oommitteo of tho aouncil contesting of Mossrs. Prioo aud Damm, with power to act. Car. . 3?rioo Damm, that tho Roovo bo paid 8B,8fi, the expense of a trip to Chatham on township business. Car. J. W. Soofct prosontod bill of $3.48 for goods furnishod Marshall, indigent. Ou motion of MoBsrs, Pottor and Damm, Mr. Bcoit's bill wae paid. Movod by Prico and Paisley, that tho r&ave bo empowered to take stops to havo tho G, T. R, culvert on .the -Wallace line onlargod to tlio eizo spooitied by tho town ship engineer in his report of Jan. 11th, 1B07.. Car.- Prioo Potter, that Mr. Paittloy bo uuthorizad to build a bridge on tbo Maid- on road, 2nd concession. Oar, I. HjllmsnJntlmaiofi to council thut oh a means of settling, tho disputo botween him and tho corporation ro cortain drain- agu matters ho wuh willing to soil to tho township at tbo rato of .8100 por aoro a strip of laud 8J ft. wide and 12 rods id longth of tbo N. Ei part of his land.'and to uooopti RG oouts per rod for the.removal and -rebuilding of his fenoe alone tho Woet side of said fit rip of land.' Moved bv Prioo and Paisloy, that Mr, Hlllman's offor bo ao- coptod by this oounoil.-r-Oar. On' motion of Moasrs. Prioo, and Pottor, tho oouuoil adjourned to most again On Batmday, July 24th. ^^fc^^^^^^^^^^^^B JS-MCB W A' tOTOO liADY:. OF 'toiii;itabi(iifr;y.';.:;:::.:-:^:, .,^> ____ A horid belonging to George Irwin got x./s:x^'-y- ': fscarecUai-a train at the L.E. A D.R. aopot BOttrailBp 'PllOM HBAPAOtoBB, PAIN. IN r TUX flXDB ,HIUC - TIUNKS; BIMILAn ..ST3PITBI118I1S SHOULD KNOW HOAV.SitE FOUND A OU31B. From the Frederick Gleaner, Miss Alma Miller, of Upper, South ampton, N.B., ia . n> daughter of Mr. Ezra Millar, a wealthy and influential 'farmer, and the yonng indy ia.ft general favorite amQDff.n. wide oirplo of ac quaintances, who have'had occasion to congratnlato her upon her complete restoration to health, after a sovero.and trying illness. "When a correspondent of the Gleaner called upon her, and re quested that the facts might bo given for publication, the yonhglady, though not at all anxious for publicity, novor- tholeBs gave her consent in tho hopo that her oxperionco mifflit prove bene ficial to some of tho many young girls whoso condition of health is very simi lar to what hers was previous to onro. Miss Millar stated thatwhon hcriUneos began her mother was unable to look after the affairs of the household and tho duties largely dovolvod upon her. She felt herself growing weak and easily lireoYbnt felt that huo must keep up. Sho says: "Notwithstanding my efforts I found I van growing worse and worse, My appetito failod, my complexion became sallow and my eyes bocamo sunken in my head. I was troubled with dizziness, shortness of broath and palpitation of tho heart un til at times X felt as though I would suffocate I was almost constantly troubled with a pain in my aide, and Bovoro headaches. When I wont up stairs '1 was obliged to rest. Xiifo had booomo almost a burden and at last I was forced to give up and keep my bed. My friends foarod X was going into oon- Bumpiiori and one remedy aftor another was tried with no beneficial roHults un- -fciHf-wafl induced to give Dr. .-Williams! Pink Pills' a trial. In loss tlinn threo weeks I was nblo to loayo my bod and go about the house, and the uso of the Pink Pills a few weoktflongor complete ly restored my health and strength and drove away nil symptoms and pnins which had made my life so miserable^ I feel thnt in bringing this matter be fore tho public I am but. doing simple justice to fluflbring and I hope that those nfllictod a I was will give Pr. Williams' Pills a fair trial. I might nlo add'that other mombers' of our family have used tho Pilln with equally good results.1' . What Dr. Williams' Piulc Pills have done for Miss Millar, thoy will do for thousands of other young girl throngh out tho country whoso conditions are similar. Thoy restore tho glow of hoalth to palo and sallow chookH.corroot func tional dornngomonts, and-oroutb a-fool-j ing of now lifo and onorgy. Tho gonuino Pink Pills aro sold only in hoxos, tho wrapper around which boara tho full trade mark, "Dr. Williams1 Pink Pills for Pale People." Bofuso all pink colored imitations and other medi cines said to bo "just as good." and ran, away with the buggy to whioh It wan attached. ThTT^nitfiflind oroflsbarof the rig were broken bat no serioua damage was done. .,: Norman MoDonp,ld,. ona___ot^George Johnstou's ushermon, lout hjs bearlnffS in Point Pelee marsh one evening last week. After many futile attempts to reach shore Mr. MoDonald was obliged to cast anchor and sleep all night in his row boat. A quantity of oats woro stolon from A, Daird's stable on Sunday night of Inst week* During the night threo men with a rig were noticed driving away from the stablo and in the morn big tho oats were misBod. Several other stables iu tho neighborhood were also visited. Mersea, Thomas Hait'sino, a pioneer and much respected resident of Morsca, died at the residence of bis sou, Mr, Alfred Hairsine, on Monday, .Tune 28th, aged 86 years. Mr, Halrsiuo was a native Of England and came to Canada with his father's family when but a boy. !Ho settled over half a oontury ago on the farm on Talbot street ou whioh he died. Of the members of his father's family tho one surviving momber is Mr. Edward Hairsine of Talbot street. Mr, Hairsine had four aistors all of whom aro dead. Thoy wore Mrs. Goo. Fox, GoBiiold; Mrs. Doouard Wiglo, Morsca ; Mrs. Wiudle Wiglo, Goaflold and Mrs. Itobort' Prostou, 'Morsoa. The deceased geutloman bad boou iu poor hoalth for many yoarrt and hia death was not un expected. His wifo and a family of ilvo sous aud two daugbtors mourn his Iobs. Tho bouh aro Alfred, township olork of Moraea, Joseph in British Columbia, Leonard, of Oallfornta, aud Malcolm aud Gow, of Morseu. Tho daughters aro Mrs. Lowis Wiglo of LQaroiu^tor), aud Mrs. Elthu Btewart, iluthvou. i^li^i9k,!B[jo>o'aa^ed/^to^ as6antI by hie ^'pife for Mb ouBaednesa'. He goes forth iu |i'u*tixet1-1116^1^' *o""-plodgh",viwrtx."with*, a l*row eyed mule and. a roan ' eteer, works $a^o^ilt^ay'*&<i comes homei at) night, to ' larl-sey^QhaU-olo^ ' ^ry^n^'npb"^ ln'the houfle and hie MaJcing Soups from Fruit. .Fruit houpb aro mado from swostoned and thickened fruit juioes, aud oan bo mado from currants, orauRos, orauberrios, and a mixture o! currants and raspberries. Press suQloiouV fruit to mako one pint of juioo. Moisten a tablospoenful of arrow root in, a littlo cold- water, add to it gradually a plut of boiling wator; add sugar aooordiug to the nature of the fruit used. Lot tbjs' puree stand a moment, then take from the fire and add the frnit jutoo, -At serving time nil a punch-bowl half full of oraaked ice, pour, iu the fruit soup and it is ready to serve. Those fruit soups are usually served a$ the '-bflgioninc of a company luncheon. Mrs, J. T. Ebrer iti July Ladies* Home Joarnal, fielow is a recipe for Vhplo wheat oraok- era obtained from a friend whose family like them, so well that they are one of the BtaJpIeV.o'jt 'the tabIe;~White of one egg well beaten; one-half oup butter, oae-baif oap augur, one cup of sweet milk; one tea spoon cream tartar, one toaepoon soda, mix stiff and roll thin. Nonvay Pine Syrup turcs Cou$htt fyldsi Hoarstnt^Sore Ttir9<it\ Asthma> Bronchitis, The Toller's Home. Home is tho wage-earner's paradiso. When on returning from his daily task almost worn out ho finds .his wifo chooi'ful, a subatantialwoll-cookod sup per on the tablo, plain though it bo, his chiblron clean and orderly and his house noatund in good trim, bis heart ischoorod and his^nvms grow strong. In suoh a prosoneo ho soon forgets hiH woarinoHu, and nftor a night'srofrosh- ing uloop in u oloan bod ho fools as thoroughly tiquipport for another hard day'B toil as David clicl whon with ilvo smooth stones in his sliophord's bag ho wont out to moot Goliath. O-od bless tho homos of tho toilors of America! They aro the foundation of our froo institutions! tlio laboring man's para dise, the hopo of tho country. And God blcstf the wivos and mothers who turn tboir thoughts from tho fashions and gayotios of society and givo their hearts' ..boat energies to husbanding the earnings of tholr companions in toll . and to tho nntking of happier homos for them and. their childron. The Flight of tho Sun. Astronomers know that tho sun, ac companied by the earth' and the other planets, is moving toward a point iu tho northern heavens with groat speed; 3vBf what tho velocity is, however, cannot yet bo told with portaiuty. Prof. Bimou New- comb, in a reoent loolnro, said that it was probably botwoon nve mires and nine miles per second. The bright star, Alpba Lyrao lies not far from the point toward whioh tho Bun is moving. Hvory moment wo are fitting noaror to the plaoo whoro the star now is. "Wlion shall wo got thoro? Probably iu Ions than a million yoars; perhaps in halt a million." High-Prioed Humble-Boes Many years ago the farmers of Australia imported bumblo-boosfrom England and sot them froo in their clover Holds. Before tho arrival of tho boos clover did not flourish in Australia, but aftor their com. ing tho farmers had uo moro diflloulty on that flooro. Mr. Darwin had shown that humblo-boos woro tho only insects foud of clover nectar whioh pOBSosses a proboscis suUioieutly long to roaoh tho bottom of tho long, tubo-liko Qowora, and, at the samo time, a body heavy onough to botad down tho clovor-hoad so that tbo pollou would fall on-tho mseot's baolt, and thus be cur- riod off to fertillzo other flowers of tho same species. According to a writer the humblo-boes sent to Australia cost the farmers thoro about half a dollar a pieoo, but they proved to bo worth tho prico. The HorwoThat is Wanted- The' Paris police say that during the past month thoy havo discovered a uumbor of infernal, machines in difforont parts of tbo city. Mrs. ; MoOollum, of Port Huron, Mich., the aged mother of Archie Mo Oollum, who pleaded guilty several months ago to having assaulted her and who was sontoncodtolifo'imprison- meut at Jaolison, is trying to raisip funds to seouro her son's roleaso. Bho denies that.her son committed the crime and aays. the whole, affair was simply a drunken brawl. tike blliouBDSBS, dyipepsla, headache, constt tomaoh, indigestionorepromptir cured by Hood's Pills, They do thelrworB easily aud thorpuhly.; Tho heavy and oontiuous exports of horses for tbe pant throe years has made Eiorions inroads into' tho rettorvoB of ohoioo Oanadlau stook. What has medo this shortening of supplies is patont to all tho vory bad markets proooding thoso years of prosperity causing farmers to go out of tho raising of horseH, and now that the demand is good audoxports hoavy there are very fow horses in tho country suitable for tho demand, and farmors havo again started brooding. After careful study aud enquiry amongst exporters from this port as to the hortjoa thoy^find sell the boat in the British mar- kots, . and from 'Bhippors who bought throughout tho countrv for this trado, wo .find that thoro are really only two olaBBps of horsas wanted a. good driver and a good draft. For a driver breed only the , best mures and only to good, big, standard brod trot ting horsos, they havo moro bono and knee aoLiou than tho thorough-bred who travels too low aud have not got the reach of the trotter, and undor-no consideration what ever ton stallion undor eixteon hands or weighing loss than 1,200 poundo. Beyond tho first difference tho post of a good horse is ho more than a. scrub/ In heavy drafts only the very best heavyjstalHon should be considered a$ ell, and only to tho beat marea owned, . . TheBO. are the two olasBes of horses in quired for, there being a snffioienoy and to apare of what; is called the "general pur- pose'! horses to fill all requirements, and if farmers now while attend!rig to thia do- parttnent-would nonaidor those points thoy would find a big differenoe in their returns later on. vj^niiriHiJ| / ; A new device for fanning pereona while they) ar^; seated ;inrooMug; chairs";opnsiflts o(aflmaUp*irof boUowsattaChe^ t?;t to imall lahea running upward;i wllfi uoz: and-writing ilx.houn daily/foe six days a week, and wilt bs oon Writ with Un dollars, weokly. Addrosi. ,-.:- ' Uf AUTCFI I onn pay ton dnIUra weekly If Mill bll* to a lady of mature ago, r- flnemfnt and toot to upend lior time In a good eauie.- T. H.LINBCOTT, ( ' " . Toronto, Ont. . UrpHE EAItTn GlRDLBD." by Dr. TMtnaBo- i X We need IntolUgant man and women as agents for this groat work. It soils so rapidly that we can afford cOort pay to workers. Tho greatest book of world wldo travol over publish od. Tho poop I o, oaBtoms, bablto. rollglon and government of tho aountrlos and tribes of tho world, as soon and tlosaribod by tbo keenest obeorvor and greatoBt word pal a tor of the oon tury. Prospootua 81.00, BookH on tiroo THD BltADLBI-aARRHTBOW CO., L'td., Toronto, Ont, We Will Pay Straight .Weekly Salaries., Of from 810 to 3HO, aonordlng to ability, for oaavassers on "Quoon Vlotorla; Hor Life and Uolgn. after a trial month on our big oommls- slon. Tho Diamond Jubilee is booming this wonderful volumo, baoplug all bands working oarly and late. Tho only Canadian work rujooptod by Hor Majosty and ondorBod by tbo Royal Family. A boautifol hlu book &t a urn all Srloo. Hnrry yonjftppHoatlon. Tub liBADiiEY- AnaKTsoH Co., Ij'td, Toronto. Ont. WANTED Ino." Overllowlrur with Agonta for, '-Quoon. Vlotorla, dDl lamotid Jubl- itont and rlohoBt Hor Itolen and litoBt and rlohoet pfo- turoa. Cotitalufi tho endoraod biography of tier Majesty, with authentic I(istory of hor romark" ablo rolgn. and full account of tlio Diamond Jablloo. Only 9160. Did book Tramoudoas demand. Bonanza, for ugonts, Co mm haion 50 per oont, Grodit glyou. FrofRht paid. Outfit froe, Duty paid, Wrlto quiok for oatnt and torritory. Tbo Dominion Company, Dopt. 7, boo Doarborn Bt Obloa^o. james :mmm of annonnflini-itl tokos this opportunity of annoii geople of thr-To-?f n and Oonnftj of o has romodolod the Essex Boiler;. oordlngto plans prepared by B ff-VH Thomas, and also hoc aro d tbosorvloes Btraohan, an oxperlenofid arid Uwrott___ peUnt mlUor. , ;;D^^ : y^^'&Wi Thanklug the people of the town anfld( for the patronage bestowed Upon bSnri, past, win guttrante8aUafftponta thftfu^ttfS Gristing and Chopping: -"t'.'V :':1iM rst- The Btst Grades of Flour*1 $?[$! Cornmtal Kept in Stock and sold*'W^m Cash Paid for Wheat ano^ DO you I^ids "t ' m M WANTED-HEVEUATj FAlTHFUIi MEN Oil Wo in on to travol .'>r raaponnlble otitab- Ifflhod bcuo In Ontario Jalary, $7H0, payablo 915 wookly and o*pennon. Poaltion poriuanonL. Itoforencb. IDnoloso Holf-addrosflod a tain nod on- voleop. Tho National. Btar Uullillng, Chiontio. Fresh Bread Is what you can rely on {jetting when you buy from ua. Onr wa^on (jpee to all parttiof.thfj town. Buns, Cakes and Pastries, You cant find nicor, froahor, or ewoet. or in the country. All kinds of Fancy Cahca and .Telly BoIIh, Fresh Taffy and Candies Wo sell uolhin^ utaloor every day. dry. Leave .our and you caii livery. cer ruly on prompt do- FRANK FOSS. Opposite Hack AFranolfi, Ebsqx SIN& LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY. Wilson Ave, noxt Abcrdotn Hotel. The lateht improved niuohinory for Ironing Oollars oud Cuffa. Will not oraok or bruak wiuif, Family work ohoap. ParcoU' called for anddolivorod. Ploaeo call and try'. If not nntiofnotor uo ohargo will ho mado,', f our work auitfl you, recommend uh to your friends. LAXA-LIVER -PILLS- CURE BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION SICK HEADACHE '.. . t LIVER TROUBLES AS a laxative, one pill acts perfectly, and if. a stronger action is desired a cathartic effect is produced by two pills. In . obstinate cases, where a'purgative is necessary, three pills will be found sufficient. These pills leave no unpleasant after effect. One pill taken each night during thirty days will cure constipation. PRICE 3SC. OR a rOB S1.00 If so, you want to hay) ^ tho best there is ' everybody knows "tli2f. The Nobbiest Turnout -^ '--------la TO HE HiD AT------ ' JOHN A. ROSE?S Livery. Good JRoadstcra. JZatty Hiding Buggies. Comfortable Carriage*. A Call Solicited. Satin/action Guaranteed. North of tho # Eailwny Track. ESSEX-ONTif Johnston Bresl Builders Ana ' .:'.'^SI Contractors.: '"ft British Columbia a Pine Shingles, $1-00 BFpT All Kinds o! Building Material. SAS/it dooms; , LATH ami ';-!; .'JBAJiN\IUMSMM XW Satlwfactlou Cuarauteod. Opp.'Water Works; . Essjeafe FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS .....' * AICIISS THEC00KSBESTFR1END l \H CANADA^'::$$& Jt GOITRLAY & SON, ESSEX; OJi ?' TPE TIUTJMPH OOBN jBHEritjER i

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