Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 2, 1897, page 8

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SpS! *m m W& itisiw Wfi^i3amf;;; &,'.::Ifr Purueii. :.- ^wv'.,,,i?'ii,r".,y^ -. '"C'"',,,^tr:"! ^(j,"patenti;'hew.;. -;. ._' ,V JJatimry/ of Detroit, formerly le^ was calling on relatives _ ^'iifr'townj'lftfltwedk, v.'(, ^j^'iiiatf/^4,'.^,I!f^y*' of Oedar li>'iffe:'viBitlng in ttowia, Mr. ^Ol^uwiQtondfl to live here *hortly. " ^jWl^Mokenzie has maauf aotu red 1^^-^iBfery,\01inda, an ideal fruit i#Mpfcf JCtia'a new pattern, the springs paira and axe on eaoh aaae of the iM body hangs very U.ow and ll^e-mQ^t oouveuiont for carrying SS^^'^^^'-iiiprloe; Sb ' 31Q0. "and tfs very ^ (jfeeapVconaidaring the style, and dura- ^;bjUty.o!tlieM?tiole. Mack knows how r^aaiefthuggy of wagon. ship buying cattle.vThitf bought 00 ih^lMtV&*^ S^nebtf G(0^1lS^^i.^iBWlyiiil rpit Mlee Nettie Bobiiifionf of Minne- flpolie,^ Minn,;/Jis^^^itfag^-^&vfc*' '.auntj'SbflV^osy^oke.^ ' '.' ', SandwicVsouth, ' Leon^^McAnlifle ;ftnd Frank Barrett spent Sunday at James McDonald's, of the Elevated concession. The many friends of Miss Tessle Me .; Donald ore glad to see her around again, .' '^ , Mr. and Mrs. John Sheridan and Miss Mame Sheridan and Mr. and Mra. Frank MoOloskey, of Maidstone, spent Sunday atffames McDonald's, of the Elevated concession, . J'.* '.' Marrow. ^^B^.&dama is painting the front of ^^:sfore and putting in new sash. "Not ^beiore it -was needed. ie{cheeee factory is running foil t, as milk is quite plentiful, nia\t> txvelve cheeso a day. , . _^Mra._A, Adams who hadj ^j.^bft_eii'.-:Viitinir their son, Edward, at llg^'EBsex^; for some time, have returned fe^'-tioine, g^^?fvfatie^aptiB|a ore talking of building ^iS'JTv OTjV/linyiiig' a parsonage in Harrow as SSvitheV' have sold their old one to Ed. fo.^ller, .'. ^fe.v-'"': . ' k^^J^L' -' *, Edgar'a mils. j|'(.j::\v\W- .Boose has erected a cellar. ^I^'v ;E. Meddough has to buy clothes for |f^^tl^e.^;It.isaboy. . ,K'i;f^?^.'Mrf.'OhevaUer, storekeeper, is erects ,>S5'.';lng^a poultry house and yard. liK/v'.'.;^6 section men from here have been g|,r^iieiping to lay a spur in the yard atAxn- "^^erstl)urg(;thiBVeek. i f^^jr^Beeton was. much annoyed on ^^^n^adaymorning to find that a stray y;horse:had been reposing on one of his flpwer bedsi M^p<^;;^yeral;youhg folks from here visited fefefielle IbIs on Saturday taking advan- ^ ^f'^tftge!J,of the eictti'sion on the Walker ^fe^ptoad from Now drfiiuan, ^ ' 1 ^..... Ruthven, ^y^tcawberriefl aie being ehippei from *^?;ia|erre by the carload, / K^;'MrrBouBBey will soon movo into his gS-new^premiseson the corner," ^S;K^;;:BeV., "Wm^'MoMullen, B. A., WnB e*- J^g:^:^o^ed!te.Rrrivo early this week. , - -j plt-jip'--The parfloaage has beeu treated io ^^fe'new coat of paint. It looks well. . k^;V:'. -Bd Gammon called on relatives and ffi:^ ^ aocjuaintancesin Detroit on Friday last, ;'- :Alfred Pulford, Amhorstburg, spent acottple161 daya here lost wook viflitiny v. |H^?^W--i:',','"An,'ioe cream social was held in S. H^S^;>'^Civ;'Wjgle,8 grove on Wednesday even- &>?$"'; yhui ia(t." 'fe."r\H\\ Bey. B. Medd. proaohol his farewell 0&X^M$'*6n on S^uiday' evening and left on jf^)MpndayforSarnia. '.'.*; '. 'Arner.- Mrs. Lovelace, accompanied by her daughter and aunt, Mrs. Dermyer, of Brooklin, Maoh., have been spending ten days in "Chie neighorhood, visiting at the home of the former's parents, Mr. audMrs.Boltzer>Mrs. D. who is a sister of. Mrs. B., has not been here since the death of her aged parents, ten years ago, v . -i., _,.,, ^, - ...... i > Trinity. Chris Coulter spent a couple of days in Windsor last weds. Mrs.. Jefferson Mills is very ill again, The doctor is in attendance. Miss Sloan, of Tilbury, spent Sun day of last week,'at J. W. Kennedy's. Pienio is "all the talk now. We ore looking forward to a good day, and a large crowd as usual, A new boiler for the oheese factory was purchased from a London firm last week. . Belle River. V Sam 01mvalier!flJ)uilding is advanc ing rapidly. The oheese factory started Monday of last weeki There is a big. bouncing boy at Thomas Marentette's... Mrp. Taylor iB reported under the doctor's care and seriously ill. Decaire's cording mill has com menced this season's operations. The Boohester council are consider ing extensive enlargement of the Moi- son drain. A large load of piokniokere from South' Wo0<M99 spent the Jubilee afternoon in Stover's grovd. . Harry Murphy, a prominent figure in, Boohester, died Wednesday of last week, of a disease thathoq puzzled hifl doctors. fe.ef6ie,Jn^^ice^ 'fcfcriricUy ofliwf, wwk 'f"aip)e^^by:' plaintifffrom the award of the>rbitri^ tjbrav:;^d^rat^a8,fei ' nMdBtohe..Cr05S'^!-. . Mr. and Mrs. Kenney were, in town laatweek. v;.'".-' :'." , p. itourke, of Belle Biver; was fix rtownonSunday. ,; Jos. Fuerth has returned from a trip asc with the Windeor Foot Ball Club, Mr. and Mrs, Thpmaa Jobin wore the guests of I. Halford and wife oh Sun- W-...-'1' '" ' Miss A, Devlin, of Oldcaetle, was the guest of Mrs. Donovan, Hotel Maidstone, on Sunday. ^^Mfe^ mBmmtm ,yexy T>le^ant>hiiet: Ninelarefe tabl^ arrwgedon the lawn, f Airly groaning under: all the^delicacie. of the season, were spread;'andihe large crowd par took ,of a substantial meal and enough 'f^ilii^^w;^ rnoreV; 'AJ^r^w'jpper, AlfredyWi^le," 0f Wind*!' spr, as Bpokeeman, made an addrosa to '^^:antt;!MjB,;;.Wigi^ Speeches were alfld made ly,' Samuel Eoreter, Eeyi .3)Cn;itoBbniR^h.iaA>4' W-* 'A". Crrenyilie. Choice instrumental mueio was fur- niehed by an orchestra oompoBed of Adolph ButhTen, Mesara., Merritt and Ed.f Mineri of Windsor, and i. W; Herrington, It is needless to say that the presents were many and costly. Peter Wilkinson walked up to Cedar Creek, Wednesday morning of last week, took off his hat and, apparently deliberately committed suicide by stop ping "in the creek and drowtoing in about three feet of water. The body ;:J: Two spoony bioyolists who imagine ^as( found at five o'clock the some they can do anything in the country, have been making .numbers of people very tbed the last couple of weeks. Patrick Barry, of Maidstone, was on UoncUy sentenced to 80 days in jail for being "drunk twice in a month," and Joe Adair, of Sandwich, was sen tenced toa week for being drunk. Rochester Council. Monday, June 2flth. Council met at call of Beeve to con- aider Engineer Newman's report on the Moison Creek drainage works. Min utes of last meeting were read and con firmed. The engineer's report waB read and considered. By-law No. 1X2, for improving the Moieon Creek drain,, was introduced, read the several times and ordered published, Court of Be- viBon to be held on Saturday, July 81st, at the town hall, St. Joachim. The clerk was instructed to look up papers -to ascertain whether the. C.B.B. re ceived authority to close culvert mile east of River Bnacom. . S. MoAuiy wants to commute his.statute labor in front of his place. Granted, with , Mr. Wilson as commissioner, work to be completed Aug; isth, 1897., Adjourned to meet July 81flt, as'a.court^bf revision on the Moison Creek. JP-& " P^^^d^serve credit. . K^.lviV-An Joe orea'm e social wuh held on tho ^ Jrhe proceeds, ^mounted to about ^2G, ^S'^r.':';'Aii,"interesting, feature of the evening ^'^:-*(Mihe.proBontation of a handsome sot 6?1^V?'?.':':"Jpf'1^iflhes-. to Mrs. Medd aeooihpanied ^::^.'.v:1^r:au',.address'"to Bev. Dr. and Mr. %^6??.Medd.; 'M0til:-!;:;\-:';.'- ' "Uosfleld South.. ' Mi.- Wv Kennedy sustained Homo mt$.t&...... S:@*evere inia"es in a ruuaway on his, |i^ Jf'farBa, on Wednesday of last week, lie PpSS'Swasvcaaght;.by::the harrow tooth aiid ^^^.d^fi^^ed'^BOuxet distanoo. -.Fortunately |^^\Jjj',:^a.1drags,atruok a log and bounded up ijjfe'i'^^.^d -the inan'waB. reieaBed. His faoo H^J^iii^he^.wiere severely.cut. ' Mri Ken- fe&f;-'}^nedy sottlod in Goafield sdmo months fe^^go;; ^coming , hero from . '-Blansliard fei^^wislinp, Berth county, '. ||^>^':^B.;Sophia/WhaIoy di died at the rofli- Georgo Whaloy,, ^jEu'gla^ with her : father's, !B^^i(i'i-ftm^lT/8heV:eame'; to Essex county in ' Her huBband, Cenry Sandwich. H. G. Hart and Viotor dhauviu were fined 80 each for Jiding on the Bide- walks at Sandwioh. The office of County Court Clerk Marcon will be closed every day.-:be- twoea July 1st and September 1st' at 11.80 o'clock, local time. The town council have issued orders to all oounty polioo and town constables to enforce the bicycle by-law in regard to riding oii-sidewalks. On Tuesday morning the Queen vb. tiaffertv, a oaso ol seduction; brought against Ohas. Dafferty of Anderdon by Clara Martin of Sandwich West, occupi ed tho attention of the court at: Sand wich. The Case was dismissed by Judge Homo before hearing the de fense. ; - ' tin Saturday Judge Home gave judg ment in the famous P.F.A. oaso of Harding vs..Little giving the plaintiff $40H, Fleming, Wigle* &. Bodd for tho plaintiffandu Toronto firm for the dofendant. itwillbe romberod tliat Harding supplied "paraphernalia for P. P.A. Lodges, und sued Treasurer Lit- tle, who gave the order; for a balance unpaid when the order collapsed. .--------------------------',', **.' '-, Cottam. John Farkor ih..quite a bird fauoier.. He has some pure bred Fokiu ducks from eggs received from Grand Bapids, Mich. ; also some Buff Cochins, Dor- kins, and throe black crowB. One^pf the latter, ovor one year old answering. to tho name of *Jack, comes when coiled, talks or rather says some words iuite distinctly, such as '^Helfo Jack," " Dry up." Tho al>ove can be'vouohod for by Sol.Neville who lives across the street. "._ Tow "people]' of advanced age retain and display suck uuickuess of wit and ready'use'of langungo as pur esteemed follow townsman, Bey. Jacob. Iler,: Those who enter into a,wordy contest with him generally come, out secondi Snob was the case last week when one of our citizens undertook to interview the Bey. gentleman. '" WelljMr. Ile'r.l hear you preabh; in pbtta,m ohnrch to-niprrbw nijght; whai^fiHyou take for a text"," <^Well('itP8id.MrP,Iler thongHtfni%;V I had befe; ijhedit^t;ng l0:u;airand;^xt, ail the; ye'e^a^rau*1 ^Ki_ngsyil!e. Bev. W, Patterson, B. A, of Knox church, Leamington, conducted Pres byterian services in the Baptist church here on Sabbath afternoon at ,3 o'clock, By a unanimous vote at a meeting at the Baptist Ohuroh,'the other night, the free use of .the chapel on Sabbath afternoonTwaa tendered to Bev. Mr. Johnston, Fresbyteriah minister of Etarrow, who will hold services weekly, commencing June 27th, ^loubt that tho late Mr, Wilkinson, of Kingsville, came to his death by an accident. He was 70 years old, and for a few years paBt had at- taoke of nervouB prostration. It is now believed that while washing in the creek, he was Seized by one of these nervous spells and fell in. That it was notja case of suicide was evident, as tho water was too shallow, to cover the bodyj . " At'Osgoode Hajl, Toronto, onThurs1 dayof last week, inXing vs. Village of Kingsville. " Aylesworth, Q. G,, for plaintiff, moved to continue injunction granted by Local Judge at Windsor. A. H. Clarke (Windsor)/for defendants, contra. Motion adjourned until the trial or other determination, of the action; injunction not continued in the mean time; Judge, ad if not so disposed of to bo costs in the cause. ThurBday, the S4th, being the birth day of our Eeove, Hubert Wigle, in the evening about seventy-fiyo of his friends mot at hifl residence as a sur prise party taking tea with the Beeve andiamily, and'snent a very pleasant evening. While the festivities were on, word was brought, announcing the dis* solution of tho gas well, injunction and caused groat rejoicing.; Everybody en- joyoda decidedly pleasant evening. ! The Kingsville cavalry arrived hooie Friday eyoning and paraded the town, Trumpeter Malottoarrying a.broom in the load aw a token of the clean sweep made. The boys carried off all let hon or* in everything, and were highly Com-, plimented by tho head officers.. The colonel said to them, "The Kingsville cavalry is Beeohd to none 'in Ihe Do-, minion and if he had his choice: be: tween the 8th of Qneheo ond them he would notknow which to decide on as being the better." Oapt. Qeb. King, entertaiued the troop to. a supper at the Pastoriufl House in the evoning;/ ' V.'. ' The Brpwn ^5 Wigle Woollen Co,., (tiniiiied) of iKingsville, was .yictiinized some days ago:;by,a farmer.; 'who,'sold them aome, wool. The maii :-fU$#pot puij the- wool over, the firm's eyes ;'but; he t>eafc;^eint:; just Vj^e'r;;Bame.>;^.^^^ weighiugthe wppV tb:^iwnihe!vthe'|bun^ler Whii,efB6r^g* ouV;B9^e/^ that";\haid^ ^en; .'^Iti^j^tfj iV^y^.-two.' afternoon after'searching moat of the day. His hat woe noticed lying on tho bank, and the body could be plainly seen in the shallow water. Deceased was about 80 years of age and leaves one brother, Joseph, here, and three daughters Mrs. Decker, of Detroit, and Mrs. James Stewart and Mrs. J. Breen, of Windsor. He had been ail ing considerably the past few weekB apparently at times was very despon dent. He was one of the pioneers of South.Essex, being bom and raised near here and emigrated to Australia, where he, at one time, made lots of money. He returned a few years ago and liberally gave up most of his wealth to his family and has since been resid ing with his brother Joseph. Deceased was a prominent member in the Ma sonic fraternity and was buried under their auspices here Thursday after noon. A large^gfitherihg of members and adherents of the Epworth Methodist Church assembled in the lecture room on Wednesday evening, 16th inst., to take leave of their pastor, the Rev. Wm. McDonagh. Befreshments hay ing been served all repaired to tho au ditorium where an impromptu pro- gramnfe of music ond speeches wos rendered, r The choir, ro-inforcet? by some old members, Bang somo familiar numbers and short speeches were made by A. H. Woodbridge, as chairman, Watson Coatsworth.Lewis Woodiwiss, Dr. Jehn'er, of Esses/ James Sweet, Sam Black and Sam Foster. The unanimous testimony.was that under the pastorate of Mr. McDonagh, the church has put on new. life and mani fested a marked degree of a spiritual growth and vigor. The loyalty of the young people to their pastor was most pronounced. The farewell sermon on Sabbath ovening, was impressive. Every available seat was occupied and chairs were placed in the aisleB, The altar Was decorated with the erahlemB of purity and faith. The song service was excellent and appropriate, Miss Ziegler, of Detroit,, sang the solos. In the removal of Mr. MoDonagh, Kings ville sustains a Iosb that few men can supply. A bold and fearless preacher who, at all times, "Shunned not to de clare the whole counsel of God," ho was also liberal in bestowing his good to the poor, kind and generous to all, Essex Markets. 7 ." '". Friday, July 2, 1897. Wheat, redj per bush...$ 05 (^ 70 ^',!'im artment'v -Wm Is Filled to Overioilr :vHir$ :- ',". ' '//<i'*% : . WW Our Stock is new and coiniili in all departments. 1 ."':"'J-t'\,. , We show the largest assortnil of Hew Black and Colorf Dress Goods. *M A M Also a new line of Priestley Black Dress Goods lOOi ladies' Shirt Waists at M each. A lot of Remnants of Dress Gooij at half price. Wheat, white......... ..... Corn........................... Oats...... .*................... Timothy seed............... Oloyer seed....... ..,...../ Hay, per ton,...........'... AlsiKe.................. ... Pork, live weight..;...... Mutton...... ...... ....,.'..... Hides............".......,.. Chickens, per lh...,..;..; Butter....,....'\.,...... ^i, Lard............................. Eggs, per doz..........*.... Potatoes,. r.f................. CarrotH.j.;.. .....;.'....'...;... Wool, unwaahed........... "Wool, Wftshod............... 75 25 t X 20 3 00 5 00 % 23 <& 1 26 % 4 GO <a 6 00 Men's, Boys'and Youths'Glothf; at astonishingly low pfipel ^1 Wanted 20,OQO IbB. of Wool. ** -.-,ViM '"ft* r(h We Are as Usual Giving Rigbt Prices on---V vl V*J wm A!W:M, ' -i$t ,t::v.-v,fe& 8 00v <& 4 00 4 00 , @ 4 60 4 00 <& 4 CO 8 75 4 QO 05 @... 00 10 @ II 07 08 07 ^ 08 35 .;.<& . 40 35 @ 40 " 09 - ,10 io <&. n , Positively cured by these ,' They^nlso relieveDistress from IJyspcpsta,- .tndtgestion 'and Too;He^.'.Eattag^';,;iApiar-: ness;. BadTastein the Mouth, Gv)^jt<w$$' P(0n-.iii:tWSide, :ttaviBtb:X3H$au':::- .Tliey-' ;;Re^te;;ii^.^o^Wlv>a^ Or any Implements you may Want on the Farm-- : ' ::wwm Will sell for Thirty.- VayA-:-froib::mW$m& fcof: Gpod,v^|

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