:.w rf.-i-, M^0::y-:-v^'Yem:A^^" p^,^; Who conld Imaglo* tli*t tali ifaotild.be RJ^1^afce1place where. In eighteen ninety-three t^V^;'^iituwhlte"'World-?rondcr'-.'ol' arch and ^^>';f;'*1i'dome/:' '.-. rami & rotne ( * .conferred preferred* &7W 50,years **. ^*^'A#s Cainarilc Pills (W&v ^i^^^^,ttom the.time of their &H):.-i preparation, been a continuous (5yp;v,;^ ;BooeBa with the public. And that means that Ayer's Pills accomplish what is. promised for-them; ttey our 'where others fail. It was fitting;, therefore, that the world-wide popularity of these pills should fee recognized by the World's Fair medal of 1803 a fact which emphasises the record: $& A""?>' iajto^^6;:ft^^ ;&e^ at the toBideno of Mrs. John Heirrlngtbh waa , well flttenidedi ' aborit Jib yboinp;, realized. .V!^; .V'-*-:!)'.?-'- ';' . '. OHndn. >! Mra. Whiiley ifl stjll very iil;no hopes of her recovery. On Friday morning,thellth,at about half-pa^t tjiteo o'oloblcf the torn of E. .CK. Corlett was discovered to be on fire1, and in spite of oll^ efforts to pare it, was burned to the grbuiid, . with all con tents. Cause of the Are unjmownr. .; The following ironi this place at tended aB delegates to the Univeraaliflt convention at Blenheim: Mr. and Mrs. A; Malott, CreO. Whittle and; two daughters, 0- IV Knight; Taps, Noble, and A. Whittle and daughter., t. -I 50 Years of Cures. e n>!.--./ iv p., ffgfr 0: 'Leamington. - Master Gay Dawe had the iniafortuno on Monday of laat week, while playing on the street, to be run over by a horeo and baggy, the.result being that I]is shoulder fclada waa broken. "* ,' i. i m Comber. The young people of-, Maple Grove have Organized an Ep worth League to be known lathe " Maple Grove Epworth League.'* The following were the offloera.pleotad : :Bon. President, Rev. Mr. Kirkland; President, " J- Terryberry ; let moer Fres,, John S too em an ; 2nd yioe- J?reB., Mibb McGregor; Brd vioo-Praa., Miss B.Kiosman' -ith vice-Prec, MIsa M. Xiynh ; Secretary, Miaa Robinson ; Trea surer, Mibo Eel J, Th-&ew Lo>io bolda Us meetings on Thursday evoningB^frorn eight until nine o'clock, Wm. Armitage has returned from Adalaska, Mich., whsre he spent a month With friends. Comber band will accompany Comber Lodge, L.O.L., to Ridge town on July 12th. W. Trflxjuair has again gone to Hennall. Be waa summoned by tolegraph owin to the seriotis Illness of bis mother. Tilbury. Mra. John "Wall, of Cleveland, ifl on an extended yiaifc wjth her parents here, Ifc*. and Mrs. James Stewart. Word has been received of the death of-prof; Meek; iri Iowa. He, with his wife, were well and, favorably known, aa an entertainer to Tilbury audiences. Willie Marchand has returned homo for vacation from Assumption college, Sandwich',' The village has erooted a" 10-foot staff-at', the" flre-ljall, and had a flag floating therefrom on Jubilee day. . The barn of Olevis Trudell, Btoney Point, was destroyed by fire. Lobs, S800; insured for $200. The remains of the Grand Central hotel were burned to the ground about 1:80 on Tuesday morning of last week. There.ifl no doubt of the flro being of incendiary origin." The Danger Side o* Llghtnlng-Rods. m ir.O'.'; General 'Opunty News. : A 18 year-old boy named Pratt was frowned while orosaiog from Belle lata to Walkerviile, on B'unday ot last weeU. The two-year.old 6tt b( Mrs< Xbibort, ^ of. Belle River, aooidentally set ure to his dotheg the other day, and died In great agony. She William fleaton farm gu the town- line of Colchester South, oOnsieting 01 UO aoreg, was offered for sale' at the post Office, Harrow, and was bopght in by <Hen'ry Heaton for $5,600. The Natural Gas and QII Company h'ive attaok a new gas well on, the farm of Thomas Qmok, iti Mdr&Ga, at a "depth of ii020feetV-lhoVeil is withiu'a mile of the.compiny's present pipe lino. John B. Bertrand died at hie homo near .Harrow, aged 95 years, and was buried in the R. 6. Cemetery, at McGregor, on Mon- : day.of last week. Doooaeod wa-t born at "Petite Cote and was a witness of tho stirr- log times in this county in 181'J-M and " J. MoBride, veterinary. Inspector, . wan palled to the farm of Joseph Uoslippc, ;; of Maiden, last Week, to examine thirtoen p;;l.'-'- Blokhogs. He',found them Battering.from JA ' cholera and ordered the whole herd to be PiV:1:. Special officer Albert Drooillard, who *^V.!- has.been-doing duty on the dodk at Wlud- .^s-::/".'Mr,'-hR4bflfln ordered to report at.Ottawa. I'^lv >,/It, ie presumed' he will', bo pnt at spoolul iffi.i";. "tyorif-on tue: St. Lawronoe. Oflibor Btokos, ^ ^ of Walkerville, has been transferred to l$$ii\' "'- Windsor and speoiaj officer Bailoy will fe:\.;.l takeihis place at Walkerville, ^//v'*\ Samuel Ouullotte, who died in Tilbury K}|^;l'.;^pxtbV'oii":ihe 13th nit, was in Ihb uixty- \fe'/;V sixth year. Deceased was for many yearn Sty in.which ho difforent oboasipDB ^J^. fellow" electors at the township S|j;.vvooahoil boarct. To mourn biB Iobb am loft ^fevfe % Vridpw and se?on children,,the latter be- m^lng;iSxB," T, Beaurae, Tilbury, Mrs. Ft """""'""' " ""'" "' 'North, .. _. Uo at Six oonalne of tha deaeaeed acted The conventional lightning-rods "fclttat one sees over houses and barns in the country and small towns afford but little protection to the buildings. Small ae this seoutfty is, it is wholly lost if the so-called conductors are improperly 'conducted, and not in perfect order, when they, in fact,,become au absolute mo unco to the building they are reared to guard. It is essential, if the con ventional rod ih to be set up, that the worlt.be entrusted to reliable and oap-r able persons, otherwise it may become a shining invitation; to dangers,. It is probable, therefore, all things con sidered, that a building is as well, if not better, protected without such con ductors aH are in general use as with them. It is safe to assert that the great majority of buildings damagod or <le- stroyod by lightning wore provided with lightning-rods, and in the ma jority o! those caries the conductors in vited tho thunderbolts, and foif pome cause, probably impropor construction, could not load the lightning harmlessly to the earth. Government Electrician J. E. Powell in July TCjadios' Homo Journal. Keeping tfcs House Free from Plies* gaging /.Mrs;; T,, Beaume, Tilbury, Mri ^'^^aUJbw'and Jas, Benoit, Tilbury Ni ^5[-^an^->ijqni*',.' Amy," 'Theodo'r: and' Lul Cgvhome- Six ooaalne of - tha deceased e ffi^^'lJpUl'beatew^afri-the funeral which took W/Slaoe at 8t. Tranois cemetery. feMii,bwi,a,< Weak People e having boarC or nerve tronblec, i^fi^sMilbnr,ai',iiHearfc ond .Nerve Pills for ^^euob^\aii ^palpitation spasmo, |^;-di'i?l^ ^K^^^fe^K^:^? *>reftatt"eto.i are an in.- ^^^S^^0^^9i aneinia^'dabiht^; As flies'are very fruitful conveyers of disease try very hard to'keop them out of the houso. Oover all windows and doors, with netting. If you cannot afford frames tack the netting on. tho Windows outsido. This is a very good, way. It allows one to lower the window from top as well as to lift it from tho bottom, making bettor ventilation. If door frames arc out of the question, tack uotting very full to the top of the door casings. lu tho broad hem at the bottom bow Btlflloiont good-Bized peb bles to give weight, that tho netting may fall quickly in place. If by chauoo. tho children hold the doorH open for a momoiit, allowing flies to enter, plaoe a^littlo sticky fly paper horojmd there, or when you darken the room leave a orabk of Bunshine at any open window or .door; the flies will in a momont follow, the light and may then be easily brushed out of tho room.--' July LadieH' Homo Journal. Canadian. , .Lojidon'fl unmwaoaBful oab' strike ooab tho traders uuion &100,000,of whiah-.$95,- 000 wasBubaoribod by oabmon. It.is computed that there are enough paupers in Great Britain to! form, four a breast, a, procession over 15Q miles, Ie Iou((th'. ' ' ' " Jubilee sermons woro preached throughout Canada on Sunday, and the day was observed by church parades and special services at.4 o'clook wben the singing of the national anthem took place. ' ,'.*, - in Is especially true of Hood'* Pllls.'for nometiu cine ever contained so great curative power la so small apace, They ore a whole raedlolna ':"--'W:;,i!*^^ ^r^Wr;;; boa . .j, "I don't believe there li any fpoh thing m an alrahipl" ajcclaimed. the Han who had his chair tilted, back againit th side of thohoUl and Who was allowing cigar nahea to drop On hia teat..'; ' ': 4iBat people have teen it," expostu lated the man who weara long rod side whiiken on hii head and Bpttta on hU The othor mem ben of the Curbstone clnb drew Iheir bhairt up closer and looked Interested, VyWoh aimply goei to ||iow/,V -waa the j^W:*^tba|tM -artfUvi^^nva^era of^adul(eratfor>. Nobodytever BawibingB lOce ^hat before they got to makiug cheniical iaboratorioi tftke.the place of distlllerieo. What do we want with an airship anyhow?" "Soientiata jay It's bound to come,'*' ventured the proprietor of a white, vpat and a plaited ihirt bosom. - . ' 'Of coarse foientiits tell na it's com ing. Soientista have fomilloa to support, the same as other people, and it's thoir bualneai to keep public confidence up. Audi don't dray that the airship may be coming some time. But it won't get here till conditions demand it. What could you do with an airship that can't be accomplished just as well with a trolley cur or a steamship or a bioyole?" Some drops of rain gave warning of a storm, and when the party had got sottled ip the smoking room the skeptic resumed: "Supposing they do fix up an arrange ment to" take you up in the air. What is there to do except to come down again? Of course you con go from plaoo to place, but a straight line is the shortest distance between two points, and what's the use of taking the extra trouble of traveling on a ourve through the atmos phere? If there were some way of an choring a cloud and starting a roof gar den on it, I'd say, 'Go ahead and have the airthip, by all means.' There'd be money in it" "But," ventured he of the plaited , shirt front, "it would be a nice way to travel, plenty of fresh air and room, you know." ,, The storm bad increased outside un til its noise attracted general attention. The man with side whiskers wept .to tho door and exclaimed: "I guess this is the worst we ever had in this part of the country." "It might be that and still not amount to muoh," contemptuously re sponded the wearer of the ash sprinkled vest. "It's oomingdown in.drops bo for apart that you ban see between them." "They're pretty big drops, though.," "Pshaw I Compared to the real things this shower is nothing but a leak.in a wash boiler. By the way, somebody was claiming,that airship travel would be commodious and comfortable and all that sort of thing." "I said that," came tho rather- timid confession. "Did you over try a voyogo at a groat altitude?" -..,. '-.3d " "I ffionght not. If you had, you wouldn't make any fiuoh assertion. "A number of years ago I Went with a friend for a trip on Lake Erio. That's tho place for storms. His boat was a mutll ^^E^^^^l-One of the swiftest affairs ^vSf CnuTwe sawn storm coming, and, in spite of our efforts to run away from it. It overtook us. Talk about rain 1 What we encoun tered there was a perpendicular river. My frioud staid on deck to see that we didn't run iuT6-,anytning, and I, of course, tood by him. In a few minutes I roulized that if something waault done We'd drown right in oar tracks-. X wait ed my opportunity, and presently, when a big wave camo along aud tilted tho boat up so that the deck stood at an an gle of about 45 degrees, I turned the en gine loose for all there was in it. I glanced at my friend. He was white as a sheet, but he graspod nay hand in to ken of liis approval of what I was do ing. It was a deaperatfl chance, but it turned out aa I bad hoped. The boat be- gon to rise steadily aud swiftly on a slant. It was a time of horrible bus- ponsQ, for we didn't know what minute;' the craft might strike a thin spot in the storm that the paddle wheels wouldn't tako hold of. But we got safely to tho top and both sank to the deak in utter oxhuustioi\. When vro recovered soft!- oiontly, we took a survey of our aur- roundingfl, and I givo you my word I. cover oxperienoed anything more dreary than the improssion made by the tro- meb'doua expanse of vacuoy whiohniet our gazo on all sides. After a few hours of it I would have given a fortune for the sightof a few tolegraph poles or tho sound of a train boy peddling oranges^" "flow did you got down?!' asked one of the group. . "We didn't bother about that. .After playing seven up till wo got tired of the gamo wo tnrnod in, and when we awakened it was broad . daylight. We found that as the Btorni subsided we badisnijk gently .until we were drifting- in Bunshine and safety on tfae broad, piaoidboBom of Lake Erie." r. '. " , ' 'And you Bay you, don!t, believe in any Buoh thinoa an airehip?*' queried the manwith the white:'vit quietly.; >: VQf foourse^not:; /"And What 1 have ; just told: you goes ^\ahbw^at4t;,wpu'i!d-, > a lonesome: and urideairable inst|tu- '.,,^i' '.':',. i*Myi^v. it,;;-Q^;.,r"'was",';;tfte^)|^jpIy;" ; VMaybe ] ^j0^^/i^)itiw^i^^'i^] ' ^hatvlv^ftll: never forget. And.that is that there is need ot a man'i getting the worst of 6YV :;-;i'::> 4-Wh.' laiV ^fl toql^ea^'to' bntt it khV'Alfr. irn, take thV misobief out'of him by: giving him^alurnatthetMa^mill. -A not vary expenaiva , and is eminently^naBfnl. .fnytoallanii. mal,' sheep, dog, calf oreven a little pony can be broken in to separate the oreami churn, saw wood or operate a washing machine. ,;-.-. '>;^;V ' , A friend of ourtf says when he was a boy on the farm his grandfather had an old dog whose task it was, to churn sov- OIVIHO HIM BXBRCISB. ral times a week by working a tread mill. After a year or two of this kind of work it was observed that on. qhurn- ing mornings the.ola dog could not be faucd. He knew churning day aa well as his mistross did, and when it came was accustomed to take to the woods, A sheep haa not so muoh sense as that, A .sheep weighing from 150 to 200 pounds will rim an ordinary small sized tread power very well and bo all the better for the exercise. On a farm hand power should be saved as much as pos sible, so as to lot the nervous energies flow into' the human brain. Farmers need to use'their brains even more than their hands to make a living in these times. Spore your arms and back as much as possible and use your brains more. While the sheep, calf or dog sep arates cream and does the churning you may be attending to something else. , . Do th* Horn Fly," , you ask your readers what they are doing to rid thelxdajries of the pestilent Texas horn fly. Until the present season it has been up. hill work with me to prevent the myriads of these tormentors from having their own way, but, thanks to the kerosene sprayer, the battle seems won, for with it one can destroy them on a herd of 80 cows in three minutes or so and not use more than one gill, and a half grown boy can do the work aa well as a man. . , The article is simply a half pint cup, half covered on top,, with a round, tube, one-eighth of on inch in diameter, pass ing through the covered side of cup near the edge and soldered fast, extending down near the bottom of cup and a lit tle above, the top. Across the top la sol dered a flat tube, some 10 inches long and tuporiug, one end nn inch wide and the other one-fourth or five-sixteenths of an inch and placed against, the top of . the small tube. With this the operator stands behind the animal (on one side) and ^Ith.a^sinjle pfort Wjjg ft j.d / spray lengthwise. B^then soffes'HTo oMierside in lij.nj&nner, andJJ&joJf- is done and the wSw^eed^froni Her tor mentors, which dig almSfinstanfcly. James BulHa ih Hoard's Dairyman. ffor a Vtodncexa* Company. Let the state association begin opera tions with an authorized capital of 10,000, with from,$8,000 to ffi,000 paid up. There should bo a central house, whero tho greater part of the butter would be consumed, with' an eastern correspondent to'take the sur- plua. Sabfloribers to the company would be required to muko butter that would pass local inspection. The local inspect or would be a local dealer who wOuld receive and inspect the butter from his sootion, shipping it weekly by rofrigerr ator car. He would advance 60 per cent Oijfvthe goods, giving weights, price, etc., on a ohe6k which would bo cashed in 80 or 60 days, The dealer is to receive 1 cent o pound for his services.', lAght Bleacho* Butter. Light has an effect on the butter col or, as I have, found diatinotly.r The- dairy in whiah the butter is kept while making of rosting and for tho finals working tmould be darkoried by shades, so aa to aVoid this efifeot Or thetbuttor should bo protected by a cover improg- J5ble to: the light. . The ; light .has a bleaching afibot, and this is especially marked when the butter is put away in: a gushed or flaky condition, by which one side of the flakes is exposed to light and the other side is in the shade.' My practice has always been to cover ttie buttr In the bowl with a doublod tow el to protect it rrbm the light, however dull it may be; H. Stewart in Country Gentleman- ' :^-"^":'_fh"'--^.'r-'..:'-r ".. . -\\ riie Curing Boom. .,.., ' .Cheese is only half made when placed in the coring room, and its value do- peuda largely, upon ho"^ is to.ated, "therein The temperature ahpuld be con- etant and >snold be from 60 to 65;de^ tho cheese will go off flavor, if too low or nnevon will not oura properiv.. The stove ahould be placed > the center of my % have avarsaan/' lUoV Hay to make .? dol- _.;^nhnilalto&?;^tnt.>-fr to TBH^B^APIJEyQAHftBXSO^ Co., .Toronto, Culfiirsd Ladlos vithfc^ofoVr- tcter, headtDg to aara n^o'ney, can laara how to do bo in agood oiage, ' Addrsss, , JABEZ GALLOWAY, Toronto. Oni. ZndnitHous persona pf eittisr ttx, with gxxhl ohrrt*r and common Mbool cduoatloa. can obtain employ mont for two mouths In this oommunlty. ? '% M. FBY, Toronto^' 'Out, ftflENTSs J an Juit BtartLng the best thing for. money makiug you have mod lor miiny a;dayV Your name and addreat will bring the golden information, B. P. OTjASGOW, Toronto, Onb, UllllTCII , Toaoborn, Barristers, PbyBi- rTHII I'CUs oUns, and others of similar trftlnlng, lor high clou flolioltinp. Will pay fortydouars weekly and railway fare on demon stration Of necessary ability. . Thb Bn*DLET-GAHBET(ON Co., L'td, Toronto ANTBD-BEVBEAIiFAtTHPUriMBN OB .Women to tro/yoT *ir reaponslblo e.stab- liehed hcuae In Ontario Salary, |7BO, payablo $18 weekly and expensea. position permanent. deference. Enolose self-addresBed stamped en- veleop. The National. Btar Balldlng, Ohio ago. Is what you oan rely on getting when you bay from us. Oar wagon goes to all parts of the town. Buns, Cakes and Pastries, You cant find nicer, fresher, or sweet er in the country. All kinds of Fanoy Cafees and Jelly Holla. Fresh Taffy and Candies every day. . We sell nothing stale or dry. Leave j our Order ^_ and you can rely on prompt de livery. . FRANK FOSS. ,. .,, Opposite Buck AFranolg, Essex SINS- LEE- CHINESE LAUNDRY. "Wileon Aye., next Aberdeen Hotel. - The latest improved maobJnery for Ironina Collars and Cuffa. Will not crook or break tae wing. Family work oheap. Parcels called for and delivered. Ploase call and try. If not Batisfaotor no charge will be made, f oar work suits you, reoommend us to your friends. In Spring Tlmo get Pure Blood by using B.B.B. No other remedy possesses such per> feet cleansing, healing and purifymg properties as Burdock Blood Bitters. It not only cleanses internally, but it heals;/ when applied externally, all sores ulcers, abscesses, scrofulous sores, blotches, eruptions; etc., leaving the skin clean and pure as a babes.' Taken internally it removes all morbid effete or waste matter from the system, and thoroughly regulates all *V-- organs of the body, restoring the stomach, liver, boweb and.blood to healthy action. ,BBB IBB B-. :FORTHE 49 FOR THE K FOR THE. '..BCd'OD M BLOGD' oordiag to pitJmmx^^nm Thomw, and also eoaradUmaervl . prteoViuuTeir^ ' JPtwAlartka pabble bitna tolm' ^ past, win Biiar*ntfleBasiMtIontalh#l The Best Grpdtiof FUur^^mi Corntmai Kej>t in Stock and $otdW<-m Prim. '. :-\::^.VM Cash Paid for Wheat an^i * If so, you want to hl the besttKere ia everybody knows t] ' ' -V^SS The Nobbiest Turnout -IB TO BE HiD AT- JOHN A. ROSFi " "-<'^M Livery. ^ Good Moadatera. Easy Hiding Buggies. Comfortable Carriages, A Gall Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 1 * * North of the * . Bailway Track. ESSEX, 0$l| Builders AUd >$?< British Oolumbiaili :.)W Pine Sbinglss, $1-DQ -Up. All Kinds ef Building Material SAStf, DOOXS, M LATH and- BARN LUMBfiMk .- '.- . -r--'X^ ^r|SaiUfac(1on Guaranteed. ' . v-;^ Opp. Water Works, Eesea -. "j.* FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS ; mm [HECOO^SBESTPRlENilr i "\,"\""'"'M J. GOURLAY & SON\ ESSES^|M|f mm TXTB'TBITJaira