Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 2, 1897, page 5

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w^S^a^ '>S.V/ J|^WOompnI in tht world, ft**** * tf ad &H p* nfc on Pawn ^Jwurt tmtt-in G<wl- Reliable Ji^B^^Free: Press. feiX"r' it ii'M >'l'.' fc' AAULD. PROPRIETORS. Smsss>m :3T&XrZr~mrr. fc ^^SiypttcBhboa from M.J. Wigle & m. flays have coihraenoed to grow ^b eummor oofttfl: and vesta, go to y^ijtBfl^EuaBNB Flummbr and child, of Stanton, Ohio, have been visiting with bpiativea in town. * kTbob greatelaiightering sale of hats, \^fl y and1 farniehingB will continue ' Tune SOtrrat'WkUney's. 1};Mbs;; Jamhs L. Nayltor left, on Tuea- sMa|yifoi 'her hbine in Manistee, Mich. OliflB-'Elma, Naylor accompanied her : and will vjaiLthere for some weeka. |^$AkBBL^ Stkwabt has gone to Ethel, iron County, where he will he aa- Bifltant to the regular Methodist min- 'kt e^5.DJfr' Jamhs Bbxbn, who was ill for fiome weeks, is again able to drive out |i";an^ ^ gainine strength daily. He will 'JjvBoon be able to resume hia duties. fe^i;'iil;;dQKVBNWOK of temperance workers ft?f^beheldin the oityof Toronto on ^jpaly 18th and 14th; Matters of an im- ^^ttant 'nature will ^".the'.oonvention. ^ttant nature will be brought bofore |!^3?HB,,G&aVAssembly of the Pros- ^ fcyterian ohTU*bh in Canada has resolyod fStyiat it is beat that* the plebiscite vAe ^ pii^ehibition should be -tnkejV apart '.trom all other questions, ||jf iiitns. R. B. OoijBM^ ieft, on Tues- '0iyt for Stony Point, Petaluna county, || tovi^it her .daughter, Mrs, f !&* J. "Ohxi^ie, Mrs. Coleman will be [jgoneBeTven or.eight weeks. . ' fe^,^HB iSBuers of marriage licenses jjj&^fchronghout Ontario have boon notified %'y.-.that the'now marriage act ban como into force, and hereafter prospective |/.:,|>rid^B do not have to appear when tho license is issued. , ;FoB\Pourth of July the M.O.R. wilt l^i; sell tfcketfl to Detroit at one single Ig1 first class faro for the round trip, good gOjrjg July 8rd , 4th and 6th, good to W't?turn. July Oth. A. A Stimors, agent, ^ ' -v 3o-2fc v In the results of tho examinations' of |ii the Ontario Medical Oounoil announc ed in lastPriday'e Toronto paporH thoro f$)'y/we noticed the following from Ebhok "Lv^'ibuntyi--J.Gow and W.MaoDouald, of $f,' Windsor, in the Primary clasn, and T. * f ;A; McOormaok, of Harrow^in tho Iu- ^|ij;^:;.'-termedlai;e, ;, ||&V W^H.KEJOTDVr forinorly of Watford, ,^'r ias opened up a law offlco iu tho corner, -$i;,yf '.the Aberdeen'block. Money toloan |^|"at'5( 5$ and G per cent; ( according to no-. ^l^^ourity.' Collecting, conveyancing and |&- winding up estates, a specialty ; aldoa }%y':[ number of ftne famis for Halo.' A new time table came into otfoct on ':theIi..:AP.B.B on Safin-day. Tho morning train now leaves Wolkervillo We, for the east at 0.40 instead of .0.35 aud makes connection at MoGriogor with the ' ',.M.C.R. train leaving Amhoretburg at i) 5;;'S"f a.m. The evening train loaves Wulkor- 1 vilieatO.lO instead of 0.20, onBtorn hf-- : .fltandardtime. Eon the Orange celebration, at .Ilidgetown/ori July 12th, thoM. O.-lt. will give oiourHion rates on tho regular the morning leaving m., M..C. B. timo, and the mail train in the oven* .$??!"j ing'or .'by speoial train which loaves ,/j$Cii ;Bidgeto\vn at 8 p.m. li'aro for the l|^: 'round trip, $1,88; A. O, BtimftrH, v:-^:T,!;:v^,gent... ." 3t. . &$$,-'.' '. GEonaB W. Sha-XjIjIiy will contribute ii-Jij-i,:anarticle on "The Personal Side of ^>-V; the Prince' of-Wales *\ to the July V0:'$ XiadioH'Home JournalT It is aaid that $0fi'(lMr.'B.rnallqy gives a. uniquely intove'sfc- V.^vi irtg, olpso yiew of the Princot touching "*" 'in detail liponhis groat porsonaliiopu- larity in England, and the reasons jtffi'-.t; 'therefor, hifl, love of sports, his pa^r fc^; li; tiraes, his social dutioa and diversions, ' '|i'v .land shewing him as ah affectionate son, J$% .adeyoted^husband.a loving father and ^^5;;]brothor:;. v M'i;!-!i:/ A qtixbi wedding took" place at the m$: i; vMethodist Parsonage on Tuesday even- ^^;?ingwlienl)r. It. B. Potts was married 0|^{^tp Miss Ada ti. Pascoo, only daughter :^^v';0f Br. and ,Mrs! ^aBcoe., Only ^ $& .>s* Wr- the $7$W^yvr(ia present and: bijt very few ^/y^ere aware that .the event'^as to take ^Ijda^'*?^' niffbt., I)r. Potta has - de-' 'f'i'ibidedtojloave Essex,and on Tuesday '*jj:;^8hipve4;hi8 goods to Hamiltqn, leaving .^Jl^i'/hto'!:new' brieve'..on .,Wednesday ^^rni^: for Windsor, where! he had 'IliVjfls^osa to attend to and gojng from brms us that he will take a poaigradu-' pp|^;o^ae;^ ' "^p^m.aietttly;>'jin:V'^ vt:Vfixiiim 'Qteatiiafol :bf 'O^ndaiweittt ftujid^^^tbMeti^j^^ The Fbm Puksb will be. sent to hew snfcfMJriberB Ho.January ilflt; 1898j for86o QtTMM;: vabfttion has; .ooiniaehoecl snd the small boy is, iu; a oonBoqnenoe, happy. .; Ohabiibs Potts, of Whoatley, viBited the past week- with .his cousin, Dr. ?6tta., '- -"'! Wantbd, Oixl to do general hotue work, good pay. Apply at Fbbe Press for direotibn. It was a royal coincidence that the Victorian Jubilee Bay was the longest of the year.., 'Kent and Essex, county Orangemen will unite this year in holding a cele bration at Bidgetown. Oh abides Coulter and wife, of De troit, are visiting the Uttfer's parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Thoa. Bush. , Fob cheap millinery and latest styles go to Miss L. Greaves', Scott Block. Due bills taken in exchange. On aocount of Dominion Day falling on Thursday of this week, The jFbeb Press is issued one day earlier. The' Windsor District Epworth League convention will be held in Leamington on Oct. 12th. and 14th. Mn. and Mrs. Gilbert Deneau and family, of Amherstbnrg, Bpent Sunday last with BIrs, G.'a brother* J. A. Primeau, Brien Avenue. Miss Maude roturnedhome yesterday (Thursday.) P.M. Beam an gave judgment on Saturday last in the charge against George-Sears, of the Aberdeen, for unlawfully selling liquor*. Mr. Sears was fined $60. Commencing Saturday, July 8rd, the Saturday market tickets issued over thQL/E. &D.B.K. to Walkerville will "be good for return until the first train Monday morning following date of iBHue. The boiler at the waterworks began to leak very badly on Friday lost and it was nepeBsary to close down to repair the leak which waa accomplished so that the .town people did not have tp go without water. Many of our citizens are mowing the graaB.on the streets in front of their properties, a- proceeding which adda considerably to the apponranoe of things. Lot-every citizen take a pride in improving the looks of tho streets. Mr: ant> Mrs. Wm. Kngli.Hh, of De troit, returned home on Monday after spending a couplo of days with Mrs. English's parents, Mr. and Mra. John Vospor. TheyworoacoompaniedhoMO by Mrs. English's grandmother,' Mrs. Arnold, ' Owmdaylafttweok tho Xi.E. & D.B., railway handled for the Canadian Ex press company two carloada of straw-, borrioH, containing 1,173 baskets and orates, which weighed 10 tons. Ono carload was for Ottawa and MontronU The berriGiSwhro shipped from West Lome, Kingaville, xit:t^vou and Har row. , OvKit twenty Gorman families' 'from Wyandotte, Mioh., and vicinity, went up on the steamer Alberta last Satur day. Thoy are regarded aa' tho ad vance guard of tho thoxisands of thotto intelligent and industrious Germans who will follow to tho Canadian North- wost. This exodus of Germans ia duo to the ofl'ortH of Y. Molhnefl, Ohiof of tho Canadian Northwout Colonization agents and others, now operating in Michigan. Tho iineet land under th sun to-day, open to free homostoading is found in our Northwest, EftTEKriasM Lodge, No.' 318,1.0. O. V.r on Thursday evoiiing of last wock, oloctod oJHoera for the current term aa follows :' N. G., Georgo New man ; V. G., Dr. J. W. Brien; lice. Soc, G, F. Hill;. X*or. Boo., Jamos May,jr,; TrofiB., E. Xj. Park f Bopre- BontHtivos to Grand Lodge, Wm. Ohtit- torton and James 'Douglas.; ItoproHcn- tatjvos to District Lodgo, E. l'i Park, Wm. Ohatterton and James Douglas, Tiiouou not largely attondod,; thosp who, wore present spout ah , onjoyahlo time at the lawn Hociul given by tbe^ Baptist- Ladies' Aid at the Baptist ohuroh on Thursday evening of last week. Strawberries, icecream, lemon ade and other refreshments were served and the program consisted of a reading' byW. R. Manning, a recitation by Mias Bessie Campbell, vocal solos by G. A, Shorrin andErnost Hopgootland, guitar duetsby W.-O.. Shorman and Bobt. Neil, and W. C. Sherman and Miss Paul.'"/ " A wimit ago last Saturday, ' the de: livery wagon of the Windsor Brewing Co.,was in, town ahdVthe driver dispoa- ed of several cases btibee.r to parties here. : re-. turning: on ' the Saturday'1 following which he did bnt he did hot.remaiij in town long. ', Chief Sissbn^warned .hi'm- not to sell and he tolephoned to "V^Jhdr' aor fpr'ihstruofcionei: .aeting on iwhto.h. he left tawtt and went towards'Woods- lee. 'The 4r^ep'aai4 he:wai,Beilingllici! b<Ber,,oii.';.a'. 'oohi^Biqni'v /,ihei"|ciu:eatiott; 'fine.walking, shoea at low , !...*.: ! -. [,'/ J)w^HPffi J v. AiT.sohoolaolosea for the Bummer lip'Udl^0ii!^dhwd^ Oe^ra^ Enoo^p>nen^ elect ofaoerfl next Tuesday evening. MiBflEDripPAtmrBpoht Sunday and Monday with frienda in Blytheswood. The Anderdon stone quarry iradver- tified to be aold on Saturday of next week;'.'*>: ':.'" " Or." F. Htll has, been workihg for A. H. ScarE& Co., on aocpnnt of Mr. 3earfTB illneBB. ThB-Windsor law offloee will blbae daily at 1 p, m. during the months of July and August. The many friends of Mre. L. J. Neal will be Borry to hear of her misfortune in having her ankle sprained through a defective sidewalk one day last week. Mna (Dr.) P. A, 0Dewar,.of Windsor, who has been visiting with her sister, Mra. (Dr.) Martin, and other friends( was suddenly called home, owing to her little daughter, Helen, having been taken seriously ill. About 40 of the^ members of Essex Gouneil, 0.O.C.F7, met at thoir lodge rooms in the Dunstan Block, last Sun day morning and marched to the Epis copal church where they listened to a sermon by Bev. A. L* Beverly. Kbv. W. B. Pftsooe and family expect to leave on Wednesday next for their new field of labor. Dr. Pascoe will preach his lost sermon in Essex next Sunday evening. Dr. Giffbrd, the new preacher, will officiate a week from Sun- day- T. H. DeCbw, of Ainslie, Washing ton, arrivbdhere Sunday on a yisif to his son, W. Mark DeCew. Mr. DeOew lately disposed of his mills in Washing ton.and has purchased milling property at Arrow Head, in British .Oolnmbia, HelefFfor Arrow Head, on Tuesdjrj night. (. ' STqxiob to Water-takers. Third quarter rates due July 1st; regular payments matlo from the 2nd till the 12th* will be allowed 25 per cent, dis count, after which time all other pay ments must be made in fall. Offlco, Waterworks, from 2 till Sand1? till 8 p. m. J. B, MoEwan; Collector. A speoiaii meeting of Eesex Centre Lodge, No, 10, A.O.U.W., was held in the lodge rooms, Dunstan Block, on Monday evening, when A. 0. Graham, the General Organizer, was proaeni Mr. Graham is spendidg tho week in town, in the interests of the Order, which has increased its membership in Outario since the firBt of January by about 0,000. ' There wore 40 pupils writing on the High School Entrance Examina tion and 11 on the Public School Leav ing examination in progress at tho High School in. Esflex this week. Principal OruHBwellev presided. There wore over 250 candidates at the dif ferent places in- South Ebhox: Essex Loamington, Amhorutburg, KingBVillo, Harrow, Comber nd Polee Island, Drt. JliKWKB bas offered two prizetj to bo giVen at tho Fall fcVir here for the best accounts of the Early History of tho County of Esaox. The essays arc to begin with the early explorations and not go later than 1820,thd limit of length being twenty foolscap pages, though of course it is not necessary that thoy should he so long as that. Tho com- potitiou ia open to students :who have boon in attendance at any High School in tho county for not loss than two months during 1807.- The prizoe are cash, $0 for the firat: and $i for the second, A very fair audience-attended tho lawn social at the Bectory Grounds on Friday evening last. Strawberries, ice cream and other refreshments wore served on the lawn and a short pro gramme Was rendered, Mies Woollatt, of Walkeryille, contributing several solos, llov. F. M. Holmes, of Learning- mm*- (. On thisspaceaietWoicuts,' one ahowingta perfect, Hbio other anim^tket^iiiqfi^r^t' GlflMfts,; . When you go to a quaked bptlcwn ypti".geifittedfisthetop cut Aow^,^V wDen yon deal with so-called profeisora and pedlars in nine caBca out of tent you get fitted *s the bottom cut BhowsA Imperfect fitting' frariies spoil Rood fitting lenses. Fain and discomfort arise'-from 'Spectacles or Eyc-Glaisfis fitted in such a manner.' We 'guarantee: to fit you properly. Give ui a trial. IMPERFECT. Graduate Optical InstUue Of Canada. BSSB3S. '- OWT. $w :: -':>...,y*-:fSBJ B^ts, Begular Prioes 75c, $l^aiS .25, ydur;phoice fo^ 50c. 4C!iS|^ 6pb,, and 60c. lines your choliif for 25c. . >--^..'i^t 'v'* '.,^SL .. , :. JJ-iW ':>$% Parasols one-quarter off at Smiths, Bo^s* suits Of clothes from 81.00 up at Smith's. . Geo. Bu^n, of Maidstone, visited friends in town on Sunday. $'i stbaw hats for50;o 50o. straw hats fori25c, at Smith's. Miss Jennie Viokebs spent Sunday last at her home in KingBville, Beteotive Ohaa. Mahoney has re- eumed his duties at Windsor. / H. M. O'Connor Bpent.Mon'day with friends in Leamington and Ruthven. Mifld; Grace Wigui is visiting her grandparents in KingBville, this week. Mb. and Mrs, Jno. Laing and two sons visited friends in Tilbury on Sun- Fine Tan Shoes for 'ladies, and genta $1.25 per pair, regular price $2.50 at Smith's. IB ton, a short address on "Loyalty!' and Miss S. Cunningham a piano solo. Mayor Thomas occupied the chair. The roooipts amounted to over,$30. TiruKE are |ew, it any, merohantsi wholesale or retaibin >>usinesfl to-day who haye not lost considerable sums, thousands of dollars in many cases, by unforeseen bad de'bts^ which, bo long as the credit system; prevfljils, will be more or; less unavailable every yoar;'. Hence it is .".that iuatitutions like the Standard Mercantile Agency, of: thifl city, who make a specialty of collecting old ^accounts for merchants, and take; their charges oat of , collections made, beopme espepially, UB'ef ul, if;n'pt^ in&~ penpahle,, toVmoder The Standard Agency^ .reports 'that' for the' laai';;flyjCL:J,jjot'&ntii9^fanirl&ig JffjBJaf^fli; $bei*'.-; ;c0liep^niB ^ amounted;, to.;; ;a^^^ mo^thT^.'^eoord1: lihbw'feg/ji.'tta:, inpr.ease,' ^oreV; the ipreyioUBj'mon^ of cpneotionBexceededall expeotaiiohaj arid'^Juiae'^apei^^ Isaac TnonNTON.of Eflsex, was severe ly kicked by one of his horses in his barn laflt Saturday. '-'.": Pbesidkmt H, B. Ledyard, of the Michigan Central, returned yesterday from hifl trip to Europe. WiijDUR Chxiboh and L. Stone left on Wednesday on their wheels for Chatham,to attend the bicycle meeting there. WuiTiUU O'Connok, of Petite Cote, spent Sunday last in town the guest of his parents, Mr.,and Mra; H. M. O' Connor. . , Miss Mab^ Wtiiflow, daughter of JRov. ^1. S. Wilson* of Detroit, is visit ing her aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs, B.. Strnohan. :, Mbh. Alex. ' WAtiTjAOK, of Windsor, visited the post week with her. bib tor/ Mrs. J. A, Kofle. The Michigan Contral railway in Canada is now .carrying bicycles for six per cent, of regular faro whoro the amount is over 25 cents, J. B.' Oliver, agent of tho Ontario Jermouent Building and Lean Abso- oiatt0-h *?'" in town this, week looking after the' burf**8* of tho association. W. Churchy who has.been for aomo time agent for that Association, rbsign ed hia position, and Hjwry Wiglo it now the local agent. $8 from Oloveland to^MaokfriaO bU(l return ; $7 from Toledo to Maokulfle and return ;,$0 from Detroit toMaok- inao and return. The above special tourist rates will be put into ciToot Juno ,20th, via Detroit & 'Cleveland Steam Navigation Co.'s new mammoth steel passenger steamers. The round trip from Cleveland, including meals aiud berths, oosJEs SIC, from Tolodo'$U, from/Detroit ,'"811.50/ Send 2 cents for illustrated pamphlet Address, A. A. Sohantz,, Or,' P.. A., Detroit, Mioh. ' p.L'.OnAssw.EttiEit will presidoat the Departmental examinations at Loam ington, High Sehoornext week and In spector Maxwell will preside at the; ex aminations here.,' After the exams.(Mr. CrasHwoller will go to Toronto to put in two weeks examining papers and will then go to Muakoka to spent. lii' vaca tion.' Mrs;. G. .Craasweller leaves tc- day, (Friday) to spend a week in Am- herBtburg and with her two children will then go to Goderich for the yaoa- tlon,.'.-. .. pun, attention has been the indiscriminate robbing of. bird*1 nosts in whichniany of the town' boyH are en-; ga^ed.' VTtioymay not. be aware that t^ey are liable to punishmentV by law' fbi-:thisipraotioe,;btit outside' of.;th)B, ;the practice ia'a,cruel; oiier ahd., should he discouraged by all persons who have -Qhildreji under;'their^ charge. ;,.! Our, 'feathered, 8origBti?riirare; disappeai ing rapidly enough:'^tT^ot^V^virig'^thelr:, igsdestroyed,";' Section^, ;.0np.*332, ;R^jp;'i\18,r;;. says:;;;;;,Vit.shaW;: ^ /b; > lawful; :^ ijjie^ii^ :in;;Spape^sion: ^^ji^jy^^r^e^^ 25 per cent, off Summer Ctoalii and^Vests for Men, zm *'.' Wsm ' '/V/w# 26 per cent, off Ladies ParaMi, .wm sols and Shirt Waists. These Goods Are New And Latest Styles. CUT PBICES CASH ONLY. ' itC1' WHITNE1HBLOCK, ESSEX, THE J. W. DRAKE Furniture Company, Windsor. ? y'".Vi -W4 //I Nr-w" ing Ilone^ l*M O OUR WAREROOHS ARE ; Full Of IIs1 ii% --T- rp\*'^*iJ Oouclies 'with-'"Fringe.all Round at ^lS Bedroom suits at Parlor suits at. - - Extension Table* at - - - ^|| ARE SoME OF:QVR^$^ ^:^l|J All Goods Shipped, Freffibt's Repaid,' and Safe, delivery at UepoV^n^wj^ &&$$& 7* $18 OO fe^^S No* 11 Sandwich; street, Wiridso^lli ' \\^$0& Look for the Brass Letter's on the SidewaJfc1that,s^vhere;iw&' . . ' ^Wctf^m

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